Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, December 18, 1873, Image 3

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?ME ADVERTISER. Texms, 93,00 per Annum. JtfX 1ST We are authorized to give notice thai there will be a meeting of the mow bera and friends of Antioch Church, on Sunduy^n?xt at ll o'clock, A. M., to transact certain busir oss in reference to the call of a Pastor, Ac A full atten dance from all having au interest in the prosperity of the Church is requested. Local Items. The Sabreurs mot on Saturday last and determined ou a Tournament and Ball. Tuesday next, the 23d, is to be the day. The BaB will take place in the Masonic Hall. The gentlemen of tho Club will order the lights and'music, .and arrange matters generally, while the supper will bo provided by the ladies-mothers, 0 aunts, wives, sisters, sweethearts and friends, of tho Sabreurs. And we war rant the butter will see to it that the feast is worthy of the occasion, and of the season. Gentlemen, not members of the Club, and not to be .outdone by the la dies in generosity to the boys; will pur chase tickets at $2.00. Let all combine to make it a bright and nappy Christmas gathering, a hearty village festival. And we beg the young ladies not to be de terred by a little-bad weather; which is always more or less probable at this sea son. We are informed that the ball, no matter what the weather may be, cannot be postponed. Our old friends, the John Rainsfords-^ j Men?% cCaii minis section, and sincere ly beloved in return-have left 'their beautiful and hospitable home 8 miles be low us, and gone to live in Augusta. Mr. R. is horribly and unaffectedly averse to just such newspaper personals as we are now "writing,' bul nevertheless we are bent and determined upon expressing the universal and sincere regret felt in our community, and throughout our j section; si the departure of himself and his family. - We hear of a number of strangers, ladies and gentlemen, coming to visit friends in cur town, during Christmas. Things begin to look as if we should be quite gay and social. At Clisby & Lynch's, Christmas is per fectly ablaze-Christmas for the eye! Christmas for tho heart: Christmas for the palate 1 For old men "and maidens, for young men and children ! Go and fill your stockings, your ' baskets, your pockets, your band* ! The Baptist Sunday School Christmas Tree is to be unveiled on Friday evening ] the 26th inst We hear it is to bo beauti . - j r r i / . t -- roland generous, / I _ I Miss Gibbes' School is to be disbanded on Friday ne:ct, for a two. weeks holiday. Last week ire stated that Dr. Parker, had gone to Chicago to visit 3 s irk brother, j And now we regret to chronicle the fact that this brother has ?ince died. He was a physician of great;enrinence and large wealth. The sale of the three large plantations comprising the real estere of the late Gov. Pickens, were sold at public outcry on Monday last. Mrs. Pickens bought the whole. The Edgewood or Homestead Tract, 3600 acres, was bid off at $5000 ; the Grove Tract, 1300 acres/8?$3000, and the Savannah River Tract, 2100 acres, at j $13,100. - A tale goes that there is to-be a Concert at Johnston's soon, for the benefit of tho ter'" ^""TV Wu hnnn thju i- so. ? it is, let us all go. That Band deserves a bouncing benefit. The Christmas things at Mr. Penn'* in quantity, beauty, variety, and novelty -really take the rag off the bush. And so cheap are they that yon look up to see if WU1 is not ?kinta Claus himself! . The ladies of the Episcopal congrega tion are making preparations to decorate their Church beautifully. Have you noticed Mr. Clisby's new stable near the Tompkins Hotel? It fills up an ugly gap admirably. The best wine maker now in the world -Scuppernong.'-is Miss Lavinia Ken ney, of Harmony. Or shall we say Johnston's -v We regard her as an in spired woman ! Merry Christmas! Christmas Gift! to all of you. We are in earnest-par ticularly as regards the merry part. jjar Mr. Willie Durisoe is now receiv ing a delightful array of good things for Christmas. Call in and try them. _i-i-Li_ Lee Grange. Dr. D. C. Tompkins organized a new Grange, at Capt. T. H. Clark's, near Piae House, on Saturday last, to be known as Lee Grange. Tile following are the offi cers elect: TJB? Clark, Master, S. Rv Smith, Overseer, M. M. Padgett* Lecturer, J.H. Kidson, Chaplain, P. S. Sawyers, Secretary, Mark Crouch, Treasurer, M. Lott, Steward, D. H. Herlong, A. Steward, S. H. Crouch, Gate Keeper, Mrs. E. M. Black, Tlora, Miss N. A. Crouch, Ceres, Mrs. $ue Crouch, Pomona, Mrs. M. Lott, Lady A. Steward. .?People ot Rdgefield, When You Come to Town!" Jt is not we who thus call