Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, October 02, 1873, Image 5

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?lIWMIllWIIIIIIMIWII IBM - " "" '. --- Something for tbe Boys. The boys of Georgia can. do j things for themselves 'and 'the State, if they are ambitious, ir triona and full of pluck. Thar many boya in the South who, by work, have earned an honest li hood ; but we fear there are z others who are idle, shiftless ant moralized. There are many "who are now the support and coi of their parents; there are many ere who are nothing but clogs encumbrances to-the author of t being. It is a shame that there sh be a single healthy youth in Gee or the South who is not actiyely gaged in some employment w brings, profiii with-it .to body or ir Now and then our exchanges re some bright, examples of what a can do who is not afraid or osha to labor. Only, the other day, w many plantare, in a distant corni wealth, were complaining that t waa no profit in agriculture, it demonstrated that quite a nambi boya had, by president personal fort! coade not only a living but a siderible sum above it. We are fident thatmuchof the trouble au farmers, arises from the fact that 1 love to be " bosses'' but are disin< ed to go into the fields themse and indifferent about their chili doing so. Now, we want the boys to liste a true account of what three of t number have accomplished. A widowed lady, living not rr miles from Augusta, bas three s aged respectively, 19.14 and 12 y < All of them attend school at ' Richmond Academy, and are at fcive to their scholastic duties. E Saturday of last year, by plougl and hoeing, with no outside aid, 1 cultivated a portion of the land aro their mother's home. The first attended to two acres, the secoud acre, and the third a half acre in ton. The eldest boy made two 1 of cotton, weighing 467 pounds e? The second boy made one bale, we ing 460 pounds. The youngest m 150 pounds of lint cotton. Du: last winter they broke two si steers,- aud, with the assistance < horse, used in attending school, t hauled from the adjacent woods abundance of leaves and litter. 1 material, with 400 lbs. per acre .Dickson's compound, they appliei the poor land they had the use of. ' present crop of the eldest boy is tl and a half acres of cotton. The younger boys have the -same acre as last year. The probabilities that the eldest boy will make tb and a half bales ; the second boy 500 pound bale ; and the younf lad 250 pounds of lint cotton. Meanwhile, they have been punc al in their attendance at school, cept for a period during the sumn when the younger boys .vere atta ed with measles. At the time their sickness they hired a hand do their hoeing. Outside of this evitable help all of the labor has b done by themselves. During va tion they have been busy picking i their crop, and on Saturdays tl complete the gathering. These boys undertook this pla lug scheme of tneir own free w and carried it ont with judgment a dexterity, while other boys were idli They are not obliged to work, I they are industrious, naturally, a have had a teaching under the bl skies~and in the open air quite as u fui as that .acquired in the Acadei rooms. They have made the t>( sandy globe to bloom. They ha contributed largely, if not wholly, pay for their education, and they ha garnered up habits of thrift, ener and true manhood which will ma them independent, healthy and ho o : able. How many. boys are there w could go and do likewise if th would only try ? How mach bett Would it be T)r Georgia and the Sou r she numbered such boys by tho ?iuds. They are deserving of praii coid we shall be glad to record ai other example of youthful vigor ai industry.-Constitutionalist. Love-making and Bltstifig-pon der. A festive youth, who performs h daily avocation in the mmes of Lai der Hill, thought he would take hom a little blasting- powder the other day it might come handy to split an ol stinate log he had at home. VY'he he started for his humble cabin i the evening he wrapped a few ounce carefully in several thicknesses of pa per, and placed it in his pocke When he got home he began think irg how long it would be before h was likely to get a crushing; an then he thought what a nice perfum the handkerchief extract that h bought lost Saturday night had, am he said within himself that a miner' life is hard and uncertain. Then b thought he ought to call on tha Smithers girl to-night. He though of everything but that powder in thi pocket of his coat. After supper he concluded to droi in and see that Smithers girl. Hi fot his necktie in proper shape ; hit andkerchief was perfumed like unt< a new-blown rose ; one oiled loci hung gracefully down on his forehead and lie started for the domicil of hi? sweetness. This young man is color ing a meerschaum, but his girl de tests the horrid smoke ; so