Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, August 31, 1893, Image 4

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FOR THE THOUGHTFUL. Ram's Horn. Fine words in a tombstone do not mean anything in heaven. There isn't ? grain of faith in the prayer that doesn't look for an | answer. Ppople who blow their own horni seldom furnish . good music for other folks. On God's scales a poor man's best and a rich man's best balance each other. Every man who does not believe in a hell, has material enough in his heart to start one. . Faith is the sacrifice of the un derstanding to God; repentance the'sacrifice of the will. Kindness is a tender considera tion-towards every living thing ? which God has created. The devil is still getting people every day, by making them believe the judgment day is a long ways off. Honesty is the straight forward performance of every duty and every action as conscience dic tates. . The man who beginB by walking ann in arm with the devils will soon have -to carry him on his ~ shoulders. A rose tree that does not bloom is of no use in a garden. A vine that bears no grapes is of no use in a vineyard. Courage is cool headed strength of will and purposes, ready, for dangers and difficulties whatever they may be. If you could look into the hearts j of some men for twenty-four hours, you wouldn't wonder that they are down on the Bible. Truth is like a clear mirror, which when it is not cracked or tampered with, gives a true image; but when it is, distorts and gives ? i a wrong expression to the object reflected. Home with love in it, is a kind j of paradise. I suppose with love out of it home is a kind of pan demonium. The sweetest hours of life are those when' the heart is full of love, and those hours are almost as sweet in the recollection as in the present experience. In the day and night, and in the times of revery we recall every look, every gestare, every word by which loy 9 was conferred to us, and I suppose . eveu in extreme old ago, "" tho heart never forgets the scenes.j. and the memories of loves young dream. Such is the heart of man. Ingratitude. Public men aretargets to be shot at, belied, pursued, misinter preted. I was surprised to read what Macaulay wrote in one of his intense sentence after all his bright carreer in the English Parlianment and after. being renowned the world over bji all who could admire fine writing and great thought-Macaulay says : "Every friendship which a man may have becomes precarious as soon as he engages in politics." Daniel "Webster, after his wonder ful career and in the close of his lifo, writes : "If I were to live my life over agrin, with my present experience, I would under no con sideration allow myself to enter -public life. The man who serves the public most faithfully receives no adequate raward. In my own history those acts which have been before God most disinterested, and the least stained by selfish considerations have been precisely those for which I have beeu most freely abused. No, no, have nothing to do with poli tics. Sell your iron, eat the bread of independence, support your family with the rewarde of honest toil, do your duty as a private citizen to your country, but let politics alone. It is a hard life a thankless life. I have had in tne course of my political life, which is not a short one, my full share of ingratitude, but the un kindest cut of all, the shaft that has sunk the deepest in my heart, has been the refusal of this ad ministration to grant my request foran office of small pecuniary consideration for my son." That is the testimony of a man who ought to know. My fri ends, better stay down than be shot down. He who has a good occupation, a good home, good character, a good field good [afield of usefulness and a good hope in Jesus Christ has all that worth having-Ocouee News. You can never have a really good complexion until the impurity is cleased ' from your blood. What you need is a thorough course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which is abso lutely free from all harmful in gredients*, and therefore, perfectly j safe. Sidney Smith wrote to a friend "I have seven or eight complaints, but in all other respects I am perfectly well." When you try to. be good, try to be good for something. ' -. The fool, seeketh to pluck the fly from the mule's hind leg, but the wiseman lette th the job to tb^e lowest'bidder. ?