you. It is the wooing voice of Peter Keenan, of | Augusta. Ho sings of Boots and Shoes for all mankind. And if you wish to hearths whole of his siren song, just read his new tard Su our business col umns to-day. A* to the quality, style and variety of Keenan'* Boots and Shoes, we say nothing.. Every body in Edge field that has two leg* knows all about that matter! lint *. to the immense and fabulous rcdnctions in price lately made by Keenan, we could not say too much. However, road Keenan-carefully Triumphs of Horticultural Skill. Our ever thoughtful and generous friend, Mrs. Ben. Hatcher, brings UM a Christmas present In two huge hairs, dozen* and dozens of magi)"* ?mt Pota toes'?nd Tnrnips'. Four -varieties of| each- And if you could just lay your mortal eyes upon the splendid ami beau tiful Turnips ! Golden Bell, Flat Dutch, TWlow Globe, and Red Top. Such tur nips wore hover before aeon in Edgo iield ! And Potatoes of equal merit-?ld ftshioned Yam, Pumpkiu Yam, old fashioned Spanish, and Cuban Spanish. For tl ie ono thousandth time the Adver tiser corps bow low before their best friend! jiff* Mr. J. H. Ch eatha m has in s toro one dozen pieces of Tar la ton, which he is offering at prices below its value. Also, six dozen pair White Kid Gloves, ior Ladies and Gents, at very low figures IST A colored mau hy the name of Sttterwhite was killed In Auguste on ^"^?HW*7 Hooper' also colored. Hooper made his escape Into Sonthv0wwl.lu**i'6j?t was captured at GranitoylUe byMnyljin Griffin, colored^ of thia, town, and delivered to policemen from Auguste. That Wretched Old Hau, Christopher Gray! See what the old maa ; says elsewhere in this week's Advertiser, concerning his hope of happiness. 'And although the desired crowd is his-and moneyed thousands daily outer his store, and de part thence moneyless-still we haye r oa? ou to believe that he is yet unhappy. Nothing will satisfy him but that at least * half dozen of his fellow creatures shall be trampled to death in his grand melee of Cheap Goods. Go there, Ed gell eld people, and be trampled-that " Old Man, Christopher Gray" may be made happy ! Letter from the Mountains. For the Advertiser. WALHALLA, S, C., Dec. 12th, 1873.. Mn. EDITOR:-This is probably the last letter that I shall write for the columns of tile o\d. Advertiser in the year 1873. When it makes its appearance in print, it is likely that the Old Year will be rap idly drawing to a close, and the New Year be near at hand. And as the skill ful mariner, who traverses the trackless waters pf the ocean -with his ship, occa sionally takes his "reckoning," that he may ascertain where he is, how far he has gone, and whither his craft is head ing; so it is meet and important, that we, j as individuals, communities, States, or countries, being voyagers too on the great sea of life and ocean of time, should now and then-once a year at least-"cast about us," review the past, consider the present, and endeavor to forecast some what the future. ? In the midst of the amusements, and festivities which usually usher in Christ mas-the natal day of the blessed Re deemer of mankind, and the " Happy I New Year"-the beginning of another annual measure of time, let our mirth and joy be tempered by prudence and J moderation. While we hsve great cause j as individuals, as a people, and a nation, to be thankful to the Supreme Ruler of the universe for that goodness and mer-1 cy, and that loving kindness, with which I wo have been followed daring the year that is now near its end, and should j evince our gratitude and gladness in eve ry proper manner, let us mingle there with sober and solemn reflection, and shape our actions and future coarse in life in accordance with the dictates of I sound reason and the teachings of true wisdom. j The year 1873 has not been marked in j our own land with any great and start- j ling events With the exception of short conflicts with the poor Indians in the fer West, no war or bloodshed has visited our borders. While contending hosts have met in the shock of battle on the classic field of portions of Europe, and the people of France and Spain have suf fered all the untold horrors and calami ties of war, we have enjoyed all the blessings of peace. It is true that por tions of the great valley, of the Missis sippi have been visited by those terrible scourges, the cholera and yellow fever ; but their rivages wore confined to limit ed sections of the country, and the suf fering resulting therefrom, though groat j and truly distressing, were only tempo rary. For the most part throughout our extended country, there has been the usual measure of health among its in habitants; abundant