, Remedied. Women nave a resourcefulness that . \men *>can never hope to attain. A . "young ?adyji?med Kate-w?s mar ried the other day. When on her v honeymoon she had occasion to make - some purchases in a shop, and ordered the goods to be sent to her at the Roy al hotel. But in an absent-minded momeni she-gave her maiden name to the shopkeeper. She had scarcely reached the door, however, when she noted her mistake. With admirable wit she steppeu baca and said to the shopman: "Oh; by the way, send that package to Miss Kate -j-, care of Mrs. -, . Royal' Hotel,'"' "and" she swept out of the shop as if she had been married fifteen years-London Tit-Bits. No More Pennies for a Time. According to advices from the treas ury department the government mill at Philadelphia will cease to grind out pennies for- a.. time, there being now ,a surplusage of this kind of currency in the country.- During the last five years 3,000,00.0,393 pennies have been shipped from the Philadelphia mint, which" is the only one that coins the one-cent pieces, to various parts of the country. Between July 1, 1902, and June!i, 1903, 89,600,000 cents were corneal If this flve-y?ar output were collected in a heap lt would make a sizable stage mountain at least.-Les lie's Weekly. Battles of Alphabets. Decipherment of the'cuneiform sylla bary by George Smith of the Cypriote alphabet by the same scholar and of the Hittite alphabet by Prof. Sayce sheds light on a conflict among alpha bets..; The battlefield was Asia Minor and tile competing alphabets were the threeTnamed. All three, however, were vanquished by the Phoenician alpha bet. . ? The Assyrian ; syllabary was backed by physical force. The victor ies of Sargon and Assurbanipal had made;;the influence of Assyrian civili zation felt in the islands and penin sulas, washed by the Mediterranean. Yet it seems never to have been in the running at all. JKi -, ?? Earliest Green Onions. TheoJohn A. Salzer Seed Co.. La Crosse. Wis.,:?always have something new, some tbinei?-'-Vial?^blei'jvThia year they offer among th'eirn?w"money making vegetables -an Earliest Green Eating Onion. It is a winner, Mr. Farmer and Gardener! . JUST SEND THIS NOTICE AND !6c. ? and they will send you their big plant and seed catalog, together with enough seed to grow ,000 fine, solid Cabbages, 2,000 delicious Carrots, 2,000 Blanching, nutty Celery, .2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce. 1,000 splendid Onions. 1,000 rare, lascious Radishes. 1,000 gloriously brilliant Flower?. In all over 10,000 plants-this great offer is 7uade-to"getyou to-test their warranted .vegetable seeds and ALL FOB BUT 16C. POSTAGE. providing you will return this notice, and if von wdl send them 20c. in postage, they will add to the above a package of the fa mous Berliner Cauliflower. [A.C.L.] The United States mint at San Fran cisco is the largest institution of the kind in the world. An Untimelr iieatli. An untimely death so often follows neg lect of slight cough or cold. If Taylor's - Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mul lein is taken in time it will prevent any evil results. It cures coughs, colds and consumption. At druggists, 25c., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. Ninety-eight per cent, of the 50,000 blind of Japan support themselves by practising \ massage. known as a poetess and elocu tionist, of Lexington, Ky., tells how she was cured of uterine inflammation and ovaritis by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. " DEAR MRS. PESKHAM :-For years I enjoyed the best of health and thought that I would always do so. I attended parties and receptions thinly clad, and would be suddenly chilled, but I did not think of thc results. I caught a bad cold' eighteen months ago while men st ru atina-, and this caused inflam mation of the vromb and congested ovaries I suffered excruciating pains and kept getting worse. My attention w?s called to your Vegetable Com pound and the wonderful cures it had performed, and.I made up my mind to try it for two months and see what it wonld do for me. Within one month I felt much better, and at the close of the second I was entirely well. '* I have advised a number of my lady friends to