Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, October 14, 1903, Image 4

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Edsrefield Advertiser J. Ii. MIAIS, - - - EDITOR INFOEMATM. Subscription Psics-S ?nt to any address for one y^-. 1.50; for months, 75c; for three months, 50c, Payable m advance. Ka fe? for Advertising-One inch first insertion, $1.00; each subsequent ?osertion, 50c. Want Notices', one cent per word, each insertion. Other local .lotices, ten cents per line for first m ..?rtion; five cents per line for each subs?quent insertion. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect, Notices of Thanks, and all personal notices of a political nature, are charged for as regular ad vertisements. Liberal contracts made for tbr.M, six, and twelve months Write for terms. / THE ADVERTISER, Edgefield, S. C. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14,1903. Notwithstanding the whole-1 sale stealing that has been practiced in the Postoffice De partment, the total cash re-! ceipts for the year recently ended passed, for the first time, the billion-dollar mark. , Edgefield is not alone in the matter of being unable to meet all obligations when due. It is stated that Richland coun ty has no money with which to pay the expenses of the Tillman trial and having bor rowed all that is allowed under the law cannot borrow any more this year. The exhibits, such as stock, poultry and farm produce, that are usually seen at the State Fair will be supplement ed this year; by the state ex hibit at the Charleston exposi tion. This will be a drawing card, as many who could not attend the Exposition can. go to the fair. Boys had better look/to their laurels. One of the large tele graph companies has as an experiment discharged- its messenger boj'S in Kansas City'and employed girls in stead Who would not rather be handed a telegram _by a sweet smiling girl than by a boy with a cigarette in his mouth puffing away like a lo comotive ? The law abiding citizens oi Saluda have become alarmed over the pre valance of law lessness .throughout the county and in casting about for the; cause and a remedy, Jiave de cided that liquor drinking:-| the dispensary-is the chief cause. A petition is bein? circulated asking the- state board of directors to abolish the dispensary or close it in definitely.; The action of the board will be awaited with th? keenest interest. The trial of James H. Till- ( man, charged with the mur der of N. G. Gonzales on Jan nary 15th last, is nearing the ' end.. _ The very able argu ment from both sides closed yesterday afternoon and Judge Gary will deliver the formal charge to the jury this morn ing. Then after due deliber ation the twelve men who have patiently listened to ev ery detail of the case will ren der a verdict or a mistrial will be ordered. When it will be rendered or what the ver dict will be no mortal man knoweth. A STRONG ENDORSEMENT. We were greatly pleased to receive on Saturday -last the subjoined letter from one who has been running ah advertise ment with us at intervals dur ing the past year. ; It is a very strong endorsement of the ADVERTISER as an adverti sing medium. The follow ing is a verbatim co^y of the j ett.er with addre:s omittei I Mr? J. L. Hims, ^?Edgefield, S.C. Dear Sir:-We herewith enclose! you copy.of advertisement we had rnnniog in yoor paper last month,] and wish it continued for four is sues, to occupy same space, and location. We have received more erquiries as a result of advertising in your paper, than any other three papers in which we advertise. Yours Veiy Sincerely, A certain thrifty farmer being asked how he achieved