J Ed^erteia, ?. C.. August l?, li>78. [Commenced on our First Faye.] into one this evening, ami, upon hon or, I did not ^misspell a single word. My chum is Dr. L. D. Waterman, ot Indianapolis. During the war, he w i3 a. prisoner in Charleston. The Doctor rensiders reconciliation tue true policy. BANKS OF NEW FOENDLAND, } Wednesday, 17th, J Thtrm->m?ter down to forty-two. Cloud's mid then sunshine. A little fleet of fishing smacks in sight, al.-o iolii-h, fresh and still fluttering a4 the string. A schcol of spouting whales excite the land lubbers cf our party. "Nothing but a plank be tween us and eternity." But the Ethiopia is built of stanch timbers, and ircn. It is four hundred find ten feet long ; thirfy-fenr and a hali deep ; and forty in width. It has a carrying capacity of four thousand and four tons ; eighteen furnaced and seven boilers, which are equal tc twenty-one hundred horse power. I' has accommodations for one hmidrec and fifty saloon passengers; fifty ir second cabin and twelve^.Rriir&?ei steerage. This fine vessel wa? launched in ISTd, and it cost six hun hred thousand dollars. Archibah Campbell is the commander. He i kind, polite and talkative. The tah] is very tempting to the appetite, am the variety of dishes seems to be in exhaustible. Min-OCEAN, Thursday, IS. Bright, breezy and beautiful perfect day. Thermometer 47? tiii good morning ; but towards night fall, the winds are soft and gentle At the Great Banks of N^w Found l..nd, there is a current of cold wa t*?r; that chills the air. Some part of the Banks are only ninety feet be low the surface of the spa. Bai weather i: nut to be encount^r^ here, but we escapa! it. On ! Scotch yarn jirt related within m; hearing. Mr. Leadbeater, a plumbe of Glasgow, amassed a fortune, an* built a fine lmuse in the country Officious friends suggested a librar for this dives whose education ha been neglected. "What books wi' yon have?" rpiprie-d the man of type; ' Give me Shakspeare, Scott. Burn1 and a lot of them chap.-!. In shoor: give me nboot a ton 'o books al tc Dither." Next interrogator'.* : "ITav them hound in J'-u^ia or $f?rocco ? Second rer-lv : "I'd rcl/ier hue ilia bnond in Glasgow ?>KE? *A\-TEP.. FT-"'? - V. 10. .s?.->-Tn/-. n fi fl s ???UP r-dT Pl|-(i;i.?i'.<] von mav k-fn 'n? rest of hodi' ills under foot/ Providpucp Hoing th .finding* .?Sir of ev^ir .'"?riratiot Trying to read Scoffs ' lindy nf tl Lik?1"; but r^ali'v wirb m? hnf? rd *-->^dv snrM"cr<(] .] j-o' 'rv. nod J n k'-jT1 r?f>j* f.v|lrttr tho n:icn svMt?tj li* tl* (d lld. f 'V.vs it? mo'li-'f. \n 0 .lior.T-fdli n g match. :;m* your cr*r respond ?Tit: boat the sb i f's rnr?r>?n ? nf. t! .-ir own gam?\ All had ber-i /nroed tn sf and aeidpfor bid -.p'dlinr rxoert E IC and Miss M.. of Brook Iv.rj. At Mist this l-n'v mi?eppl!?