Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, November 23, 1893, Image 4

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SET:: ~o' 3.: ACH?N: Headers It will pay WM Ff H il l 3 . - SILVER B: E SF; TBA SERVICE. BEAUTIFUL SILVERWARE. Tho Lr.test Pattern in Quadruple j Silver Plate. The?? goods n I not be confounded with the ordinary goods which aro plated on lead and antimony and consequently tum black, but they aro quadruple silver on ?ne white r.t! will wear a lifetime. Tho agents of i tr ?. knowing we can reaoilydto pose oi' :. <..:.uiiity of these goods at tho terrys we offer them, nave named a price for then ' ?' r '.-.!.-.r wholesale rate, and we ir (prices to induce oar reader;: :??> i:e: . : ev/ s^'ocri'oers. The set is Regular Breakfast or Tea size. largo pot. tho Tray to hold the set being 14 inches wide and very handsomely hand en graved, as are all tho pieces. Tho lui' set, comprises a Tea Pot, Si:gar How!, Creina Pitcher, Spoon I?ouler and Tray, V/?LL BE GIVEN FREE to any one ; ? new paid-up yearly subscriptions, or for 1G a tv paid-up yearly sub scriptions and ??.r<0 in cash; or it win be sold to a subscriber for $11.00 in cash. Sent by express. This Sci m?.!:c: an ciejant Wedding Present BABY'S SET. This quadruple silver plated set, consisting of a : :.: -, Q and napkin ring, in a plush lined decorated case, stakes a lovely present for a child. Tt is very durable, besides being vt ry ] n tty. Wo will give this free to any one sending us G new ; . l-up yearly sub scriptions, or mr ?t r '?" ' i-l-up ycrriy sub Rcriptions an I SI. li r wo wiU sell it to a subscriber fur 30c. must be added for postage :':i each case, i /bother as a pre;;..'um or purchase. _ .TOPP- ~r.T7 nnn U 1 SR ART AN E U 'IQ, S. C. JAM Necea Tor C: ASBURY HULL. TTTTr T o JJl-U J^-LJ (Si Sue - : ors to Geo S ::? & r> M Reynolds S PERSONA ii ATTENTION GIVES TO A ggrr Li Wal Oa'ffli Aflvaricns BAT ? . . . ES, FIREARMS, SI] who will get us Subs? you to read DDOtlil 11 flt RIFLES -AND SHOT GUNS 1 Nowadays nearly every man and boy owns or wants to own a Rifle. Hunting is always popular and often a necessity. Wo have there fore decided to add a Rifle and a Shot Gun to our numerous premium offers. Wo want to interest everybody and ovcry class in our publication. As in ether premiums, wc havo sought out Hie best articles to offer in this column, and have mado very favorable arrangements with thc sell ing agent:, of the Marlin Arms Co., which ?rill enable U3 to offer tho celc bratcil HARLIN REPEATING RIFLE, NEW MODEL, tc our readers as a premium at whole sale prices. This Rifle lias many ad vantages over other repeating rifles. "Tho point in which this arm Ijp^jiiffers most from tho old.style of re peating rifles is that the top of tho receiver is cn tircly solid, tho empty ^ -'^^X shells being ejected through an opening in tho right hand sido di rectly over tho loading hole, in this system of side ejecting tho empty shells arc never thrown into tlie face, never cross tho line of sight or in any other way interfere in taking aim for tho ne*-t shot, but aro always ejected to tho right and away from tho shooter. Another great od von tags ?3 that tho doing away with tho opening on thc top and the closing of the side slot by tho bolt makes it impossible for any rain, snow, falling leaves or dirt to get Into tho action. " In case of a defective cartridge giving ont around tho head, as often happens from re loading or from poor metal, no powder will bo blown into tho face or eyes, as tho solid top forms a perfect shield." Thc Marlin Repeating Rifle is mado in sev eral calibres, and any mako of cartridges of tho sanio marked calibro of tho riflo can bo used for it. This Rifle is made in tho following sizes: 32, C3 and ?1 calibre. The Riflo we off er as shown in tin's drawing is thc standard si::c, with pistol grip stock and 20 inch half octagon barrel, weight pounds, and holds 15 cartridges. We will give -this Rifle FREE to any one sending us 40 new paid-up yearly subscriptions, or for 20 new paid-up yearly subscriptions and $7.00 in cash added; or we will Bett thia Rifle to a subscriber for ?1-&.00 in cash, express charges to bo paid by thc receiver. Retail list