success on so small a farm, replied. " I make it a rule, 1 when I go to market, to bringf home more money than II carried away. In other words, I endeavor to sell in value, more than I buy, and to grow everything on the farm for my own use that the land will produce." This would be a^ood rule for ever}' farm-| er, whether large or small. However, in order always to' have produce that can be con verted into cash requires a diversity of crops. Cotton brings in money during thc fall season and stock, grain, etc., should be marketed the year round. -tr From Auditor's Books. Our efficient County Auditor has very kindly furnished us with follow ing .\ssessmont Values in Edgclield : . Years -. 1992 and 1003. Horses. $05957 ?70055 Cows, '4S*2"? - ?53479 Mules,' 100325 110221 Sheep and Gc ats 1792 1970 Hogs, . 5900 6651 Watches, 508S 1871 Pirnos, 13751 13075 Wagons, ' v 47790 51533 Dogs. - 104CO 10095 Merchandise, SS375 92595 Manufactuies, 74005 . 824G0 Machinery &c, " 29920 34S91 Moneys, 34S30 . ?9515 Credits, 2155S' 18310 Bonds, 3000 2t"00 Household ?fcc, 115700 11256 > Bank Returns, 1453S4 149-1 IS Insurance &c, 4373S 55135 Railroads, 414200 4213\0 Heal Estate, 1983330 1975100 Total. . $3253582 $3307583 An increase of taxable property.in 1903 as compared with 1902 of $54001.00 JOHNSTON. The e\ent of tho week, was the 'Husband's banquet" given by "New Century CTTIb" on Friday evening last. Thursday afternoon a committee of bright, happy women assembled in the Stevens and ' Kthredge hall, and began I he transformation. Qu'te a number of buggies and carnages,paper, trash and boxex looked pandemonium at a casual glance; however, in a very shuCx while the vehicles occupied one third -of the sp%ce and were hidden from view by along crimson curtain. Phis left quite a large space separated bj pillars. Beyond thc-pillan was a table arranged for sixty two guests. On Friday^lfferuoon the work proper began, ai;d rapidly aud in perfect har mony the decorating.and arranging continued until cries oft satisfied ad miration could be heard from ali. Uri I li ?int lamps from abive show d a loaded table. Crystal glasses spark ling svith pure water glistened at sixtA two platt s piled wilh ham. turkey, po tato and chicken salad, pickle, bread and beaten biscuit, while fruits and confections in abundance app-arcd it variousplac.es. All of this was made; beautiful by pot plants, and vasisuf lovely Howers. Four charming girls were selected to serve ice or?-aiii and cake, and coffee. At the bead of the stairs to the ri^ln, was arranged Hie reception room. Art squares mai handsome rugs covered llii- ll.jur, leather and velvet couches resred temptingly against the -Rail. Tin pilla's were covered with the oiub colors and the ^paeos b tween were lilied with curtinns and scrams. Messrs. Stevens cfc Ethc-redge's hand some b.iggy rc bes were thrown over piled boxes giving the appearance ol tapestry; A number ol* exquisitely lovely palms added to -cl?? home-like appearance. At eight o'clock Friday eveuxrg the guests began io arrive aud were received by a commit tee, hats and wraps being carefully ar ranged in buggies and carriages be hind the curtain. The admiration ex pressed, and amazement depicted oh the countenances of the gentlemen at the beautiful transformation amply repaid the ladies for their trouble. At the close of supper Mrs James White, with an appropriate quotarion follow ing each,announced the coasts ana the gentlemen to respond' They were "yeomen's.Clubs," "The New Century pleb," ^Husbands," ^Southern ?leti and Women." These -were responded to respectively by Bey. P. B. Grant, Mr.'S. G. .Watson,Rev.Mr. Martin