-* An - Italian fruit vender over heard two citizens discussing the silver question, and he remarked : i'D?W?t ?iH?o "de Sc? If the hair is falling out, or turning gray, requiring a stimu lant with nourishing and coloring food. Hall's ..Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer is just the specific. Last words of a lady who was hugged to death : "Do not weep for me ! I die happy."-Exchange. The tough part of the above ii to ' believe that any woman was killed that way.-Dublin Post. The empress of Austria is re puted to be the best royal house keeper in Europe. Everything in the Austrian palace is under her personal care. She orders cooks, butlers, laundrymaids, and is con stantly inventing something new in cookery. 1,500! 1,500! 1,500! Fruit-Jars, the best; ai $1.00 per dozen for quarts.* $1.25* per dozen for half gallons. E. J. NORRIS. FAVORITE SINGER, Every. Machine has t drop leaf, fancy cover, two large drawers, with nickel rings, and full set of Attachments, equal to any Singer Machine sold from $40 to (60 by Canvassers. The High Arm Machine has a self-setting needle and self-threading shuttle. A trial in your home before payment is asked. Buy direct of the Manufacturers and save agents' profits besides getting certifi cates of warrantee for five years. Send for machine with name of a business man as reference and we will ship one at once. CO-OPERATIVE SEWING MACHINE C0" soi S. Eleventh St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. MS-WU EAY THE FREIQB.T.'&k Liquor, Morphine, Tobacco, "Et . The liquor, morphine, and chloral ?abits absolutely cured under guaran ;ee. Particulars given by .'etter or in jerson at my office, which is open all lours of the day. There is no use to go away from nome and spend hundreds of dollars for treatment, when you can be cured it home for a much smaller amount. J. GLOVER TOMPKINS, M. I). Edgefield, C. H., S. C. -.READ OUR 3NULS ? Double Ch" Will MTi?af^yrtMWt-iB rtBH-?Uo?ii:< I . less; cause no*icltu?iw, and muy tie irU-i ? edge of tbepatiout, who wUl^o?u?So^fcy JR?HEHMS as? MSErSHE IL the patient, by the nao o.'" our SPECIAL. J Dur?igtreatmcntpati*M5t<> rrc ?illnwrd 1 phine until auch time lix.y H'.H.JI vi.ltu We send particulars Hud -.--mphlc.t of bo glutl to place sulTo: *.TJ isoin any of th tlou with persons who have boca cured b; , HILL'S TABLETS ?re for aaK druggists az $ | .00 ???ekjigf>. Kyour druKgisiilo*'J aol kee]) them. < nnd we wUl scud you, by return mail, a Tablets. Write your name ard address plutnl whether Tublut? ure lor Tobacco, Hoi Liquor Habit; DO NOT BE DECEIVED into pnrch any of tho various n?strtrtT: .-f that nra l e offered for &ule. Ask lor *H 11 Ti'^ TABLETS and toko no other. Kanniactured only by ODM'T FOR! THE EDGEFIELD 2.00 3.00 IlSrGTTITTJTE. THE Trustees announce to the pub lic that this school will open on Monday, Sept. 4,1893, and continne ten months, forty weeks, with a recess of one week at Christ mas. There will be three departments, each carefully graded : The Primary, embracing 2 years. The Intermediate, embracing 4 years. The Academic, embracing 4 years. Provision is also made for Music and Art Departments, under competent teachers. Arrangements for studies higher than the Academic will be made hereafter, if it be deemed best to do so. The rates of tuition will be as follows : In the Primary Department, first and second years, per month.. $ 1.00 In the Intermediate Department, 1st and 2nd years, per month.. In the Intermediate Department 3rd and 4th years, per month.. In the Academic Department, 1st and 2nd years, per month. 3.00 In the Academic Department, 3rd and 4th years, per month. 4.00 In the Music Department, per month. 4.00 In the Art Department, per month. 