Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, December 24, 1902, Image 2

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- - ? ? 11 -Mb Edfifefield Aovertiser ?I. L. M IMS, - - - EDITOR. Subscription Pi?fhj S.-nt to any address for one ywU. f.. 2.50; for "ix monti);. 75c; for three months, 50c, Payable m advance. Write fer terms. WEDNESDAY DEC 24, 1902. Merry Christmas to all. SEASON OF PROSPERITY That the people of every section of our state are unus ually prosperous is evidenced by t?ie fact that all of the large cities and many of the small towns have this fall held ba zaars, fairs or carnivals. Ev ery one of these gala occasions hive been a signal success. Large crowds have attended 'them, spending their money freely. The carnival associ ation of Orangeburg had $1200. in the treasury after paying all expenses of the oc casion. When crops are short and money scarce peo , pie stay pretty olose at home for they can live cheaper there than elsewhere. Dur ing this fall however the mer ry laugh of the merry-makers has drowned the wail of a few croakers who have cried "hard times" from habit. A BANKRUPT POLICY It being true that our coun ty is now paying 15 per cent for money to meet current ex penses is proof positive that the finances of the county are in a deplorable condition. The supervisor and county com missioners have during the year borrowed money from . the banks at a reasonable rate of interest to meet the demand upon them. The banks, how c sr, could safely lend only a certain per cent of the a mount estimated to be raised by the levy fixed by the legis lature, consequently the time came when no more money could be had from the banks. Despite the fact that their funds have become exhaus ted, with no means of raising more, the county authorities have certain demands upon them that must be met, such as bridge work, furnishing supplies for the poor house - -and chain gang; etc. In or der to meet these demands the county authorities are of necessity forced to add to these accounts or claims,a sufficent sum to noe the holder the amount due him. To il lustrate : A merchant furn ishing $100. worth of supplies to the chaingang, at cash pri ces, cannot afford to wait a year or more for the money, consequently the supervisor is compelled to add to his ac count the amount that the merchant would sacrifice in sellin y the claim. As 85 cents is the highest price paid for these claims 15 per cent must be added so as to net the mer chant the $100. due him. From the foregoing it is evi dent that the county pays $115. for what $100. would buy if the cash could be paid ; which is 15 per cent on money. In these days of sharp competition that is met with in every walk or avocation in life where is the individual who can, to use an every day expression, make both ends meet and pay 15 per cent on money ? If an individual cannot afford it ho tv, in tha name of reason, can an ag gregation of individuals, the county, afford it ? If it is ruinous to the individual why not ruinous to the aggregation of individuals ? We have been reliably informed that the county has within recent years paid as high as 20 and even 25 per cent. That being the Case there is no longer any wonder why the county is so badly behind, having many unpaid claims outstand ing as past indebtedness. Where does the fault lie ? Certainly not with the mer chants or bridge builders for they are entitled to the a mount due them on a cash basis; certainly not the man who buys the claim for if he waits two years for his money he has only realized per cent per annum on the invest ment; certainly not the su-j pervisor for he can only act as empowered by the legis lature, being powerless to chance the conditions. Then where does the fault lie ? The echo answers, where ? A remedy can be found and it should be applied. Every tax j payer in the county pays his proportion of this high rate of interest, hence every one should be interested in a change of financial