Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, May 01, 1873, Image 3

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?Termst" ?,00 p?r Annum. Our Agents In Charleston. . The Advertising Agency of Messrs. Walker, ?Evans <fe Cogswell, represented by Rps^B?T. Logan, Esq., is the only authorized* Agency for ,ihis paper in Charleston.5- . - Mr. Manget's Peace Conference. Mr. Manget, as Capt. Jack, assisted by Johnnie Bee, as Scar-faced Charley, calls you all in to a peace conference. Read hi3 call, and beware ! He designs shoot ing ycfu dead with cheapness. Imagine the extreme novelty of such a deat h ! But bis Dress Goods are lovely, rt O. P. Ch^atham at j johnston*^ j. j Mr. Oscar Cheatham speaks to-day in his character of m er chan t*p rince at John ston's. "Read bini, all you people who trade, or ever design tradingat Johnston's. . leading Off In Turnips. D^r. and; Mrs. Hill;, who always have an incomparably fine gard en, send us spring turnips of remarkable size and beauty. A thousand thanks ! *; Unquenchable as the Modocs! ' The spirit, and the enterprise, and the taste, and the everlasting state of prepa ration, and thenever-iailingkeeping-up with'-the-times, of Jas. A." Gray <fc Co., of j Augusta, are all as unquenchable as the j Modocs. Read their new card, and see another proof of their possession of all these admirable qualities. Mr? Lebeschultz's Masculine Raiment. We do not mean the raiment which clothes Mr. Lebeschultz's own portly) body, but that Vast and Handsome Stock which ho has just received from New "Kork for the purpose of Clothing other ?men's portly bodies-or plump, or lean, or scraggy, as the case may be. The said Stock is incomparably Beau tiful and Complete. And while Clothing is Mr. L's. speciality, still if you will read his new spring announcement in another column, you Viii seo that his points of attraction are as numerous as the sands of the seashore. Miss Gibbes* School Entertainment. - Miss Gibbes requests us to announce to the public that the Entertainment to be given by her scholars, for the purpose of repairing the rooms in which she teaches, and throwing two of them into one, for the more successful conducting of the school, will take place in Mas?me Hall on Friday evening next. This En tertainmentwill consist of Plays, Cha-"| rades, Tableaux, and Music-two or three young gentlemen amateurs of our com munity, violinists and vocalists, kindly undertaking the latter department. The whole Exhibition-we can answer for it -will be extremely bright and pretty. Admission, 50cts ; children, 25cts. Doors open at 7 ; performance to begin precise ly at 8. Announces his Whereabouts. Mr. Mark Toney announces his where abouts and issues a respectful invitation. See his card. . i Murder on the Ridge. On Tuesday last, on the plantation of ] Mr. Wm. Watson, living near Ride Spring Depot, Elbert Raiford and a man by the name of Brooks, both colored, got into a quarrel which resulted in a fight-fence rails and rocks being the implements of | war. Brooks pounded Raiford severely with a rail and afterwards with a rock, from which blows and contusions Raiford died the next mornhig. Brooks, who was clearly the aggressor and fomenter of the | strife, made his escape, and has not }*et J been arrested. Raiford was au excellent blacksmith, and had, we understand, the full confidence and patronage of the people of the community in which he lived. Let us Have a Fire Engine. A Fire Engine, so indispensable to the safety of life and property in our com munity, is not now among us, but we are glad to say that there is a good pros pect of our having one soon. The gen tlemen of our town-mostly young men, strong and brave-who have enrolled their names as members of a fire com pany, held a meeting in tho Court House on Monday night last, and besides otner important preliminary business, appoint ed Committees to solicit subscriptions towards the end in view. Of course an Engine, and the other accompaniments, will cost a very considerable sum. But then only comparatively a small moiety of this will be collected by subscription if-as we understand it will-the Town Council should doits duty in this matter. Of the twelve or fifteen hundred dollars paid annually to the Council by the cor poration, an important sum might well be donated to this AV eighty and crying necessity. ' Indeed, let.us have little or no road-working this yeer rather than that 'the present fire-protection spirit should be chilled. A fire anywhere and under any circumstances ip terrible enough, but, as we have often beforo ob served, should a fire break out and gain headway on oar public sqaare, where would our calarrity and desDlation end? A year thereafter it might be written of Edgefield, ?? Ubi Troja fuit nunc cst seges"-where Troy once stood there is now a cornfield! On Time,! Gallaher <fc Mulherin, the great Shoe Merchants of Augusta, oiler to shoo peo pie on timo. Read, their proposition in another column. Even Scott is