-?: ht%nf??nalfk. E. K rpelU-d th< Word and sto^d a'one. Gcr.F :'Tr.n.\'.[ -\r..>.!>:. ~]l Si.^rdsy;:20?h: f A fni'gv <}->Y. and aboiit every ?.?J mi nu'PS tire whistle blows. A fag a s&a is move tobe dreaded than sf? trop .Ifrships \ uuvri ?'.pads, soruphovy i: 1 ound to stiff Or. nccountj of th* mist, no vessels were .-f?'Ti by n = to day. Oar situation is not very * lens nnt. It is a time for introsp-ction and the breaking of Mo!.---for a ron Bul tn ti on -'with tie Bible mid unfa] taring (iii t. Went to tlie bow e? 1h-> vessel, Jin route, rount?d fifty, one hors.- all upheld by broad bard ages u-di-r thyir bodies. Th*?sp aid mal? 70 ont {n work in harness at th? front of tiie Street Oats. At the fdr? part of a.steamer, a man becomes impatient, trad very imaginative Why not move a little faster? Hov. will you t-njoy the novelties of r strange land ? Or will home fill the heart, 'or satisfy the longing sou' when the voyage is ended ? DEEP "WATER, Sunday. 21st. A pleasant elsy. A little fog make.' the Oee;.n sec tn less harsh and barren. This is cur second Sabbath rn th bosom ff i!.? mighty (b-.'p. Jr is-?, long time to be cut < fi' from tj;e wooiien worhl. News is scarce with, iii nu hn-ird the Erliiopi 1. Ti;us far, nothing unusual has happened to anv nf ihe passengers. Can tile j as.-vn gers to . ?f! riiiy on huid say as milgi tr? fhemstdves with r?i. :vnce to lbj lust,?dght ?lays ? 'l o day. Mr. Toonil >-on, a Seot?di I're.-by t? ri.ui residing in 0 ria?lu, impressed up n our mind, the pirinvuiuC importance of bgi nc recpn?ilad to G I throngii J^.-n ''hri-t our Siviour: A n >j, iii. e. G v *?&in two walli together, i-xeept iii?} l e npre?'l. j Pp akfivi wrafjier. Sollie . i- ods t, hrftfun r!lk?i' n rin^ dny. Af . r . it ht fal , ti-'' 'dnar ^l^y, ti;.- g?rte; rn : st?J8 tiie pale inoe.n and the glassy ?.pa ri d- up a ; roture to to;is> tn? dtiHest soul from torpid l?fn?rgy or stupid indifferent?. For : ine days ihe Bteaioer's engines had not cesspd to throb like the heart of som* mig!, y mammoth. At dinner to-day, how ever, without aa intimation even io; the command, r ol ? he vessel, all * Ii e m.-.ch?n'?ry was suddenly stopped, j Surprise' if not fear, was depicted in every face. The ?second officers, who j sits near me, left the table and went on deck. Still ( vei y lindy s?eme ^Oh'y a .-crew loo.se ! And in a few minutes, the Ethiopia was again progressive. Alter twilight, the ship's company was en tertained by singing, reading, recita tions and some original rhymes re ferring to the names ot' the passen gers To-morrow, it is expected that we sh.-.ll see the Emerald isle. Such a. anticipation is redolent of glad ness mingled with gratitude. Lan guage often fails when we are full of feeling when the soul is ready tc claim kin with its native skies. COASTING ROUND NORTH I?ELAND; ) Tuesday, 23d. j The weather-is like a May day in old Edgefleh.'