policy. Some of the editors of the state, poor fellows, are evi dently leading very strenuous lives or, to say the least of it, they are very busy men. In making clippings from the columns of others they seem not to have time to credit them. See ? The banking feature of the postal service, that of issuing money orders, is conducted at a considerable loss to the government. After paying the money order clerks of the large city offices and defray ing other expenses incident to this department the gov ernment sustains annually a loss of more than half a mil lion dollars. We are reminded by the following from the Newber ry Observer, which, by the way, we endorse, that the season has arrived for the "yaller dawg" to get his an nual write-up : The aew legislature cannot ?-erve their constituents better io any other way than by passing a dog law whicn will rid the etate of 99 per cent, of the worthless surs that stand in tho way of sheep raising. Nearly all of the wood within a radius of eeverul miles of Edgefield has been consumed. Not only in dividuals find it difficult to get wood for the winter but the cotton and eil mills are said to have only a limited supply and find it diffi cult tc 6ecuie contracts for the de livery of wocd. If it is so hard to get now while the roads ure good, certainly the supply will be more limited when the road.- become al most impassable. Not many more winters will come and go b?fo:e coal will BUpplaut woo 1 in there parta as a fuel. Susis lor Mi (Complaint not served.) State of South Carolina, J County of Edgefield. \ Court of Common Pleas. Henry W. Landram, N. K. Butler, and j. M. Price, as Administra tor of Robert Price, deceased, vs Plaintiffs, A. C. Morgan, Defendant. TO THE DEFENDANT, A. C. Morgan : You aro hereby summoned and required to answer the complaiut in this action, which is filed in the office of Clerk of the Coure of Com mon Pleas, for the said county, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the eubscrib-1 ers, at their office-Edgefield, S. C.,-within twenty days after tho service hereof; exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint with in the time aforesaivi ;the plaintiffs in ibis action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. SHEPPARD BROS , Plffs. Attys. I Edgefield,S.C.,Dec. 6, A. D. 1902. W. B. Cogburn, (Seal.) Clk. C. C. P. & G. S. To A. C. Morgan-non-resident Defendant : You will now take notice that the complaiut in the above stated action-together with the Sum mons-are now on file in the office of the Clerk of Cou ri of Common Pleas, in and for the County of Edgefield, and State aforesaid. SHEPPARD BRO.., Plaintiff's Atty's. Dec. 6th, 1902. 17 ASSESSMENT NOTICE. AUDITOR'S OFFICK, Edgefield, S. C.. This office will be open to receive returns of personal property for taxation from the 1st day of Janu ary to the 20th of February follow ing. All transfers of Real Estate made since last year's assessment must be noted on the rt turn-stating number of " acres, from whom bought, or to whom sold. The Township Assessors are re spectfully requested to meet me at the appointments for taking tax re turns in their respective townships, and they Jare also required to make tax returns for all those who fail to make their own within the time prescribed by law, that the legal 50 per cent, peualty be added for their failure to do so. All male citizens between the ages of 21 and GO years, except ex Confederate soldiers over 50 years of age, and those incapable of earn ing a support from being maimed or from any other cause are deem ed taxable polls. All persons owning property or having control of such as husband, guardian, executor, administrator, or in any fiduciary capacity are re quired to return Ihesame for taxa tion, and upon their failure to do so 50 percent, penalty will be add ed to the valuation of all such prup- ? ertv. For the convenience of tax-pay ers I will be at the following places on the dates mentioned to receive ! tax returns. Please