Edgefield Advertiser WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6,1904. Ladies don't fail to call anil soe J. M. Cobb'rt lovelv Easter Dress Skirts $1.25 to $b\00. For the best smoke in town go to 'TIMMONS BROS. Just received 3 car loads Of com. 4 car loads of flour, 1 car load ol ineat'and 2 car loads of meal. THE EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE Co. Buist's Selected Seed Irish Po tatoes, shipped direct from to farm to THE PENN DRUG STOKE. Ladies it is to your interest to seethe lovely mercerized effect? io White Piques, Oxford, Mulls and Persian Goods IO to oOcts at J. M. COBB'S. A large supply of School Books always ou hand at reasonable prices at . THE PENN DRUG STORE. I have just received a full sup ply ol Untrimmed Eats, Ribbons J and Trimmings, and can suit the) tastes of the most fastidious dress ers. My prices are very reasona ble. MISS MARY B?FOT?D. We have iu stock a full line of Iron, Enameled and Brass Beds, with Springs to fit. RAMSEY & JONES. Heinz's celebrated Dressings and Pickles, both in bottles and in bulk at ' THE PENN DRUG STORE. Just icceived and corning 2 car loads of nails and barbed wire. THE EDGEFIELD MERCANTILE CO. Fresh Drugs of all kinds can be bad at our store at very reasonable prices. Ti M M ON s BROS. Large stock of Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Lap Robes, Etc Get our prices. RAMSEY & JONES. We want to till your Prescrip tions. Only fresh drugs are used. Our prices are right. TIMMONS BROS. Why go to the trouble and ex pense of making cakes at home when you can buy delightful fancy crackers that are fresh at THE PENN PUUG STOKE. Just received a car load of '"Old Hickory" abd "Blue Grass" wagons and two car loads of :'Rock Hill" aud "Hackney" buggies. We want t o sell you. RAMSEY & JONES. The meicc-rized Chambrays, ' Ginghams, Madras and Linen sel ' ling for ,8 and 10c at J. M. COBR'S ' are wonderful bargains. j??^?ifTurl^ house at a "little cost. Solid Oak Suits, from $23 up, chairs fronV. 50 cents up and Soli'7 ;S*?k Rockers from $1.00 up. . RAMSEY & JONES. jun?' men, come to on.r store ,r irein candy for your lady love. TIMMONS BROS. We have a complete line of j Fancy and Staple Groceries. Trv our Teas amt Coffees and you will always use them. TIMMONS BROS. What is more delightful for breakfast, or supper than Pickled Pigs' Feet. We have them. THE PENN DRUG STORE. if 1 I IHE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK. S05 Broad St rest. W. B. YOUNG. - - - P-esiJent J. G. WEIGLK, - - - - Cashier SAVINGS ACCOU'JS SOLICITED Interest Paid on Deposits. til I! t.: Just received Pleinz's Pickles, Dressings and pure Cider Vinegar. TIMMONS BROS. Monev To Loan Easy Terms, .NOW is the time to make arran yemeni.s for the year's business. 1 loan money at EIGHT per cent for five years f jid longer. You can gel the ,money from mc to buy your supplies, or for any other purpose, if .you have improved town or farm property to offer as security. I require no endorsers. WM. P. CALHOUN, Edgefield, S. C. Buy your boy a suit of the cele brated Jane Hopkins boys cloth iug, fit. and wear guaranteed, $1.25 to $5.00. J. M. COBB. PROF. P. fl. WHITMAN, 209 7th Street - Augusta, Ga. (GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for al I de fects of sight. Grinds th? proper glasses and WARRANTS thom. Lenses rat Into your irame walle JOH wait. FREE OF CHARGE medicine or glasses Full line School Books, School Supplies, Pencils, Tablets, etc., af ri??:PENN DRUG STORE. \V7 C. T. XJ. Projrraiumis. ._." _ Tlie following is th" prog.an.m3" of ihr meeting of the W. C. T: U to lie hold on April 11th at the residence of Mr.-:. N. M. Jones: Scripture Reading. Prayer. let-Instrumental Sol o-M rs. Wilie Onzts. 2nd-Reading-Mrs. J. W. Peak ord-Essay-Mrs. J. L. Miras. 