THOS. J. ADAMS, PROP'R. J EDGEFIELD, S. C~ iipSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1:885- _ i VOL L.-NO. 42. / _ _-_lllMi ll li Mil-Mil l-.JJJ >IIWW The aim is to mlay poker [^."gentlemen.'' Eightof the (jo) ly! old boys usually sit down together. They use no chips, and nothing less than a $5 bill passes current. The ante is $5, and it ia a j ick pot game exclusively. Say there are eight players ; the play begins with $40 in .the pot. Nothing less than a pair ol jacks can open the pot. Frequently there is $120 or more in the pot be fore anybody can open it. If any body holds anything better than a single pair it is incumbent upon him to raise the pot-he must do it or pass out. Blinds, straddles and raises are unlimited, and bats are limited only to $1,000. The most fun in the game, however, is in the pre liminaries before the draw. Fre quently the jick-pot is up to $2,000 bdfore the momentous event, and then it is a great sport to watch the jolly old boysBtudy over the relative value of their hand* Sharon is usually the luckiest player of tho set, but he sometimes 'gets nipped. after j J noon they got a jack pot worked up 1 to $4,000. Sharon drew to an ace and ten and got two other aces and another ten, giving him an ace full. ! He bet the limit and got raised an other thousand. Thon the jolly old i boys laid down their hands, face to the cloth, and Sharon bet two bottles of chr.mpagno^thathe would take the pot. The wine was brought and the j. o. b.'s knocked oil' the herks Tuen two others saw Sharon'?? bet and stood tba raise, but the rest ran. This made $10,000 in the [wt. The Sharon threw down his check for j .$3,000 ami said he'd go another thou* and. The three other j. o. b.'s stood in and called. Agaiust Sharon's a-e lull there was a king full, thron queens, jami one ol tim j. o. D.'H carel ul ly skinned out foilr little bitsol douces tfcj.n;vid he Iwlievod b*\l h ind down he paper. There was not a woid ol protest. Mr. Sharon said " he'd be d-d," and that wai all. And then :the j illy old boys started in lo build another j u:k. It is a very dignified game, this Palace Hotel poker, and the jolly old boys fumage to extrae!, from it a deal ol dignified fun. Chicayo Herald. A Voice ol U'aruing. As you walk our streets you will see almost every man and boy yon meet with a pipe, a quid or a cigarette in their mouths. How often are they pale, and complaining, and often unfit for business. A change of climate will be suggested for their health, when indeed it is unly necessary for them to leave off the use of tobacco. It will of a certainly cause nervous ness, weakness, disease ol' chest and stomach, and weaken their mn.nie and powei of thought. It dwnrls their bodies and undei mines their health, and destroys their mental vision. It produces indigestion and low Bpirita, and ends in a shipwreck of the general health, and finally an early death. Figures ehow that near ly two million men ami boys are on this road to destruction, and nothing else will res'oro them to their wonted health but to abstain from this useless practice. An old negro went into a book store to buy a picture for his wife, ile looked at a lot of Christmas cards, and singling out one asked the price. " One dollar," said the clerk. The cid fellow moved on around and finding the same kind of picture in another lot, stealthily let a mouth ful of tobacco spit fall on it, and then wiping it olT on his sleeves, he called jhe clerk and said : "Look heah, bos*, what'll yer ax me fur di.i heah damaged ono?" " Twenty-five cents." " Date too much, boss, fur it's dun mint." " Well, take it along for len cents." " Look heah, manlier, yer couldn't get no Len cents fur dis. JI-H' es wei' gin it. 1er me, ms ruler. Take it. along then." Thal!kee, sah. Mi>s' bligin' folks in dis town 1 eher seed. Man kain' stan' mun' de nto's lessen da shoves p'lileness on him. Hood day, sib. I wish yer miglay well." A Fasting 1.1 ri. In Cincinnati u sixteen-year old girl recently died after n fast, ol fifty-two days. She Lad been attack' eil by something like paralysis which rendered it impossible for her to take nourishment. The human system can not thrive without, good foot 1 and good ability tn digest, it. Weak and impaired digestion is rectified by Brown's iron Bitters-heller (han any other tonic in the world. Mr. J. E Freeberg, Pomeroy, Iowa, says : " I used Brown's Iron Ritt ers for dys pepsia end pnornppetile ; completely cured me." It will cure you. What is Not .'