Edfiref?eld Advertiser THOS. J. ADAMS, - - - - - EDITOR THURSDAY, SEPT. 28,1893.^ Members of Congress seem to ; be talking for silver and working for gold: Ben Terrell is tb spend a month lecturing in South Carolina, com mencing some time in the ecrly days pf October. The sales of liquors in South Carolina under the dispensary sys tem are not one-fourth what they were under the bar-room regime. Good morals this. According to the Port Royal Post, the steamship Lockmore, the initial vessel of the Port Royal Shipping Company is due at Port Royal on Tuesday, 26th inst. This opens up direct trade with Euro pean ports. _ The city of Perry, Oklahome, (Cherokee Strip,) is six days old; yet it has a bank with $250,000 capital and three daily and five week newspapers. Town lots are selling by the front foot at the $300 to $2,000 per acre.' The Abbeville Press and banner says "the Dispensary law has come to stay. Its enactment may go down in .history as the greatest ac hievement in temperance and morality than has ever been ac complished by any State." Elections have recently been held in five Georgia counties to fill vacancies. Last fall the dem ocrats carried these counties this fall the third party has swept1 them. This should be a pointer to South Carolina democrat. The Columbia Journal having been in favor of Senator Butler's re-election to the U. fc. Senate the sale of that paper to The State does not bode any good to that gentle man.especially as The State isstili in nubibus on the senatorial race. . The phosphate royalty has been reduced to 50 cents per ton's such reduction to remain in force until January, 1894. This concession has been made by the administra tion to the phosphate companies in consideration of their heavy losses in the storm of Aug. 27th. -^T^evenTa president oTtne"* ?niterr States doesn't possess. The Em peror of Germany has ordered all the court chaplains, to limit their sermons to fifteen minutos. Presi dent Cleveland may boss over Congress but he cannot boss our preachers. The anti papers have been assuming that Tillman and Irby are at outs because for several months Irby had not "dropped in to see Tillman," but even this cause of congratulation is -denied them for be dropped in to see the Governor last Tuesday and came very near dropping a nigger en route. The State fair opens this year November the 6th and continues for five days. Exhibitors must have their exhibits on the grounds by Saturday the 4th of November. Col. Holloway will receive entries by mail at Pom aria up to Oct. 52th : after which time his office will be in Columbia. On Saturday before-the fair he will remove to the grounds. Premiun list will be sent to all who apply to Col Hollo way by letter, The stockholders of the Colum bia State have bought the Colum bia Journal lock, stock, and barrel, and hereafter these two papers will be run under the same business management but with different editors and even in this, the editorial, department, while they may be as distinct as the bil lows, they will be one as the sea. It looks that way. at least to aman up a tree or on a fence. If the Governor had done noth ing else than to inaugurate a sys tem which has practically abolish ed the liquor traffic in this State, he would have done enough to make his name go down in history, and ofwhich he and his decsendente might well be proud. Then don'i | put a blur and a.blernish on an act I which must go down as the mosi important event in the morai conduct of the affairs of any State. -Press Banner. Mr. Henry Kinard. of Ninety Six, talks plain but speaks thc truth when he says : "It does loo1 to me that the man who cannot r will not see improvement in th present law^ over the barroor. system must need to bo examinee! by his physician. The law is . prohibition law when so wan tec It reduces drunkenness, keep drunkards and minors from bm ing whiskey, reduces crime, briner j ] order out.of disorder and is ahei. j to all humnity. Let us holdfast I to what we have got and strive to j get something better." ' ? The Greenville News says it "has aever yet.found out what reform is." There are a good many *in this State of the same way of thinking. The bar-room men with a unanimity that shows they are in dead earnest declare that they have never seen any "reform" in closing the bar-rooms. . White caps have organised nearlyevery county in Mississippi, and have posted notices on gins prohibiting their owners from ginning cotton until the price shall reach 10 cents per pound. Inj several cases in which these | warnings were disregarded the gins were burned, and Governor Stone has been called upon