Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, December 31, 1885, Image 3

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ffcgcficlij ^fobcrt?str. g_5?_ Thos. i. Adams, Editor. ??ljjs??ld, S. C., Dec 31. 1*85. The Census BU!. When the General Appropriation bill was passed iu the House, that body added to it an~?ppropriati?n of $25.000 for taking tire census.' The Senate would not agree to this and retumeA-iheJiilLtft-^the House sher of thia feature. Upjon this there was quiteji disouas:on as to whether th Hons? ahould recede or stand firm Mr. Ready, Mr. Folk and Mr. Jones voted to stand firm, Mr. Blackwell voted to concur in the action of th S?nate. '}?: ?! 1 On this question Mr. Ready ws3 allowed th*$? mir&teafand he made an effective talk. ?He nrg'ed the mern bera to be firm. The House waa clear ly in the right and should not give way. Colonel Folk delivered a very impressive speech in support of tbs action of tho House, s He did not be lieve in weighing the question by ex pediency or by dollars and cents. Th? Constitution upheld the House, and he would never consent to back out ' ~*ecli?f8e of the c?ns?aerations which had b?en urged. Farmer Tillman, who has been pub 1 rahing some very strong articles upon the management of.the Sooth Caro lina Collleg? and the Agricultural De partment, continues to hold his own j. retty well against the big guns fired at him by the friends and officials of these institutions. They thought each time they replied to him that he would be annihilated and wonld not dare to raise bis head again, but he has'raisad it, and has torn the bark off of them in his replies. He has truth and justice on his Side and we want to see him " hold the fort" to the end.-Camden Journal. Acts of General Interest Passed at the Last Session of ibo Legislature. '"~>"^a act to amend the law as to the sile o%ftal estate adjudged to besold. An 2? t to amend Sectiona 153,154 and 15S of the General Statutes of this State relating to the formation and proceedings of the College of Electors. An Act to require the county com missioners of Edgefield and Aiken counties to open and declare as a pub lie highway a certain road lyiug part ly in both counties. An Act to incorporate the town ol Modoc, in the county of Edgefield An Act to charter the Savannah Valley and Elberton Railroad Com paoy. An Act to incorporate the Bank of Edgefield. An Act to amend Section 2.237 of the General Statutes of South Caroli na, aa amanded December 24, 1SS3, relating to the drawing of jurors. An Act to amend Section 2.4S7 of thc General Statutep, relating to steal ing grain and cotton from the field. A Joint Resolution proposing an ^"^'"VA jt"'1"" M. Article IX, of the CoES?tutmn pf the Slate of i Soft*1 Carolina.as raty fied-on the 1-6rh day of April, ISG8. j An Act to utilize the labor of jail and municipal convicts, and to era power the Courts and municipal au thorities to impoae the punishment ol labor within their respective jurisdic tions. An Act to amend an Act entitled ' 'An Act to 8ecure the rights of per 8ona having an interest in lands for taxes," approved Dec. 24, 1SS3, as to the mode of serving sommons. A Joint Resolution to amend a Joint Resolution to authorize the county commissioners of Edgefield and Newberry counties to build cer tain bi id gee on the Saluda River. An Act to prevent and punish the adulteration of foo 1 and drink, and the Bale of unfit and unwholesome articles of food and drink. An Act to incorporate the Co ope rative Savings Association of Colum bia. An Act to amend Section 1,302 of the General Statutes, relating to cor porations organized under charters. An Act to amend Section 307 of the General Statutes, in relation to the eile of lands by the commission ers of the sinking fund. An Act to charter the city of Green ville. An Act to repeal an Act entitled "An Act requiring all convicts hired from the Penitentiary to be and re main under a sworn officer and guards appointed by and responsible to the superintendent of the Penitentiary, and regulating the hiring of sach con victs," approved the 25th day of De camber, 1884, and to further regulate the employment of convicta, and to authorize the superintendent and board of directors of the Penitentiary to purchase and lease lands. An Act to amend Section 307 ol the General Statutes of this State re lating to the sinking fund commission An Act to amend Chapter X L, Ti tle XII, Part 1, of the General Stat utes, relating to railroad corporations, by adding thereto a section as Section l,5Cla. ~~ .