when he got to the door he knocked the bow] of the meerschaum on his manly heel and put it in his pocket. Of course he didn't intend to put it in the saine pocket With the powder. His affini ty met him at the door with a sweet smih on her beauteous countenance, welcomed him to the paternal man sion, and invited him into the parlor and to a seat on the sofa. They got engaged in conversation. He asked her if it wasn't a beautiful evening, and i lieu she i ?quired how he liked the dress Miss Brown wore at church last Sunday. He said he didn't like it a bit, and she remarked that Miss Brown waa a stuck-up thing anyhow; and all the time that pipe was insid iously barning its way through that paper. He agreed that Miss Brown was somewhat stuck up, and said maybe he'd Strike ile pretty soon, and then you'd see who'd wear plug hats. She tola him; that she thought plug hats so becoming, and then he was Sing-to tell her he juioredher; that e was the darling of his soul, and that all his happiness was centered in her No, 7 boots. But he was inter rupted. He arose from the floor and inqftim if the lightning bad struck iSHQo'y elie, ?nd remarked some* thing about the Virginia explosion being a Warning not to keep nitro glycerine in their houses. Then he took off his coat. He said it was an old coat, and be didn't want it no how. His girl's- father suggested that this wasn't the Fourth o? July, and if be wanted to set off fire^works he ought to go up on the hill aud do it. Th*n the young man said it was get ting lit? and he guessed he'd go nemo, and suggested that"'he^onld send a man around to-morrow to fix the sofa. He says now that flaxseed ain't worth a pin for a poultice, and he ain't go ing to? call on that Smithers gal any more ; she's most too high toned, and thinks herself too good for a miner, any how. PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Absolutely safe. Perfectly odorless. Always uniform. Illuminating qualities superior to gas. Burns in any lamp . without danger of exploding or'taking (Ire. Manufactured expressly to displace {lie use of volatile and dangerous oils. Its safety under every possible test, and ita perfect burning qualities, are proved by its contined use in over 300,000 fami lies. .Millions of .gallons have been sold and noaccideut-directly ordirectly-bn-s evor occurred from buming, storing or hand I ling it. i he immense yearly loss to life and property, resulting from tho use of cheap and dangerous oils in the United Status, is appalling. Tho Insurance Companies and Fire Commissioners throughout tho country recommend the ASTRAL as the best safeguard when lamps are used. Send for circular. For salo at retail by the trade generally, and at wholesale by the proprietors, CHAS. PRATT & CO., 108 Fulton Street, Now York. 88 Gm Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUNTY. Common Pleas. D. L. Turner, Judge of 1 Probate, Plaintiff, I Judgment vs. f of Milton L. Miles, De: | Foreclosure, fendant j BY virtue of the Judgment of Fore closure in tliis cause, I will sell at Edgefield C. H., on the first Monday In October next, the Mortgaged premises described in said premises, consisting of a TRACT OF LAND, situate in Edgefield County, on waters of Shaw's Creek, wa ters of" Edisto River, containing Three Hundred and Fifteen Acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of James Booth,-Lorrick, Bennett Smith, Lucas, and others. TERMS-The costs and one-half of the purchase money to be paid in cash- The balance of the purchase money on acred it of twelve mouths, with interest from the day of sale, to be secured by bono and a mortgage of the premises sold. Purchasers to pay for titles extra. H. WALL, S. E. C. _ Sept. 8th, 1873. 4t _38 Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EDGEFIELD COUNTY. Common Pleas. E. P. Coleman, for another, ) Execution va. ^against the W. A. Strother. j Property. BY virtue of the Execution to me di rected, in this action, I will sell at Edgefield C. H., on the first Monday in October next, the following lands, situ ate in said osunty and State, levied on as the property of the defendant, William A. Strother, viz: ONE TRACT containing One Hundred and Seventy five Acres, more or less, adjoining the Homestead of Defendant, lands of Ann Wiseman, Estate of W. C. Faulkner and J. C. Strother. ONE TRACT containing One Hundred and Twenty-six Acres, more or less, ad joining lands of John Amacker, L. Mack and B. J Quattlebaum. TERMS-Cash. H. WALL, S. E. C. Sept 10,1873. 