?ctee?eld Advertise ?7> J. L. ?HMS, - - - EDXTOR MOBKATION Subscription Pricers mt to any address for one y?~r fer 2.50; for .^\s month:-, 75c; for three months, 50c, Payable m advance. .Kates for Advertising- One inch first"nsertion, $1.00; each subsequent insertion, 50c. Want Notices, one cent per Mord, each insertion. Other local .lotices, ten cents per line for first in ^?rtion; five cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect, Notices of Thanks, and all personal notices of a political . nature, are charged for as regular ad vertisements. Liberal contracts made for three, six, and twelve months Write for terms. THE ADVEETISER, Edgefield. S. C. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1904. The chances are 16 to 1 that .Bryan will "bolt" the Democratic convention because of ??B inabili ty to dominate it. His policy is rule or ruin. Hon. G. L. Toole, a prominent attorney and member of the House of Repr?sentatives, ba? bi*eu men tioned as Aiken's congressional candidat? for the regular term. Tho Democratic executive com mittee ordered a second primary, with. T. G. Croft, Esq., and Hou. S. .G. Mayfield as contestants. Mr Mayfield has formally with drawn in favor of Mr. Croft who will fi.l the unexpired term of the lament ed Geo. W. Croft. Reports from Texas state that good stands of cotton have beeD secured and that in mnuy places where planting was very early, the second cultivation has been given To offset these favorable condi tions, lice and boll weevils have already made their appearance in the southwestern counties. Failing of confirmation Cru m has again received a recess ap pointment as collector of the port of Charleston. While he is osten sibly serving without compensa tion he is doubtless being paid by his boRom confrere, Roosevelt, and will share liberally in the Repub lican campaign fund. What is probably the world's greatest "exposition was formally opened at St. Louis on Saturday last. The inconceivable sum of $50,000.000 hp? been expended on this great exhibition and it will be well worth one's time and money to visit it before the close on De cember 1st. ^ attendance upon the conney Dem ocratic convention and appeared to be strong enough to stump "every one of the forty-odd states this summer against Bryanism, Cleve landism and Rooseveltism-the latter being synonymous with Booker Washington! sin and Crumism. Women's dresses are now being made with pockets. The husbands will"address themselves to th^ proposition of supplying thf nec essary coin with which'to fill them. -Anderson Intelligencer. It is far better to "supply the necessary coins" than to have to fill their pockets with bottles and pistols, such as can be found up on the persons of many men. Many of Mr. Bryan's former friends, among them being some of the leading dailies of the coun try, are criticising him severely for his unwarranted attack ujpon Judge Parker whose nomination by the Democrats is almost assured. The Republicans are jubilant over the attitude of Bryan, knowing that the fostering of discord in the Democratic ranks means that Roosevelt will succeed himself as president. " The County Convention. . Pursuant to the call the county Democratic conyention met on Monday last. The body was call ed to order by Hon. Thos. H Rainsford, the chairman of the county executive committee, who briefly stated the object of the meeting. The convention was formally organized by electing Hon. James P. Bean president and B. E. Nicholson, Esq., secretary and Mr. W. A. Byrd assistant sec retary. After the enrollment of dele gates from all of the twenty-two clubs except P.um Branch, which was not represented, the following delegates to the state convention were elected : Hon. J. C. Shep pard, Hon. B. R. Tillman, Hon. Tbos.H. Rainsford, Hon. J. Wm. Thurmond, B.E. Nicholson. Esq., and Mr. T. G. Talbsrt. Mr. A. E. Padgett was chosen to represent the county on the Btate executive committee. ; Senator B. R. Tillman and Hon. J. C. Sheppard were invited to ad dress the convention after all busi ness was disposed of. Both of these gentlemen expressed their views upou national politics, es pecially upon Democratic possi bilities aud probabilities, .indulg ing the hepe and exoressing the belief that when the national Democratic convention morts in St*. Louis in July that the distin guished New Yorker, Judge Par ker, would bo chosen as the stand-j erd bearer for 1901. j JOHNSTON. Miss Alma Shell of Laurens and Jessie