Ecteef ield Advertiser SulMcr^ptien Price-bent to any address for one year for 1.50; 4?CSSl| months. 76c; for three months, ouc, PayaMe in advance. If rite for terms. Raie? for Advertising-One inob *rst insertion, $1.00; oaeh subsequent .usertion, 60c. Want NoticeB, one cent i,er word, each insertion. Other local .lotices, len cents perline for first m ^rtion; five cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect. Notices of Thanks, and all personal notices of a political nature, are charged for as regular ad veituements. Liberal contracts made for tbrw, six, and twelve months THE ADVERTISER, Edgefield, S. C. J. Ii. M IMS, - - - EDITOR. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1902. Some member of the sena torial troupe either has a wee small bit of campaign fund or supposes that the editor of this'paper is on the threshold of the poor house, We will live on blackberries and "park" or branch water be fore we will boost a senator ial candidate to the tune of one dollar a column. Such ? proposition has been made us. Chairman Jones, the gener alissimo o f : Democracy in South Carolina, has ordered that the county dispenser can .not be elected either . in the primary or by separate box. Thus through political boss ism the Democratic conven tion (not Col. Jones) deprives the people of Edgefield coun ty of that which i t should vouchsafe to them, namely: the right to choose by popu lar ballot the officers who shall serve them within the borders of the county. Truly, the yoke of bossism is galling. While THE ADVERTISER, unalterably and uncondition ally, favors the election of county dispenser by the peo pie we would say, first, last and always, submit to consti tuted authority. We predict, however, that before manj campaigns come and gc Edgefied county will elect hei dispenser or cast a bomb ir the camp of the politicians putting them to confusion. THE CAMPAIGNERS. The stump speakers ar< -abroad in the land. Then are almost more speaker than stumps, being sixty od( this campaign is being con ducted upon. The present campaign dif fers from those of recent year in three particulars, ist. Th< attendance upon the meeting* is small. The audience is com posed more largely of ladies than is usually the case. The people have been so often de ceived by the promises of politicians, which were made to be broken,that they are not disposed to give them their time when other matters need attention. This is one year, the first in many, in which the listeners receive some real benefit. 2nd. The demeanor or the . manner in which the candi dates conduct themselves is worthy of mention. Hereto fore the speakers have reared, snorted and cavorted in a way that was very unbecoming. They "cussed" their oppon ents instead of discussing the issues that were paramount. Not so today; all of them are deporting themselves as gen tlemen. If there are any who are not they are on their best behavior and try to make the audience believe they are gen tlemen, 3rd. Most of the speeches contain much food for thought This indicates that our people are becoming more intelligent year-by year and the candi dates dare not indulge in the political platitudes that were che stock in trade of the bla tant demagogues of a few years ago. Maybe we will yet experience some more of those good old times that ex isted in our state before the reign of the demagogues. Twelve meetings have been held ai which every speaker claimed the crowd. Some are gaining ground and some are losing. Some stock is at a premium and some at a dis count. . Poor G. Walt. Whitman could not raise the spondulix to pay his pledge and to buy a bicycle on which to tour the ' state, consequently he is not ! in it. j The Federal campaign ! meeting is held today at Dar- 1 Kngton and the State cam paign at Beaufort. Jlllllllllll!lllllll!lilllllllll!llllll!llllllllillllllllllli? I GOOD R0ABS