for protection by gin owners all over that State. The negroes in Virginia have, decided to run a .ticket for State officers composed entirely of men of their own race. There are 135, 000 negro voters in that State, a solid mass, while the 200,000 white voters are divided into three factions, democrats republicans and populists. This state of affairs in the old Dominion should be a warning to democrats in South Carolina. Mn R. H. Edwards, formerly of] the Manufacturers' Record, which is brought to its present promi-1 i uence as an exponent of . Southern interests, writes to a^friend that | the wonderful way in which the South has met the present trouble, as compared with all other sections has attracted universal attention, and th9 result will be, when the panic is over, such a flow of capi tal in this section as we have never seen before. The accumulated wealth of the North, which must find a field for investment, dis couraged bv the many failures throughout the '.Vest and the Northwest, will be turned into the South by million?. It will go into cotton mills, into ironworks into diversified industries, into an ueral and timbered lands, and into .gold mining, for there is au abundance of gold in the South when the mining is rightly man aged. Moreover, there will be a large immigration from the West of the class of people which the South needs-small farmers who have sayed up a little money skilled mechanics and others." |-ox^^T^yTr?j&T^jij3xi the Newspaper j 1 Glen Falls Times. Many men think that news paper men are persistent dunners. By way of comparison let us sup I pose that a farmer raises 1,000 bushels of wheat a year and sells this to 1,000 persons in all parts of the country, a great portion of them saying, "I will hand you a ! dollar in a short time." The farmer does not want to be small and says I all right. Soon ths 1,000 bushels 1 are gone, but he has nothing to ? show for it, and he "then realizes he has fooled away his whole crop,? and its value to him is due in a thousand little driblets, conse-| ! quently he is seriously embarrass ai ed in his business, because his debtors, each owing him-a dollar, treat it as a small matter and think it would not help much. Con tinue this kind of business year in and year out, as the publisher does how *long would he stand it? A moment's thought will convince any one that a publisher has cause for persistent dunning. "Men or women with no busi ness, nothing to do, are an abso lute pest to society. They are thieves, stealing that which is not theirs ; beggars, eating that which they have not earned ; drones, was ting the fruits of others' industry; leeches, sucking the blood of others ; evil-doers, setting an ex ample of idleness and dishonest living; hypocrites, shining in stolen and false colors; vampires, eating out the life of the commu nity." GIN AND MILL |yj Y Gin and Grist Mill are now -LTA in operatic. For ginning, my charges are 25 cents a hundred. Will furnish bagging and ties, full weights, at 60 cents per bale. Will GRIND CORN any day of | the week, except Sunday. Briug along your cotton and your corn. Plant, at forks of Tren ton and Columbia streets. G. G. LEWIS. MISS C. 0. MARTIN'S BOAMNG-iDAY SGHOOLl: For TonDff Ladies and dnldrra. Mb, Frenc?. aid GeT TlMMy M. References : Rev. E. T. Horn, D. D., Dr. H. Boer, Col. T. P. Lowndes. For circulars address Miss Mar in, Charleston, S. C. MOETGAGrEE'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUNTY. WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the lebt secured by a certain Mort jage,bearing date 4th day of March, L887, made and executed by Mary k. Strom, of the County of Edge ield and State of South Carolina, :o "The American Freehold Land Mortgage Company of London, Limited," which said mortgage ?vas duly recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyance for Edgefield County in Book No. 32, page 356, on 12th day of March, 1887. Now, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, "The Ameri can Freehold Land Mortgage Com pany of London, Limited," mort gagee as aforesaid, will sell before the court-house in Edgefield Coun ty and State of South Carolina on Monday, the 2nd day of October, 1893, at public auction within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed premises, to wit : All that tract or parcel of land lying, being, and situate in the County of Edgefield and State of South Carolina, containing one hundred (100) acres, more or less, bounded on the north by lands of Mrs. Wm. L. Seigler, and R. J. and R. Qnarles; east, by lands of John Hollingsworth ; south, by lands of J. E. Strom, and west, by