TERMS : $2.00 per Annum. OUR AGENTS: W. W OwnoM, Chappells, S. C. \V H. YRI.OKLL. l-nncmirns TOHN H. HriKT. Rare-ville. W. A. ODOM. Meeline Street. J. K. DURST, Kirkspys X Roads E. B FORRKST, Mine Creek. TYRE ETRHRETVIF.. Leesville, M. C. J. E. POOE, Graniteville. ? P. Dr. Jons R. ARNEY. Langley, S. C. N. W. BTIOOKRK Rtdtre. S. C JOHN ?' vroHMvN. Csnehman's Store. WILLI\.M KINARD, Ktheridee. J. S. M BRrH *HT, Merchant. J. W ZlMM"i MW, J??ni?fon. T. R. WH^TLT y, P.irksviile. L B WHATLEY, Tr??yt. Death ot ttr LeKoy Humour.4. With infinite pa!n WP record the death of this worthy gentleman, the oldest eon G*- Mejo Andrew H not m nd, of Vew Richmond, on "svunnah River. Mr. Hsmroond died, after a very short 211 ness, on Sunday night last Regarding thia Bad e ent, however, we have as ye? been able tn hear vere little We a!?o understand that Msj>r H nm mond bim? ?eD ?H l.ving Ul. We earnestly trust b;s ca?<" m *y iy t he s very serions one. A Little 4 Idhi G ?nv. Di?d, on Sunday night last, Theodora Tr z rant, the ei^hr-nmnths ??]d dsugh t*r < f Louis W. and Flora Yotingblord, (if Bateson-g We ruiLgle our tears willi th serfour beloved and hereaved friends g--??VBCT?Jtll-I^L?JI,W^!tg!HMlk. ---- Good Tiii hi annaby. "83. Tti al! *hb>crih r- who will pay up U> d.tt? and one xj?-*r it: advance. Th' CHICAGO WEEELY NEWS will be sen: one v-ar lor onlj ri iv ont.? additional Th> N^ws i;? a i-rge 3 column family paper contain* ti s'-'-rn-s every week. TbiB offer is good U'?,:i tb?* 1?* Ja?n?.rv 83. Ta - <.r?aU-0- f ai u fa e mst t'asOc curr?.?l in fr.dgi ti.-rd ti?r Porty ; \ears t'erbap*. The salient feature of i?ales.J.:?3 lu:, w.i< the s il? of the land"? ni ibo esta;?1 of the K<'v t r.-orgo Bell, dte^ased. Maryl p rsons cam t-> our-own express]}' to tw present at 'is i m ?-or taut **ale. EA- j Sheriff Gastou-an accomplished auc- j . tioa^er-was on hai.d from Aiken to cry | the property. The great bulk of it was bought by Ute heirn. The Hatchet Pond tract, 1 Obi acres, was knia*ked down lo the H ?u John M Belt for $t4,850 'i?o hundred and twenty-five acres of the. Norris fact, near Battsb?rg, were knock ea down to Mr.?. AugnHne Towell for $1,550. Tho remaining 575 acres of thc Norris tract w?-re b- ught by Mr. Alonzo " Bates for ?10,525 The (Hil Homestead or Mino ?-?-eek tract, 1. 96 acr?s, was j knocked down to Mrs. Emmie Shaw for . f 10,05?. The lb ?rn'-. Crwsk tract, 450 acres, to lion J ?hil M. Bell for $4.200 The Pine Landis, traci. No. 1, 620 acres, ki Hon W H. T.mmimau for ?3,110. Th Pine Lands tract *o. 2, 53*> acres, So L. D. Landrum f?r$2,80n Tn? Pine Lauds tract No. 3,554 -cres, to Hon W H. Tim merman for $2.420 The Russell P u ett tract, 200 acres, to Hon. W H. Tim mermau for $?,810 The Kidson Padgett j tract, 154 cres, to Mrs. Towell for $I,(56U j The Mary Padg-tt trect No. 1, '52 acres, j to Mrs. Towell for $1.750. Tho Mary Padgett traci No. 2, 92 acres, to Mrs. Towell for ?}y?0 The Westly Whittle ! tract, fcO acres, to Mra. Towel 1 foi $56(1. Tbe Ambrose Whittle tract, C> acres, tb L. D. Landrum tor $..710 lb* W K\ Smith tract. 300 acres, to Hon W. H. Timmerman for $3.7(10 The Merritt <* Plunkett tract, 71 acres, to Wm. McAl iater for $'00 Tho F5ITS 'Hod??' rrWt,-.1 170 acres, to L D. Landrum for ?1.775 Two tracts, atlvertised, were v? it.hdrawn from sale Grand aggregate ?61 6^0 Mr./ Rates and Mr Mc Mister vere the ouly purchaser* who were not heirs. Wire? . setul and Beautiful. We think wo can Kay without fear of contradiction, that you can now ri ntl at PENN'S the htst selection of Christmas goods f vcr brought to Frig? field There you will rind Fruits, Candies and Nuts of IT-TV desirable kind ; beautiful To let S? s. Vases, etc., su:tab!o presents for >our sweetheart or loved one*; innu mernh'e Toy??, Dolls Ac. Ac, ?fee., for th? little folk-*. We could consume a column bi naming the manv heantifn1 and useful sr?i<,Ies striving from New Y->rk. ^There in no earthly usn In going to Augusta, or anywhere el*e, for Christ mas G-iods. when there is such an auaort m-ut PENN'S to at-l-ot from at onr j v?rv door" Hooifti v-'easeold sn?! yountr, j ms'e ?nd fetn.t'e w hite and btack, Mon- ! (roJi?n ?nd Tndinn v r. J? hu A Ko.