The American Farm News. JVtonthl^r, 5O Cent? 3?er Year, For the Farmer and His Family. Edited by a practical farmer who understands what the farmers want. It will please you. Its sug gestions are of the helpful kind, frpsh and original. Every department of farm work represented in its columns. ?MANKIND. Monthly, SO Cents Per Year. A Paper for Women and Home. Edited by a woman who knows the tastes and desires of the great masses. Its stories and poems are bright; its hints and suggestions helpful; its tone always moral and clean. The ladies are delight ed with it. These two valuable papers and the Edgefleld Advertiser one? year for only 81.75 in advance. 4m Any paper or Periodical in America clubed with the Advertiser at reduced rates. As a specimen of these rates we will send ; The Advertiser and Har per's Weekly, one year, for $4.75; Harper's Monthly, 4.75; Harper's Bazar, 4.75. The Advertiser and Demorest's Magazine, one year, for $3.00. and Or any other paper or pe riodical published in America at like reduced rates. Send your address and money to ADVERTISER, Edgefield, S. C. Both Papers One Year for the Small Sum of 250 Acres in Nurseries. 37th Yeai\ 1 Acre Under Glass. Fruit Trees & Plants, Specially adapted to the South ern States and sub-tropical coun tries. Rare Conifene and Broad Leaved Evergreens; 10,000 Came lias; 8,000 Azaleas ; 50,000 Palms; 25 acres in Roses; Geeen house and Bedding plants and everything suited to needs of Southern IIo\i culturalists. No agents. Send or ders direct to us. Catalogue free. Address P. J. BERCKMANS, Fruitland Nurseries, AUGUSTA, GA } To all Whom it May Con cern! APETITION will be presented to the nest Legislature of .South Carolina, convening next November, A. D. 1S94, to lay oil' a new county out of the northern or .Saluda portion Edgefield county, S. G. As more fully shown by a certified survey of James M. Forrest, giving the boundary lines as follows: Commencing at Salud;) river and running the Lexington line to the Aiken line, and from them e to Lybrand's mill, from "hence to Lotta, from thence to the Abbeville line, from the Abbeville line to the Saluda river, and thence down Saluda river to the Lexington line. S. T. EDWARDS, J. D. WILLS, ZED CROUCH, A. J. COLE.VAN, Jon ATTAWAY, BAILEY MATTHEWS MIKE KEMPSOX, S. M. SMITH, DR. KEVXEHDY, B. F.SAMPLE, DR. BUSTER, JOHN RAUCH, DR. KIRKSEY, LUTHER DEAX, JAMES BLACK, and others. Io |:;Health , 'means so much more than ?you imagine-serious and fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's ^ 2 e 2 greatest gift-health. /Brown's Iron liters I If ynuare feelln s ' It Is Ho ' Iiongei fi Wonder What The Broainies On Their famous Trip fipoand The World Were lifter They were collecting thc rarest gems for this work. Every music-loving and song producing city has been visited and the sweetest songs gathered for this purpose-no matter what the cost. Millions Want Ii BECAUSE THE SIZE IS SO PLEASING THE MUSIC SO EXQUISITE THE QUALITY OF PAPER AND PRINT SO OOOD AND BECAUSE OFFERED JJ f_QW A PRICE 0 PORTFOLIO No. i CONTAINS A BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH OF p^yp| BY SARONEY ALSO Lovely Songs f^8 pages) and ^WMW P?ur Beautiful Illuminated ' j& \? Portraits o? Star Singers ~ (each worth 50 cents) Sheet Music Price and (CTiv no better quality, ?PlVaUV OUR PRICE, Only One Coupon and. . . . J ?f^ IT IS COMPLETE IN TWENTY PORTFOLIOS-COMPRISINQ 400 Songs (960 Pages), 80 Portraits