and Mr. C. J;T'errell,all were good, wit and humor abunding. Mrs. Lucia Latimer read at the o-'ise, Dorothy Dix on ;*The Woman a man would be," after this the guests were bidden a hear" good night and so ended a delighlit^nj pleasant evening. Clark'sHill. Cotton picking in this section is about over, and much of it has been ginned and the seed sold. Mr. J. P* Nixon, an enterprising merchant, has shipped as many as three car loads of | seed per week. Mrs. C. N. Ni xon was called t0 Augusta early this week by the illnes of her grandson. Theran, son of Drs I W, C. Miller, who has been quite ill. We are glad to chronicle an improi e ment in the little fel'ow's condition. Mr. Thosi M. Butler and wife have gone to Coller?n county, near the home of the latter's parents, where they will remain several months. Mr. Ashley Anderson paid Capt. Jno. Butler's family a call, as he went on to Atlanta, where ne is to enter the dental college. Mrs. Evans, of Newberry, a witness in the Jas. fl. Tillman trials visited Mrs. Margaret Tillman last week. Mrs Dr.. Stevens, of Greenville, has been cn a visit to her mother, Mrs. Margaret McKie, at Woodlawn. Mrs, A. L. Luke, of Augusta, has been visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. J. E. Luke. The Baptists of this place have call ed the present pastor, Rev. P: lt. Lan ham to serve the-church again next year. This shows the esteem in which Mr. Lanham is held by the con gregation which he has serv;d so faith fully for two years. Tho' the creeks rise and submerge the bridges, and tho'the roads become quagmires he is ever true tb his appointmer'.--. Rev. J. T. 31 filer, of Parksvilie, carried on a series of services at this place last fourth Saturday and Sunday, which was enjoyed very much by all. we ho'-j cqnlerence will see iii to retnrn to tins charge for another year. Mr. W. S. Middleton spent part of last week planting peach seed, which proveda tedious job. .among others who are olanting are, Messrs. W. M. Rowland and ;R. H. Scott. These gentlemen have found it quite a difficult matter to procure the seed in quantities desired. Master Cecil King, ',who struck a straw some distance in his ear and broke it oif, has recovered both the piece of 6traw. and his color and strength. He was complaining great ly ior more than a week. Mrs. Dr. Jennings, of Augusta, yisited Mrs. H. A.. Adams last week. She has roany friends in Edgefieid county, who givo her a hearty wel come, at any and all times. "INCOGNITA." ?. i HEISTBEET O SO. 623 BROAD STREET. ?i?, GUNS and REVOLVERS. XTOVl'D REPAIRS. Fishing [Goods and Fishing Tack'e. ( j AUGUSTA, S GA.] Master's Sale. -PO STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OK EWIKKIEI.D. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS The British and American Mt gage Company, [Limited], ag*"i net Mrs.- E. V. T. Hoard, et. al Pursuant to (he deere? iirt cans J, I will offer for sale'at pi lie outcry before the court hen town of Edgefield. and state South Carolina, o o sui es day Noy. 1903, (the same:-being I 2nd day of said month) betwc the legal hours of sale, the folk ing described really to wit: AU thr-!. tract of land. I_y.li situate and being in Edgofh county and state of South Caroli containing in the aggregate thi hundred aud fourteen (314) acr more or Uss, and composed of t tracts of land to wit : TKACT NO. 1. Ttat tract containing two hu dred and'twenty (220) acres, mc or less, and bounded by lands G. W.. Turner and E. V. Horne on the eapt ; south by lan of S. V/. Mays and 0. B. Wh lock; west by hinds pf J. B. Ni ris and other Turn? r lauds. TRACT No. 2. Th'it tract, of land ^containi ninety four (94) acres, more less, and bounded on the north lands of M. A. E. Jennings; on t west hy the lauds of J. B. Non and iandsof E V. T. Horne ai others; on 'he south by the pla being known as a part of the 0 Wells. Terms of sale - 0 jo-third eas and the balance on ? credit of o and two years, with interest fro the day of sale. Purchaser liri gt bond and a mortgage of the pe i ises sold to secure liv payment the credit portion or all cash the puriiliasers option; ??Yc baser to |nv for pacers. W. V. ROATH, Ma.