meet me: Trenton, Thursday, Jan. 2i)th. Arthur M. Herring's store, Friday, Jan 30th. Johnston, Saturday, Jan. 31st. Elmwood, Monday, F?b. 2nd. Pleasant Lane, Tuesday, Feb. 3rd. S. Cheatham's store. Wednesday, Feb. 4th. \V. Y. Qunrles', Thursday, Feb. 5th. Longmires, Friday, Feb. 6</h. Plum Branch, Saturday, F? b. 7th. Par ka vii le, Monday, Feb. 9 s h. Modoc, Tuesday, Feb. 10th. Clark's Hill, Wednesday, F^b. II Sh. W. Cheatham's, Thursday, Feb 12th Eloper's X Roads, Friday. F. b l b h (Collier's, Saturday, Feb. 14th. Red Hill, Monday,Feb. lGth. At Edgefield C. H. fi om Feb. 17.h to Feb. 20 inclusive. J. B. HALTIWANGBR, County Auditor. = lllllllllllllllillllltilllli?l?HI?IlillllHIliiii?lillll IUI .JEWIj The firm of Ramsey ? ularly equipped jewelry ste Also NOVELTIES and STATJ with this line in the building Fox. We shall bc glad to havt Ramsey nSTESZT ..DOO ililli lllllllllil!!l!!!liiiillllliiliitlii;;::iiiiii!iitiiiiiiil 3s* Here is the place to n Capes, Dress Shoes, Hats We have a large stock t the season is advancing w fer anything in our stock ii Until Ot J". Et-?XZOX? Under Advertiser B'ld' . Tresapass Notice, ALI. persons ar.3 h?rtby earned not lo hunt, fish or trespass in any manner whatsoever on my la ?ids in Collier and Collins town ships. The law will be rigidly en forced against tboB'J who disre gard this warning. W.E. PRESCOTT. MASTER'S SALE. Stt.te of South Cariillna-OuiiHt.y ?>i Edgefield-Ooiirl of <"-n : on i". . A. ?S. Tompkins, agains' Mrs. ls. Rankin, et al. PURSUANT ru thc decree in t?.is range, I will oiler for sale al public outcry,before the Court House, town of ridgefield, and Slaie of St nil) Caro linn,ou Hie lirst Monday in Jan, MOS, the same being the 5th day of said month, between the legal hours of sale, thc following described realty, to wit : TRACT KO. 1. "All that tract of Irnd, containing oue hundred a:id twenty-live (125) acres, of the ?said Rankin land, and bounded on thc south by other Rankin lands; on the north by lands of Joe New, ai.d Ihe Wise .laud. TRACT NO. 2. All that tract ol land, contain ing three hundred and five (305) acre3, more or les?, and bounded on I the north by the other tract of the Rankin land ; on the enst by lauds of Joseph New and Busby land? and lands of Plunkett; and cn tin west by lands of T. H. Clark. Said land containing in the ag gregate four hundred and thirty (430) acres, more or less, lying partly in Edgefield and parti in Aiken counties, and known ns the T. E. Rankin place. Term < of the sale-One half cash and the balance on a credit of one year. Interest from the day ol' sale. Purchaser to give bond and a mort gage of the premises sold to secure the payment of the crpdit portion, or all cash, at the purchaser's option. Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, Master Edgefield Couu;y. Dec. 10, 1902. MASTER'S SALE ?TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. ^ Court of Common Pleas.-John Cu^ry, et al, against Mary Gray, et al. Pursuant to the decreein this cause I will offer for sale at public outcry before the court house, town of Edge Held, and state of South Carolina, on salesday in January, 190?, the sime being the 5th day of said month, be tween the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described realty, to wit: All that lot, piece,parcel or tract of land, situate in the county of Edgefield, aud the state aforesaid, on the Columbia road, about one and one-fourth (1|) mile* from Edgefield court house, containing four acres three rods and twenty perches, mere or lesn, and bounded on the north by the Columbia road and lands formerly belonginr to W. F. Du ri soe j on-the s ?Ulli ! lands formerly belonging to J. A. Chrntian, and on the west by lat I belonging to Gen. M. C. lintier. Terms of Sale-Cash. Purchaser to comply with terms of sale or give satisfaction to Mas ter or the Master is authorized to resell within one hour thereafter at the risk of the former purchaser. Purchaser to pay for papers. Vf. F. ROATH, Master Edgefield Countv. arv soc wt s ? E C. SMITH, DENTIST TEETH EXTRACTED fl ?4 YEARS PR ACTIO nili;;in!!iii:iiil)iiiniiiiiliii:iiiiliiiniliiii'ni :?I?? fe Jones^ now carr}7 a reg >ck, consisting of jewelry, rerware, LONERY. You will find us formerly occupied by R. L. ; you call. Respectfully, JRj TO IP. O. iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii:!iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii|l,li|.1,1. Goods lake your purchases of Goods^ Pants and Clothing. 