use it, and all express themselves as well satisfied with thc results as I was." - Miss ROSE NORA HENNESSY, 410 S. Broadway, Lexing ton, Ky. - S5000 forfeit If original of above let Ur proving genuineness cannot be produced. "I And Cascareis so good that I would not be without them. I was troubled a crcnt deal with torpid liver and headache. Kow since taking Cascarots Candy Cathartic 1 feel very much hotter I shall certainly recommend them to my friends as the best medicine I have ever seen." ?ana Basinet, Osborn Mill No. 2, FAU Biver, Hats. Pleasant. Palatuble, Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken or (?ripu. lile. 23c. f0<\ Nrvci ?old in bulk. Tho camino tablet Stamped COO. Guaranteed to caro ur your rnoney back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago cr N.Y. box ANNUALSALF, TEH BUM BOXES rUPAXS TABULES are tho bert dys rxv.ia. ji'edldno lem ando. A hua drixl mlWoii30i thea 1 ano been rold in H singlo year. Constipation, heart burn. nek headache, aialncsa. bad breath, core throat and every Ulncss origin? from a constitutional treatment. Hall's CatarriiCdre is taken inter nally, aetingdirectiy upon thc Mood and ma cons surfaces of thesystem. thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and giving tho patient strength hy building iq) thc con stitution and assisting nature iu doiug its work. The proprietors have so mach faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars fornny wise that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Toledo. 0. Hold by Druggists, 75c\ Take Hall's Family Pills for consnpatiou. Steam launches with glass bottoms are now at Hie service of those who wish lo view the marine growth about Catalina Island, Cal. FITS permanently cured. No dis or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve lies toror.--2 trial bottlcohd treatise tree Dr. B.H.KLTXg;Ltd.,,981 Areli St..I,hiia..Pa The people of the United .States eat up $150,00(1,000 worth ol' candy in a year. SO Bushel-; 'Pleuro ni AV li eat Ver Aero. " Introduced by thc U. S. Dept. of Agr. It is a tremendous cropper, yielding in cood land SO bu. per acre, and on dry. arid land*, such a* arc found ia Mont.. Idaho. Hie Dakotas, Colo., etc., it will yield from 4') lo CO bu. This Wheat and Spelt? ?ml Mn una Hailey and Bromus Tncrmis and Billion Dollar Grass, makes it possible lo grow and fatten hogs and cattle wherever foil i.? Found. JUST SKXD IOC. ANO TIMS NOTICE ia the John A. Saker Sr cd Co.. La Crosse. Wis., ami they will send you free a sample ot" this Wheat and other farm seeds, to gether with their prent c?talo?, alone SlOn.OO lo any wide-awake farmer. [A.C.L.I A nun forsakes the evil of hi.? ways, not because he has grown ?rood! hui bet?nn*c be luis grown tired and dyspeptic. Une Altan'* Foot-lin?c It is the only cure for Swollen. SmuriliJS. Tired, Aehlng/llot. Sweating Feet,Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's b'oot-Ease, a powder lo be shaken into th?* shoes. Cures while you walk. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores,25c. Don't accept any substitute. Sample sen: FitKF. Address.AUen s. Olmsted, Lehoy. N.V. Jlrs. \Y I uslo w's Soo thing Syrup for children teething,soften the gums, reducesInilnmma Ifon allays pnin.cureswind colic. 25e. abott Je Spain is getting to be a great source of supply for buh consumed in langland. s'nlzer's Karlie*! Calif. Another new Hiing. Can be cut six liincs during u season and sprouts again with lightning rapidity. Next to Saker's Toolillie it will make more (?reen fodder than anything else, cheap as dirt and grows everywhere. Of Saker's Renovator Grass Mixture, just thc thing for dying out pastures and meadow*, Mr. E. Rappel d. East Park, (bi., writes. "I sowed Seizer's Gras? Mixture or. soil 'so poor two men could not mi*e a fuss on it.' and iii forty-one days after sewing I had thc grandest stand ot grass in the county. Saker's Crass Mixtures BC-rottt quickly and produce enormously. 