4ih-Reading-Mrs. E. C. Winn. otb-Taking Pledges, etc. tith- Music, ''Onward Christian Soldier." Closed hy Prayer. Death ol' miss Bigham The great destroyer, Death,'ruth lessly disregards all ties of love ana friendship. It matters not how devoted and closely associat ed are two lives frequently one is taken and the other left. Mies Sallie Bigham, who has resided fora number of years with her brother, Mr. James Bigham, in the Horn's Creek section, passed away on Monday of last week. She was a quiet unassuming woman who lived close at home, paying occa sional visits, with her brother, to our town, where she was generally kuowu. Miss Bigham was a mem ber of the Methodist church. Pier remains were iuterred at Horn's Creek on Tuesday last, the Rev. P. B. Lon bum ofRcinting at the I ii ii era).. Death or an Aged Citizen On Sunday morning last Mr. James A. MoManvis died at Ihe home of his daughter, Mrs, F. P. Johnson. Mr. McManus was ono of the oldest citizens of our county, having passed beyond four score ?and six years. Prior to sewral year? ago he was a strong,ghearty i robust man, but had been iii fee I ble health during his last days. Before the weight of years bore heavily upon him be was a large and very successful farmer. Mr. McManus reaied a large family of children being survived by four daughters, Mesdames N. G. Oiiz s, F. P. Jehnsou, J. T. Ouzts, NV. B. Low rev, and three sons, Mes srs W. T. J. W. and J. T. Mc Manus. The deceased was a mem ber of McKee dree church. He faced the end bravely being lire pared to meet b is vi od. The inter ment took placo at MeKendree on Monday afternoon, tho Rev. Mar vin Auld officiating nt the funeral. tho Parker Concert Company. We have never seen a concert company mor? universally praised and more cordially received wher ever it has been than has the Par ket Concert Company that will present a very elaborate nroprauv me in the college auditorium on Friday evening next. Our people realize and appreciate, too, what a high class entertainment this is to be, for already moro than 120 re served seats have been soid. and this uumber should and will be increased to 200 before Friday evem'ng. Every dollar above the actual expense of bringing-the Concert Company here will be added to the fund for buying s*-ats for the auditorium and fur niture for the class rooms of the new building. Thia property will be owned by the town as i. the build i cg proper, so when the peo ple of Edgefield attend these splendid entertainments they not only get the worth of their money iroin the pleasure of the hour, but are, as it were, putting money in their own pockets. The largest audience lhat has ever assembled in Edgefield to wit pees an enter tainment will be in attendance Friday evening. You'd bet ter se cure tickets at once. Lotter to 31 i>I PAUL Dear Sir: Let's talk it righi on! before folks: there's nothing tn hide in your .business or ours: if there is, we'd better hide ourselves. We are in trade to make money; so are you. Wc make ic by saving our customer's money; so do you. Our object, in trade, is to save your customer's wood from rotting aud irou and steel and tin from rustios ; yours the same. We work for thousands pf prop erty owners ; you for a few. We caa do some things that you can't dp ; we have the facilities. Yow can do some things I hat we can't ; yon are tb vre. Let us work together; be faithful to oue-another. We can serve our customers better by work ing together and being faithful to one-another. Your dollar, put into our paint, will nain' more feet I .Vail in any other way; and the paint will last longer. This save? you money, and saves your customers money. That's ixl I there is in our whole Imsiuesp. Ymirs truly, V. VV. J>KVOK. t:? New York, TUE EOGEK?ELB MEK?AXTI-LK CO. We publish again this week the annual statement of the Bank bf Edgefield, an examination of which will show tho bank to bc in a prosperous condition. The busi ness of the bank