Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, June 12, 1901, Image 3

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Edeefield Adver WEDNESDAY, JUNE li ?lill! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I LOCAL AND PEESO? piiaumniiiuiiiumuiiiiuiiiniiuniiia Peaches are getting ripe. The Irish potato crop is 1 Miss Lucile il obley was in ? last week. Senator Tillman has with his resignation. .y' - . '?" ' Mrs. Ashley and family are \ 4 relative* at Ellenton. Mrs. W. A. Strom and little ter were in town last week. Mrs. Lula Sheppard is visiti eon, Hon. J. C. Sheppard. Master Arnoldus Lewis is v relative? near Charleston. Miss Bet Sheppard is at hom? Converse College for the ? olida Mrs. Nick Brunson, who was sick last week, is much improve* Misses Mary, Ida and Pauline - spent a few days among us last The lands of the Pictens will probably not be sold til M. P.Weils, Esq., is pai his new house on Addison sti Cotton has advanced a qi of a cent within the past ten The commencement exercises Johnston Institute are taking this week. Miss Eliza Youngblood is vi her brother, Capt. Ras Youngblc Winter Seat. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Jones ar joying the commencement at Ck College this week. Mrs. Agnew Caldwell w.ll Edgefleld in a short time, to spen summer in Greenville. Miss Hettie Sheppard goes to pobellu this week, where she spend the summer. The wheat and oats are em] ically good, and all saved wit damage. The stands of cotton are good and the plant is small not growing much as yet. B E Nicholson Esq., is att ing the Sonth Carolina Col commencement at Columbia. There'll be a fine crop of g this year if the farmers don't d age it while working their cott , Hon. Ihomas H, Rainsford in town Monday greeting and ing greeted by his many frient For Sale : A fine milch coW. ply to TBAPP MCMANUS, Edgefield, S. < Roger Hill is at home again, ter several months absence atte . Ibii Min nu TTiiiiiniinii Pulli \ T The nexT^??ting of the'. ^Wiedersehen club will be held the home of Mrs. F. W. P. Butl Joe Hoi laud has returned fi his baseball tour to Atlanta, Cb leeton and other places, filled w with honors. Professor Bailey and4family ? \ others will be off in a short ti 1 for a six weeks' trip to the moi tains. Examination for Winthrop C lege scholarships will take ph i_- in the court house on Friday, Ji . 12th. Mrs. ."iva Lewis and Miss Lena S vens, of Meeting Street, attended t graduating exercises of the Instit) last Wednesday evening. Miss Thames, who has been maki her home in Edgefield for a year or is visiting relatives at Paxville, S. her former home. Mr. William Cogburn, son of S Ben Cogburn, has returned home 1 the holidays, having pursued his stu ?es at che South Carolina College. Mrs. Mamie Herriott, the success! teacher of the Kindergarten school Johnston, was in Edgefleld during t commencement. t Mr. Robert Dnnovant's ne ? residence is rapidly approachii completion under the deft "inge: of Contractor Joe Reece. kThere are more applications airead for room in the Barracks for studen than there were the last session thn weeks before the Institute opened. William Nicholson, son of Mrs. Ll: zie Nicholson, is Junior Orator at th Sonth Carolina College commence Bl" 1 * 'SlfenVwhicb takes place this week. For Sale-Six fine grade milch cow all fresh to milk. Also 30 fine 2-year old ewes. THOS. H. RAINSFOKD, Edgefleld C. H., S C. Dr. E. C. James, of Chase City, Va bas been elected President of th Greenville Female Colige, to succee Dr. E. H. Murfee, resigned. Miss Aileen McGee, well known ii Edgefleld, a niece of Mr. J. P. Bates, i one of the graduates of the G reen viii* Female College this year. She grad sated as vice-President of her class. The graduating class gave a recep tion to the young reople of Edgefiek on Wednesday evening, at the College building, after th* graduating exer cises in the opera bouse. Tb? Childi en's Day Exerc!de& at thc Mill Sunday-school on Sunday after noon were much enjoyed by z large crowd. The