-t-r Eda'-sfi' Id (-r.uniy. Oct. 7, 19Q3. "~RQITBTE^ A startling incident, is narr?t' by John Oiivi r of Phill dylpli :is follows: J:I was in an awi ?o?idi?'ioii. Mv-skin wa':, ttinici yellow. eyes stinken, ti'UlgUe COh td, pain continuai ly in Lack ai sides, m? appetite; growing we?k day liv day. Throe physicians h; given me up. Then 1 wtstidvjs? to use Electric Bitters; hf my gre joy, th-< firs! b el'o mad" a d? ci th improvement; I continued the use for three we..ks, and am now well man. I know 'hey robbi th?- grave of another victim." ? one should fail to try llv-m. On 50 cents, guaranteed, at The Pen Drug Store. ~~ SPECIAL; ? ;.~ MASTER'S SALE STATS OF SOUTH CARDLINA, 1 '( COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. \ COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. . Annie F. Roath,' etsal. Plaintif Against ' Ida P. Boatwright et. ul. Ll.-fen! auts. Pursuant to the . decree ii. thi cause, I, W. B. Cogbum, as ?ler of the Court, acting as speck 'laster herein, will jffer for sal* at public, outcry to the highes bidder, before the Court House, ii the town of'Edgefidd, South Care lina, on the first Monda}' in Noven, ber 1903, (It being thc 2nd da, of the month,) between the lega hours of sale; the following di scribed realty to wit : All that tract of lairdr situ?tt lying and being in Edgefield Couti ty South Carolina in Elnv.voo Township, containing two bundrei and forty two and one fourf (242?) acresj, more or less, enibra ciug the S. W. Nicholson dwell inj house and the improvements ap pertenant thereto, and being trac No. 3 under the survoA* herein ; am bounded on the north by tract Nc 1, assigued to Mrs. Al ico Norri and children; un the south bj tract No. 2, assigued to tl?e childrei of Mern inger Nicholson and lartid of Tannahill ; east by land of Tan uahill and Kiunard and west b; land of John Bates et. al. TERMS OE SALE. One third cash ; the balance oi a credit of one and two years, witl interest on the credit portion fron the day of sale. Pin chaser to give bond ant mortgage of the premises sold ti secure the payment of the credi portion, (with ten percent as at torney fees in case said mortgage is placed in the hands of an altor ney for collection after ma urity ; J or all cash at the purchasers op tiou. Terms of sale must be complied with or satisfaction given to thc undersigned or he is authorized tc resell the same day. I 'Purchaser to pay for papers. W. B. COGBURN, Clerk of tho Court acting as special Master. Oct. 5th, 1903. A GREAT SENSATION. There was a big sensation in Leesville. Ind. when W' H. Brown of that place, who was expected to die. had his life saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. He writ's; 'fl.endured insufferable agonies from Asthma but your New Discover}' gave tue imm?diat* relief and soon there-j after effected a complete cure, j Similar cures of Consumption, j Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Grip j are numerous. It's the peerless' remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Prico 50c, and #1.00. Guaranteed' by The Penn Drug S'o?e. Trial bottles free. Advertised Letters. Mst of letters remainihg in Hie P??tofflee^tEdxe??KI, Cfcrf; 10, 1903. Mi?s Janice t?o'sticlc, Miss. Ellen KOLIJO, Miss- L'a rrj Bowilia u, .lames j Jrawfor:l, lit-v, W, F >> rpi-o II 4 v. I >?r.?pc'c?,Riche Mfen, s, ?. Pri??to*? r, Sf!