^-s_ 21 Ace to cbangtTihe; dates hx?d for the meeting of the boards of equal ization and for the performance of other duties so aa to conform to the time of listing property for taxation. An Act to provide for the comple tion of the main building of the State House. An Act to amend Section 2,100 o the General Statutes in regard to ac tiona by and against executors and administrators. An * to amend Section two (2) of a. entitled " An Act respect ing ntices in the counties of New ?. Ridgefield, Anderson, Ker aha* .lets,Charleston, Berkeley, Pick. nd .'oartanburg." An prescribing the mode of diveeti the right ol dower of insane marriea omsra. An Ac. to provide for and regulate the incorporation of railroad compa nies in this State. An Act to provide for and regulate the incorporation of towna of less than one thousand inhabitants in this State. An Act to prescribe the priority of ceitain Btatntory liens. An Act to repeal Section 304, and amend Sections 310 and 311 of the Code of Procedure with respect to the lien of judgments and executione and mode of enforcing the same, substi tuting new sectiona therefor, to be known as Sections 310, 311, and to repeal all Acta and parts of Acts in consistent therewith. An Act to amend an Act entitled 'An Act to charter the Greenville i?j?l Port Royal Railroad Comnany." An Act to amend Section 307 of thc Gener?l Statutes of thia State re la'ing tothpnoking fund commisaion. Ar. Act. to amend Section 1,090, Title X, Chapter XXII of the Gener al Statute* ot th? State. An Act to pr?vido for and rep?late the incorporation of banks in thia State... Au Act to amend" Section 1,019 of the General Statuten so as to change the time of closing the Behool accounts of the Behool district, of a county. An Act to raise auppliea and make appiopriatiouH for the fiscal year com niencing November 1.1885. An Act to amend Section 1.830 of the General Statutes in relation to partition. An Aet'lo provide for the appoint ment of a stenographer for the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Six'h judicial cir cuits. An Act to amend an Act. entitled "An Act authorizing trial justices to issue warrants for the enforcement of agricultural liens in certain cases and to fix compensation therefor." An Act to incorporate the Orange burg and Ninety Six Narrow Gauge Railroad Company. An Act to amend an Act entitled " An Act to incorp?rate the Augusta and-Edgefield-Railroad Company." An Act to make approp iations to meet the ordinary expenses of the State Government for the fiscal yer.r commencing November 1, 1885. MAINE'S NARROW GAUGE RAIL' ROADS.-Maine has fourYoadB of two feet gauge, aggregating 57 mile? in length. The paaeen^er cars are 40 feet long with single seats on each side of the aisle, and accommodate 35 passengers. They are G feet 2 inches wide over ali, and pasaeDgera are as comfortably seated aa in ordinary cara, which are 10 feet 2 inches over all and have Beats for two on each side of the ai*le A speed of from 20 to 30 miles per hour is safely main tained, and a speed of 40 miles per hour is frequently attained. Such roads ate cheaply lu'lt and operated. For a limited traffic in a sparsely-set tled country they are very economical The last one operated with one Bick ley engine of the bogie pattern with 9 x 12 cylinders and 30 inch connect ed driving wheels. The weight is 13 tons. Thousands Say So. Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Kan., writes: " I never hesitate to recom mend, your Electric Bitters to my cus tomers, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers." Eiecttic Bit ters are the purest and best medicine known and will pofcitive'y cure Kid ney and Liver complainte. Purify the. blood and regulate the bowels. No family cnn a Ubi il to be without them. They will eave hundreds of dollars in doctor's bills every year. Seid at fifty cen?B a bottle by W. E Lynch, Edgefield,and S.T. Hughes, Trenton. One of the most remarkable suicides repoited lately is that of Mr. John Webster, near Shelby, N. C. Mr. Webster waa a very modest young mau. ; .Laat. Friday tveuiug when he returned from a dance the room which he had occupied for roontlw had been given for the night to three young la dies. Unaware of thia be entered the room and found two ol the girla dis robed. Thia greatly confused him. "Ile