t i iv i ?ni nn/vn>n i prwipPTEM nor TTTRSTUV MTOMITCR 7. 1882 ? VOL. XL m l?JU^. J. AUA MS, COPARTNERSHIP. FROM THI* DATE MR. CHARLES P. BA KKK will h* associated with me i-i the Cotton Commission Bus iness, which will be d?iti1u<'U:d under the uame uf J. .M. DnMeU A' <'<>. .I M. LU KDE LL. ? J M. BPRDRLI, CHAS. F BAKER. J. M. BURDELL & CO., COTTON FACTORS C0MMISSI3N MERCHANT Continu^ Business a* heretofore, at FireProof Waxelumse No 19 McIntosh St., AUGUSTA, C3--A.. Strict ?f?en iori tn al! con.-Ljnmenls and pr<>mi?t remittances, amr 81-HM 3m. RAKE CHANCE AS Ascent fir th? owner*. I have, for sal? Three Hundred and S?venty tbreei373' Acres of tue rine^t pine land in the County-within two miles of John ston and on? mile of the (. c * A. R. R. S. g. TOMPKINS. Sept. 20, D82- lf42 TOOTHACHE DROPS. M Who the raging toothache will endur?. When there can b* found a speedy curt- ? 'Twill kill the n?*rve and *?a?e the pam, And give the Ruff rer relief again " F'>r sa'e, at 15" per vial bv Oct. 25,-:f D. K D?RISOE ? CO. w. ET SPEIR, DESIGNER, Consulting and Sup? rintend?ng ARCHITECT. PLANS :nnd Sp?i?i firatioris at M od e rat rh arges. OFFD'E No.? LAW RANCE, AUGUSTA, GA. SIMMONS, HEPATIC. COMPOUND Or lim aili! Kidney Ture. -- Toe Wonderful The Wmde.fnl The [nyiiror tiing Th-' Purifjrine The Invigorating The Purifying The Cleansing The CluHripiojT I.ivrp. AND KIDNEY MEDICINE. LIVER AND KID VE? MEDICINE '. If yon h*ve a h?d taste in your m.inth. fiallmvnn-M or yellow e. -lor of -kin. feel nMpV-frrjPTf. utnpj I and dro . ;r. appetit-e ne**, you sri- '.liiliou-," and "ofhinsr will arou-w? v 'ur Iii ver to mVand s'renirih .en nn v ur "v?-t?-rn ?-qnd to MMMDXS' HEPATIC''o:.nv>UNn. U?ed moderately ?during ??xpo-iir?? io inalarial noisons, it .enable* th?* Liv??- to work off th? p< i-jon. ?and wi 1 ton? prevent. Chills :i?'l Fever. Forth? Ptiri?cati >n of th? Uiood sci ence has not. a.-? yet discovered a rnedi .cine to equal SbWOW BKP?TII1 rovp?i:\|)( O "Fi LIVER CURE. For ?nie hy D. K. IHTK!*ilF ?fe Co.. Rd?cfieti| *.r. j DO WIE it MOISE Proprietor*. Cha ri ra to a, S. C. Oct. 19, 'S2--3tn4? -j G EXPE6T0BAHT Ia eampowl o? Herbal and M ir liiyinoua prod C.U-,-.vm;.: pi tnifiitp tho. kttlMUutite ?- tuc Uangs, expectorates th* acrid matter Uiistj.i-cLju inn xtowichial 'iubv>,uttdt>>rai4n. I soothing .-ci. it-;;, iduvlt reliever Cha ir iltatlon.' *.:-...? >:. . v-? U.t- c"?i?ii. li cl?xn*es UMluacsof ?'1 iinpnrtiiv?, .if: mgthens CuaW&n cn.'eeuled hy dtacaae,i?-.*u'o. u'.?s lb? cucuia-.ua ol' th? b ood. and bracesthe tt-rmussyst^m. Nlt?ht e^Id* often end l:i .(omampUon. ?ci -' danr-rrcaatoneRlsii them. Apply thc xcuioiiy promptly* A ttMtoftwnTjr yiriwarrants tlii R--i-'-.:on tbst xto remedy ha?er?r hern r".>it?d that loti prompt i . : nifertsr, Tl?77'i? EXPEliTOSAN?. . A Bindle dose ralscn the phlegm. luoduCi X 5-imraafion.n.id its .?:??.? ]r eure* tit* ino-1 .??M?inate eonjh. A p",<.-.??.-it cordial, chil rlret? talc? It rend I ly. fr Croup lt i-> Lnvaluah'o PM lIAi'Ubt fa e-rerrffini?r. _In 2i?c. nnd Si Tiottle?. T7? a .ftST DI H COT LY OFJ TH? LiVER. Cuire ? hil.o n:>y*uep?in, BIe2sMMUIaelte?3ttillond c.:!?r,C??\tLsui,Pi!c<, l'alpUntloni t the2??varl, ;>Izxiueas, 'Xorpld Liver,and Veciai? Lrretrnlarltles. lfjou do r.o: "foti T'-ry veil," ? ?'n?!* i- ll s:imnlsios tbe??onnieh, x*?:n?-??:t? r-neti?c,i?-i;vnni ripor to tLo ay^-.?a. A HOTED DIVISE SAYS; lui. i JIT:-L'ir Air? 1 ten yiars I have VOL-P. a martyr t.> l?y-pei- i-., Cen^tipatioa and i jlr?. Laat&i-riniry??r j-r.'s v.tiereconiiutndcd loue;X road theta (but ?