children and older young people all did themselves credit. The Rev. P. P. Blalock will preach at the Mill Chapel on next Sunday mornicg at ll o'clock, and he with Rev. C. H. Bnrto?i will be gin a series of meetings on Mon day night at the same place. One free scholarship will be giv en at the next session to Edgefield county for admission to the Col lege of Charleston. Examinations will be held at Edgefield on July ?w" 12ch. .See advertisement in an - other column for particulars. i Mr. J. P. j?ates is having the famfty home ii- Buncombe newly painted in side and out, and other improvements made. This is one of the ante-bellum homes of Edgefeld, and is a ?-.?jdmark of her past graudeur. Miss Isol?e Shaffer is visiting the home of Mrs. Geliva Jones, on Colum bia street, Miss Belle Jones, of Ridge Spring, is also ependin^ some time with Mrs. Jones. Mis.es Ruth and Maryland Randall, of Augusta, Ga., having spent com mencement week as guests of Misses Genie Brunson and Kellah and Mary Fair, have r?turned home. Mr. Thomas Furse and family will in a ff w days return to their home in the lower part of Hamp ton couuty until school opens in September. Tbe result of the prize drill on the Institute campus during commence ment, was a medal to Mr. Charlie Hearn, of Alabama, as the best drilled cadet of the corps. Col. James T. Bacon and Mrs. Kate Cheatham are in Buffalo, N. Y. He to attend the meeting of the Press Association, and she to be present at the reuuion of the D. A. R. Mr. D. B. Hollingsworth an nounces to the public that his threshing days are Tuesday,Thurs days and Saturdays at his gin. The patronage of the public is so licited, j 12 Quite a number of Edgefield people attended the commencement of the Johnston Institute on Sunday. Arnon j whom were Mr. J. W, Peak aud Jamie, and Misses Effie and Ella Mays Allen. The sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Burts, of Blackville. Mr. Chas H. Fisher, President of the Edgefield Manufacturing com pany, left Monday for Philadelphia, where he will represent the 2nd Con gressional District at the meeting of the Southern Industrial Association, which meets there on the 11th Instant, and will be in session four days. Miss Sallie Bailey will not be in charge of the vocal music department of the Institute for the coming session, but will hold the position of lady prin cipal in that Institution. Mrs. Allen, of Kentucky, a graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music, in Boston, will have charge of the vocal Ciass. A summer school for teachers will be held at Edgefield, from July 22d to August 17th, inclusive. Seo Supt. Nicholson's notice in another column. Also read notice in another column that on June 21st there will be an examination of applicants to teach, held in Edgefield court house, this place. The Rev. P. B. Lanham writes of the death of Mr. Jacob Floyd "Mr. Floyd died on the 6th inst, and was buried at Sweetwater church yesterday, aged 48 years, a member of the Baptist church for J 2 or 15 years. Leaves a wife, an aged father, a brother; and sis ?tar4pc..i^arj^. hjs, 4ejjartur8.. He mis sick fiveVor six mo?Cn^r'Dtff bore his afflictions patiently and expressed his readiness to die." Baptist Courier: The friends of Rev. J. S. Jordan, of Phoenix, S, C., will regret to hear of the death of his daughter, Mrs, Nannie Goldsmith, which ocsurred in Winston-Salem, N. C., on June 4lh. Mrs, Goldsmith was a young wo man of rare qual ties of intellect and soul, and by her amiable, af eectionate disposition, made many friends wherever she lived, She attended school in Greenville, where she was very popular. Wc extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved husband and to Bro. Jor dan and other members of the family. One day last week George Norris was given a note by Col mel Jim Tillman to be carried to his house ID town for his horse and buggy. Through some misunderstanding George carried the note to Senator Ben Tillman, at Trenton, Beven miles distant. George walked all the way