'i Edgefield Advertiser THUESBAY.JULY 20,1893. LOGAn BREVITIES. Oh, where'd you get that whiskey? Oh, where'd you get that dram? I got it from the 'spens'ry, That John B. Davis man. The average -sales of the Jipunty, dispensaries are from $25 to $45 per day. Cotton is still quoted at 7f and 8 cents in Augusta, that is the best grades. Miss Annie Ready, of Johnston, is .spending sometime with Miss Lilla Hill. The right kind of a man always learns something worth knowing from a mistake. Watermelons bid fair to be very plentiful and cheap, but the peach crop is reported short. Miss Belle Clark, of Beech Island, is visiting the family of Mr. N. L. Branson. Town Marshal John Scurry, wife and baby, are taking a week's va cation in the country at their old home. . Rev. Mr. Jordan, of Columbia, preached in our Episcopal Church last Sunday, the only morning ser vice in town. . Prof. Robert M. Kennedy, who j formerly taught at this place, has - been elected principal of nie Cam den graded school. Up in Newberry the coloredpeo ple call the dispensary liquor, "nigger foot." In Edgefield they call it "good old dispense." Dry all the apples you have no use for, and bring them to the village next winter and enable us to have an apple pie occasionally. - The McCormick News says : "We are glad to report Dr. R. J.- Talbert much better. He is now able to be up and walking around the house! Last Friday was the hottest day we have had in Edgefield this year. The thermometer indicated 96?. At Columbia on the same day it I / was 102?. The present sizzard may be in tended by old mother nature as a forerunner of the political sizzard [ of 1894, which is already begin ning to siz. Mr. E.' T. Matt ison, of Honeal Path, Anderson county, has gone f to Kirkseys, Edgefield county,) where* he will be engaged in teach ing during the summer. Mr. Purvis J. Boatwrigbt, a pros perous young merchant of Darling ton, spent a short time iii Edge r~~xT6Td-T88t week efl route from the World's Fair in Chicago. Mrs: -William Patrick Calhoun,! nee Miss Gladys Boy kin, of At-1 lanta, Ga., is visiting her grand mother Mrs. Caroline Abney. Lit tle Marie Bovkin is also here. ' The sizzard continues to siz. On Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and? Monday, the thermometer went up as high as 100? each day in all | creation, and 99? in Edgefield. Will there- be a teachers5 insti tute at Edgefield this summer? Other counties are enjoying these educational feasts, why not Edge field 1 Will Commissioner Daven? port look into the matter? . The oldest inhabitant died at his residence in our town at 12 o'clock on Friday night, the 30 h of June. His name was Old Man Rum. Just before he died he made an ante-mortem statement in which he said that Tillman killed him by butting him to death with a ramracker. We rise to remark that School Commissioner Davenport, of Lau - rens county, is not a particle of kith or kin to School Commissioner Davenport of Edgefield county. The difference between them is, that the Laurens Davenport has been raising the very old Ned up there, but our Davenport (Belt) a-i-n-*-t d-o-n-e i-t y-e-t, and he v never will. , The Edgefield Rifles. .The Edgefield Rifles have de cided to have no barbecue this year, but will be at Centre Spring on the 27th of July, and as a body partake of the hospitality of their brethren in arms, the Light Dra goons. There will be competitive - target shooting between the two .companies on that occasion and other enjoyable features. * > -V A Case of Destitution. There is.in our town a case of destitution that should be looked after. A woman in want of the necessaries of life is now dependent on the kind offices of one family alone, so we are informed. This is too great a burden andi some systematic relief should be insti tuted. Sending money to christian ize the bug-eaters of Boori boorah , 'Gah is well, but to care for the needy nearest our own doors is a better and higher and holier charity. A Pea Picker. Mr. Artie Watson has in vented a wonderful machine which he calls a pea Harvester. The machine has two wheels and is intended to be drawn by two horses, who walk-be tween the rows. This harvester clips the pea vin?s, draws them into the machine, threshes them, measures them in a half bushel drawer attached, and cuts up the hulls; and vines into bits -and dis tributes them ove;- the field for manorial purposes. Altogether, it is a wonderful invention, and evinces a high degree of mechanical . in genuity and skil 1. Mt-^??rl.illl'lilHI )' ii?q?.???^t?^r?