4t 38 Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD COUNTY, Coitrt of Probate. Wyatt L Holmes', Trustee, ) Petition vs. \ for sale of Lewis Holloway. J Land. BY virtue of an order from the Hon. D. L. Turner, Judge of Probate, I will sell at Edgefield C. H.. on Sale-day in October next, tho following describid Tractor Land, situated in said coun:> and Stato, to wit : ONE TRACT OF LAND, containing Seventy-five Acres, more or less, known as the Homestead- Lewis Holloway, on Sumy Lick Brunch and adjoining lands of Wyatt L Holmes and others. TERMS:-Costs lo bu paid in cash: balance,of tho purchasomoney on acred it of twelve months with interest from date of sale, to be secured by the bond nf the purchaser and a mortgage ol' the premises. Titles extra H. WALL, S. Et C. Sept 10, _ 4t_38 State of *3outh Carolina EDGEFIELD COUNTY. CO UBT OF COMMOM PLEAS. Angeline B. Hood, Pl'tff., ) Copy 8um vs > mons for David H. Hood, Defendant, J Divorce. Tu the Defendant David H. Hood. You are hereby Summoned and re quired to answer' the complaint in this action, which Ls filed in the office of the Clerk of Common Pleas, for the said County, and to serve a copy of your an swer to the said complaint on the sub scriber at their office, at Edgefield C. H., S. C., within twenty days after the ser vice hereof, exclusive of the day of such service ; and if you fail to answer the I complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in tliis action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated 8th September 1873. GRIFFIN dr BUTLER, Plaintiffs Attorney. To David H. Hood the Defendant in this action. Take notice that this action is com menced for Divoce in the Court of Com mon Plea?, iu and for the County of| Edgefield aforesaid, and the complaint, together with the Summons, of which the above is a copy, was filed in the office of the Clerk of saul Court for said Coun tv, at Edgefield C. H., in said State, on the 9th dav of Sept. 1S73. GRIFFIN ? BUTLER, Pl ai ii ti ii" s Attorneys. Sept. 9th, 1873 6t 38 MANHOOD: How Lost, How Restored. JUST published, a new edition of Dr. CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED Essay on the radical cure (withoutmedi cine) of SP K rt M ATO rt RH QC or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, IMPOTENCY, Mental and Physical In capacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. : also, CONSUMPTION, EPILEPSY and FITS, I induced by self-indulgence or sexual ex travagance. #sa* Price in a sealed envelope only I six cents. The celebrated author, in this admira ble essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may he radically cured without the dangerous uso Of internal medicine or the applica lion of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectu al, by m jans of . which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and i adically. 10S* This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal. In a plain envelope, to auy address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the Publisher,*, CHAS. J.XV KLINE A CO.. KT Ho wt ry, New York, post Otfice Box 4,586. Ang. G Ht 33 O ! KEW TURBINE i <j Raa been u*a-U at YOKK, FA., bj kl! Cij D. M. KT UNG K H. C. !>:., ; ? ami ni HOLYOKE. .MASS., by, fi\ JJ* i JAN. KMKKSO.V, H. K. }*Z I JgBT For Pamphlet and Te? RBJIOIV CD lad'IftfM N. F. BUSNHAM, York, Pa. ? ?1* PETER PENN'S BEST. OW in Store several brands of very ?Ino CHEWING TOBACCO, Just re ceived direct from Virginia-from Peter Penn's calibrated ari an iifactory, Call in .nd try it 0, L. ?J$N?? <fc SON, Au* % .tf 87 M, A CARD. . W. PERRY begs to inform his friends and the publicgenerally of South Carolina and Georgia, that he is now in the WHOLESALE LIQUOR business with Messrs. APPLEGATE & SONS, Louisville, Ky., and thot any orders en trusted to him will be thankfully re ceived and promptly executed. Maj 14 If 21 J. B. HILL & CO., '??? ? PAEK KOW, Dealers iii *\W> if j#Jt|? Staple i ?top?^ Boots, Shoes, Hats, NOTIONS, Crockery, Hardware? Wooden and Willow .. ? . READY MADE CLOTHING. WE ALSO MAKE A SPECIALITY OF Ciroceries, All Grades-And Always Fresh and Pure. Tobacco, Segars, Pipes. And Thousands of Miscellaneous # Articles too Numerous to Mention. \XT Our Fall Stock is now daily arriving from New York and Baltimore. (0* Call in and inspect our Goods before Purchas ing Elsewhere. JJ* We will endeavor to mark our Prices to suit one and all. Sept. 10, tf 38 Mew Goods ? , New Goods I JOHNSTON'S DEPOT, S. C., BEG to announce to their friends and customers of Edgefield and ad joining Counties, that they are now receiving from New York and Baltimore a large and well selected Stork of Fall & Winter Gfoods, -Consisting in part of Fanev, Staple and Domestic i>rv Goods, a good stock, Men and Boys* CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS in great variety, BOOTS and SHOES made to order. - ALSO Our GROCERY DEPARTMENT is now stocked with a splendid assort ment, such as BACON, HAMS, MOLASSES. SALT, FLOUR, MEAL, LARD, CORN, OATS, IRON, NAILS, BAGGING and TIES, TOBACCO and S KG ARS. CROCKERY, TIN, WOOD and HARDWARE, And in fact everything generally found in a First Class Country Store, all which we have marked down to the lowest figures. Give us a call, and save your Railroad expenses, freight, drayage, &c. Cotton. Cotton. We have made ample facilities for the purchase of COTTON, and will buy all offered, and give the highest price. OARWILE & SAMS. Johnston's Depot, Sept. 17 3m 38 ? STOCK FALL ABD WINTER GOODS ! 