harvests have gen erally crowned the labors of the hus bandman, and apart from the financial convulsion and the temporary evils aris ing from it in the great commercial cen tres of the country, the people ol tho United States should feel that they are in the enjoyment of an unprecedented de-1 grce of prosperity and happiness. I look upon the financial crash, which was doubtless caused by reckless speeu- I lation aud senseless extravagance, as a blessing in disguise. The greatest mis fortune it produced, and tho one which is most to be regretted, is the fact that the evils and hardships which have at tended it have fallen most heavily upon those who had but little or nothing to do with bringing it about. If no ono suffered from a monetary I crisis of this kind except the money kings, wild speculators, and dishonest stock-jobbers of the great cities, who live and fatten off the hard earnings of the honest working men of tho country, it would be no great misfortune to have such a panic every year or two. But un fortunately for the country, from the present arrangement of things, such can never be the case. So interwoven are the interests of the far rae r.s and producers and the honest trading public with the banks, and so great is their dependence on them, that when these reckless specu lators pull down the pillars of tho com mercial temple, and there is a crash which shakes the commerce of the coun try from New York to San Francisco, they generally manage to escape from the ruins without seri?os injury to them selves, while the calamity falls with crushing force upon others. This panic, or rather such a state of things as it has developed, is to my mind | but another' argument in favor of the doctrine which I have long advocated, namely, that the Southern people should raise less cotton and more provisions and home supplies, and manufacture more of the necessary articles of life which they require, that they may be less helplessly dependent upon the bank ers and brokers of Wall Street and other cities. Something had to bo done to check the profuse and absurd extrava gance and the wild speculation and fast living that were fast ruining the country, aud in this point of view, I look upon this convulsion as a public blessing. These ovils have not yet become as prevalent in the South as they are in thc North, and if our section will now adopt that policy which our magnificent re sources, and the teachings of sound po litical econemy, as well as the dictates of common sense, so plainly point out, when the next financial panic sweeps over the country, we will be compara tively exempt from its hardships and calamities. The present political conditiou of South Carolina, though bad In the extreme, is by no means a hopeless one. ? The very enormity of the evils from which wo are suffi ring is gradually working their cure. There is a limit to even official irrup tion and public plunder, ana there is every indication that tho part}' in power in this State have at length reached that limit. There aro now elements within the Republican party in South Carolina, which together with tho conservative agencies aud influences that are brought ti> bear upon it from without, must either bring about reform and amendment, or tho piyAy will have to go to pieces and give way to better men and measures. Whilo therefore there ls much to sadden the heart of the patriot lu the past and present condition of the commonwealth, the future is not ontiroly devoid of hopo, and taking lessons of wisdom from ex perience, and scorning to despond or despair, let us heed the salutary admoni tion of tho facetious " Bill Arp," and en deavor to do the very best we can under the circumstances. The usual quiet of our town was rude ly disturbed on last Saturday evening by a row in tho streets, in which a negro man named Lee Hunter was shot and killed. The young man charged with the killing was forcibly taken to jail by the negroes, and is now in custody. Principal cause of the disturbance mean whisky. One snow on the mountains a few we?ks ago-none in town as .yet. No other nows of importance at this time. Many oiti?Y t?pie? %f-?t?r?h " suggest ready, extendeu beyond' nTy W?a? Umits { and "wishing tho ?any readers of the Advertiser, as weil as the Editor and Proprietor and all concerned, a "Merty Christinas" and " Happy. New Year," I must bid you adieu for the* present. D. Sheriffs Sale?. In addition to tho sales advertised hy the Sheriff in the A dvertiser, he will also sell, on the first Mo nday in January next, property in the following cases: Jas. S. Spearman vs. A. Or. gaskin, One Tract containing 483 acres, adjoining lands of J. P. Burriss, D. J. Gilchrist and others. And will also sell in the same case, on tho premises above mentioned, on the 6th Jan. next, one Gin, Plantation and Blacksmith Tools, Ac. Terms cash. J. B. Talley, Ad'or., vs. P. D. Thur mond, Ad'or., one Tract of land contain ing 200 acres, adjoining lauds of B. P. Glanton and others, levied on as the property of P. D. Thurmond. Terms Cash. John Hulet vs. Sam'l Posey, one Tract of land containing 1800 acre?, adjoining lands of Benj. Boatwright, J. L. Smith and others. Terms cash. The Sheriff will also sell at Bidge Spring, on the 27th Dec, in case of Beall, Spears ck Co. vs. J. W. Noble, one bale of Cotton, the property of the defendant. ??