(ti. near RiiKre j ??. put in cpvrme stock will be tlie b--?t that mon-y can i-uv. In our fine stock of Li qnorB. we have, amors 'e arri wait on you DU E ANDEREN. Nov 29 '62 Ti# no use i" naming the thousand and one beanti'al X -veines in Dress Goods. Fancy Gootl- ard 1 r:mfrt"rr'?, opening this w?\ti uur'a IHi M>age Thia week fte lubneh in full the pla practical and txoeilent MebBnge ol liu\i nor H jjood. Scuatur Huile . ?Senator Butler hit his home in o rmdat on Tuesday night, tn rou?c I Washington. Uligal, Red Hilt aud *ti!l?cb. Tjese three Charcutt have called tl R v Mr. Hiott, of Anderson, for t coming year If we mistake tot, Al liiotl bab accepted. K<-v. .Ur VI hutu iii * TLC R-V. M:. Whitman has accept tht call of oui vii *ge Baptist ?Jh_nrcn, ai win fid it? pulpit tne first three Sunda; I in each mouth during the coming yeti, ! A l?ooyments. We wi give further paiticulars concerning it i; our next issue. Ki?r Mi. Vernon Some time m the near futurs-durini the ( hnsima- holidays perhaps-Mu Picker?, V R?gent for South Carola.; of the Mt. Versos Association, will giv an Entertainment in our town in beba] of ?be restoration cf the South Carolin! roamin the old home of Washington. Leesville Cines ?*l)ry." Ai the recent municipal election in nu neighboring town of Leesville, the dn ticket won the day No lqnor therefor -none lawful-in Leesville Leeavil'f BaUBburg, Ridge Sprisg and Johnston al shun the cup. j Abbeville ?. es ?Wet." j An election was held in the . town o [Abbeville on D< cember 1st for "License' !or "Lo L cense,"' ard resulted as follows ^L!>nse, 175, no L eerse, 93. 82 Wei majority. An (Md Friend Among the crowd on salesdav we dis c wred our old friend, aDd lifelong fellow citizen until the la3t two years, E. P H K rksey, E-Q" new of Willistonon the S C Ritlroad. He looks hale, hearty and ha?.py. Everybody was extrnuely gl. d to seo him. Edgtflrld'd Delegates. Edgeheld's delegates who attended the late Bapust Siat'a Convention were aa follows There wer*s only two la}men among them : H. A Whitman, W. B. Shaw, W T Hundley, J K F?nt, G W. Bussey, A. J Td' ma?, N. N. Burton, W. L Durst, W D Turner. Methodist ? eilten lire. 0;i Monday and Tu*-sday of nut w*tk, our Methodi?t ; renchtra will leave thur homes tor the Ai tc u&i Conference, which id to met? :u Greenville oa Wedmaduy tue 13ta Tbe round inp fare over ?be Charlotte, Coiumb? ai.d Augusta and tie Co;uajLiia aud G eenvule Rtiiroads Wiil te 6 cents a mile. Kite ?.u Every Side. Signs of Chribtmas are already rife on every siqe. Mr. W B Penn, of G L. Penn & S m, ie just back from New Yon-; and in a few da\a hts esiablishment will be vc-ry tar aUead i f Von Sauteti's in Charleston. Indeed Vun Saaten of Char lesion might team a good deal from Vor. ? P.na cl E g- aeid. I I biet Uonor?b:ea. j Tare? i<] out Ivareeentativea were ai j home with u? on aaiesday N onw two. I We at fi st had in our mina the Hon. j John Al Bell, of Aiken, whom it ia verj ; bari lor ua lo think of as other than ac Edgefield man. The other two were the HOD. Calvin Kinard and the Hon W. H Tirumerniau Ail of them dfaigned, However, getting back to Columbia to d y -Tueaday-in time for the inauguration Mr? Patience Addison. Amid the charges, the poverty, the vicissitudes attendant upon the late war, no tomb had been placed over the grav< of the late Mia. P-tience Addison until within the last lew days. Now, however, ibis honored ar>d beloved lady of E'g' fi d'a old regine s!?eps beneath a hard ai me marti.e tiab. A beautiful and groe* . ful m< t r.ment also ne w m^rks the 1 st resting placer.ft he late Mra Charle* W Ureigbtor.