Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, December 30, 1903, Image 3

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Edenfield Advertiser WEDNESDAY, DEC. 30,1903. Fresh assortment of fancy cakes and cracker* just received. Try them. THE PENN DRUG STORE. Strangely Low Prices are going on iu Domestic and Staple Dry Goods at Cobb/s. School Supplies, Full Hue of School Bags, Slates, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Tablets, etc. \\\E. LYNCH ?fe Co. You can get Heinz's celebrated Pickles, Sauces, Salad dressing, etc., at THE PENN DRUG STORE. Dog Lost : On the streets of Edgefield on Saturday the 28th of November a white setter with brown spots, having a tail about 8 Inches loug. The dog responds to the name of "Cliff." The finder will be rewarded if the dog is re turned tu M. B. HAMILTON Waycros8, S, C, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING W hen you take Ci rove'9 Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay 50c. Let ?B furnish your house at a little cost. Solid Oak Suits, from $23 up, chairs from 50 cents up; and Solid Oak Rockers from $1.50 pp. RAMSEY & JONES. QUICK ARREST. J. A. Gulledge of Verbena, Ala., was twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles causing 24 tumors. After doctors and all remedies failed, Buck len's Arnica Salve quickly arrested further iu flamation and cured him. It con quers aches and .kills pain. 25c. at THE PENN DRUG STORE. Beautiful patterns in Table damask Bleached and Uubleaced. Prices very low at > _ C. E. MAY'S. School Bocks.* We are headquarters for al ] School Boaks ued r.i the pu bl ii school and at the S. C. C. I. Ou prices are right. W. E. LYNCH & Co. Jae. M. Cobb is showing some thing new and stylish in Ladies4 D ress Goods. "Fresh CURRANTS, RAISINS, CITRON, FIGS and CRANBER RIES at THE PENN DRUG STORE. Second-Hand School Books. We have good stock of second hand school books which we are selling at greatly reduced prices. W.E. LYNCH &CO. Large stock of Trunks, Valises, Rugs, Lap Robes, Etc. Get our prices. . RAMSEY & JONES. We want every lady to know that she can get the be?t of all the Christmas Delicacies at TEE PENN DRUG STORE. Jas. M. Cobb is headquarters for lovely winter White Goods and Flannels. "Gets at the joints from the in side/' tbat!s the method of cure by Rheumacide. You'll find it is| your druggist's pride. MADE YOUNG AGAIN. 4*Oue of Dr. King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens'-again*' writes D. H. Turner of Dempsey town, Pa. They're the best in the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at THE PENN DRUG STORE. Money toJLoan^ On improved town property and farms. I prefer farm loans. Apply to"'-'' v WM. P. CALHOUN, Edgefield,^S. C.? PHOTOGRAPHS IN LATEST FALL AND WINTER ? Y LES Bring the Children and aged rela tives before wintei sets in. ^^Photographs fitted in Lockets ar>d Buttons. R.-H. M IMS. FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS OF AL i KIND?,. "Roses, Evergreens, Nut Bearing I Trees and Plsuts for the. Flower) Yard, Now is the time to order. - * R. H. MiMSL . - HI THE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK, 805 Broad Street. W. 8. YOUNG, V - rvssidcn*. . J. G. WBIGIJ?, *.'. - ?* - Cashier \ SAVINGS ?CCOUTS SOLlClTElJ ' Interest Paid on Deposits. WQ Fill Your " ions Accurately and prompt ly day or night and use only the PUREST DRUGS. WE Solicit Your Prescription Trade . W. E. Lynch & Co Ti?man-Dugas. The last of the series of run riages iu Edge fir ld tb;.