*Col. Frederick Dent, father of Mrs Grant, died in Washington on the 18th, in the 87th year of his age. ?&~Vrot Agassiz died in Boston on the 15th. A New and Popular Feature in Life Insurance. BUY A "SAVINGSFUND POLICY" in the old Southern favorite-THE PIED MONT cfc ARLINGTON. Explanations given, and applications taken by all Canvassing Agents of the Company. LEAPHART cfc RANSOM, Gen'l. Agents. Dec. 3, lm 50 Shoes At Cost. Gallaher and Mulherin, 289 Broad st., Augusta, Ga, are offering 50 casas of men and women's Shoes at cost. Read their advertisement in another column and give them a call. Gt 49 OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. Happy Relief for Young Meu from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood Restored. Impediments to Marriage removed. Now method of treatment. New and remarkable reme dies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, pa-,-an Institution hav ing a high reputation for honorable con duct and professional skill. Iy40 PRATT'S ASTRAX OIL. Absolutely safe. Perfectly odorless. Always uniform. Illuminating qualities superior to gas. Burns in any lamp without danger of exploding or taking fire. Manufactured expressly to displace the use of volatile and dangerous oils. Its safety under every possiblr test, and its perfect burning qualities, are proved by its contlned use in over 300,000 fami lies. Million:? of gallons have been sold and no accident-directly ordi rectly-has ever occurred from burning, Storing or hand ling it. The immense yearly loss to life and property, resulting from the use of cheap and dangerous oils in the United States, is appalling. The Insurance Companies aud Fire Commissioners throughout the country recommend the ASTRAL as the best safeguard when lamps are used. Send for circular. For sale at retail by the trade generally, and at wholesale by the proprietors, CHAS. PRATT cfc CO., 108 Fulton Street, New York. 38 6m JOHN P. HENDERSON, GRAKITEVILL?, & C. Dealer in Dry Goods, Hat?, Caps, Boots, Shoes, HARDWARE, TIN ck WOOD WARE, And Family Groceries, Such as Sugar, Coffee and Teas, best grades, Flour, Meal, Rice, Cheese, Bacon Sides, Shoulders, Hams, Lard, Mackerel, ike, all at the lowest prices. 2 Whiskies, Tob?ceo, <&c. I have in store thc largest and best stock of Whiskies that is to be found in this market, and as cheap as the cheapest. I am recciviug weekly from Now York, Baltimore and Philadelphia Whiskies of 1 the best grades. i Segars fine and cheap, Choice Chewing Tobacco, Superior Smoking Tobacco direct from the manufactory. All orders promptly atteuded to. Graniteville, Dec 8 2m 51 GRAND OPENING" At Johnston's Depot. J. LEMUEL TURNER, (late of Lake ? Citv, Fla.,) would respectfully announco to the Public that he has just returned I from New York with a completo stock of the finest Dry Goods and General Merchandize. To the Ladies he would beg leave to say : please call and examine his assort ment of LACES and RIBBONS, NO TIONS and TRIMMINGS, and all the LATEST NOVELTIES of tho TIMES 1 Also, his CONFECTIONERY selected to please everybody. He has a full line of GROCERIES (ex cept Liquors,) consisting in part of BA CON, LARD, FLOUR, CHEESE, eke. ] Also, a fine lot of SHOES of every bite and variety. . J. I? TURNER. Johnston's Depot, Nov 5 2m46 JAMES P. COLEMAN with J. L. ( TURNER, invites his acquaintances and . the public in general to call in at the NEW STORE, where he will be happy . to wait on them from morning till night, j Do not forget. THOS. RS?S&SO! . BOOKSELLERS -A.M)- 1 STATIONERS, AUGUSTA, GA. Established 1S28. HAV E now in Store a large and com- < plete Stock of School, Classical & Miscellaneous i BOOKS, All kinds of BLANK BOOKS. Foolscap, Letter and Note PAPER, Le^al Cap and Bill PAPER, All siz-es of ENVELOPES, WRAP PING PAPER and PAPER BAGS, 1 POCKET BOOKS, PORT FOLIOS, J WRITING DESK, WORK BOXES, DIARIES for 1874. Backgammon and Draft BOARDS, i Playing Cards, Dominoes, and other . Games, Photograph ALBUMS, Combs, Brashes, 1 