aud when he reached the Senator's house he delivered the note feeling B?ro that he would have a nice ride back to Edgefield, and when he found out his mis take the air was made sulphurous with his bad talk, and hitting the cross ties he kept it up all the way back to Edgefield. Jones-Hill Marriage. The startling sensation of last week was the marriage of Miss Marion Hill to Mr. Luther Jones, both the children of old Edgefield. Without leave or license, this young couple, after the graduating exercises on Wedneeday even ing in the opera house, repaired to the residence of Rev. Richard Anderson, rector of the Episcopal church, whom they selected to tie the Gordian knot. They doubt less thought theprecopt of the im mortal Shakespeare as good as any they could foliow: "If it were done when it is done, then it were well 'twere done quickly." And if the young people of the future wil. just get their pnrents' consent first, and then run away, this is probably the best way after all. If it is romance they wish, .his way is most full of it, if novelty, to this we must yield the precedent, if economy, where is a better way ? If style, they can enjoy that after ward. It prevents much of the foolish nonsense which so many people think is tho necessary ac companiment of a wedding, and gives the public a pleasant sensa tion, and something interesting to talk about. The public is much indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Jones for this abatement of its monotony, and wishes them all good fortune and happiness At any rate McLaurin can soy with the sportsman who missed his birds that he gave them a "devil of a serenade".-New York Sun. That's about all h? can do, Sun. I Every woman loves to think of the time when a soft Huie body, all her %\wn, will nestle in her bosom, fully satisfying the yearning which lies in the her.rt of every good woman. But yet there is a black cloud hovering about tho pretty picture in her mind which fills her with terror. The dread of childbirth takes away much of the joy of motherhood. And yet it need rot be so. For sometime tiiere has been upon the market, well-known and recommended by physicians, a liniment called which makes childbirth as simple and easy as nature intended it. It is a strengthening, penetrating liniment, which the skin readily absorbs. It gives the muscles elasticity and vigor, prevents sore breasts, morning sick ness and the Joss of the girlish figure. An intelligent motlier in Butler, Pa., says: " Were I to need Mother's Friend, a^-'ain, I would obtain 0 bottles it I had to pay ?5 per bottle for it." Get Mother's Friend t tho drug store. $1 per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Write for our free illustrated book, " Before Baby is Born." A PEOFIT SHAKING Is what you become when you depi sit your savings with our Saving* Department. Four -per cent interest paid on Sar ines. Interest Compounded twice a year. Vow is thc tine to be^in and the easiest way is to send us $1.00 or larder sums; you will rece ive a receipt book by return mail. (This is tho true way lo become independent.) Sanis Uep't EQiaiTrotCi AUCUSTA,CA. OFFICERS. JOS. B. CUMMING, President. CHAS. G. GOODRICH, vice-President, ALBERTS, HATCH, See'rj St Treas, WM. H. BAKETT, Attorney. DIRECTORS, JOHN W. DICKEY, R. A. GRAVES, ROBERT W. SHANI), A. V. PENDLETON, ll. H. CUMMING, GEO. E. GOODRICH. JUNE O' Is tho month fo Serge Coats, Se We are ctoin goods Come ea Oxford's Soul ligee shirts, gau Every Tl ??? Da m ipia iii'Vi many others are PRICES ARE THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Troatment by which Drunkards are Being Cured Dally in Spite of Themselves. * Il is now generally known and un derstood that Drunkenness is a dis ease and not weakness. A body lilied with poison, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroy ing the craving for intoxicants. Suf ferers may now cure themselves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "HOME GOLD CURE" which has been perfected after many yeais