Edge!i?ld Advertiser J. X. HIMS, - - - EDITOR mFOBMATM. . Subscription Price-S'nt to any address for one y~. i- 1.50; for -?x m on tbs. 76c; for three months, 50c, Payable in advance. Ka ces for Advertising-One inch first "nsertion, $1.00; each subsequent insertion, 50c. Want Notices, one cent per word, each insertion. Other local .lotices, ten.cents per line for first m .??rtion; five cents per line for each subseauent insertion. Obituaries and Tributes of Respeot, Notices of Thanks, and all personal notices of a political nature, are charged for as regular ad vertisements. Liberal contracts made for three, six, and twelve months Write for terms. THE ADVERTISER, Edgefield, S. C. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13,1904. If, through favorable condition?, the farmers of the south are BO fortunate, or unfortunate, if you please, as to make all of the cotton that they are planning to make during the year 1904, the fleecy staple will go begging at five cents per pound next fal!. The legislatura of South Caro lina convened on yesterday. What will be done,' or what of the last session's, doings will be undone, remains to be seen. Certain it is, however, that the benefits accruing to the people will not be commen surate with the cost of a forty-day session. The entire country is becoming alarmed over the boll weevil pest. The national congress has appro priated $250,000 to be used in en deavoring to check tho.ravages of this little insect, which, ento mologists say, is as much an im possibility as it would be to exter minate the house fly. The Edgefield ADVERTISER last week passed its eixty-ninth mile post in life's journey. Though the pap^r h.'?s> be^n j?oV?l?pb-d ij.intirY UOU?lly eli.CH 1335 ll ?how . of old ag*?. Th, ;v edi Mr. J. L. Mime, i> k-j-it.* h? ADVERTISER up to . g??.?l st.?. :?ru and we hope the citisfcii* <>f oj,J Edgefield Appreciate bis wr-fc mud will do ?ben part towal" i* k . hi? life in th?' ADVERTISER.-BM?H> burg Adv?cate. . The supreme court of Nebraska has decided that dealing in op tions in grain is gambling,.and that a. Nebraska speculator who $10,000 given to a Chicago broker We would like to see a ruling from the supreme court of Sou*.h Caro lina as to dealing in cotton fu tures. There is a play entitled "The Texas Steer" that ?B now appear ing before I he footlights with in creased popularity. When the Democrats electa president this summer and Mr. Roosevelt whose sobriquet is the "Bronco Buster"-finds himself out of a job, he could doubtless secure t he leading part in "The Texas Steer," in which role he would be a star performer. It is quite probable that farm ing lands will now greatly increase in value. The high price of cot ton hz3 somewhat demoralized the cotton manufacturing industry, while, on the other hand, it has rendered farming more profitable. This is causing many white people to leave the towns and cities to take up their abode again on the farms. The rehabilitation of the rural districts is the crying ueed of the day. Our esteemed contemporary, the Edgefield ADVERTISER, has entered its 69th year. A long and honor able career it has had. With Bro. Mime at the helm it is brighter than ever; its columns are just running over PO to sDeafc, with sparkling news aud adv< rtise ments. Indped, our contemporary is like good wine-?t improves with age. May ft celebrate its 138th anniversary, and may Bro. MimV be at the celebration.-Barnwell! Sentinel. Many gallant Confederate gen erals fell in the forefront of battle, and, death being no respecter of persons, many others, like those who wore no epaulettes, have suc cumbed to the great Destroyer du ring the thirty-odd years that have elapsed since the old muskets were lain down and swords returned to their scabbards. Only ten days ago ^General Longstreet passed over tho river, and on Friday-last the gallant General John B. Gor don, the commander-in-chief of the United Confederate Veterans, died at his winter home in Miami, Fla. The passing of this great leader of men, in peace as well as in war, has caused profound sor row not -only in Georgia, bis be loved native stafe, but throughout thy entire south. Liejt. Gen. Stephen D. Lee has assumed com mand of the U. C. V. Senator Tillman ?truck the key note of tho Democratic situation when he stated in bis letter last week to the Pennsylvania De.no ovate in convention at Philadel phia: '.The two wings of