has steadily grown from year to year. The usual eight per ceat div deud was paid out to th?, stockholders. The place made vacant on the board of directors by the death of Capt. James A. Sennett, has been filled by elect ing Hon. Thus, H. Ra i ns ford a Member of the board. The stock holders, acted wisely lo choosing Mr. Ha i nsf ord, being a mau or large wealth, wide influence and endowed with unusual financial ability. lu recognition of faith ful soryice and in consequence of the great iucrease in the volume of the bank's business, the sala ries of th^ cashier and assistant cashier were increased; We trust that both of Edgefield banks will he as prosperous during the en suing year ns during the hst twelve months. The big sal" of 5 and 10c Laces, Embroideries-Allover Laces, All ov^r Embroideries. Lovely Soft, Ribbon are among the special things now at Cobb's Emporium. I h?Q%L NGWS- I Fewer ital lons; wears longer; Dr. E. 0. Sm iib, the popular dentist, made a business trip ?ci Williston on Saturday Inst,return ing cn Monda}'. > Mr. JamesB. McKie came up from his plantation and spent Su i-day ai d Monday with his family here. Married, by Rev. P. B. Lanham, on the afternoon of March 23rd; nt the home of the bride, Mr. W. H. Wise and Miss Susie Carpenter. The Parker Company is indeed x collection of artists, whose ca pabilities fire shown to fine advan tage in their program .-Daily News. Huntingdon, Iud. * . Nunna? ?y's Candies just received by express at Tine PENN DRUG STORE. The Parker Concert Company, made a pronounced hit at Tarn, , Hall last night. Tho entire pro pra rn was a rare treat and thc ar tists will Jong be renumbered. Chronicle, Quebec, Ont. Hon. J. 0. Patterson, of Barn well, ?sol T. G. Croft, Esq, of Ai leen, candidates for Cougress from the Second District, were in Edge field during last, week th ak mg hands with their friends'. This is what our neighbor and esteemed contempory, the Aiken CS. C.) Journal and Review, says: "If the C. M. Parker Concert Com pany ever appears iu our midst again, they can ?ank ou the sup port of our people." * Lad iel?, it will pay you lp read the new locals of Mr. J. M. Cobb. The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred S. Addison, of Ninety Six, regret, thar they lost their infant, sou, Eldred S. Jr., a *hort time ago. The little son died from the effectspt whooping cough and pneumonia. In buying 100 boxes of one kind if s- ap, the managers ol' the Edge iield Mercantile Company mean no reflection upon their patrons, in that they need to use a larg* quantity of soap, but simply buy a Ld it so they can Sr-ll right. The council has had tin- ordt? tancas printed in pamphlet form ind distributed among litecitizens U the town. Noone can now plead gu ora rice as an excuse foi viol&li ;u of the municipal laws, and those , tho knowingly transgross them , ilionld bc punished according lo he degree of thc o (Te use. Attorneys and magistrates can , -rocure Subpoena Blanks an cl Sub iceua Tickets at the ADVERTJSER , iflice. , I Hon. D. B. Peurifoy, state seir ( .tor from Salnda county, lion. A. . v. Sanders, of Hagood, and Hon. ? olin G. Mob'ey, of Winnsboro, ai! ( ;f whom are members of the board d' directors <.f the slate penitenli iry, were in Edgefield on Thurs.lay asl;. They came lo inspect the ;tatc convicts that are ou the pub- j ic ru ads of the coll ti ty. , Mrs. \Y. S. N.'im-?, of Whaler 1 5, C, accompanied by her bright ' little daughter, has been spending 3 several-days ut th" college vi si- ' ling her two daughters. The fact ( hat Mr. and Mrs. Miras have been . nitrons of the S, C. C. I. fo- four- ' eeu years is a strong endorsement if the character of work that has been and is being done by this in- f. vtitutinn. Latest Shapes an?] Corred i Kurt:.s in W. li & lt. '& (I. Curs?is 1 35c to.