10),niJ!) barrels choice Seed Porn toe*. SALZlClt's KEW JfATIOXAt OATS. Here is a winner, a prodigy, a marvel, enormously prolific, strong, healthy, vigor* ms, producing in thirty States from 150 lo 300 bu. per acre. Von lind best sow a lol. of it. Mr. Fanner, iu 1094, and in thc fall sell it to vour neighbors at SI a bu. for seed. [A .C. Ll_ Every heart bas its secret, sorrow which the world known not: and oftentimes we e.til a man cold when he is only sad. I do not behove Fido's Cure for Consump tion has unequal foreoughs and colds.-JOHN F.hoVKii, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15,1900. Belfast is the great tea drinking city ol' the United Kingdom. Yea ran do your dyeing in hall an hour with PUTNAM KA DI: LI: SS DYES. Cordilf export 12.00(1,000 Ians of coal a year, Newcastle about tyXKy.KK). i8 Army Ga?erais Brigadier-General King.o f Confederate Army. Writes: "I unhesitatingly slate that I am convinced Perlina is a medicine that will effect all thc cures that is claimed for its use."-J. Floyd King, Washington, D. C. General Smalls, Beaufort, S. C., Writes: "1 have tuted Ponina for catarrhal trouble, and find it beneficial and to bc all that it promises, and freely give it my un qualified recommendation.''--Robert S lalls. General Abbott, of Washington, D. C., Writes: "I am fully convinced that your remedy Ponina is an excellent tonic. Many of my friends have used it with thc most beneficial results for coughs, colds and ca tarrlml trouble."'-Ira C. Abbott, DOO M St., ST. W., Washington, 1). C. Captain Yarnell, of "Washington, D. C., Write*: ""lour medicine, Ponina, I believe to bc the best medicine for catarrh on the market. I have taken only a small amount and can .see very beneficial results."-W. G. Yarnell. 2322 Lincoln St., JU. E., Wash ington, D. C. General McBride, of TI. S. A., Writes: "I have no hesitation iv recom mending Peruna to all persons -.vho are af flicted with Katarrhal troubles."-J. D. McBride, 450 Pennsylvania Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. General Longstreet, of the Confederate Army, Writes: "I can testify lo the merits of To runa, both as a torii? and a catan-h rem edy. Peruna enjoja the greatest reputa tion as a catarrh remedy of any medicine yet devised."-Janies Longstreet, Gaines ville, Ga. General Noske, of 0. V. TJ.. Writes: "[ commend Peruna to those who are troubled with colds producing catarrh as a most efficacious cure and as a good general tonic."-Chas. F. Noske. 213 B St.. N. W., Washington, D. C. General Erwin's Recommend. "Many of my friends have used Peruna as a dyspepsia remedy with the most bene ficial results."-John B. Erwin, Washing ton, D. C. Brig.-General Schell Benefited. ''Peruna is indeed a wonderful tonic, ?ind for coughs and colds I know of nothing better;"-F. M. Schell, Washington, D. C. General Bufiielcl, of the Union Army. Writes: "I have used Ponina ?ri my family and have found jfc a valuable medicine, ?md take pleasure in recommending it to ull who suffer from catarrh of the stomach or who require a tonic of efficiency."-The Cairo, Washington, D. C. Factory Loaded Smo! It's not sentiment - it's nd most intelligent and success; Factory Loaded Shotgun S give. It's their entire reliabil uniform shooting. Winchei cd with smokeless powder, s the market. Winchester " E smokeless powder are cheap Try either of these brands a: Be sure to get Winches il i THE SMELLS THE C I ^-iS (INCORPORATED) CAPITA jr.* STOCK 900.000.00. i Kinlock*-- 'Ahe n you think of ??in? ott rn school, I wrlbi for College Journal and Sr.cclal ( (Ter of the j leadingBuMnttS and Shorthand school*, Adilreja i KIXC'S 1U1?XKM COLLEGE. Haleigh, 17; C.. or Charlotte, X. C. (We also teach Book ! iit>ciilii,<;r Shorthand. Etc., hy moll] IT MAKES EVERY DA.' COVt?T ?s weat barn mx IKI IMO***. ? fc\ ?a..-?tiiw. /? 1? vit! not nppt, yo?. IM? f*r p*tct t?i tf JUcltn. Sida. ItaO. Korti ?Mtn. Odds and Ends. The aggregate area of the new pos sessions of the United States, which includes the Philippine Islands. Ha waiian Islands, Porto Rico, Isle of j Pines. (West Indies.) Guam Island and Tutnila group. Is 154,470 square j mi'es. or 9S,Sfi0.S00 acres. Several dispensary constables were j co ?victcd in Columbia last Saturday of ! assault, on charges brought by Wei j tere Bros.. alleged illicit dealers in i 1 in.nor. The assault was committed with .pistols and the ostensible object ot it was to intimidate the tigers. Sickle. 