the part) must 'flap together' if we are to make any progresB. We mus1 ignore past differences on matter* of policy, but no candidate can succeed who is obnoxious to the south and west, just as no candi date has succeeded who was ob noxious to the eas*. We must find a man who can com m ah cl the re spect and loyal support of all patriots, and with such a man we will win because the times are threatening, and all conservative men without regard to party, will support such a candidate." JOHNSTON. JOHNSTON, S. C., ) Jan: 11,1904. \ Correspondence to the ADVEKTIBBE. The coldest woather of the sea son was experienced here on Tues day. The sudden changes and continued dry weather is unpre cedented and grain looks unusual ly poor. Our oil mill.propoBes to have a well several'hundred feet deep. The rise in cotton seed is bring ing a large quautity to the mill. A mu away mule on Tuesday last threw Mr. Ben Smith from the wagon breaking bis 1 % also ran against another wagon and broke the axle. On Wednesday last Mr. aud I Mrs. James White entertained a large number of their friend* at a dining in honor of Mrs. Harriet Kenney, it being her'birth day. All uuited in the verdict of a charming time. Mrs. Angeline Bacon was ona of the guests, and a more youthful, or pleasanter woman one seldom greets. Her re miniscences of the past, up-to-date opinions of the present, and car ing peeps into the future, prove' I very entertaining. The ladies of the W- M. Society as is usual set apart this?week for prayer aud self denial. ? The meet ings were well attended and full of int*?r?>8t. F-OTO envelope* op*?n I . .1 . . F, ... ... . R. . ($3* 9?. , . wi g io iii *??ek uf ,.ra r . X'R.V Co .? ut rv -'.Mun pu . ?* ; ivU ?. ??'1 ir: . ..|*if ; M rr. Job.i iv. v. T?;:- VV. 0. T. ! U., wi; ,-.:aii roeet wri.fi Mrs. Ivcy ou Moud y. y r6. JhOiHS White left town Friday to be presrut at th>.\ marri age of Miss Mary Alice White to Mr. Jno. Smith of the firm of Smith Bros., at Saluda. burg is visiting Mrs. James Rich ardson. Assessment Notice. AUDITOR'S OFFICE, } EDGEFIELD, S. C. j This office will be open to receive re turns ot personal property for taxa tion from the 1st day of January to the 20th of February following. All transfers of Real Estate made since hist year's assessment must be noted on the return-stating number of acres, from whom bought, or to whom sold. The Township Ausessorsare respect fr Hy requested to meet me at tbe ap pointments for taking tax returns in their respective townships, and they are also required to make tax returns for all t hose who fai I to make their own within tbe time prescribed by ?aw, that the legal 50 per cent penalty be added for their failure to so do. All male citizens between the age? of 21 and 60 years, except ex-Confeder ate soldiers over 50 years of age, and those incap able of earning a support from being maimed or from any other cause are deemed taxable polls. All persons owning property or hav ing control of sncb as husband guar dian, executor, administrator, |or in any fiduciary capacity aro requirep to are required to .return the same for taxation, and upon their failure to do so 50 per cent penalty will be add to tbe valuation of al)?such property. For the convenience of tax-payers I or my representative will be at the fellowing places on the dates mention ed to receive tax returns; Trenton, Thursday Jan. 28th Arthur Herrings, Friday M 29th Johnston, Saturday " 30th Elmwood, Monday Feb. 1st . Pleasant Lane, Tuesday " 2nd W Y Quarles', Wednesday " 3rd Lon gm i res, Thursday " 4tb Plum Branch, Friday K 6th Parksville, Saturday " 6th Modoc, Monday " Stb Clark's Hill, Tuesday * 9th W Cbeatbam's, Wednesday " 10th Roper's X Roads, Thursday u 11th Collier. Friday " 12th Red Hill, Saturday " 13th At Edfj.