$1.00 at COBB'S, < So greatly have our people eu- ] joyed the annual commencements, j [iud already M have begun to < look forward to them with pleas- j mt anticipations. Mrs. King, t Misses Hattie Newsome and Min nie Dictes are planning uow for :be graded school commencement \ rhich will bli hold one ,voek earl;- i fr f.hun the college curunvmeemeni. > Well, well, the citv fathers are '( it last erecting a new eix-foot bridge across the branch, near the college to lake the plac of thc , lutiquae 1 structure thal the town lad outgrown long, long ago. The i :ol)ege girls doff their Oxford caps. . ho collegj ??cysextend a becoming j sai ut.' and ?he entire populace of < I un com be-the high and the low, J he rich and the poor, mo old and , lie young, the . white and Hie ' )lack-bow in grateful ac- ' :nowlidgeinen! ol' this o (li j i al act. ] L'hough somewhat belated it is levert hulosa appreciated. For Misses and Ch i ld re ti's Hats 1 nod Infant's Caps al. prices I bal ire .snrprisinglv low, go to M?-S MARV BUFORD'S. 1 Hon. Preston Brooks Mayson has mme forward as a candidate lor * the Stale Senate. Mr. Mayson, 1 iflor gradualiug from the South : karolina college, read law in the I jffice of Sheppard Bros., and after jeing admitted lo thc bar, located : it Edgefield where, for a nu rn- j u r of years he has been intimate ly k./uwu by the people. Four : yars ago the peopl" elected Mr. ? Mayson a member of the House\ of Repr?sent?t ives where he labos-j' i d faithfully for two Fessions for| !iis constituency. Ho opposed, i j oftentimes single banded, on the j floor of the House every measure j that would work hardship upon| the masses. His public record isj ?teun just as his private life is up-j right and honest. Should a majori- ' ty of people of Edg'fhdd county ? cast their ballots for him it will 1 be his constant endeavor to render ! honest, faithful service. Lovely Elimine Voilles in black, ? cre?i tn, ; while and fancy colors, ; Bl nek and Wliilc Ilaliste, Melrose ai.e: solids from 25 to 5()c, "all wool and yard wide," aro the rage I at COBB'S. ? Let the ADVERTISER job office db your printing. Rev. Dr. J. Q. Adams, of Char lotto, will visit his Edgeh'okl-rela tives and friends in about ten days ro two weeks! Mr. L. Wigfnll Ch eal ham gaye a very delightful dar.ee in compli ment to his friends on Monday evening last. Quite a number ol out-of-town young people were in attendance. A large assortment of the newest styles and shapes in the Ladies Ready-to-Ave?r Hats and Pattern Hats are now displayon nt M J SS MARY BUFORD\S. Take a day off and put y nur piemises in order. We have .be. n requested to a nu ou nee that the board of health will m&ke a .tour of inspection at some time between the 11th and loth o' April. if you need soap-and more people need soup besides the washer-woman-you can get it in any quantity at. the Mercantile Company's store. They have jus! roceivecflOO boxes of one brand alone. Those who fail to attend the en tertainment of Ihe Parker Concert Company will regret it. Tickets can ba had nt the store of Mr. C. E. Mav. Reserved seats, 50 cents, general admission So couts and stu dents 25 cents. The members of the Mission Society of the Baptist church are requested lo meet ou Friday after noon at leur o'clock. Those who bavee not, already sent in their envelopes will please send or car ry them to this meeting. Miss Zana Timmel man, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Mr; and Mrs. J. A. Timmerman, came home on Sat urday from the Columbia College for Women to spend tin; Faster holidays, returning nu Monday afternoon. Rev. T. P. Burgess preached a very earnest and impressive ser mon to Ihe members of But loi Lodge T. O O. F. on Sunday even ing last al ihe Baplisl chinch. Xol inly the members of Ihe iVr ?1 r lin! the un in il i ali 0 as well were dified and quickened by Ibis cloquent discours As soon as theciirlaiii was raised on Pr i day