^ Ropers Alliance. Old memberB of this Alliance, and other Alliances contiguous, are requested to meet at Ropers X Roads on the 25th of July, at 3 p. m^ for the purpose of reorgan izing said Alliance. To Increase the Flow. ~ A farmer writes to an exchange : If you desire to get a large yield bf rich milk give your cow every ? day * water slightly warra and slightly salted in which bran has been^atirj^-#i?*jbj^ rate^of^ne, qua^i?;two g^oixfe of waterson will ?na, i? you Have"n?tTtrie?' this daily practice, that your cow will give twenty-five per cent, more milk immediately under the effect of it, and she will become so at tached to the diet as to refuse to drink clear water unless very thirsty. But this mess she will drink almost any time, and ask for more. The amount of this drink necessary is an ordinary water-pail at a time-morning, noon, and night. Certainly Coming. Mr. Gwaltney has written the following letter to Mr. R. H. Mims, clerk of our Baptist Church, which settles the matter of his coming, for good and all : ATHENS, Ga., July 10,1893. - MY DEAR BROTHER: On yeste: day the First Baptist Church* of Athens accepted my resignation, and I am free to accept the call of the Baptist Church at Edgefield, S. C. This I do with feelings of mingled joy and sorrow, joy that I am going to the home of "long ago,'- sorrow that I leave such dear friends. y The church and congregation here have been very kind to me, and have made every reasonable effort to keep me in Athens, even going so far as to say they would build, nie a home and make it a gift to rae if I would stay. You and the dear friends of Edgefield .must not wonder that the struggle has been very painful to me. But the final decision bas been made, ar. d I am coming to you about th 3 first of September, the Lord will inga God grant that both parties may "find this settlement greatly to the usefulness and happiness of all concerned. . Truly and fraternally yours, L. R. GWALTNEY. Trenton. Alliance. --. An election of officers for Tren ton Alliance, No. ^725, was held July 15th, 1893, with the follow ing result : tS. M. Smith, President. Dr. H. F. Manson, Vice-Presfd't. C. A. Long, Secretary. F. M. Warren, Treasurer. J. B. Etheredge, Chaplain. W. L. Quattlebaum, Lecturer. N. L. Broadwater, Ass't Lecturer. M. M. Padgett, Jr., Steward. ; W. P. Hamilton, Doorkeeper, i M. DeLoach, As'st Doorkeeper. holder. C. A. Long, Business Agent, bolds over until an election is held for same. C. A. LONG, Sec'ty. All We Know About lt. MR. EDITOR: In his speech at Greenwood Gen. Gordon used some peculiar words,, will you please tell me what he meant by blackjack in the following extract from his speech,: "When your heroes returned jag ged and battle scarred, up to their necks in ruin and destruction, they did not then divide upon minor and contemptible issues. They Btood by Carolina when she was needy, they never deserted her. They stood in the glorious resur rection ready to crown her. But will you blot out the sun and moon that lesser lights may shine? Will you clip the wings of the mighty eagle and pinion him in order that the bats and-owls'.may soar aloft? Are you going to pin down the mighty oaks and tall cedars of Lebanon that the black jack may thrive?" . SUBSCRIBER., ; lt is claimed that by black jacki the General moant nigger, and if heroes up to their necks in both "ruin and destruction" can Wad? out and become "eagles," and then again, in a pair of minutes, turn into "mighty oaks and cedars of Lebanon," tp;say nothing of -their being both the ' sun nnoVthe moon," we do not see but that-a black jack "mout" bea nigget-E?. ADVEB. Union Meeting. -- ?..-, The Union Meeting of the 1st i)i vi sion of- the.Ectgefieldi Baptist Association wiri convene with Lit tle Stevens Creek Church on the fifth Saturday and Sunday in July at 10 a. m. Introductory sermon by Rev. P. P. Blalock ; alternate, Rev. J. S. Jordan. * . Missionary ?ermon by Rev. J. L, Ouzts ; alternate, Rev. J. P. Meal ing. The following queries will be discussed : What would be the permanent effect of raising money for church purposes, and other benevolent ob jecta by church sales, hot suppers/ etc.? Discussion to be opened by Sumpter Lewis and Julian Hart. 2. Should a church leave it to the conscience of the individual member to say how much he must pay towards the pastor's salary? Speakers, Dr. J. H. Self and R. T. Strom. s The following persons were ap pointed to write essays on any re ligious subject: Miss Lillie Faulk ner, Mrs. Davis Padgett, W. A. Strom, and W. J. Miller. On Sunday afternoon the R?v. | J. S. Jordan will address the Union on the freedom of thought and conscience, as held by Baptists. J. T. WHITE, Mod'r. W. HARLING, Sec'ty. The Union Meeting, of the 3rd Dividion of'tfc Eagofiold BapUst 'Association "will 'meet ' with the Horns Creek Church on Saturday, 29th inst., at 10 a. m. . Introductory Sermon by Rev. J. M. White. Missionary Sermon by Rev. J. P. Mealing. SUBJECT : Can we organize our country churches into pastorates? Give the j best method to accomplish this work. Speakers, J. D. Timmerman and J. T. Mims. G. W. TuBNERy.??'r. P. B. LANHAM, Sec'ty. BRETHREN : The churches, com posing this Union weV$4ot. fully represented at the last meeting. We hope that each/church will ?m press upon her" delegates the" im portance of the work of the-'Union, and their dniy to-attend them. This is our l??fe^^3?