vs. I BAB ROABS. I Hew To DO ir. .IfflUlilllillllllll?llllH G MllllllUUIIHIIiminilR Correspondence of Edgefield AdTcrtiser. (continued from last issue.) The decrease-iii value of land in Edgefield is still going on. The Bpecial reason we,, are getting BO poor that we can't fix the roads, is because the roads need fixing. It is useless look for better times-a time when we will be better able to work on the roads-land values will get worse - we shall be leBS able as time goes on , if wi? put this work off. It is not prosperity that brings good roads but good roads bring prosperity. If we want io get proeporous therefore we shall have to go to work OT the roads- that is the iirst requisite. Thinking people will see this when they realize that nearly every ton of hauling in Edgefiold county costs 35c on every mile hauled, U. S. governn. ent estimates for our class of roads) when it should cost only from 7c to 10c. This is on every mile hauled it should be re membered. The U. S.goverument says in the bad road bectious of the country the excessive cost of hauling is equal to one fourth of the "total home value of the pro ducts." Edgefield raised in 1900 25,000 bales of cotton, which at $40 per bale is equivalent to $1,000,000 worth of cotton. If the excess cost of hauling ou this was $250,000 we can see how we are throwing away money, or failing to make money. ThiB probably means all the haul ing c mnected with the cotton hauling the supplies to raise- it'etc I have pointed out that we buy in Edgefield $25,000 to $30,000 worth of vehicles every year. es:imatod from the tax- books, and since our vehicles are bumped and shak en to pieces and do not live half their time, it is plaiu that we speud $10,000 L$L2,000 at least more annually for vehicles than we would on good roads. It is an es tablished fact that vehiol s on good roads last twice as long as they do on bad roads. We ship in much lumber, meal, flour, etc., on railroad because it is too costly to seud to our country lumber and meal and flour mills. Our money goes out of the county, instead of to our own people who need it, who are in the lumber, fl >ur and meal business. Valuable timber landB go begging, except near the rail roads ; we buy our meal and flour instead of raising i : ; we stick to cotton and cannot diversify ; few dairies; little vegetable farming, and so leak at every pore on ac couut of oui terrible system of bad roads. No wonder we are poor. Gen. Butler says in his address: "If I had my way 1 would appoint a competent civil engineer for ev ery county, or one for two or three of the smaller counties." This is what we should do in Edgefield -o-.- ami ii J uo. And make up our mind, as they are doing elsewhere, to pay for what is neceesary, before we are too poor to pay at all. Land in Rich mond County, Ga., so Judge VV. P. Eve of that county was telling the other day, that in 1880 would sell for only $6 an acre, now after good gravel roads had been put tbrrugh them sold as high as $75 an acre, and the people were giving rights of way and begging him to put roads through their land. The U .S. Goverment says the average increase iu prices of land in good road sections, after wide inquiry, proves to be $6 per acre. Every single ihing raised on this land is raised at|greater profit. This en riches.the county. Every man, woman and child in Edgefield would de enriched by the building of good, modern road* far in excess of would cost-some eight or ten times what it wou'd cost H. C. M. Advertised Letters. List of letters remaining in the Post I Office at Edgefield C. H., June23tb, .VU2: 'i John Butler, TGuss Glover, James Jones, Miss Ellen Burt, Mrs. Malcom Lander. Mrs Sarah G Neef ree ce, Miss Sallie Mallace. 