evening last in th;,1 col lege auditorium, il became evident lo ihe delighted audience thal (?ic beautiful enjerlajnri:ent was planned hy an ar! ist who was aided l y those possessing superior tal ent. This was oin- ol' the prettiest Entertainments given in Edgefield in a long while. Rev. J. T. Littlejohn, who is >ue of the hardest workers and ranks among tho lending pastors >f tho county, was iu Edgefield m Monday looking after the ma terial fer the spats in the new church ?it Red Hill. When these ire placed in positnn th - new ?u il ding will be complete through ilit, ready fur the painters' brush. Mr. F. Pearce Ouzts, who resides mw in tl?e Antioch section bul leseen dod from tn?? good old Ouzts ?tock of Meeting Street, where he vas born and reared, announces limself this week as a candidate 'or the office of Coroner. Ho is ji .(..ung man. who if elected will dis iharge the duties of Ihe o Hi ce ac- ( se pt a hiv to the people, and w-t be ?po.'ik fv?r hi'n a cordial reception it their hands. Dr. J. H. Carmichael h .is ro ughed his pop/m'nn at the Penn ! Drug Store in order lo engage at in early day in thc activ? prac ieo of medicine hero in Edgefield. 1 3r. Carmichael is no stranger to 1 mr people, who have recognized for .ears his skill and fitness for tbe >ractiee of his chosen profession, rle will remain at the Penn Drug store till Mr. R. L. Dunovant the lopuiarand efficient manager, can lecure some one to fill his place. Mr. J. Trapp McManus. the ono vb o has *he distinction of break ng the ie; of the campaign and setting the political ball in mo!ion, isks I he su (frage of fhn people in he Count}' Treasurer's race. The genial, jovial, kind-hearted Trapp VI c;Ma nus needs no introduction 0 people of Edgefidd county ?it mr hands. Tlmy already know lim lo ba a God-fearing, upright, naii, who is esteemed ile Highest >v those who know h'm best should he be chosen by ii liiajor: y vole as the man who for tl o 1 ex I two years is to handle fi"1 ?ermle'?i money no mistake will be nade, for lie j s fully enmuelent, liid should he coin ni i I an error il will li<-om.' of judgment ami nol af the heart. Trapp McManr.q is me ol' those men whom you can bank on in any ami every exigen cy thal may arise, being tis hon est as Ibo days are long. Saturday afternoon was an ai. ?picijus occasion for the crowd of it tie folks who attend'the Kiuder |arden. At ll o'clock ibis unusual-; y pretty and aft rael i yo be ?*y of yTiuug innocents lu gan I- cather it Un1 Kindergardteu room > en? ,oy their Elster ??.arly. . yr a round of merry games out o. >rs, they were invited in to part of i feast of good things, go In ?o? k ul ?un? good tn eat. The . -k med room with enid les upon the beaut i full v decorated ca.13.ie gave ?i flowing and beautiful effect to the colors ol' the room, and aston ished the little foi ks as 'hoy saw what hud boen prepared for them J for the . first tillie. Among other j things were the bullerlly.boxes and ba?kels.'lb:,ir own handiwork iill >d with Kastor eggs, painted with til* ir own hands and according to ; heir individual tust o. These hap py children will not, soon forget ui occasion so fraught, with joys ;o well adapted to their ?nimceul. Ii-'arls. 200 beautiful Rugs and Art Squares go mg from 25c to $ 1-0.09 ?it Cobb's AIDER Absolutely ?Pvze THERE IS ?W S?JESTiT "He used lo kiss me every ti DIP we passed tb rough a tunnel befon our marriage," sn id the little worn au with sad reflections. "And does be do it now?