-Misa Fannie Leard. The ttidge >priii{i Methodist ( burch. This new Cnurch was solemnly dedica tal to the sei^ico of Almighty God on Sunday morning last-by the Rev. P F. Wells, of Columbia, ai-sieted by the R v. W. A R 'gers, of J -heston. The day waB beaatifol, th" crowd was large; every cir c imstance was propitious, and all sur r'0'dinga were bright and happy Tue $300 due upon the building was made up ; t i a very few minut?e. The bunding it self ii a model of neitnosa, tas-e and c rafort. This now Church will be re ce ved into thu Conferer.cn next waek. and wdl be incorporated into the Boeoborg' Circuit, iu the place of the L saville C lurch, which is to go into the Gilbert Hollow Circuit. The Bi'esburg Circuit wiil then consist of BiUsburg, Ridge Sprmiz, Providence and Concord To our honored friends, J -hn and William Wat son, sons of th..- late Stanmore Watson E.-q" J letph C. Watson. 6>n- fthe late Co.'. Sam Watson, &Dd Mr N?ah Crouch. \k'A\$ ?ave? from ?Itu' W?ua^ 't? [S -ring, we onerour heartiest congratula , r.ioriB upon thia, the fruition of their pious, z^al ano} generosity. % Veiled Tranyr. . Wednesday, Otb Dec'ber -dark clour's nnd thick- fiig-transit ot Venus not to be see? by nrrtal eyes-telescopes and -nv ked glass all in vain. A Canse ot Dec pent Solicitude. No lady of our section IB rai-re wide'y r more deservedly honored than MIB John A Wi o of Horn's Creek; and ber pres-ent au ff-ring? and precarious condi lion 8rc a source of deep and ever present solicitude to our ent-re cc.mmunity. St e bes under the roof of her devoted daugh ter Mrs. Siethen T. Hughes at Trenton, surround'd with eveiy cf-mfort that Jo\e, ffl .ei.'ce and medical skill can give, but still her eufferwigsanicartul, and her furn ny and friends in ruble with distress and a.iptehcneion. ?day God, in His ii ?nile weicy, spare both her life and ber arin ! % Uwd Mau Unrned Ont. On Saturday morning last, the reaidenre of Mr. James Cailibsm. of the Midd'e Ridge section, was entirely destroyed i y fire. This tire is aurjosed to have been incendiary, inasmuch as it was d ocov?-rfd m a room in which there had been nc tire f r a long time. Mr Calhbara and bi' daughters saved but little, ?id are now pretty well bc melesB. On Sundsy las' -o we are lrfoimed-the corgregation a Middle R^dge Church, headed by Dr J .mea A. D< Vore, subscribid one hun dred dollars in tehalf of Mr. Callihara. who ie now ola and feeble. Upon the hi'U8e burned-if we are not in error there was no insurance. Kdce ti. ld in Charleston. Tne Edgefield party in Charleston last week consisted of Capt M. A Marker*, Dr and Mrs W E Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. James A Holland, MTB Kite Cheat ham, Mr. J e Holland nnd Mr. J-iraep T. Becon lt wa8 ?mall, l ut compart, lt h"ld closely together; and from its be? J quarters at the Charleston H te) it rm ?e daily ard nightly advams all along tie! line In the evenings, in light kids m d ? ta -tl er-of pearl ' pt-ra g!a>P'?. it "did'' ;be i gr ?rd and elevated Music Festival; in tte f forenoons, in purple and fiie linea, it "dui' the brilliantand instructive Exhibition; ai d in the afternoonp, in rugged Liters si d len jj water proofs, it "did" Fort Sumter and Sullivan's island. It was a gay coterie; and its esprit de corps waa ch?r- ? acteriaticof Elgefieid. May God vouch safe us all many more such gay and pleas ant tripa. . . Upward* of $90,000 ot Lauds! Oi F.alesday laat, the nales of the Mas ter in Equity and t he pale- of the Bell lar-rio aggregated