1 When asking for letters on this list tay "advertised." Very respectfully. W. H. BRUNSON, P. M. A vegetable liquid for Kovernimr or .qualinng the flow of women's menses which occur about once in every lumu month. . . BRADFIELD'S Female Reculator simplicity and solace. . It ls a concentrated essence best adapted for women'si delicate organism, and put ia Buch form that it is not only palatable but can be properly assimilated and taken into the oyateta. tw Stoppages, suppression, painful obs'ruc. ?on, irregularity, of the menses and sickly ?2-f *.re co?r*ct?? ?nd cured by thc regular ^ministration of this supetior emmena ?Senstxuation. or periodic flows, necessf mn!?M.breakinff down of ?ells 'i"*"* the mucous membrane and ? reconstruction with marked congestion and loss oxblood. Such , changes are very apt to Drodnc* Tronic catarrh Uuorrhe. or wftteYu tegjff ^- ^T* ,rritatin?f diicharges .o ??S?ft?6tro??le? ?nd restores ??P^s?Hfh?i*lthith* P*?*ntwho suffered W?BB^!"?re^db00lt' " Perf ??^?yJ2L iTurbabr wnw a? was but a wy ^^.i^K? ri,,,'.. tMfni ia iMtalar twuWee, and IU effect aas be? ?SLu?Ma? the neceisit?i. whsa BMA Hf^S?Ei A Timely Admonition. ditor ADVERTISER : I am imformed that a short j me back some parties went 3 Turkey creek and put dy amite in the creek for about ne mile, and that at Mr. bird's fish trap the buzzards vere for several days feas ing on the de?d fish that lodg d against the fish.dam. Mr.' Cditor, I do not think it right o violate the law and that inly to get a mess of fish. This wanton destruction of Il the fish, young and old, o get a few good fish is vrong. The explosion of the lynamite not only kills the ish, but destroys every egg n a hole and it will be sever il years before that part of he stream will have any fish :xcept a few migratory fish hat go up in the Spring of he year to spawn. I feel sure hat when the parties realize hat for one fish that they get hey feed to the buzzards, ninks and other fish eating, inimals hundreds, yes, I may .veil say thousands, thereby depriving their fellow man From legitimately getting a few now and then, and spoil ing many days of pleasure to fishermen like myself and that for only a mess of fish which could be bought for only 50c. j Well, in all earnestness, Mr. Editor, I do hope we will have no more dynamite put in our streams. FISHERMAN. ? Fm I FLESHl gt un summer can be prevented m jf by taking & Scott's Emulsion . its as beneficial In summer as tn winter. If you are weak or run down, lt will build you up. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 400-415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and fx.00; ali druggists. The only person we know of who can excel Sam Cheat L--?.-?-- uuifiiuci up North and when winter comes on he ships them down to Florida and makes them work all winter. We presume that this would be called bee ??rm ing on the intensive plan. These bees certainly lead a strenuous life. STOPS PAIN Athem, Tenn., Jan. ?7, 190L ATOr lince the first appearance of mr menses they wore yery irregular and I suffered with great pain in my hips, hack, stomach and legs, with terrible Dearing down pains in th? abdomen, puring the past month I hare been taking Wine of Cardui and Thedford'e Black-Draurht, and I passed the month ly period without pain for the first time ia years. KAXXIB Daru. What ts Hie worth to a woman suffer ing like Nannie Davis suffered? Yet there are women In thou tend? ol hemes to-day who are bearing (hose terrible menstrual Bains In silence. If you are one of these we want te say thai this same WINE?CARDUI j will bring you permanent relier. Con sole yourself with the' knowledge thal 1,000,000 women have been completely cured by Wine of Cardui. These wom en suffered from leucorrhoea, irregular menses, headache, backache, and bearing down pains. Wine of Cardui will stop all these aches and pains for you. Purchase a $1.00 bottle of Wine ol Cardui to-day and take it In the privacy of your home. For advice and literature, address. irlTlnuirmp loiiia, "Tho Ladies' Advliory