*'?* Mattie Roberson, Miss M i- I i "sa Rob: n-.oi.' fi I Scotts Emulsion is the means of life and of the en joyment of life.of thousands of men, women and children. To the men Scott's Emul sion gives the flesh and strength so necessary for the cure cf consumption and the repairing of body losses from any wasting disease. For women Scott's Emul sion does this and more. It is a most sustaining food and tonic for the special trials that women have to.bear. ( To children ' Scott's Emul sion gives food and strength for growth of flesh and bone and blood. For pale girls, for thin and sickly boys Scott's Emulsion is a great help. Send forfree sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. 409-415 Paarl Street. NewYorlc 50c. and S 1.00; all druggists. ' MASTER'S SALE, STATE OF Soirrn CAROLINA, ) EDGEFIELD COUNTY. \ COURT oy COMMON PLEAS. Annie Palmer, .-t. ah, against. Wal (or Scott Allen Pursuant to the deere* in this ?ause, I will liff'-r for s:v:e at pu'o iic outcry before the Court House, .own of Iv!;;- field anil StVta ol lilith Oaroii/uf, <n saJesday in ??uV: inlier 1903, the sann1 being (lin-2 al day nf gai fl inion thr) be ai'Mi th? l?gfil bflUtapf sale,the id lowing cl fc'cr (1 r'-alty to wit : A? il?a! tra';! and \Wr$?*\ of land ntuate, ly'.ing and |v?ijit?^y B.pje S?Jd/Coiui.ty ?ijd feints of ? u'l G.i-rolt.iV??; cohtaifii-:: > '??'rit IViViir rd ;i:n: .< \ < i. t \ - fi \*. . (87?), a-crys. n -rc i : l--s?, and bvhiu.d ? I nortel by lands ol I. ; it '>m ... ....I ?Bruis'sou asl by la'mljgl Fn vs Ferry Road. . ..lit.- In I nuis fij vtfutM uj \V. JP; Pr^t-C' t'i a.-tl v.' .-t Iii' t?C U'r*F n\ - Terms of Sale. 0:i" !.iyi*l'cus'h, ::n<l th? bahmc .>n a Cl i?il of.'.w'u? year, w-jth in ter".-! on il"- c'rWtil jv'irllon fro ri) Miedayof sale. Pu rettie r ?o giv't^ loud ai.'l a mortgage """of 'In .j remises sold to s? oure the, ?.?'.y iri?u) bf tlx- ?redil p.or'i/jn.; Purchas r io paV for papery W. V. Ii ; 'Alli, Masti i, E. C., S. C.i Oe:. 7 h, 1903. Masters Sale. STATU OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COU.N'TYV COURT OF COMMON PLE< J. -R. Blackwell, a?Tnii^f??vi'l?r' et. al. Against Britisn American ^Ib?tg?go Co. [Limited] et. al. Pursuant to the decree in this cause; I will Offer for sale at pub lic outcry before the court house, town of Edgefield and Slate ol .South Carolina, on the 1st Mon day in November 1903, (the samo beijg tho 2nd day ol* said month) between the legal hours of sale, the following described property to wit : ist Sale. All those parcels- of land con tainiLg in the aggregate six hun dred and eighty (680) acre?, more or less in Edgefield County, South Carolina, and made up of the fol lowing parcels of land to wit: Clark tract, containing one hun dred and forty acres, more or less, covering the Men ter tract; the. Tompkins tract co?tai ni cg two hundred and twelve- acres and seventy eight acres, or togetherlwo hundred and jiinety acres, more op less; the Marten tract, containing ope hundred acres, more or less; and the Callahan! tract, contain ing ono hundred and fifty acres more or less, all the above men tioned lands except the Callahan] tract, being contiguous in one body and bounded on the north by lands of Rebecca Tucker, W. H. Buseev, Jeff Wells, and W. W,v Tinsley^ south by ? 