0. F. CHEATHAM, Johnston's . Depot, S. C. [s NOW OPENING a carefully selected Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, embracing Beautiful Bress Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ladies' SHAWLS and Balmoral SKIRTS, Dress TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, BUTTONS, &c, GLOVES. CORSETS, HOSE and Half HOSE, HANDKERCHIFES, COLLARS, CUFFS, L: .dies' and Gent's UNDERVESTS, Gent's FURNISHING GOODS. Groceries, a Full and Varied Stock. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TIN. WOOD and HARDWARE, Sole LEATHER, Calf and Kip SKINS, Shoemaker's Goods in great variety, SADDLES, BRIDLES, and everything in the line, TRUNKS, VALISES, Carpet SACKS, TIES and BAGGING, TOBACCO and SEGARS, a choice stock, Hair, Nail and Tooth BRUSHES, CONFECTIONERIES in endless variety, PAPER, ENVELOPES, &c., &c. jggf~All of the abovo Gooda, and a great many others, which I have ad ded to my Stock to meet the wanis of my increasing trade, were bought in person from the best Houses in New York and Baltimore, at unusually low prices, and I am selling the same at V hi RY SHORT PROFITS. j^Tbe public are most respectfully invited to call and examine this Stock for their own satisfaction. . O. F. CHEATHAM. Johnston's Depot, Sept 17 3m 39 Chis. CL ??o?rie?, -DEALER IN SADDLES, HARNESS, Leathers of all Kinds, Shoe Findings, Belting, TRUNKS, BU ID L E 8, W H13? S? And a Full Stock of Well Selected'Goods. Also, The Wei! Tried Indianapolis "Wagon; Either Iron or Wood Axles-The most satisfactory Waeon now in nae, and. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT. Augusta, Aug 27 6m 36 ? T. HEA?D & CO. CO??ON F1CTGBS, -A-iigtisik, .G-a. Commissi ou on toi ion, $1 per Bale AGENTS; FOR ; Gullett'* Xiii ht Draft C O T T ON G I N. THIS new GIN nov offered lo tho .public ?R the latestlinventiou ot* Mr; B. D. GULLETT, theinventor of the STEEL BRUSH GIN, nd in all respecte superior to the Steel Briah Stand, o?' auy other Gin made in.'the United States; . SIMPLICITY,DURABILITY, Li?ht nessof DRAFT, with'P?RFECT WORK, being the objects arri yt lat, have all been accomplished. Havi'm. sold Cotton from these Gins during the wo seasons past, we can with safety a4ure thc planter that it will sell in Our market at prices ranging from .k to ic far pound above same grades of Seed Cotton from any 0therGin,exceptingtheBTEELBRU8ii. ; FIRST PREMIUMS vere AWARD ED., this GIN at the ?Hawing named State Fair? : . {. MISSISSIPPI-Jackson, 1871 and 1872. GEORGIA-Augusta, .J8?2,* Savannah, 1873. TEXAS-Houston, 1873 ? Texas 8tate Fair, 1873. LOUISIANA-New Orleans, 1873. Send for Circulars or cai at our office and examine the Gin. ALSO, . Agents for COLEMANS CORN and WHEAT MILL, which wakes superior Meal, and can be attached to and run by the ordinaiy Gin Gearinr without ex pense above the cost of the Mill. June 25 3ni 27 GEORGIA COTTON PRESS. UTHIS PRESS has been in use four years, and has given good* satisfaction. It is the most simply constructed and durable Press in the market. And from the favorable recoinmenda?on given by all who have used it, we firmly believe that it will give better Satisfaction than any other Press o'r Screw nor used. We offer it this Reason improved. Pnce, complete in our yard, $l?*vX). Send for Circular. Gin Qearing. AU sizes, runs light, ant is strong. There is none better made. . Also, Mill Work, Castines and Ma chinery furnished promptly PENDLETON & BOlRDitUN, Foundry and Machine Works, Kellogg St., 'AUGUSTA, GA.. July 15 34 m 30 NOTICE. OLD GINS MADE AS GOOD AS NEW by the AMERIC AN LIGHTNING GIN FILER. Having purchased tho right to use the [ above Machine in this County, I ?'enll be prepared, in a few weeks to comm once work. All persons wishing their Gins filed and repaired will please drop me a few lines at Ridge Spring, C. C. <fe A. R. R. Price, 15 cents per Saw. Other Re pairs at moderate prices. M. B. ASBILL. July 16 4ra 80 Xeblett & Goodrich COTTON GINS. JLXAVING increased, our Manufactory weare prepared to supply thodemand for our well known COTTON GINS, which aro considered the bCf-t in thc market by thoso who havp used and know thom. EVERY GIN GLAUAN TEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Price lower than any other first-class Gin. Orders solicited oarlj' in the Henson to prevent delay. Old Gins REI A HIED on reasonable terms. By permission we refer to the follow ing gentlemen : Gov. M. L. Bonham, Messrs C A. Cheatham and T. P. DeLoach, Edgeficld C. H. Maj. A. Jones, Pine House. Mr. JP. A. Bland, Johnston's