price of this Rifle Is $21.00. SHOT GUNS. We offer an Imported Double Barreled Shot Gun, by a Cele brated Maker, FREE to Subscribers and Readers ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS. This Doublo IJarrcled Gun has all tho latest improvements. Polished steel barrels, centre fire, rebounding locks, case hardened mount ings, full checkered pistol erip, solid plungers, patent fore-end and rubber butt- Furnished in 10 or IS hore. Wo will give ?his elegant Gun FREE to any om; .sending us 2U new paid-up yearly subscriptions, or for 10 new paid-up yearly subscriptions and $7.00 in cash added: or we will sell ?it to a subscriber for only $12.00 in cash. Sent, securely packed by express, charges paid by receiver whether as a premium or purchase. This is a rare khaaco to get an imported Gun at half price. ES H. CARLISLE, LL. D., President. Two Full Courses. -:iry expenses for one yea One Hundred and Fifty Dollars. ttaloguc address, J. A. GAMEWELL,, Secretary of FaCttlty. P. B. TOBIN. TOBIN . R> Sibley & Co., ?.?wc W>0 trect, AUGUSTA, GA. LL BRANCHES OF OUR B USINES?. Made on all Consign monta. 'REMITJM C TO OLD AND NI L VERWARE, WATC Bribers can get any of these Prem Fashion High Ann Singer ; Five Years Guarantee. Delivered Railroad Freight Paid Full Set of Finest Steel Rttachsiems, in Plush Lined Case. Our Finest Premium is without doubt tho Fnshion High Arm Singer Sewing1 Machine. The " Singer " has stood thc test of 40 years and made a princely fortune for its inventor. Thc "Fashion" Singer, however, is an im provement on the original machine, as it has all modern improvements up to dato which aro known or found In a first-class family sew lng machine. Thc automatic bobbin winder winds all size* of thread on thc bobbin as nully as a spool of thread is wound, without care or attention on the part of the operator, except I? keep ilia treadle moving. Owing to i he machine haring what is termed a light anti loose whee!, thc bobbin can be wound without running tho working parts of thc machine. Thia is quite an advantage, as lt dors not necessitate the re moving of tho goods from underneath the presser foot, nor oven unthreading the ma chine. The needle is short and straight, thus Insur- ) ing great strength : it is also self-setting, re quiring no care on the part of the operator. The pressure on tho sewing fool is adjustable, and when tho foot is raised to remove the work from^the machine, it brings into play tho au tomatic tension release. This takes tho ten sion from the thread, and tho goods can be re moved from the machino without bending the needle or breaking the thread. Every operator on old stylo machines will appreciate this point. Each machine ls furnished with the follow ing accessories and attachments: Oil can filled with oil, 12 needles, 6 bobbins, wrench, guide and guide screw, largo and small screw driver, instruction book, foot hemmer, feller, ruffler, tucker, binder, and a set of 4 hemmers of assorted widths. We also furnish , a written guaranteo warranting the machine for fivo years, breakage of needles and shuttles excepted. This shows tho great confidence we ? have in the machine, which we justly claim to bo tho best value for thc money ever offered. How to obtain this Machine.-Wo will send this machino FREE, freight paid to nearest railroad depot, to a:iy ono sending us 40 yearly paid subscriptions, or for 20 paid subscriptions and $10.00 In cash ; sold to subscribers only for $19.00 cash, railroad freight paid. Tho regular retail prico of this machine is $35.00. Tho following testimonials were furnished us by tho manufacturers: LAFATETTE SPIUGGS. Quincy, Ky., under date of Juno 24, 18!ti, writes : "I have one of your High Arm Sewing Machine*. Wo have Lad it about 0 years, and it has proven to bo just ns good ns represented. It is said to bo one of the best machines in our neighborhood by all who have seen it." Miss SALLIE MCCLELLAN, Vanceburg, Ky., under date of June 22,18B& writes : " I recoived tho machine and am delighted with it. It does lovely work. There is not anot lier machino in our town for which I would willingly exchange minc. It is a perfect gem in Itself. I think I will bo able to send you some orders