- warm sunshine with mist enough to soften surrounding scenes. Sailors are haulding up trunks from the hold. Sea gulls fol low the vessel as if they had news from the homes of men. Is that a cloud in the window of the morning? A rugged cliff and a lovering Light House give us a glimpse of the Old Country ! This view reveals Tory Island. A little farther and the head lands of Ireland loom up in bold relief against the South E.isten: sky. Basaltic rocks have the form oi CAs?cci, i-pir?? .and temple-. At Mo ville, the port for Londonderry, i salute is fired, but the Ethiopia make; no halt. At noon, the Giants Cause way, about half a mile to cur righi towers up almost nine hundred lee in frowning cliffs composed of stoni columns, suggesting the idea of man': art and design. The "Irish Lady' here looks like the bust of a womal wearing a sun-bonnet. And next, wi see green fields extending down ti the sea, all sheltered from the Eas wind by a ridge of mountains. A stranger is easily induced to murrain " Erin Mavournin, Erin go braugh !' TUESDAY 4* P.M. I see the Mull of Cantyre, th< rock battlements of which raak* Scotland seem to be a near neighbo to Ireland. Here lived the McKen /.ie family and the Mcphail family my own maternal " kith and kin.' Excuse me, bet I havo a reason fo: loving Caledonia's " rcck-ribbed' shores. The first picturesque man sion that meets my gaze, belongs t the Duke of Argyle. Beetling civgs and green fields, with ruined castle or modern palaces finely intersperse! atevry turn ot the enchanted 6horefill my mind with the realities of poetry Bul I must mail these extracts iron my diary before the Ethiopia reache Gla-gow. I will write again.. I es caped sea sickness. E. K. TOO. soe.\ : ? ?MRH nIOM rjnclu lt ? niue Vn -i.e-s t<> n Cum ci ?ho was li: a ?Lirrry to Tuite t'?> a lul.ci.lion. [Ailuint [Ctt.) Constitution.] " Lvy tell- ijie you done jinp tb chu'eb," Mtid Uncle Remus Lu 1',?], < Charily tile oih-r day. " Yes, sir." responded Charle; ?ravdv, " d ii '.s so. " " \YV1I, I'm miglify glad cr nat,' rf-tn-sik?- wliirie town boys. Dey'vc been ;t go::.' back rm me too rapidly here late y >in' now I'.:. pgoir?' bick on dein." " WV11, 11" y.v done]!::.1, de ppenncp on it. Fm mighty ul ad. Ef you got 'iijjnn, yon better li"le on to it 'twell de ins' day in d? inornin.' IT i t's nrirhiy good f?-r Ur 'kym-' 'roun' wid yon in d*? ruy time sn' in de night rim". Ilit'll pav von mo' ibm poli tic0, ;it.' . f vori shari's it;, like you on 'bte-, hi? '!' 1 . ?;* Iof)j;i-j-"n a I. ?. W'um. i-ut vt u wahrer have om er de??? v? r ol?