5 )f goods on hand and as j e have determined to of- j ibsol utely at cost from now j ?Ul! g, - Ed geri eld, S. C. MASTER'S SALE, State of South UH roi i na-E<!ge fi.-ld Cou!, tv-Court of Cum mon Pleas-Mr?. J. M. Dwelle, et al, ? fr?in <t Celine H. H*?iirr, et al. Piirsuaut ti Hie decree in tin's causo I will ofter for sale at public outcry before UK? oou;-r ! ouse, iown of Eclgv liflii, ai.?l slate o?*South Canrltna, on sa I;'.-.cl,-j y in January, 1P( :->, ( t he same bei nu ?lie 5th tiny of said ino;.th) be I w-co I Ju-li'?ral hom-! of sale, Hie fol lowing des-ribeil realty, io wit: . All H sid singular that traci of land, eh unfed in iii? county of !<Mgi field State of Hom h Carolina m ar th? Town of Plum Branch, contaung two hundred and fifty (250) acres, more or less and bon li ded on I he north by A. L. Talbert, east by Mrs. M. E. Talbert, south' by J. W. Tn I bert, and west by A. S.J. Talbert, same more fully ap pearing by ? plot of sac ic made by John M. Bussey D. S. Nov. 30,1895. Terms of sale-One-half.cash, and the balance on a credit of one mid two years, with interest from the day of sale. Purchaser to give bond and a mortgage of the prem ises sold toBocure the payment of the credit portion or all cash at the purchasers option.' Fi rchaser to pay for papers. W F ROATH, Master Edgefield County. Dec. 10, 1902. MASTER'S SAE. State of Soulh Carolina-Edge field County-Court of Common Pleas.-Mrs. Jennie Foy Lynch, Against V*~. 0. Foy. Pursuant to the decree in this cause I will offer for sale at pub lic outcry before the court house, town of Edgefield, and state of South Carolina on the first .Mon day in January 1903, the same be ing the otb, day of said mot th, be tween the legal hours of 6ale, the following described realty, to wit : All that tract of land in the souuty of Edgefield and Btate of South Carolina, containing one hundred aud three (103) acres more or less, and bounded by laude >f Henry Hart, Archey Lewis, the Long Cane Road and Williams Hart. Terms of sale-Cash. If terms of sale are not com plied or satisfaction to the Master ie is authorized to resell the same vithin one hour afterwards. Purchaser to ,>ay for papers. W. F. Roath, Ma3ter EdgffiVd County. December 10th, 1902. 209 7th Street, Augusta, Ga., ?IVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects o< ipfht, grinds tho ?roper glasses and WAK i ANTS them. Lenses cut inte your frame while you wait. rDPC * ' V? tells if you ncec ~- .' (Qc ciueorula MJMM ITHOUT PAIN ~ 11 EXPERIENCE ATTRACTS AT New Silk and Flannel Wuist Geode, Dress Skirt Goods io new patterns. 50-iuch Broadcloth in all colors. Lovely Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Something new in W. B. Corsets. Beautiful Gloves and Hosiery. Ladies and Children's underwear and UNION SUITS. Handsome "Up-to-date" Ladies DRESS SHOES* Men's Dress Shoes, Children's school shoes. Ladie's Walking Skirts, Men's Dress Pants. Novelties io Silk Braids and Velvets. Many New Goods Coming in for the . HOLIDAY THIS IS THE SEASON FOR FIRES APvE YOU PROTECTED ? If not we can protect ynu by,'* placing your business in some of the largest and most repu table companies in the world. We can alsos how you one of I he moot desirable Life Insurance contracts written by any company on earth. Soliciting a share ot business we are Respectfully, GRIFFIN & MIMS, C. A, GRIFFIN. E. J. MIMS Office Over May' & May's Store. -Will be mack easy by coming to pur store for Dry Goods, Shoes, Notions. . Our store is