lands of Mrs. Sarah White. THE AMERICAN FREEHOLD LAND MORTGAGE COMPANY OF LONDON, Limited, Mortgagee. Sept. 7,1893. JOHN T. SLOAN, Jr., ALLEN J. GREEN, HALCOTT P. GREEN, Attorneys. MOBTGAGEE'rSAL?T STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUNTY. WHEREAS, default has been 'made in the payment of| the debt secured by a cert ai u mort gage, bearing date 5th day of J March, 1887, made and executed by Susan J. Cartledge, of tho County of Edgefield and State of South Carolina, to "The American Free hold Land Mortgage Company ol'| London, Limited," which said mortgage was duly recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyance for Edgefield County in Book No. 32, page 361, on 12th day of March. 1887. Now, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, "The Ameri can Freehold Land Mortgage Com-1 pany of London. Limited," mort I gagee as aforesaid, will sell before the court-house in Edgefield County and State of South Caro lina, on Monday, the 2nd day of [October. 1893. at public auction, pino nighest maa?F^or-ca8r.,-^nc following described premises, to I wit: One hundred and thirty-five (135) acres, more or less, bounded on the north by lands of Mrs. Carrie M. Dobey and John F. Tal bert, Sr, ; east, by other lands of Susan J. Cartledge, and south and west by lands of Mrs. J. E. Cart ledge. THE AMERICAN FREEHOLD LAND MORTGAGE COMPAN? OF LONDON, Limited, Mortgagee. Sept. 7,1883. JOHN T. SLOAN, Jr., ALLEN J. GREEN, HALCOTT P. GREEN, Attorneys. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUNTY. T?7HEREAS, default has been made in the payment of the dsbt secured by a certain mort gage, bearing date the 24th day of Janury, 1888, made and executed by Henry Waits, of tho County of Edgefield and State of South Caro lina, to "The American Freehold Land Mortgage Company of Lon don, Limited," which said mort gage was duly recordad in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyance for Edgefield County in Book No. 34, page 486, on the 28th day of January, 1388. ; Now, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, "The Ameri can Freehold Land Mortgage Com pany of London, Limited," mort gagee as aforesaid, will sell before the court-house in Edgefield County and State of South Caro lina, on Monday, October 2nd, 1893, at public auction within the legal hours of sile to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed premises, to wit : All that tract or parcel of land lying, being, and Bituate in the County and State aforesaid, con taining one hundred and thirty four and three-quarter (134|) acres, more or less, bounded on the north by lands of John Ellen burg sast, by the lands of Wm. Childs, 3D the south by lands known as the Wm. Johnson place, and west by lands of R. W. Connelly, the same being the lands conveyed to said Waits by W. H. Ouzts under date )f April 3rd, 1877. THE AMERICAN FREEHOLD LAND MORTGAGE COMPANY OF LONDON, Limited, Mortgagee. Sept. 8, 1893. IOHN T. SLOAN, ^LLEN J. GREEN, ?ALCOTT P. GREEN, Attorneys. a I will pay tflFTY CENTS in [Vade for SEED OATS, Sacked. I am in the TOP of tho COTTON iIARKET, and in the BOTTOM f the GROCECY MARKET. Fruit Jars reduced 25/ doz. Yours for econ om v, E. J. NORRIS. MORTGAGEES S/\LE. ?TATE. OF SOUTH CAROLINA, . EDGEFIELD COUNT". VX7"HEREAS, defaul lie been * made in the payment of the lebt secured by a certain mortgage, >earing date 1st. day of November i.886, made and executed by John j. Mayson, of the County of Edgefield and State of South karolina to "The American Free hold Laud Mortgage Company of London, Limited," which said mortgage was duly recorded in the Dffice of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Edgefield County .n Book No. 30, page 591, on 20th November, 1886. Now, THEREFORE, under and by trirtue of the powor of sale in said mortgage contained. ''The American Freehold Land Mortgage Company of London. Limit-ed," mortgagee aforesaid, will sell be fore-the court-house in Edgefield County and State of South Caro lina, on Monday, the 2nd day of October, 1893, at public auction within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described premises, to wit: One Hundred and Seventy (170) acres, more or less, bounded on north by lands of P. D. Byrd; east, by lands of Emma K. Corley, south, by lands of Susan I Mayson, and 'West by land6 of -Mrs. L. Harrison. THE AMERICAN FREEHOLD LAND, MORTGAGE COMPANY OF LONDON, Limited, Mortgagee. Sept.. 7,1893. , JOHN T. SLOAN Jr., ALLEN J. GREEN. HALCOTT P. GREEN, Attorneys. nMWfGlGE?J'SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUNTY. "\7k7"lIEREAS, default has bern Y * made in tho payment