*-lim/1 o-rir??, an' von j^o -'M*"r sl-*-t. vo' f-ve an' pv/insr o" like Mars. Ed. Baldwin'sbull tarrier.' " Oh. I'm cr,in' ro stick. Uncle Ra mil*, i'ou kin put your mo: ev on dat. Dese town boys can't play no more uv der gamea on me. ? m fly. Can't you lend me a dime; U icle Re mus, to buy me a pie ' I'm d it. hon qry dat my st'om ich is gittin' readv to c in monin.'1 Uncle Remus eyed Charlie rmi on=ly a moment, while tl.o lat^-r looked qn;*-liy at bi? timber foe. Fi " How Icrg ip vc ti Linin de ehu'eh. son?" "Mighty near a week," replied ?harlr. " 'vV.-H. lonne t.-ll yon dis row. 'fo von cn oiiii'y ;rd-'- v. Y> ?1 'ab t hin in dar b hg nrfi fi ; lo yo j on ti.' tak.in' up enTijPT'i utirirt?. Wi? it onf well ven eil m'er F?aFr-nfd like, an' den I'll burr 'roun' itt my clnjcn an' see ef I can't rua ont a th rip or two for y..-i. But- don't you l? vy too carly." Charlie laughed and s- id lie would 'et the .-ld man eli' if be nhl tl-af to a watermelon. - .IIII?J^..IW?. .... .?i?>AiU?OB>.M:v.wl'V5i;?~ ? mmm TO TAXPAYERS f??iM J qaaliz -i.e. :....?.! ??. !' i j. ti-h" i_ *"r?tf*??v W3;l ''*? in i lin AilirU-it. an! r mil ll ie --?.Il foi *o x il .i -. ? . ?.. r . - - . ..- ,. in -my a"i| iii i-i:i?> MI - .?- I:,I.I t- ? ?.- i.sTH .?ii to . ? ?!n-- 'i M . : r r ti! -mtv I..... e t.. en mi- o bx th. i .-..r- . .nm. ,\i ?-.;:; \vir: KI?, A.-.r.- 7-2- ni KUL;. ! V- i.A.'u) T A : "?^JfelUr?^ h 1 ' - '*t?tui . i- 1 o .'. tl . -i. Ui-i i.'?ri?t?it?,>i' v 'ii.'f ?..r .lJoUn tv I..III H. I'T s> t v c ? i i il,.? l-'l'iridti War or llie Mt'xii-.t'i VV.ir. eau li vi? fem pr.?.<.<..i-..'., by Mpph'tiiir to ih" ii.-ider sijin? ?1. 1'er.-. oi<. itaving l.tml warr, nts < ri h i .tl eau liaj.-g_t.ni saroo. ini,-ite?l or Ihi'l ;..,n- far Iliefrr.'?U-. t'-.ppIyinr; t?i the linder .si^mtl at i llict! so, liligi liolil S. C. ' 1 j; 1.. A liDTsON. Attoi 'v nt Law. Aug. 7,~lm 84. J CST recei ved a frosh lot jiu rb Cider and White jWino Vinpgnr. Warranted to keep pickles, nt ' PEXX\SDEUC STORE. June fi,-tl - J FOR KIDNEY AFFECTION Call at DURTSOE cc BROS.?, and get Bottle of their superb Clover Leaf Holland Gin. An Imported Article and warranted pure and genuine. Mareil 27th, l^TS-tf-15 Notice of Application for Fi nal Discliai'ge. JJXR, E. J PRICE has filed Ids Peti tion in the Probate Court, , f>r a final dis charge as Executor ot' Joseph Trice, de ceased. Aj bearing of said, petition will lie iiad in tho Probate ('curt, at Edge tieid <'. H., S. C., on the loth dav of Au gust, lbTS. L. CHARLTON", Judge of Probate. July 17 th, 1878-31-5t 03 <-!? 5 P so C O te- ?D ^ tr ??. re ???* CT 2. 2 = 0-C - %JmeS2*5??-v; Ais* ?MI i Jf rf lu ?2 ft ll Sa H i rr 2 I ra ~? O ^ H -J .Xi ct r| ^ tr;1 - c ? ^ s Jv 7. 0 o S5 H'" = tti M 3 ? ZI o =S 0 2 rV c f*5 T. MARKWALTER, li. li L\L H U il life, O "Tr. ...'cur Lower Mar:.ri, A u MONUMENT-', TOMBSTONES, am' M A 11 fi :. i : W( >RK i ; < m T ry, M A I > :< (?? ::)!.:}:. ?stsr A l?rj?O selection -drayson hand ready for h-noring and di livery. Snpt. 2.