Department." The Caattanooga iledlclne Co., Chattanooga, Cotton in all section seems v-ell advanced. After going 0 press we received a bloom rom Mr. J. P. Sullivan, of i be Pleona section of the ounty.Cotton seldom blooms 11 0 early on clay lands. a C( . ai The Best Prescriptions for Malaria bills and Fever is a bottleof GKOVE'B ASTELESS CHILL TONIC. It is simply on and quinine in a tasteless form 0 cure-no pay. Price 50o Mr. B. B. J ines ?B having hie 8idence ob Main street beauti illy painted. TO CURE A COLO IN ONEOAY ?KC Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet? ll druggist* refund the rooney if it il8tocure. E.W. Grove's signature on each box. 1 tatt Ctoten-bftitaL DltrrhoccDyswUry, end ! HM B?w?i TNCUCI .! Children of d/)/?oe. Alia DljuUoa. RejttktCi 1 thc Beweb, Stotagthcas i tnt Child tad Malu t Druggists TEETHING EASY. MOFFITT, M. D" *T. LOUIIUMO. SEtl?olle ?ad ? w?na Md twytMgjgSBB ,u?t w. h?T. coat t? ngv* i**2SX2!2&2s ?a Lou.? ?nd utU U.U.thI*g ?!^&?*fgS tho horrid staff Dut lamr P~Pl? g??"j? S?! Dressmaking --Establishment--! I tak6 this means of inform ing my Edgefield friends that I have reopened my dressmaking establishment ai 918 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. First class work at reasonable prices. See me before placing your work. MRS. AGATHA WOODSON, 918 BROAD ST. - AUGUSTA. pQenKOF^DGEBn EDGEFIELD S. C. Itate and County Depository DIRECTORS. C. SHEPPARD, W.W.ADAMS, . H. BOUKNIGHT, J. A. BENNETT, . M COBB, B. S. HOLLAND, I.S. TOMPKINS, C. C. FULLER W. E.PRKSCOTT. OFFICER8 I. C. SHKI'HAKD, President. Vt. W. ADAMS, vice-President. TC. J, Milis, Cashier. J H. AI.LKX, Ass't Cashier Pays interast on deposits by spucial contrae'. Money to loan on liberal terms. Prompt and polite attention to husi ness. Um BceouQti solicited. Gins anfl GET OUR PRICES. Complete Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil anti Fertilizer Mill Outfits, Gin, Press Cane Mill, and Shingle OutfltB. Building, Bridge, F actory, Fu_r/< ucuiiig, racking:, Tniector^iViiv Fittings, Saws, Files, Oilers, etc. Wt cast every day. Work 160 Hands. Foundry, Machine, Boiler, Press and Gin W?rk? GtJr* Repa is Promptly Done Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co AUGUSTA, GA CHARLESTON & WESTERN CAROLINA RAILWAY. ' gusta and Ashville Short Line. LT Augusta. 10 50 am 3 CO pm Ar Greenwood.. 12 30pm . Ar Anderson. 2 50 p m Ar Lauren?.... 140pm 635am Ar Greenvale.. 12 22pm '(30am Ar Glenn Sp'gs....445 pm . Ar Spart anbury.. 3 30 p m J 00am Ar Saluda- 5 33 pm Ar Bendemnville 603 p m ArAsuv-Ue.71 fi pm . CiV Ashv Uv... 705 am . JV Spar! wVjrg 12 45 am 3 30 pm Ov Greenville.... 12'2a m 145pm IrLaurens ... 2 00p in 6 XOp m jv And? ?sao. 7 35am ir Greenwood .. 2 28 pm 5 10pm li A ug ista.... 5 05 pm 1048 am li Savannah.... 5 55am . LA Calh oun Falls 444 p m J lr Raeigh.... 216am lr Kort ilk.... 7 30am ir Pete, sburg_6 00 a m !?* Biet nond.... 8 15 a m j Augusta. 3 55 pm k. Allendale. 6 58 p m " Fairfax. 6 12 p m " Yemassee. 7 25 pm . Beat fort. 8 15 p m 4 Port Royal. 8 25 t. * Charleston. ;< Savannah. . Charleston. 5 I'la m * Port Royal.... 7 3') a m 4 Beaufort. 7 45 am I Yemassee. 8 40 a m ? Fairfax.. .;?) 4Da m " Allendale. 9 foi m Lr Augusta.ll 55 a m Close connections at Greenwood for II points on S.A. L., anl C. and G. iailway, and at Spartanburg with out hem Railway. For information relative to tickets ites, scehdule8, etc., address W. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agt Augusta, Ga. T. M. EMERSON, Trafile Manager. |, 1 i 1 To the Public. Ii you waut first-class meal and omiuy bring your corn to my lill. I grind every Saturday lorniug. Come once and you will >me again. Satisfaction guar Qteed. S. A. HOLSTEIN. Southern R. R. Schedule. Trains leave Edgefield for Trenton )luinbia, Augusta, Aiken, etc. No 9, except Sunday, 5:30 a. m ; No, 133 J ly* 1:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Edgefield, No. 60 xept Sunday, 11:30 a. rn; No. 134, i ly, 4:25. Connection at Trenton for Augusta icon, Atlanta, etc., also for Colum, i, Charlotte, Washington and the ist. ITTHT I Hil ?