'nds of .Tee While and others; t *". by lands of J. L. Stone, T; ey aol others; and west by th vannah River; and tho Callans -act adjoining lands of J. C. M m, L, Ft Dorn, L. T. Harmon ot herr. Said tracts . lands to be sohl as a whole in one transaction. 2nd Sale. Ail that tract of land in Ei'gc rield County, South Carolina, con-' tai bing thirteen hundred and nine! acres, more or less, Denuded by | lands of Rebecca j'uoker, William ll. Bussey, Jeff Well?, W. W. T?ialey and others and I be.Savan nah R:\er. Terms of Sale. Oli?- third cash, and the balance on a credit" of one and two yelare with iutere.a.f fri nnlie day ol" salo. Purchaser to give bond and a j mortgage of IhopremUfs sold tot secure .tjie pay.mciil of the creel i t. j portion br all cash at, the pur chaser's Option. Terms, roust by complied with or satisfaction given to Master or lie is authorized to resid? t ne same day. Purchaset to pay fo? papers, W. ;F. ROATfl, Master, E. C., S. C. | Oct. 7fu, 19.Q3 Money to ?J?SLJX , 'O- . (;? On imiiro'ed liiw? p'op'n fy-and' ? ?rms. I prefer farm I-'.-MIS. jj Applv n> WM. P. CAI./I.TN, Kdgofj ?ii, s. c Wc arc opening thc hands Sadies Imported B Dress and g ever offered on this m ar kel to-date on Ladies Drei Come and ISTew York ] We aie offering- some'SPE Goods. We have a large stoc Fine Goods at exceedingly \6\\ Diess (ifi??sjic. 1 j'd. wide Sea island 5c. 1 yd. wide Bleached Homespun ' 5 c. v Clu cks 5c. Calico 5?. and up. Dress Goods, Cashmere, all col ors, 10c. to 75a per yard. Broad Cloth, Ladies' Cloth, Thih ber, Ziberljne, an 1 Flannel Suit ings, worth 50c, 25c. Waist ii.g. Mi rC'Tiz-'d White Waisting, Fleeced White Waist-!, mg, Velvet Striped Flannel, Silk--. \ iii fa?l ey.rylhing for waists. Lass and EiW?0)'. Tn ti t's line we are m surpassed. I \\"<- have-any kvnd of .iln sf. goods rrntS yin want cheaper than you' v-ver bought thfin. Codie and ' -?.e.. \V?. ca ii* td escribe 1 . ?rn. ' : r?ress Tri DI n ii hg tjj every descript ion Medal?ifiji ApMop" ?trills. Lace ?md PauVty ColiaVs, Sifk ;.!i.r Wool F.i.-oinalors. \lso .a lull fi i ii* <?; [libbed?. ?iem- <: ts in 5!b. Lu-nil-s. jr \v tait \ i-r <J 1N X-/ v> 1 \ % (;iiS Bread Stree Coihe to our sr< re f r B \ RG'A I XS w Special Bargains,,: 30 hp li wide -'i <. yard; ^O.MI quality ?Ir?!- 5c yanl: ??rsl poiieii c?loiedOiilicii to gio ai pcy'rl; Blank Saleen cul to 5y;:ill 25c Table Du Men's Panis from 45c.to %'?Jlto pair; .M iindX'hildren'd jihiils from Cac to $1.0S si 100 Dozen Ladies 40c Vi-st.-vouf to 'l.'.i Ve teko go.at 25o; Men'? heavy Slurb Shirts ami Drawers cur. fruir; 7">c to 3 '}.. BeSt values in Suspender? < n Che mar LAD IKS' SDI RT VA 1ST: KOO ?i S lc i rf seht to 2J?; heavy.? Illili Ski-ris foi* ? ?ur.Shoe SrocSc.can'-c be tica1. Childr?i froin .jl.oO to'$1.75 for best Ca fo.rYici t LA RG E S iOCK OK TI N'WA Ri Weean save you money oh to A. M. THO 62S Broad Street, CITATION. j State of Soul h Carolina, ? Edgeiieid County. By./. P. Allen, Esq., Probate Judge. -Whereas S. T. Bronson made suit to me, to grant him letters of administration of the estate and e flee ts of Jane Collins, deceased These are therefore (o'cite and admonish all and singular kin dred and (.red ?torys of said Jane Col liv s, d< ceased, that they bej and appear before mo, in the Court of Probate to be held at Edgeiieid court house, South Carolina, on the 15th day bf Oc tober ?ext, after pupication there of at ll o'clock in.I he forenoon, to show cause, if any, why the,., said administration should not be granted. Give(ii under my hand, this 2Slh day of September, 11)03; . J, D. ALLEN, J. P. E. C. 2t Ten Thou?and Churches Tu the United'State s have used, tho Longman & Martinez Pure Paints. Every Cbureh will bogiv- j on a liberal quanitv wheneveKthey' paint. Don't