Depot. Messrs Jas. Fullmer and P. C. Spann, Leesville. Maj. Josiah Padgett, Mine Crock. Capt. J. G.. Hawthorn, Saluda Old Town. Mr. L. Hartley, Batesville. Gen. M. C. Butler, Columbia. mr Capt. LEWIS JONES, at Edge field, S. C., is our authorized Agon*. z*r Send for Circular and Price last. Address NEBLETT & GOODRICH, Augusta, t?a. Apr. 15 Om 17 QUINN & PENDLETON, (SUCCESSORS TO D. QUINN,) Booksellers, Stationers, Music -and Periodical Dealers, 183 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. BEG to announce to Dealers, Teachers, and the public generally, that owing to their increased capital and long experience in business, they are now prepared to transact a first-class business intelligently. They will guarantee to all customers promptness and dispatch in all business engagements, and solicit a liberal patronage. They keep every thing to be had at a first class Bookstore, below they give a nartial list of the same: ' Blank Books, all sizes and styles, Pass Books, Memoranda Books, Pens, Inks, Mucilage, Envelopes, Note, Letter and Foolscap .Papers, Photograph Albums, Bibles, Testaments, Catholic and Epis copal Prayer Rooks, Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian Hymn Books, and a full lino of the American Sunday School Union Publications. Also, all of tho principal Sunday School and Church Music Books. They desire the namo and address of all School officers iu tho State, including Day School, Sundav School, and Music Teachers. Correspondence earnestly so licited, and information in regard to pro posed chungoM in Text Books, eta., glad ly received. July 23 3m . St THE mont pleasant and popular Tooth or.Mouth Wash extant. Dr. Parker has tried it for several years, and uses no other kind. Everybody likes it, Try a bottle. For sale by . CLISBY ?ft LYNCH, Druggists. SeptS tf S7 Capsicum Plaster. THIS New and Popular Plaster ls pronounced belier tban Muitard does, not blister, and Physicians recog nlfce Its merits and prescribe lt In their practice. , M Ito application relieves, Chfotild Uncu mutism, Neuralgia, Spinal Irritation, Stiff Neck. Sore Throat, Headache, &c. For sale by ? ' ' . - G, K P?*$ & SON. Aug 13 . \ , tf. Si NOTICE. PERSONS./desirlhg ?tho Uso.of any part of the building known as Ma-, ^? ^ ^a^ g SHEPPARD. ? Itt 86 I Ar? - tinually.receiving LARGE- AND COMPLETE STOCKS New Furniture ! Comprising all the LATEST STYXES AND PATTERN -Of- . #_' Parlor, Chamber, Dining Room And OFFICE FIJRNIT17RE ? FROM THE HIGHEST GRADE TO THE LOWEST. And consists of every article of FURNI TURE required' to furnish a House or Office complete. . Call and oxamine at our Waro-Rooms. --r-o Undertaking ! Always on hand, at the lowest prices, Beautiful Caskets and lases, Of our own manufacture. PJLATT BROTHERS, 212 and 214 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. Julv 2 ly 28 Cookin? and Heating Stoves at Retail. Pictures ol'each, with lull descrip tions, as well as prices and lists of furniture for Cook Stores, will bc promptly sent on application. WILLUM SHEPHERD & CO., Charleston, $. C. Sept 3_Gm _ 37 ARR ENDORSED AND PRESCRIBED nv MOR? i*?a lug Pbyilelant than any rt her Toole er Slim, ul.mt now la we. Tbernro A si ict; P2IEVE:.'TIVE, r?r Ferer ind Ago? In'erraliients, BUb-naen and il! ?Ii. or.?pri? ?rising fioni malarious es;: .??. Tier are Llzhly re?. Ptnmenocd aa an AKTI-UViiPrpTIC, ?Mla caaci ot INDI C.EHTION ar* IXYIMADLI. A? tn A!'iTT?~Kll and KL'* fTPEUANT, ?od io eares orcr.\::::\!. Pr.niUTY they hare never lo a tln.-lo lust?r.i-? t '.'. d luproducin; ibo mott ham resal??. They ureinrli'-iit^rly BENEFICIA V* O FE3?AI.ES. Rlrenglbi-nlogtbebodr, loll--?In? IMBtiul, (ad ci', inp nm'?nd elasticity to tho yb ll ry ic:.-.. Ito HOME HIT TERS ar? com pan tided witli Ut-, preen-, t nf care, and na toa* lc .tiraillant has ever bet"-? lera ti IT. ml ti tito publie io PLEASANT Tl) TliKTAr TE i nd at i: e ?ante ilaie roxblu l..?Xso utan? remedial r -- i:i 11 ;. lor wt l r th? medical rratcR? tr ?s tba LvtUnu.n lc liol'! imiawopoela. lieut!, but lil lie IO git*Ilma ?f:i!r (rial. U'4 Every Family Should K?VC n Bottle. \o preparailou In the vor -I can ? m ?: mi many vaejBa?* Uni eutliir-i'Uirui i by idiytlciani ot lb? very highett, ttuading In their profe?>l -n. t y.ndurft u/to by t-'ie Clergy and the leading denomina tlannlpaptrt. lt tr. Vi*, it. Raaeoca, thc oldett Mct?odlit mininer In St. UmU, ia,*i UN Ilu:n.; Wileri ?ero .mest grateful lu contribu ting in ibu rcttor.tion ?rf my itreugtb, sud aa incre??? of t pe etile. OsDiin.v Ma., Jane 2i, 1ST). Persons rreilly debilitated. ?? I bave heca, and who require a mate i-r i mtCLUrr, ucvJ ace* tor noibinj Ix-.tcr than tbe iri.uiu T.-.-.'KT^. S. tr. COPE, ? rruidias rider31. E. Chnrch, r.stlsburx Putrid. I'MIUl Urarai auaura i-:T?L. I 8t. Utsm Mr... OCT. H. 1?T0. J JIMM .1. JACKTON ? 00.-11-..