Farm Luxuries. . - . How many farmers tl who never taste of eau celery, oka, egg-plan^ kale, Brussels sprouts, o * heans, and who seldom eat spinach or any dandelions ting those that spring u iii the pasture 1 And pears, and the oth?r small fruit most unknown upon their as are melons. Yet a litt] would furnish them in abu and at a trifling cost, whii who have nb land will sj: small part of their day's procuring these things, man ought to be able to al indulge in the luxuries of should be the one who < them at first costi-rBulletii The farmer sells tons 61 and gets s good price.fpr it\ of potatoes ! contains . over pouuds pf water, and-large tities bf water exist, in all The solid portions of milk i about 12 per cent, and the who sells milk, ( therefore about 88 per cent of wat< different qualities' of mi obtained, the milk from cows i? watered more tha from others, and /the -cow the solids of her milk ace to the amount and. kind o consumed, "and th? water by her. If every farmer who rai BBB was determined that eao -1- *J ff ", "Ct#.V should be of better breeding its dam, it would reqnire bul or four years to entirely r lionize dairy farming. The of milk and production of would be doubled, and the j would be much larger. AI can be secured by breeding pure-bred males. The ecru is the main curse of the man. A satistcian of the German ernment has come to the res< those persons who do not sha; widespread superstition Friday is the most unlucky d the week. A short time aj determined to make"-a scie investigation of this question most fatal or unfortunate day, according to the invest^ is not Eriday but Monday. Crab grass has very large spreading roots. "When it gi start, it takes possession of ( square inch of the soil,, am difficult to remove, yet it is pr tho easiest plaice to kill whe is young. Keep the culrii ; \ moving where crab grass -is : ly lo appear, as it will not th when young, in a loose, dry soi A cat which patronizes the i water fountains .is an attrac of a drug store in Sixth ave New York; *Lon g ago it discos that the "cream" of the fouri suited its taste, and it has a h . * #- y * fr ~t of going up to the^counter r waiting until it "is served v light refreshments in its < particular saucer^ . A progressive farmer is one i pays more attention tb the mak of manure than to anything < on the'farm. It is not the add of all kinds of materials to manure heap that makes it val ble, but the preservation of material so that will not' teriorate or lose any portion of plant food. Tho worst enemies to the Qhui are those who are in n%i pales a who are not in sympathy w her spirit and work. Those w share her emdlum?nts, enjoy 1 honors, and who never; sacrif for her enterprises, br suffer wi her in her adversities. Jud carried the bag, and it was he w betrayed his Lord. When the hair begins to coi out in combing,, it shows a wea ness or" the scalp that calls f immediate attention. The be prepration to arrest ?further lo of hair and restore the scalp tc healthy condition is Ayer's He Vigor. There canjbe no argument abo anything concerning which one the parties knows nothing. Fi this rearon no Christian is wi who tries to reason with an infidi You might as well undertake : explain to the blind what a rai] bow IOOKS like.-Ram's Ham. Where the surface soil has bee stirred to the depth of two or thrc inches, a foot below there is foun four and a half per cent, moi moisture thaa in the case of han undisturbed surface, from whic the -weeds have been simpl scraped. In bottling catsup or pickle boil the corks, and while hot yoi can press them into the bottleE and when cold they are tightly sealed. Uso the tin foil from com f ressed yeast to cover the corks. If afflicted with scalp diseases hair falling out, and prematnn baldness, do not use grease OJ alcoholic preparations, but applj Hall's Hair Renewer. , On the