upwards of ?90,00?. Tie Master cri ed his properly from the Court H -use atepa, while Ex Sheriff Gaston vended the Bril landa from the platform of j the public pump. The ec-me wac an at i mated one, und the voicee of Master ?od J El Sheriff twanged cut high upon ile; w titer air. And it muet be confessed that j Sher if Gaston outtwanged the sc.holi.rly j Master. j The flanging ot' Nu-e Lockhart. With no excitement whatever, and with I an extremely small crowd to g-r- t:pon the ghastly scene, poor Mose Lockhart j WfcB hanged in our jailyard on Friday last at roon. Indeed it is quite horrible to eep with what utter indifference and ureon cern we can go abrut our ordin?ry busi ness while a human life is gfing out in horror BO near ue. The doomed sn WSP cool, calm, ard maintained that he om? mitted the deed in Pelf defence. Antin not the. B?ightest s;gn upon our public square that such a thing had taken place. A Wooden Uedding. Our esteemed friends Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nome, - f Trenton, were to have cele- j orated their "wooden weddirg''-or in other words the 5th anniversary of their marriage-on the 12-h of this - month, j And ihe celebration waa to ^ave been in . Xtremely bande?me and fashionable style -with costly decorationa, a grand ban quet, ai d a fine band cf mue c Indeed eu public had tte matter ben tue that we do not-ID common with ?he trcotB of I iriencB of Mr. and Mra Norna-he?itat e ?o express our r?gret at the neceesity of j ..-.bat doning the celebration. Tte invita tions-npon woid-were' already primed, . nd arevery beautiful. A.* most ol our rea.1 era know, this novel and hospitable enter tamment had to be given up on arc- unt ol' the veiy recent death cf Mrs. Milton Norris, of Bateaburg. But on Tue da\ next we will all think cf i ur friends ano ot I :be delightful reunion, We bad ecticipated with then:; and will . ?>r a grayer '.hat .ach coming anniveipary may find them -till happy, prosperous, loving end Lu loved. . . . . j .?heppard Grow? Tippy. Quite tippy I Our handsome and distin- j guisbed young friend and fellow -towns- j man, Lieut Gov. Sheppard waa at home from columbia'on Monday last., and wa-- j greeted on ail eider, by the great sslesday j c o~d He wore tight panta, and a bell cr?.wn English tile tipped at a wicked an t;lo over one of bis bright eyes. And if we mistake not, his bandi wer? o?oaaed in kids tho color of the canary. 1 8 it upon t .ia latter point wo are not certain 0 the Ewliah. tile, with it? wicked tip, how ever, t -ire can be no doubt. Now zome peopi-i may think that, when a sun., nc ! matt r how young, ii elected Lieutenant j Governor of a sovereign commonwealth, j he ought to be eolemDiy grave, wear a I arge soft hat, baggy pants, and cultivate , a at omach. But theso are not our views, j and we were delighted to aee our lithe i and handsome fellow ci iz-n BO well up in j the vaniti B-with that wicked tip ! Another South Carohnlan Promoed Col S W T Lanham, formerly (? 8 pa rt an bu ru, S C., bot tor many years a citizen ol Weatherford, Parker Co., Texas, has t.^en elected to Congress from the ' ll h Tera? D strict. Col. L. ia ono of the m )st b: illiant iawyera in Northwest un T-i iH He served during ?tie. war m ?' a Third S 'Ut i Carolina Rjgnuent.- Nieto berry Herald. Is ho kin to our Enfield Lanbama? Carpets I I have made arrangements with one nf the laraeat Car et House** in Nev/V">rk for < ?rpela at prie a that will enable nie tn aeli you aa luw a* you wui'd buy ih? m at any retail HOUH? iii Now Y'-rk. wi ieh [.