Scott of Columbia are guests of Miss Hunter Lott. Mr. W: B. Cogburnof Edg?fie?? visited relatives Saturday last. Rev. P. B. Grant is assisting Rev. J. Hartwell Edwards of Ridge Spring in u protracted meeting. Miss Hattie Tmey has returned from Batesburg. - Mrs. P. C. Dorn, of McCormick, is visiting her pareuts. .The New Century Club met on Friday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Fred Parker. Alargenum ber were present and an hour in Mexico was pleasantly and profita bly spent. At the closo of the meet ing strawberries and cream and cakes were servepl-Our members were very much elated over a mes sage from our Mayor, that in the near future there would be a mule and cart to haul off the trash, that has been a bete noir to our towu for some time. A committee was appointed at this meeting to see the different merchants and ask that they co-operate with UR in trying to keep neater streets. Another subj ect discussed was the unsightly advertisements that are to bu lound on fi-nc-s houses and vari-ui: other places alon" .'. 'pub lic highway. At ihe spelling bee Friday even ing Mr. James Been won the firat prize. Dr. Miher of Aiken' preached a most excellent sermon in our Bap tist church on Sunday last. Morgana. DEAR ADVERTISER : As you have n it hea*d from us lately will give you the latest "news." The 2ud Quarterly Conference of the Parks ville Circuit was held at Dothan church Apr. 23rd. Dr. Jobu 0. Wilson, the Presiding Elder, preached a good sermon, aftf-r which an interesting conference was held. Rev. J. T. Miller, the pastor reported a church organi zed near Clark's Hill, to be known a6 Asbtuy. Conference authorized the members to build a house of worship. We bespeak for this lit tle band the aid of all Christians and others who wish to see a good cause prosper. Dr. Willsou preached again at ll a. m. Sunday. His subject was: ' '.Elisha at Dotban," and he drew < Borne solemn and instructive les- ? sons from the incident as recorded iu 2nd. Kings, 6 chap. Dr Wil- i son is highly cultured, and an in- I tere?ting speaker, those who fail ed, to hear him were unfortunate. Dr. Wilson is very attractive out of the^.-pulpit and made friends everywhere he. went. After service the/two preachers journeyed to Clark's Hill^to preach to the 1 As- , fyhry" congregation in the after noon. ( - ; Messrs. C. L. Widemau and T. K. Colliers^pf Plum Brabch, at fep ded vf ha. iy>aie jgafca--i ^m^^i^-^WWl Middleton, of ClarW^RTl, visited the family < of Mr. Phillip Markert and attend- < ed the conference. , ? Miss Caddie Scott, Miss Lizzie ' Rich and Mr. Jonathan Scott 1 visited friends in-this commuuity aud attended services Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Arthur Wells, from near Edgefield, visited his daughter, Mrs. J. L. Crafton, on Sunday. His daughter, Miss Lizzie, who has spent nearly all the year h- i trif-ndr< hi r*. Owiug to prcvalance of whoop ing cough in the neighborhood the school has suspended. One word about the old, yet ever new topic-the "weather." ThishaBbeena variable month. We have had the gusty winds of March accompanied by the "tears and smiles" of April. We hope May will give us more sunshine. With best wishes. READER. Hon. P. B. Mayson for State Senator, (Johnston News of April 27th.) It is seldom we write an article and then regret it later, but such was the case in last week's issue of The News when we wrote what we did about Hon. P. B. Mayson, candidate for state senate, and it is not we think, unmanly to re tract it voluntarily. Our consci ence leads us to withdraw* the statement we made about him and his candidacy. W9 do not desire to wrong any one, and feeling that we did him an iujustice, we ask bis pardon and hope that when our readers vote they will decide in their own minds as to his fitness and vote for him if he is thought to "be the best fitted to fill the posi tion of state senator. To prove that, we are sorry for our wrong treatment to Mr. P. B. Mayson, wo will agree to publish his an-1 uouncemeut free to offset any harm we may have done him. We make this statement volun tarily and publicly and are not - ashamed to get right after we've gone wrong. We ask your pardon, Mr. Mayson. FOR CORONER. I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for the office of Coroner of EdgefieJd county aud pledge myself to abide by the re suit of the Democratic primary, and to support the nominees of the party. F. PEARCE OUZTS. The next teachers' examination will be held on Friday, May 20th, beginning at ll o'clock, a. m. This will be the last examina tion- until September. Please do not apply for PX?miti>itioU after the appointed day as same will be refused. WM. A, BYRD, Supt. Education E. C. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR SOLICITOR. The many friends of Capt. N. George Eva us announce him a's a candidate for the office of Solicitor of the Fifth Judicial Circuit, and pledge bim to abide the result of the Democratic primary and sup port the nominee ol the party. FOR STATE SENATE. I respectfully announce myeeli a candidate for Ibo State Senate and pledge my support to the nom iunes of the primary. P. B. MAYSON. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the State Senate. 1 will abide hy the result of the Democratic primary and support the nominees of the same. T. GARRETT TALBERT. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the State Senate and nledge myself to abide the re sults of the Democratic primary and to support the nominee! of thr same. . THOS. H. RAINSFORD. HOUSE OF 'REPRESENTATIVES I respectfully announce m y pell ns a candidate for I'^e Hou**1 nf Ri'l?rHpH|it; port thf nominees of the Demo cratic primary. B. E. NICHOLSON. MASTER IN EQUITY. Candidate for Master, subject to the decision of the Democratic pri marv. W. F. ROATH. FOR CLERK OF COURT. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for theoffice of Clerk of Court for Edgefield County, and pledge myself to support the nomi nees of the Democratic primary election. W. B. COGBURN. FOR AUDITOR. I respectfully announce myself H candidate for In* office of Coun ty Auditor and solicit the support of the people. I will anido the result of tne primary election sup port thc nominees of the Rame, H. W. DOBEY. I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election to I he office of Auditor of Edgffield County and pledge rn}self to abide the result of the Democratic primary ind to support the nominees of lue same. J. B. HALTIWANGER. FOR SHERIFF. At the solicitation of friends I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to th? Sheriff's Office of Edgefield County and pledge myself to abide the result of the primary, and to support all nominees of Ibe Democratic party. W. H. OUZTS. u , m i m juma ?II jwHK-nnil lilli Jilli .'iTJ'l .11" '-.I n??etjy 'an non "nee" "m"yseYf ?' jandidate for the office of Sheriff jf Edgefield County and pledge myself to abide" the result of the Democratic primary, and to sup port the nominees of the 6amo. R. S. ANDERSON. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, and pkdge myself to abide by the result of Democratic primary and support the nomi npos of tb?- san?e. J. TR \PP Vcv vNI s . i h- resbi pr. t-^'l m;, Bt>lf t ? Un voters of Edgefield county for the office of Couuty Treasurer. I pledge myself to abide by thc- re sult of primary election, and will support all nominees of the Demo cratic party. Respectfully. J. THOMAS PATTISON. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Coun ty Treasurer and solicit the sup port of the people, pledging my self to abide the result of the pri mary and to support tba nomiueeE of the same. R. E. MORGAN. I hereby aunounce myself a can didate for the office of Couuty Treasurer and respectfully solicit the support of the people, pledging myself lo abide the result of the Democretic primary and to sup port the nominees of the same. W. ELLERY SHEPPARD. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Treas urer of Edgefield County and pledge myself to abide the result of the primary election and will support alhnominees of the Demo cratic p.:. For Representative in l'?ress 2iwJ District. % STATE OF SOU 1H CAROLfNA, COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. NOTICE is hereby given that'the Special Election for Represen tative in Congress will bei;held at the voting precincts fixe?fby law hi the county of Edgefield on Tues day, 3??y 17, 1904. The qualifications for suffrage aro as follows: Residence in the ?'tate for two years, in thc county one year, iii the pulling pn-cinct in which the elector ?fters to vote, four months, and the payment six months be fore any election of soy poll lax then due and payable; Provided, iPhttt ministers in charge of an or ganized church anil teachers of public schools shall be entitled to vote after six months residence in the State, otherwise qualified. Registration. Payment of all tuxes, including poll tax, assessed and collectable during the pri vions;year. The.pro duction ?