pay $1.50 a gallon) for Linseed oil (worth GO cents),! f which you do wlu'u you buy thin 'paint in a can with a paint label [on it.' StfcG make J.j. therefore! i when you want fourteen galion,'; of.j paint,buy only eight gal'.ons of Life] I M., and mix six gallons of pure; j liuseed oil with it. You need only four gal lohn of L&M. Paint, and three gallons of Oil mixed therewith lo paint a j unod size lo use. Houses painted with these j paints never grow chiddy, eren after 18 years. These cell bratod paints ar? sold by THE PKNN DKUG STOKE; p? ? When placih?r your fnsur- B ?f . ance give me a call. I rep- jj |j resent a very strong line ?>( , I F*U.Z.IO-' ? Insurance Chm patties.; al.- ? Agent lor the- Xew York Jj T^ll^lC - . - f] InVisr?nne Ob. I ?i?? ?ppn? ^ 'pr? chile n share "i your tm.-- g 8 itie-s 1 can li" tonto! at niy gi Cl1 ... ofl'ui'-Ofikc No. J- Mviv tingle iii pi jj oiliest linc of ?lacie and Colored Shirt Goods aistings :. Wc arc always up ;s Goods and Silks.' Sec Them. Racket Store,. CIAL BARGA!XS in Fall :k well selected. Pretty a-:id ; prices, while they last. Real Iain Ctoli ul . Pants.: Boys5 Suits, . * 75c. to 5.00 Men's Suits 3.50 to 12.50 We have a crackajack lino of Cloti ng. Don't fail t~> look nt Iheiii before buring. Underwear and Hosiery. Glen's underveeis. Also,-a fud linn Ladies ai.d Chil .nr-n'.s Underwear. ,20c. to LOO Hosiery, pair-up. Mei l's Siloes. 1.00 to 3.50 Shoes. ?hoes. -hoe*! Shoe*'! We 'nave the bes v.l .-,ri; _r and iho'si ?brYijrirfa'bl? Shoes ' V'o* o?'n'rid f .r the ni?ury. W;i! ".i:-t' ed ?-? solid. Chi! Lrei'j sh-?i s, "?25o. lo 75c. Missens i nd Boys* sb"".-, ?ojj. to 1.50: . ' ' lili Etc. Larg?* S rock pf ??ovs and Mj n's ?-.t' Roc?; bot?oj? ?nces. , Proprietor. I c> ? Ky. ? viii/ f, A??ru.sta. C:>. lien ia Augusta. R n<! fhi'ses-pricps: tilter :V aril; yin rd "vide s<>a Island 5c class Ly.i'?cks and fi lids aj r? yard ; ail r. .\v?Tsts aud.Pr.?i.3 Outing al 5c, lfle. ;?? .-tie cut LO 15.: and regular ."Oegoods SIEI^I .CSr*n en's ??uirs frit? $2.50..to 25. nit ; Boy* iit.;^J'e?i'^ Over?ll^'froi? 25c te ii)u pair. "7T .;:;.);) doz;'i) ti.-avy '>'.).: Jer.s >y Ki bboil ; eur. from, -rx- to 25 c: eW;Vsoft lin Isl) ? ear.!). f - Icet for ! ric mprjey. ?rc?l? W lists For 2lc;!?t of Slimmer is lOc.j'p; Womens ?/.'?. np an.l .Men's ?ess sii.)c./ ?? . AT KOCK BOTTOM PRICES.. re'rything wedelt: Cali tose? us. MAS, Propri?t?r, Augusta, Ga. Don't spend money going lo (ho mountains <u- the seashore; buy in old reliable Saborosn cigar [t will transport yon to a bliss ful Elysium. For sale at Tut: PE>*N DRDGI? STOIIE: Cornily Treasurer's Nice. Connlv Treasurer's offi'c?. Edg< fe ld, Si C., Sept. 22;1, 1003 The tax levy for various pur poses is as follow;- : The lax books will he Open for collecting State, Count v and School taxes for 1903 from Oct. 15, 1903; to Mandi 1, 1904: ? No penalties will be acded until Jan uary 1st, IDOL A penalty of"'one per cent: will be added on all lax?'S unpaid byr Jannaray Isl, 1904'. A penaliy 'of two per cent, on at?npaid hf Feb. Ipi. 190.4. A penalty of seyen per cent will be added on ail.- unpaid .March. J, 19Q4; For S'ate - ? - 5 mills| For 'County 5 mills j For School - - .3 mills| [?cr Shaw u. It. boLds " 2 milis For Pickcns R. R. bonds 6 mills F;>r Wise ll. lt. bonds - mills For Edgefield school b'ds ?| mills For Edii?ireW ll. B. b'ds li n.ilis I For Edgefield .school 2 mills j For Johnston school - 3 mills Ail male persons living within corporate limits.of cities or lowns" students alte uling any college or school of-1 lie Slat'', ministers in [charge of regular congregations, i teachers cnipl?yed in public schools, school trustees during their b rm of ofiice, -persons per manently disabled and those ac tually engaged in the quarantine service of the State are exempt from the pay mont of road tax.