311 Ulli RESTORED TO HEALTH. Many weak, suffering women do not j know that- their kidneys are sick, j Backache tells of sick kidneys, and so tlo urinurr disorders. Sick kidney:, make bad blood, and bad blood makes bad digestion, heart palpitation, diz zy headaches, nervous- j ness, sleeplessness, sci atica, rheumatic pains and constant depres sion. Can't be restored to health until (lie kid II vs M i'e cured. Read how one woman was restored by using Donn's Kidney Pills: Mrs. H. A. Van \vc, S. W.. Roanoke. Vu., says: "Kidney trouble was heredi tary in our family, and I had been so continually afflicted with the disease thal I llegan to despair of even tempor ary relief. Sometimes 1 .suffered so se verely that 1 was confined to my bed. The aching in my buck was intense, and thc kidney disorder caused an ex cess of uric acid in my blood which im paired my digestion. I was compelled lo deny myself of many of the little dep'.-neies of diet. The doctors diag IIOMHI my case as congestion of the kid neys. I had about given up hope when I liegan using Donn's Kidney Pills, but I took only a few doses when their curative powers were proven to my satisfaction. I have never been with out them iu the house since." Doan's Kidney Pills are sold by all dealers: price. i>0 cents, or malled on receipt of price by Fosler-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.T. Write for free trial. ? i Send Letters of End General Butler, of South Carolina, Writes: "I can recommend Peruna for! dyspepsia and stomach trouble. I have | been using your medicine for a short pe riod and I feel very much relieved. It is indeed a wonderful medicine besides a good louie."-M. C. lintier. Brigadier-General Kirby Write*: "I can recommend Peruna to ail those who are afflicted with catarrh." General 1). T. Kirby, Washington, D. C. Gen. Powell, Hecker Post No. 443, Writes: "After using one bottle of Peruna I became convinced of its curative quali ties, and continued its use to date. All symptoms of catarrh have disappeared, ye1 I continue ita moderate use as a preventive and an old man's tonic.'"-W. H. Pow.ll, Belleville, Jil. Gen. Sebring, of the Confederate Army, Writes: "I can cheerfully recommend your valuable remedy Peruna as a very excellent tonic, and also good for coughs, colds, ca tarrh and general debility.'"-W. H. Se bring. 133 W. 4th St., Jacksonville, Fla. General Lu max, of Washington, D. C., Writes: "I can cheerfully recommend your remedy as a permanent and effective cure for catarrh, colds and lo any one who needs an invigorating tonic to build up their system."-L. L. Lumax, l?03 19th St., Washington, D. C. Gen. Payne, of "Washington, D. C., Writes: "I join with my comrades in rec ommending Peruna to my friends as aa in vigorating tonie lo build up the system."-| Gen. Eugene li. Payne, 407 4th St., X. W., Washington, D. C. General Talley, of Pa., Vol. U. S. A., Writes: "Your Peruna has been used by me and my friends as a relief for catarrhal troubles with the most beneficial results. I am so convinced of the efficacy of Peruna that I do not hesitate to give it my recom mendation.''-Wm. Cooper Talley. 713 D St.. N". E., Washington. IX C. (eless Powder Shells. t the price - that makes the Ful shots shoot Winchester hells. It's the results they ity, evenness of pattern and iter "Leader" shells,load ire the best loaded shells on Repeater" shells loaded with in price but not in quality, nd you will be well pleased, ter Factory Loaded shelia. NAttPIONS SHOOT. The flavor of TOBACCO may be in jured by the use of stable and rank organic manures. in the form of sulphate produces an improved flavor and a good yield. Tobacco must have Potash. Our liul? book, ''Tobacco Callare," con tains much valuable information, and every tobacoi grower car. ob:ain a copy free <>( charge by writing fur it. GERMAN KALI WORKS i New York-1)3 .Siusan Street, or ? Atluntu. <;u.-VJ:j So. Broad S;. and Vcgetablo Seeds In the World. Our Prices range from 60 cenls io $1.50 per pound, and no bolter seed is found on earth. How to grow 1,20 0 bushels Catons per acre with each ounce order. Catalog ic, for pc.URO. I. Salzer Seed Co., u ??l5"? lent styl ti, * titting, a ii il /.' dor wearlii? ties, achieved )'-*:r?? ? 