K leefield Advertiser Tl'OS. J.ADAMS,.EDITOR WEDNESDAY, JULY 4. INFORMATION. Subscription,fPrice-Sent to any address for one year for $1.50; for six months, 75c; for three months, 50c. Payable in advance. : Kates for Advertising-One inch, first insertion, $1.00; each subsequent insertion, 50c. Want Notices, one cent fier word, each insertion. Other local .lotices, ten cents per line for first in sertion; ?ve cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect, Notices of Thanks, and all personal notices of a political nature, an charged for as regular ad vertisements. Liberal contracts made for three, six, and twelve months Write ^r terms. THE ADVERTISER, .EdgefieldjS. C. The Farmers' Congress. In response to the request .re cently received Gov. McSweeney yesterday appointed the South Carolina delegates to the twentieth annual session of the farmers' notional congress of the United States, which will be held at Col orado Springs, Col., on August 21. The names are to be forwarded at once to chairman B. F. Clayton of the executive committee, at Indianola, l^wa., who will com municate wit h the delegates-direct. The list of the appointees is as follows : At Large-Senator B. R. Till man and Congressman J. Wm. Stokes. First District--E. M. Seabrook, Edieto Island. Second-T. S. Williams, Mon etta. Third-J. W. Bowden Andersou. Fourth-J- D. M. Shaw, Hig h Point. Fifth-T. J. Cunningham, Ches ter. Sixth-J. E. Tindal, Silver. Seventh-John L. Shuler, Sel wood. The Latest Laureate. For thousands of years men have been makiDg brick out of clay, and pretty good brick, too. But recently a new kind has come into vogue, lt is composed chiefly of quartz saod.Jbouud together with a small amount of lime. lu the process of manufacture the com pon ad is su bj eo ted to the influence j of steam at high pressure. When properly made this brick is said to be hard, waterproof and able to | resist the action of acids. A lack of uniformity in the quality has j been noticed, however. "Limes-j tone brick," whioh are made in cold, rat weather seem to give less satisfaction than those produced under other meteorological cot - dations. But there is now promise that j this difficulty will soon be obviat ed. A consular report from Germany announces thal a Zurich chemist, Wilhem Schwartz, has found a way to get good results every time. The secret lies in con trolling the amount of moisture admitted to the compound and in maintaining the temperature with in certain certain li mite for a time. The former part of the process is managed in a vacuum, so that no dampness can be imparted by the atmosphere. Herr Schwartz has invented a machine of his own to do the mixing. Much confidence is expressed in the substantial value of the innovation reported.- | New York Times. Ladies, Why Don't You? Editor Advitiser. Is there anything at all that we can say or do to convince all your lady readers that wo are actually igving away to every married lady in the United State who writes! for it an elegant sterling sliver plated sugar shell like jewelers gell at 75c each? There is no "catch" about this offer. There is nothing to pay, nor any require ment to buy anything in order to j secure this beautiful souvenir gift. It ie our way of advertising the merits of Quaker Valley silverware. A copy of the Home-Furnisher, our own publication, will also be sent free. Surely this beautiful sugar shell gift is worth asking for. Then it seems to us that we should hear from every married lady who reads your paper. Quaker] Valley Mfg. Co., Morgan and Harrison Ste, Chicago. The Oregon Aground. Washington, June 3-The navy department has received a dispatch from Captain Wilde, of the Oregon, dated Che Foo, yesterday, confirm ing the press report that that ship is aground fifty miles from Taku. He says thero is much water in the forward compartment. ? rock protudes through the side of the ship, abovo bottom. There are some bolea also through the ship. Admiral Remy cables that the Brooklyn has been sent to assist the Oregon. A steamer of the Indo-China Navigation comp any is now steaming to the aid ol the Gregon.. nijUif AMANUBIAN TEA cures Dyspep 8 BWBI??? $ sia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts. For sale,by G. L. Penn &Son.j Solicitor Thurmond Commended. The Edgefield Correspondent of The Augusta Chroniole haB the