^dc?iand should not be neglected. Brothren, this is a'Macedonian call, come out to the Union and'help us. Lot nothing hinder you. * Heed the call like Paul and*Silas", for we are persuaded that no euch perse cutions ae theirs await youl P. B. LANHAM, Sec'ty. Tillman and CromwelL ? - : - Charleston Sun. It is the characeriBticpf popular j revolutions against-*' long-entren ched rule that in their earlier] stages the governments setup by them become for the time being more tyrannical than ?hat which is overthrown. The truth is- that ? it is never the crowned monarch merely that is overthrown, ^ bu,t it is ? system-a social structure .which -must ?necessarilygrow up aro?ndariy- government-without some alteration being made . in which the revolution is failure, however much the personality of the rules may be changed. Revolu tions, we doubt not, although seemingly only partially success ful, always effect some appreciable good in modifying the forms r?f government and in striking down, however blindly, some conspicuous abuse which has grown upon the elder system, however good, com paratively speaking, it may be. : is Piovideirt&l; 'perhaps, that | olutioris are seldom ois never en tirely successful in. prosecuting their avowed purposes, for anarchy must necessarily follow the sudden overthrow of any social structure of long standing since it is not I within human power, however good the intention, immediately to replace it with an entirely new and necessarily unaccustomed code of | laws and mages. It is, then, in this juncture of popular contempt for and distrust of old things and popular helplessness to establish new that the individuality of the revolutionary leader, be he de magogue or patriot, is magnified, and his will becomes for the time being the new law and order. Louis ther'weakling gives way to Napo leon, the world's conqueror and tyrant; Charles's stubbornly im perious and autocratic head falls into the basket by decree of Par liament to make way for Cromwell a greater autocrat than he and the despiser of Parliaments. But after the strong man comes1 the restoration. The people breathe a little freeer ; there is a certain increment of improvement in their j condition to show for tho tribula tion they have undergone; but society falls back much into the [ same old ruts, its structure chan ged but little, but that little we must believe, for the' better. "* Cromwell who beheaded Charles for disregarding Parliament lived to "repeatedly dissolve and drive] out Parliment. Tillman, who over threw a regiment on the charge of ring-rule and "bamboozling" the Legislature, has so impressed his ;wjll on the Legislature as to cause it to become 1 aw, and at his frown it is now claimed the Supreme Court Judges tremble and their decisions are liable to be suspected as the outcome of fear rather th MI the result of undisturbed judicial judgment. But after Tillman what will be ome of his masterly and dominant schemes? After Oliver Cromwell came RichardCiomwell, and after! Tillman will come-who? No one fitted to or capable of j carrying-on his schemes of govern ment.; But we doubt not J;be State will have been benefitted even tually for having been ruled for a time with the road of Tillman, "the strong man. as we believe that Providence directs and overrles such human events for good ends. Bills of Sale and Mortgages of personal and real estate for sale at the ADVERTISER office. 'M . ' Irby's Reply ta Farley. ? few days ago a communication wai? published in the several daily paper? from Gem. Farleyi abusing me for supposed wrongs I had done him. I'cannot engage in a personal abusive "controversy with Gen. Farley, or anybody else. The pub lic-are not interested in such liter ature, and therefore do not expect me in this reply to engage in'any ;8uch blackguardism. The public, ihowever, have a right to be inform ed as to the truth or falsity of any statement of alleged fact.that may be contained in Gen. Farlay's ar ticle. There are only two statements of moment in the letter as I read it.