.earned in the Public Schools. From "The Public School.) of Brooklyn," by Joesph C. Hendrix, in the Brouklyn Magazine: It ie a cui iouH fact that many city boya reach the end of the school course without being able to tell what a un-ukey wrench is, or describe across cut HHW, or define the uses of turning lathe, while a piston, a steam hoi, or a th rot tin valve are all far beyond their ken. They can, however, tell tl:e number of elementary sounds il th? whole cluster of diacritical raarks.j all ... J which anon fadeout nf Iheir^naiudV. * * In the limited time that the State has the privilege of teaching children in the Twelfth ward, it seems absurd to proceed with them with the circumstance that marks the work in the schools on the Hill, where the children will stay twice as long. Yet this is the present system. To change it means the rink of a demagogic cry of one school for the rich and anotlur for the poor. Accordingly, the poor suffer. Some liberty should be allow ed to a principal to suit the educa tion he direct? to the necessities of those under bis care, that the boy who must, be bread-winning at twelve shall not be despoiled of valuable time in ascertaining to a shade tho fourteen sounds of the vowel A. TueTreasurei of the State informed a reporter of the Register a low days ago that there is now in the Treanuiy, after paying all the interest up to date, a cash balance of over $1.00,000. This is certainly a most gratifying in dication ol the financial solidity of Sjuth Carolina. The corn yield is estimated at 2,? 000,000,000 bushels, worth $400.000, 000. The TrU.-ane says that "lastj I year, with unusually large crop:-, the ] Bureau estimate of thu value tu plO ducers was about $2.05.000 000 for, cotton, $330.000.000 for wheat, aid $040,000,000 lor corn." So, CV rn is Kmg in money value, bat it is the cotton crop, after ail, that helpfi mott to pay tb? National debt HUI! pre Live the balance ol Ira le. On September 12, 1814, the battle ol Nutlh Point was fought bel >v m ll!,0?0 American militia, chi?-fly c i z-na ol B .Mitihjrt', and the Bi dish troops, th'.- latt-r being repulsed. In 1812 the Bill i inore survivors ui the buttle*lorin.-.1 ah unsocialitu m.dir the name ol Il>e 1 0?>l Defenders," tie constitution providing that when 1 ve of the members could not attend the annual reunion lbs association f>h> uld be dissolved. The numbera dwi nd ed year by year, the survivors couth.u ing to assemble, parade and hav. a dinner together. Lint year the five foiled to appear. Ou Saturday, the day of tho reunion, one feeble old man-James Chamberlain Morford, DO years old-appeared and was dined by a company of gentlemen at. a In - tel. Four of his comrades yet liv , aged respectively 91, 90, 88 and t8 years, but they are too feeble to I?, ve their homes. Senator William Mtbone under:ook to horsewhip Alexander Donnait, jr., and Thomas Hunter, young mon of Petersburg, V.l., in that eily .>n Sat urday, charging them with h ading his Sun Butler into bad habits He abused and threatened them until Mr. Donnan seized him by the, held a pocket knife al bia throat, and attempted to stab him. Mahone's friends rushed in and stopped the row. There is a Strangs c?so of ?dory in Rmdolpb county, N. C. About five miles from Trinity college thorn lives a man by the name of Jehu H ', who is about G5 years old anil wea born an idiot. He has Iwen chained to a staple driven in Ihe floor nearly the whole of bis life. At times he ia very violent, and were he to g"t loone he would doubtless kill any perron willi whom he came in contact. It ia said that he takes large hickory slicks of wood out. of the fireplace and tears them into shreds with his teeth and lingerH. Ile can drink cnii'fA boiling hot and eat food HS hot. as fire can make it., apparently without suffering any pain. Property enough was left him by his father for his support. The Stock Law ought to be amend ed at the next S"ssion of the legisla ture. As it now stands, a cow or a hog may trespass upon the growing crops of a farmer and commit much injury thereto, and leave the hold be fore the owner of the crop is aware of lbs depredation. Under such cir cumatances, it. strikes us that no pro vision is made for the recover) ol damages hy the person sustaining the loss, except by snit instituted to re cover damages ; whereas, it top plain tiff bad been so fortunate as to c*p ture the offending stock, tb" amount, ol costaud ila mages sustained could be recovered by the sale ol the animal or animals. Some remedy for this de feet should be applied -Kcrshnio Ga. ?rite. _ lt shall Put Staleness ami