3.00 From these charges will be deduct ed the pro rata amount allowed for each pupil from the public school fund. The trustees have committed this school to the management of Dr. -L R. GWALTNEY. He will be aided in each department by competent teachers. It will be seen that the basis of financial support which has been in operation for sev eral years has been abandoned, the trustees having fully decided that it is better to have fixed rates of tuition for all pupils. If the citizens of Edge field will heartily standby "The In stitute," they will have a good school in which they may take a commenda ble pride. The Principal is well known. He returns to Edgefield to become the pastor of the Baptist Church, and to give his matured experience to the work of educating our boys and girls. Good board can be had for $S to $10 per month. W. E. PRESCOTT, Chairman. Erskine College, Due West, S. C. Opens first Monday in October next. OFFERS CLASSICAL AND SCIENTIFIC COURSES. Large and handsome building com pleted. Delightful climate. Now in the 54th Year of its Existence. Total Expenses for Board and Tuition, $150. Write for Catalogue. W. M. GRIER, Pre "dent, ?DCIICMDCD<W? GUI BASTEE i IfCmClfflDCn and Invite tl fi carefnl investigation us to our resj ggy ' g tty au cl the merits of our Tablets. laride of Gold Tablet ?.?ii^oeouvtaimJ muanya. Ftiri&sfiy-curfti i i ;:icnpofte;ior coffee without tuc kiiowl svcjp smoking or chewing In a few days. ?])?in ?in be cured at home, and with- S LLull out any effort on the tvirt of l-??3IULA GOLD CURE TABLETS, jr jfa he free nie of Liquor or ?lor itariiygivu them np. testimonials free, and shall ese habits in communie? Y thc use of our T ??LETS. > by oil yiBST-CLAss ir. rinso us S I .OO !>:ick.'tge of our y, and state .phino or CUP t won li and ii or from ten *< and smoked ( of your TttUeU Tan OHIO CHEMICAL C for $1.00 worth of your them aU rightand,*a)tnoug .they did the work in less th; Truly you: THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO. :-GENTLE word of praise for your Tablets. M j liquor, ?nd through a friend, I wua hil 1 constant drinker, but after using your ' and will not touch liquor of any kind. I bi you, in order to know the caro was permano: aio CHEMICAL Co:-GENTLEMEN:-Your Table ised morphine, bypodermicoUy, for seven y gea of your Tablets, and without any effort 01 .Address all Orders t THE OHIO CHE! 51, 53 and 55 Op ED] penuca this paper.) ?ET THE ADUANTflCE of rel ?ET THE gjjjjgjTf ^ SET THE FflCIMS g*? SET THE MjjjjEJf JET THE ECONOMY in 0 unifc SET THE IMPORTANCE GUSTA LiUlWBEf* AUGUSTS, CS. ! i PADGETT PAYS THE FREIGHT Why Pa; Extreme Prices for Goods! Send for Catalogue and Sse What You Can Sara! <? 1 ROOlfor this 4>l C/-?XOANT0A2 BZ9B0OU 37:T-con sisting of Bureau, Bedstead &. Wash stand-worth 125; PRICE NOW $15 100 other Bedroom Suits, all prices. $69~g*~$37 Just to introduce them. No freight paid on this Or gan. Guaranteed to be a good orgau or money re funded. Elegant Plush PARLr of Sofa, Arm Chair. 1 and 2 side Chairs -w^ lt to your depot for : SUITS, consisting lng Chair. Divan, >45. Will deliver This No. 7 COOKING STOVE p with 21 pieces of ware, will be deliver ed to your depot for only $12 regular pricers. A $ss Z2~x: xscmxz with all attachments, for -ONLY $18.50 delivered to your depot. >*The regular price of this 3UGGY is 05 to 75 dollars. The manufacturer pays all the expenses and I sell them , to yon for B42.75 and guarantee every one a Dargum. No freight paid on this Buggy A $Q50 PIANO Send for catalogues of Furniture, Cooking Stoves, Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Organs, Pi anos. Tea Sets, Dinner Sots, Lamps, Ac, and SAVE MONEY. Address L.F.PADGETT ^SKffiK* fror.i ..jrsons V y who -^'^ been /r cured by ibe.uso of / ?M?? S 5 ai: Tn?OHIOCJW.::- Co : OUAIC Slit:-! H.1V0 LcDii n-rinjr i"onr s for tobacco h:.V U . . m? fcnnd i" wouid mt you claim for it. I v.st-S. ton ?cttta vt tlierlronget a uaw .:??; l-.-bnteu :i d:-y, j ore to tlvo '-iji iv, or 1 v, ..??;?! M;-.[.:ce .) lorcy ]ii?K"i o? tobacco. H uv?! chowed 'or twenty-live yy:;.*.-, :.: ri : ,.. , ? ?i ,:.^t;cs i cured mc W e inuit sin1 p-rit. ?j. ii. JAY IA* ?-l>, J.c.-.ijc, j?v?. r?orns FE- nv, N. Y. !o. :-GENTLEMEN :-Somo time ago I Bent Tablets; for Tobacco Habit. 1 received h lwas boi.li f.lt^ivy smoker and chewer] in three iii:/j. iii.ti cured, t s. MATIlE tV JOH Sip?, P. O. Box 45. PlTTSBCJiCTT, PA. MEN:-It frives mo pleasure lo apeak a ' son wi.- . rronply p.ddictcd to the usc of bp try y..<.; Tablets. Ho was it heavy and Tablet? i.ut lune dnysho quit drinking, ivo waited four month before writing it. Yours truly, MILS. UKI Aili MORRISON. CINCINNATI, OHIO. ?ts have performed a miracle in my case, ears, and have been cured by the use of i my part. W. L. LOTEGAY. MICAL CO., tera Block. LIMA* OHIO. dealing with a liable concern. ur guarantee of I material. :ommand for fil orders promptly. f writing to us or estimates or latalogues. For the next Thirty Days We Offer Special Prices in our Job Department. Give us a Trial. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Estimates furnished on Application. All Work , in the Latest Styles. WM. SCHWEIGERT, ^TTlie Je^vreller% Corner^ Broad; andj McIntosh Streets. ^ Augusta, - - Ga, O-A-IVTE MIX Pratt ii Anpsta Coil Gin aid Pressed Lange stocK oj Engines, CQeap ana Cooa. I HMD ADR J IRON WORKS A N IF UWlVlDMttU (SUPPLY COMPANY. AUGUSTA, Gr A.. Machinery and Supplies. Repairs, etc., Quickly Made. jiv Get our Prices before you buy. PATENTS, For Inventions Procured by the PRESS CLAIM COMPANY, Equal with the interest of those having claims against the Gov ernment is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit ef v?lua Lle inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the at torneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY has retained counsel expert in patent practice, and is therefore prepared-to Obtain Patents, Conduct Interferences, Make Special Examinations, [Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Rer.ler Opinions as to Scope and Validity of i-atents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, etc] If you have an invention on hind, send THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY a sketch or photograph thereof, together with abrief de scription of the important features, and you will at once be advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are not necessary unless the invention is of a complicated nature. If others are infring ing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. The Press Claims Company, 618 F Street, Northwest, WASHINGTON, D. C. P. 0. Box 463. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Man'g Att 'v Cut this out and send it with your inquiry. Ju. FOX EI^GTEFIEIJD, a c. WATCHES, SPECTACLES, CLOCKS' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. JEWELRY. BRONZE FIGURES. SILVERWARE. FINE CUTLERY. Ii' YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT PE NS I? HS ADDRESS A LETTER OR POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, p.o.Box46, W?^HiisroaroiV, r>. c. Honorable discharged soldiers and sailors who'served nineiy days, or over, in the late war, are entitled, if now partially or wholly diabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability was caused by service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances. Widows of such soldiers and sailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier's death was due to service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service. Children are entitled (if under sixteen in almost all cases where there was no widow, or she has since died or remarried. Parents are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child,provided soldier died in service, or from effects of service, and they are now de pendent upon their own labor for support. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or navy. Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for . higher rates under other laws, without losing any rights. Thousands of soldiers drawing from $2 to $10 per month under the old law, s.re entitled to higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but also others, whether due to service or not. Soldiers and sailors disabled in time of duty in regular army or navy since the war are also entitled, whether discharged for disability or not. Survivors, and their widows, of the Black Hawk Creek, Cherokee, and Seminole or Florida Indian Wars of 1832 to 1842 are entitled un der a recent act. Mexican War soldiers and their widows also entitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled or dependent. Old claims completed and settlement obtained whether pension has been granted under later laws or not. . Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection improper or illegal. Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailois of the late war who have lost their original papers. Send for Jaws and information. No charge for advice. No fee un less successful. Address, THF PRESS CLAIMS CO., . JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. P. O. Box 403. iWASHJNGTOl D.