chockfuil of new goous bought especially for De c mber business. We are opening up New Shoes,Waistiugs, SWIMS, NEW THOMPSON'S ANIJ E. & Cf. COSSETS, Elkin All Wool Blankets. All kinds, of underwear, handker chiefs of all s!yles. Latest things in Gents collars, and c u ITs Another shipment of stockings spec'ally for Santa clause to fill up on Christmas morning for the little folks. Will oller some special bargains in Ladies and Cbildiens wraps during this month. Dont forget The " Walk Over" shoes when you buy your Xmas Foot wear. All we want is a chance and we think our values ard prices will not fail to please. Get your Laundry to my slore Tuesdur return Saturdays. December 10th, 1902, Respectfully. JAMES m i?A:R.ar9 ? HART * BUILDING, % EDGEFIELD.S. c. MASTER'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, J COUNTY OK EDGEKIKLD. ) Court of Common Pleas-J. C. Shep pard, against Mrs. E. K. Penn, et al Pursuant to the decree in this cause I will offer fer sale at public outcry before the court house, town of Edge field, and State of South Carolina, on ?alesday in January, liJO.'J, (the same being the 5th day of said month) be tween the 'egal hours of sale, the fol lowing described realty, to wit : All that tract of laud, situate in ?he said county and 6tate, contain ing one hundred and fifty (150) lores, more or less, and bounded >n the north by lauds of R.O. May sou, nnd on the east, south and yest by lands of the estate of J. S. Strom.' Terms of Sale-Cash. If terms are not complied with )r satisfaction given to Master he s authorized to resell within one lour afterward at the risk of tho ormer purchaser. Purchaser to pay for papers. W F ROATH, Master EdgelieJd County, December 10, 1902. FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTiT?TE. Jures Consump!:ion,Coughs, Jolds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumcnia,f?layFever,PIeu :isy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat. Croup and Whooping Cough. MO C3?RE. WO P?Y. Mee 50c. and $1. TRIAI BOTTLES FREE. ??C?FIELD S. C. ?tate and County Depository DIRECTORS. . C. SHEPPARD, W. W.ADAMS, . H. UOUKNIGIIT, J. A. BENNETT, . M COBB, B. S. HOLLAND, i. S. TOMPKINS. C. C. FULLER W. E. PRESCOTT. OFFICERS r. c. SHEPPARD, President. W. \V. ADAMS, vice-President. E. J. M IMS, Cashier. J. fl. ALLEN, Ass't Cns! ir Pays jp te rast fin deposits hy specin ont rapt. Mopey to loan on liberal term*. Prompt and polite attention to busi ies<*. YOUR Account Solicite!. DON'T HESITATE To sell your OLD GOLD or SILVER that you do not ?rant. Send it to me and fret tile CASH. I am paying HIGH PRICKS for antique silver in good con dition, from a spoon to a tea set* J*. D. NL'ITZ, 603 X. Elita* Sr.. Bal timore,Md.,dealer in Antique silver,etc Established I87L. aoa gins GET OUR PRICES. Complete Cotton, Saw, Grist, On and Fertilizer Mill Outfits, Cin, Tress Cane Mill,and Shingle Outfits. r.tiildii g,lr?('? ?, F ccu ry, Ftric and Railroad Castings, Railroad, Mil Machinists'and Factory Supplies. Belting, Racking, Injectors, Ripe Fittings, Saws, Files, Oilers, etc. We cast every day. Work 150 Hands. Foundry, Machine, Boiler, Press and Gin Works rSi?" Repa is Promptly Done AI-JUSTA, GA Srt?>. 6HICH?&T?rV& ENGLISH FEMYHOYAL BUS fcjl _/C?*\. Oriel UM! nm! Only I 'rn-.: i nc K/~?i>?V?AFK. AWa? leliaM* Ladles MK Draxzlsl ?.. ?< {gvi> fur CHICilHSTlIU'S KNOLISa ^'V-'V?-VN I" KEn M* iicUi ll"-'!-"ic h?*? rv -..Vt-.'J with blue riMmi. Take ia? other, Refino Wi ?Ni ?Vj IramjtTOU? Sulixtltuit. nu mid Imita. I / 11} "im?. Hui- of jeat Dru vi t. or Maj -lr. ia I w ?fr !i?ro|i< fur I'artlealn \ ToKtimnuluU I' aa.) " ttellel Tur i.Killus" fa I'I'.er, bj re .?X ?' turn Milli. li>.(li)<>'IV?iim.>ni.i!*. SnUbj >! T1 ail Iirug?'