* oheapor than you could get.thi-m In \ umist;). We arb ah?wing a larire va riety 'hr ugh our new "?'arpet Exhlh- ? iior " ALVIN i J AKT. Nov 29, 1892 -4tRl $1 750 worth of First Quality Clothing opel.en at J M Cosse tor the people ol ?'lg^fi d. Remember, I am making this M specialty-HU? I mean business wh n 1 toil von I will give yon satisfaction or ro fund your money. Ca 1 on J M COBS 100 pipces nf beautiful Prints from 4c op 25 pieces, of B eached Longcloili, tbs best goods in town, for 8Jc by the bolt 25 pieces nf Sea Island Shining. . from .tc up to beet brand on the market 2 Bales of tb OBS excellent rJummerviMe Plaids, jow down. Th< F' r ibo Advertiser. Toucftfs.from Tnnloo. The song of the. cottoD picker ia growing beautifully ?mail in these parto Jack Frost na? nipped the green prara ?nd* the tender plant, "anti all I na?ur? wears thu eera and yellow. ie?f. - ' - " '< Ginni/-g and packing cotton, the ?.owiig.of OA'S, and, the throng rf lieavily laden wagons, headed. for mai ket, are sc nen that greet the ey> .n whatever direction ir may i e turned. Present indications bespeak a larger oat crop mat year thau waa. even harvested the present season; that is tl we are to judge from the quanti y planted. Tue abundan*, m ?et. ?'deaped upon the ground, in the ab settee of the ?u-enstomed rez?rback porker to conf-ii^ it, has ?ttracte?^ ! some- q-Hutities of gime of the mt gratoiy species. Q ire a numb r ot d?ck?n.HVe been killed, and more rab bits, squirrels and quails have found thi-ir way to tbe larder th? fl- a60rT ih*n tor ye ara past. The IV st i ve opossum and the mel low pereimmon are simultaneously ripe, and are deligbtlully hippy in each other's comp-my. The old Etheredge horne?te d. wirj^ about 150 acres ot the land attached l telv tn? property ot Mr. B. O E'beredgft, ba.-* be^n recently pur chased ly Mr A H. S D-ty; while Mr J hu H Miller has bought ot Mr Jim*8 Junes seventy five acres ot the Q mrlea tract, adjoining the talmoi Mrs. Jim6B Hatcher. John will ?tait a two horse larm there' next4 yenr, ?nd PH) s that in two years irom. n< w be IK pi s to lave it bringing 25 or 30 bil*-? ol cotton on about fitly ?cree o tillable land; and it energy, pluck, and g >>1 ri?? ferriliZTS *?re" -dl the r?q urem^uiH for good clops dom pour eon, we may hopefully . ni k tor the most iavorab?e results Dvrk clouds have invaded the sun shine ot our society lately. The sad^ -iL-oident that befell our friends" in Octiumbia, and 'he lingering illness md dun I death ot Mr. Bud Ether ed-e's M faut child, have Caused an unusual p-tll to settle upon th spirit? of our people. Tlie wounded are all doing aa Mill as could be boped for v\ituev.ry attention that can be had, the skill of the best physicians, ind patient watchfulness of good" nurcea^ th^re in every hope that they ali may soon be convalescent. Mrs J;hn \We, uho ia still here, under i be rout ot Mr. Stephen Hughes, We.s he mu?t uu turto nate of tbjj whole party, in hav.ng her ?rm' bothbro J K?? and crushed -The progrees^iq uer recovery tn a st necessarily be .dow, while sb:;"must possess unusuai fortitude to endure her own physical Hiiff'-ntig, and mental anguish conse quent upon the auxiety ot ber many kindred aud friends. It was a nea. trending spectacle o witness trie, ?low and ao?emn foot steps of our y.mug friends, Bud Eth eredge and his wife, as they wended their elow and sorrow ul way to the last resting place of their little son the other d y. Th-j tears of sorrow tor th?