madeproliisenpoiogiefl and retired. The blunder weighed upon bia mind to such an extent that he determined to kill himself rather than live to face the young ladies and the community. The friends of Mr. Webster are in clined to think he carried bin modest scruples a little too far. A Walking Skeleton. Mr. E. Springer, of Meobanicsbnrg, Pa., writes: "I was sillicted with lung fever and abecees on lungs, and reduced to a walking Sheldon. Got a free trial bottle of Dr. Kings New Diecovery for Consumption, which did j me so much good that I bought a dol tar bottle. After usiug three bottles, found myself once more a man, com- 1 pletely retored to health, with a hearty 1 appetite, and a gain iu flesh of 4Slbs." j Call at the Drug StoreB of W. E. ? Lynch, Edgefield, and S. T. Hughes, < Trenton, and get a free trial bottle ol J thi? certain cure lor all Lung DiseaBeB. ( Large bottles $1 00. j -._. < More Trouble in Edgefield. ? All satisfactorily sdlled by the time ly arrived of a fine stock of Christmas Wines, Whiskeys, Gin, Rum, Bran ? dies, Champagne, Ale, Beer-in fad everything to i cm pl I he iasle of all, both old and young. Give me n call, and go home happy. As ever, ;?,onrs, j DICK ANDERSON, G. & J ?J Agents Wanted for Holl? S. S. Cox's Great Nation- j ni Work, J " THREE ll WA ll ES OP FEDERAL LEGISLATION." < A History of Our Own Country and \ Our Own Time?. i Tho most popularand bestselling hook 1 now ottered to agents. Strongly com manded by the pres? without regard to political proclivities. I1 resident Cleve land aiys, "I conscientiously commend it to my fellow citizons." Hon. James G. Blaine says, ** It is written in clear and graphic style and extremely enter taining" Ex-president Hayes says, "It will he valuable and trustworthy in mat ? tar- scholarly and entertaining in style." Vico-President Hendricks says, "It ? ill l)e a valuable addition to our history." Speaker Carlisle says, " I would com- j mend this work to the people ol'the Unit -, Dd States." Hon. Abram 8. Howitt says, < " Interesting as a romanen." 1 Hundreds of agents aro mooting with ?reat success-making Irom $100 to $iC0 j [>er month. Agonts without former ex- 1 p?rience >;re d< ?lng grand ly with it, while Jj ?xporiencod canvassers lind ita ?infec? i bonanza. We want an agent in every I ,ownship in Ute United states not now '* Mseupted. Previous ex pur ie nco, while s lesirable, not absolutely required, as we ? jive all necessary instructions for sue- a !69s. Dooks nov ready for delivery. If * ii inetnployed or you desire to hotter your ' ?nd i lion, write us for terms to agents. ' V.ddre-'s, J. A. ?!k R. A. Reid, Provi lence, R. I. Stn lut jeir without ordering lu It condini .boat Ito n.fci, MJU Uluttrttloof, price., .ccur.U doictiptluus .nd nluaM.' direction, for ot.Qtlog alt ruietlet or VEGETABLE .od KI.OU';:U SKK?H, B?MIS, tic. Inr.luablo to .11. Ii(xcl.ll7 to Market 0.rdenrri. scud kr lt. D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Michigan. Read This Carefully. Tho followingletter from a well-known Ves te rn lady expiai UH itself and is war by of careful reading: " I wish to say to the sick and those bat are feeble and weak from any cause vhatover, that in all the vocabulary of ned i cines they wilt find the most virtue ind tho ereatest benefit from Parker's fon i c. I. have been au invalid for five or ix years past, and. gi von opto die by be most skillful physicians of Kansas md Colorado, but Parker's Tonio has ceptme alive, and raised me up alter .verything oise failed. I have organic .eart disease, combined with spinal and treat nervous debility, and have cold linking spells with no pulse, and the inly medicino that will brine on a reac iou is Parker's Tonic. I li ave never .?own it lo fall in curing a cold if taken u time, and it will relieve pain quicker han any remedy I have ever tried. I tend you tills because I would like for Miers to know how much good it has lono mo. It is just as good for children. Try it and bo convinced."-MRS. D. mULTZ, Louisville, Kansas. P. O. [lox 5)2. Parker's Tonic. [Prepared by Hiscox A Co , N. Y.] Sold by all druggists in large bottles it One Dollar. [Pee. S3.-1 m For Rent. THE Abney House and Lot, Ri acres of land, for the year 1880. Adjoins ands of Edgefield Male Academy, Tho?. L Adams and others. J. L. ADDISON, Attornev for heirs. Edgefield, 8. C., Dec. 23, 1885.