VIOLINS and Violin STRINGS, Mathematical INSTRUMENTS and numerous other Itaey Articles. Including every conceivable article ueodedln the COUNTING ROO.i and PUBLIC OFFICES, and a great variety of FANCY GOODS suitable for Country Stores. i COUNTRY MERCHANTS are re quested to call and examine. A liberal discount on Books to Dealers and Schools. Books sent free by mail on receipt of Publishers' price. Doc. 10, lm 51 Picture Frames, &c. Iam preparer^ with .a fin*stock of Gilt, . .Rosewood and Mahogany Mouldings to FRAME PICTURES at short notice. Also,.on hand Frame Cords, Tassels, ?kc, M. A. MARKERT. Sfpttt tf 40 PERKINS5 NEW PHOTOGRAPH 6ALKERI 198 Broad St., Augusta, Ga., Three doors above the old stand of Tuck er ?fe Perkins, fitted up with all mod ern improvements, is now open. ana ready for-business. WHILE I return my thanks tb the many in Edgefield who have fa vored me with their patronage, I would respectful! v call attention to the different styles of work to which I shall give Spe cial Attention. Copies of all styles enlarged to any size desired, from the smallest Daguerre otype, Ferrotype, or Photograph, at great ly reduced prices. Photographic Portraits, as large as life, at $5.00. Porcelain Ivorytypes, beautifully col ored, at $5.00 ; former price, $15.00. Pictures of young children taken in stantaneously, by a new process. Cabinet and Life Size Paintings in Oil, Pastel or Water colors, tAvery low pri?es. Carte de Visite Photographs, $3 pr doz. 8x10 Photographs $1,50 each ; with Frame $2,50. Four large Ferrotypes for $1.00. Ordinary Size Ferrotypes, Four for 50c. AU aro cordially invited to call, and those who entrust their work to my care, can rely upon having the very best at the lowest prices. Do not mistake the place,-First Door ooo ve Jas. A. Gray's. Call soon and make arrangements for PICTURES FOR CHRISTMAS PRES ENTS. Augusta, Ga., Dec. 2, 4t 50 J. H. CHEATHAM HA? LS One Dozen Patterns good Col ored SERGES at 37i cts per yard, worth 50 cts. One Dozen Patterns Striped French POPLINS at 45 cts. per yard, worth 75c, Two Dozen Lace CURTAINS at very low figures. Also, a large assortment of faahiona ble SACKS and ORTALANS, marked down to figures that will warrant their immediate sale. Strictly Cash. Dec 2 tf 50 TO THE LADIES. Wi E have just received a beautiful Lot of TOILET SETS, VASES and BOUQUET HOLDERS, which we are selling at one-half what they sold at last year. Call and seo them. Sold by G. L. PENN ?fe SON. Dec 3 tf 50 A. P. PADGETT, Graulteville, S. C. Wc OULD respectfully call the atten tion of his friends of Aiken and Edge field ?Counties to his Fall and Winter Stock of 3D!Rr5rT GOODS, Consisting of every variety and style usually kept in an up-country Store. Also, SH?E3, BOOTS, HATS and CAPS, all of the latest styles. Hardware, Tinware, Crockery, and a superior lot of Cutlery. GROCERIES-Consisting of Choice Sides, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, Mackerel, Salt, Flour, Corn Meal, Corn, Oats, Po tatoes, Cheese, Crackers, Oysters, Sar dines, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, ?fcc. Also, a lot of fine LIQUORS, consist ing of Brandies, Whiskies, Gin, Rum, Wines, etc. And choice Segars, and Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. LIQUORS and SEGARS a speciality. Thank i'ul for past favors, wishes a con tinuation of the same. Graniteville, Dec 3 2ui50 Sale and Livery Stables* THE Subscriber will keep constantly on hand and for sale cheap, a fine lot of Harness and Saddle HORSES and choice MULES. Will also Hire Horses and Vehicles. Feed and Enclosures for Stock of eve ry kind. Stock sold ou Commission. MIKE WATSON, Jr. Ridge Spring, Dec 3 3m 51 AT PANIC PRICES. JuST Received at my Stables, a lot of Horses and .Unies, Purchased at the West during tho late MONEY PANIC, FOR CASH, consist ing of lino Harness & Sac'die Horses, And WELL-BROKE MULES, which I offer at GREATLY REDUCED PRI CES. Call early and secure bargains. C. TOLER, Proprietor Palace Stables, No. 150 Ellis Street, Augusta, Ga, Dec 3 4t 50 Dc Fresh Arrivals AT Pine House Depot ! OZIER, VAUGHN ?fe CO. have just received a heavy stock of Fresh Corn MEAL, Black Seed OATS, Choice Seed RYE, Cow PEAS, Chop FEED and BRAN, Smoked Bacon SIDES, Dry Salt SIDES, Canvass HAMS, CORN and FLOUR, Fresh Tennessee BUTTER, MOLASSES. SYRUP, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, Rice, Maccaroni, Mackerel, Canned Meats and Vegetables. BOOTS and SHOES marked down. BAGGING and TIES constantly on hand. Agents at this place for tho sale of Ma jenty Safety OIL. The above Goods have been bought at Panic Prices, aud will be sold at the CLOSEST MARGIN FOR PROMPT CASH. Nov 20 tf 49 THE CHEAP