ol' close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our record- show the marvelous trans formation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. WIVES CURE YOUR HUSBANDS!! CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS ! ! This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but is a specific fsr this disease only, and is so skillfully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, BO that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the pereon taking it Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the "CURE," administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. Do XOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading "improvement." Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The "HOME GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of every body a treatment more effectua! than others costing $25 ;o $50. Full direc tions accompany each package. Spe cial advice by skilled physicians when, requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. C 441 EDWIN B. GILES & COHPAKY 2330 and 23? Market Street, Philadel phia, All correspondence strictly confi dential. A Superb Grip Cure. Johnson's Tonic is a superb Grip ci.re. Drives out every trace of Grip Poison from the system. Docs it quick. Within an hour it enters the bloc il and begins the neutralize the effects of tho poison. Within a day it plants the Grip victim beyond the pc;i,it of dan ger. Within a week ruddy cheeks at test the return of perfect health. Price 50c, if it cures. Ask for Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic. Take nothing else, if not for sale by your druggist, send 50c to A. I?. Girardeau, Savannah, Ga. WANTED-I understand there is not a vacant house in Edgefield. If this is correct, I want board for myself and wife, or to rent two or three rooms, furnished or unfur nished. Apply to ?. F. P., city. A WOKTHY SUCCESSOR "Something New Under The Sun." All Doctors have tried to core CATARRH by the U9e of powders, acid gases, inhalers and drugs in paste form. Their powders dry upthemu cuous membranes causing them to crack open and bleed. The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entire ly eaten away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to core, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the disease. An old and expe rienced practit ioner who has for many years made a close study and special ty of the treatment, of CATARRH, has at last perfected a Treatment which when faithfully used,notonly relieves, at once, but permanently cures CA TARRH, by removing the cause, stop ping the discharges, and curing all in tlammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actnally reaches the afflicted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as ''SNUFFLES 4he GUARANTEED CATARRH CORE' and is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, each package containing in ternal and external medicine sufficient for a full month's treatment and every thing necessary to its perfect use. "SNUFFLES" is the only perfect CA TARRH ever made and is now recogniz ed as the only safe and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting dis ease. It cures all inflammation quick ly and permanently and is also won derfully quick lo relieve AAY FEVER or COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION-"SN?FFIKB" will save you if you use it at once. It is no ordinary remedy, buta complete treat ment which is positively guaranteed to cure CATARRH in any form or stage if used according to the directions which accompany each package. Don't delay but send for it at once, and write full particulars as to your condition., and you will receive special advice from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost to you beyond the regular price of "SNUFFLES" the "GUARANTEED CA TARRH CURE." Sent prepaid to any address in the United ?States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. C 441, ED WIN B. GILES & COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. REMEMBER that weare pre pared to handle all kinds of Job printing. JOHNSON'S CHILL AND FEVER TONIC Cures Fever te One Day. r Alpacos, Sicilians, Flannels rge Suits, Etc. g a rushing business in these rly before Nos. are broken. :hern Ties, Straw Hats, Neg ze underwear, in fact bd?g for Summer. ^sTgooTTs~a?