*i hlittlefaitu). Ia? .row a well nmn, liav? p.v.il appetite, tufeatioa jerfect, wsulur B?UO -, pius goae, and \ hnre i -i:--dfotiy pounds Bylidll:j\ They arewo-.a r -<-<-isr*itinp' 1J. EEV.Jt. L.snrPSON.LruIirme.K,. ? ???llee. :t5 7t?nrray St., IV trw York. X>n. wws* yx.vnxjAJj or i ?crtiv ?cccip:-, ! o:i application? THE EiMaurii &Tl W!r.> F'-"?e whieh ?r? non- hp .ine U?"? ?ct ?lie Vorth MOO* ^nKhwwt in 'profierenpe fr> sm<- ? ?iir-r Iritiel of fpflrfnir. "Wherever li rv-i* K^en tried lt has Riven jfrPaf. ?ntlr unv-tHpr aniir;:t!.?i th???e and Rbe!i?-r? no enp mie?i to en>p>4 or jviTjirr-r. It 1?? jnit the f.-t?oe for Carden", I/>t-<. lia^'n?. Pltk? ?nfl i^erneterl??!* Bein'.'dipped in R'int-pr'^f point lt will laut a life time, ?nd ^ boiter than board Jeno* in everv r?>*r?fW. It ia easi'v and qniekly pot up. Specimen* ?>f Vent* arni r?ateu Can he seen at the ,A PVKRTISKR hulldinar where ? stock is kept on h?nd. ?nil wh>-re ?ll Informatirm as to price, a8$209, 1 the Counties quid at ed. Tue ainst the school ear ont of the irL-eSect of the of the school enhanced value tificates, which .each year by e several Coun improvements^: Superintendent i DR full accounts of the two large Normal Insti and one for col uring the last e public school ly established in fiends of popu l?os: lorward with *ady progress and :o?lE0E. endowed with a ited,by the ienx ior the" i ture and the rn* jkated at Orange ry for'the benefit It han been in JD for some years j sports the past as ly ear in ?ts educa |its ! organization sri etudents in at 24 were in the kent, 136 in tho [184 in the Gram formal School ia most important Ijge. Both gradu senates readily find i public schools for c the State. An .fons hundred and Iced to the institu forked, chiefly lader, the instruc of a Buperinten lY ACADEMY. (blishment of the $24,000 annually ig support of two ?ted men, who were care of the ord Ince stores of the y Act of the Leg- j iropriation, alter- j Jo $30,000, was di Intenance of a mili cadets -of which |rge the duties bith these. enlisted tuen, lodeled upon West imated that inetitu mghness ot instruc of usefulness was itv-two years, when fe civil war its sea', rn as the Cit del ip Eta ii en possession cf overnment and UH td )oses. In anticipa of the Citadel to the State, at its last ?lature directed the Academy and ap for the purposes maintenance for the feb. would probably ie recovery of the close of the fiscal idemy was also by sch of the Univereity. as been restored to n the 2d of October ly was reopened with the Board of Vim? titted, will inform you laeot condition of this Iked feature in its or of its cadets, eisty from each County, as beoeficiaries by |re required for two Ration to teach in [flobooid of (ha County jy respectively rece ve jut. Regulations rig jfseek to confine this JL 4 JL*r i-J \-' ?--? -'J?. lonnty to deserving youths who bavp \ lot the means in their own right anrt ? < vhose parents are unable to educate j > hera. Selection is made among ap- ! D?cants by competitive examination. . The beneliciaries are furnished, free j it charge, with tuition, clothing, sub- ? ?istence and the necessary academic j. ippliances. The remaining cadets . ire pay pupils, and are charged $300 j Der annum, which is the estimated j jost to the institution of r each. To continue the present number will require $20,400 for the present fiscal yea-. Arms and accou treraents, which the Adjutant Gen eral'a department cannot supply, are also necessary. A *ma!l appropi ta lion to that department for this pur pose is needed. A claim, on behalf of the State, ?pon the Federal Government, for the use aud occupation of the Citadel ?ince the u ar hn?