STORE AO EACH, TO ALL, we would say please call and see for yourselves. We have in Storo a General Assort ment of FINE DRY GOODS, Ready-Mado CLOTHING, Ladies' and Gents' HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, GROCERIES and LIQUORS/ HARDWARE and TINWARE, And many other things too tedious to enumerate. We are prepared at all times to pay full prices for COTTON. SALT $2,00 per Sack. COFFEE 3i lbs. for $1,00. W. 6, KERNAGHAN & CO. Batosville, S, C., Oot 28 2m 45 Four Pictures for One Dollar I HAVE established a PHOTOGRAPH GJALLERY over the Store of Mr. Jeter W. Crim, at Johnston's Depot, and am now prepared to make Four Pictures for One Dollar. C. E. SAWYER. ?fr- WiL copy old pictures. Will also enlarge from,small pictures. Johnston's, Nov 18 8m48 PETER PENN'S BEST.* Now in Store several brands of very fine CHEWING TOBACCO, just re ceived direct from Virginia-from Peter Penn's celebrated manufactory. Call In and try it G. L. PENN ?fe SON. Aug. 27_tf 87 A Executors' Notice. LL Persons indebted to the Estate _of BAILEY CURLEY, dee'd., will make immediate payment, and thoT having claims against said Esta! present the same, .duly attested, twelve (J2) months from date, foi derslgned. LEMUEL CORI v 'J. . BATLEY CORL : S Ex'ors. Estate Bailey Oorlei d , : Nov 10 8i . I Wholesale and Retail Dealers in 7 ;.; 4*1 *AM Beg to announce to the people of Edgefield and public generally that their Siock of DRY GOODS is now complete. Owing to the present PANIC IN NEW YORK, and the large rate of Discount ruling in the Northern markets, our INVARIABLE CUSTOM OF BUYING FOR CASH, enables us to offer our Winter Stock AT LEAST 20 PER CENT. BELOW ORDINARY PRICES. We would especially request the attention of purchasers to our Magnificent Stock of Colored and Black DRESS GOODS, CASSIMERES, JEAttS, &c, &c.-BLANKETS, SHAWLS, Ladies' and Gents' U?DER VESTS, HOSIERY, HANt>K'F'S. and LACES, &c., &cj, in Splendid Variety and Elegant As sortment. Augusta, Nov 12 2m 47 .9 Bofttwrigkt, Watson & HIDG|E SPRING, S. C., Dealers in Dry GroocLs. Grroceries. ! NOTIONS, Ready-Made Clothiig, Hate, Caps, Roste, Shoes, Kurd ware, &c. j SALT p PER SACK. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR COTTON. . Ridge Spring, Oct 28] ' ' tf 45 Insurance ffot?ce. -o ?, HE Undersigned haling established his office at Edgefield, as General A.gent for the Cotton States Lite Insurance Company, nvites attention to on^ or two of the advantages offered those who may lesire to effect insurande on their lives in a safe Home Company : it rt The Board of Managfcrs ata recent meeting passed unanimously the fol owing Resolution : j " Resolved, That in jriew of the fact that thero are unusually large'sums jaid for Life Insurance, to the Companies of the North and East, iwhicb tums, being there inveked, contribute to the enrichment of those sections, vhilst our own South is greatly in need of cash capital to prosecute success 'ully our Agricultural and Mechanical enterprises ; it is ordered, that for he purpose of retaininj these sums in our midst, hereafter a certain pro )ortion of the net cash receipts from premiums, amounting to not more lhan !0 per cent, of the samj be invested in such manner as may be in accord mce with the regulations of the Companyt in those section's/from which the ;aid premiums are attained." (Signed) . . WM. B. JOHNSON, Pres % ? GEORGE S. O'BEARI Sec'ry. /' . In accordance witnthe above Resolution a Board of : Advisory Trustees las been regularly or;anized at Edgefield C. H., S. C., with the following )fficers, viz : Maj. W. T. GARY, President. Capt. B. C. BRYAI^ Vice President. - R. 0. SAMS, Esq., Secretary. This Board is nowjprepared to transact business, and invest the funds of he Company agreeatle to the prescribed regulations.' . ?MT! The Financial strength of the Company places it in high rank. Its last Annual Statement stows that the Companv possess, besides its large Guar tntee, $17frforevciylil00 of~its-liability. ' ! Iff. W. ABNEY, General Agent. June 21, tf . 7 ? i T. W. CARWILE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS -AND Commiisioii Merchants, 230 Broad St., Augusta, Ga., TAY PERSONAL ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS intrusted to their are, and MAKE LIBERAL ADVANCEMENTS on all Produce hi Stoic' For thb Fall and Winter Trade, Wc have or. hand BACON, LARD] COFFEES, SUGARS, TEAS, r. .