-?, 1S77. Iv il rn / i- f- ?-. ii v ?Q \*?\'\\ ? TH A HE Best Cardai Seed ever brough to iuu market. For sale at JAMES Y. CI^.^IEATI?, Attorney at Law! Will pm .tree in the Courts of Xewbor rv ?nd Edgelield. 'Oilier, ul N'.-vborry C. H., S. C. Marc), 22. JS7S ly bl ! $?Wls?,JP&rPxHr.ieCtenirVnatr. :LLS .v.: *-!:-.- ^r-x. .*> omni'. .. y.. . ?'^/-1 Botafl"c*"Mcdiciae Co., Bu?Ta'.c/?. Y. f J CST Received-a foil supply BnckHts. Mill"PiO?s; !':i l'iati s. < 'oi?co PiitSj Str^iiicrs;; insh Paiis. Cnj)Sj Cc. Di & Ero'si < ; < ? Ka 231 (td o rc Vanderbilt rr A.Nj>i?t)5?.E L Y cudi wei :< C?iver i l -i- i in the v' ; hui Dr .' im?*? I, .,?..r?..i a in-i.r i-.(... t'.'i-p.-. p e ny L'fv?tiy t'te?i !?? i,J .c-aie.l ! Pi; Til- ;.i" living in -i,. S .nth. ri . < -, ?i- ii ..; 'ii Cnil'.d SKiti sar?- natu nilh subj: ei ; . r ilis.'HsOs, on! these pi.! ... ? i i w av - /'..otl3 received direct from tho Manu facturers, and can sell lower tbnn any Home in tho City. March 27th, lt?7S-dm-lf? ??IE PLANTER'S MOE. fe* DOZEN SUPEUTOR CAST STEEL t> HOES, just received and for sale at low li teures,'hy DTJRTSOE tt 15 RC. April 17 tf IS i;ylt* prat and thorough Uiwl-purlfylnf pmprr Hr. livra-.** CioltU-n M?ithVal Dl-nv.-ry cur? ill Hamer?, iri.ni tl*?- worst Scrofula to a common Ulalah, lloijile.'W Erujitlon. Mercurial diseasf. .MiiK-rul IVISMt Uti?! llnrJr rlfecls,'.?!"!! eradicated, xml vlgunxi . li .'thfnd a ?.Maid r.m-MltiOoti . ita! ll.-ln-d. 1 >} .:;..!..-. Sidt-rb.-uiii, Vuvvf t-Sirvn, SM?IJ ?r linnell Still, 111 Short. ? il . I** - cami ?'. SKMI . :.I, nf.fi d hy lill? powt .-?ul, latrlivli-.v-, and I?vIgonttliiKUH Mw: '?? ' K^f-?-':tllv li.-i- lt man'.ftrsted it* potrncv !n ci:rlnr Tri I rr, l;.?e ltti.lt, \MW> lluronuvlr?, Sore V-Jr*, Mfrufuiitua S-r? liti.l BwellltlC?. Willie Swi-UInc* .;<>! I r.. or Till? - Nvrk, Btu I E?!urcrd tUinuU. tf vow fed illili, drowsy. del Uil.it. d. have Sallow .<.l?.r* ..f ?kin, ??r yclli.?vlsh-briiwn 'pois on fact? or .udy. trt-.;t:? t:t ln\id.n he ?.r ilt?zlne**, bad laste lt. :i .III!I; hilt-real heat M !.:? . r. .-r Mltlllou?itr??l" In many rust?a ol Uv. r ? miu.ii.i.it T'i.illy.part . f-these.syiui tom* ure ."??. n remedv for :.1? wi!i> t*r?, I>r. ?.'<;?.?. i.- i :.-, Medir?! ii?.?.-..v?-ry has if ?.qcal,a. i:iret:ts'j?-riW-t'ait?l radh-alnir?!*. Ill . nr.- ? f Itr.Iii'I?. Ser MT .'ough*, ?r.1 Ult arly Flared ' J Cuu?M.ittirtl?iM, ?I lia? HFionitilird flu I f.iniltv, ?Vid rmiII.' III |>hyi>lclauH pronoimct : ihr rr? :ii? .--t na-.ih'?l di.vary of Un iwc. Willi? . eur? ? Ut" *?.?.? re-i ? v.iurh*. !t Mrrnrihensahesj ?.ion. :i?| ..iiriil. ? ii..- b]".>d. Sol ! !>? ?IriirglSv*. lt; v. ItlKl:? I". I'.. !'.-.|-"r. Uond'e DUncuarj .:id liivall :.- H.a. IhilTalo. N. V. SC XV? /rJ^gatrCc "vi ^ -?rs \ ? \i ?JP OOO t^^^lc. Vontcof taklne Cir- l? rpp, repulsive. nAttseouspltls, ,'i:;."," .j ,f t!.. ern .... ?nd bulky lnffrcdlrntt. |l?