*' asked the bosom friend. "No, he takes a drink." The county board of equal iza tion met yesterday and transacted the usual routine business. The count}' board recommended that the railroad assessments be in c roas?? cl in thin emin ty. l*h? fic tion oT the slate board will be awaited with interest. The picnic season ison, d-spite the March-April blizzard. We have already noticed accounts of ?several basket picnice. lt seems that it would require a very inge nious houewife to prepare a bas ket for a picnic when the spring chickens are only out of the sholls and the blackberries and peaches and apples and strawberries have otilvshedded ?heir bloom??. We dc net know how it is with other folk? -maybe newspaper hornes are ex copiions-but it faxes the wits ol' the Advertiser honseho1d io know where to pel a PI ?H dency to keep soul and body together at this BI a son. Mr. T. Garrett Tal tieri-; o' Parks ville, son of j Ion. W. J. Talbert, makes his formal debut in poli tics, announcing in this issue us a candidate for the Stat?! Senate from Edgeh'eld county. Notwith standing the fad that Air. Talbert has never been in public life be fore, he is generally and favorably known throughout the length and bread I h of our e..univ. Mr. Tal bert is a Christian gdi'l'Minn Of lofty ideals and uiiqiinstioucd in tegrity of character, and it is bis purpose toi con (luci the campaign upon a high plane. I! is not of the kind who ''stoop to conqjer." Should the people, by their bal lots, choose M.. Tiilb -rt to repre sent them in the g tr. i i senate he will serve th.':vi honestly, consci entiously, a'dy. At the proper tima.he will let the peuple know where Le stands upon the issues Dr. J. Thomas Patterson is be fore the people for the first lime asking their sui?r; ge for Iii >. o iii ce ol'Treasurer of Eiigeiieid cami}'. This large-hearted gditkirOau numbers his frit nd-? by the hun dreds; ?Ttbou gh this jr. bis fi rsl appearance in tb . rob- of a candi date he has many strong support ers in every section of tho coun ty who will labor m season atol nut of season to promote bis elec tion. Dr. Pa! i ergon is in every way fully capable ol' Iii I in.! Ibis posi tion of trust, and tho funds of tue county will ba sale ju his hands should he be chosen to serve the people iii this capacity. Edgdield county has had a great number of very worthy and e?liei ?ri treasurers but nona In ve lili ed th'i office more creditably than would Tom Patterson. Gen's, cet yourselves au "Elk brand" Hat, color gcod, "stylo cor rect, and price low down. J, M. COBB. B ? S ss & The matter of feed is ol tremendous importance to the farmer. Wrong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. Thc up-to-date farmer knows j ivhat to feed his cows td get thc most milk, his pigs to get die most pork, his hens to get the most eggs. Science. | But how about thc children ? \ .Are they fed according to j science, a hone food if bones j ire rofl ariel undeveloped. a[ I flesh and muscle food if th cv i j arc thin an 1 weak and a blood food if tiieiv is ani mua Scott's Emulsion is a mixed j food; the Cod Liver Oil in it j makes.flesh, blood and muscle, jj jj the Lime and Soda make bone I and brain. It is thc standard I scientific food for delicate' children. cv.?g- j Send for free sample. T? Mire lli.it til': picture in tlie lorin ol a la'jcl is on thc wrapper ol' every buttle ol EuiuUion you buy. Sco??& Bowne CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N. Y; ?|^ffftfe?j.-,?5l soc. and $11 all dru cristi. &ol SO T. Fn sn Quaker Oats at Til!'. PENS DRUG STORE. V, lien placing your | nsur aiic? ,r:'?vt' lue a call. I rep resent a very strong lili: ?? i^j ieso - - - insurance Companies: also Agent fur thy New York - - - Insirratu'e. Go. I will appn preciale a si.are uPynur inis inc-s. ! fan be r?tiwl"af niv -C"-?;?.-.: >.?>. ?-?Vcr ?anh ?"t l?iljjc?iclil. J?I ni'..- i- X. IS ? ? \ Enginesand Boilers, er.ii Gins GET OCR PRICES. Complete Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oi J and Fertilizer Mill Outfits, Gin, Pre.