*, have the chief topic of conversation f some months oceurn d laatevenii at "Edgewood." The bride, Mi Lucy Dugas, is the eldest daught of the late "Dr. G^o. C. Dugao ai grand-daughter of Ex-Gcv.' Pic eusraud is a -beautiful and ve popular young lady, having by b amiable disposition and geut manner made lastiug frieude every one with whom she has mc The groom, Mr. B. R. Tillman, Ji toe eldest son of Senator Tillma is a young mau of striking persoi ality and is possessed of unusu mental attainments. He is graduate of Cle nson college, hi completed a course in law and uow private secretary to his fathe The Rev. Dr. Plunkett of Augm fa, a'personal friend of the groom family, performed tho ceremony. Mr and Mrs. B. R. Tillman, Jr we aro informed, will make thei home in Washington till Congres adjourns, after which time the will reside at "Edgewood." Lott-?llen. The home of Mr. J. fl. Allen, whic was ?raped and festooned thivughoi with exquisitely beautiful evergreen and all manner ot" ari isl ic decoration was tiie scene of the prettiest hom wedding Tuesday,, afternoon that ha ever been solemnized in Edgelleh the contracting parties being Mis Ettie Allen and Mr. William E. Lot both of Edgefleld. As the pea's of the wedding mareil which was so beautifully rendered b Miss Ethel Paj ne, a cousin of the brid? announced the arrival of the momea when diese t woyouug hearts and live should in God's provideo io longe remain twain but be mao i in th holy bonds of wedlock, V. 'Sciatin, minister, Rev. C. F. Bu. . pastor o the bride and a college-.nate of th groom, took Iiis appointed place in th parlor. In the order 'mentioned th following attendants marched ic taking their places on alternate side of the minister: Mr. J, R. Murphe; and Miss Zena Payne, Dr. A. H. Corie; and Miss Sallie Collet, Mr. G. I). Wal ker and Miss Eva Glo\er, Mr. Olaudi Lott and Miss .^ena Stevens, Dr. B. L Allen and Miss Ruth Cogburn, Mr Horace Cogburn and Miss Ellamay: Allen. Then followed Miss Lucili Mobley, maid of honor, and the groon on the arm of the best mari, Mr. M. R Wright, next came the beautiful brid? Ol! the arm of her brother, Mr. J. H Allen. In the presence of a large as serobage of admiring friends arie loved ones, and in the sight of God ant the angels Rey. C. E. Burts in an im pressive manner pronounced thp wurdi that made them roan and wife til death do them part. Said the immortal Pope: "Charms strike the sight and merit wins th< soul." So it is with the beauiifu blushing bride of yesterday. Not only h\s she descended from an honor ed ancestry of whom royalty would be iustly proud but during her residence in Edgefield for the past six years, as Miss Kffie Allen, she, by her charms of personality, charms of manner, charms of sylph-like and very graceful form, has heen admired by all ; however, h-?r persona) charms are eclipsed by the merif that has verily been a part of her daily lite. This genuine worth has won the admiration and esteem of the very souls of all, making her a universal favorite. The groom, one of Edgefield's progressive young men of sterling worth, is a worthy son of an honored, patriotic, generous, noble hearted father, whose name he bears. He is a graduate of Furman university and possessess rare business ability, being honortd and highly esteemed wherever be is known. The bride was attired MI a beautiful creation of cream voile, pearl trim mings, wearing a veil with orange c'ossoms.. The maid of honor \,as at tired in white wash chiffon with satin trimmings, w:hile the other brides maids were beco niiigly dressed .in street costumes. The-Bridevbore upon her arm nn exquisitely beautiful bou quet of ferns and roses, ber maids 'car rying holly. The many bande?me and very costly .?presents which Were received betoken (be nigh esteem ia which the happy couple are 1 eld.. -. , ., As soon afrer the ceremony as con gratulations were extended, well wish es and blessings bestowed," the bridal party left for' a drive to Johnston, where, at the home qr' the gr lom's mother, a sumptuous, wadding supper wis tendered Air.' and Mrs.' Lott. Thus ends the beautiful and happy occasion which marks the beginning of a life of matrimonial bliss. .,. A Beautiful Christmas Tree. No happier assemblage has ever been seen in Edgefield than that which gatheied ac the mill chapel on Eriday eveniug last, the occa sion being the distribution