following to say about Solicitor J. Wm. Thurmond who is candi date for re-election : Mr Thurmond has but ooe opponent. The same man ran against him four years ago, and he (Thurmond) beat him in his own county. It is safe to say that Mr Thurmond's re-election is assured. He deserves it. He has made a faithful and able solicitor. He isa man of fine legal ability. As time roils on it will be seen that he will steadily climb the ladder of tame and will reach the highest pinocle either in the line of his profession or as a politician. As solicitor of the 5th circuit, he does his duty ably, having nothing in view, but his duty to the stale and its people, while at the same time he is just and fair. No solicitor ever gave closer attention to his business than he does. He is always found at his post. He has a clear well balanced mind and easily grasps the points and law in all cases that he handles. He not only shows his legal ability as solicitor, prosecuting criminals, but on the civil side of the court he is equally at home and has been employed in the most important ca se it on the civil side of the court. He is a great worker and wven be has a legal point to solve, he will work at it persistently for lays and weeks and when he comes to a conclusion, it is safe to rely upon his judgment. He is generous and has a kind and for bearing nature. The law firm of Thurmond & Calhoun, at Edge field, of which Solicitor Thurmond is senion member, handles a large civil business in Edgefield ?and Saluda county. Their practice j is rapidly increasing. Mr Thur mond is one of the men in South Carolina that will in the future heip to shape her history. Mark j that down and remember it, aud 'watch for the Thurmond star. Women's Necks. "Are women's necks growing longer?" aske the Philadelphia Record. "A well kuown Phila delphia artist says they are, and he doesn't attribute it to the cus tom vulgarly known as rubber necking/either. He says che high collar is responsible for it. All the life studies and portraits of women seen at student's exhibits demonstrate tbi?- *I know a man,' he said yesterday, 'who took a tape measure to the last exhibit at the Academy of Fine Arts and suc ceeded in getting data for a com parison of women's necks, painted ten years ago, five years ago, and at the present time, He claims that the average feminine neck has become elongated to the extent of nearly an inch during the last five years. Remember, this is his claim, not mine, although it doesn't seem altogether unreason able when you come to think of it." Victor Blue, South Carolina's gallant son, is Admiral Kempff's flag lieutenant, and should the war in China involve our forces, he will be in the thick of it, as he was at Santiago, says the Green ville Mountaineer. Blue is the best marksman in the United States navy, which is equivalent to saying that he is the best in the world, and the heathen Chinee had better keep out of the range of the intrepid South Carolina boy, William W. Shumate, son of Capt. W. T. Shumate, of Greenville, is on the Mariettta, which, at last accounts, was at Cavite, expecting orders to go the scene of the trouble in China. ?Word -T to Doctors We have the highest regard for the medical profession. Our preparations are not sold for the purpose of antagon izing them, but rather as au aid. We lay it down as an established truth that internal remedies are positively injuri ous to expectant mothers. The distress and discomforts experienced during the months preceding childbirth can be al leviated only by external treatment-by applying a liniment that softens and re laxes the over-strained muscles. We make and sell such a liniment, com bining the ingredients in a manner hithorto unknown, and call it Mother s Friend We know that in thousands of cases it has proved more than a blessing to expectant mothers. It overcomes morn ing sickness. It relieves the sense of tightness. Headaches cease, and dan ger from Swollen, Hard and Rising Breasts is avoided. Labor itself is shortened and shorn of most of the pain. We know that many doctors recom mend it, and we know that multitudes of women go to the drug store's and buy it because they are sure their physicians have no objections. We ask a trial just a fair test. There is no possible chance of injury being the result, be cause Mother's Friend is scientific ally compounded. It is sold at $i a bot tie, and should be used during most of the period of gestation, although great relief is experienced if usad only a short time before childbirth. Send for our il lustrated book about Mother's Friend. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA? CA. He is lowly Opp! lo Foroioers, KERMAN MINISTER REPORTEE MURDERED. There Are No Ameliorating Circumstances-Gov ernment at Pekin is Very Rotten. Washington, July 1.-Today's advices to the state department made up of two telegrams from Consul General Goodnow at Shanghai the foreign ministers at Pekin along one day further in safety, showing that they were still alive with the probable ex ception of the German minister, who it seems likely has baen murdered some days prior to the latest advicos.Some encouragement is drawn by the officials from the fact that other ministers were al ive on the later date for officials be lieve that the diplomatic corps at Pakin could not have been preserved through the fury of the first stages of the outbreak only to fall victims to sober second thought. There is also at least the indication that the Chinese government it self was protecting them. On the other hand, the state- , ments that the notoriously anti foreign Prince Tuan was in com- , plete control at Pekin, was regard- j as au exceedingly grave develop ments tending to fix clearly the j responsibility for the happenings of the past three weeks directly { upon the Pekin government. An j ameliorating fact is the refusal of { the great viceroys, themselves of t almost absolute power in their . provinces, to be controlled from t Pekin in thair attitude toward j foreigners. ( ? high official of the state de- ( partment said today that there is ( nothing now to do but to follow j out the course the state department ; already has adopted, namely, to t have the United States consuls 1 put themselves in communication ( with the viceroys of the provinces ; ] treating the central government at ? Pekin as incapacitated for ad- i ministrative work and meanwhile J doing all in their power to protect : the foreigners in their respective districts. The signs of an amica ble disposition on the part of these viceroys is probably the i basis for the hope that they can be induced at least to stand neutral and keep their provinces in Drder | if it shall bo necessary to direct hostilities energetically against the Pekin government. This course seems to be abso lutely necessary now, unless * developments in the immediate future demonstrate the in accuiacy of Consul General ? Goodnow's advices relative to the j status of affairs at Pekin. There < is authority for the statement that j our government feels that what ? must be done at once is to drive 1 forward a reliei force to Pekin, < regardless of the strength required, j So far it has not been regarded < as necessary to do more in the way of military preparations to this end than has been done, and ' i consequently no further roenforce- , ments have been ordered to Taku. 1 There is doubt here as to the ! sufficiency of the force now there 1 to undertake the work. Admiral Kempff yesterday re ported that 14,000 men of all arms were ashore, without stating definitely where they were. It is not known whether or not the ee- ; cond expedition directed against Pekin has yet started from Taku or Tien Tsin. In this state of ignorance as to the military situa tion, it is not possible to act intelli gently from Washington in the direction of adding to our naval and miltary strength beyond the sailors, marines and regular soldiers already under orders for China. It would seem that to accomplish effective work some kind of an understanding must he j reached among the powers interest beyond the rather vague one under j which they are now proceeding. A small foreign force made up of different nationalities working under a tangible understanding and perhaps even under one generalship, might accomplish j greater things than more numerous I forces working independently and i if it is possible to reach an accord between tho powers as to the pre cise objects of thi? next military Bxpediton, treating perhaps only I of the immediate objecta of reliev ing the ministers and other foreig ners who are in danger, and leav ing other great questions as to the future of China to