by falL Evr>ryono likes this ono so much." HENRY JORDAN, Millersburg, Ky., under date of June 2G 16U2, writes: " Your Premium Machine is tho best one I ever saw. 1 would not give it for any of my neighbors', some of whom have paid $60 for their sewing machine. I will tell all of my neighbors about your ma chines." _ A LUCKY PREi^NT. Tho Good Luck Coffee Spoon shown .hero bears all tho emblems of luck, namely, tho four-leaf clover, horso shoe, wish bone, bow knot and forget-me-nots. This spoon is made of Solid Coin Silver. Ono of these spoons makes a beautiful souvenir present. Wo will givo ono of these spoons free to any one send ing us 0 new paid-up yearly subscriptions, or for 4 new paid-up yearly subscriptions and $1.25 in cash; or it will be sold to a subscriber for $2.23 in cash. 10c. postage- must bo added in each case. 1 COLUHBUS SOUVENIR SPOON Columbus Souvenir Tea Spoons are now all tho rage : everybody should have one. We show a beautifully en graved spoon, bearing an ex cellent bust of Columbus and engraving of tho vessel of Co lumbus landing on our shores. This spoon is triple silver plated, oxidized, and tho bowl is gold lined; it will bo given free for 2 now paid-up yearly subscriptions orono now paid up yearly subscription and 35a added ; or It will Ixs sold for 00c. Sent postage prepaid in each case. W. N. BURNETT, Successor to GEO. B. LAKE, CYCLONE&FIRE INSURANCE. Office over Bank of Edgefield. Wade Hampton. HAVING bought the above stallion, he will stand thc coming fall season, beginning Sept, ist, at my farm. Curry ton, Edgefield Co., S. C., ten | miles north of Augusta, Ga. Terms: Insurance, $25.00; Season, $20.00. H. A. SHAW, ttarnlw,'?. C.; m SUBSCRIBERS JHES, Etc. Somet? these PREMIUMS ium co urnr The Famous Elgin and Waltham Watches are offered FREE to those of our readers who are willing to go to a little trouble to obtain them. It ls not ncccFsnrv to use snaco In telling onr readers what tho Elgin and Waltham Watches are. The great American EJgin and Waltham Watch Cos. are known the world over, and their name on a watch stamps it as first-class and reliable in every particular.' These are the watches we oiler below, and wo trust such of our readers who need a watch will read our various offers carefully. We haven't space to show thc different patterns of cases made (some 125), but we guarantee that any watch purchased orob'tained asa premium f^jm us will be of exactly the same value and description as the scrapie shown, both as to case and movement, although tho patterns pf the caso may vary; but all the designs of Elgin and Waltham watches aro beautifully and artistically wrought, as becomes the repu tation of these creat companies. Tho regular retail price of thc watches offer ed below-is nearly 50 per cent, more than ours, as we parchase directly from the selling agenta of the manufacturers. An Elgin or Waltham can be ordered as desired. Our No. Thc case is rhadc of solid goid in two plates. Strengthened ir. the centre with fine composi tion metal. The manu ?'act nrers guarantee this wptch to we:ir for fifteen years. We will ^'ivo thia watch, delivered charges prepaid, to any one who will send us 40 new paid-up yearly subscriptions, or for 25 paid-up yearly subscriptionR and $9 in'cash additional; or we will sell lt outright to a subscriber for only Sit! In cash, delivered prepaid in all cases. No. a is a \ ins ca?i0 or eolid Silver /V^^NA ?P;,n face as ElginorWal- ff \\ desi-vJistato thom watch, ff ^-m. \\ w iiioh); with I either hunt- I \ /i//||l\\Mi I 1 accurate, jeweled movement, glen) winding and set ting and ni! improvements. Tins w; tch la good enough for anybody and is satisfaction Itself. Many thousands infuse. ii AVe will deliver this watch, chargea prepaid,! free to any one who will send us 30 new pafd-npj yearly .ubscrlptions, orfor 15 paid-up yearly] subscriptions and $0.50 cash additional: or wi] | sell it to a subscriber for $1L50 cash, delivcrcu , free in each instance. ' f J SPECIAL OFFER FOR LADIES. Our No. s is beautifully finished, with cast? made of two plates nsro of solid gold of, st mdard<iun - ?iv, strength-) e led by a siiffj plato of fino composition metal. Tho manufacturers guarantee