\ei.:;:u.tieilMo f-.-oiula f?r maing the " Home Stomach B uer ." fl. I used thea lu Cell homlul ibo lui fuur MiBlfH I toa.ldcrtbem ia j ram i rain ?bte tunic ?ad ?tiniulMii noir In BM. H. II. it IM.CUER. Koldc.t Physician la Ciarle U. H. Marlou licit Ital. Jaita? A. Jintsoji h Co.-fleo Hean u : Aa youarra cc.tn nunicated io ibu medical profcailou il.e recipe of the''H-tue Uiiitra,"iicnaant,tlicp-furebecooeldored ?<? paten, me' leloo, BO patent b?rlu? been ut rn fur lt. Wc b?v? eximiLed the formula roe making tbe " Home lllturt." ?nd unbent ! tingly tay tb? coBiulustl.uIsouocf rare excellence, kl', tb? '? irficle* ?tedia ilirompviltlim ?rc tbe be?? or tb? elm? te which Iber belong, Ulna highly Tonic. Stimulant, StomuMc, C?rmlnltlre, ia I ?lijhuy I.axaUre. The rn ile ot tirc|itrin^ them li itrletlr In accordance ?Ito the rolo? of poiraucy. ; Ktrlnj B?cd torn lu ocr prlrite practice, we take plc*?un fa recomm-liding thew to ill nerton? dcilroui of tialogJlIltcn, ' ?i bel os thc bett Tonio ?nd Bllmnlaot now ottered t? the pub i lie. F1U??K C. POP.Tl.n, I Prof. Obttetrlci and Dlietsej of Tomen, Colley of I'hy?l I eliot, and late member ll jard of Health. tv. c. Botaustaui Pror.?r ! Obttetrlci ?nd Dliestei of tr omen. Si. fault Med. Colle?. DitAkK Mct'OKIXI,, it. 1)., Ute Pnft. M?. Meslicsl fol?ese. K. A. CLARK, it. D" i Prof. Rtrgerr. Mo. Medlcil College ind late l^nldent Pbytl j ciao City Itoapltsl, St. Louli Ulsiuurl. nsttaECT.ntisix. prof. rr?ctlc?l Ph?rm?eT, Su Uni? Coller? ?f PharnucT. J. C. WlirrEUILL, Ed. M?JIC- l Archive*. ALF. Ittacont, M. D. Dr. C. V. F. Ui wm, C. Oaajcaa, M. D. 8. Gain UMU. M. ll. C. A. WABB, M. D. TP. A. WILCOX, M. I). K. C. FRANKLIN*. M. D., Prof. Surgery, Uomoropiihle Medical Colles*. T. J. VABTIXK.M. D.. T. C. COMSTOCK, il. 1).. Prof. of Midwifery and 1)1 NaM of Women, College ofUoiaoro. path!? Pbrtlcltnt and Surgcoo.. JOHN T. TEMPLE, M. D.. Prof. Materia Medica ?nd Theranpeotica, Homceopataio Medi cal Coll.ga or Mlaaouri. J NO. CONZLEMAN, M. D., Lecturer On Dlieatei of Children, Homeeooathlc College of Mlite?rl. CHARLES VA3TLSE, M. D.. Frof. of Phrilology. Uomoeopcthle Medical Collide of Me. JOHN HARTMAN. M. D.. Prof. Clinical Medicine, Col. noirceopathlc Pbjtlelani ?od Borg'?. They arc tuperlor to alt other Stomach Hitter?. XN'NO SANDERS. Analytical Chem!?. No Bluer* in the ?orld cao ex?cl them SIMON HIRSCH, Analytical Chemin. Eminent Pbyaiclanit of Chicago. Tb? formol? for the Hom? Bitten ba* beeo lubmlttcd lo o*. ?ad ve belitre them te be the heit toole and ? tim ulam for cn ere 1 nie no? offered ta th? public. An. WoonauBT, M. D., ytieil JA*. V. Z. RLIXBY, M. D. Chemist. Fror. Cheralilry, Uuih n.S. HAMM, M. D., Medical College. II. MCTICAB. M. P.. J. R. WiLxn. M. D., Noa'N. S. Hi RN ti. M. D., T- S. Horst. M. D.. R. LCDLIM. M. D.. Tun. T. Kum, M. D., Ja*. A. CoLUif?, M. P. J. A. ?IHIN. M. D. Eminent IMi> slcians in Cincinnati, Nearly ?ll of ?bom are Profcttort In OD? or th? other of the Medical Collegui, No other Bitten hare erer been offered to tho public era* bracing to roany r?lu?bl? remedial agenu. J. L. Virmx, M. V., L. A. Jun, M. D., C. T. Bmreoai, M. D.. R. P. Bontaa, M. 0., C. ri. McicBArr, M. D., O. W. BIOUB. M. D., W. T. TiLUirBBJU. M. D., J. J. QUIN?, M. S., J. H. BucKwan, M. P.. W. R. WOODWABS, M. D., G. A. DoutxTT, M. D.,- ll. S? WITVS, Chemin. C. WooB?iBO, M. D" 0. K. TIYLOB, M. 0., D. W. McCiBmr, M, n., P. F. MILBY, M. P., lt- H. JUIISK'M, M. I). S. n. TnuLIXIOlt. M. D. Eminent Ph j sic ions in 91emphia>; Thc Bom? Bitter? are to loraluable remedy for" ncUgntioa .nd dlteitei arliloe from malarial cautai. 0. B. TllOBBTON, M. I)., AL?. EBlKtNB, M. P., Inebergcof City Hotpital, M. it. notxin, M. D., J. M. RUMOI, M. D., PAUL UTBY, M. D" H. W. Pcusxu., M. P., M. A. EoucxM. M. P., flixoeoms Bau, M. P.. Jo*. K. I.VRCH, M. P., Eminent Vhj slclana in PltUburarh; B. F. Dura, M. P.. Wu. CLOWB?, U.V.. W. R. CHILD., M. D" D. It. WlLLiBO. M. D" 0. WOTB, Cbamlil, J. tl. McCutLLirD, M. P., And Hundred* of Others lo all pirti of the North, Weit and Sustb. * J. X. (iia-saa, M. P., Milwaukee. * COUNCIL HM rr?. Mirch fl, 1871'. J ian A. J xcxecnt Co.-Hirlageximloedlbe formula ?r th. *. Hon* Stomach Bitten," I have prccrlbtd them lu my ?raha . ttee for tome time, and pmn^uace them the bett Tonic BBteM. now In nae. p. H. McMAUCN, M. 5?. fjyPor lil? by ill druggliti ind frrocen Jame? A. Jackson A C Labra tory lOSaadlf/I N, Seco&d d frrocen. yt Co., i*ropriet?W i t?-.., Su Lcd. MiiisVi. . Forsale by CLIS?Y tfe LYNCH, Druggist. Fe'). 28, ly 10 GEO. S. HACKER. DOOR, SASH, BLIND FACTORY, Charleston. THIS ISAS LARGEand.COMPLETE a Factory as there is in tho ?South. AU work manufactured at tho Factory in this city. Tho only Hou.so owned and managed by a Carolinian in this city. Send for Price List- Address GEO. S. HACKER, Post office Rox 170, Charleston, ?X. C. Factory and Warerooms on King street opposite Cannon st., on Un?City Railway Nov 27 Iv 4!?