Of gifts from the Christmas tree that had lieeu prepared by the officers and teachers *6% the., union Suuday .School'.' The building was brilliant ly lighted aud well heated, conse quently no physical discymfort de tracted from the pleasure of any oue;; A well pr portioned holly ' tree had been mado fast to the plat form .'in one end of the room .jud' the* nartrral beauty of the tree waa enhanced by the brilliant or naments ? tid festooning of silver spray aud.?ord which glistened .ti the light of thrf multi-color ed wax tapers. The tree .upon which all eyeswe e fixed was furibr x adorned by nearly ti hundred beau-? tiful presente of all sorts, sizes, colors, and iu addition ta the pre sents was a pink bag of oonfeotions for each scholar, which was also ?tied-to the brauchen of the tree. The very devout aud cousecrated superintendent, Mr, Elijah Tim mcrman,Was master of ceremonies and opened tin ex3rcise3 by announcing an appropriate BOU? which was followed.by an earnest prayer..by Rev, T, P, Burgess,. .Tuen Rev. C E., Burts made a very brief, yet very appropriate, infor mal talk, which was enjoyed by all proseut. T?he climax was next reached when Sauta Claus and Mrs. Santa Claus, personated by Mr J. T. Dorn and Mr. C. W. Watson, respectively, entered, attired in ! very comic aud non-descript cos tumes.' The sight of these two, very otfd looking personages, each, of whornj performed h ia part per fectly, precipitated an uproar of laughter which lasted for many minutes. . . Noft the distribution qf t\\e pre sents' began. As Messrs.. W. i?. Covar and L. E. Jackson (hoth. of who'rn gave very material aid throughout) would out them down and read oqt the name ol the Sun day school scholur on "ach prudent old mun nnd old lady 8*nta Claus would c:my iliyui lo the owner. The gi ft,e. ?-. ere very A'iriely selected, ? amos I canes b-ing au artie'e of 8v>me int finic V/ilu?-,yei ?r-nv-thing that was calculated to delight thu i heart of Hie rrcipieut. ! The dispensary sales on Christ mas eve amounted to $1039.25. What about your New Year's resolutions ? Mr. J. Davis-May speut Christ mas with his sister, Mrs. P. .R. Wates,Jof Modoc. Miss Eva Glover, of Batesburg, is visiting relatives in Edgefield and attended the Lott-Alieu wed ding. Mr. Walter W. Wise, one of Trenton's leading young mer chants, was among the visitors in our city ou Sunday last. Mr. James W. Thompson lift yesterday for Wilmington, N. C., where he will spend a fortnight with his sister. Mr. W. H. Turner, in very ap propriate words extends the rea son's greetings to the patrons of the Corner Store. Read what he say e. Miss Fannie Brabham and Mr. B. Y. Proctor were married on December 23rd at. the home of the bride's father Rev. M. M. Brab ham, near Ninety Six. Mr. W. H. Dorn, after a year of very hard work, is spending sever al days resting and hunting and recreating geuerally et his father's home near Celestia. Mr. Lee Holmes, of Charleston, son of A. Baron Holmes of blessed memory, spent several days la3t week at the home of ' is uncle, Mr. John B. Hill. Little Miss Kathleen Glover, the pretty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Glover, is spending a part of her holiday vacation in Augusta with her aunt, Mrs. Dr. J. E. Green. Mr. and. Mrs. M. C. Parker, ac companied by pretty Miss Sallie Parke; and other membern of their family, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Garrett Talbert of Parksviile, on Saturday and Sunday last. The dance "which was given in the opera house on Iouday even ing by the Cotillion !ub has been pronounced a very brilliant suc cess. There were a number of young people from afar in atten dance. The Christmas treo given ut the residence of S. McG. Sicikins, Esq. for the children of the Episcopal Sunday school was a great success The very unique and beautiful tree, was designed and decorated by Mrs. Dr. P. W*. P. Butler. Mr. Frank Tompkins, who bolds a lucrative railroad