~d keep cool, as~~ ! doing. RIGHT. fe: MIMS. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the fo-mulais plainly printed on every bottle, showing that it VA simply Iron und Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c The Best Prescriptions for Malaria Chills and Fever is abottleof GROTE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure-no Dav. Price 50c SUMMER SCHOOL.. -(00) Teachers and Trustees are here by notified that the county sum mer school will be held this year at Edgefield, C. H., from July 22d to August 17th. The State Super intendant of Education urges me to request the trustees to appro priate .$10.00 or $15.00 to the teachers who attend. Trustees are advised to employ teachers as early as possible for next sessions work. The course of study at the summer school will bear directly upon the future work to be done in tho schools. All teachers and trustees expecting to attend will please communicate with me at ones. Board can be had at rea sonable rates. For lurther infor mation pitase write me. Respectfully, A. R. NICHOLSON, Co..Sup. of Education. June 4 3t Have you seen PERKINS? No. He's Looking for YOU. Who, me ? Yes, you ! What does he want ? He wants to do Your SOUTH CAROLINA CO-EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE. (S. C. C. Tm) * * * Eds-efleld, 8. C. * * * Ol?est and Larrrest Co-Etatal Collup ia lae Slate. Over 300 students enrolled this session, representing 10 States. Young men under strict military discipline. Faculty composed of lb College and University graduates-8 men. Thorough Literary Course leading to the degrees of B. E., B. S. and A.B. Superior advantages offared in the Departments of Music, Art and Business. Four magnificent, well equipped buildings. Thousands of dollars recently spent in improvements. From $100 to $140 covers expenses in Literary Department for the entire school year, 167 Boarders. No others can be accommodated this session. 27 applications have been rejected since Jan. 3rd. If you contemplate attending our College next^session, write for catalogue and application blank to F. N. K. BAILEY, PRESIDENT.^ EDGEFIEL?D, S. C. Next session begins Thursday, Sept. 27, 1901. SUMMER The hot days aro unbearable with heavy garments on ; why torture yourself when you can purchase suitable CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS. jU rabie. Our suits are made for comfort; light in weight but NEGLIGEE SHIRTS 5c to $1 00 best made. UNDERWEAR 25c. per garment and upward. FOR LADIES: We have an elegant assortment of Shirt Waist (prices now reduced)J SHORT SKIRTS & ETC. /. C. LEVY'S SON & CO., TAILOR-FIT, CLOTHIERS. 838 Broad St., AUGUSTA, GA. [{TC liiiMimimi FOR SPRING WE HAVE ililli! iiiiiimimiiiim A MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITY. DO YOU WANT OR NEED AtflCE SUIT? If you do, now is the time to buy it. All Colored Suits for Men Boys and Children, are now offered at a discount of 25 per cent. Negligee Shirts 50c. to $200. All Goods Marked. Stn?w Hats, 50c. to $3.50 in plain figures. Serge Coats, $3.50 to $6.00. Alpaca Coats, 150 to $5.00. J. B. WHITE & COMPANY Spot Cash Clothing Stoi?, Mote Heads, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes CHARLESTON & WESTERN CAROLINA RAILWAY. "Augusta and Ashville Short Line. Schedule in iiffect Jan. 17,. 1900. Lv August*. 9 40am 140pm Ar Greenwood- 1217pm 1130pm Ar Anderson.... 7 30 pm . Ar Laurenn.... 115pm 7 00 a in Ar Greenville.. .255pm 'J 45 a ra Ar Glenn Sp'g3....405pm . Ar Spartanbuig.. 3 00 p m 8 00 a ra Ar ?Sal ucla.... 6 23 pm Ar Renders on vi Ile 651 p m Ar Ashville.700 pm . Lv Ashv lie.... 820am . .'JV Sparl inburg ll 45 a m 4 10 p m Lv Greenville... .11 55a m 4 00 p m ArLaurens.... 