-Edgefield Advertiser WEDNESDAY, MAY 4,19J4. Card nf Thanks -." MR. EDITOR: Please'p mit mt -through your columns to thank the voters of Edgefiekl County who supported me in the recen* tjection for Congress. My disappointment in defeat for the unexpired term makes me feel the more grateful to those who stood by me, ana I hopn that it the future I may he able to de monstrate the same; . I accept the present situation with all the grace that a man, and good democrat should, aiid bow to the will of those of my fellow citizens who were not in a posi tion to support me. Assuring the peopfc of the Se cond District aod the State , at large that my interest in their welfare ana in good government is undiminished by defeat. I ara; Sincerely, L. J. WILLIAMS. Le.t us furnish your house at a little cost. Solid Oak Suits, from $23 up, chairs from 50 cents up and Solid Oak Rockers from $1.50 up. RAMSEY xfc JONES. Notice. Notice is hereby given that on Saturday the 7th day of the pre vent month, The Washington Aid and Burial Society will apply to the Secretary of Slate fora char ter in accordance with the pro visions of fhe law io this State iu 'sacn case made aud provided. May 3rd. 1904. AUGUSTUS PARKS, President. 'J. D. ADAMS, Secretary. ? 200 beautiful Rugs and Arti Squares going from 25c to $10.00 at Cobb's FOR SALE : Four good milch cowsjvith young calves. Apply to me at my home. S. B. NICHOLSON. Fresh supply of "Force", Gra^e Efuts, Oatmeal, etc.; at TEE PENN DRUG STORE. Gen's, .get yourselves an "Elk brand" Hat. color'gcod, style cor rect, and price low-down. J, M. COBB. ..There is no need lo bake cakes at home when you can como to our I store and get delightful cakes and . crackers that are fresh. TIMMONS BROS. -_:_ . Latest Shapes and Correct. Forms in W. B. & R: & G. Corsets 25c to $1.00 at COBB'S. . ---? Have you tried our- syrup ? Genuine Georgia Cane syiup and -"^^~rrrl~?trjeT^arieties always on hand. ' _ TIMMONS BROS. Large stock of Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Lap Robes, Etc Get our prices. RAMSEY & JONES. Prescriptions accurately com pounded. None but fresh diugs used at TIMMONS BROS. We want the housewives to know that they caD get Cheese Sand wiches, Butter Thin Biscuits, Five o'clock Teas, Social Teas and other nice crackersjat THE PENN DRUG STORE. Just received ? Car load of "Old Hickory" and "Blue Grass" wagons and two car loads of "Rock Hil and "Hackney" buggies. We want j to sell you. RAMSF & JONES. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every, three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly ali constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and tho extraord nary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is ?on reallied, lt stands the highest for its wonderful cures- >f the most distressing cases and is sold oa its merits by all druggists I h fifty- ? cent and one-dol Ur siz- j es. You may (lave a Sample bottle b| ' mail Homo of &w*mp-Boot. (ree, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have -kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this'paper when writing Dr. Kilmer fe Co., Bingham ton. N. V, Cotton ia high but Ice is cheap. I Bolioit a liberal patronage, I am DOW ready to 611 al! order?. M. A.-TAYLOR. r THE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK. . 805 Broad Street. W. B. YOUNG; - - - P-enident T- G. WEIG.TJZ, - - - - ? Cashier SAVINGS ACCOpTS SOLICITED Interest Paid on. Deposits. An Untimely Death. Just as he was about tc enter upon tho threshold of promising young manhood the bright FOO of Mr. aud Mrs. J. 0. Carpenter died on Tuesday morning last ?D his 18 rh year. Although Albert^was of strong constitution and the hot blood avail themselves of the pleaenro of hearing him a great deni of valuable information and ? i. writ tn ii history. Who dees not wish tobe enlighten! d upon tbift topic of world-wide interest ? Everybody in Edgefield should hear Prof. Stephenson. Public in vited to this free lecture. Capt. John R. Blocker who is well known throughout our couuty is a candidate for the office of County Commissiouer. Capt. Blocker is familiar with the duties of this office, having served as thw very officient clerk of the board for four years, under Supervisors Padgett and Bell. Should the peo I pie choose Capt. Blocker to set. e I them in this capacity he will be ever alert for the promotion of the public weal, leaving no stone unturned in his efforts lo give the people an economic administra tion. He has many friends and a large family coDuectiou who'will be bis ardent supporters. Rev. Dr. J. Q. Adams, of Char lotte, accompanied by Mrs. Adams arrived in Edgefield yesterday af ternoon. Dr. Adams will preach at Stevens' Creek church on Sun day aborning next. He will apond sometime with relatives in our town and round about Elmwood where ho was boru and spent his early life. Dr. Adams' visits to Edgpfield are eagerly looked for ward to by scores of friends of his bovhood days. YOUR SP Ri WE HAVE IT. I SHA.: WE satisfy all kind of t fand varied you have no ti ?want, the kind of suit you v \as to cut. = Then there is the prk -thing about our suits qualin I WE sell only for GAS Elong credit price. Then tc count of 10% for your trad< rive us a look o J. B. WH?? -CASH CLOTH .Pa Superior t< t is sold THE CHRISTIAN churches at Constantinople, Turkey, and Yokuhorna, Japan, have long used the Longman & Martinez Paints for paiu'Jog their churches, Liberal contributions of L. & M. Paint will be giveu for such purpose wherever a churoh is lo cated.. F. M. Scofield, Harris Springs, S. C., writes, "I painted our old homestead with L. & M. twenty, six years ago. Not painted- pince; looks better than houBes painted in the last four vears," W. B. Barr, Charleston, W, Va.? writes, "Painted. Frankenburg Block with L. & M, shows better than any huilqiugs hero have ever done; 6tands out as though var nished, and actual cost of paiut was lesB thau $1.20 per gallon. Wears and covers like gold. These Celebrated Paints are sold by The Penn Drug Store. "Most praised where best known." The best advertisement of Rheumacide is the huudreds of wonderful cures it has mad*. e. swim Surgeon Dentist. E DO-S^?SqLX). S, O Teeth Extracted without Pain. Fourteen Years Experience. Office over Post Office Top Dressing ana Nitrate of Soda for Grain. THE EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE CO WP are headquarters for Teas and CcrTees. Try us. THE PENN DRUG STORE. Ladies dou't fail io call aod see J. M. Comb's lovely Easter Dress Skirts $1.25 to $6.00. , Photographs in latest Spring and Summer styles on the new ind beautiful cards are on exhi bition at the gallery-Call and 3ee them. R. H. MIMS. Buy your boy a suit of the cele brated Jane Hopkins boys cloth ing, fit and wear guaranteed, .fl.25 :o $5.00. J. M. COBB. CHE PENN DRUG CO. Dear Sire:- Over fifty years igo, our firm began selling paint hroughout the South ; sales have iontinued uninterruptedly, and en times greater than any other jrand of paint. Read the follow ng: "Have used the L.