* NOTICE IS hereby given that application will be made at the next session of tho Legislature for a Charter for a RaUnnid from Edgofleld C. H. to Pine House De pot, C. C. <fe A. R. R., with the privilege of extension. Aug. 20,1878. 8nl 35 Fair flott?e ! ALL persons indebted to tho radar signed are earnestly requited to settle their accounta.by th* loth October. Those who fall to Cotaply with the above request, their accounts will be placedla the hands of an Attorney for collection. 0 , - A. A. CL-ISRY, Sept 10, ' lm ..88 " . . f 1 ?-.'- - ??? FAIR NOTICE. ALL Persons .Indebted to the Under-. signed,aro requested to call ancLs?t j tie at ohco. Those^-ftiling^to,. copi ply, with alwve.roq?esfci:mflll. be charged 19 per cant, interest tropa this dato. ^ A.A. ClilSBY. Apr 30 U lg I ... . . - ?y., t';?i jr* i? f 1 At IRE now receiving and. rapidly ,opening a LARGE and, COMPLETE assortment of ? ,.{?' 4 tiA il 1/ f ! ..' , ' ; j ; ? ? i y i &?j if; J t. Dry Goods and Groceries. Their Stock is ALWAYS FULL, and on calling on- them you will n?ver be disappointed. Shoes, Clothing, Hate, Foreign and Domestic Dry jptooiS CROCKERY, TIN, WOODED "WILLOW%ARE, Are a few among the many articles they keep always on hand. The highest prices paid ?or O?TTQN.?. Wrap i^up ?well,: and ft dp that procure the best and heaviest BAGGING AND TlhS, always on'hand at SAMS & CARWILE'S. Pine House, Sept 2 . . tf 37) . . i . '?it fy, M. 0. GLOVES. F. M. STUBBS. H. B. HABBISON. Glover, Stubbs & Harrison AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 1G9 Broad Street, under Augusta Hotel, Augusta, (Ha. Haye Now on Hand and Arriving : A FULL STOCK OF MW GOQ?% -Embracing Bacon, Corn, Floor, Meal, LARD, CHEESE, SALT..S0AP.S, , Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrups, RICE, MACKEREL, CANDLES, BA G G I N G AND T l EIS, AU Grades Whiskey, Wine, Brandy, Gin, &c, TOBACCO & SEGrABS, <fce., ?fcc, &e. Thankful for the liberal patronage we are now receiving, we hope by strict attention to business to hold and increase the same. We will keej. none but the best grade of Goods, and are determined to sell at as low figures as anv House in the City. GLOVER, STUBBS & HARRISON, Augusta, Sept 2 tf - 37 e Lowrey Wagon! HAVE NOW ori hand Jhe: largest Stock, of (Southern Ittade Wagons ever offered in this market, and the Only Southern Made Wagons in the City. As I give inv personal attention to the building of every Wagon pfct^up in my Shop, I am confident that the' "LOWREY WAGON" is as good, if not belier than any Wagon offered in Augusta... All I ask of those in want of Wagons is to give me* a call before buying elsewhere. I also beg leave to call thu attention, of those who have bought the LOWREY WAGON in the past, and where they have failed in any way to have given perfect satisfaction, to call in person, or send in their claim, and it shall be settled a.t once, sta I intend that EVERY: WAGON SOLD BY ME MUST GIVE SATISFACTION. . I hope to be able to keep on hand a full assortment of all sizes of Farm Wagons, so that no one in search of such thiugs will be obliged to go away without a " LOWREY WAGON." J. H. LOWREY, Corner Campbell and Ellis Streets, AUGUSTA, GA. Augusta, Sept 10 3m 38 T. W. CAR WI LE & CO., GROCERS -AND Soumission Merchants, 270 Broad St, Augusta, Ga., PREPARING for the Spring and Summer Trade, to meet the wants of friends and customers in the way of Plantation and FainLy Sup plies, are daily making heavy additions to their already large Stock, to which they invite attention. Our Stoc k comprises in part : 1?CON, LARD, COFFEES, SUGARS, TEAS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, RICE, MACKEREL, SALT, FLOUR, MEAL, CORN, BUTTER, CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, ALE, PORTER, TOBACCO, SEGARS, &c, And in fact EVERYTHING usually on sale in First Class Grocery Souses. We are also Agents for the sale of Wm. Massey & Co's. Celebrated Phila delphia ALES. Will be glad at all times to see our Edgefield friends, and will sell the Best Goods at the Lowest Market Prices. Augusta, Feb 5 tf 7 insurance lotice. -1-0 THE Undersigned having established his office at Edgefield, as General Agent for the Cotton States Life Insurance Company, invites attention to one or two of the advantages offered those Who may desire to effect insurance on their lives in a safe Home Company : The Board of Managers at a recent meeting passed unanimously the fol lowing Resolution : " Resolved, That in view of the fact that there are unusually large sums paid for Life Insurance, to the Companies of the North and East, which sums, being there invested, ccnt-Hbute to the enrichment of those sections, whilst our own South is greatly in- nee i of cash capital to prosecute success fully our