sa Hering ITndcr Kooli It udall euro nil tho people and mit sickness and sn flori mr, under fool! We moan Penn's Mttns, the comfort, th? refuge ibo salvation of millions. Add disease upon disease, mu! lot tho worst como, we aro safo if wn use Penn's Mtier*. Though Ihou fliest with dyspepsia, torpid liver, biliousness and headache yet sha!I thou liv? il' thou tatest Penn'* Mtier* What woman ls there, weak, feeble and Hick, who nseth Penn'* Bittere, and is not made strong and oheerfnl by it? Indoed all ?ur paina and aches and diseases fpi like chati' before the wind whenever we wisely bave recourse to Penn's Bitters.' JAS. L OUI SUCCKSS J&,&m ISL Have jnsfc received awl btu ceedini'lv large and well select* at prices low euough to satisfy ? Print*?, Iirrsa ii-?oda, Flannels, lti?|?-l|:CllM, < ?iv?iiii'ir'iM, Jean*, UniiirwiUrai, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Genie' Furnia Hosiery, Neck Wear, Umbrellas, Trunks, Wu make a aprrinll.y of HU OKS, ami ( jSfr Our WAGON YAItD is opon and fr jdr pull I*HM|J value paid for cotton and JAS. SILVER and FLATED I bavo reeaiveti arni arn receiving |>< >rlu(ioii tlirOiit,'a*tlii' malla. ito well-known harii these Watches become thousand are Ian/ins them in preference tobi: ':< i priced Watches. 'I lie Company arc now mal.Ii:? 1,000 Watches each day. an average of ir Watches pei minute, l'on would maurine, tlrt whole country BiiptilU-d hy i his time, bynomeaas, This is tire merchant's W uti li, ibo fanner's Watch, tho miner's Watch, the laborer's Walch, the boy*? Watch, thc school-girl's Watch-In fact, every body's Watch. J.0U Wi ??-in! thin celrl-rated Walch am) n bandamun KlrkcUI'laled Chain, with Diann iillm lnil, l>y registered muli, prc|iniit, nm) (tua ra aten ll tu mich yan aatirly. TheVfaturhury Walch Cu, has n nati.,iml n-nm talion for making Ibo M>T ci in At* WATCH Ul TIM. WOK Ul Wo luve received from them IhelrNRW Vatch. a great hunco vernen t overtho first ones mnuV.atw a'marvel of simplicity omi oeennicy. containing more tii^Ktinitv titan tiny olin r tttlMe placed ln fore the iiiiblin f??r immy years. The nit show* EXACT MI'/.K cl Walch. A Watch made by ha tal tr? ul?! <--.>st. BS muchas a cottage by lim wandu ?re ?r a small yacht, ami toke aa loni? In imii.i Si?i?crf.> t ure nil its parts, that if ii. lin ds wimira, I? wiri direct to Hie factory, ila? chargu for ni-liial r?-| easily rcfiulivd. i:M uv WATCH LS WAUUA.Vrtttl Til 0!VB BATISFACTIOV. If You Are Going* NORTH, EAST, OR TO ANY POINT IN TEE G HEAT WEST, -AND WANT Cheap Tickets & Quick Time, WRITS TO OE CALL CN CHAS. B. WALKER, I Trav ling Passenger Agent, mnmw nm, (Western ami Atlantic Railroad,) ATLANTA, - tn B?OfiC WI A. NoTB -When yon arrive in Atlanta cal 1 nu um. You will lind it to your in terest to soo me before purchasing tick ets IV'un any one else. ASK FOR WALKER. ARTHUR S. TOMPKINS, AI tor ney-a l-i.a w. F,,l?re?ield C. l-l M S-C. Noy.' 6,1884. TIMES ! J PRICES ! NBY & CO., ORS TO Cools.. re now on exhibition, an ex id of goods, which they offer ill: . Jiardware, Crockery, < j ?uss ware, Tinware, Wood en ware; Staple and Facey Orne?riep. Bagging and Ilea. nrry the largest stock outside of a city, en for tho uso of our euslomeis. other country produco. L. QUINBY & CO., CHA NI it v n.i.i:. H. ?'. louds, Jewelry WARE, CLOCKS, icc. ily, the finest line of lite above goods .OWER THAN EVER. Agent for ITCHES and CLOCKS repaired and WITT. SS 'BE W12 fi G li RT, 1., I in!? r Central Hotel, Augusta. This Watch will be sent to Subscribers who pay one year in advance, for $2.50. Or will be given as a [Premium for Five New Subscribers. i ! Address : "TLo Adv il teer," ! Edgefield, S. 0. Gr. H. TT. il. (). IN & CO,, NANOS & mum9 BEST IN TKt WORIDI Tin- (in nt Savings Institution $10 TO IsiOOSAVED! L. PTQ. S. /.V/VVM ?otee/- and Nt-.t,i.7XiCost\ Than Elsewhere. K I. O. M. Pinitos and Organs, Selected (mm Twelve of the JS-'st Malers, are urknowlcdyed lo be Superior by the (Iren) Artiste of the World. Wt Dclivei our Pianos and Organs, Etejoht Paid., to any point in the 0K1.U, with Music Pool, Revolving Mool, and Instruction Book. Also, a Good Cover with event P?Xfi9r~*' P.A.S.M.A.T.H. Our long experience of over Forty Y i ors enubhs us lo pince in every Home thc Finest Musical Instrument in thi'. World, guaranteeing Satisfac tion and our Price to be the Lowest. Musical Merchandise and Instru ments of every description Sheet Mu sic and Music Pooh. The latest Publicolicns. ~ 0>'d' i's filled on day of reception. Write for Catalogues, Prices. Pis? counts, ?n?! Ea-