*fr i'< ?!? rr. - ?riirr.-ly larger tlmn niii.tnrd aeedl. Url.i- et.titvlrveirrlta.lc. ::?> particular car? Isre rulre-i w Itll-j i. mem. They operate without <:?? Urhail"?' l"I-t. or .v-ciipa?!nn. : j i..: . Itrmlitrlir, t*mi?l Ifcauon. Jhnnwr? r)..o.I. : ..... lt. iii?? l..TMfr?.TKt?ni7W?fm?!!*Lt*U iiiiili.rM. s..ur Krui lal lom from ilia RVaiBch, Utvd tiute I" Ibe i?oti.b, llllioti? nllnrb*. Ifnla lu rrcl.m .if Kltliirr*. li.:, ri.ul 1'rv. r. Illmtctl fr^lliir ul..mt -:..t.!.. Ilu.h ?fUIiMMl lu II. nd, !->.C Or. Ilrrre'* HeuMtiil I'urcuUve lMi. in. In csi?l3natlon of thc r,.Hal i...nftnese I'uiyallve IVIt-l* ?.n r *o zr. at a varlt-tv-of tllM-as??*; lt may lie that ii?-ir ?ellon ur"?. l!?r uniiii^l reot.r I? ?iilycranl,?ot n "dm..! or tltwne e?eiiplii?;tbelr?auallTe linprru. ; mei H..: Imiialr Hw properll?a of Uu.e rellrts. Tli.-yare rattar-coate*! anti-.lnclo?c?l In naas bottles. Hu li- virtue? W.u?: thereby preserved unimpaired for any Irnrtli of IIIIK-. In any ellnutte, so Uiat they are alwavn ftiStl ait'l rellab'.e. Tll|s not III? case ?rl?i ?llU piU i'd. lu cheap wooden >:r pa?t.-,...ird boxes. .'. r ?ill dlsra?C?l where :i Laxative. Altrrutlr*, ur ?.urcatlre, I? lniH?atetl. these lit:!.- IVI'.ets will jive ti.-i.to.ol ?--rf.-et Fall-OlCtlon. S-jId br ?irnL-!;i*t*. lt. V. ri Kio K. M. I?.. I'lUJfiti \\ orld's Dispensary .nd Invalids1 Uotd, Uuflalo, N. Y. nniciKis, pttnilrnr, oQeai II uthi-rs. a dr? tic-?, 'irv, watery, wt a!:. ?r InOamed veis sit?|>|ilne"ttp, or otslrircllOii, of Ute nasa! ;ias ifres; navua- !n ears, tlcafnvss. Imwklng and ??.nipii :i>; twrte?r iii-; i!:r?..-:t. ulceratlontal d?prlvailon of sease ol ?mell .--ad taste, dU iness, mental ?lepr?sslon, IO?? of appetlle, !::dlies .in; eiilar>tnl lou?lls, Uckllnif cousa, tic. Only a ? ijeniptQnis aruilki ly-tw-w preswUln any ' - at timi'. ' . i DR'. SAGE'S CATARRH KEI'SCY rislurc? ra.'.lrai r-t:r.-5 nf !!!.. worst r**<-- rfCa?ftlT?li ..i niattrrt.Mmw Ii.np slandtus. The Uqnld remcdy ii.vv r:in!i. <>- b the only f??rm >.f Insiru ... ia v.-i iT-.v.-iii.- l wlOi wh!rh ti'ii I m?"ttelnccan i?c .rrietl nen cr and iT.nrKirri.Y M'l-unn pi all ..?rt? ..f i is*- aa'e*-|itl liana! |?as*ai;es, aii't t.".- chain ? rsiT rnvio.- I't'iiiiiitiiitrattiu: our? ?> 1:-. in ?rlilrh ..r.-j ai..: itierra fri'<|iirnilv cx1cee.!? II* use i nil isanl and raslie undrrstootl, from ?ll-?.ctP.n? ir c>m lian vi nj; ivaeii InatnitneiiL l>-. S.vc.?.'.- i'x irrlt It'.-itirdv riir?;" r?-?*e?:t MtacksJbtf"Cold lu t?o Im.iv a ?? anpUeaUons. 3: 1* mild -.a i ( 'tsf nl . . lise, ri ntalnlmr'no ?Voncitr ...ni-n- ?truc* or :. . i ?larrit -i Il?itch?1 M?M ty drus? Roo?cy's Baking FoiTcler.?, m i HE BEST IN USE, nt (.-. 1,. PEXN & SON'S. July 17th, 1878-4t-.il wrV-/ Hi RBI F v/np^v ? r.L v. :... li i U LL V'. Ult.