Agricultural and Mechanical enterprizes ; it is ordered, that for the purpose of retaining these sums in our midst, hereafter a certain pro portion of the net cash, receipts from premiums, amounting to not more, than 70 per cent, of the sanie be invested in such manner as may be in accord ance with the regulations of the Company, in those sections from which the said premiums are attained." (Signed) WM. B. JOHNSON, Prea't. GEOBOE 8. O'BEAB, Seo'ry. In accordance with the above Besolution . Board of Advisory Trustees has been regularly organized at Edgefield C. H., S. C., with the following Officers, vis: Maj. W. T..GABY, President. . . . Capt, B. 0. BBYA?T, Vice President, ft. 0. SAMS, Esq., Secretary. . ThiB Board i?'nOw prepared to transact business, and- invest the funds of] the Company agreeable to the prescribed regulations. . v ? The financial strength of the Company places it in high rank. Its last Annaal Statement shows that the Company pos??ss, besides its large Guar antee, $1-70 for every &L00 of its liability. . M.- --.^M.iW. A?KEY, General Agent? ? I June 21, If 7 FIFTEENTH year opel? Oct ?fe. Tuition 820 a Session.. Board 1115 per monta, including 'Fuel and wishing. Bend for a Catalogue.. ,. . *jjgf J. L BONNFR t Aug. 26 x**8t Due WcsCSiC; r -I MEDICAL COLLEGE: . OF THE;' -V" State ofSouib ?ar?llha . ' ? . AT. . ' ' - - npHE Fifty-fifth . Session w?l b:gin ob i the 15th of.October, and terminate bl? the Faculty tn gay that the Cr tNicAi. at the South.-.. 7, Tat- ' i ltoviewofthelmpaver?R0^*c??dlt?o^ of the Stale; and the Bcnetfe?iry 6cholar skips created by Bomhof the Schools st the South and West, ?u only Bufflcient to meet ?urrejnrea?L_ of the Institution. . -v. c-> w ;. Board can be obtained in Charil ?tdn at. as reasonable rates aa in any hu?;? city, . Circulars sent upon application, to E. AVKINXOCH. M, D., t- .^?eanirf-WB : Septos; eow8t C. H. Pjaimir, " P. $&,sxstTst.! J \ y MAKE LiberaT Advances cn Consign ments of COTTON. Buy and Seil Con-, tracts for future delivery In thia market, .or New- York. Keep constantly on hand a largo assortment of BAGGING and TIES. Agentafor me celebrated*. y^hU Win?hip Colton ?ia. Augusta, Septr^ ( 8?p044 COTTON xAviur ATTG?8TA, OA. Augusta Constitutionalist THE Subscriber, bsa accepted the Agency at this place for the above first class journal-and will be pleased to receive new sabeeribsts and renawals of subscription on expiration. Prompt attention gjven.to all cash, orders. _^?^? L.'TL MCCULLOUGH; . At Advertiser Officer ? Avg?.-:.<.vrf . Mm. ... 88 =3-?--< DOGES/ Sash & Blinds, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS. Stair Fixtures, Builders' ?j Furnishing Hardware, .Drain Pipe^Floor Tiles, Wire Gnsrds, Terra : Cotta Ware, TOarW? " Slate Mantle Pieces. wm Window G?ass a Speciality, White Pine Lumber for Sale. Circulars and Trice Litte sent free on application, by - P.:'P. TOALE, 20 Hayne and 83 Pinckney st*., . Charleston, S. C. . Oct2 iy 41 MS mt P ? 1ST N'S o ..ir. - B0 ??Q??E? V 0 L COLOGNE ; a -. . 's ls th? acknowledged BEST, and at the same, time the CHEAPEST, . , Toilet Perfume Ever introduced in Edgefield. Every body likes it/ and Its popularity is daily increasing. " PENN'S BOUQUET. COLOGNE- is prepared with the greatest care from the purest Oils and Extracts by V..B. PENN -i\a? for sale at the Drug Store of CJ-. L. & SOU'. Mar 19 tf 18 Ti GRIFFD' & Bl HE Undersigned have formed a ^Partnership in the Practice of Law in Edgefield County.; 1 'i S. B. GRIFFIN, M. C. BUTLER. Feb 10 - ? tf ? 8 SAMS & CARWILE, PINE HOUSE DEPOT, ' ALNNOUNCE to the public that they are now opening a fine Stock of GRO CERIES and PLANTATION GOODS, which they wiU sell at tho lowest rates* ?Si- Examine our Goods and Prices before buying elsewhere; Pine House, Mar. 5, tf ll W. H. SHAFFER, Dentist, E D G K F I E L D, S. C., . Oflice, at Mimi' Photograph Gallery. 'Aug 18' ? ;tf New. 3Liaw Firm. JOHN E. BACON. . TH os. J. ADAMS BAC OT! <fc ADATJS. Attorneys at Law, Will Practice in the Courts of the State, and United States Courts Tor South Caro lina, j % .r X? ? - ~> Former Office of Carroll <k Bacon and Bacon <fe Butler. Jan 18,1872. - tf 6 _:_,-;-1- , '._ M. L. BONHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICI TOR IN EQUITY. Office; Law. Range. ; Edgefield, S. C. May 28 tf., '? \%.. School Commissioner's Office, EDGEFIELD C H., S. C., Sept. 15, mn*'* ?\T0TICE is hereby given that the pife ll lie Schools in Edgefieli bc opened for the next Sd from and siter toe 15th * next, and continu? open of December following, be. resumed on th e 15th of next year, and continue i fund provided ibr ,?e?&'? warrant. All Certificate? to 7>5* ?ear are revoked. 5%* e issued for next yeer. 1 - beortmon et?lfoadaj and Oarnrtto for the transaction ?? any business per* .8.- ais* a" 12 Just Eeceited, BOXES 1 Tub Goshen Sept 17