* First, that I dictated to my pri vate secretary an article, which ap peared the second week of March in the Augusta Chronicle, signed "Craddock," without the consent or knowledge of the person who uses that norn de plume. Second, that I inspired an. edi? torial jrhich was written by Mr. W.kT. Crews, in the Laurensville Herald1/ The first charge is as ridiculous as:it is-false. The idea of a per son with a thimbleful of- sense forging the name of a newspaper man ^. laughable in the extreme, but I am willing that the public should know the whole truth about that "Craddock" letter, v. Mr. James H. Tillmanv a son: of Congressman Tillman, was, about the date of the -'Craddock" letter, the correspondent of the Augusta Chronicle-: in Washington, and "Craddock" was his norn de plume. On Saturday, just one week after the inauguration of the President, Maj. Wm. T. Gary, of Augusta, and Mr. James H. Tillman came into my sitting room at the Na tional' Hotel. Maj. Gary said to Tillman that what he had told him a few moments before ought to be repeated to Irby. I asked what it was, and Tillman told the following tale : That he had just left the Metro politan Hotel, where he had had a long conversation with Gen* H. L. Farley, who had remained in Washington since the inaugura tion. He said that Farley had read him a long abusive commu nication addressed to the Reform ers of South Carolina, showing that Tillman and Irby are unsafe, unwise, extreme,, dangerous lead ers; and that the Reform Move ment could not be perpetuated without throwing them overboard and putting more conservatives leaders in front. He tasked Till?f man to publish ii in the -Augusta Chronicle with his (Tillman's) norn de plume, saying that the piece would attract great attention, create a great sensation, and that, at the proper time, he would come out and assume its authorship. Tillman said he refused to publish it unless he would allow the editor of his paper to know the author. He told Tillman that that was the opening gun of the campaign next year against Til'man's and Irby's leadership of the Reform Move ment. He further said that the following slate had been arranged and agreed upon : That Gen. But ler was to run for re-election to the Senate, Shell was to be supported by the Conservatives, or Antis, and milder Reformers for Gov ernor; and that he (Gen. Farley) was to run for Congress in Shell's district. He said they would like to get ?Talbert into the combina tion, but that it could not bo ar ranged unless George Tillman would agree to let up on and sup port.'Talbert, and in that way, get the Conservatives to support Tal bert for re-election. Farley offered Tillman aplace on the ticket as Adjutant and Inspector General if he would go to his father and make the arrangements by which he would not oppose but support Tal bert's re-election. (At this time every one in Washington knew that the Governor and Col. Till man were not on speaking terms.) I asked Mr. Tillman what his re ply to Farley was, and be said that he told Farley tjiat blood was thicker than water and he would be d-d if he would go back on his uncle for Butler or anybody else. I asked him if this was a newspaper fake or the truth, and he replied : To show you that I mean busi ness, I'll publish it in full. There and then he wrote the piece signed "Craddock." I did not have any thing further to da with it ; did not see it anymore until it appear ed in the papers ; thought nothing of it until the following week, when I heard him read a certificate from some one to the effect that he (Jim Tillman) had written and was author of the "Craddock" let ter. That night in my room be tween 9 and 10 o'clock, while Dr. Pope and I were talking, Jim Till man came in, and I asked him to rehearse t he whole tale to Dr. Pope, which he did,, exhibiting the "Craddock".letter, and saying that it would go off by telegraph in a few minutes. As to the piece referred to from the Laurensville Herald I can only say that I knew nothing of it until I saw it in print. The subjoined | letter from Mr. Crews on that sub ject will explain itself. In conclusion, I will ask the public to think of one thing only : Why did not Gen. Farley ask of me an explanation if he believed what he pretends to believe of the assumed wrong I did him. The evident reason to me why he sought no explanation is that, if he had done so, he would not have had the opportunity to abuse me for political purposes; for he knew had he called on me a satisfactory" answer would have been given, his excuse for denouncing me and his chance for ingratiating himself with the Conservative element would ha/e buen lost. I leave it to the public to say whether events subsequent to the 4th of last March