> been made and will, I have no doubt, be soon equitably adjusted. When this fuud is realized it will reimburse tho State for the 8um already expended in repairs,and probably oe sufficient both to restore the wing bumed while in the posses sion of the United Staten troops and to equip the Academy fully for the part which I am convinced awaits it Tu a??rtllofc to our people'! ?rt muon needed facilities for higher education. SO?TE CAROLINA COLLFrtZ. The branch of the University, sit uated at Columbia, is eudowed with the portion set apart for the benefit of white students of the fund donat ed by the United States for the pro motion of agriculture and the me cbauic arts. It was rf organized last Spring by the establishment ol five additional professor-hips, making ten in ail, and one ol which is of agri culture and horticulture. The scope of the instruction offered was largely extended, and for seveiJ distinct and full courses of study, some liberal and some technical, provif-ion is made. The Coll'ge thus reorganized and en larged opened with 14$ ptudents in attendance. Lodging is provided, the only charge being ten dollars annu ally fer repairs, and tuition is free to all students whose parents reside in the State. The students are boarded at their own charge. The developmeut hereafter to be given to this institution ehoSild. in order to meet the just expectations and demands of the age and the re quirements of the Act of Concrets, to which it fUTPs all nf it? prrm?nent endowment, be ?srgeiv ni the direc tion of applied science. ]tshould be made the home of the practical art? and science" as well s? of the claspics. It should be able to send lorth the youth of the State well equipped for the practical pursuits Hud avocations of life, and hence technical training should be as anxiously provided for as liberal culture. The agricultural departmentehould be so developed HS to materially aid in building up the. agricultural inter* est* of the State. Not only should the oppoi tuuity he given to the ming generation of farmers to acquire the scientific principles upon which their calling it breed, but the ?Hrmere them ! selves should have th? bectfii of the j experiments sud tests of a veil con I ducted experimental farm located in their midst. Negotiations are now in progress between the State Bureau of Agriculture and the agricultural department of the College, which will, j if perfected, tend largely to bring j abo..t this most desirable result. ID I order to secure harmony of purpose, j and union ?nd concentration ol ei ; fort, tba two depart ment* will be j wada to mutually assist and strength j eu each other. To thie end the Col j lego will make the analyses, research j es and practical tests required by the i Bureau of Agriculture, and the re j suite will be given to the public in .' the occasional bulletins of the Cnm I miesiouer of Agriculture. The re port of the Professor of Agriculture j will also be made a part of the An nual Report of the Bureau. 1 Tho Report of the Trustees of tho University to be submitted, will ask fjr a continuance of the last appro priation of $12.000 for this College, :rbich. in addition to its perraan mdowment, they estimate will ?officient for its need?. INSTITUTION TOR THE DEAF A Xl DUMB AND THE BLIND ThiR institution for the etlnc&t jf the uniortnnaie youth of the St s located at Cedar Springs in Sp ;anburg County and bas for ye jeen in successJul operation. Don ,he past year it hap had sixty* two j rils in attendan* e. I would ask ye attention to the interesting Report :he Superintendent, and particulai tiis recommendation that provision made for the education of coloi ?leaf and dumb and blind childn The suggestion is made of tb* enti li.