-; Cane Mill.and Shing-'e Om tils. PeiU"ira. I:r:t?.?. K :. i ? >.ry. Vn ric and Railroad Cnstirgs, I?a.ilrt:aU? ii il ; Machinists' anti Kactorjr Supplies. Helling, Packing, Injectors, pip? i Fittings, Saws, Files, 'fniers.;ett?. We i 3ast every day. Work Inti I taileis. Foundry, Machine, Boiler, Press :i ii.i i : in U'oi '?T Kepa rs Proiiiptly P..ne :. ! Mm Iron Iori & km ia AFJUSTA. GA pa g fifi i mw r Fo W'ivaro'oiTc mercta] Fertilizer inotir Fertilizer V Chem ?cal Work: thc Roystcr Brai Die G UAR. ANT i S od.-i und other i; WE rire now iYfeai, Corn, Fin; ami Plantation Sr co-Ch ewin-.: :?hi usual. ' AVE are rent ing and i lea tin; Points etc. WE ca ITV a Vehicles of all ki Colli ns a-iul Uncle Agents for i 'ilSe X'all.ani wm; 1 THE FARMERS BANK OF EDGEFIELDS. c.. I STATE AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY 4 :>\ THE LARGEST AND STRONGEST BANK IN EDGEF -N ll m Paid up Cai>ih?.$ 58,000.00 i Surplus and Undivided Profits. 22,000.00 : j Liability of Stockholders. 58,000.00 " '? Protection to Depositors.$188,000.00 Wc invite attention of those desiring a safe depositoryTor their money to the above ;? fuels. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS BY SPECIAL CONTRACT. Under providion "if its cha rtcr this bank is authorized to act as trustee, guardian .? i:::i:ii ilrator and executor, and to accept and execute trusts generally. .' ?2. PAni???fT. president . T, II RAIN?FJRO, Vice-Pre . J. L. CA ITO ;.:M AX, Cashier. \V. II. HAULING, Asst.-Cashie Ipr J J Murray's Horehound Mullein and Tar is composed of the mos!, effective remedies known for curing coughs, colds, la grippe, sore throat and all affections due to inflamed and irri tated condition of the air passages. It is prompt in afford ing relief and certain in its effect of hastening a cure. MURRAY'S HOREHOUD. MULLEIN AND TAR may bc- used to advantage in canes where other medicines havo failed. It is pleasant, purely vegetable and absolutely safe for old and youug. Nothing else like it in all the world. It should have a place in every house,, ready at hand when needed. Parents will find its effect magical in cases of croup, it has re ra ark a hie virtue in controlling the paroxysms of whooping cough. Prie 25c. Guaranteed satisfactory to every purchaser. AT DRUG STORES. Pre] ared by the Murray Drug Co., Columbia, S. C. RUBBER STAMPS Ar?? liiy toni* suit. F make any kimi except the bad ones. I fur nish ? .-?lampmuran Indelible pad for making linen for 40 tJ.?XT.S. I tmve some other good things. . WILSON GIBBES, TYPEWRITERS, OFF [CE SUPPLIES, Etc., i?34 Main Street, - - Columbia, S. C. ! HIS SPACE IS TAKEN BY Tho Loading Grocers of Augusta Ga. ABBINGTON BROS. 839 Broad . gSBTW. F. SAMPLE of Saluda County and lil. H." SCOTT, JR., of Edgefield County are with us and want to sec von. li invite you to call and I inspect my line of '"i ti g now being displayed. AU tlie new goods in Voils, Etta jfroinds, Silk Persons, and everything! jin wash snoods are here and the ?prices are as low as can be offered >y any house in Edgefield County. You will do yourself an injustice' Rimless rou sec these snoods before Ibuying. Compare our goods and prices ?with others and I will risk the re*] . .-VJ '.!,,.Tu. jSliltS. I rill $.mm*# .'. . ti ? . ..- ttl M1 n! ?. ?. ? a .. . ... fj pl uOO J] ?tt?fea ?Mm ?wm tn fi ?ear 1904. ! cst! StSSu rino- to the Farmers a full Linc of Com We sell Goods Manufactured by Ar .'?)':':.<. Navassa Guano Company, Georgia . md Columbia Guanors Goods known as !s.-These goods have analyzed ABOVE C. Wc aiso sell Muriate of Potash,!Titrate of ] fredients for Home nixing of Fertilizers, ol ?ring at low prices in any quanity Meat, ir, Molasses, Rice Meal, Fine Feed. Hay tpplies ol every kind. Oar Stock of Tobac i Smoking-:;is large and Prices Lower than Stock of Case Goods, and Can Goods. Iv to suppl . you with your Stoves,-Cook ;\-- bi ar tl w ,*. Dsails, Plowstocks, Plow f?ll line of Furniture, Wagons, Buggies and ads. Harness Leather, also a full line of ?rtaker's Goods; babcock Buggies. .1 inspect our Stock and you will buy. ol: etil