130pm 7 00pm Lv Andi mon. 6 35 a m Ar Greenwood.. 2 28pm 510pm Ar Augusta.... 5 05pm 1048 am Ai Savannah.... 6 55 a m . Ly Cilh. oun Falls 444 p raj ArEaeigh.... 2 16am Ar Norl )lk.... 7 30 a ra Ar Pzte? sburg-6 00 a m?? Aa- Eick nond.... 8 15 a m .i? Augusta. 3 55 pm <L. Allendale. 5 58 p m " Fairfax. 0 12 p m " Temassee. 7 25 pm Hear fort. 8 15pm " Port Royal. 8 25pm " Charleston. " Savannah. Charleston. 6 15 a m " Port Royal. 7 30 a m " Beaufort. 7 45 am " Yemassee. 8 40 a m " Fairfax.^9 40 a ni ? Allendale. 9 53 am Ar Augusta. 1155 am Close connections at Greenwood for all points on S. A. L., and C. and G. Railway, and at S partan burg with Southern Railway. For informativ n relative to tickets rates, schedules, eec, address W. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agt Augusta, Ga. T..M. EMERSON, Trafile Manager, I We are prepared to do I any and all kinds of Job Printing. Card Board, Visiting Cards, Unruled Paper, Etc., Etc. i. Direct from Distiller to Consumer 4 Full Quarts Pure Eye Whiskey, ' TO ANY . '.ADDRESS EXPRESS PREPAID FOR $8.60 FROM SEVEN TO NINE <3 ? YEARS OLD. Our Sample"Package: 1 Qt W. H. McBRAYER, Guaranteed Strictly Pure Handmade Sour Maeh. 1 Qt Gibson XXXX RYE, Palatable in the Highest Degree. 1 Qt GUCKENHEIMER, justly celebrated for its medicinal value. 1 Qt OLD CROW WHISKEY, the old Reliable Favorite. We ship this assortment, or assorted any way you like them, in a plain package for $2.65, express prepaid. Send in your order. Reference : Third National Bank. Give us a trial on our Pure Mountain Corn at $1.50 and $2.00 a gallon and good Rye at toe same price. Write for our new illustrated catalogue just out. GLENDALE SPRINGS DISTIL'G CO., 31 W Mitchell Street, ATLANTA, GA ian Vou floro" to Do WitOoot lt? Insurance BURNETT <k GRIFFIN Will place you in some of the LARGEST and BEST companies ou earth. COUNTRY BUSINESS A SPECIALTY. SEE OUR LIFE INSURANCE CONTRACT. * Wall Paw - WallPaper - Wall Paper. 3 CENTS PER'ROLL AND UPWARDS. Write for Samples. MATTINGS, SHADES and AWNINGS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED.] 1\ O. BAIIvIK & co., 921 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. W. J. RUTHERFORD. R. B. MORRIS. W. J. RUTHERFORD & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF I O AND DEADERS IN Fire Brick, Fire Clay, Ready Roofing and Other Material. Write Us IToir Prices. Corner Reynolds and Washington Streets,' AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Boggles, Mps, Pianos IF" ?YOU "W-AJSTT AJgood Buggy-the easiest running, bestriding, with the longest staying qualities-see my line of Open and Ton Buggies, Carriages, Phaetons, etc. The best Wagon made, our Owensboro and Russell Wagons. Anything in the Harness line, Buggy Robes, Whips, Saddlery, etc.. we can furnish it to you at prices as cheap as the cheapest. The finest toned and best made Piano on the market we can show it to you, or the best Organ_by the least money. Call and let us show them to you. The finest selection of Sheet Music ever seen in this section, com? and look through our line of classical and operatic vocal and instru mental music. And last, if the sad necessity) ever comes'toyou or yours when you shall need anything in the Undertaker's line, our Hearse and. en tire line of Undertakers' Goods are at your services. You are cordially invited to visit my store and let us show "you anything you wish to see or hear. ?. O o JOHNSTON, S. C. For HOLIDAY PRESENTSHfgf EVERY DAY IK t m %.>~'r~?J ?Unto a Kew RochOStor. va can do .:. Ut '.sn ?^-pli: ! r : . twiiil }*?n luwutwu ?... .,:.'?*.. .O ^r^iCi'. X-^Kfi&L We aie SPECIALISTS i;: ??ie t.-efttinca? r,\ dresses o? | v.?* ; j ^.-too,?,?. y^p l?OgHESTEB USP 8 S3 Par? PIM? & Barc?ajr St., Sew Tsrk. ; Augusta Marble and Stone Works Correr Wa?hin?ton>nd Ellis?Streets:A?GUST^ ?GA I Monuments o? all Ms lilli ol Marl or Granite STONE WORK NEATLY DONE. Estimates for all classes of work in Marble and S?one solicited,andrei ec i fully furnished. C. F. KOHLRUSS, Prop'r