-2t3 Master's Sales. State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD COUNTY. In Common Picas. J. W. Turner vs. Caroline A. Harrison and Mrs. T. P. Shaw. OTICE is hereby given that hy vl^ tue of the judgment of foreclosure ?erein, dated 20th November, 1885,1 will sell at Edgefield Court House, on the first Monday lu January next, the follow ing described mortgaged premises, viz: All tba?, tract or parcel ol land, situate, lying and being in the County and State iforesaid, containing two hundred and teventy acres, more orless, and bounded is follows : North and Er.st by lands of Mrs. Seth Butler, Sou h by lands of J. C. Rainsford and Westby lards of B. T. Mims. TERMS: The costs and one third of the purchase money to be paid in cash ; the balance on a credit of one ?nd two years, in two equal instalments, to be secured by bond of tho purohasor and mortgage if the promises sold. Titles and mortgage extra. S. 8. TOMPKINS, Master E. C. Dec. 7, 1885. mate of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD COUNTY, Court of Common Picas. 3adio E Chapman, as Administratrix, rs. Henry Chapman, A. M. Chapman and (?iles Chapman. NOTICE ls hereby given that by vir tue of the judgment of foreclosure, herein, dated Nov. ?0, 1885, I will sell at Edgefield C. H., ou tho first Monday in January next, the following described mortgaged premises, viz : All that tract or plantation of laud, containing one hundred and twenty acrc s more or less, bounded by lands of the ?state.of Mary Maynard, Mrs. Clark, A. M. Chapman, Giles Chapman and K. C. Strother. TERMS: One-half the purchase money to bo paid in cash, the balance on a cred it of one year, with interest, to bo se snred by bond of the purchaser, with a mortgage of the premises sold. Titles and Mortgago extra. S. 8. TOMPKINS, Master E. C. Deo. 7, im. State o?' South Carolina, EDGEFIELD COUNTY, In Common Plais. :">. N. Koon tree, et al., tv. Thomas E. Coleman, ct al. NOTICE is hereby given that by vir tuo of the decretal order of tho Hon. Mulgo J. H. Hudson heroin, dated Nov. il, 1885, 1 will sell nt Edgefield C. H., m tho first Monday in January next, All that tract or parcel of land, with .ho improvements thereon, containing ninety ncres, more or.less, situate, lying ind being in the County and Slate afore said and bounded by lands of Thomas JYilbert,-.!. J. Mradinell and lands of the estate of John T. Chealham, dee'd. THUMS: The cost and ono half the pur .ho.se money to be paid in cash and tho balance on a credit of twelve months, ivith interest from day of sale, to bo se Hired by tho bond ol' tho purchaser mid i mortgago of the premises sold. Titles and mortgage extra. S. 8. TOMPKINS, Master E C. Doc. 7,1885. Maie ot' South Carolina, EDGEFIELD COUNTY. In Common Picas. Planters Loan and Savings Bank, of Au gusta, (?a., vs. Hulda E Jay. NOTICE is hereby given that by vir tue of the judgment of foreclosure herein, dated 20th Nov., 1885, I will sell it Edgefield C. H., on the first Monday In Ja uary next, the following describ id mortgaged premises, viz: All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County and State iforesaid, containing one hundred and nxty-five acres, more or less, bounded in the Nor'h by lands of J. W. Coleman, JU the East by lands of T. R. Coleman, in the South and West by lands of T. J. Burnett and tho estate of T. J. Dyson. TERMS :-The cost and one half the pur ;haso money to be paid in cash ; the bal ince on a credit of one year, with inter jst, to be secured by bond of the pur chaser and mortgage of the premises, or di cash, at option of purchaser. Titles and mortgage extra S. 8. TOMPKINS, Master E C. State ol' South Carolina, COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD. In Common Pleas. Tho Planters Loan and Savings Bank, ol' Augusta, Ga., vt. Jesse H. Coleman. NOTICE is hereby given that by vir tue of tho judgment of foreclosure tereiu. dated Nov. W, 1885, I will sell at ridgefield C. H., on the first Monday in Jun nary next, Hie following mortgaged ir ?mises, viz : All that tract or parcel of land, situate, ying and being in the County aud State tloreaaid, containing one hundred and burteen and one half acres, more or less, annuled on the North bj' Saluda River, >n the East and South by lands of J. W. Jolomau and on the West by lands of the ?tate of Thos. J. Dysou, dee'd. TERMS : The cost and one-half tho pur- I d?ase money to be paid in cash, the bal nico on a credit ol'one yeer, with inter mito be secured by bond of the pur ?haser and mortgago of tho premises, or ill cash, at option of purchaser. Titles aud Mortgage extra. 