position at Pittsburg, Pa., id visiting his brother, Dr. J. G. Tompkins. Be fore returning north Mr. Tompkins svili v!sit his sister, Mrs. John R. Tompkins, in Mobile. The young men say that Mr. Jas. B. Keuuerly will not in fu lure spend his summer vacations in Ninety Six as has been his wont for several years in the past. If you want to know why his plans have been changed asK Luke May. ' The white enamel that has been applied to the interior of the Bap tist'church has greatly improved its looks ard when tbe handsome uew carpet is placed upon the floor the appeaiance will besti.ll further enhanced. Mr. J. H. Reel has moved from his farm near Cleora to .the Eichel be ger place in the western suburbs of our town, which he recently pur chased from Mr. J. P. Addy. We welcome mott heartily the corning of Mr. Reel and his family to live among usv. The latter part of this week Mr. J. H. P. Roper will move to the Kee8e place which he purchased from Gen. M. C, Butler several mo'nths ago. This place is beiug greatly improved b} its new owner and will in a few years be one of the most valuable small farms t) be found uear Edgefield. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Timmons will move ';his week into the Ad dison resideuce to remain till early spring. when they purpose building on their Jot near Mr. R. L. Duuo-. vant'e. Mr. J. T. McManus will move iuto the house formerly oc cupied by Mr. Timmons, which he receutly purchased. Mr. F. P, Walker, Jr, and Miss Ollie Dorn were happily married at noon on Sunday last by Rev. P. P. Blalook at ch? home of th-y bride's father. Mr. Mouson Dorn, near Mc Kendree. The ADVERTISER ex teuds congratulations to these young people as they embark upon life's voyage, wishing them a long, useful and happy life. Mrs. J, R, Cantelou and her very bright and interesting ohildren are ?peuding a very pleasant fortnight with Mrs, Cantelou's parents at Cochran, Ga. Their absence ac counts for the long fac9 even i.i the Christmas season of old man James R. Cantelou. Mrs. Cante lou and the little ores will re turn in time for the opeuing of 3chool. One week from, to-m.orrow, Jan uary if tb, i?r. John Kc%rt Tomp kins, one of Sedgefield's best be loved young m,eo, will claim the heart and hand of ope of I he most beautiful and accomplished, daughr ters of ?be Qld, North State, Miss Eu(la^e Vivian Harris. In, the surmpaer qf 19.02 M?BS Harris, in company with her Bister, visited her aunt, Mr?. C. J. Burton, and while bore she made many friends, imjrrrssing evuryone whom elie met as b^ing a young lady of uo u >ual culture and re fi lenient, ai d possessed nf many beautiful qnali-j ties of mimi and traits ,?( chm-?c- j ter. Not only Mr. Tom pk ?OH, bul' all K Igefj-ld has already learned! to love her t>ud it ir) needless lo pay that a most cordial welcome awaits her. ?THE KflTIONRL BANK OF AUGUSTA L. C. HAINE, Pres't. T. G. FORD, Cot?aler. Capital, $250,000. Surplus j ?udivided Prftofe?. j*125'000 ? Keyitliturai our manuflceni New Vault pei.niair-i?g 410 -^feir-Lock Boxes. Differ eni S17.-3 AM offered to oar patrons and the ; u at tS.00 to S10.00j>er ?nti.im Y, DECEMBER, 30, 1903. NO.L Wt OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTS Death of 31 r. R. L. Hart. Our town was shocked on Monday morning by the intelligence of the death of Mr. Rubert L Hart, brother of Messrs. J. "E. and A. C. Hart, at Iiis home two miles west of Johnston on Sunday evening last. Mrs. Hart was visiting relatives at -Batesburg and Mr. Hart was at home alone. Whilt sitting before the rire about one unlock in the afternoon he fell asleep and when he awoke he fouud that his cloth ing was on tire. Ile r.