* dealu ot their firHt born had scarcely dried pon th? ir cheeks ere rhey weie called up ?u to mourn au other. This wai indeed a bul ot promise, a bright, frolicking little iel low that bid t ur to bring joy to the fireside ot its happy paren.e. A tew ?veeks of lingering lllne-s, baffling the doctora skill and the nurse's nopes, and another home is mada des -ila e. Tue mother and father go | oroken hearted from the grave, bow^ ed down wirn grp .!, in Mrm?Te?K o?i-fsiun to the will cf Hibct whose terrible decrees are beyond the uu-;^ terefand.ng ot Hid creatures. GRANDMA Trenton, D c 2nd, m? Where to fpejid %?ur Money KO as to (.et Dtsirnble. (?noria at i.??w Prices. I am addi ne new gonda every week Uy th?1 immense stouk opt ned-early in the Kali. A 1? ?t of beautiful Pr. ii ts opened thin week. Our smote of cotton fi an net, white, ?nd red flannel, opera and twilled tutting ri mnel, is quite large, . . Hutr? nile of Blankets--trotn $1 25 pr up to something lery handsome. Look nt i 'ti rs if you have any irina of huving. Full Rt?H-k nf Undervests for children, bo vs, H i i ?.SHS, ladies uriil gentlemen. Ex aminnour wtock in trr] lino before pur ubasing Zephyrs in quito a variety ot colora, at prices a* ch?-sp aa fi. at clash Zephyr c*m be bad in Augusta. Westnldefy competition in our tow nie toweling, table) linen, ?ic. '.We can cor tain Iv please any one both in quality arni prico. Very Urge assortment of Gantt1 Shirt made up to special order. S-> better fit ting ?birt to oe had anywhere. All.th*1**}. .a?> Hud d~-i rabin st vies nf collara. eslack-[ .i k ties tini ln to Hpeciai ?ir 1er G-*nta' cait?- in HM tb? novelties. There ia not ?KHHH' furnishing e.s!abli? r stock of Z-iieler's shoes, than we h:ive ever kept before. We now b -ve Cheae'gooda III al! stvles for children, misses and ladies Wo are exhibiting .< tn" liner gr*d"s than we have heroto f ire shown These am all rnsde to upe ?uni ;>rder and Hre second to no nboo made in the United stutes. Genta' hand made Kin ms. We hs ve upwards nf $3.OOo worth of Shoes ami Boob), including al ?rudes, all of which have been bnuir'htai iioaitqitarters, and;wesAtt atfirdto neil bern KS cheap as any niie. So give us a ?rail when yon want shoes Tnnnkina my friends and customers (of Ute liberal patr?uage that I have re ceived, and am -till roc ivioir, laball ?ry4 harder, in tho future to merit a ooutit.u ance nf tho tame. ALVIN UART. Edgefield, % G., Nov U, 'Hi. New crop N. <). Svrup, at BrnNiPr^?n ._ f^i--1 A ."upTior assortrcenr of Flannel, from 10c to 75c for an extremely handsome piecn of tioods. Twilled F.'snne' in various colors. Can ton Fjannel S tr? 18c. Beautiful all Linen Turkev red Tani* ."loth, and an assortment of Tatilo Lmens D ?ihea and Toweia at new prices lor this mark-t, at ti 43 J M COBB'S MARr.IRD roar Blnrkville, S C.. No v mher 221. 1882.-by Rev. A Buist, Mr? J L. SHAW of Eic ?-ld countv, rind Uaw II ETTIE MATHIS, of Barnwell county. MARRIED, NOV. 231. lSS?T^ Rov tf\ R Tray WICK. Mr A K. TRIBBL??. of N wl erry conntv, end MISH FL?RI?NCE PERKY of E-igVfield county, 8 Ci MARRIED, Nov-26th, 18S2. at the resi dence nf the bride's fntberj the Hon G W Tnrner. bv tl e R-v Thou Wallor, Mr R F HORN to Mies LELIA TUB NEK. YESTERDAY'S MARKET. Tone of the markejPla, m., steadyi 8, p m., steady. . Orcinary._ ti ntion ia to'establish'.' a FtrsVclasa Shde jado, regardless o: its cost. Comp to eadonarters ^JA9 Isl. COB?. 'Christmas Cards, Toys and Dolla, nt W. N. BURNETT'S. "?"ever before have I offered in thin .irKet such a beautiful and fanhionabl! i of Hosiery fir men, ladies and chi! |jii, and at such low pricw. he best stock of Gtove.3 in town. Kid ? Jre warranted. ?I ats snd Gente' Furnishing Goods a | lally this seaeon, at ?43 , J M COBB'S. M. Il --I For $2.25. (PHE ADVERTISER," k wi ra A ?jPREMil?M BOOK, s to Kach Siib>criber. Gri at Deal ofGood Reading for a Very Little Money. JWe aro pleased to announce io oui todera that we have succeeded in mak Ife arramr- m?nt8 by which we can ?encl *E ADVERTISER ?nd Hny one of th? ilowlng lint of Choice BOOKS to e"ery l*cn her on receipt of $2.'?5. rPERION. Ev H W Longfellow. lJTRB-.>ll%R. By U * L? ngfelinw IK HAPPY BOY", AND ARNE. Hy Pjon stern? Bj-rnsou ANKEN TfcIN; OR. THE VODKRN PKU.METHHUS. By Mr? Mary W?