be dealt with hereafter, it is probable that the United States will cheerfully ad here. This government has not yet regarded the developments as demanding the assembling of j congress in extraordinary session i to declare war, and it is possible that the dispatch of more ree n force men ts to China from Manila and the United States may not requiie congressional action, as long as the object is strictly to succor American citizens in distress and] danger. GEN. CHAFFEE SAILS. San Francisco, July 1-Brig. Gen. Chaffee, who is to command j the United States troops in China, sailed to-night on the transport Grant, carried the headquarters band, First and Third squadrons of the Sixth cavalry under com mand of Lieut. Col T. J. Wile. Be sides the troops nurses and bag gage on board, there is several tons of ammunition for the Asiatic squadron. GERMAN MINISTER MURDERED. Shanghai, July 1-The British consul at Chefoo telegraphs that Baron von Ketteier, German min ister at Pekin, was murdered by native troops June 18. Three legations-it is not stated which were still undestroyed June 23. The American consul here states that Yung Lu telegraphed June 26 that the other ministers were Rafe that morniug, but the situa tion was desperate, ai.d he doubled whether the ministers could hold) out 24 hours longer, as he and the empress could no longer give pro tection. Two Miles of Snakee. "I was runing on a road in south western Pennsylvania," said the 3ld engineer, "when I killed two miles of snakes in three minutes? [t bad been a wet and cold spring, ind the same weather conditions lad extended to about the middl* >f May, and it seems that all the snakes in that part of the country lad started to emigrate, and as ;he rails had become warm under he heat of the reptiles naturally ?nough found the glittering steel i smf or table highway, and they net coupled up, one taking jaa\? j )f the other's tail, and started lown the track. I happened to be ioming along with tho 'jeak-water,' md we were making 25 miles an lour when we met the procession. (ohn McDevitt, my fireman, saw ;he varmints first, and he com pletely collapsed, but when I per :eived what we were up against I nilled the throttle of the old 54 vide open, let the sand drop and imashed two miles of snakes in less ?han three minutes.-Pittsburg Post. thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Ont. Fill a bottle or common glass with y eur rater and let lt stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if lt stains your linen lt ls evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to ptss lt or pain In the back ls also ?nvincing proof that the kidneys and blad 1? are out of order. Waat to Do. There is comfort In the knowledge to >ften expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp ?oot, the great kidney remedy fulfills every irish in curing rheumatism, pain In the sack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part >f the urinary passage. It corrects Inability o hold water and scalding pain in passing t, or bad effects following usa of liquor, vine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go. often luring the day, and to get up many times luring the night. The mild and the extra srdinary effect of Swamp-Rote fe soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have th* ?st. Sold by druggists in 50c. and $1. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery md a book that teilst nore about lt, both sent [ lbsolutely free by mall, iddress Dr. Kilmer & - Homo of Bwnmp-Root Do., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men Jo n reading this generous offer In this paper. SEND 50 ?fNT,--? ro rs WITH rms AD. and wo will send you tali Violin Outfit br expreu O. O. D. subject toeiamlnaUon. TMi violin la A GfBBlatBtndhftrltt made ot old wood, earl j VIOLIN, beautifully finished, highly poHihod.wlth .pUn Ildtoaeqeallty. Completa with a?nala. Brt.u wc.d Toarle ?tod?! huw, l ?xtra Mt of Uris**, (?MU.II cud* ?Mis e.?, lar tc pier? of ?uta, and on. ol'th. b.,t cemon Mau la.troetloa booka publuked. TOO CAI SXiHm IT at ?our L-turc Kl 11 [her, and If found etectlr &? rep rouen ted ana tho rwalftt Barreta yoe ever t?w ar Beard of, pay ;he ex ilies* 0|;ontS3.79 lcwitbeJOcent dcpoilt,cr?a.Sr aafl .-tprrat charge., aadIheosUlle yearn. SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER. \\\*^{?,Z?Z Si mm wH I rive oao leilira* angerbear* ?kart, vr hi -j CAB ba minuted to any ?[olin without changln": the instru ment and '-Hi prove a valuable guide to beginners, and HO HI I ?'io allow tho Instrument to be returned af tors darr' trial If not found entirely satlifactory In every SCI. S.'.l.rntllon iraarant.rdor Boney refunded la ralf. Address. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (inc.)Chicago. (Uk*AICH? ItOaBPCK * io. ere Uereatkl* roltable.-Editor.) OUR $L60 ANTI FAT BELT rarSl.SO we ntratahUie celebrates BROWN'S AB DOMINAL B?LT for the raro ofCOKl'l'LESCV. Co rp ul. al p?opl. who wear tba aren't ?bese*, aal o. 11 run na risk ot KateS Ina tata ar Cai? baikal Ravalai >aa reta aaaftri and ta? of aetSoa y ou will appreciate. Heeenaleatsareai _ afford to be without thia belt. r~"^ efl Calula Ad. eatandsendtouawlthtl.tO indlOeeliUextntarpeetaffe, datobtlikt, ?olgkt,oC.and anmber lnchcj around the body larffcnCpart^Bd we will ?end tbcbollto yon by Bial lpo.tp*id. with the understand Inptbatlfltlo notporfoctlvtatUfictoryand.oQUal C beTts that ratall et ?8. oo an d up ward ?you can return a at our expense. ITrlta for frat Salt and Traen Catalogan, a. WARS, ROEBUCK * OO..OHIOAQO Hows J the news about eil ato v< been perfected rc that 1 any stoves uaade for coo safety, beauty and cos most economical stove y th? most comfortabla in} Wickl Flame Oil S It burns the tam? eil y lamps, at a coot ef ea*-l* for a bumer. Manas a odor. Sold ht all sises. doss net have them, write STAN BARD Oil. < CANDIDATES. COUNTY DISPENSER. I hereby announce to the voters of Edgefleld county that I am a candidate for the office of Comity Dispenser, i will abide tbe result of the primary [eloction and wi]! support the nominees ! of the party. C. H. Esr. In deference to the r?solutions of 'the county executive committee, I announce that, I am a candidate for Dispenser of Edgefleld county. I will abide the result of the primary and support the nominees of the party. Wi H BossitY. The friends of Capt. Gos WHITE, an old war worn veteran, respectfully nominates him for the office of County Dispenser, anbject to the rules of the democratic primary. I am a candidate for Cuunty Dis penser. I will abide the results of the democratic primary .and support all its nominees. JEMSE W. DO EN. Ism a candidate for County Dispen ser. 1 will abide the result of the pri mary and support all the nominees of the democratic party. Tn To the Vows of E I respectfully an candidate for Co, pledge myself to to. support all/-' democratic part; FOR COMO: I will be a candidate to Congress from the Second Congres sional District subject to the rules and regulations of the democratic party. Respectfully, W. JASPER TALBERT. STATE SENATE. To nay Fellow Citizens : I sm grateful for the honors that you have conferred upon me in the past; andi will endeavor to deserve yonr confidence in the future. I there fore announce that I am a candidate t for re-election to the State Senate. I c will abide the result of the primary j, election and will support all the nom- y inees of the democratic party. ii Very respectfully, t J. C. SHKFPABD. a ? FOR SOLICITOR. d I am a candidate for re-election to t the office of Solicitor of the Fifth t Judicial Circuit, subject totbe rules of a the Democratic party. J. WM. THUBMOND. HOUSE OF REPRNSENTATIYES. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for membership to the House of Repr?sentatives, and pledge myself to abide the result and to sup port the nominees of the democratic primary. THOS. H. RAIKSFOBD. I sm a candidate for the House of Repr?sentaivss. I will abide the re sult of the primary and support all the nominees of the party. W.A.STBOM. lam a can di dote for the House of Representatives. I will abide the re sult of tbs primary and support all the nominees of the democratic party. M. P. WELLS. I am a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives. I will abide the result of the primary and will support tbe nominees of the party. N. G. EVANS. I am a candidate for the lower House of Kepresetative. I will abide the result of the primary election and support the nominees. P. B. MAYSON. CJLERKJOF COURT. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for Clerk of the Court. Will L abide the result of the primary and '1 support the nominees of the same. JOHN B. HILL, IFOR SHERIFF. I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Edgefleld county. I will abide the result of the primary elec tion and support all nominees of th? democratic party. W. H. OUZTS. 1 hereby announce that I am a can didate for Sheriff of Eilgefleld county, [will abide the result of the primary and support the nominees of the dem ocratic party. ROBERT L. DUNOVANT. FOR MASTER. I am a candidate for the office of Master. I will abide the result of the primary and support the nominees of the party. JOHN K. ALLEN. In deference to the .resolution of thc County Executive Committee, I an nounce that I am a candidate for thf office of Master For Edgefleld county. I will abide the results of tin ? priixaries and support the nominees of the party. W. F. ROATH. Don't 70a know a? Thor have they now equal king efficiency, iveaieuce. Tba ou can nae and lot weather ia the >tove on UM in your Alf cent aa hour to toot and no If your dealer :to COMPANY. Hearts ! Hea SOLID STERLING 10c. J 5c, 25c, 35c, and 50c. li SOLID GOL 75c to 18.00 ENC SPECIAL ATTENTION S PRONTA?T'S Jl 626 BR0AD STREl T DR. M?F1 EETI at (Teething; h Costs es?j 25 ceo?i Or Ball 35 cents t? C. J COUNTY TREASURER. l am a candidate for County Treas-j irer. I will support all the nominees 4"the party and abide theresalt of the | lemoc ra t i c primary. CHUS. M. WILLIAMS, I ara ? -candidate for the office of i ?ounty Treasurer, will abide by the esult of the primary and support all be nominees. S. B. MAYS. COUNTY AUDITOR. I respectfully announce myself as a andidate for r?-election to tbe office f Auditor of Ed ge Held county. I will ie the result of the primary elec jrt all nominees of the HALTIWANGEB. ?lonnty Auditor. \t the primary 3minees of the CAB BURNETT. i for the office of Au I county. I will abide ie results of the democratic primary nd support all the nominees of the arty. HENRY C. WATSON. Superintendent af Education. I am a candidate for County Super atendent of Education. I will abide be result of the primary and support he nominees of the party. If elected, will do my duty and confidently hope 0 give general satisfaction to the ood people of Edgefleld county. EZBA G. TALBERT. I am a candidate for re-election to he offloe'of Superintendent of Educa ion fo* Edgefleld Couniy. My record 1 before you, and if elected I promise ou my best services in all educational Dterests intrusted fo me. I will abide he result of the democratic primary nd support all the nominees of the ame, A. R. NICHOLSON. 1 hereby announce .'myself as a can idate for Superintendent of Educt ion of Edgefleld Connty. I will abide be resnlt of the democratic primary nd support the nominees of the party. JAS. T. MJMS. FOR CORONER. I am a candidate for re-election to be office of Coroner. I will abide the esult ot the primary and support its nominees. T. E. BYRD. 'o the Voters of Edgt field County : I ru a candidate for Coroner of the ?ram. old county of Edgefleld. I had ather be Coroner than President, ?lect me and I will love and serve you rel!. And will,as I always have don?, bide the result of the primary. With high regard, yours truly, HUGH ANDERSON. COUNTY SUPERVISOR. I am a candidate for re-election to he office of County Supervisor. If lected I will in the future, as I have a the past, strive to protect the tax 'ayers of Edgefleld and to render the est service possible. J will support ll nominees of the democratic party nd abide by the action of the County )emooratic Executive Committee. D. D. PADGETT. I am a candidate for County Super ior. I will abid? 'be result of the emocratic primary and support the om in ees of the party. J. M. BELL, JR. I am a candidate for County Super isor subject to the Democratic pri lary. I will support all the nominees f the party, myself included, B. P. GLANTON. ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR. The friends of Capt. JIM MINER, an ld one legged "Cornfed," respectfully resent bis name for the office of A? ? a tant Supervisor. He will abide the esult and support the nominess of the emocratio primary. FUR MAGISTRATE. I am a candidate for Magistrate in nd for Elmwood and Blocker Town hips. I will abide the result of the rimary and suppart the nominees of be democratic party. B. H. PARKS. I hereby announce myself a candi ste for tb? office of Magistrate in the Utrict embracing! Moss. Talbert, and ?bler Townships. I will abide, the eault of the primary election and upport all the nominees of the demo ratic party. P. W. CHEATHAM. In deference to the resolution of the bunty Executive Committee I an ounce that I am a candidate for ragistrite of the distriot in which I ve. I will abide the result of thp rimary and support the nominees of ie party. L. O. BELL its ! Hearts! SILVER HEARTS, 'our Initials Engraved Free. D HF.A.RTS, HUTED FREE. EVEN TO MAIL OKDERS. EVELRY STORE, lt, A?G?STA, GA. ^Jj W? 1 Allays irritation, Aids Digestion Regulates the Bowels. Strengthens the Child? Makes Teething Easy. ?wders) JLJUJEETHINA Relieves the Bowd . _ . . Troubla of Children of I fit DrCgg?StS, ANY AGE, . MOFFITT, M. D.f ST. LOU 18. MO* CHARLESTON & WESTERN CAROLINA RAILWAY. "Augusta and Ashville Short Line.' Schedule in effect May 21, 1899. Lv Augusta. 940am 140pm Ar. Greenwood.. 1217p m ll 30 p m Ar Anderson.... 7 30 pm . Ar Laurens.... 115 pm 7 00am Ar Greenville.. 2 65 pm 9 45am Ar Glenn^Sp'gs-4 05 p m . Ar Spar tan bm g.. 3 00 p in 9 25am Ar Saluda- J5 23 p ni 5 23 p m Ar Henderson vi He 551 p ra 1 45 p m ArAsnville.700pm J . Lv Ashville- 820 am . Lv Spartanburg 1145 am 4 00 pm Lv Greenville .....IL 55a ni 4 00 pm ArLaurens.... 130pm 7 pm Lv Anderson. 700am Ar Greenwood.. 2 28pm 5 00am Lv AP^US**^-^,. 5 05pm 9 35am ^?>"v^?-'- ~ 5 55 a m Lv Calnlo?n^alls 444 p m [ ArRaeigh.... 216am Ar Norfolk.... 7 30a ra Ar Petersburg... .6 00 a mj Ar Richmond - 8 15 a m Lv Augusta. 120pm Ar Allendale. 3 10 p m u Fairfax. 3,25 p m " Yemassee. 4 20 p m " Beaufort... 5 20 p ra " Port Royal. 5 35pm a Charleston._ 7 30pm Savannah. 7 00pm u Charleston. 7 28 am ft Port Royal_. 710 a ra M Beaufort. 7.20 a m u Yemassee. 8 20 a m a Fairfax. 9 20am " Allendale. 9 35am Ar Augusta. ll 25 a m Close connections at Greenwood for all poin'.s on S. A. L, and C. and G Railway, and at Spartanburg with Southern Railway. For information relative to tickets rates, schedules, etc., address W. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agt Augusta, Ga. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager, ANEW SUPPLY OF Note Heads, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Card Board, Visiting Cards, Unruled Paper, Etc., Etc. We are prepared to do any and all kinds of Job Printing. Masonic work of all kinds a specialty. Write us for prices. for acceptable (deas. State Iff patented. THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. Subscription price of the PATENT RECORD SUQO pw annan. Samples free. mm iPpiOFpeiELiD EDCEFIELD, S. C. State and County Depositary ??DIRECTORS J. C. SHEPPARD, W. W.ADAMS, J. H. BOUKNIGHT, J. A. BENNETT, J. M. COBB, B. S. HOLLAND, A. S. TOMPKINS, C. C. FULL.fR, W. E. PRESCOTT. OFFICERS J. C. SHEPPARD, President. W. YT. ADAMS, Vice President. E. J. MiMs, Cashier. J. H. ALLEN, Ass't Cashier. Pays interast on deposits (by special contract. Money to loan on liberal terms. Prompt and polite attention to busi ness. _ Mi HcGOUQfi Solicited SEND 50CENTS S.-JSSS' .end yoe our cf If braird Ls BERTA G CITAR by expreee, C. 0. D., .object to examination, lt Ii a Genuine La Berta Ameritan made Instrument of (Treat beauty, perfect rosewood finish, verv highly polished. Handsomely Inlaid around fc ound hole and lalald etrlpe la back, ce Hu lold bound top edie. Fingerboard accurately fret ted with raised frets, Inlaid pearl poaltlon dota, American made patent bead, and flneet nickel plated tailpiece. ABKUCUUtS.OOtil'ITAK,powerful and ?weet toned, furnished complete with an extra eel of brit quality steel ? Irin ea and a valuable in ? tra ellon book which teaches any one bow to play. KXAU1XK TUK CCITAR at your expresa .Bro ondlf found exactly as represented and the cr?aient barsaln yea erer eaw or beard of pay the exprese agent $3.63 less ?0e, or M.IS ead expresa eharfes and the complete outfit ls yours. Batlifac tion guaranteed or money refunded In full. SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER. E?JES ?*? -.