- n our and called to a negro.nea? by for assistance but before the flames could be extinguish ed he was so severely burned that death resulted during the night. This tragic and untimely death cf this young man, who was cut. down while yet strong and vigorous with the promise of many years before him. is greatly deplored by his triends over the county. Mr. Hart was an energetic young farmer whose close application to business together with the sound judgment which he always exercised Drought biol very satisfactory returns from his labors. The deceased was reared in the Meet ing Street section and was a member of Stevens Creek church. His mortal remains were laid to rest in the ceme tery at Johnston on Monday afternoon, the Kev. P. B. Grant, conducting ie funeral. Returns After 30 Years Absence. Dr. E. S. Adams, of Garrison, Texas, accompanied by bis beauti ful daughter, Miss Fairy Adams, is visiting bis brothers Messrs. W. W. and W. S. Adams. This is Dr. Adams' first visit lo Edgefield in thirty-one years. During that time many changes have been wrought in tha old town, being DOW a new Edgefield inhabited by a. new generation. However, Dr. Adams is being very cordially ?reefed, by th- older ones who irnew him in his boyhood days j'nd oy the younger oues for the uamo's *ake. They Our entire Iii No reserves, nc Overcoats, Suits sers REDUCED Never before 1 this kind at th year. We are overs considered, the^ Give this yom tention* jj BVHITf ? CASH CLOr. We are in the business to please Dur regular customers, and make new ones. If you buy anything from us that is not perfectly satis factory you will do us a kinduess to let us know, so we can make it right. C. E. MAY. THE PENN DRUG STOREannounces that it is SANTA CLAUS' head quarters for Edgefield county. Read their new locals in this issue. A big stock of Blankets and Comforts at very reasonable prices it C. E. MAY'S. Just received a car load of "Old Hickory" and "Blue Grass" wagons md two car loads of "Rook Hill" md "Hackney" buggies. We want to sell you, RAMSEY & JONES. Fresh stock of all kinds of SUTS, CANDIES FRUITS, Etc. Lt very close prices at THE PENN DRUGE STORE. See our line of new dress goods iud wa?8tings bofore buying. C. E. MAY. STRAYED: Four young hogs itrayed from my lot tho Jay my >arn was*biiruecL They are mark d by two small pieces being cut rora their ears. The finder will ?lease notify J. H. FOR RFjNTj My house on Jeter street with nine acres of and adjoining. For further in ormation apply to MRS. EMMA MARSH. I offer for sale my residence hat is now occupied by Mrs S. A. rlorrall. There are 17 acres of land, >n which there is a good residence, ;arden, well, barn and stables and wo servan to' houses, all in good epair. For terms and furthur in ormation apply to ?. SHEPHARD. BL E. Nicholson, ATTORNEY AT LAW EDGEFIELD, S. C. fJmT" Prom pt and Careful at tention to Business). OlR.ce Telephone Exchange Changes Hands. The Bell Telephone company ha3 absorbed the South Carolina Long Distance telephone company, the lntterof which having been the owners of the local exchange. What i ffect, if any, it will have upon the Edgefield exchange can not yet be told. Generally speak ing, it is advantageous to tho pub lic to have two competing concerns seeking patronage than to be at the mercy of one who holds a rnouopoly. So far as our observa tion goes the Bell people are liberal in their dealings and doubtless the affairs of th?-, local exchange will in future be conducted in as satis factory manner as in the paBt. Heretofore long distant connec tions could be had from two ex cbauges in Edenfield-Lynch's store and "ceutral." It is not pro bable that both linea will be in operation in future. No change bas been announced, however. "Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer." Few ;r gallons ; takes lesa of De von Load, and Zinc than mixed paints. Wears longer: twice as long as lead and oil. FOR SALE: Several seennd haud'horsesaud mules. They can be seen on the public S'juarn at Edgefield on Monday next, or for further particulars call on A. S. TOMPKINS. Edgefield Hussars You are hereby ordered to re port for drill and inspection of carbines, at your drill groundb at 10 o'clock on Safurday 2nd Janua