of the debt securpd hy a certain mort gage, bring dato 26th day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1S87, made mid exe cuted by J. B. Adam?, of the County of Edgefield and Stat; of South'Carolina, to "The-American Mortgage Company of Scotland, Limited," which said mortgage was recorded in the office cf the Register of Mesne Conveyance for Edgefield County in Book No. 32, page 259, on 2nd March, 1887. Now, THEREFORE, under and hy virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, "The Ameri can Mortgage "Company of Scot land, Limited, mortgagee as afore said, will sell before the court house in Edgefield County and State of South Carolina, on Mon day, the 2nd day of October, 1893, at public auctoin within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described premises, to wit : Four hundred and sixty-nine ??no v.n^g/N-v .T?rxrr T by lands of E. J. Miller ano^anny Culbreath ; east, by lands of Fanny P. Culbreath and Mrs. S. C. Getzeu ; south, by lands of G. A. Adams, and west by lands of W. H. H. Butler. THE AMERICAN MORTGAGE COM PANY OF SCOTLAND, Limited, Mortgagee. Sept. 7,1893. JOHN T. SLOAN, Jr., ALLEN J. GREEN, HALCOTT P. GREEN, Attorneys.. MORTGAGEE'S S A LE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, J EDGEFIELD COUNTY. WHEREAS, default has bepn made in the payment of the debt secured by a certain mort ga'ge, bearing date 14th day of | February, A. D. 1887, made and executed by Blumer W. Christian, of the County of Edgefield and State of South Carolina, to "The American Mortgage Company of Scotland, Limited," which said | mortgage was duly recorded in the office of Register of Mesne Con veyance for Edgefield County in Book No. 32, page 186, on 17th day of February, 1S87. Now, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage contained, "The Ameri can Mortgage. Company of Scot land, Limited," mortgagee as afore said, will sell before the court house in Edgefield County and State of South Carolina, on Mon day, the 2nd day of October, 1893, at public auction within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described premises, to wit : One hundred and seventy-two (172) acres, more or less, bounded on the north by lands of Foster Cheatham; east, by lands of George Christian ; south, by lands j Df Rankin, and west bylands of| J. B. and Hammond Stone. ' THE AMERICAN MORTGAGE COM PANY OF SCOTLAND, Limited, Mortgagee. Sept. 7, 1893. JOHN T. SLOAN, Jr., ALLEN J. GREEN, HALCOTT P. GREEN, Attorneys. IB li GREENVILLE, S. C. ^ssion o? 1893-94 begins Wednesday, sept. 27. Attendance, 242. Cor.is of Instructors, 8. Co.i.se of study, thorough and iomprehensive. Department of Music-Wade R. grown, (Artist Graduateof New Ell and Con. of Music) Director. Full Conservatory Course-In Piano, I j foice. Violin, Organ, Viola-Harmony | ; nd Theory. Ass stant instructors are Conservatory graduates. Department of Art thoroughly quipped. Health record, unrivalled. Terms of board, tuition, music, etc., aw and reasonable. Daughters of Ministers of the Gos el are accorded reduced rates. Two girls coming from the same araily are given special rares. Correspondence requested. Send for new catalogue. Address, A. S. TD wines, f President. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. Court Common Pleas. The American Freehold Land Mort gage Company of London, (Limited), against C. 0. Mayson. PURSUANT to the judgment of foreclosure in this cause, I will offer for sale at public outcry, before the court-house, town of Edgefield, and State of South Cavolina, on the first Monday in October, 1S93, (being the 2nd day of said month), between the legal hours of sale, the following described mortgaged premises, to?wit: All that tract or parcel1 of land in the County of Edgefield, and State of South Carolina, containing one hun dred and seventy (170) acres, more or less, bounded on the rorth, by lands of Mrs Sarah E. L nie?; east, by lands of Dr. R. C. Mayson; south by lands of Francis Yeldell and Catharine La nier; west, by lands of Susan E. La nier. Terms of Sale: One-half cash, and the balance on a credit of one year, with interest from the day of sale. Purchaser to give bond and a mort gage of the premises to secure the pay ment of the credit portion, or all cash at the purchaser's option. Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, Master E. C. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. Court Common Pleas. The Land Mortgage Investment Com pany's Agency of America, (Ltd), against Masterdon C. Wood. PURSUANT to the judgment of foreclosure in this cause, I will oiler for salo at public outcry, before the court-house, town of Edgefield, and State o " South Carolina, on the first Monday in October, 1893, (being the 2nd day of said month), between the.legal hours of sale, the following described mortgaged premises, to wit: Two hundred and eighteen (218) acre*, more or less, in Talbert town ship: bounded on the north, bylands of James Freeman and Jesse Stone; south, by lands of A. M. Talbert; east, by lands of William Quarles; and w*st, by lai (ls of A. M. Talbert. Terms of Sale: One-half cach, and the balance on a credit of one year, with interest from the day of sale. The purchaser to give, bond, and a mort gage of the premises to secure the credit portion,orail cash at purchaser's option. Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, Master E. C. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. Court Common Pleas. T. S. Lewis, as Administrator of the estate of Lewis Bean, et al. against E. P. Salter, et al. L paus j, i :7-tri\}iitt~, ?-f?~ww^.tiiifi4 outcry, before the court-house, in the town of Edgefield and State aforesaid, on the first Monday in October, 1893, (being the 2nd day of said month) be tween the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described realty, to wit : All that tract; of land in Pine Grove and Pickens l.ownsh'ps, Edgefield county, South Carolina, containing three hundred and eighty-five (3S5) acres, more or less, adjoining lands of W. J. Adams, John Cogburn, D. C Tompkins, and others. Terms of Sale: One-half cash, and the balance on a credit of one year, with interest from the day of sale. Purchaser to give bond and a mort gage of the premises to secure the credit portion, or all cash at purchaser's option. Purchaser to pay for papers. Wi F. ROATH, Master E. C Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN. COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. Court Common Pleas. James Boatwright, et al. against Benjamin Boatwright, et al. PURSUANT to the decree in this cause, I will offer for sale at pub lic outcry, before the court-house, town of Edgefield and State of South on the first Monday in October, 3S93, (being the 2nd day of said month) be tween the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing described realty, to wit : Tract No. 1. All that tract of land lying, situate, and being in Edgefield county and State of South Carolina, containing one hundred and forty-two (142) acres, more or less, and adjoining lands of Mrs. Lewis Jones on the west, facing the Columbia road on the south, and joining lands of H. F. and J. C. Watson on the southeast, and W. A. Merritt on the east, and tract No. 2 on 11 the north. Tract No; 2. All that tract of land ( lying, situate, and being in Edgefield i county and State of South Carolina, containing one hunared and twenty ? and one-half (120'?) acres, more or less, and bounded" on the north by j tracts Nos. 3 and 4; on the west, by the Carwile lands; on the east, by ? lands of 1(. B.. Watson, Merritt, and t Rambo; and on the south by tract t No. 1. c Tract No. 3. All that tract of land } lying, bituate, and being in Edgefield county and State of South Carolina, containing one hundred and ten (110) 1 acres, more or less, and bounded on the } north, by lands of John C. Watson; j on the south, by tract No. 2; on the east by lands of R. B. Watson; on the west, by tract No. 4. Tract No. 4. All that tract of land t lying, situate, and being in Edgefield k county and State of South Carolina, containing seventy-nine (79) acres, more or less, bounded on the north, by lands of Capt. DuBose; on the east, by tract, No. 3; on the south, by tract No. 2; and on the west by tract No. 5 Tract No. 5. All that tract of land i m lying, situate, and being in Edgefield Ml county, and containing eighty-nine | J uid one-half (89Jj?) acres, more or less, and bounded on the north, by tl.e DuBose lands; on the east, by tract tfo. 4; and on tue south and west, by ;he Carwile lands. All the above de scribed lauds being more particularly set forth and described by plats made p >y J. W. Seigler, surveyor, dated 28th , rune, 1893. '?ermsof Sale: One-third cush, and he balance on a credit nf one and two G fears, with interest on the credit por- J ;ion from thc day of sale. Purchaser .?p o give bond and mortgage of the iremises to secure t he credit portion, ir all cash at purchaser's option. Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, Master E. C. E Master's Sale. TATT OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUNTY. Court Common Pleas. 