8. 8. TOMPKINS, Master E. C. Dec 7, 18?5.-4tl METHODIST MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION, Louisville, Kentucky. OFFICERS: C. P. ATMORE, President ; ">r. H. K. KAI.FUS, Vice-president; O. rV. RONALD, M. D., Medical Director; ?KUMAN BANK, Treasurer; G. (J. BRO UX, General Agent; S. C. Ai.LEX, Sede ntary. . Tho objects of tho Association aro : To irovlde ? Beneficiary Fund from which ho families of members aro paid PO tex noding $1,000 at death of the member, m the basis of $1 per member nt the imo of death ; or one-half of thoamounl II case of total disability ; which amount nnnnt bo reached by process of law or laims of creditors ; so that the family is uro to receive tho benefit, Rates: $(l dmission fen, $1 semi-annual dues, and .-sessments according to ago. Fru?ales mu? viales tire rrrn'rctl v/iov recixe/i/ the. same terms. 'he Cheapest anti Safest Morie of Milk ing a Certain Provision for One's l-'amily. Among the special roasons for joining ie METHODIST MUTUAL Al 0 AS OCIAT?OV are: It is the safest insu mco, because there are fewer risks than Ith tho best of Life Insurance Com pa ies, and it involves no risk of fail uro soau.so it incurs no large debts, nor lakes largo in vestments to depreciate - be lost. For further particulars, cal) on or ad ress, Dr. IV. K. (?KU I MN, Ag't. Mine Creek P. ()., N , 24, '85.] ridgefield Co., s. C. Subscribe to tho ADVERTISES. AUDITOR'S_NOTICE. TWILL bo at tho following places on tho days and dates named for tho As sessment of Real and Personal Property aud Polls, v>z: Friday. Jan. 1, Prnit Hill, Saturday, " 2, Richardson vi Ile, Monday, " -I, Coleman's X Rd's. Tuesday, " fi, W. W. Owdom's, Wednesday, " Traywick Chapel, Thursday, " 7, Haitiwanger's, Friday and Saturday, " S ,t ft, Hurst's Store, Monday, " ll, Minor's Store, Tuesday. " 12, Liberty Hill, Wednesday, " 13, Plum Branch, Thursday,' " 14, Parksville, Friday, " 15, Modoc, Saturday, " 10, Clark's Hill, Monday and Tuesday, " 18 ?fe ift, Holdor's Store, Wednesday, " 20, Colliers. Thursday, 21, Red Hill. Monday, "25, Denny's X Roads, Tuesday, '* 2<i, Purifoy's, Wednesday, " 27, Kinard's, Thursday. " 28, Caughman's, Friday. " " 2?, Holston'sX Roads, Saturday, " 30, Mt. Willing, Monday, Fob. 1, Forrost's Store, Tuosday, " 2. H F Watson & Bro. Wednesday, " 3, Ridge Spring Thursday, " 4, Wards, Friday, * " fi, Johnston, Saturday. " 0, Trenton, Monday and Tuesday, " ll <fc 12, Meeting Street, Wednesday and Thursday, " 13 A 14, Pleasant Lane. Friday, " 15, Ohaatham's Store, Saturday, " 10, P. P. Doolittle's. The rotnainder cf the term of Assess ment ab Edgotield C. H. The time ex pires on the 20th February, after which timo 50 per cent, will be added to all as aessments. Tho Township Boards of As sessors are requested at my appointments In their respectivo Townships. The Of tice will be open during my absence for the transaction of business. J B. DAVIS, Dec. 1, 1885. _ Auditor E. C Township Board cf Assess ors, Edgefield County. THE following citizens have been ap pointed Township Boards of Assess ors in their respective Townships: Blocker-F A Timmons, J R Wil liams, R C May. Collins-W L McDaniel, Henry Bus sey, E W Dowty. Collier-B T Minor, L J Miller, DT Mathis. Coleman-W W Owdom, A P Cole man, W O Carson. Cooper-C W Kinard, T A Pitts, F V Cooper. Germanville-B L Caughman, T F Etheredge. Grav-W L Durst, J W Aiton, C M Williams. Hibler-W n Yeldell, J T White, J C Callisou. Huiet-D B Purifoy, Henry Black, Zed Crouch. Johnston-Wm Lott, Mark Toney, W J Huiet. Meriwether -Benjamin Tillman, II H Townes, P B Lanham. Mobley-H F Watson, H G Wright, B F Bouknight. Moss-J D Fraser, J H Walker, Wal ter Brunson. Norris-Dr. II M Folk, A S Boukuight, Thomas Cato. Pickens-O L Dobson, A F Broadwa ter, Jas B Tompkins. Pine Grove-Jas R Hill, W T Walton, Ramsey Hargrove. Ryan-J P Blackwell, Jos A Reynolds, James W'deman. Shaw-M M Padgett, M A Lott, T H Clark. Talbort-T F Talbert, C M Burckhal tor, R A Cochran. Washington-T E Jennings, J C Mor gan, J A Butler. Ward-C Ward, W II Timmerman, J T Nicholson. Wise-Lewis Jones, S li Mays, R Can lelou. J. B. DAVIS, Doc. ft, 1885. Auditor E. C. tO r$150. 1st. A Weslern Manufacturer of Fine Walnut Farnitare want * ed to make a change in btisi ness. 21. We took his Stock at a very Low Figure. 01. In fact, we made Our Own Terras. Mi. TheJGoods are Perfect in DE SIGN AND FINISH. 