-lield to f>b>nary20th. .I.B. HALI I WAN .EH, < oontv Auditor. MORPHINE. A Wonderful Discovery That Cures Morphine, Lauda num, Opium Cocaine and Other Drug Habits. Trial Treatment Sent Free. It is no fault of the ordinary practicing physician that they aie not able to cure the awful curse of drug habit. A great many able physicians are a victim to this ter rible disease. It is no ordinary disease and cannot be cured by any ordinary drugs or methods of treatment. It has remained for us to perfect p. wonderful treat ment that will cure any case of drug addiction know . It matters not how or when you got the habit, or how much drug you are using, we guarantee an absolute cure without pain or dehnt ion from business. Do you want to be cured ? If so write us today for free trial treatment. Strictly con fidential correspondence from all, especially physicians sc 1 ici ted. Addre6R, Manhattan Theraneulic. Association, Dep't B., 1135 Broad way, New York City. When you can't eat break fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for aH who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. Bc iure that tab picture In thc form o? . libel ia ea thc wrapper of every bottle of Emuiiion you buy. scon & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St, N.Y. 50c and 911 all drajjUte. BRUTALLY TORTURED. ? case cante to light that for persistent and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equaled. Joe Golobick of Colusa, Calif, writes. "For 15 years I endured insufferable pain from Rheuma tism and nothing relievpd rr?* : T KISTOS K ..<.. ir TV . !. Anyone sending a sketch and description ram ulckly ascertain our opinion free whether m~ tventton 19 probably patentable. Communion .onsntrlctlyconfldentlal. Handbook on Patenta .?mt freo. Oldest agency for securing patents. . Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive ttclal notice, without charge, lu tho ? Scientific American. . iiandsomely Illustrated weekly. Irrtest cir "illation of any scientlflc Journal. Terms. $3^ roar: four months, (L. Sold by all newsdealers. ^SUNN & Co.36,B'oadwa' New York Branch Office. 625 F St- Washington. D. C NO PITY SHOWN. "For years tnte was after me con tinuously" writes F. A. Gu ledge Verbena, Ala. "'I had a ter.ibln on BB of Piles causing 24 tumors. Wheu all failed Buckan'? Arnica Suive cured me. Equally guod fur Burns md all aches a^d pains. Only 25c at THE PENN DRUG STORE. I ofter for aa e my resid ncr 'L?t .s uuw occupied ny jirs ?. A. Morral!. There are 17 acres of land, on which there is a good residence, garden, well, barn aud stables and two servant' houses, ail iu good repair. For termB and furthur in formation apply to 0. SHEPPARD. \ We \ THE SOUTHERN STA' I FERTILIZER COI s TEE AUGUSTA El $ P. AND F. GUAAO. t AMODIA TED DI SS t ALL GRADES OF A J KAI NIT AND NIT ? NOW in ware house \ ERY. ? Give us a call \ buy your FERT iJONES STOCK ?nd POULTRY MEDICINE Stock and poultry have few troubles which art not bowe! and liver irregularities. Black? Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine ii a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It putt the organs of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving them aa occa sional dose of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine ia their food. Any atock raiser mar bay a 25-cent half-pound air-tight can of this medicine from his dealer and keep his stock ia vigorous health for weeks. Dealers gener ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medioine. lt youri doei not, lend 25 cent* for a sample can to the manufacturera, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. ?. _. lwa..#a?.amii8R. Maak-Dreaffes tto?k asl Frailty B ?41 sine U ta?. b?at 1 rrer tvUd. Ocr ?took waa lookdag k*4 vfcta yo? a?at - tat ?kt aaedloiM ead aow they mn setting to fla?. fkayareloftklBg;*) p?7Moi. bettor. ft. F. BBOOKXMOTO*. Thousands Hare Kidney Trouble ?nd Don't Know it. Bow To Mad Oat. Fill a bottle or common glas? with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours;' a sediment or set tling indicates an .unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen lt U evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back ls also convincing proof that the kidneys and Wad [ der are out of order. What to So. There ia comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in caring rheumatism, pain in tho back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of tho urinary passage, lt corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing lt, or bad effects following ute of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often ?urn.; the day, and to got vp many times during thc night. The mild and the sjrtra ordinary effect of Swunip-Root toon realized. It stands tho Inanest for tts won derful cures of the most distressing cases If you need a medicine you should lu ve the best. Sold by druggists tn SOc, and$i sizes. You may have a sample bottle * for them-when you can get au? thing you want from P. N. LOTT, Johuet >n, ii. C. The following are now ready f'?