this case for twentv years. Tue works are genuine Waltham or ?lgin, accord ing to choice, which is a sufficient guarantee of excellence, and are 7 jeweled, stein winding and setting. A lovely present for a lady. Wo will give thit) watch free, delivered pre paid, to any one sending us 40 new paid-up yearly subscriptions, or for 20 new paid-up yearlv subscriptions and S10in cash added; or lt will be sold lo a subscriber for'S13.5U cash, delivered prepaid in all instances.. ?No. 7 is a solid silver Ladies' Elgin or Waltham Watch, seven jeweled, stem winding and' totting movement, with ail i he latest fni .provenicnts ;' will wear a lifetime. Thc watch will be given free, delivery pre paid, tu any one scuding us 30 li o w paid-up yearly subscrip tions, or for Iii i u w pnid-u] yearly subscrip tions and $0.50 incashaddcd.or tho watch will be sold to any subscriber for $11.50 cash, de livered prepaid In all instances. Any of our readers, either lady or gentleman, who "want a reliable watch and who have il little leisure time cnn,.readily get us thc num ber of sul.scrlptiiii.a necessary to enable them to cet one of Ilse above Htandard watcher, without, any cash outlay. ALL THE SIGNS INDICATE Within Sixty Days. It is Min part of wisdom then lo si ore your collnn. The Edgefleld Ware house, righi al the Cumberland Gap depot, will do this for you bri very reasonable tenus. My representative at Edgefield will be glad to give you all I he information desired. j. s. MOORE; Loasen Ei!g'?h"eJd \Jj?arph"jise. OF THIS PAPER. ling for Everybody. FREE. is carefully. SIZE, 69$ X <Y\ X V? INCHES. FREMI?FCflMERfl Is the Latest and Most Wonderful Invention in Photography. _ ^ With this Camera any man, woman or child can tako pictures of anybody or anything equal to the work of any $25.00 Camera In tho world. j . No dark room or practico ls necessary, as the ? Camera can bo loaded in broad daylight by I merely dropping ina light-proof illm cartridge, and these curtriges can bc sent by mail to thc factory or taken to any photo goods dealer or photographer to have tho pictures i'.nished, or you can finial) them yourself. THE PREMIUM CAMERA ls made and finished in the best manner, with ?>olislicd cherry case, and has an achromatic ens which is get to take pictures nt any die* j tancc from eight feet up, and is self-focusing. Full Directions are sent in a little book \ with each Camera, Tho Premium Camera ls ; tent already, loaded, and extra cartridges can : be ordered from tho factory (the address ls ; given with Hit' ('amoral al CO cents each, post age 3 cents extra. ! . Our Terms for this Camera aro as fol lows: Wo will give ono of these Cameras already I loaded fur immediate usu FREE ?to any one ?ending US ?SU nev paid-up yearly subscriptions ! to tills paper, ur for IO new paid-up yearly sub scriptions und J'UM in cash; or a subscriber can buy a Camera for only S?.O0. yent pre paid for 40 ce:.ts additional, whether as a premium or parchare, i As an evidence of real merit wo would sKito . that it ls the Camera used hythe artists and . reporters of one of the largest New York morn ; lng papers in making all tho local views that ! aro reproduced in Its columns. The following testimonials to the manufac turers speak volumes for this wonderful little Instrument; TESTIMONIALS. Abilene, Texas. Gentlemen-.My Camera continues to give entire satisfaction. I am obtaining excellent results. Very truly yours, (Signed) W. F. BATZEIL Austin, Texas. Sirs-Havo made several Ano negatives with your Camera and think it about as good as any Instantaneous instrument I have ever Used. Truly yours, (Signed) C. W. BARTHOUAMEW. Boston, Mas?.. Gentlemen-Too much cannot be said of tho little Camera. I have more than 14 dozen pic tures and have had but ono bad one and that was my own fault. Since 1 have had your Camera I have had it with me on my wneel wherever I go, and lt is a llttlo gem. If I could not get another I would not take $50.00 for it Very truly yours, . (Signed) M. S. KAUTHI. Brooklyn. N. Y. Gentlemen-I think tho Camera is great. I can turn out just as good work with it as 1 can with Eastman's Kodak of same size, which sells for $90.00 In soruo places. I am a profes. sional