-? OUR MAY Specialties 25 Dozen W. B.& R & G. CORSETS. Girdles and Straight front styles. LAWNS * DIMITIES, * CHECK NAINSOOK AND FIGURED MUSLIN, Mercerized Chambrays. New Laces and Embroideries. The best India Linens at 5c, 7c, 8c, ioc and 15c on the market. Be sure to examine ours before you buy. ooo J. M. COBB ?gg"\A.GT. FOR BUTTERICK PATTERNSjgfl C. A, GRIFFIN. E. J. Mina GRIFFIN & MUS. FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT Insurance! The Companies we represent are among Hie largest and most repu table iu the world. Any business pntrusted to us will receive prompt attention. Officojover May & May's Store. SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. All days in the week except Sunday will be "Baigain Days"f? honest Shoes, honest Dry Goode, and Notions at our store. TT A XTT? VnTT Our Fresh Arrivals in Ladies Xl A V Xii IUU D?iJ2jlH Corsets, Gents Cuffs and Collars, Neckwear, handkerchiefs, uuderwear, etc ? 5,000 Yards LACES Al Ladies should not miss seeing these goods. WHITE COODS India lawns from oe to 35c; Nainsook at 5c worth 7c; Lace open work Lawn for waist 7?c to 35c We are receiving fresh goode in ?Dotted Swisses, Foulards, Madras, Percales, Dimities, dress and pants linens and crashes, sheet ing, cottonades,cheviois, ticking, duck. Covert suitings, etc., etc.. etc. We invite our friends not to pass us by when they go out chopping. Respectfully, WASH GOODS ANS DOMESTICS. h 4fc HART * BUILDING, # EDGEFIELD, - - - g_ _ Summons lor Relief. (Complaint not ?erved.) STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. Court of Common Pleas. Mrs J M Dwelle, Mrs T M Cooper Miss Esther M Henry and J A Heu ry, Plaintiffs. against Celine H Henrv. Emma H Henry, S S Henry, Mrs J W Gililand, Mrs Janie Marks, Jefferson D Tal bert, Fred T Lockhart, and J P Wilson, as administrator of the es tat?? of Amelia F Averett, deceased, Defendants. To the Defendants above named : You are hereby summoued and required to answer the complaint in this action which ia filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for said county and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint ou the subscrib ers at their office at Edgefield C. H. S. C. within tweutydays after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service ; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff's in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. SAMUEL H. SIBLEY, EDWIN H. FOLK, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Edgefield, S. C., May 27th, 1902. ro the Infant Defendants, Celine H Henry and Emma H Henry, above named : You will please take due notice that if you fail to have a Guardian id litem appointed to represent your interest in the above entitled action ?y i th in twenty days from I he date of ;be serving ufa copy of the summons, ind this notice upon you, that then :he plaintiff will apply for the ap pointment of such Guardian ad litem n the manner and according' to the brms prescribed by law. SAMUEL H. SIBLEY, EDWIN H. FOLK, Plaint'lf's Attorneys. May 27, 1902. L'o the Defendants, Celine H Hen r>, Emma H Henry, S S Henry, Mrs J W Gilliiand, Mrs Janie Marks, Jefferson D Talbert, Fred T Lock hart and J P Wilson,as administra tors of the estate Arrelia F A\ereti deceased : You will please take due notic? bat the Complaint io the abov? tated actioi'.is now on file iu the ffiiceof the Clerk of Court of com oon pleas, in and for the county f Edgefield, and State of South ?arel i na. SAMUEL H. SIBLEY, EDWIN H. FOLK, Plaintiffs Attorneys. ittest: W..B. COGBURN, [SEAL] CC- C P. in aud for the Co in! of Edgefield, S. C. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARXS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone Mading a ?ketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whetlior sr invention Is probnbly patentable. Communies, lions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents lent free. Oldest agency for securing putenti. Patents taken through Munn it Co. receive rptcial notice, without chante. In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest ctr culatlon of any scientific tournai. Terms, S3 a year: four months. |L Sold by all newsdealer*. MUNN8Co.361B^NewYork Brauch Offlce..C25 F SL. Washington. D. C tVE PAT ?. I. FARE Alf D UTTDBR g,t# Deposit. Osar sates IM ?RM SCHOLARSHIPS. BOA KU AT ?OST. Writ- Quio* ss GA.-ALA. .VIXXXIS COL LEGH. MACOK, ?A, hie elffiatare is on every "x>s of the renata* Laxative Bromo-Quioine Tablet? ie remedy that care? a cold la OB? day LffPINCOTTS MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best In Current Literature 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY T0PIC8 $2.50 PCR YEAR ; 25 CTS. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF KNOW WHAT U ARE TAKING hen you take Grove's Tasteless Chill , mic because the formula is plainlj inted on every bottle showing that is simply Iron and Quinine in a teless form. No cure, no pay. 50c. FOR RENT. A five room dwelling house on . rldisou street. Has barn, stables, t, pasture and a good well of ater. Apply to J. L. MIAIS. R R NOTICE The Charlestun and Western 'laro ma Railway bee to announce that ar ngements have been perfected effec ve at once, whereby 1000 mile books their issue will be honored over all | iris of the plant eystem of Uailways ? his arrangement will no doubt be of I terest to the travelling public. W J CRAIG, G PA. j m-sa THE ARTISTS FAVORITE, The Matchless KRELL PIANO1 Unsurpassed in touch tone, work manship and durability. Sold on TER M s O f ^MLO?ME ( Factory and Warerooms, > I Cincinnati, Ohio. ) I. A. riOLLARD, Traveling Agent for bouth Carolina, NINETY-SIX, S. e. m ? MILLINERY. -AMD FINE DRESS- MAKING I am showing a very large assortment of Lad es Sailors, Street Hat?, and Dress Hats, either Trimed or untrimmed. A large etock of trimmings always on hand.. See our new shapes iu the rough straw, abo the Ready-to wear Hats in all the stylish shapes. We have a beautiful assortment of Misses Hats and Chil drens Silk aud Lawn Bonnuts. My entire stock is new. ^VVJS SOLICIT the patronage of the people iu FINE DRESS MAKING. Our experience enables us to guarautee PERFECT FIT and SATISFACTION to those who place work with us. R-E-S-P-E-C-T-E-U-I / . Y, MISS MARY BWF0RD, NOREIS BUILDING- .- EDGEFIELD nu T KEEP COOLI 4 We have Oxfords, Strap Slippers and House slippeis FOR THE LADIES. We have low cut congress ebces aud Oxfords - - - FOR THE MEN. Strap slippers for the CHILDREN. SEE our serge coats aud suits and Alpaca and Sicilian coats, Complete line of negligee shirts and Summer furnishing*. Straw Hats galore at reasonable prices. Come Int UB show you. ABA Y I STATE I SliOEsI TM_*\ nilifcliiH T SM JOB PRINTING ARTISTICALLY IfEXEOUTBD^ AT ADVERTISER OFFICE A. F. PERKINS 1 We are prepared to do1 any and all kinds of Job Printing. Note Heads, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, _ Envelopes Masonic work of allflj kinds a specialty. -:)000(: riard Board, Visiting Cards, Unruled Paper, ._Etc., Etc. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN. 209 7th Street, Augusta, Ga., ?IVES FREE EYE TESTS for ?II def-ct* W?Jk Sritid? the proper CIMM? uad WA \ HANTS them. Lenses cut inte your frame while you we REE *'* ^ '<>>.. * your DR. KING'S TRY NEW DISCOVERY, FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia,HayFever,Pleu risy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Bore Throat. Croup andi Whooping Cough. _ NO CURE. NO PAY. Prict 50c. and $1. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE,