? II? ? ? i ? ?k tl Edgefield Advertiser WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29. 1111 ? 1111111111111111 i M111111111111111111 ? 111111111111 ? i i 11 I LOCAL AND PERSONAL. ? iiMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuu? If "lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime," Is that the reason big thieves roll in splendor, While the little ones are doing time? Next Sunday will be Easter Sunday. The Rev. John Lake was in town on Monday of this week. A new let of Rent and Advance Liens for sale at this office. March has gone, vamosed, winked out, and nobody was sorry to bid fare well. If we were as sure of our neighbor's goodness as we are of our own, our neignbor would be almost as good as we are. Mr. L. E. Jackson has some delicious syrup, in cans, all flavors, strawberry, pine apple, lemon, vanilla, etc., 10c a quart, try it. Mr. J. W. Teak will show up next week a display advertisement of his splendid spring and summer goods* Remember this also. The iast number of Harper's Weekly contains a very good portrait of Major John Gary Evans, U..S. V., "organizer of Criminal Court" at Havana. Mr. J. Foster Cheatham has already set out sweet potato slips, and promises this office a mess for the first Sunday in May. Pumpkin yams, remember. At a regular meeting of the Knights of Honor held recently Mr. John Ken ne-ly was elected a delegate to the Grand Lodge; S. McG. Simpkins, al ternate. Bill Flynn and Press Callison, of Shatterfield have onion setrs for sale. Orders^ from this section may be left , with Slr. A. F. Broadwater, who is their authorized agent. Farmers are, as a -ule, backward in their farming operations, owing to the unfavorable conditions of the weather during the month of February and March The new engineer on our road to Trenton is what is denominated in rail road parlance "a hot runner"-from Edgefield to Trenton in 14 minutes and 3 sec onds. Er, Arthur Collett, who went to Cuba in the U. S. Army, has returned home. While in Havana, after his dis charge from thc army, he acted as cor respondent for au*English paper. Our old Confederate veterans will be delighted to know that the Hon. F. B. Gary, upon invitation of the Genera' Assembly, will deliver the address o? welcome at tb? reunion in Charleston. We have the name of the Edgefield farmer who bought corn in Augusta -?astrweek for his farm, as stated by the Augusta Chronicle, and we are going to publish it. his name is Legion, Mr. Legion. Those of our citizens, who are using the new coffee substitute, Postum Ce real, will be charmed to know that a new pieje of music, the "Postum Cereal Two Step," can now be bought of music dealers. Mr. Jas. E. Hart will have an adver tisement in the ADVERTISER next week. Look out for it. Friend Jim ?;ays he doesn't pretend to be a leader but man ages to keep up with the procession and lope with the gang. See odr Crash and Straw Hats, in every new style. Boys and Misses Caps, Crash and Duck, up to date. Look at them before you buy. N. Y. RACKET STORE. George Johnson desires to return his thanks to the white people of Edge field county for the many presents given him on the occasion of his recent nuptials. He says that the only thing that troubles him in this connection is that he will never be atde to return such abundant favors. However he will stand with his white friends till the end comes. The moot court held at the S. C. C. I. on last Friday night was a most enjoyable occasion, most creditable alike to the Institute, its officers and students, and although there was an other entertainment in the Opera house the same night the college chapel was crowded with auditors, showing the hiirh esteem in which we hold, close to our hearts, this grand institution of learning. Dr. J. n. Thornwell, who failed to reach our town in time to conduct ser vices in our Presbyterian church on last Sunday night, will certainly be with us so as to preach on Tuesday night. These services will be con tinued, morning and night, for a week or longer. All our citizens are cor dially invited to attend. Dr. Thorn well is the gfifted son of a gifted father of the same name, a distinguished au thor and divine. Clerk of the Court John B, Hill has received the following letter which we give exactly as it is written : Wood Lawn S. C. March 23th 1899 Dear Sir Mr. We is the Stars of Benevolent So ciety Rite to you that our charter is word out and We sind it to you to you and please fild us a blank out of the same charter & send it to us. & locate it too and a half miles squar. Name. President Doctor- Young. Tresure Moses Abrams. Sec H. S. ABRAMS. P. S. Dear Sir if yon can't fill out a Blank for us Please send us a Blank & the same old Pease Back to us at once Adress to M. 5. Abrams. Wood Lawn H. C. . Accompanying the letter is the docu ment or a small portion thereof, the appearance of which fully justifies the appelation "word out," in fact it looks as if Brother Abrams had worn it for a liver pad a quarter of a century. There was no money, accompanying, the request, to pay the Clerk's fee. Moses and Abram were both good men but they never tried to get a charter on a credit so far as we know. The Rev. J. C. Abuey, an Edgefie Saluda man, has been elected chaph to the State penitentiary. Mr. J. A. Timraerman has somethi: new in his store in the shape of cann blackberries and canned English pe They, are said to be delightful. Solicitor Thurnfond, who has be rusticating a little ou the west side the county, reports the small gra crops as looking well, and that there a larger acreage of thesecereals th is generally .supposed. TheXorth CaroMna Rolling Expo*! tion, on wheels, will reach our town i the afternoon of Wednesday of tl week, March 29th. This car will be i the track running up near Main strei where it can be visited by our peop Capt. W. G. Ouzts, of Savannah, co ductor on the road from that city Montgomery, Ala., is in town on visit for a few days. Wiley gets han somer every day, and isn't married y? what are those Savannah girls thin ing about? Our old friend Frank Reynolds, tl oldest of the name being S3 years ol was in town on his prancing pony c Saturday last. This pony is to 1 given as a present to his next and la wife.. Look out for him, he is anxioi to get rid of the pony. For the higiilg satisfactory mannt in which the ADVERTISER has bee conducted both editorially and local) during the past three weeks our rea< ers will thank the old veteran qui driver Mr. D. R. Durisoe, who sti wields a graceful and easy pen. Our efficient and conscientious boar of health will soon make their perioc ical visits. Have everything deane up about your premises and in :ipp: pie order against their coming. Th board consists of W. L. Du novan t, . M. Cobb, W. N. Burnett, Dr. Fresco De Yore, and John Kennerly. There will be a free entertainmer given by the teachers and students : the S. C. C. I. in our Opera House o Friday night of this week, to whic the public is cordially invite Thi entertainment is given in honor of th Teachers' Association which meets i our town, or more properly at the Tn stitute building, on Saturday, April : This week we will sell for Easte 100 Men's and Boys' Crash Hat? worth 50c, at 19c. N. Y. RACKET STOKE. Any young man in this Congres sional District, between the ages o 17 and 22, who desires to go to Wes Point Military Academy has the op portunity presented in the notice o Congressman lalbert in this issue o the ADVERTISE?. A competitive ex amination will be held at Blackville Barnwell county, on Saturday, 27tl May, prox., for such appointment. Sei i otice elsewhere for particulars. Mr. Jess Morgan, who lives at Stone .ands four miles north of Edgefield, ii a good farmer, but on account of s< much studying about 5c cotton i afflicted with insomnia, sleeplessness at night. The other night he woke uj about one o'clock, and'thinking it wa nearly day, rang the bell for his hand to go to work. His negroes came u] to time, but. declared they didn't be lieve it was in the "corntrack" to worl night and day too. Jess let 'em of that day-give 'em holiday. Just arrived at New York Racke 100 pieces Fruit of the Loom, whicl we will sell for one day, Monday 25tl inst., at 5%c, limited. This ?snot al the bargains we have. Come to se< our stock. It is complete in every lim and our counters are filled with bar gains. KEW YORK RACKET. WANTED-150 dozen eggs and 2; chickens every week at the S. C. C. I Carry your eggs and chickens to Prof Bailey. He will pay the market prict for them. Mr. W. A. Turk, General Passengei Afrent of the Southern Railway, is col lating information for Summer Homes Folder for the ensuing Summer, giv ing the names of proprietors, postotfice addresses, at or near what station conveyance used, number of guests terms per day, week and month. This information will be printed in an at tractive form and a large edition pub lished and distributed by the various agents of this immense system throughout all sections of the country. If any of our people Hying in town or country, desire summer boarders let them apply at once to Agent Haiti wanger at the depot for blanks to be filled out and forwarded to W. A. Turk, Washington, D. C. for Women Only. The King's Daughters of Charleston, S.C., will open a Dormitory for Wo men at the High School Building, ST. W. corner of Meeting and George Streets, during the Confederate Re union, May Stb to 13th inclusive. Price of cots, 50c each, per night, in advance Cots may be engaged before Reunion by sending money in advance to Mrs. Robert Wilson, Secretary of Commit tee on Dormitory, 271 Meeting Street, Charieston, S. C. In Trouble Again. A negro boy named John Harrison, of this town, and who bas been so journing up in Greenville for some time, one night last week broke into and robbed a clothing store in that city, carrying off goods and money over one hundred dollars in value. A day or two afterwards he was arrested, and some $75 worth of the stolen goods found in his possession. But by some means it was ascertained that he had already shipped a box to his uncle Sam Harrison at this place. There upon the Greenville chief of police wired Chief Scurry, of this town, to look out for the box. This he did, and on yesterday, on arrival of the noon train, he and Assistant Chief Tom Paul, captured the box. On opening it, it proved to be quite a rich catch, containing as it did $15 in money, a full suit of clothes and shirts and un dervests, a hat, silk handkerchiefs, etc. The chief took charge of the box and contents, and is awaiting the action of the Greenville authorities. This is not John's first offence, as some three years ago he stole from the store of Hammond & Bell a nice supply of groceries, and for that offence served two years in the convict camp on Mr. W. R. Parks' farm in this county. CLOTHfNC Mothers, now ii for your bo}r. lino of Chijdrei ' iu Edgefield. The Styles the Prettiest the Qualit We eau fit the 1 you will call it these goods. DORN & MIM: AT E. I The happy cooks of every land Kejoice, because they've found the brand Of flour that suits their every need, In pleasing those they have to seed. W/ien called upon a feast to spread, They know full well they'll have good bread. Their cakes and pastry, they are sure, Will please the daintiest epicure. Their labors, like their loaves are light. Their slumbers peaceful every night, If you like them would thus be blest, BUY NABOB flour, it is the best. 0. Sheppard, lr. Dr: W. Luther Jones. A veterinary surgeon and. dentist for Edgefield is a new depart ure, but we have one, capab/e and fully up to date i on all diseases of t. horse, mule, cow, etc., in Dr. W.Luther Jones, son of I Mr. ii. L. Jones of our town, who is a recent graduate of the Ontario Veter inary College, of Toronto, Canada, after a three years course of study. It should .> a source of great gratifica tion to v,ur people that Dr. Jones has set up his rest among us, who are so much in need of skill, expe rience and knowledge in diseases of the domestic brute creation. See Dr. Jones' card herewith. A Masterpiece of Artistic Work. Our friend and townsman Capt. W. II. Brunson, has recently erected in our cemetery to the memory of Mrs. Fannie Penn Brunson, his lately de ceased and beloved wife, a beautiful monumental tombstone, of richest Italian, marble, which is the admira tion of all who have had'the pleasure of inspecting it. This handsome memorial tribute to departid worth and excellence, and high and holy and treasured love, is of chaste and unique design, highly polished, and finished with the touch of one skihed in the art of high grade marble work. This i tombstone is from the irranite and marble yards of C. F. Jiohlruss, Au gusta, Ga. SHOCKING AND HOMIBLE AFMIE. OD Saturday uigbt last about IO j o'clock our citizeus were alarmed hy a rapid firing of fire arms in the vicinity of the cotton factory, iu which fuzilade two uegro boys were killed aud two others se riously wounded. The details of this terrible affair we give as they fell from the lips of the witnesses testifyiug before the corouer's jury. There are 6aid to be exteuuatiDg circumstances, but of this we know nothing. The following is a synopsis of the testimony taken by Judge Bell, acting coroner, as telegraphed the Columbia State : Edgefield^ March 26.-A bloody tragedy was- enacted here at about IO o'clock last night, in which John Webb aud Will Toney, negro boys about IS years of age re spectively Last their li**cs. Robert Toney, a b rother of Will, received a flesh wc mud in the arm and Wilse Barr euline was dangerously if not fatal ly wounded. Soon aft er the shooting, upou a warrant sworn out by Chief of Police R. T. Scurry, the following parties wer e arrested aud placed in jail as being the perpetrators of *he deed: A. J. Coile, Addie Corley, Will Howard, Dan Cow ard, M il ledge Reese aud R. L. Burnett. A core net's jury was empannell ed at IO o'clock this morning by Magistrate Bell and ii as been occupied, all day iu bearing the testimony. Befoie taking the testimony the jury visited the sceue of the tragody, which was at a negro house near the cotton factory. A'bout ten witnesses were 8 worn. Arthur Nobles, the chief witness, testified as folio ws : That about 6 o'clock yesterd ay afternoon he was going home and mot two of the defendaate, C oile and Corley. That he was ging ing and one of the parties,, cursi up the witness, asked him wha*- A a he mean by making bo ,ueh noise. Witness replied he meant no harm. Coile or Corley* repH ed, "We don't want any of your ja w, we will settle with you." After witness went home he; ca>m? up ibo street and stated <:hat some of the d?fendante hunted, him with guns. That he ? ? 5 the time lo puccbase a SpriDgsuit 'We. have just opened the largest rs and Boy's Clothing ever shown y the Best, The Prices the Lowest. :ot of 3 years or the lad of 19. If will give us pleasure to show you S, 3- HART STAND. reported this to Policeman Scurry, who (old him to gohome as the parties had left and would do him no barm. Soon after this witness, in company with the dead and wounded parties and some other boys, went home, and witness entered the house. At this frme the crowd was fired upon from behind another house, some 40 yards distant from his, with the result above mentioned. Before witness and his crowd left town they were preceded by a number of persons, some of whom, had 'guns. About 13 shots were fired, the weapons used, as disclosed by the testimony, being 16 shooters. Eight shots penetrated the hous^ in which the witness had gone, one ball passing through the two outer sides ?nd ? middle partition The parties who were Killed and ?YOUnded were standing in front of the house which the witness, had entered. Most of the other testimony was directed towards proving that some [of the defendants bad guns on 'the streets and were hunting for the witness. Arthur Nobles, and that the defendants were acting in concert. Threat? that some of the defendants had made against Nobles were tostsified. As far as the testimony now goes, it tends to show that whoever die! the shoot ing intended to kill Nobles, but that innocent parties were the victims. This, of .course, is the State's side, what the defense will develop is yet to be shown. Dr. F. W. P. Butler and Presid ent Padgc ' ' 1 testified tl were killec for peace . . remaining the jury ri verdict: "We