>1 ?to ne cruft. Shelley. kTTIK. Bv Joseph linton. i MOON'S' ONK Bv Wilkie rollins. IS COMING R VCE; OR. THE SIEGE Ol I(GR.A.\ADA BI L rd Lytton. IE THREE SFANIAUDS. Ry Georg. Waiker [B TKT< KS ' HE GREfcKS ?NVKU - ED. H rt Hnudin. iBBK C A? HN. Ludovic Hoievv. IE K' ?y Rnbecca Fergus K' deliff E / * COLLEEN By ?ra. AL Buch am . ? ' ' [EkcRS ATTER GOD. By ranon Farrar IE GRtEN MOUNTAIN BOYS Tbouip son. [BURETTE Ry Eugene Ferine. 'UM? lliOUGillb. By Rhoda Brough ton ?E NEW MAGDALEN. Bv Wilkie Col lina. fUKCE. By Margaret Lee. f? OP WASHING!ON. By Leonard Henley. |KNB; OR, THE LONELY MANOR. By Cari Detlef. JE VERBA. By F. Anstev. rfl ALIFAX Bv Miss Mulock. T& i/F MARIUN. BJ Horrv and U'eems !E H ERM 1Tb. By Kev. Cnaa. Kingsley. 'K'h OF CAN DOS. By A M*(li*v. ST LYNNE, liv Mrs. Henrv Wood. SK El RE. Bv'Cnarli-tte Bronte. 'PATIA. Bv Rev Charle? Ki gslev. LRKIAGE IN HIGH LIFE. By Octave Feuillet. ' I. ASTp-iYd OF POMPEII Bulwnr. I VAN HOE. Sir Halter scott. J UjLLIVKK'S TRAVELS. WTOAK AWAKEFIELD Goldsmith. 1 ll E FR KN CH RhVuLUriON; c?rl>le. C UKIN NE Madame DeStaH. * RIEP BIOGKAPH1BS. Smiles. 1 "M BROWN A r RUG lY. Hughe*. 1 HE KORAN OF M O HA vi M ED. 8 *ST.UF THE ?OUIC?Nd. Cooper. ? OM OL A George Eliot ? BM IMS :b'NCEd. Thoa Carlvie. h OMER S 1LI\D Translated, fl 0 VIER'S ODYSSEY Trans?an d. H KROK8 ANn H Eh O AToRSIMP. Carl vb. b JGENO^OF PATRIARCHS AND PU O PU ?TS. * 3.MK LIBRARY OF BIOGRAPHY. 3 SOP h F vB..i.S. ? iSS EL AS Samuel J hnson. ' " ?T1ES AND SPORTn FOLt BOYS, jj SKETCHES FROM TEXAS &IPTINGS T lia book is the sensation of the hour ?e^domaud for it baa never been ? quat book oi 'J.8 pages, o .iitalnini! ui"r< Ian one hundred ot' the original sketch grillen by Alex. Ii Sweet and J Ar ofy Kimi, and published in Tezu pig*, the celebrated humorous wee?.: |?iie?>e books are all handsomely bonni cloth, embossed ai d gold c veis, am febrinted with good ly p<*, on line whit . tinted paper. Many are b-aipifnll' luatrated. They are not shoddy pape* ;ered affairs, but b?iks ?.hieb will b credit to any library. I^yr-Seud your *>ub-criptii>iis tu ..THE AtyfKftTI-KB ? Edg+?eld, ?i C. H BRUNSO?^ (in the Ljnen llutiding.) Ha3 just opened a full ll s, Wood & Tin wai A call respectfully solicited, tov: 1, 1882 -!81y IE PILES CAN BE CURE RY the BUCKEYE FT LS OIN tj?NTi or the COMPOUND PU ?NTMENT, either ot which w ini re iet, and ?iihilly cure thn inc ?tinato cane. For palo bv D R DURISOE & C<~\ )ct, 17, '82 -ti4Li ?. CIVIL E\GI\EER, ?.O?NTY RUBY EYING, D1VISK ESTATED, FAKV1 BURYEYIN fPYING of PLAT4, AO , will recei >mpt atteution, at reason ible tsrm.i AddresR : Butler P. O., lg. 16, 1882.-3m] Edge?eld Co., S ACHIN? AV. J. ?1? 734 and 736 Rej hmd nnd to arrive, the lare? !.. of any house In the South, cmsii 100 SMITH COTTON PRFS^E-?. 100 POLLARD'S CM \MPIU\ ? I 1W) FAIRBANK'S ST\ND \RD 20 r\LB?>Tr? SON'S KMUP 20 W A f KR TO IV N li S GI N KS, 20O.&O i OOPEK ec i O's KiS 25 J W CARDWELL A * O'S 25 B. GI LL A S< ) N S PE '. RI 50 "ACME" CLOD CRUSHE Most Thorough Pulzeriz^ 50R\WKON HE \TERS-Sin; 25 JO.f INSTUN H A RV EST KR 10 iOHNSTOV HARVESTER 10 JOHNSTON li \RVESTEfl 10 H?BB VRD GLEANERS ai grain and bind it et anv I 10 EM ERSON, TA LC< ?TT At j 20 EMERSON. TAL* -OTT cv < .JO JOH NSTON H AKVESI E* 20 RAWSON MOWERS. Iso, larvre stixik of EXTRA HE *VY RUBBER a LACK LEATHKR, BELT HC STEAM GU AGES, WHISTL CHE'^K, OijOBE, ANGLE. P OILi UPS, LU "RICATORS, IPurchasers are cordially invited reet, and examine tue. m< et c>w " U>getber in thia city. eprUMy. ?sr* WRITE ro-Q?^ nat i vu o mn COLUMBIA- S* 0. arid "ask ? liera f?rpricw of nV,y tbin& yea want. Thc-j xt?ep s. full 'ine pf Oroofcery TIN WARE. WOOD WAKE, OIL STOVES. FAKCY GOODS, LAMPS. MOTTO FRAMES, CHAMBER WSTS. PICTURE FRAME?