>f a certificate (jr of the receipt of taxes shall be conclusive proof of the payment thereof. Before the hour fixed fur opening the pol!s,Man?tgers and Clerke must t H Ice and .subscribe the CoKstitutmn al cnn lt Tl i et.'!? M ir tn #i fi of the Boam .if 'MI sig? r? ITITI HI tin : 11 ts if'.ri il' nulli l.i nib" . M ?lluv>l-r'H wiltl hi lie C ? i ! ; Y' N ij Bub ?? mu-i mn.i-i- r lin* ?iain lo foe C arinna i t'iie Managers ele..( their Chairman and Clerk. Pells at each voting place - must bo opened at 7 .o'clock a, m. and closed at 4 o'clock p. m. The Managers have the power to fill a vacancy, and if norm of the Managers attend, the citizens can appoint from among Ute qualifier; voters' the Mn h H gi rs j who, alter be ing sworn, can conduct t.be election. Al the close of tlie election, tin Managers .and Clerk must proceed puolicly tn open til? ballot boxes and.ci itt II I the ballots therein, and continue without adjournment un til the same is cum pitted, and make a statement of the result, for each ortire and sign the same. V\ ithin three days thereafter, I lie Chairman o'" the. Board or someone iii'Sigi)ttt''d by I he Board, must de liver to I lie CommHM!miers of Elec timi the pull list, tho boxes contain ing the ballots and written stu'e met,ts ol' the result of the election Com mission rs of Fed? ral Election, Edg. field County, April 18, l'JOI. You are hereby appointed a Man ager of Election-Precinct ami you are required to be nt Edgefmld C Hirt house on the 14th day of May 1904, to take ?be oath and receive boxes, instructions, oct. Hen in fail not. J F BETTIS, ; L. J. MI LL KR, W. II. Mo.-s, ' nmissioners of Federal Election dgefiold County. 5 following ?MANAGERS 0If ELECTION; h;i been appointed to hold the el. - ..on at the various precincts in the taid county. Johnston, W D Wood w H rd, . C A Austin, J G Mobley, J E Sweariu gen, clerk. Trenton, B C Etheredge, Wallace f ha ?i-neu ?i ~ J T ua tes, Tom" PcrrrrH Ransom Padgett, C H Anderson, | clerk. Hampton, J L Mims, W W Shep-] parc), W C Tompkins, J L Carwile, clerk. Moeting Street, W B Lowrey, J M Shailer, Jas J Padgett, J H C %-\ burn, clerk. Roper's X Rondos IJ'Gardnor, Jr. D ? Lanham, Charlie Ham minni, J B Timmerman, clerk. Pleasant Line, J P Hagood, C B B Williams, W E Ha ri ing, J V Tim merman, clerk. Rehonolh; G C Burkhalfer, J L Gilchrist; L E White, Evan Coch ran. cleric Phi in Bru ch. J W BlneKvV'dl. ( X Li Kd. Ii i ' s i\i?.-r.f. w .; } i-. ci.-5'hi Cil- ..?> '? ham"- .Sor-, Srtlti Ch'<>: ham. Walter Brunson, Osman Wil liams, Jas Hurling, clerk. Mathis, J L Miller, G A Adam ?, S G Hammond, Henry MeKie, cl'k Liberty Hill, J K Curley, J R Ma son, W M Cu-ley, A G Cheathain, clerk. Lundrum's Store, W J Whitlock. G T Sweariugen, Cal Hatcher, P W Harris, Clerk. Gregg's, J G H ord, John Curry, J P Whitlock, P B Carpenter, cl'k. Elmwood, J R Blocker,' J M Bell, B E Sawyer, W D Ouzts, clerk. Timmerman, Jas Horn, LV Clax ton, J no Derrick, A C Yonce, clerk. Modoc, Winchester McDaniel, J J Garnett, Jno Brunson, W S Mid dleton, clerk. Red Hill, J H Bussey, L G Boil, W T Brown, Jas Bodie, clerk. Meriwether Hall, H L Bunch, W G-'Cheatham, Geo W Medlock, Si las Medlock, clerk. The managers at each precinct named above are rr quested lo del egate, one of their number to secure boxes and blanks for the election on Tuesday, May 17th. They can be secured by one hf the managers from each precinct meeting the Commissioners itt Edgefield C. H. on Saturday, May 14th. - J. F. BETTIS, L. J. MILLER, W. H. Moss. Commissioners of- Federal Election for Edgefield County. April 18, 1904. Enginesand eu? Oies GET O?R PRICES. Completo Cotton, Saw, Grist, On and Fertilizer Mill Outfits, Gin. Press Cane Mill.and Shingle Ourfits. J i i 1 du p.] i:ii'/fe, F .