111 WM W. fi. Douglas shoes have by their excellent style easy-littin; superior qualities, the largest unie ot" any shoes in tito world. They aro just as good as tlioso that cost -. on SI to 85 - the only difference is the price. Sold Everywhere. Look for name and price on bottom. SSgS??! Douglas uses Coronn fiSS&?\ V&S&C? C'olNlclu, A\ Ii !?.!? ls everywhere conceded t<> nettie finest Patent Leather vei ?irmlucetl. Fust Color Eytltta us?,t. Shnr>; b) iii.ill.2?c.extra. Write foi i'atalog. W.L.Douglas, Him Lion, ?lav>. 8Our Latest Im proved Cireu tar Saw Mills, Rgwlth Hebe's Universal LogBcams.Rectllln fiSoar. Simultaneous Sot Worksand the Hea ggcook-Klug Variable Feed Works aro unex ?joalled for ACCURACY, SIMPLICITY. DURABIL (ITT AS!) EASE OK Ol'KBATION". WrltC for full ?descriptivo circulars. Manufactured by thc ?SALEM IRON WORKS.Wlnston-Salein.K.C.i HMMaBHBaBMMaMMH CURED G i V 2 s Ou? ck Relief. Removes ol? swelling in S to 20 days ; effects a permanent cure in 30 to 60 days. Trial treatment given free. N?thingcan be faircx Write Dr. K. H. Green's Sons. Soeclallsts. Cox D Atlanta, 63. orsement to Remedy, Fe-ru-na. General Bigelow Cured. Gen. J. G. Bigelow, 151 C St., N. W.( Washington, D. C., writes: 'Peruna has made me well and it baa ?ven ine more than ordinary strength and pirit for work." Gen. O'Beirne, of Washington, D. C., Trites: ".As many of my friends and ac* uaintances huve successfully used your 'eruna as a catarrh cure, I feel that it is n effective remedy, aud I recommend it s such to those suffering from that disease s a most hopeful source of relief."-Jamen I. O'Beirne, 290 Broadwav. Washington, ). C. teneral Chase, Asst. Adj. Gen'l, G. A. E., Vrites: "Thc excellence of Peruna as a ure or relief for catarrhal disturbances is .ell established. Many of my friends have ery results from the use of Peruna, write t once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ?ent of your ease and he will be pleased to ?ve you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman. President of Thc la rt man Sanitarium, Colunrdi'i*.?0. To those who have suf fered long and hopelessly from Humors of the Blood, Skin, and Seal jv, and who have lost faith in doctors, medicines, and all things human, CUTI CURA Soap, Ointment, and Pills appeal with a force hardly to be realized. Every hope, every expec tation awakened by them has been more than ful filled. More great cures of Simple, Scrofulous,and Hereditary Humors are daily made by them than by all other Blood and Skin Remedies combined, a single set, costing but one dollar, being often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails. Sold IhTouehout th? wo'.d. Cutlwra Ruolrent. Me. (in form ol Choeo'.tle Co-y.r? TV.lt, Mc. per T1?1 of CO), blutnva'.. ?h.-.. Soir. 'V. l)?pot?i London. 27 Ch*.rt?r hots? Sq. : Pt.r!i, i Kat ?t '.i Pli* ; Bollon, 1S7 Colcmbai A\c. Jvtter Pru;* 5. Cl?*:.i Corp.. So!? Trop?. fB~ Stsd 'or '. Ai! About :he Skin md Sc?Jp." ggPSIOOII ?ASELIME fe (PUT UP IS COLLAPSIBLE TUBES) J A substituto forana superior to mustard or tj.auv other plaster,and will not blister the S mon delicate skin. Thopain-aUayingand gcurativcqualitiesof Ihlsarticlearowondcr jjful. lt will stop thc toothucheatonce.and J relievo headache and sciatica. Wo rcrom Rmendilas tho best and safest external Scountc-irrlta nt known, also asan external jj remedy for pains in tho chest and stomach MandaHrhcumatic.ncuralRicandgoutycom ? plaints. A trial will provo what we claim g tor it, and it wlllbel'oandto bo invaluable gin the household.Manypcoplosay'MttBtho Sbestof all of your preparations." Price is Hgt s.. at all druggists or other dealers, or by F sending thisamounttousinpostageatampi B wo will sonrl yon u tubo by mail, ho article B should be accepted by tho publicunlces the t "anio cn fries ou r label, a s ot herwi so 11 i B not g genuino. CHeS5RR0UaH MFG. CO., 17 S tato Street. NEW XORK CITT.J ^-T-ir i ? -a- ?"? ?JMuiMuixium.?? The DeLoach Patent Varlabi? Friction Feed Saw Mill with 4 h. p. cuts 2,000 feet per day. AU sizes and prices to suit. DcT.onch Shingle Mills Edgers, Trimmers. Planers; Com and Bohr Mills, Water Wheels, Mills.-Wood Saw?. Our handsome new Catalog will interest 101.. DeLoacb Mill Mfg. Co.. Box 834, Allant-, Ca.