photographer and know a little about lt. Yours truly, (Signet.) FIIANK G. SQU?EIL VALUABLE SILVERWARE OFFERS TO SUBSCRIBERS. We have arranged with the selling agents of tho justly celebrated (inn of Rogers & Hamil ton, whose goods have a world-wide reputa tion, and were purchased exclusively by the .World's Fair Commissioners for use in tho jAdministration Building of tho World's Fair at Chicago, to offor to our subscribers the pro duction of this concern at wholesale prices. A glance at the terms wo offer these magnificent wares at will no doubt create astonishment and causo an enormous demand for them. These aro not Cheap John goods, poorly plated, but aro all heavy triple silver plate on steel or while metal and will last a lifetime, as there ls an extra thickness of silver where the most wear comes on a spoon or fork. This ls not done by. any other manufacturer. Solid Handle Steel Knives. SILVER PLATED m WAR RANTS O 1? DWTS. BILVKR TO BACH DOIIN Forks to match. Half dozen of either knives or forks given free for 10 new yearly sub scriptions, or sold to subscribers for $3.00. One dozen, $5.83. Retail price of these goods is $8.25 per dozen. Postage prepaid in all cases. CHILD'S SET. KNIFE, FORK ANO SPOON TT.IPLE SILVER PLATE. Set, packed in fancy lined box, given free for 5 yearly subscriptions. Sold to subscribers for $1.75. Sent securely packed, postage prepaid. Sugar Spoon ??3 Buttel* Knife EXTRA PLATE. SPOON COLO LINED Set, packed In fnncy lined box. given free for 5 yearly subscriptions. Sold to subscribers for $5.00. Mailed, prepaid, to any address. GEO. B. LAKE RE^L ESTATE - AND - INSyRAN6EA6T, Office over Bank o? Edge?cli Liquor, Morphine, Tobacco, Etc. Thc liquor morph i no, and chloral habits absolutely Mired nuder guaran tee; Particulars given by'etter or in person nt my*nflice, which is open all hours of the day. There is no use to go away from home mid spend hundreds of dollars for treatment, when you can be cured al home l'or a much smaller amount. J. GLOVER TOMPKINS, M. D. Edgofleld, C. H., S. C. ^HATHAWAY* CO., ^SPECIALISTS^ (Regular Grnduatcu.) Are the leodlnj: and most successful specla?*ti and viii give you help. Young: and mid dle aged men. Remarkable re sults bave follow ed our treatment. Many yean of varied and success ful experience. In thc use of cura Uve methods that we alone own and control for all dis orders of mee who ?mhave weak, unde "%:veloped or dis seised-, organs, or Who are suffcrlne from errors or youth and exec? or who arc nervous and Impotent, the acorn of thelt if el lows and the contempt of their friends and con. panions, leads u to rtiarante? to all patient?. If they can possibly be restored, oar own exclusivo treatment will afford a cure. WOMEX! Don't you want to get oared of that weakness with a treatment that you can use at home without Instruments? Our wonderful treat ment has cared others. Whynot you? Try lt. CATARRH, and diseases of the Skin, Blood, Heart, Liver and Kidneys. BTPiliLiIS-Thc most mnld, safe and effective remedy. A complete Care Guaranteed. SKIN" DISEASES of all kinds cared where many others have failed. ; trVMATTJRAL DISCHARGES promptly cared In afew days. Quick, sure and safe. Thu neiudes Gleet and Gonorhcea. TRUTH ANO FACTS. We have cared cases of Chronic Diseases tri jave failed to get cured at the hands o? other specie aw and medical Institute?. _---a?.REMEMRER that there Is hope 'or Yon. Consult no other, as you may waste valuable time. Obtain our treatment at once. Beware of free and cheap treatments. We give che best and most scientific treatment at mod?r?t' prices-as low ns cnn bc dore for safe and sklllfc treatment. FREE consultation at tho o tile e: by mall. Thorough examination and careful dla., nosls. Ahorne treatment can bc given la amijotltj of casca Send for Symptom Blank Ko. 1 fur Men; N'o. I for Women : No. 3 for 8kln Diseases." All corre ipondence answered promptly. Business strictly con ?dentUL Entire trcarment sent free from observa tloD. Refer to our patients, banks and business mea Address or call on OR. HATHAWAY & CO. ra i-a South Broad S'-eet, ATLANT'. ?