-ri r ry, Furie and Railroad Castings, Railroad; M ll Machinists'and Factory Supplies. Belting, Packing, Injectors, Pipe Fittings, Saws,.Files?, Oiler??, etc. We ca^t eyery day. Work 150 Hands. Foundry, Maphine, Boiler, Press a pd Gin Works r 'J A. CA f-v " ~ '-'!? ? J:""*J-' Hye glafsss - ' f/fcv t h a t tri ve fort. Geo. F. Mims, Optician. -Mi BEGINS WORK with the first dose, cleansing the blood of all the poisonous acids that produce RHEUMATISM, driving out all the dangerous germs that infest the J body-that is the way cures are effected by Other medicines treat symptoms; Rheumacideremoves the cause, and, therefore, its CURES ARE PERMANENT. Helps the digestion, tones up the system. Sample bottle free on application to BOBBITT CHEMICAL Co., Pro prietors, 316 West Lombard St., Baltimore, Aid. Am getting up a car of McCormick Mowers, with Reaping attachments, for the coming grain harvest, Also McCor mick Binders. Write postal card at once, if interested, E. J. NORRfS. THE FA RM EilS BUSY TIME Wp] know nt this season every Fanner is busy with his Field, and cannot cbnventcntlv come to Augusta for his CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS, and for this reason, we have so arranged our MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT that on receipt of an order from our out of town friends, we can rill their order immediately. The Department is growing . rapidly with us. We can tit you at home as well as in our Store, if you give us a few measures, such as -Weight, Height, Chest, Waist and Inside seam o? trousers. With these measurements wc can lit you exactly. If you are too bdsv to come to Augusta', write us an our MAIL ORDER DEPARTr.LENT will bc glad to do your "SHOPPING for you. He will prepay cypress on all mail order pur 38 Broad Stroit, - - - Augusta, Ga. ?llllll!UIIIMim.Mill!!ll!!ill!!!!!i?.'^'^ (llilifltl.'-???ill ?g?^ IT'S A CINCH J That your Spring Snit is all right if" ic comes from 1 us.. ?lot air is not a part of our stock in trade, p j| When we tell you that we have one of the prettiest ?j stocks of ??? ? S MEN'S AND BOYS' I L0n H 111 = ever seen in Augusta we mean just what we say, | = and we prove our every assertion. Stop every man | = you meet who looks weil dressed and examine the = * label in his coat and you'll be surprised to sec how * S many men are wearing our clothes. | h ?Hll?ll?Ui?l?l?iiillll # !liil!IIi;i!lii:illl:ri:o.gr Olottiiixgr, Shoes, Hats and ever tor oxierlDLt to I WE buy only the best, of the lines we handle, from the largest manufacturers in the country. WE call especial attention to our large stock of the newest shapes and colors in Hats. [j?f.Let us show you. ' PRICES AND QUALITY ARE RI HT ?>O??ISE & MIMS. SIPrETlXXj SA-JLiIE OF SPRING GOODS. New arrivals by every train havaputour many ihiprrents in apple pie conditions so that a freshness and spring like air pervading the whole sfqre. For the benefit of our many customers we will have a 15 days special barjai.>: sale ol* (mr entire stock, commencing Saturday March 19th and con* iinning to April 6th, all who expect their money to buy the greatest amount of goods will not miss tin's special sale. Calicoes and Muslins 4>?, 5 and up while the goods last. 3? i neb Percal 7 J?, Sj.?, 10 worth lu to 12 cts. Ginghams$1% and JOcts. White Lawns cheaper than ever known before. Cheok Muslins, Nainsooks ind dimi ties that cannot be matched in price and quality. White Mercerized Goods for the Waist Wash bilks for Vaist for the Special Bargain Sale 89 and 49 cts. worth 50 and (30 cts. Read Made Waist, Percal Chambrag ami Silk 25c toSS.OO worth 50c to $5.00 Ready Made Skirts $1.00 to .-{iS.OO Dress Goodi in all the new novelties. A Specialty of Laces, Embroideries and Dress Trimmings. Embroidery 3% to ?Octs. yard extra value. ' Valencicmes and Torschon Laces the greatest variety ever shown. Dress Trimmings in all the new novel ties. You cannot appreciate these Trimmings without coming and looking them over. Jewelry in all the new novelties and ornaments. Lisle Silk and Kid Gloves and Milts. Large assortment of Hankerchiefs. Hosiery in all the delicate .stitched effects. Ladies, Collars, Cuffs, Belts. Corsets Girdles, Combs, Brushes and Toilet Powders. SHOES, Ladies' and Children's and Misses Dress Shoes, and Oxfords in thc latest and best styles and makes or high grade goods. CLOTHING: In this line we can come nearer giving $2.00 worth for $i.oo than any house in the south. Men' Boy's and Children's Clothing and Pants. This 15 days o Special Bargain will be the greatest red letter da)' thats ever been seen in Edgefield. ?JEgfTDon't fail to come to see us. Respectfully, J. W. PEAK. yp-^. CHICrfESTER'S ENGLISH ?OMYRII .. ?\SAFK. ?lv?nitllaM? Ladles Mk Drucri' AS V-W ror CmcHESTKKS KXGL1SI* il? HEH M?J HOM mclalllc b.iie?. .rale. I willi liluc ribbon. Tuite no other. UctWi Du'ittvrnim Suli.tllutlonit anil lmlto ll.ni?. Uuj af Jan.- I)r'jc;lu. or jco.l 4c. lc ?tanifl. for' I'rtrtlenlnm, Testimonial* ?no '. );< Ile." fur Laities," m iffier, by re turn Mull. 10.000 Tmllroonlali. SoU hj all Drujeltu. Chletteater Chemical Co*, V?n?OD