Ed^efield Advertiser J. L. MiMi, - - - EDITOR. Ra. ?rn for Advertising-One inch .Ant nsertion, $1.00; each subsequent .nsertion, 60c. Want N ol ices, one cent per word, each insertion. Other local lotices, len cents per line for first in sertion; five ceuts per line for each subsequent insertion. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect, Notices of Thanks and al' personal notices of a political nature, are charged for as regular ad vertisements. Liberal contracts made for thr.^, six, and twelve months Write Irr terras. _ THE ADVERTISER, Edgefield, 8. C. WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1902. The State Democratic con vention will meet in Columbia on May 2ist. The beef trust is being gor . ed and is bellowing loudly. We trust that the vitals of the trust will be laid bare. The cotton mills are organ izing themselves into an in surance company to carry their own insurance. Good. John Wannamaker spends $i,ooo a day advertising his Philadelphia store. He uses a page a day in five daig ne wspapers. It pays. Every week the charter mill in Columbia grinds out many charters for manufac turing enterprises, but never any for Edgefield. The city of Augusta is greatly ih need of an increase in the number of her postmen or mail carriers. Letters have recently remained in the Au gusta office over 19 hours be fore being delivered. There is grent dissatisfac tion over the country ? nong the wage earners. They are demanding an increase in pay and an eight-hour day. If de mands-are not granted strikes are threatened. Honorable Thomas E Wat son, who was a failure as a Third party politician, is a success as a lawyer and a lecturer. His income from his law practice last year was $12,000 arid he has just clos ed contracts to deliver three lectures for $500 each. in Edgefield county run on his own merits. Let it be a cam paign free from slates and combinations-an anti-trust campaign. TUE ADVERTISER rrrS-sidTn smashing slates and that too over the her.ds of those who form them. Give every honest man a chance. Senator Tillman will be restless and ill at ease, a fish out of water, till he finds something else to raise a stir about. All of the furor about McLaurin was much-a-do about nothing. Since his af filiations with the Republican party became so evident for some time it has been gener ally conceded that McLaurin would not go before the peo ple, knowing that defeat star ed him in the face. Now that all the other crops are planted the sweet potato patch should receive attention. The soil of this section will produce as fine potatoes as. any part of the country. No one one ever made too many sweet pota toes. What cannot be sold can be fed to man and beast. More net profit per acre can be derived from potatoes at 25 cents per bushel than from almost any other crop. Set out all the plants on the bed and then later cut the vines and set out as many more. ??? The Board of Trustees of Clemson college have had a meeting and after due consid eration reinstated Cadet Thorn well and have allowed the Sophomore class to re turn to the college. Several days prior to the meeting o? the board President Hartzog filed his resignation so as not to embarrass the board in making a thorough investiga tion. The resignation will not be acted upon till the reg ular meeting of the board in June. The trouble is only! temporarily settled What Thin Folks Need ii a greater power of digesting I ?md assimilating food. For them /Dr. King's New Life Pills work j wonders. They tone and rr?ulatf the diges'ive organs, gently ex pe) 1 all poisops ?rom th* 6y8tem,onricb 9 the blood, improve appetite, male? r. healthy flesh. Only. 25c at G. L. ^.Pepn & Sop's. |s COTTON PICKING. A Mississippi inventor who las been experimenting with cotton picking machinery for :he past ten years claims that ie has at last perfected a ma mine that will pick the fleecy