day that .a, jiutoT finds out that he iera foor^^as^bfecome a near neighbor to wisdom. Be true to the best you know and you will always be where, you can hear the voice of God. * Self-concoited people are very apt to think they can 'get along without any help from; the'Lord. ; There ia no easier way of . letting the devil into the heart sometimes than by opening the mouth. ' 3 ? The people who ,are . tryingj Jhe, hardest to get rich in this . World: will be the poorest in the nert.' woi "Repent ye, and be converted, that your sins may be blotteoYoui!g The only way you c?? ever; got nd of.them. rf : hei ?m uhdying,purpose to be merciful ind true* - ? - . 5 I . ! 'There' aie. p? many nypocritea |.in the 'church.'' To 'iteTjrar?l hu? who.will hide-behind when they j ! are all castr into "the lake, Of I fire and brim?f?n?? - :- . ; ? . r ii \ To feel the need of more religion I al way s mean 8 11 h at God wt?js ns to have more. " Tho devi?' ^ever: ! causes anybody. to ??tunger j t?d thirsi; after rihgteoushess. .. . . 'VVife-ri " want. a ."new ?Btv SP. W?rW?^?^? twe^^.^lge.. pjiyosL think I I wanj^Jfc.taivaw! io -the attaos here tc sca*e^ho hawke away jftoin, thc" 1 chickehsf-fbetroit ?Ei?e Press,. - ix A CARD; From the nrst of October I will be at i thc . mammoth' dry goods store o? J. - ?3? i White W4?iams? $ ?*tt Griffie,1 iG?araHtWilUams, SNfi Thumped, John Yeldell, Eli Edwards. -ST J <*Km Wells; ] sr t?fi?M^S??' Sam Cartledge, :4jt j^ljiw&her, ?lat T^mftfeins, ' xmvMwite,. Joe Tompkins, George Bussey, Ace Vernor, l?ehr^yj^pkins, Tom Parks, Jol^?auV Lewis Addison, "Wade^G?OV?r, Jule Morgan, .. -Ro^^pfertson, Jake Blair, Tom ;Howle, Elbert Parks, Ike: Wnnkms; R Tompkins,. George Glover, Jim Robertson, Joe Chamberlain, Geo Watson, Bill Xilcreaee, A Watson, In the above list it is not improbable ' that the School Trustees have omitted some names, All'such omissions'I shall'be glad to have reported to me or to, the Trustees, that they may be properly entered on the tax duplicates. Names in the oth?F' School Districts publi?he'd when they are handed in. ~ '' ?' . J. B. DAVIS, Auditor. THE Electric Saloon - AK? - All Night Restaurant - 18 LOCATED AT - 1102 Broad St., - AUGUSTA, GA" We specially call the attention ol our Edgefleld friends to the purity ol our brands-all beet Whiskeys con stantly t on hand. North Carolina Whiskey at $1.60 per gallon-ifood. ] ? Give us a ca,ll. I - ? J. W. SMITH, Prop'r. I will pay within $c of the Au gusta market for cotton. E. J. NORRIS. Subscribe to the Edgefield AD VERTI8ER. We know that many readers pf the ADvERTisER distrust the adver tisement which announces goods I at coat ; and such distrust ia a wise skepticism on the part bf the pub-* lie, for no merchant can sell goods ai coat and ?ineet his, . own j bflls; when presented for. payment. ?And ir li." . .!'*:Du;?' ft." UO\H\l? } . ' ? . j yet we are go ing ta offer our s tock of Shoes-one thousand dollars w^oith-at v .actual, cost, less; the freight.: : l^ese;,fihoeB ard of all grades aud sizes, gents', and chil j dren.' We also offer all our,Notions, 'tfrjr .Oc^8,'-^r^r^^r3r \at. post, loss the freight Our reasons for hom G &aa P/. id s Is od s^usda] cost are, first, we can as 'w??? afford to sell at cosfeisjt? keep them at. ?ostf . and; secondly; we LIT /- OK T,R V? -one propose in the future to do only a, Oeries, in order'to get1 the store] robin.; f These two reasons ought to sat isfy the most skeptical thai we mean business: If parties wish it re wil? "show our bills. ' ^e^^H^'^^NETT. ? Ed?fieldC.H.,.S.C. ' ? ir-.'/.,' ? . : ?? . HES I . '."-i/.cv < ?>>. 