\0 i ? ETE undersigned would respectfully ann um:'- the citizens of EdgeJield and n I j . i : i : i ? _rCounties, that hu is prepared t ) I'tiriiisa ?it short notice, MON'uMK.V I'S. TOMBS, il .J vi) STONES, SLABS, *c Will c ?ro?i'iH-y ?5 ?x ar: I ddiver at Do rr, i. without extra oti.'.rire V . : N.'I.I l i- i-' y Interest to call ?. REYXOLns, j i-;?er Camplveil usitl l'eliiiir Streets f.O'h** Squaro froui Union !?..[) ot ), Fel >. 27, 1 s'7 s". AUG li ? T A G A. HW fe .-?. i y H "j O ? L 1 ri ? ? = & R 2 ira ^ T g w ll i H o .-- r n O g? t fit H U $ U M =1 ^ ^3 w wt! .ri-.-? L' T-rT r?T?7'; r- n ?TTCT:: HU.??'AN 'MISHRY. Jual Pitbl?ihtt'.'i rt Senjt&l ?iivolnju', \ * Price Mix Ce?:tj. A LECTURE on Uio Nature, Treat xiv nient and Ktidieal cure of Seminal Wea!;ii' -s. >> ? Speriutitorrhten, in.liiced hy sHi'-uhns . iiivoliiutary etnissiniis, imp'i' " y. ?iervotis Debility ami fm |i...liii!<.tils to M.'r- iiiL"?' v'ciK'ra?y ; con. .'l'a.' i o. EpPejisy >to?l Kits; Mi.niul ni . Ph\>h*al ! II?'ij.a.-iiy, iv.--Hy Boil'T r. i 1'L.VKitWKtr., M I), author of tim - ;-. eh I'.-.t.k.'1 ?vc 'I'll?, wi.r:.l ron.-wited au thor, in this a.lmir !.?" I/'ciiif, c! arly proves fr'" in vu ? \ ... ri" nee timi the awful r-.i.sf (jllr.wrrS ?tl' SHU ItbllSO Mit V ?it- (?lt C'.t;t I?J?11 J . .\'-\ willi nt inedieihe, lind '.vi lioiu ;.... ?:< r..tis siir?iiiil "?'Or?tloiis. b?uiries, insirtiiii nts,;'riug-t..or<*nrdin!s?', poiiilinj? nut a iiiod?? f ciire at. (ince certain iiiid . II. .. i-i . wliii'h every pu?eror, no m HIT win lus ?rondilipn iftny be, tn'iiy cure iii; ?so i' cheaply, privately and rad ically. 'I ?ii- Lttcttifo will provoaljooh to thou, sai ?.ls and i ie -ands. Sen't. ii ?der seid'iii n jdain erive?op?, (o any address, on receipt of six copte, or two p?jRtag? atauips. Address 'MM- Cnlvcrwcll iTIcdical Co.. .ll Ann St , N. V.; 1 'ostOlUco Box, ?IfiSO. Dee Iv 01 vSOH??STQ??, S. Cc -:o: New Goods ! New- Goods ! -:o: Prices Guaranteed to Suit the Times ! I PREFER not to give special prices, brit nail and examino my Immenso Stock of Dr}- Goods, Groceries, eic, before purchasing elsewhere. IN my Dry Goods Department will be found an elegant assortment of Staplo and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, ?fee.", ?Vii., tte. ALSO, on band a full Stock of General Groceries, consisting of Plantation .Supplies. Hardware. Liquors, N Ci ? c ??AS on Land, ana receives daily, New Gooda in GROCERIES, DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS I am determined to keep none but the best brands, and tell them a prices to suit the hard tines I sell the best branda of TOBACCO and CIGARS, and whether th< Moffit Heil Punch Law passes the Legislature or not, I shall continu" to sel "The I*ouille l\arl?ciiiar," or Sweet. ?TtasJi ?TI o ii ulalu