-, GLASS WARF.. BABY CARRIAGES, CUTLERY, ETC.. ETC. AU Itt to s answ&?? promptly, Colombia, S. C., Oct IS, '*:>_ ly A COMFORTABLE HOME, WITH GRIST MILL AND WA ThR POWER GIN al! complete.' F ah P i d stocked with German C rp. Truck Farm only one mile ot a ? mr shing town.. Properly '.'ill pay for itself in two year?. . E u-y terms. . For partii'ii!>*rs, address ?CLAUDE E SAWYER. Aiken, S. C. Nov. 22. 18S2-tf. Fruit Trees! SUMMERVILLE NURSERY. r am now prepared r/>snpp'v th*?pnblio with nil vnri-ii-8 ?f KKUIT THEE (Jr-tpf Vines. Ai-, at rea-*onabl? pri?e?* I nail sp-eial a?t?n ion to ?hu IK OME PEARS Thi* tree ?rows from .'titting* and (wara tn five years, bear? full and ripens in Juiy. 1 Y- ar Vnrsery. All lirdnr or Miers of inquiry should i be addn need to me at QtJITM 'R GA . and will retv-ive prom tait ...,-ID. I ?foiit? Pear Trees can I* shipped from Summ rville, N C.-or from m\ Nnr-ery n#*re A11 other Tree? or Vine* M iii bo shipped from ber?. W. ti. BtR\ES. Q litman, Ga, Nov 22. 1S?2 - 2m AGENTS* FOE THE PAMO?S Eclipse Traction and Portable Engines! r! 1E W A YN ESCORO P.i 'l.l PSE SEP A K A TO K, HAW MILLS; POTTO N GINS. Also. THE AMERICAN. FRUIT DRYER, Par ti ea wishing the -above, id dress SPEAKS & BRO. Klnard's T. 0., S. 0. .FOR'COUSMI/DSjM f j TVTT'S EXPECTORANT. j JAYNE'S I- XPECTORANT. \. i DR. BOSCH EIS SHERMAN QYKTP. . k j DR. BOLLS COUGH **YR?P 'I AYERS CHERRY PECTORAL Cou?fSS8*a COM HONEY OP TAR. ALLENS LUNG BALSAM. AIIVHVS in eU ok and tor pain hy Oct 25-ti D R BURISOE & Co. urn \ Gout im %\ ii At'RES of hind, mor" or ie? lying on Itlair's Road, about ?nile* from Greenwood and AtnriiHta F 't., adjoining lands of Mrs. Marth Hoi mos and others One third of ibi land tinder cultivation. Gold in oonsid -rabi**quail>I ie* are indicaifd from spe( linens lound For terms spplv to R G. M DITN?VANT, Rp.al Estate Agent, Edxe/he.d, S. 0 Au* I?*--tf DESIRABLE PLAC? BWK ?ALE. d ! i T OFFER my pbtee of 157 acres forsal ! JL -lying South of Lees*, i'le two mil* I and two niilc'K of Bateaba rt;. Any pei )r, i -? \ RD MOWERS-New MAN L CO. MO WE Rd. nd LE \THKR BELTING. ?. MJK" and HIVE TS. W*\ GOVERN?P TO SEE TEE ORA .VD EXHIBITION OF FURNITURE Now offered In Au pris ta UNEQUAL].ED. Our Ware Rooms are apsHoae and ^Uht easy nf a^eesa No more je inc up and down stairs-{PASSENGER ELK V KT?>K i'r'?m ttmr to fi ?or. A v!?it to our Ware Rooms wll,? aatisfy ai?v person r.iiat we bnve th* Choicest and Finest Stock in Augusta. Our mia are Warranted. No Nhoody so d KU ?vi WICK OP KV KR Y WES RIPrubx' O i examination of mir L'rfp* Stock, for Qnali'lea ?nd Prices, it cannot be denfiHti that WHBHI Goods L?r>wer and better than aiiv other'Hou*?. t'ait and examine ty>r yourselves. N B -All Furniture packed and delivered at the fi^p^ts ffr??H ? f charge. War? rant all weevil. Remember; oUH PRI E* ARK THK LOWEST. S, Ag'ts, Nov. l,-6m) IN. A TT UKO 1 HER"*, Atf'ta , 7lfoand 712 BROAD FT. JOHN C. DIAL, COLUMBIA, S. C.? Direct 1 mporter and Dealer in EUe MD AMERICAN / HARDWARE, Indi* Rubber and Leathei B^Itirg, Sugar Cane Mills, Evaporator Pane? Sheet Coj per and Galvanized Sheet Iron suitable for making . Evaporators, India Rubber and Hemp ?Packing, FdeB. Wren-h>s, Punchen, &c , &l\ Mechanics' Tools of Every Description, Flows, Chains. Corn Shellers. Feed Cu "tera. Harrows, Circular Saws, Upright Mill S-t^s, Lime, Cement, Piaster, Window Glass, Paints, Brashes, Var nish, Carriage, Buecy and Wag ?ixty to Hlxty-five acres, fine garden spol, fineorcbxrd and grape vines, very large and oommodl mn uouse and good ou'bouees. App.y tn MRS ?'HEATHAM, " * or XA MES T. Ii ACON. Kov. ?, 'Si -u 61 MILL & LANDS FOR SALE. W*t*r Circular Raw, Orlut Mill and Landa for ?ale. m ?ho ?ork of Ed ?tc, tn Orangoburg county. Apply to HT. A? EASTEBLI\7f On tb? pito*-, 1 H nu- io n tu at Nov. ??,_8t?t] ?luu*K'e,6.a