staple as deftly as the human hand. He is so confident that his invention will be a success that he has already closed contracts to pick the cotton grown on several Mississippi plantations. The State of Texas alone could, with steam plows and cotton picking ma chinery, discard the negro and the mule and grow cotton enough to supply the world The Texas planter having but little or no fertilizers to buy could with the aid of the above mentioned twentieth century labor saving farming implements make more clear money on five-cent cotton than the planters of the other sections of the cotton belt could on ten-cent cotton. The inventor of the cotton picker admits that it will only work on level land, consequently it could never be used on our rocky hills. We are almost selfish enough to wish that it will prove a failure. Fire Insurance Companies. Since the twenty-five per cent increase in the rates made some weeks ago the fire insurance companies have been cussed and discussed as never before. That all com panies have had a series of heavy losses cannot be deni ed, but some argue, and the point seems to be well taken, that these losses were unusu ally great, an emergency, and that the companies have pre pared for these emergencies by building up large surplus es or reserve funds and that it is an imposition and an in justice to require the policy holders by a sweeping 25 per cent increase to restore the in'pi ired reserve func!?. lt appears to the uninitiated that by a smaller increase of pre mium, say 15 per cent., the reserves could be gradually built up as they once were. Twentyfive per cent is a great increase and will raise in a year an enormous sum all of which comes from the pock ets of the people. We have not heard of a cor responding 25 per cent cut in -j-p?-rJ-r^J-.-?""vi?- --. y i csidfents" from $25,000 to $50,000 to do practically nothing, highly paid sub-officials doing the work. It appears from the standpoint of justice and equi ty that the companies should bsgin retrenchment along the line of their current expenses. When individuals have finan cial reverses the first thought is to economize and cut down expenses, but it seems that the first thought of some cor porations when an ill wind makes a rent in their sails is to set about to make their clientele repair it. Many of the large cities are forming local fire companies. |, Here in Edgefield we have to submit to whatever rate is fixed by the Eastern and for eign companies and in our helplessness be thankful that it is no worse. ^MOTHERS, DO YOU KNOW the many so-called birth medicines and 1 ^ ?1? 'or women In the treatment of her delicate organs, contain more or less opium, morphine and strychnine? Do You Kn OTT that opium and morphine are stupefy Ina: narcotic poisons ? """*""ne Do yon Know that In most countries druir 5;Vf.a?f<,1f0tPini,,ttedt08elln?rcoticswitn out '?belinjr them poisons? Do Yo? Know that you should not take Internally any medicine for the pain accom- I ! panying-pregnancy? r Iii Do You Know that Mother'? Priend is a I Purely vegetable preparation, and that it is applied externally only. Do Yon Know that Mother's Friend is a celebrated prescription and that it has been In use over forty years, and that each bottle of the genuine bears the name of The Brad field Regulator Co. ? Do yOU itnow (hat when you use this per fect remedy duringchildbirth or throughout the entireperiod of gestation that you will ?MJ0 ?' Pain ao : ' D >nnie Williams, Mrs, F S. Wilson, ? WLite, Ellen Harfus, Luther h eftles, A ut Hoot Rufe, Elbert Gar t, J S De Loach, Maj P J Drew, ack Brown, J. L. Buggs. When asking for letters on this list ay "advertised." Garas CMm-bifiita, DlarrhotaJtatRteiy, awl the Bowel Tro ubi? o? Children oM/i/Af?. Aid? DijesUoB. palatal the Bowels, Strengthens the ChUd and Makes TEETHING EASr. Or ?ail 85 cents ta C. J. MOFFETT. M. D" ST. LOUIS. MO. Costs Only 25 cents at Druggists, MILLINERY AND FINE DRESS MAKiKJ:, I am showing a very large assortment of Ladies Sailors, Street Hats, and Dress Hats, either Trimed or untrimmed. A large stock of trimmings always on hand.. See our new shapes iu the rough straw, also the Ready-to wear Hats in all the stylish shapes. We hav * b??!!!? Z&&*? Tr*la,( ?l^?lnf Sase betwoon New York ?net Now Orl??ns. vi? Atlanta. A.winV.' *aimt' ^^^^? r*?H<*. either T?. Lrn?kb?