have not proved that Jim Tillman told the truth when he came to me with the re port of this conversation between him and Gen. Farley. I need not give the argument why I believe Jim Tillman told the truth, for I am satisfied that every one who reads the newspapers, and who has watched the turns in politics, will see that there was truth and lots of | it in what Tillman said. . I submit herewith letters from Dr. Pope, Mr. Tighe, Mr. W. T. Crews, and Maj. W. T. Gary, of | Augusta, which will prove conclu sively that the charges made by Gen. Farley are false. This philippic against me is but the ful fillment of the scheme as concocted I last March. The Boheme, however, was amended by leaving out Gov ernor Tillman, for reasons .which must be apparent to every .sensible person : Gen. Farley reasons thus : I will abuse Irby and thereby please every Conservative in the State, and will threaten Tillman and sew his mouth up, and by praising Shell will get enough Tillmanites to beat Stanyarne Wilson for Congress. With this explanation I have done with the newspapers as a j means of adjusting differences. I am very respectfully, JOHN L. M. IRBY. Bitten By a Rattlesnake. MAY'S LANDING, N. J., July 12- | Henry Gravers, a well-known farmer of Winslow, a few miles from this place, died from a rattle snake's bite yesterday. He had a fierce battle with the reptile, and the manner of his death has created the greatest excitement in that] borough. Gravers was in a fieid back of his house engaged in picking blackberries. He was busily at work, when his attention was j attracted to the rattle of a snake, he found to be lying in the bushes a few feet from where he was at work. The snake showed no signs of fight, and as that species is un common in tnis section, Gravers did not know of its deadly powers, and consequently did not realize his danger. Quickly runing a few yards, he found a heavy stick, with which he returned with the intention of dispatching the reptile. He had made several un success-1 rul efforts to strike it when it sud denly sprang at him. He caught the snake in his hands as it was about to alight on his breast, and succeeded in throwing it from him, but not until it had bitten him several times. He continued to fight, and finally succeeded in killing the snake after a hard struggle, in which it several times sprang upon his body. He then started for his home, a [ mile and a half away, but before he reached there he was in severe pain. He took every remedy known to alleviate his suffering. In a short time he was in excrutiating agony, and Before nihgthe died. This is the first case of the kind i known in this region. Rattle snakes are so rare thai but few people are aware of their dan gerous fangs. ?URE5 RISING .. BRJSA5T "MOTHER'S FRIEND" tftfSS offered child-bearing woman. I nave been a mid-wife for many years, and in each case where "Mother'? Friend" hadbeenrjsedithas accomplished wonders and relieved much suffering. It is the best remedy for rising of the breast known, and worth the price for that alone. Mas. M. H. BRCSTKB, Montgomery, Ala. I can tell all expectant mothers if they will nae a few bottles of Mother's Priend they will go through, the ordeal without any pain and ?offering.. Mas. MAT BRANHAM, ^ ArgnsvUle, N. D, Used Mother's Friend before birth of my eighth child. WU1 never oease lu praise. Mas. J. F. MOOEE, Colusa, Cal. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt ef pries, 81.60 per bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Bold by all druggists. ATLAJITA, Gi, Essex Pigs. IHAVE five pairs .of Essex pigs that j I will sell for $5 per pair. G. W. CROUCH, Trenton, S. C. Pigs for Sale. AFEW pigs for sale-$1.25 each. THOS. JONES, Edge?eld, S. C. Happy and content ia a home with "The Bo cheater;'' a lamp with the light of the morning For Catalogue, write Rochester Lamp Co.,New J York, * ; PRIZES ON PATENTS, How to Get 2,500 Dollars for Nothing. The Winner Has a Clear Gift of a Small'Fortune, and the Losers Have Patents^that may Bring Them in Still more. Would you like to make twenty-five hundred dollars? If you would, read carefully what follows and you may see a way to do it. The Press Clams Company devotes much attention to patents. It has handled thousands of applications for inventions, but it wonld like to handle thousands more. There is plenty of inventive talent at large in this coun try, needing nothing but encourage ment to produce pratical results. That encourgement the ' Press Claims Company proposes to give. NOT SO HABI) AS IT SEEMS. . A patent strikes' most people as an appallingly formidable thing. The idea is that an inventor must be a natural genius, like