Coria IT2S?S3LC5*, FINE WINE, LAGER BEER, and LIQUORS of Every Description. MY WAGON YARD i- in good order and free to the Public. All J ask is that von call ami see my Goods. Jan Lo, 1S7S-ly-G A, P, PADGETT, Graniteville, S. C. ill III lill Ii lill NEWSDODSI FRESH SQ0D3! $8,000.00 WORTH OF NEW GOODS JuST received from Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Ballimore, anc more t) arrive, consisting of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS and NOTIONS, A full line of Mon's and Boys' CLOTHING, AJ? endless variety of BOOTS, SHOES and HATS. A full stock of HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE- '.TN WORK, CROCK ERY and GLASSWARE. 'w My GROCERY DEPARTMENT is well stocked/ with the choicest GRO OERIES. KEW and PIECED BAGGING at the lowest prices,-and In fact every thing on hand from a Paper of Pius to a Hogshead of Bacon, which I pro pose to sell low. Give me a trial and be satisfied that JAMES E. COOK, of Graniteville, is not behind the tines. N. B-I continue io sell COTTON, consigned to me by Planters, FREE OF CHARGE. Graniteviile, S. C., Sept. 5, 1S77, JAMES E. COOK. i -, 38 THE LOWIEY wmm mmm3 AUGUSTA.. GA. j, i ..?..,. i-..: .-'J.H.LO WRY . ;' ;:../.. ^?$?f'3 litter TS still Manufacturing corni t. ck ? of I Ind and Two-lfORSE WAGONS, and X is determined not '.?< be undersold. Also SPRING WAGONS and HARNESS of all kinds. ForFricosapply by .ottor, or in person^'-to .1. ii. LOWItEY, I'roprictor, Corner Campbell and Ellis Streets, AUGUSTA) GA. :,o.ooSend for our Prices. : jar Carriages, Buggies. Rockaways, ^ne-IEorso Wagons, Three and Four Horso 'Wagons; Baggy Umbrellas, ChiMrcn's T?H.?riag?.s-all prices, Combs and Clippers, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Fine Trunks, Rack Rands, Bits, Harness of all 'descrip tion, ('<0 Kobi-good '.iuii>keeju r.i fro/n ?~ :<> L-"??w in timo. A beautiful line of Lif*l.fc b'rench SimimerOiissimeres, all woo'.'mr !'(. els per yd-old price $2.25. Navy Blue-al! wool-50 . ts. per yd-old price $1.25. 10-4 Bleached Sheeting from 20ets. up Tnbleaehcd Sheeting from I5c? up. Pins 300.to tlie paper lc each. Lidies' ?5 .Ibri.' -ia !i'i>e. GOc. per box. Ladies' Striped Huso I Oe. ]>er pair.. Ladies' White Hose ."i cents p?-r :>air. Gun's' j Mose from 5 cents lip; Gents' French Lin- . en finished Handkerchief*. 21x21 inc!:ev.- ready for use-S for 25c. fronts* Pur? Linen Handkerchiefs, 22x21 inclus, for? lOc. Hemmed; Pure Linen Towels and White Goods si id for on?*-tli.ird les? than heretofore. Gent?'Suspendier.!-dam od-for.?c. per pair. 5.00?-L IVHamlkerchiefs, LSx 16, for 4c. each. 20,000 Cakes "f Snap, le. e,,en. l,00r>"Par.usois at pri?es reduced greatly^ 5"0 Looking Glasses that must bc sold, from 20c. up. All goods in Grocery" Department sold at bottom: pri?es; A very superior Cottee at 20