'he British and American Mortgage Company, [Limited] against Joseph W. Etheredge, et al. PURSUANT to the judgment of I r foreclosure in this cause, I will ffer for sale at public outcry before he court-house, town of Edgefield and ?tate of South Carolina, on the first j donday in October, 1893, [being the 2nd lay of said month] between the legal lours of sale, the following described ?ortgaged premises, tn wit : All that lot or trace of land, lying in he county of Edgefield, and State of I South Carolina, containing one hun Ired and twelve [112] acres, more or ess, in Huiet township, and bounded )y lands of J. B. Suddath, Mrs. P. Pou, F. R. Etheredge, and others, and lying m little Saluda River, said land being jomposed of two tracts,one of seventy leven [77] acres, purchased of J. B. Suddath of the Martha E. Banks lands, md one thirty-five [35] acres, inherited 'rom Wm. Etheredge by J. W. Ether idge. Terms of Sale : One-half cash, and che balance on a credit of one year, witn interest on the credit portion from the clay of sale. Purchaser to give bond ? and a mortgage of the premises to se-1 sure the credit portion, or all cash at j the purchaser's option. Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, Master E. C. MASTER'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUNTY. Court of Common Pleas. The American Freehold Land Mort-| gage Company of London, [Ltd] against Jackson Corley. PURSUANT to the judgment of foreclosure in this cause, I will offer for sale at public outcry before the court-house, town of Edgefield and State of South Carolina, on salesdayin October, 1893, [being the 2nd day of said month] between t.ie lejjal hours of sale, the following described mortgaged premises, to wit : All that tractof land in the county of Edgefield and State of South Carolina, to wit: One hundred and fifty [150 j acres, more or les?, bounded on the north by lands of Letha Ridlehoover and Mrs. ?. Dyson; east, by lands of W. L. Connolly; south, by lands of Leonard Reames; and west,by lands of J. J. J. Baker. Terms of Sale : One-half cash, and the balance on a credit of one year, with interest on the credit portion from day of sale. Purchaser to give bond anda mortgage of the premises to se cure the credit portion, or all cash at purchaser's option. Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, Master E. C. 4* Hull and P. P^Tobin, as MASTER'S SALE. >TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUNTY. Court of Common Plea*. Asbury Hull and name against John W. Jones. PURSUANT to the judgment of foreclosure in the above stated cause, I will offer for sale at pub lic outcry before the court-house, town of Edgefield and State of South Carolina, on the first Mon day in October, 1893, (being the 2nd day of said month) between the legal hours of sale, the follow ing described premises, to wit: All that tract of land, situate, lying, and being in the incorporate limits of the town of Edgefield, and in the county and State afore said, containing one (1) acre, more or less, and bounded on the north, 3a6t, and west by the homestead place of Lewis Jones, and on the 3outh by land now owned by A. S. Tompkins, lately known as the Sheppard place. Terms of Sale : Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, Master E. C. MASTER'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUMY. Court of Common Pleas. A. J. NorriB, Trustee, against Elenry Gibson, et al., Defendants. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of the judgment of foreclosure in this cause, I will sell it Edgefield court-house, South Caroliua, on salesday in October, [893, the following described mort gaged premises, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land, mown as the Gibson plac^and each ind all of Defendants' interests herein, lying and being situate in he County of Edgefield,-and State if South Carolina, containing one mildred and teventy-five (175) Lores, more or less, and adjoining ands of Amelia Whittle, William Vb itt le, John Matthews, Ben tloyer, Mrs. Landrum, and others t being the tract of land conveyed o Clem Gibson by R. B. Watson he 28th day of January, 1873 :nown as the Roe place. Terms of Sale : Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, Master E. C. PUBLISHKD AT ^ri-eenville, - C., EVERY WEDNESDAY, $1 A YEAR. Tho Democrat Stock Company, roprietorn, G. A. Norwood, Presi ent ; B. M. Shu man, Treasurer. ,'xecutive Committee, T. C; Gower, ?. A. Norwood, H. M. Shuman, ohn T. Bramiett, Henry T. Stroud, he Democrat is in hearty accord ith th? National and State Dem ?ratic platforms, and is devoted > the advancement of the inter its of the people. JOHN C. BAILEY, Editor. LM Farmers7 Fire-Proof Cotton Warehouse, 739 ?OTYTSTOT-JIDS STREET Augusta;, ? " G-ct, Wo especially solicit the planter's trade ; Do strictly a commission business, Charge low in conformity with the times. Bagging and ties furnished at lowest market price. Write to us for terms. Cash advances on cotton by wagon or railroad. CRANSTON & STOVALL, 739 Reynolds street, - JVXJGTJSXA, Gr A. THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR R. L. FOX'S NEW ADVERTISEMENT. ASBURY HULL. P. B. TOBIN. HULL & TOBIN, Successors to Geo. K. Sibley & Co., COTTON FACTORS 845 & 847 Reynolds Street, AUGUSTA, GA. PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL BRANCHES OF OUR BUSINESS. t?t" Liberal Cash Advances Made on all Consignments. QUINBY & CO., DEALERS IN ? On Goods, Mons, Clotbk, Boots, les, Hats, Gaps, ?y H^dvy:^re_?!rockery, and Groceries. Men's, Boy^CT^ Harness, Whips, Trace Mas, Sole ami Harness Leather, Breecli aM Muzzle LoaOing Gnus; It costs you nothing to .put your teams in our yard, which is filled with good stables. g*T Wo have the best COTTON MARKET in the country. QUINBY & CO., Feed, Sale, and Livery Stables, EDG-EPIELD, S. C. BEST STOCK. EASIEST RIDING BUGGIES. Uam'now running: a general Feed, Sale, and Livery Stable at the old Gray stables, just south of the Court House, where I will be glad to seeand serve my friends and the public. Special attention given to feeding and watering stock. Give me a trial order for a team. Satisfaction gui> inteed. I also keep on hand at all times the FINEST FRESH 3?EATS that the 30untry affords. F. P. HOLLINGSWORTH. E. R. Schneider, IMPORTEES OF FINE Wines, Liquors and Cigars, AND DEALERS IN Bourbon Rve and Corn iVhiskey. 601 and So2 Bro .a ^>. reet, Master's Sale. Master's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,!STATE OF SOUHI CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUNTY. Court Common Pleas. The New England Mortgage Securety Company, against John R. Corley, et al. PURSUANT to the judgement of foreclosure in this cause, I will iffer for sale at public outcry before he court-house town of Edgeiield, and state of South Carolina, on the first donday in October, 1S93, (being the ind day of said month) between the egal hours of sale, the following de ?cribed mortgaged premises to wit: All that tract of land in the county >f Edgeiield and State of South Caro iha, to wit: One hundred and twenty even (127) acres, more or less, bounded m the north by lands of A. J. Norris; ;ast, bylands of Bailey Corley; south, >y lands of Lemuel Corley ; and west. ?y lands of A. J. Norris and M. W. lolloway. Terms of sale: One-half cash, and he balance on a credit of one year, nth interest on the credit portion rom the day of sale. Purchaser to ive bond and a mortgage of the prem ies tosecure the credit portion, or all ash at the purchaser's option. Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, Mabter E. C. iou SAY YOU CAN'T ULT TOBACCO. Then try the Rose obaccoand Snuff Cure, lt is setting undreds free from the filthy habit, end One Dollar lora tablet or write to ie for descriptive circulars and testi lonials. You can make money selling as I give large discount on tbe donor, ddress, L. L. PICKETT, General gent for South Carolina, Columbia, C. P. S.-You can make money working y paper, THE SOLDIER. COUNTY OF EnGEFiEi.D. Court Common Pleas. Lauretta M. Boite, agairst John W. Davis, et al. PURSUANT to the judgment of foreclosure in this cause, I will offer for sale at public outcry before the court house, town of Edgeiield, and State of South Carolina, on the first Monday in October, 1893, (being the 2nd day of said month) between the legal hours of sale, the following de scribed mortgaged premises, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land con taining one hundred and fifty-nine (159) acres more or less, bounded on the north and south, by lands of W. S. Allen ; on the east by the Mathis road ; and on the west, by lands of Charles Burt, being the same land conveyed to John W.Davis by W. S.Allen on the 16th November, 1883. Terms of Sale: One-half cash, and the balance on credit of one year, with interest on the credit portion from the day of sale. Purchaser to give bond and mortgage of thc premises to se cure the credit portion, or all cash at the purchaser's opt'on. Purchaser to pay for papers. W. F. ROATH, Master E. C. Notice of Final Settlement and Discharge. NOTICE is hereby given that on the 21st day of October, ?893, I will make a final settlement in the Probate Judge's office for Edgefield county, S. C., as guardian for Mary A. Padgett and Mattie L. Padgett, an?, at the same time ap ply for final discharge as guardian of said wards. A. E. PADGETT, Guardian,