the . Webb and V death from guu.._ Hands ol' Robert Coile, Dan Coward, Will Hjword and R. L. Burnett, as principals, and Mil ledge Reese and A. J. Corley as accessories." All of the defendants aro white and are employes of the cotton facory. Two of them, Reese and Corley, are mere boys, scarcely over 16 years of age. Cr<>ft and Tillman have been employed to represent the defendants. Advertised Letters List of letters remaining in the Post Office at Edgetield 0. H., t?. C., March 25,18i)9 : C C Brown, J R Darnall, R E Evans, Ned Hill. James Moore, Jas H Pippen, R A Temples, Miss Mane ty Leeter, John Briggs, May Brnnson, Roselee Butler, Kit Christopher, \ John H. Green, Walter Gardon, Charlie Moss, Miss Sarah Ealy, Miss Leus Lew Lee, Miss Josephine L?k?-, Miss Perm-ller Hones. ; When asking for letters on this list say "advertised." Very respectfully, W. H. BnuxNsox, P. M. . -Graduate of Ontario Mary G?lte TORONTO, CANADA. Office and Infirmary at B. L. Jones' stables, rear ol Court House. EUG-EEIEILLD, S. C. I respectfully solicit the patronage of the people. Will answer telephone calls promptly. W. J. SCHWANTES. M. M. PAUL. SOPANTES k PAUL, AIKEN AND EDGEFIELD. W.iLL PAPEL, JIOUbi:, SIGN" AND FKESOO PA INTIXG-. Iil?iVi,' Dicratiis a Spsci g?0T We hang all paper \ puxchased from us free of charge. Here is Something You Want! Inutile reading matter, illustrations, general appearance, colored cover pages', and in alee np lie Delina! Mmw is commanding a first place among pop ular-priced periodicals, reoeivingthou ands of new readers '.throughout the entire country each month. It is dis tinctively a publication for t he home, and each issue contains reading of much interest to every member of the family. With a splendid array of Timely Illustrated Articles, Bright Attractive Drawings, And Clever Short Stories, from the pens of the best American writers and cleverest artists, this mag azine certainly will please you. Men tion this paper and send fora sample copy. The National Magazine, 91 Bedford St., Boston, Mass. JOE MITCHELL CHAPPLE, Publisher. One Word, Ii Yoi Please ! I wish to freshen up the minds of the people of Edgefield and Sa luda counties as to my humble oc cupation, and to say to them (hut lam still in the middle of the ring. I ara 53 years old and have never stolen anything yet (at least I have never been caught at it), and it is too late in life to start roguery now. that ?R to make a succees of it. I have, therefore, concluded to hang on to poverty and honesty, ai least I will bang on to honesty, and I know poverty will hang on to me till the end cornep. Let her bang, who's afraid? If you want anything in my line, fixing colts, drop me a postal card -one line is as good u? forty-at Butter P.O. For the thoroughness and safety of my operating, 1 refer to 300 colts aLd their owners that gaml o from the Saluda to tho Savannah river, in full henlth. strength and vigor. The colts gamBOfc, the owners may. some of them, gamm.E too, but as to this I know nothing. One for a nickel, Two for a dime, Johnnie get your hair tat Just like mine Yours for work, LEE MACK, Colt Fixer from Fixville, Botin P. O., S. C. SUMMONS. ST^TE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COCXTY OF EDGEFIELD. To the Defendants Alfred J. Norris and The Eastern Building and Loan Association : You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to 6erve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office in the town of Edge field, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service here of, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaiutiif in this ac tion will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated Feb. 1, A. D. 1899. CROFT & TILLMAN, Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the Defendants, The Eastern Building and Loan Associaliou : ?? Take notice that the complaint t?ereiu and the summons, of which the foregoing is a copy of the sum mons, have been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Com mon Pleas for the couuty of Edge field, South Carolina. CROFT & TILLMAN, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Test: JNO. B. HILL, C. C. C. C. The Dicks House HAS; REMOVED TO. " 806 BROAD STREET, And would be pleased to have the sup port of theil friends, and will continue to give first class meals and rooms at reasonable rates. Glos ai Presses. GET OUR PRICES. Complete Cotton, Saw, Grist,, Oil and Fertilizer Mill Outfits, Gili, Press, Cane Mill, and Shingle Outfits. Building, Bridge, Factory, Furnaoj and Railroad ("'aslings, Railroad, Mill. Machinists'and Factory Supplies. Belting, Packing, Injectors, Pipe Fittings, Saws, Files, Oilers, etc. We cast every day. Work 130 Hands. Lomtori In Werts & Supply Co. AUGUSTA^GA. undr/, iiVii ii, B?lte, Press and Gin Tf^rks ?0" Repairs Promptly Don?; I Mei I Mm Clocks, Toilet Articles, g -- I Brass Tables, . Cut Glass, Fine Umbrella?, [?SEXD FOR OUR 1S9S 'CATALO GUE I fi. Seit tort k Cc, ? JEWELERS, I 702 BR0AD5TREGT, AUGUSTA, GA. Fine Old Whiskies. Old Windsor Rye, 99it? PURE. Pop Corn Whiskey, 99ii> PURE. In Fut! Quarts, Each, $1.10. Sold at all Dispensaries and therefore un necessary to buy outside South Carolina. Frank G. Tullidge & Co., (Established 1S6S.) Cincinnati, Ohio. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. tu* Central Tiwi? T?et.veen t'olumblannil .Tack .on vii Ic' Xastertl Time !!?twcuu Co lumbia and Oilier l'oints. Effective January 16, 1390. Northbound. so. as ?No. 30 Daily. Daily. LT. JPviHe, F.C.&P.Ey. " Savannah. Ar. Columbia. Lv. Char'ton.SCAGRB. / '.. <" ilumbia. Ev. Augusta, sa Ky... " Graniterille. " Aiken. " Trenton. " Johnstons. Ar. ColumbiaUn. dep't. Lv Col'bla Bland'g st... S CO.". 12 Ol ;i .1 05 JJ 8 OOp 12 00 p 4 ?5 a 7 00 al ll 00a 5 30p IO 1U JJ 2 lop 2 HO J) 2 SOp 3 usp 3 Hip 4 51 p 5 15 p fi 07 til 9 Sup 10 15 ji 10 10 p 11 uup ll 20 p 2 loa 5 55 a 7 00 a No. 33 EXBUQ 12 10 p 3 57 p 7 ?Wp 5 40 p ii nip 5 55p 6 aip 0 Hi p 8 20p 8 40p ll 30 p Lv. Kew York. Pa. E.R. " Philadelphia. " Baltimore. Lv. Wash'toa, So. Ey.. Lv. Richmond , Lv Dunville , " Charlotta. " Rock Hill. " Chester. " Wim)?l>oro. ?r Col'bia Hbiad'g st... v. Columbia Un. dep't. " Johnstons. " Trenton. J.r. Aiknu. " Grar.lteville. A t: k '-. l\ 12 (On 2 20p 4 .T7p 5 50 p 430 rH 6 65p 0 16p 10 43p 12 10 a 1210nt 5 50a Lv. CoTbl?i S.CScG.Ey.i" Ar. Chiirleatoii 8 44 a 4 25 a 4 54 a 5 84 a fi 30 a fi 50 a 8 27 a 8 JO a !> 20 a 0 03 ? 0 40 a Ar. Chxrlestou Lv. CoI'Vila. F.C.&P.Ry. " Savannah. Ar. Jacksonville. 5 40 a 0 25 a 1 00p 0 35 a 10 20 a 10 55 a 11 41a 12 45nn 1 15p 2 53p 3 US JJ 3 45 p 3 3Sp 4 15 p 3 55 p 8 17 p ll Ma 4 47 p 0 25 p 12 lon; 8 50a 6 22 a ll 15 a 12 Olm fi 02 p 10 20p 11 14 p 11 43p 12 U2a 1 37 a 4 00a fi 00 a fi 25 a 7 30a 7 07 a 8 00a 6 45 a ll 00a 12 47 a 5 03a 0 00a SLEEPING CAR SEKVICE. Xos. 31 nnd 32-NEW YORK AND FLOR IDA LIMITED. Solid Vestlbulod Train of Pullmnn Drawing-Room Sleeping Cars. Ob servation and Compartment Cars, and Dining Cars running through without chango between St. Augujvine Fla , and New York, via Jack sonville, Savannah. Columbia, Charlotte and Washington. Pullman Drawing-Room Sleep ing Car* between Aikrn and New York, con necting wirb this train at Columbia, for th? accommodation of Aucunta and Aiken travel. Excellent daily jinsseuger service be'ween Florida and New York. Nos 37 and Ss-Washington and Southwestern Limited. Drawing-Room BufTet Sleeping Cars between Augusta and New York. Solid Ves tibuled train with dining cars aod fi tat class coaches north of Charlotta. Pullman drawingroomsleeplngcarsbetween Tampa, Jacksonville. Savaunab, Washington and New York. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Charlotta and hVh-inond. Pullman ilrnw'isg-room sleeping cars be tween (Jrrrnslmro and Norfolk. Close connec tion ut. Norfolk for OLD PO NT COMFORT, arriving there in time for breakfast. Nos. :i, and !M-U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drtiwilier room buffet sleeping cars bo tween Jacksonville ami New York and Pull nan sleeping1 cars between Augusta and Char lotte. Dining cars serve all meals enrouto. Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonvillo and Columbia, en route d<