= de liv* rv being thoroughly *??aiurec bet?re being tagen up : Peaches, Pears, Plums, Apples, Mulberries, A ppr i co to, Paper Shell Pecana, Japan Walnuts, Strawber ries, Raspberries, Roses and Shrubbery. A postal card will get all the information you need as to prices terms, etc. HJH? HEART ?f?Uk?tm ?md Dtl?i MAB fftvi Faul. >P YOUR SYSTCM NOW. 1 quickly, effectively and without ?gestive organs. In fact, it will i better condition every way, for ?od of poisonous lactic and uric teumatism, kidney troubles, in ronic constipation and catarrh, leave one an easy prey to malaria DOd poison. It is not only the ifier, but hundreds of relieved : it does one thing that no other RHEUMATISM. OINTS FROM TH* INSIDE." .1 DRUQQI3TS. PANT'S GOODS. 9ff GK ADE GUANO, OL VED BONE, [CID, RATE OF SODA READY for DELIV Notice to Creditors. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, j EDGEFIELD COUNTY. ( In thc Probate Court. ' Albert P. Lott, et. al, Plantiff. against Mrs. M. A.Lott, et.al., Defendants. OX reading and filing the Complaint in the above entitled action and on motion of Sheppard Bros., Plaintiffs attorneys, it is ordered, that all ano singular the creditors of the estate cl Willin.n Lott, deceased, be, und thej are hereby required, to make proof o* their claims before the Probate J udjrr for Edgefield County, at his office ii the town of Edgefield, in said St ate, Oi or bef?rp the 28th day of January ?. D. 1904, or else b-? debarred paynien thereof. J. D. ALLEN, Dec. 31,1903. Probate J udge, E. C. Eye glasse* that /riv you Com fort. Geo. F. Minis, Optician. Large stock of Trunks, Valises. Rugs, Lap Robes, Etc. Get our Drices. RAMSEY & JONES. PHOTOGRAPHS IN LATEST FAL! AND WINTER STYLES Bring the Children and aged rela fives before wintei sets in. ^^Photographs fitted in Locket* and Buttons. P.. H. MI MS. ToCu?tcA Colo IN ONS DAY Take Laxtive Bromo Quinine Tablet? All druggist* refund the money ifjii fails to cure. W. Grove's signa ure on each box. 25 cents. Ehginesand Boilers, ano eins GET OUR PRICES. Complete Cotton, Saw, Grist, On and Fertilizer Mill Outfits, Gin. Pres> Case Mill.and Shingle Outfits. PullcMr g. J rif^f t. Fm?rj. Fir? and Railroad Castirgs. Railroad, >* i Ma*?ri?Tti?rp' anrl Puctnrjp Supplies. ? : . Sh".v 4 :': . .. f?$ J' Hf"?! ?* ir - E v er y thin ofDECEI W E have the GOODS am During the last few months my t ? the History o Surely There : TE Every effort has been made tog) the best I wish to say that I am very s that I shall always < Come right along and Itt ui sell CLOTHING. SHOES, You Should & DRESS All the nuweht things in WOOL to pie; Organdies for the ball dresses 72 Table Linens in very handsom Spread your Xmas dinner on ont CLOTHING-I sell the famo haye eyer worn one of these SUI jgiVSee them before buying. SHOES-AU kinds of shoes for time to buy shoes, and this is thc HATS"ET?rythlar that ii uaw le JUA NOTIONS-Oar HBO of Nations (ac S aipandera il Tarjr complete. ANY OF THE ABOVE MAI If there is anything in our line tl te show you and will say that you a cause you look. B FRESH B. L. JONI Livery and EDG FIE WE have abom 25 head of MULES in our ables uovr Stock in a few day a. WE will have in our Stabl 65 and 75 head of HORSES heavy supply of them thr< spring ppsson. Prices range WE do not handle weston ha?dle the very best Btock tl buy for all round BOU them u WE buy direct from the southern market on prices ai tensive experience in the hoi capable of buying stock that tiona of life. So people will ? pay for from us. We have on hand now seve horses that can show a 2.20 f B. L. J< Stables rear of Court ora, CHICHESTIrVa CN a Ll OM PENNYROYAL 9 _?*v Original and Owly Senatae. t>? i* CHICEUSSTER'S ENGLISH L in KED and Ovid mrtallU koitt. .uitd willi bis? ribbon. Take ae otter. Befaa? Daaccroaa Safeetila?aaa aaa 1ml?f Uan?. Buj or j.or Dra?iM. ?r tend 4c ll 'tra, Taitf MaH ter PaHlaalara, 1 ?od Tttllef fer Led IM," ta U?Mr, bj re. tan Mail. !.,#.. TteUttjoUlt. Mt) THE BANK OF EDGE Fl FLO EDCEFIELD S. C. State and County Depository DIRECTORS J. C. SHEPPARD, W. W.ADA Mb, J. H. BOUKN1GHT, J. A. BENNETT, J. M. COBB. B. S. HOLLAND, A. S. TOMPKINS, C. C. PULLER* W.H. PRESCOTT. OFFICERS .I. C. SHEPPARD, President W. W. ADAMS, Vice-president. E. J. MIMS, Cashier. J. H. ALIEN, Ass't Cashier Pays interasr on deposit? bj special ontract. Money to loan on liberal terns. Prompt and polite attention ta bus:? uss?. YOUR Accourt* Solicited INSURANCE*""0"' When placing your Insur ance five ma a call. I rep resent a wy stroaf lisa of ITIRE; - - - Insurance Com pac i OP; also' Agent for tb? Nt-w Yark IVIITJE: - . - Insurance Co. I will appro prec?ate a sfcas* of your bus iness. 