5 I : MTd by C. H.; Gardner & Co., Philadelphia. We can give you the latest styles and best quality in these goods realizing the importance of selling a Grood Hat we will hereafter devote especial attention to this department. Call on us. J. M. COBB . ..t3<: ' : i v H???tt \ :~ I , 25 bushels Seed ]Wheat, : 20 bushels Seed Bailey, .115'bushels Seed Rye; at ! E.'J.?NOBMS'S. i ? ?.ua^Laij jdj. J. have. Ppenod .General Repair rill be n??fwe? ^6 receive the patr f wi J l m pief?Wxi to receive tue patr General Ep pa irs and Overhauling, a Ste^ Agines, rc iff * -' J? A>' U V A C 7 lap, JSrsifiire anri ?rfdM ?ta di ?*? ?Bis ol? : In fact anything and all things peed forpa?^ w^ir?ferVe tbeimoBt c CH .J SHIP OR HAUL Tl Fir(Bj>rp(?)f We .7 3 9 ..B^?M?I AUGUSTA, ; .?;.? Io 1o?J fed J ' . They have had long ezperien< and guarantee quick sales and pron ' We will mako: full bash advanc AUGUSTA, w. i>. I IMPOSTBB, IfAJ??FACT1 v Rifles, Revolvers, Caitrii All Kinds of S Repairing Pr? A full line of Keys always on h loa H Broad. St., 7^27-92-3m THE DICKS HOUSE PrivateTransient Board 303 Ellis Street, Corner Washington* ----- : ii AUGUSTA, - . CSA Charges Reasonable. GEO. B. ..LAKE, - AND S Oto wer B?jt ol EilfflOeiJ. Ric?moQd & Danvil?e Rairoad Co. SOUTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed. Schedule, in eff.ct January 17, 1893. Trains ran bj 75th Meridian Tint*. SOUTHBOUND.: Vei.Lim No. tog Daily No. a. Daily. No. II. .fifty. LvYork..' 4JOi?M;12.1Bnr 430PM j? Philadelphia 6.57,"- jS^Aii'r??T^ ?' Baltimore... 9.45 " 6.50" 9145." " Wash?ngton.?2.0? " 1 T.10'> ??120 fc Bichmond... 3.20AM 3.O?PM 3.00AM M Greensboro.. " Salisbury. 7.09 8.28 ' Ar Charlotte \ 9.35 Lv ? Bock Hill. u Chester.... 2.10" 3.03" 3 44 " ? Winnsbcro. 4.40" ?J Columbia j . .Jg: " Johnston.... 8.12 " "Trenton. 8.28" " Gfaniteville . 8.5? " Ar Augusta. 9.30" ."Charleston. 11.20" "Savannah. 6.30" 10.25 " 10^20 u 12.23 AM 12.05PM . 2J00 ": l]30" 1.50 2.43 3L28 " ?20 " f?50 ? 6.05 " 7.53 " 8.08 ? 8.36 ". 9.15 " 10.05 " 6.30 " NORTHBOUND. No. 13. Daily. No. io. Daily. IVes.LIro, I No. jS. I Daily. Lv Savannah..' u Charleston. " Augusta.. . " Gran i te vii le " !firenton.... " Johnston... ?Jcoiiimbia.. " Winnsboro. u Cheater:... " Rock Hill.. Ar Lv Charlotte. 8.00AM 6.00 " 1.00PM 1.32 " 2.00 " 2.13 " 14.00 " j 4.10 " 5.37 " 6.30 " 8.07 " (8.00 " {8.20 " 9.55 " " Salisbury... " Greensboro. 11.38AM Ar Bichmond.. 7.40 " * Washington . 10.25 " " Baltimore.. 12.05PM " Philadelphia 2.20?k I *mwlfork..#L60 " 6.40PM 6.00 " ...... 7.00 " . 7.55 " . 8.38 " ...... 8.52 " ...... 10.40 ". 10 50 " . 12.2GAM . 1.23 " 2.03 u ...... 7 00 u .^^PM 8.36 "10.34 " 10.30 "12.00 " 6.30PM '.:.... 9.46 " 8.38AM J] 36" 16.08 " 3:00 " lfe^5PM e?o mtStop u??>U SUD, S. C. tva ?,o*l ' Tt . ?ri}* NEY, PR'P'R. Shops atiEdgffieldv S. C., where I on ago of the-public in the lino of st?h-as: ' ?M QlJ, Krinas/ ?'A f vers, ! yr.?j BfWi 'UBER OP - TO , in the way of Machinery, tbatrnay areful and conscientious .attention 1 and doneiat ahori; fcotjae* . 'mjp. I ? - : : ; , .Strictiy-Cash. 1 \ ^TpjEBPa & ai YOUR ?0TT0N I ST0VALL, irehousemen. * ID S ST?EBTJ GEORGIA. ;e, ar? ?ral,progressiva, activ?, | ipt r?tur . .. :es on all consignments. .> & 8 to vail, CEORCIA. U?KU AND DKALBK IN lies, Mai Me, CoUery, Sporting Goods. Qmptly Done, and. Express orders solicited. To Sehool.Trustee?. Section 1 of an' act of the. Legisla*-^ ure, approved Dec. 22, 189?,' reads at ' bllows: r' Be it enacted by the. Senate .and Souse of Representatives of the State if South Carolina, now meta^d,ai11ing Q General Assembly, abd hythe -au :"hority of the game, That the trun tees it tile aere ral: PQ hool ?lia tricia Jn the county shall repprt to'tha County Au Ittor tho mmes of aft taxable polls in M^jresp^tifo^ite^ A? lifcor shalL enter the same upen toe tax iuplicate to be furnished the Cou n ty rreaaUreivi .Ttfctr.sai'Jr names -api fur nished shall .be published annually Jin i newspaper" published' at tue"county jeakpn?e a:week7or. I tbrjee,cppf< iveeks, and where there ls no _ m publ ? abe d St the cou ft ty ?ea t,1 t h3n i a jome pther-paper; toyipgtfenml