^, D??WI1* .Superior ninlni-C.r Sortie, on all fKrou.h Trolas. SacoUoat icrrtc. ?nd Low R?to. to C*?,l?,toa* ?e. wi.?*:cr?r?;oVTic,catB to ui R*"oru For dmtatiod Information, literature, time tabla: apply ?o n?ar??e ticket.ajrenr, Mr mddrm?s rolo?, otc. S. H. HARP WI QB. Conerol Pxi??ng fr Ago nt, Wa?Htkffioa, A. C. R. W, MUNT, Bio. Paoiimgor Aglfit. Charioifok, J. C. FIBRUART io, tata. ?M. 0?. W. m. TATL?K? ?0 J. e. B9AN, 0to?rl?t J???,. A^mmn. Aikamim, Qa. m fynw OF EDGEFIELD EDGEFIELD S. C. State and County Depository DIRECTORS . C. SHEPPARD, W.W.ADAMS, . H. BOUKNIGHT, . M. COBB, J. A. BENNETT, B. S.HOLLAND, . S. TOMPKINS, C. C. FULLER W. E. PRESCOTT. UPPINGOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best In Current Literatura 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY4 MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 ?CR TEAR ; 26 CTS. A SORvl NO CONTINUED STORIES/ EVERY HUMEES OOMRLETE IN ITSELF OFFICERS . C. SHEPPARD, President. W. W. ADAMS, vice-President. E. J. MIMS, Cashier. J. H. ALLEN, Ass't Cashier Pays interast on deposits by special antract. Money to loan on liberal terms. Prompt and polite attention to busi ess. 'oar Hccouor solicited. 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. A nyone lending n : ';p!^h n\u\ rioscrlr?lon mm quickly ascertain our oniniua freu wliclhcr af invent ion li probably n ttentabfo. Ctintmnnlni in ..8.itricily<Mc,-,t apone) lof B0CUt1n4JMOellU. I'uicnts taken tiimuirh >l!??*n St Co, rcccl-.e ijii cial tiotice, tri)bout cliriruc i? .-o Scientific Hmfm. A handsomely illiintrntod wm-kir. T.nnro?t clr cnlaUon ni any amenUfla Vuirnal. Term*, ti a Tc:ir: tour months, ?1. Bold by all m-nurtouler? 1VI?NN & Co.3&,Broad^. New York Branch Ofllce. 025 V SU Washington. 1), C. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7fh Street, Augusta, Ga., G ?VE S FREE EYE TESTS for all defects of '?ght, grinds the proper glueues and WAR RANTS them. Lenses rut into your frame while you wait FREE ' : ?* . ??II? ?f y?? nerf medicine ori:Uuc> WE PAY fi. 1. FAKE AND CNDM ^^v-v^ Deposit, Guarantee Cs?dmrm?/ BOO FURS DCHOLAIIIRIPI. BO ABD AT COST. Writ? Quick lo OA.-ALA. BCSIXBSa COLLEttK, MACOS, ?* R R NOTICE The Charleston and Western 'Jaro lina Railway be# to announce that ar rangements have been parfected effec tive at once, whereby 1000 mil* books of their issue will be honored over nil paris ol the* plant rystem of Railways. This arran?remniit will no doubt be of interest to fhe travelling public. W J CRAIG, GPA. STEEL ROOFING!; and SIDING. (8a?endorph'a Patent.) Lightning, Fin and Storm Proof. Send for i The Ifew York eatalogue Iron Rootlns nod Corrusatlne Co., 11 Of price*. I Flr?t A Waah'n at., J erse y Cl if, Fl, J' i ? OUR MAY Specialties. 25 Dozen W. B. & R. & G. CORSETS. Girdles and Straight front styles. LAWNS * DIMITIES, * CHECK NAINSOOK AND FIGURED MUSLIN, Mercerized Chambrays. New Laces and Embroideries. The best India Linens at 5c, 7c, 8c, ioc and 15c on the market. Be sure to examine ours before you buy. OOO J. M. COBB 0?@~*AGT. FOR BUTTE RICK PATTE RN S^ffifl C. A, GRIFFIN. E. J. MIKS GRIFFIN & MIMS. FIRE, LIFE and ACCIDENT Insurance! The Com pu u iee wo represent are among the largest and most repu lable iu the world. Auy business entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. Office in rear of the Bank of Edgefield. .SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. All'lays in the week