5th. Our Customers are Tendered the Reduction which we have obt-iined, amounting to about 25 TER CENT. C;h. If you will call we will PROVE OUR ASSERTIONS. 7th. We cannot obtain Duplicates. Stn. If you wish CHAMBER SUITS as Low as $18 00, we have them. Dib. Your interest and ours are identical. PLATT BROS 708 & 710 Broad St., AUGUSTA, GA. Nov. 3. 1885. N Homestead Notice Ex Parte Elsbeth Timmerman. ?fOTICE is hereby given that KHz? _\ both Timmerman. widow of David Timmerman, dee'd., has applied to me to set apart to her her constitutional ex emption, to wit : a Homestead in realty and exemption of personalty. This is thereforo to uotl fy all persons that, un less cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Saturday, the 9th January, 1?86, I shall p oceed to appoint appraisers as provided for by law, to appraise and set olf to said applicant the said exemptions prayed for. S. S. TOMPKINS, Master E. C. Dec. 4, 1885. Land for Sate on the Line of Aiken and Orangeburg Cos. APLANTATION of 1800 Acres, in lorks of Dean Swamp Creek and South Edisto Rivor, near Davis' bridge, and at the head of boat navigation as projocted and surveyed by U. S. Engi neers. Good dwelling, first class gin house, shops, and other buildings. 500 Acros land cleared, l'usurpassed pas turo, includes 100 acres Swamp land in grass and a belt of cane. Healthy-one caso ol' fover in 185R, uone since. Will sell in a liody for one-fourth less per acre than smaller tracts in same neighborhood are sold, or six hundred acres, including settlement, at tho usual soiling price of land in vicinity. Terms: * cash, balance in one, two and three years. J. G. GUIGNARD. Dec. 8, '85 -1] Davis' Bridge, S. C. "EXCELSIOR" SALOON! Iii thc Old Ryan Hotel. Fine Whiskeys, lirandics, Gin, Rum, Ale, Porter, Wines Beer, Cider, &c., &c. And Tobacco and Cigars. I respectfully invite my Monds ami the public in general to crail at the New and Splondidly Furnished "EXCEL SIOR SALOON," in tho East ond of the Did Ryan hotel, where they shall have the kindest attention and get the purest beverages lo bo found in the markets. IC. P. PAUL. November 3, 1885, MERRY XMAS! Wi . ITH ready cash I have laid in the Best Selected Stock, and at Lcwcst Prices, ;T tte found in the Citv. Vdu Will Save Money by Buying Your Holiday Goods at HAS* JEWELRY AND MUSIC STORE. 3T38 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA. OA. ?j?TS AND RAISINS, FIGS AND DATES, PRUNES and GRAPES. A large stock, all new, fresh goodB, and cheaoer than last year. Special Prices lo Wholesale Buyers. APPLES, ORANGES and BANANNAS, By the Barrel, Box or Bunch. MINCEMEAT, JELLIES and PRESERVES. DRESSED POULTRY, CELERY and CRANBERRIES. Bi?M PUDDING and GELATINE. PIG HAMS and TONGUES. OpOKING WINES and BRANDIES. ? FINE WINES and WHISKIES, all grades and ages. Cfome and See Us. You Will be Pleased Both in Prices and Quality. LOFLIN & STULB, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, thorner Broad and Campbell Sts, Augusta, Ga, December 1G, 1885. endleton's Book Store! 804 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. ?il>Ies, Testaments, Hymn Books, Sunday School wm~_i-" _.*_~i ~ ~i /r< : *.* wm~ _ i. Books, Standard and Gift Books. FANCY AND OFFICE STATIONERY, And a Full Line of FAHGY Q?0DS AND NOVELTIES, Suitahlo for Wedding, Birthday and Holiday Presents. Prompt attention given to orders by mail. [Oct. 13,1S85. ELL BIBE Under Central Hotel, Augusta, Ga. Respectful]v assures tho Ladies of Edgefield Cour.lj that her Stock of Fall and Winter y5 MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS Is Not Excelled in the Souih. I?*" The Ladies of Edgefield are respectfully invited to call and exam ine my Goode. I will endeavor to give satisfaction in every instance."1?tu 03-]Iats and Bonnets Trimmed to Order,"?a Miss NELLIE PURCELL, Oct 7, 1885.-44] Under Central Hotel, AUGUSTA, O'A. '3 SMITH & GRAN WHOLESALE GROCERS, if?? Broad Street,.Augusta, Ga., Are now prppared for the Fall trade, with a very Large Stock of STA PLE GROCERI ?3 ! Bagging-very best Eastern Jute. Arrow Ties-new, full weight and length. Sugars o? all grades. Coffees of al! kinda. Dry ^ait-??a?