Edison or Bell; that he must devote years to delving in complicated mechancial problems and that he must spend a fortune on delicate experiments before he can get a new device to a paten tabla de gree of perfection. This delusion the company desires to dispel. It desires to get into the head, of the public a clear comprehension of the fact that it is not the great, complex, and expensive inventions that bring the best returns to their authors, but the little, simple, and cheap ones-the things that seem so absurdly trivial that the average citizen would feel somewhat ashamed of bringing them to'the attention of the Patent.OfBce. Edison says that the profits he has received from the patents on all his marvelous inventions have not been sufficient to pay the cost of his ex periments But the man who conceived the idea of fastening a bit of rubber cord to a childe ball, so that it would come back to the hand when thrown made a fortune out of his scheme. The modern sewing machine is a miracle of ingenuity-the product of the toil of hundreds of busy brains through a hundred and tifty years, but the whole brilliant result rests upon the simple device of putting the eye of the needle at the point instead of at the other end. THE LITTLE THINGS THE MOST VALU ABLE. Comparatively rew people \ regard themselves as Inventors, but'almost everybody has been struck, at one time or- another, with ideas that seemed calculated to reduce some of the little frictions of life. Usually such are ideas dismissed without further thought.' "Why don't the railroad company make its car windows so that they can be slid up and down without breaking the passengers' backs?" exclaims the traveler. "If I were running the - road I would make them in such a way." ,'What was the man that made this saucepan thinking of?" grumbles the cook. "He never had to work overa stove, or he would have known how it ought to have been fixed." "Hang such a collar button 1" growls the man who is late for breakfast "If I were in the business I'd make buttons that wouldn't slip ou t, or break off, or gouge out the back of my neck." And then the various sufferers for get about their grievancet and begin to think of something else. If they would sit down at .the next convenient opportunity, put their ideas about car windows, saucepang,and collar buttons into practical shape, and then apply for patents, they might find themselves as independently wealthy as the man, who invented the iron umbrella ring or the one who patented^the.flf teen puzzle. A TEMPTING OFFEE." To induce people to keep track of their bright ideas and see what there is in them, the Press. Claims Company has resolved to offer a prize. To the person whs submits to it the simplest and most promising inven tion, from a commercial point of yiew, the company will give twenty-five hundred dollars in cash, addition to refunding the fees for securing the patent. It will also [advertise the .invention free of charge. This offer is subject to the following conditions :! Every competitor must obtain a patent for his invention through the company. He must first apply fora preliminary search, the cost of whicb wilt be five dollars. Should this search show his invention to be unpatentabh he can withdraw without further ex pense. Otherwise he will be expected to complete his application and take out a patent in the regular way. The total expense, including Government and Bureau fees,will be seventy dollars. For this, whether he secures the prize or not, the inventor will have a patent that ought to be a valuable property to him. The prize will be awarded by a jury consisting of three reputable patent attorneys of Washington. In tending competitors should All out the following blank, and forward it with their application : "--,-i 1892. "I submit the .within described in vention in competition for the Twenty-five hundred Dollar Prize offered by the Press Claims Company. u _n NO BLANKS IN THIS COMPETITION. This is a competition of rather an unusual nature. It is common to offer prizes for the best story, or picture, or architectural plan, all the competitors risking the loss of their labor and the successful one merely (selling his for the amount of the prize. But the Press Claims Company's offer is something, entirely different. Each person is asked merely to help himself, and the one who helps himself to the best ad vantage is to be rewarded for doing it. The prize is only a stimulus to do something that would, be well worth doing without it. The architect whose competitive plan fora club house on a certain corner is not accepted has spent his labor on something of very little use to him. But the person who