* TAX NOTICE IWILL be at the following places, on the days and dates named, for the purpose of 'collecting taxes. The levy for-the present fiscal year is as follows: For State tax, o-h mills; Ordinary courtly; 1| mills; Bridge, I mills; Court expenses. ? milli j School tux, 2 mills; Total mills, 10$. A poll tax of $1.00 on all mule citizens between the ages of 21 and 50. There is a special tax of 21 mills on all property in the corporate limits of the town of Edgeleld. including railroad property, to pay. interest on the bonded debt of- the town, Also, a special tax -of '3 mills for school purposes on all property in the Ridge Spring School District, including railroad property. Also, a special tax of d$ milis on all properly in Shaw Township, and that portion of| Trenton School District formerly belonging to Shaw Township in cluding all the property of the C., Cet ?. R. R. and the*C., C. Gt& C. R. R. in said township and school district, levied to pay one annual instalment and interest on bonds issued to aid in the construc tion of the C., C. G. & C R: R. Also, a special tax of 3 mills for school purposes on all property in Union Grove School District: Trenton. Johnston, Wards, Ridge Spring. Holstein's Cross Mount Willing, Watson's Store, Forrest's Store, T. C. Caughmaii' Kinard's, Pcurifoy's, Dennys, Rich arusonri lie, Coleman's Cross 'A. P. Colenirn*> Ow du.ns, Haiti wangera, A S Werls, Stevens Bros. Williams Mill. Kirksevs, ltosa, ' Callisons, Minois, Longmircs, Fluni Branch, ' Parksville. Modoc. Clarks Hill, Holder's Shop. Colliers, Red III, Canaries, Pleas-ant Lane, Meeting Street, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Wednesday-, Roads, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, s, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Roads, Monday, , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, " Saturday, Monday. Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, * Saturday, Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, * Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,*: Thursday, Friday Oct. ?6 I Sth till 12m "afripm Oct. 19 Nov '3 M ?5 16 '7 ! 2d till 12m Nov. 23 " -Ml From the 25tb of Nov., until the 31st of Dec. at the Treasurer's office at Edgefield C. H., after] timelo percent, penalty will' be added to all delinquents. W. L. STEVENS, Treasurer E. C. PADGETT PAYS THE FREIGHT Why Pay Fxtreme Frices for Goods ! Send for Catalogue and Soe What You Can Sara ! 1 COO for tins vD I J ZLE3ANT0AS B3C2001? SUXT-p.ii sisting of Burean, Redstead A Wash si and-worth $?5. PRICE NOW $15 UK) other Bedroom Suits, ?ll prices. $69~S*^$37 Just to Introduce them. No freight paid on this Or gan. Guaranteed to bo a good organ or money re funded. - Elegant Plush PARLOR SUITS,.consisting of Sofa, Arm Chair, Rocking Chitlr, Divan, lind 3 side Chairs -worth $45. Will deliver it to your depot for $33 This No. 7' COOKING STOVE with 21 pieces of ware, will be deliver? ed to your depot for only $12 regular price .fis. A$55 BEWIOT MACHINS with all attachments, for ---ONLY $18.50 delivered to your depot. V*Tho regular pr?oT?f this ijTJOOY ls 65 to 75 dollars, fhe manufacturer pays all thc ex pe 11 ses mid I sell them to you for ?42.7S nnd guarantee every one n bargain. No freight paid on this Buggy A $QQO PIANO ?Send for catalogues of Furniture, Cooking Stoves, Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Orgnns, Pi anos, Ten Sets, Dinner Sets', Lamps, tte., and SAVE MONEY. Address L.F.PADGETT ?^?fir WANT COTTON. UNTIL further notice, we will buy Cotton delivered it Langley, S. C., at Augusta narket prices on day of de ivery. Will not buy anything 3elow Strict Low Middling. THOMAS BARRETT" Jr., Prps't Langley M'f'g Co. WM. SCHWEIGERT, Tlie Je^vrellex% Comer? Broad and; McIntosh Streets. Augusta, ll Large SfocR of Engines, G iii nfl lai I HMR?Dn 5 IRON WORKS ANI LUIVIDARU (SUPPLY COMPANY. AUGUSTA, GA. Machinery and Supplies, Repairs, etc., Quickly Made. ?iJff"- Get our Prices before you buy. PATENTS, For Inventions Procured by the PRESS CLAIM COMPANY, Equal with the interest of those having claims against the Gov. ; eminent is thal of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit ef v...ua ble inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the at torneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors to ^procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirelv, upon the care and skill of the attorney. ' With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or carelesa attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected bv valid patente, QUE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY has retained-counsel expert in patent practice, and is therefore prepared to Obtain Patents, Conduct Interferences, Make Special Examinations, [Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trademarks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, etcf If you have an invention on hand, send THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY a sketch or photograph thereof, together with abrief de scriplion of the important features, and you will at once be advised as to Hie- list course to pursue. Models are not necessary unless the invention is of a complicated nature. If others are infring ing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit tbe matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting ou the matter. The Press Claims Company, C18 F Street, Northwest, WASHINGTON, D. C. P. 0. Box 463. JOH? v ULIMIBN, K&n'g Att'v Cut this out and send it with your inquiry. CHICAGO. The QUEEN <fc CXESCSKT ROUTE affords th? < Quickest Schedule!, the Finest Equipment, and the ONLY THROUGH CAR UNE TO CHICAGO? i From Asheville. Paint Bock, Hot Springs and Knoxville, via R. ?fc D., E T. V. &G., Q. & C., L. 8. R. E., Louisville and the Penna. Linea to Chicago without change. Another aw l-l from asfcpflfci to Clsalnnatl. Both OMS make clo?e connection with SU Chicago limos. Ask for your tickets ria QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE?. ] A?7 Agent of tho 2. * D.. K.T.Y.* O. or Qassa* Orescent ?ill (ITO /on information M to routas, ratas, aehodsles, ato. 8 top-overs allowed sit Cian-jmsvti, Lo nia riUe or Indianapolis. D. G. EDWARDS, G. P. A., - CUfCDOTATI,a , Th' IYOT7 WANT INFORMATION ABOUT PENS!? RS ADDRESS A LETTER OR POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, : JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, I>. O. Box 46, WASHINGTON, I>. C Honorable discharged soldiers and sailors who served nineiy days, or over, in the late war, are entitled, if now partially or wholly diabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability was caused by service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances. Widows of such soldiers and sailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier's death was duo to service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service. Children are entitled (if under sixteen in almost all cases where ther^ was no widow, or she has since died or remarried. Parents are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child.orovided soldier died in service, o* from effects of servie^ and they are now de pendent upon their own labor for support. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or navy. Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rates under other laws, without losing any rights. Thousands of soldiers drawing from $2 to $10 per month under the old law, are entitled to higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but also others, whether due to service or not. Soldiers and sailors disabled in time of duty in regular army or navy since the war are also entitled, whether discharged for disability ?r "Survivors, and their widows, of the Black Hawk Creek, Cherokee, mid Seminole or Florida Indian Wars of 1832 to 1842 are entitled un der a recent act. Mexican War soldiers and their widows also entitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled or dependent. Old claims completed and settlement obtained whether pension has been granted under later laws or not. Rojocted claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection improper or illegal. " Certificates of service and discharge obtained for, soldiers and sailois of the late war who have lost their original papers. . Send for laws and information. No charge for advice, No fee un less successful. Address, THE PRESS CLAIMS CO,, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorn^ P. O. Box 463. WA81