( All other p?aje persons between the ages of IS and 50 yeaVs ara r<~ ijuir"d to pay said road tax, or y.-^rknot h ss than six days du ring the year.; The poll tax is G. M. Wf Lid A Mo Treas; Edgdf?ul? Co. TO'C?RSA colo IN ONE DAY Take I.axiive fy o muQuinine Tawt.t? Alt druggists ref t? pd the money ?fit fails N; ci nv. \V. (i.t.vi's Slgn? 11 ri? iii) (arli 'J: V. 25 cents'. Grover Eii&s &GQ? iii? ?es? 25 y??fe botfeo Bess tb?s a??cfS t Enclosed with every bi THE Pr oel ama tion. Permanent Success was Never ouilt on Chance or Luck. It must , have a firm f duri dation Thc fact that our Business continues to grow and euch'season's growth is.greater toan the pre ceding onc'is, we feel, evidence that what , wc offer iii honest and will stand thc tost of ' time.. We wish to call your attention to our ? MQ'E s. Special efforts arc used to obtain Shoes that will wear comfortable, Sdi cris that gain, retain and merit thc confidence of all mankind. The by-word is These Slices are the resuit of years of the foot wants of men. T?ie HU-M AN-ICShoe lite prop r eily and kdeps it shape until worn out. We cheerfully recommend them as mon ey savers and producers of real , happiness. Respectfully, S W. II. TUKKEE, Proprietor. Our Great Ot)enin? SaleofFall Goods ^ " SS l i : " 'Ci^^zszszsg '.'^'"^?cans an opportunity lor you to save money on every item. We have made-the prices lower than ever. Help iis carry this goodnews intoevcry home. Tell it'to liie sira-ger within our gates that they may be benefitted aiso. $1.00 will b:i)' as much herc as $1.50 will buy else where, ? .. - A. FE Dry Goods, Cte Calluo'e^ per yardi '.> 1-2 1 / 4c. V\'liite Homespun, worth 5c. per yardi 3 l-2c. pL"al rleavy Outing, worth 6c.,'""alt -2). . livery tiling else in i h iline just as chean. PRICES- . ? Min and Boy's Cloth ing. Men's? ?L-avy weight, Tull: lined suit, good 5 CO value, 3.00 Mi nis Black \\ ool Thibet Suif, l?'test cut,fully lined. Ter. Dollars is-what others get ; our price. 5 .CO-' Men's All wool, Clay, Worsted Suits, made ai d trimmed in first ?L??s style, as good as you can buy felsow-here for 8.00. Otir special prrei?, 5:50. BoySj Knee Pants, 15c. up. M n's Pa /its, from " 00c. to 5.00. Children's Suits, ' 60c. up. I>oii9t M?s.:: Tili? Sale We have the best values we have ever differed; We don't want you to take our word for this statement, wc want you to come abd see tor yourself. We k-"w that you will believe vour own eves. ya Shoes! Slices! Old Ladies' Comforts, 75c. Ladies Imitatft>n Dohgola Sho-s, going at 90c. Men's Work Shoes, . . 89c. Men's Dress'Shot?, 1.00 Men's 4.00 Vici Shoes, 2.00 1 Advertiser Building. "We INVITE To inspect our Large Fall Stock of Clothing Shoes, Hats- an 1 Furnishings direct from tuc Manufacturers. We are Headquarters for those Goods, *o you can hiioyv thai whee they come from our Q?r* fhe St . le and Quality are right. We bought early consequently prices ire very reasonable. Dorn & MCiiiM* FALL MILLINERY. ? _ f I am now displaying thc most beautiful linc of MILLI NG ! i RY ever shown in Bdgefield. INFANTS CAPS, MISSES HATS and a large assortment of LA DI KS UNTRIMMED IIATS? READY-TO-WEAR HATS, PATERN HATS arc now DISPLAYED, I invite the ladies of Ed g?fi ?ld to call and let rae show them. MISS MARY BUFORD EDCirfi IKLV, S, C. in UK. .C. L. MAY'S i . " ' - 5, -Aves?g? As?w?? Sales over _ ^mz?ta^l io y011? . No Cora, No ftgr? st?o is a Tea. Cent, package o? Grove's Kack Root, Uver^Pniii.