patents a simple and useful device in the Press Claims Company's competi tion' need not worry if he fail to secure the prize. He has a substantial result to show for his work-one that will command its value in the market at any time. The plain man who uses any article in his daily work ought to know bet ter how to improve it than the mechanizal expert who studies it only from the theoretical point of view. Get rid of the idea that an improve ment can be too simple to be worth patenting. The simpler the better. The person who best succeeds in combining simplicity and popularity, will get thc Press Claims Compay's twenty-five hundred dollars. The responsibility of this company may be judged from the fact that its stock is neld by about three hundred of the leading newspapers pf the United States. Address the Press Claims Co mp soy, John Wedderburn, managa attorney, 918 F street, N. W. Washington, JD, C. "The New York World" One Year, WEEKLY EDITION, The "COLUMBIA" WATCH, AND "The Edgefield AdTertiser" ALL TOR J2.50. $1.00 $3,00 $1.50 THE NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD is the Leading American paper, and is the largest and best weekly printed. THE COLUMBIA WATCH is an ex cellent time-keeper, with clock move ment, spring in a barrel, steel pinion, clean free train and a good timekeeper. It is. 2$ inches in diameter, i?2 inches thick, and requires no key to wind^ THE EDGEFIELD ADVERTISER is the best and strongest local paper in this vicinity. We thus furnish the Time and all the news up to time for one year for $3.50. Send your orderwith above price to the ADVER TISER office and the watchband papers will he forward ed at once-_ : _ . G. B. COURTNEY, -DEALER IN- 7 Walnut, (Waple, Poplar, Pi Rousrh or Dressed. - MAN'UFACUTRER OP - MOULDINGS, of all Kinds WAGONS, BUGGIES, FURNITURE, of all kinds. GENERAL REPAIRS HT A.LX. ITS JB:R^ AITCHES. Opnnlsterlig aijfl Repainting A. SPECIALTY. All Work Guaranteed. C?-.B. G OTIRTISTEY, Corner Trenton and Columbia Streets. BIDa-EPIEIjD, C. H., - C - TUB - national Gola Gait institute, OF ?WTLi?Xtro-Tonsr, SPARTANBURG BRANCH, Central Hotel, Main Street. Established for the scientific treatment and cure of Alcoholic Poisoning, and the various diseases caused by the excessive or moderate use of whiskey, opium, morphine, etc. This Institute is now opened and ready for the recep tion of patients. The treatment is the very latest improvement in this field of medicine. Experiments have been conducted on this line for the past sev eral years, with varied success. It has now reached the point by this Institute, where a cure is a positive certainty. The National Gold Cure Institute is in a position to give anyone a cure, or refund the money to the patient. They si in ply do what they promise, or no charge. Prices are very moderate and ac commodations good. Any one wishing to investigate, will do well to call on or address National Gold Cure Institute, Central Hotel Building, Spartanburg, So. Ca. DR. FRANK BRIGHT, Physician in Charge. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD. I. C. LEVY & CO., TAIZOB-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUST*. ' GEORGI/\. Have now in store their entire FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF CLOTHING. The largest stock ever shown in Augusta. ? We aim to carry goods which are not only intrinsically good, but which also, in pattern, style, and finish, gratify a cultivated and discriminating taste, and at the same time, we aim to make our prices so low the closest buyers will be our steadiest customers Polite attention to all. A call will be appreciated. I. C. LEVY & CO., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, GA. "Seeing is Believing." And a good lamp mutt be simple; when it is not simple it is I not good. Simile, Beautiful* Good-these1 (words mean much, but to see "The Rochester" will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, tough and seamless, and made in three pieces only/ lt is absolutely safe and unbreakable* Like Aladdin's of old, it is indeed a " wonderful lamp," for its mar velous light is porer and brighter than gas light, softer than electric light and more cheerful than either. look fer thia rtamp-Tnlocntm. If the tampdenler hasn't the genuine Beefeater. MM the ttjlm yoa ?mat, lead to r :br our new illustrated catalogue, .?ad we ?DI ?ead yon a lamp tafely by expresa-your choice of over 2.0OO IvaTietitt frcm the Larjai Lamp Sicre ia the World. * ' SSCBlim UV CO., 42 Park Place, Few York Cit v. 3? "The Rochester." E. R. Schneider, IMPORTEES OF FIN? Wines, Liquors and Cigars, ANS nKALKBS I*| Bourbon Rve and Corn Whiskey. 601 and *>2 Bro ld fe. reet.