ry. Bv order of N. G. EVANS, Captain. Fruit Trees. Why buy ycur fruit trees from agents-people you never saw be fore and never expect to see again and from nuiseries that do not exist and pay two or three prices for them-when you eau get any thing you want from P. N. LOTT, Johnston, S. C. The following are now ready for delivery being thoroughly matured before being taken up : Poaches, Pears, Plump, Apples, Mulberries, AppricotP, Paper Shell Pecans, Japan Walnuts, Strawber ries, Raspberries, Roses and Sbiubbery. A postal card will g , all the information you need as to prices terms, etc. USt GO : ne of Clothing. < hold backs, and Odd Troun < 25 PEE CENT. ? leard of, acut of < is season of the j tocked cost not < T must go. ? r immediate at- j : & GO'S ! HIING STORE. J Trespass Notice. ALL persons are^hereby warned not to trespass in any manner whatsoever upon the lands of the undersigned. All hunting, trap ping, cutting timber, etc., upon our lands will be punished to the full est extent of the law. M. C. PARKER P. P. BLALOCK, Fe WE are merdai F?rtil mour Fertilize Chemical Wo the Royster E and other ingi WE are i Meal, Corn, I and Plantatior co-Chewing usual. ?EFSee WE are i ing and Ilea Points etc. WE carn Vehicles of all Coffins and U 'Call To Cu Toke Laxative Bron Seven Million boxes sold th post 12 tu THE FARMERS BANK OF EDGEFIELDS.c STATE AND GOENTY hEPOS THE LARGEST ANO STRONGEST BANK IN EDGEF Paid up Capital.$ 58,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. 18,000.00 Liability of Stockholders. 58,000.00 Protection to Depositors.$134^000.00 "We invite attention of those desiring a safe depository[for their money to the above facts. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS BY SPECIAL CONTRACT. Under provision of its charter this bank is authorized to act as trustee, guardi aa administrator and executor, and to accept and execute trusts generally. A. E. PADGETT, President T. H RAINS.F )RD, Vice-Pre s J. L. CAUGHMAN, Cashier. W. H. MARLING, Asst.-Ca?hier COBB S ! COBB'S !! COBB'S Wy Shoes Shoes Shoes Nothing like it in old EDGEFIELD. You need the SHOES. We have the GOODS and PRICES to suit you. Wear well, fit nicely give you Satisfaction, Come to Headquarters. J.M.COBB WE CLOTHE THEM ALL OUR STOCK comprises all that is best in Wearing apparel for Men, Women and Children FOR THEf?EN WE H JIVE Stein-Bloch "Smart Clothes",Strouse & Bro. "High Art" Clothes. Shirts, Hats, Neckwear, Etc. F Off THE WOMEN WE HJ? VE Tailor Suits, ilk and Flannel Waists, Ready-to-Wear Hats, Belts, Neckwear, Etc. FOR BOYS WE HAVE Crescent Clothes for Boys, Junior Suits, Norfolk Suits Caps, Ect. [J5^"Give us a call when you come to Augusta. 844 Broad treet, Augusta, Ga. HOLIDAY DISCOUNT -^SFOR THEH> HOLIDAY TRADE. WE will offer a special CASH DISCOUNT on and LADIES and MISSES CLOAKS, LADIES DRESSING SACQUES, LADIES FUR SCARFS, and ali LADIES WOOLEN DRESS GOODS in Colors Every lady should take advantage of this oppor tunity, and save some cash on buying her CLOAK aud XMAS DRESS. Respectfully, dAS. E. HART. "Get your Laundry in Tuesdays. yr the Year 1904. offering to the Farmers a full Line of Com izers. We seel Goods Manufactured by Ar ;r Works, Navassa Guano Company, Georgia rks, and Columbia Guano's Goods known as (rands, also Muriate of Potash, Nitrate of Soda, .edients for Home Mixing of Fertilizers. low offering at low prices in any quanity Meat, ''lour, Molasses, Rice Meal, Fine Feed, Hay 1 Supplies of every kind. Our Stock of Tobac and Smoking-is large and Prices Lower than our Stock of Case Goods, and Can Goods. -eady to supply you with your Stoves,-Cook ting--Hardware, Nails, Plowstocks, Plow y a full line of Furniture, Wagons, Buggies and I kinds, Harness Leather, also a full line of ndertaker's Goods, and inspect our Stock and you will buy, *ale and Retail Cores Grip fa Two Days. re a Cold in One Day IO Quinine Tablets, &LJ/ 21555* Mia.. This signature, y** JF^Kfrvvx^ w?.23e.