-Suiol?od Meats. Lard, in tierces and cans. Flour of all grades iu oarrels and sacks. Pure Torto Rico and Cuba Molasses. Syrups-New Orleans and Sugar House. Tobacco of all styles and qualities. Rust F.oof Oats-Texas and Native. Gunpowder, Gun Caps, Shot, Starch. Soap, Can dles, Salt, and all kinds of Groceries, which they oiler at the VERY LOW EST PRICES. Quality of goods guaranteed. The pationage of the pub lie is respectfully solicited. [Oct. G, '85-44 W J. DELPE 8?, j3Wp pjjim- mm> PA -Wholesale and Retail Dealer iu COOKING STOVES, HEATPG STOVES, GRATES, HARDWARE and TINWARE. In Siock a Very Full Line of the Celebrated THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Sixteen different sizes and kinds. Six ?izw with Enameled Ilea -rvolrs. Al tpted to ul! requirements, and priced to-suitnll purses. LEADING FEATURES : Double Wood Doora, Patent Wood Gra'.c, Adjustable Dimper, Interchangeable Au.o matlc Shelf, Drolling Dnor, Stringing Hearth nate, Swinging Fircc-.vop, Itereiviolo Gas Burning Long Crois Piece, Double ?bott Centres, llcavy King Covers, Illuminated Fire Doors, Nickel Knobs, Nickel Panels, etc. Unequaled In Material, in Finish, and )u operation. Manufactured by ISAAC A. SHEPPARD & CO., Baltimore, Md. V.VD ron BALK at XV. I. DEI. PH. 831 lt rom! Nt., Augusta, Cia. fiept. 29, 1885.-43 FIANOS & ORGANS FOR THE MILLION, AT FACTORY PRIC?S! mo Low for Cash, or on Easy Monthly Payments. icy asked till Instrument is Seen and Tested. Catalogues free on application. Address: JESSE FRENCH, 161 Union St., Nashville, Tenn. October 13.1885.-45-3m No ixecutor's S?lc of Real Estate* UNDER and by virtue of the Will of Minimini W. Nicholson, d c'd., I will proceed to sell nt public outcry to llio highest bidder, on Monday the 4th lay of January, A. D. 188?, at Edgefield [?. H., the following real estate: One tract of land, containing twenty teres, inoro or less, bonn.led hy ids of Mrf Martita Hughes, James .-'raser, J. ll. Hollingsworth and tn, and known as tno Landrum r Ono vacant lot in th .t of Edge field, being soveiiM . ?et deop and dxty-l'eot wide, nr. <r less, fronting iiiblicsritinre. bounuod by lands of Mrs. Ilexley on Hie North, by Spann streeton .he south and others. Also one lot in the Town of Edgefield, villi a Blacksmith shop thereon, and now iccupiod bv Ci iles Butler, lot heing about hirty feet deep by sixty feet long, more )r less, ano bounded by lands of Mrs. tillman. Torms of sale cash. Purchaser to pa}' br titles. Also, at the saino time, tho following >ersonal property belonging to the Estate ! .f S. W. ]Sicholson, dee'd , to wit: Edge-1 For Sale or Rent, AT A i K liv, S. C. AVALUABLE Business Corner on tho main business street rf Aiken, front of HO feet by 100 feet on Richland Avenue; with a Store house and Dwell ing, including Bakory, iii) x 30 feet. Barn and large Cistern oil tho lot. An ap proved stand for Grocery and Liquor, or any other business. Will se 1 low. on easy terms, or rent togood tenant. There is plenty of room hero for another Edge held man to do well. Address, JOHN KLEIN. ot Il. V. GUNTER, Attorney-at Law, Dec. 16, ISS3.- li] Aiken, S. C. ! FIRE INSURANCE THE undersigned has been Agent for Edgetleld County for the GEORGIA [ HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, of Columbus Ga., for tho last twenty-live years, and knows it to bo a Roliable Company. And with Ampio Assets, Fair Adjustments and Prompt Payments, it has merited and received a liberal pat ronag ' from the people of Edgetield. If yo.: want Fire Insurance in a trust worthy Company, please call on, or ad ield Rail Road Bonds, Horses, Mules, | dims - i>. H. ?UK1S012, Ag't tows. Wagons, etc. Vtt^ gfi. 'RR. Edtzefield. S. < Torina Cash. SAMUEL TANNAHILL, E.t'or. Est. H. W. Nicholson, dee'd. Dec. 11 ISM,-?t?? OPIUM ?nd WHISKY HABITS cured al homo without pain, BOOK ol' lin ri lc-il 1 urn ?Hill l l! I : Iv B. il. WOOLLEY, ii. D.. AU.uU.*?, I To Wholesale and RciasS Bilyera of i\ "h'm : & Bffais. Cooke's Clothing i Hat Store, 711 BROAID ST , AT^O-TTST A, GA. -:o: Many advertisers eeem to think they are doing the right tbirg to claim eve rything. There may have been a lime when this would pay, but certainly Ibis time has passed. Now Goods and Prices Must Speak for Them selves ! This is cur reason f r our ItS{?3S> RULE, to allow none but the EE?T FITTING, the MOST STYLISH, the MOST DURAI?I.E; and the BEST MAKES roora \r. _ our Store. OR, IN OTHER Wordp, tn oxpect to merit a sensible man's ap proval when be sees our cfFerirg . WE ASK no cue to buy who is not a-tisiied in QUALITY, PRICE, FIT and STYLE, and this makes us c.;re!nl lo have the light thing, at the right time, and at the right price. WE MENTION goods that we believe we can suit every one in: Suits for Men and Ccjs Overcoats fiif i>I?:i and Boys. Hats for Men and Roys. iiiiderwear, Trunks, valise?. Umbrellas, &c. WE KNOW THEY ARE RIGHT. We leno, ?I.P ?S.o: truant ir choice and we will take pleasure in s!;0'.vi: g it i.o you A. W. BLANCHARD, J'or J. ?