* If i it SYRUPS, MOUSSES, RICE, MACKEREL, SALT, FLOUR. MEAL CORN, BUTTER, CAN?LES, SOAP, STARCH, WHISKIES... BBANDIES, WINES, ALE, PORTER, TOBACCO, SEdARS, &c, Lnd in fact EVERYTHING usually on sale in First Class Grocery louses. We are also Agont| for the sale of Wm. Massey & Co's. Celebrated Phila .elphia ALES. j ? Will be glad at a\\ times to see our Edgefield friends, and will sell the Jest Goods at thi Lowest Market Prices. Augusta, Oct 8 J . tf 42 And all other well managed Life Insurance Companies, itand firm and unshaken as the Everlasting Hills-amid the ?uspensions of Banks and the wreck ai.d ruin ol the commer ?ai world. Thus clearly demonstrating the wisdom of those vho place a Policy of Insurance on their lives for the protec ion of loved ones, when all other resources and investments ail. Reader, if you have wife, child, sister, or any beloved one, vho is at all dependent, either on your brain or muscle, for a npport,-or if you have mortgages, liens, or other encum >ranc?s on your property,-delay not a day in having a<Policy )f Insurance written out on your life, (which no liability, of rours can touch,) in that STAUNCH and RELIABLE VIR GINIA COMPANY, rhe Piedmont and Arlington, ?Vhich will weather all the financial storms of1 the Universe. Ind thus make SURE of SOMETHING for those Dear Ones vho are the joy and solace of your life. Capt, E. E. JEFFERSON, or Col. B. M. TALBERT, will >e happy to take your application. Pfc'1' ;r' J. W. TUREEf, . AUGUSTA, GA. "IOTLTSH DRESS GOOpS, inclu ding Smoke, Myrtle, Clive, Prune, R?sela, Paon, Sage, Marine, in varie ty, at J. W; TURLEY'S. DIAGON?LSTln~?ew Clotk Col ored Drees Goods, at Bargains. CASHMERE SERGES, new fab ric, in Navy Blue, Olive, Brown, Pea cock, Olive Green, Myrtle, Prune, at J. W. TURLEY'S. ' BlACk,'?LPACAS--Tui]ier,s.re nowned make-'all qualities. Con stantly on hand. J. W.: TURLEY. . "I^ILLIT?T?:^ -Also, Turner's renowned make, al ways reliable.. J. W. TURLEY. "ENGLISH" WALKING" .JACK ETS, in Black, Blue and Brown Cloths, also in White English Basique Ali double-breasted-opening. J. W. TURLEY. BED BLANKETS, from tho cheap est Browu to the Finest White Rib bon Bound. All sizes, at reduced prices._J. W. TURLEY. m ? CASSIMERES-An unequalled, stock of Medium and Low Priced'' Cassiineres, from , recent depressed Auction Sales. J,' W. TURLEY. - KENTT3fGKY? JEANS^ in endless .variety, at prices never before equal ed. . . J. W. TURLEY. "FLANNELS, Che~p to Finest in White, all Wool. Plain and Twilled Scarlet, Medicated, Operas in all Colors, at J. W. TURLEY'S. VELVETEENS, in Black and Colors, for Dress Trimmings.. _?i_W-_TU?LEY:__ NOVELTIES in Neck Ruches and Collarettes. Polka Spot Windsor Ties and Fichus. fi W. TURLEY. Shoes Al Cost WE WILL OFFER DURING THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS.. 50 Cases of Men & Women's S HOE S AT COST ! Among these may be found MEN'S BROGANS at 75 cts., fiO cts., $1-, ?1,10, $1,25 and $1,50 per pair. WOMEN'S ?HOES at 75 cts , 90 cts.-, pl; ?1,10, ?1,15 and ?1,4?5 por pair. BOYS' SHOES at 50 ?ts, 85 cts., ?1 and $1,25. -o NO SV IS THE TIME FOR PARTIES WANTING SHOES TO GET ?Ui' PLIED. GALLAHER & MULHESlFi 280 Broad St., Augusts, Ga. Nov 125 Ot 1!) To cadi .and every purchaser o;' HlPians, Organ pr Melodcon; S The above wc are constantly dn ling, and hereby pledge oursel ves to *??| ?continuo to do Vor our patrons. The query is: "How can we AFFORD to lo it?** To explain, wowould say. it is easy to make n present when ii costs nothing We simply savo/ti' t hose who "purehuso through our _orders, the agent's profit, which eyorj' one knows must Be largo. Agents must make large profits lo pay Hiern ?br canvassing tho country to make their sales. Music establishments must malic largo profit? in cover' the pxp?riscs of their business and make a living out of it, to say nothing gt making :.. fortune ?ii llie trade as many do. Wo have neither [>f these conti ngenejes to provide for. We give tho benefit of the larger pan of tho discount ( that is the agent's profit's) to our patrons, thus saving Lo them Ike tnoiiov named as a gift WedoliverinstrumenwwiEiOHTi'RKK, ;liredly from manufactories, and can Lhcrcforc sell as well North as Som':, Rast as Wes! Wo gel any ins tr Urnen! >?' any make that may be desired. We net the very best selection of 'in ttrumeuls, even UETTKR. in most cusps, than tho purchaser would get were'he to select at the manufactory in person,-be cause we leave the selections to COMER rKXT JURORS, who have too much at Uakeloimpo.se upon tisby turning oil in our orders, inferior or defective in jtrrimonts. Every piano or orgau sold l>y us is fully warranted for ?ivo. years, ind will bo replaced if not satisfactory. T?VC us your order, and wo will return a satisfactory instrument or refund tim money ."Second hand Pianos taken ,i?. exchange (br new ones. Correspondence- invited from all par ies .thinking of purchasing now or al my future time. Send stamp for