.H". Chichester t'lu-iulool Co^ Hallion this piper. iladlaou ?QUatru, I'll ILA., PA? TOO FAT PEOPLE RerJDce Your Weignt Witt "REDUCTO." Reduce ymir fat and be re lined. Reline your fat and he reduced. "It wi net o" is a perfectly harmless veg etable compound endorsed ny thousands of Physician* and People who have tnVd ir. We pend yeti the Formula and you make "iiedueto" at hun e il' j (iii deiirp, yi II "know full well the ingredients a ii d therefore need have no fear ol' evil ef fects. Send il.nu I for receipt or (ir for sample t n'ai ment andins'rue lions.everyt liing m iiled in plain ? envelope. A dures? ' mm Clinical Co 3701 S JEFFERSON AVE ST LCUIS IMO m' . The Rein ir kable pricing of new FALL FABRICS at the hasbeguu. The war will continue on through the autumn into the winter mouths. wm m Of the boat and newest fads in Autumu Merchandise. Oar floors 6pace, counters and shelves a:e laleu with superb an d I servicible styles -SPLENDID VALUES lu children school hose fast clack seemless double kue and heel 10 c pei and up. Ladies french seemless in fancy colors and black, regular 35 cents goods, our price ?5 cents. Our Dress Goods Counters are filled high with Etemiues Serges, Ladies cloth Meetons and henriettas at the correct prices. Then? splendid prices continue through our various lines, viz: Bleached Long cloth, fin*- Lansdale Cambrics, Tabie Da mask, Doy lier, Towels, soft lamb's wool red and while flan Del, bleached and browu Canton Flannels and Flannelets. Mens and Boys HATS AND CAPS: 10-4 blankets, spreads and ready-to-use full 10- bleacned sheets, 9 and 10-4 bleachs and brown sheeting. Last of ali SWEET MORSELS is the crea'ion of high art. Ladies and mens FINE FOOTWEAR. The Olga Netbersole. Quality and H. S. H. are the leading brands. Re.id^r, remember the Corner Store for bargain^. W- H[. TURNER PROPRIETOR. '4\ fiiiiifiiiiiiiriiiifiiiiiiiriiiiiiitiirfi?iisiiiiiifiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiit^rii?jiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiafistiiiiifliisaai H. H. CO SK ERY Offers to the trade in general the best good? ever ) offered in :hc slate at low prices. ... i Fine Plush and Beaver Robes, i ? a large assortment for Budgies and Carriages. Just received a carload of CHRISTMAS GOODS, including goat wagon and suries, boys wagons <fe velocipedes, als-j lr cycles for little girls, hobby .horses and shoo-fiys, all first class goods at low prie s We are sole agents for H. H. Babcock's Fine Vehicles, also Jno.W.Masury &SOD'B unexcelled House Paints- Calland see us. 733-735 Broad St., -- Augusta, Oa. FIT Any Size High.-JS.rt Clothing. -:)O00<: 'E carry the greatest line of Men's, Beys' aud Children's Suits and Over Coats in Augusta full lino of G?uts Furnishings and Hats. TO THE LADIES; We have a \eiy handsome line of Tai lor-made Suits, Walking Skirts, Odd Skirts, Silk and Flannel Waists and Ready-to-wear Hats. Call and ex amine our line of goods before buying. se Levy 44 Broad Steet^ Augusta, Ga. I. Christmas SHOPPERS | Ix Aie invited to our store to see the beautiful thing* we ?j? 5? nave that are suitable for holiday gifts: SK ju; Puff Scarfs. Linen Handkerchiefs. x2j Teck Scarfs. Silk Hadkerchiefs. Four-in-Haud Ties. Initial Handkerchiefs. fe Suspenders. Dress Gloves. ^ I Cuffs and Collars. Driving Gloves. ^ There are many other things that wo haven't . v% space to mention. jg Make your friends thrice happy l y giving them y?j Sc something USEFUL as well as ber-ntiful. v ??0 Call early, get fi-st choice. DORN & M!MS. ? CLOTHIERS. I FALL MILLINERY Thc holidays are here and I am going to ofter to those who desire beautiful millinery at very low !(prices an opportunity to buy some rare bargains in j: Trimmed and Ready-to-Wear jj HATS and Baby CAPS I at Reduced Prices During Holidays,^ 1 very cordially invite the ladies of Edge Meld to call and see for themselves what I have. Prices very low. Satisfaction Guaranteed. MISS ;WARY BUF?RD, ? Oolemaii-Wagener Hardware Comply, IIOLESALE d -alors, 3G3 King Street, Charleston ? Shelf Hardware a specialty. Agents for Buckeye mowers, Brindley Plows, Olivet Cbilleil p'ows RICERS:-Geo. A. Wagener, Pres.; Geo. Y. Colemau Vicerfres. L. G. Ball, Sec. and Treas. Correspondence Solicited,