- accompanied by $S. 06 cash In full we will give a'Lettered floferbeard Chart. It ls an accurate guide, baring all notes, with sharps and flats In full view, and can be easily ad justed to any guitar without changing the Instru ment. With the use of the lettered fingerboard any. one can learn to play without thc aid of a teacher. Write for free musical Instrumentan fl piano and organ catalogue, t'rerjthlog at leweatwbelenalo pri?es. Addresft, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., CHICACO (Stuns, UOEJll'Ck A CO. are tborM(Uy reliable.?Editor.) ORDERS FILIES ~ REMOVAL. PP. P. n.?JfflTOT HAS REMOVED TO 207 7TH ST., AUGUSTA, GA. S Where he will still contioue to give his FREE ETEJ TESTS For all defects of eight. Grind any shape and,' style ofj lense (vhile you wait., ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Tells if yon need glasees, rest or ae oculist. ??bm) AT HALF PRICE. lt you want us to make to your JIKA3LKK and OKDEB mSTlC COOIiS for tbe KLI.IK? ASO CUBE Ol' VARICOSETELS 8, WEAK, STfOILKS OB FIXER S' ATKD Uait?, CORPfLEXCY, y AIiD?HISAL rTrUKXESS OB Oom TTaoll, etato your helekt, ??P?r4_yi weight and age, state number * ) of Indies around body or limb at each letter shown in cut rad send to us with our s i'nc LAX PRICE. We will make the gooda to order from the wry anett .fresa robber eJantle' ma tr rial, gi jinn tee a perfect St and if you do not find lt perfectly e satisfactory and equal to go^ds _ others get double the price for. return at ourexpense and we will refund your money. OUR SPECIAL PRICE ?g clnatlc labra iiocllmr, A to I, (?SOI Uilg-k 1er-lu--, Ctol, ia.00; Oil;? piece, ?to 1, ?'.'.?Ol .kan etecktar, A io ii. ??.CO; knee lep?in?, C tor ?4.00; knee ecp, K to tl, tt.C carter si. cl. inc. A to E, SS. 00; ranee Ircxie*, C te K. ??.00t anklet, A to C. 13.00; abdominal belt. K to Ti, J?0.00. COTT05 ELASTIC MODS, 05E.TUIRDLESS. Special Cerered Kinetic Abdominal sepporter, mode of soft lisle thread, Interwoven with protected rubber thread, 8 Inehre wide, f 2.00; 10 la eh re, H.SSI lt lathes, n.M. Write for Surgery Catalogue. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO., (inc.), CHICAGO. ILL. Engines and Boriers, O?os ana Presses. GET OUR PRICES. Complete Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil and Tertilizer Mill Outfits, Gin. Press, Jane Mill,and Shingle Outfits. Building, Bridge, Factory. For c ind Railroad Castings, Railroad, Mill Machinists'and Factory Supplies. Belting, Packing, Injectors, Pipe fittings, Saws, Files, Oilers, etc. We ?a9t every day. Work 150 Elands. jombard Iron Worts & Snpply Co ' AUGUSTA, GA Gundry, A hine, Boiler, Press and Gin Works flmV Repa is Promptly Done . WM. THURMOND. WM. P. CALHOUN THURMOND & CALHOUN, Attorneys and Counsellors, EDGEFIELD, S. C. Wil1 practice in all Courts, State or 'ederal. ALL nervous ZKaecue?-Foi 1 Ins Mem ory, Sleeplessness, etc.. conned by over work and Indiscretions. They quickly and turoly re? to re Lost Vital itv in o?? or young, and fit a man for steer, besi noaa or pleasure. Prevent Insanity ano Consumption if taken in time. Thslr se Bhowsimmedlate improvement nnd ejecta CURS here ni I others f ail. .Mist u rca having thegenuihe Jacc Tablets. They i'uv? cured thousands and ?eil: ire yon. We give a pc - i -ive written guarantee to ni ?rt acure in ouch case or refund tho money. Price ft rife P?r package, or six packages [full treat, ll vida ment) for $2.50 by mail, in plain wrapper pon receipt of price. Circulars free. uJAX REMEDY W^SSSS^ For sale in Edgefield, S. C., by G. L. enn & Son.' ONLY $5.0U SEND USSS.00aaagua> antee of good faith and wo will ?end you any fire pro?r safe by freight, a OTD., subject to examination. Toncanexamlae llatyoBrfreixhtdepotandlfyou find lt the equal of any dre proof combination lock iron and steel safe made and abont one-tklrd ike price eaaryed by others for tbe sane alie and grade, pay your freight agent our special factory price and height charges, less the t?.00 sat with order; otherwise return lt at our expense nd we W?1 return your . r>. O O. lOO-lb. combination ak earea for tte berne, ?S.8J1 100-lb. offlee end ?tare safes, H.ss, soo ra?.. eiT.ssi io? UM., sai.sst 1000 lbs., 18. SO ; 1 ._. SO lbs., SS?. SOiTOry l>r|, doobl. opt .Mf a?d doo M. ?Ida door a afee for large bailaras, factory, Jewelry .rb'ak, liasse? bick, 1400 lb?., t6t.".h\68 Ufke. biffa, I OOO lbs., J9.1?, Krebrbt ...ragr. 36 mliprr 100 lb?. fsrSOOmlljc r 100? ?Ilea, 40 eats. WRITE FOR FREE SAFE ATALOOtK ead asocial ii bc rsl O. O. D. offer. EARS, ROEBUCK cfc CO. Chicago. bedding Invitations, Visiting Carde, Commercial Cards, ob Work of all kind*? 'at this ffice.