catalogues. A. SIMKITEK C.U.DWW.a,, Secretary Burne Fotnalc College, Rome, Georgia. Oct. 22, 3m 44 IMPORTANT. Ai LL Persons to whom I sold Goods 'rom March until 1st November, making fight months, and whose accounts still remain very much larger on the Debit ;hau on the Credit side, I must again Kg and imploro such delinquents to -Dino forward and settle at once. My ?rms have been very liboral, and now ?nat tho money is pan due, I want it to neel pressing demands against mo. J. H. CHEATHAM. Nov 25 . lm 40 Pure Old California Brandy ! WARRANTED GENUINE. J UST received Ono Cask PURE OLD CALIFORNIA BRANDY, for 'Medici nal purposes. CLISBY & LYNCH, Druggists. NovlO tf 4S Fine Old Nectar Whiskey 'TuST received ono BARREL FINE DLD NECTAR WHISKEY, eight years )W, and pronounced by compotcnt judges a bo tho best Pure Ryo Whiskey brought ;o Edgofleld sinco tho war. Call in and ;ry a bottle. CLISBY & LYNCH. NovlO tf ; 48 Saw Mill Notice. ALL persons indebted to Adains & Doxler, or to Adams & B?rr, or to W. W. Adams, for liumber, aro earnest ly requested to make immediate pay ment.. Longer indulgenc? . cannot be glvetr.'.'?'Ieaae gov?rn yourselves ac cordingly. .W. W. ADAMS. . Dec. 8, ... 8t 80 Christmas, Christmas, phristmas f , ' ??--o-:-- . ?. ."' . . ., ..s ; THE LARGEST OP THE SEASON -OF F'urs, Holiday Groods, --AND Dry Groods, BY Wright, Landram A" Co,,4 233 Bi wiall Street, Have receiver! a LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF F?RS from a Manu facturer to sell. They are of all Styles ami Quality. ; * HOW IS THE TD?E TO RUY HOLIDAY GOODS ? , w GREAT mmm w m GOODS Will be continued until all Goods are sold. The-Pncef. are much lower than last week. NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY;'--Best and hand somest assorted PRINTS at 10 cts. ALL GOODS WILL BE SOLD' ONLY FOR THE CASH. 22f*Come early to make your selections. Angosta, Dec 9 WRIGHT, LANDRAM &.?Q. Im S 51 GRIFFIN & COBB, " foi Dealers in 7 Goods, Fancy -ti CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, Crockery, Hardware, Saddlery, Rope, Nails, &c? EDGEFIELD, S. C. Hurrah for * Inlier ! PRESTOS L. WRIGHT, OP EDGEFIELD, S.'C,.AT THE , J1Y iiiii . ipi 189 Broad Street, Awjmta, Ga, NEW. GOODS A?ID J?W PRICES ! |T is now our pleasure to say-that w? have a Stock of .Goods, second to none this side ol' Now. York, and these, Goods have been Boilfc'lit at tSi'e lowest Cash Prices. We are determined to control ? ;l.a.rge .JSdge field Trade-, and to do so we oller the best Goods at Reduced . Prices. We can now say that we can meet the. wants o: ail. Our. Salesmen are all from Carolina, and arc "attentive, polite and ever ready to accommodate, customers. '* . .?'?$> -'iv: OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT IS CQMPLETJB. emhrtriag Everything New.and Fashional^ * ? .. ?: Doc Skins, Cassi m ores,- Jeans . ' SHAWLS, iT?AlCS/SLA ' " B?isic^i?ew at Facto: excoriation o? '. ? i . .J? 'C-? ?ht! iWest prices. - L t ali who an> in need of anything in c;ur line, call and .see our prices, and they will hot be disappointed. POWELL & MULLER, 1ST Broad Street AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. 3m 40 Sept 24? Kl. O. GLOVER! F. M. STUBBS. H. B. HABEISON. Glover, Stubbs 4 Harrison GROCERS A N D umEML mmm^M Wimms, 1C9 Broad Sj reet, nuder Augusta Hbtol, % GDfavc !?ow osa Bfaitrf ?JB<3 Arrsvtnsr: . A FULL STOCK OF NEW GOODS, --Embracing Bacon, Corn, Flour, Meal, LARD, CHEESE, SALT, SOAPS, ?ofllfc'e, Silgar; Ifloiasses, ^yriips, RICE, MACKEREL, CANDLES, BAGGING AND T I E,S, All Grades Whiskey, Wine, Brandy, Gin, &c, TOBACCO |& SEGARS, &C, &C. ?Vt'. Thankful for the liberal patronage we are now receiving we hope by strict attention tu business to hold and increase the same. - We. will keep florie but the best grade of Goods, and are determined tn sell ;it as low figures as auv House in the City. * GLOVER, STUBBS & HARRISON, Augusta, Sept 2 arwxr ?cuea .:-.:.:>.-... *,r-.\-nji:i.-..-zzr. "..??.r?xVMmz t? JL? &. TE?CrUE, DRUGGIST, JOHNSTONS DEPOT, S. C. __AVING just opened a 2)rilg S?orc at this place, I take this metHod of informing my friends and the public generally that I now have ni Store a full line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, GLASS, PUTTY, KEROSENE OIL, Tobacco. Scgars, In fact everything usually kept in a Drug Store,-all ne?v and warranted genuine. My prices are AS low as such Goods eau be sold in any market ia til? same quantity. ?YJ. TEAGUE. johrisWs Depot, Feb" i? ly 8 Lemons ! 1. BOX fresh LEMONS just received at G. L. PENN * SON'S Lemons! .just receiv 1* SON'S" Drug Store. BLACK - THIBET SHAWLS, Double and Single. : -Fne to suldnae qualities. j, W. TURLEY,,