-'. Ludlow it Co. Oct. 0. 1885.-14] CHEAP. CHEAPER ! CHEA PEST! ! D. L. FULLERTON, TOE STOVE H AX OF AUGUSTA, Who for so many years has supplied tho t ?tis?ns ol' Edgelleld willi their CHARTER OAKS CHIEF COl??iS, ftKW L?C11T H Ol SK, PHILANTHROPIST, WROUGHT IRON l?M0SIT0R,M and o.her reliable makes of Cooking Stoves, is still iu tho market, and supplying the wants of honsekeoper.s with RANGES, STOVED, SLATE MANTELS, COAL GRATES, TIN WABE and WOODEN WARE, and everything of the best that pertains to tue Kitchen outfit. When you want a real good, substantial Wrought In n, or Boiler Iron Stove, or a good Cast Iron Stove, or A N'S KITCHEN UTENSIL, rall on l>. !.. FUL LERTON; C2? Broad Street. Angula. Ca. ^ ALL GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES! FULLERTON'S, 628 Broad St. Nov. 17. I885.-50 OiV TIME is a Pleasure and Prom. . SECURE A GOOD AMERICAN TIME PIECE AT FEAREY'S JEWELRY STUBED 729 Broad St. (Op. Central Ect-A) ?If?PSTA, fiA. SOLID GOLD and SILVER and PLATED WARE. HOLIDAY fiOODS all in the Latest Designs. EXPERTS EM PLOYED in the WATCB, JEWELRY aud OPTICAL dopartmenta. Nov. 17. 1S85.-50 Mrs. J- T. BUCKl^K^ Wholesale mid Retail Denier in Stationery, auk ALL KINDS SCHOOL ESOOI?S, PENS, 11ST KI A UNI 13 PETSTCILS FINE PLUSH A1MD FANCY GOODS, 625 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. School Rooks a K peria Hy. GO TO GREISWO?DP3 And Save Money bj Bugng ?<rar doods from -- J* K? T S' THE LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. We are now in our NEW IRON FRONT STORES, ?od prepared to oiler the People of Edgefield and thc Public at large THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE ever shown in the upcountry. OUK FREIGHTS ARS LOWER, we buy in large quantities and get St ?ci,.i Discounts, and CAN AFFORD TO, AND WILL sell you Goods cheaps than you can get them elsewhere. With Buyers here from New York, Philadelphia nd Augusta markets, you can get the highest prices for your colton. Come and see for yourselves. We ir.e,i:i psactly what we say. COME ONCE, and you will continue to com?. ^Merchants Supplied at Wholesale rates? J. K DURST & CO., THE LEADERS. fiirer.iiWQO?, S. V. -OF A L 3J We have entered the fight, and have won on emirs over all couped'* or-, aa the CHAMPIONS OF LOW PRICES IN i USABLE AND SOLID S H O TT S?F* Here are some of our pricer. Cu! (hi* out and coupait- with ?ha prices you have been paying. FIRST CROW-MEX'S SHOES. 12ND CROW-LADIES' SHOES. Lidies' Pebble Lace Shots, Psbble Grain Batton, " Fine Calf Shoes, *' Kid Button, box tee, Goat Button, 14 Men's Kip Brogan's, 75c. " P. Calf Brogans, $1.00 " Congress Gaiters, 1.00 " Calf Ga. Ties, 1.25 " Calf Congress, 1.25 " B. Calf Hook Bals, 1.25 THIRD CROW -CHILDREN'S SHOES. In'ants' Kid Button, 25c. ! Children's Pebble Lace Shoes, Children's Kid Button, 50c. I " Pebble Button, Children's I. Goat Batton, - S5.\ $1 00 1 25 125 1 25 150 50c 75c. tlS-Remember, we SHOW ALL WE ADVERTISE. In no in stance do we advertise Shoes that are not in stock. The marvellous and unparalleled success we are having is a great deal owing to this fact. N. W. MURPHEY & SON. Die. 0, 1885^-40] 564 ?roact gt., FMTsxK's^ns.:?soi. /tisgisstet, ii?. MES. N. BRUM CLARK, 819 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Is receiving a Handsome Linc ol MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS for Fall and Winter. You will do weil to examine her Steck of CORSETS, BUSTLES, HOOPSK1RTS, NOTIONS, I T-. BLACK CREPE and DRESS TRIMMINGS in great variety. SST Will resume the butinese of ERESS-MAKING October 1, 1SS5. Sept, 29, '85.-43] Mrs. Ta . HRfc'.TB CLARK. BKCSDKSaeSS r:ywmr?wwi i ii? L. rm THE CHEAPEST CARPETS IN GEORGIA. Stock Larder, Prices Lower Than Ever Before. Carpets and House Furnishing Goods, (ho Laruesl Stock South. Moi|U(>l, Bi us sels, 3-Ply and Ingrain Carpets, Rugs, M at:> and Crumb! loihs, Window shades, Wall Papers, Bordors, Lace Curtains, Cornices and Poles, Cocoa and Canton Mat tings, Upholstery, Chromos. f?59*Write for Samples and Prices. JAMES lt Ai LU-' ?V SOKS, Ag'la., Mar. 17, 1885.-lf> ll* Bron?! St., AUGUSTA, HA?