1 can be found at soy oiice-OSk? No. j-..???r?B?*k o>f Jame? 1\ MIMS g. C. SMITH, Surgeon Dentist, EDO-EKBLD. S. O Teeth Extracted without Pai?. Fourteen Yea? Ezperienc?. Office over Post Office . . 0 71fc ?tfMlf Augusta, Q^.. V ??3 FRFE EYE TE8TS for all deiVrtr rfrfrV?!? J'iv ptwpar jglaaatM afc?. W> ? r?? "nile jm> m ? \ ; ? l-ft !f ysr. s w'^Dt ?rit* lg* 1? ^ady for VIBER i the PRICES are B.fOHT. rade has been larger than befor? in . my Ri.s'rif'Si. is a Reason for ns et the best, and to sell tba best for MONEY. grateful for tte support given, and endeavor to please you. you a'l you need in DRY GOODS, HATS, and NOTIONS. >ee Our Line of GOODS GoODS are her?, and will be sure ase yuu. inches wide at. Mets. ie patterns at Wets, 76e. and $1 00. ! of tbose us -Soper V CLOTHING. If yo? Td you wil ! woi r no other. ' all kinda -A paopla. Now is the place. We guarantea satisfaction. tTS. ba? Ti gt, UnndkarckJ.fB, Dailiaa, Tow?!?. VENICE XMAS PRESENTS. bat you need we shall be vary glad ire undar no obligations to buy be espectfully, C- E. MAY. 1 ----nriiiiiiii mir SHIPPED IND T4 38 & SONS, Sale Stables, ?IiD, S. Z. ' tr sh shipped HORSES and an i wil: have another car of es the 1st of January between and MELES,and will carry a mgbout tbe entire fall and from $25.00 $250.00 per head, i or unbroken stock, we will lat money aud experience can se.' producer and challeuge any jd quality. We have had ex se business and think we are will snit people in all avoca always get what they buy and ?ral head of extra nice driving fait any day. DNES & SON. House. . ?V Grove1 E. hos stood tba test 25 year bottles. Does ti& record < Badoaod with avary kV ?CORNER STORE'SI I STRAIGHTFORWARD CXJT PRICE LACE AND EMBROIDERY SALE thc past week, has been fully up to its expectations and WA wish to inform the fact that ovary dollar's worth of Roods bought at the CORNER ?TORS takes|with it, tts unwritten guarantee of satisfaction, (be tbe price little or moon.) If something should happen during ninetcen-four, don't pass it up io silence but tell us your tronblei and we'll make everything right and square, that jou can again speak of us in hearty friendship. Wo want your custom. All we can get of it. . . CONSEQUENTLY THE SALE CONTINUES THROUGH THE COMING WEEK. And to all big and small, will be given tbat interest and attention that will insure to you complete satisfacci?n, Remember We intend every dealing you have with us, shall be so right and fair that with the going out of nineteen-four you will r* feel glad to say to inquiring friends, that the CORNER STORE ii 8TRAIGHT?WABD AND WILL RIGHT ALL WRONGS. Respectfully, W- t?- TURRER, Proprietor. Wagons Buggies FURJSTITTJRE Lar^o ShipmentB-of the best makes of wagon! abd buggies just received. Our stock of furniture, housofurnishings is complete. A Largo stock. COFFINS and CASKETS. always on hand. All calls for our Hearse prompt ly responded to. All goods sold on a small mar-. ?, gin of profit. Call to see me, I will save you money. '_ . . . t 'e> sT e W T 0 Je> . sj ? sj . 'e> ?' | | i .1 Li i y .I??3Cls x? ??SE ? T. \ \ 3 :j oi?o. r\ COBB Johnston, South Carolina. Farrand Organs Thc Bese in the world. The Factory does three quarters of a million dollars worth of business a year. .V. , \ Quality rcons?b?rcd they a? tde CHEAPEST ORGANS made. Over fifty now in stock. Terms accommodat ing. Write me before buying elsewhere. Other magnifi cent organs in appearance at Forty-Five Dollars, with stool and box. Freight paid J. A. Holland, NINETY SIX, S. Ci''.' INSURANCE FIRE Insurance,HEALTH Insurance, ACCiDEN Insurance, Fidelity and Indemnity Bonds of all description issued. Your Business solicited. GRIFFIN & MIMS C. A. GRIFFIN. JC. J. Mim Office Over May & May's Store. % PLANTATION SUPPLIES* " I am prepared to save you mon?v on Stole and FancyJGR?CERIES.; ' Always get ray prices before buying. I represent SITH BROS., of AUGUSTA, GA., and cad sapply you with Gro- - eerie? at August Prices. Give me a call. Respectfully, E. S. JOHNSON ADVERTISER BUILDING CROSSETT ? HOE? 8 DORN Sc MIM8, ^ 5. Average Ased?ales ow Ce? art a ofsoi?a?nealtoyoe? No Cam, ??W fe a TabCot. a?thast vt Cravat Stock ReoHJwtfc