-hment of a separate depart mB#?S OF THE SJEAS? \ \ - At 722 and. 913 Broad Street, VJ VRE SLAUGHTERING BOOT*. SHOKS AND HATS. T IL;;. AR -TWO LARGE STORES FILLBt) WITH BARGAINS. iJ^D-H ILL / DE STRANGE IF YOU CWNNOT BE F LE \SED AMONG ao*.H A VARIETY. WE OFFER: 'nfani's Lace Shoo's. niant's Li'!P Shoes, a better erarle... fnfunf 8 Kid and Pebble but'ed Shot* 'hildren's Pebble .Shoe*, heal*.I ?hildretl> A <"alk Folk'/-*, heels.: .'hi'dmn's Pebbl..bu:Vd Shoe?,h?e?^ \lis?c?.V 1 Kid Buttoned'^h'**.\ Wisse?' Pebble Luce Shi.es..vi Indies' Cl th Buskins..1 L*die?i' Kid Slippers. Ladies' OalC Pegged 8rin?s. Ladies' Kid Lin. d Ser^u Buskins.... Lud les' Moquer W ippors. Ladies' A Cali' Une .Shoes, newed. ladies' Pebble L*ne Shoes, newed..*.! Ladies' 1 Pebble Biurou-'d Sh??--?.' \<) ? 2fi 50 \ M ; ttl ; sb i 35 J Si SI .Hi '".> : DU j ladies' 1 Kid Buttoned - .I Lad'n.s' Kid ?pera'SUppe. .1 L-idien'Kid Saod.'.l SlipLt . .i ?'.-ofits* < arpetSUppew. Genu' Pel-bL- flippers. . i.Miits' Cable i-'en-ved Ct? Gents' Sewed Bos Too < '-Cents' Keavy Boots, soi Gents' b ees Calf Baot*, . !. Boys' Heavv Brogans!:.. . B ivs' Dr? FM Brojpms. Buys* DI-'?-S Lact? Shoes...I Youths' Tip ?ed Boots 7 ; .1 'ieut.s' and B*?vs' Wool : . Gents' Stiff H\ts. Gants' Felt Ha 11.1 uti. rn...I i alters. I .I -ALSO Zsigier Bros , Evitt B^os. and Miles & Son's And the Most desirable Lines LadiW, Misses and Children'.. F ?io Shoes. We have a dargo stock of BOOTS, SHOES. HA^TS AND CLOTHING! -iF OTTB, WHOLESAZL-lE DEPARTMBN"T1 Which we offer ?it less than New Yorl^ .lobbers* Prices. Close i ei n ; f these goods will make B mistake if they ?'?ii to ??t?i?e our *toii. WILLIAM M?ipE?N & CO., 722 and 913 Broad Sireat, Augusta, Ga. CLOTHING D?PART .lF*5ff, .NO. M JONES ST. Sept, 20, 1 ?82-3 m-4.!. ! LITTLE BOYS ^SjyES^CB^:^, : Bid- BOYS TOO TjE?E S^ME; YOUTHS BElviBMEBB, YOTTITSTO- ?VLB3NT TOJO THE S-A-ME ; OLJD HUHEIST DO T^?E SAMS -AT 7S2 Bro Ad St., Aiigruftta, Ga. There is the lartrft^t and most elegant selection of SUITS, OVERCOATS/ HATS, USS DER WE AH, &c, in Augusta, at Me very l?west prioff. If yon want to buy, either at WHOLESALE or SET.til., cali and examine. \ A. Wi BLANCB?BD, A'tfpt. 27, 1882-8tt?t3J \ JOTJ.'.J. . ? & Co. IIB i Jill ? STA, CM. af lilli We Jteep on hand at ?ill times ihe fin est and best assorted stock-and we have ihe most elegant Store ipr showing it in all the South. Velvets, Plushes, Sijfks, Satins. jYov?? ties, and everything desirable in Dress Goods; Fine Hosiery, ILadies, S?sses and tien ts, Gloves, Laces ?fnd Notions gener ally; Underwear in gijeat variety : Cassi meres, Kerseys, Jeans/ Homespuns, Linen and White Goods; Cloaks, Dolmans, Jack ets, &c; Blankets arvd Flannels lia RTfRBNI OT IHK HMl ilfiWiS is in our Stock Wfe offer no Trash ; but on Good Goods tve GUARANTEE PRICES against every market in the United States. A s?rrc% fir?ttlr.ss Dre^M:n).k-n? ?? partment a featwre/of our business. STORDERS filled promptly and carefully. AwrUhtn, Gu., '>?-t. I!. -1". / il ci / Ot I DEALER IX A? .ea?y-Made ?l?t'kiif Rftii?iwciiiiinnNisHiNfii^m to A full Stock of MEN'S, YOUTHS' and BOYS' Ready made piothiny AL WA TS ON HAND rd 736 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. t&r ^Jr. Avery f?SnascI is with me, and he will i>e g i fit all time* me t liiT>T?