Alarmed. Ex-Oov. R. Kt Scott remarked the other day in the presence of a prominent Republican of this County, with appa rently considerable alarm, "lil be U-d if Frank Moses and his ' Ring' hav'nt stole moro money during tho past five months of his Gubernatorial administra tion, than I and my administration did during my four years reign as Governor; and by the Eterna!, I can prove it.4' And perhaps Gov. Scott is right-and as he he Avas "some'' on the steal himself, we dare say Frank Moses, a profligate spendthrift through he bo, is to-day worth a cool half million or more. Scott at tho last count only claimed to have a quarter million of the South Carolina ill-gotten pelf. Frank, please "rise and explain." ?S- Gov. Moses has appointed Messrs Milledgo W. Turner and William Park mau, Trial Justices for Edgefield County. 0T Tho New Orleans Picayune, of the 23d instant, speaking, we suppose, Avith especial reference to operations in the Western cotton- Stages, says : " It is yet too early to form any estimate of the planting, but tho general impression is that a larger area than last year has been put in. The l3te frosts have rendered re planting necessary to a considerable ex tent in some sections." Adview from the seacoast section of this State report tho disastrous result to the crops from the killing frost of Fri day morning; much of the cotton will have to be replanted, and the injury to tho early vegetables is irreparable. No frost so late has occurred fn this region for fifty years. p?T In North Carolina, Tennessee, and the uj>per portions of Georgia and South Carolina great damage was done to the corn and cotton crops, and the frnit crop W.BSS?80 materially injured by tho heavy I frost of toe 2?h. 1 . Local Iteras. . On Sunday morning last, Father Folchi, a-young Italiaapriest o!" Charleston, who now does missionary service in Edge field,'said Mass in the Catholic Church of this place; and in the afternoon a large congregation assembled to witness the beautiful and solemn-rite of adult .baptism, FathertFoichi expounding the rite and its symbols with great clear nessi Considerable repairs have been made* lately upon the roo^ and other parts of this handsome Church, andan elegant new carpet has been laid upon the floor of the chancel. On the 4th >**f June, whioh falls on Wednesday, Father Folchi will again be in Edgefield, when a solemn Requiem Mass for the soul of the late Dr. Bermingham, who may be called thefather of the Church, will be sung. ?The Sabre Club held' its monthly drill on Saturday last-a good turn-out and a lively day. No races however. In the afternoon, amid much fun and merri ment, a indi was raffled-quite ?.fine looking bull. Young Atkins, one of the leading Sabreurs, won him ; and strange to say, he turned out to be not a bull but a steer, which is only another proof that " all that gritters ' is not gold." In the latter part of May or first of June we are to have another grand Tournament and Ball. Something to look forward to ! Marble*-playing, the players ranging from youth to hoary age, is now the amusement on our sidewalks. Mr. Dick Anderson is more popular than ever at the -Ryan Hotel Bar, and his fresh Lager Beer is now the town talk. Edgefield "(viii have at least one repre sentative at the Vienna Exposition. Mr. M. A. Markeri, one of our most esteemed and popular citizens, designs making the Great Exhibition the occasion of ?visit to his Fatherland. He will leave us in a few days for New York, whence he wiU sail to Liverpool or Havre. It is Mr. Markert's iutention to be absent some five months.. Ho has not promised to do so, but we, hope-and we know every one will join us in the hope-that he Will send us back^letter every week. Friday night last was severely cold, and Saturday morning disclosed a heavy frost, thick ice, and gardens terribly damaged. Irish potatoes universally cut down ; beans, squashes, and cucum bers killed outright ; corn blighted, and everything yellowed and set back. Cot ton a good deal injured, but not disas trously. And so also of fruit. The de mand for fresh garden seeds within the last fonr days has been enormous. A few days ago, we are told, Milos Yeldell, the yellow man who is in jail charged with stealing Mr. L. R. Tillman's money, and who still swears vehement ly that ho " found it," espied on the pub lic square our late County Treasurer, and, standing in close proximity, the present County Treasurer. Hereupon Miles, leaning against the iron bars that so ter ribly wound his pure soul, sang out in lastly tones that reverberated magnifi cently around the square: "Here's the place for you County Treasurers ! Here's the place for you !" This was a sort of vulgar rebuff to the Treasurers, and they incontinenti"? had business in other quar ters of the town. Miles "knows how it is himself,"-and many who heard his exclamation remarked that, for once, he was not far from the truth. Capt. Eichelberger, ex-County Treasu rer, has returned homo from Columbia. We understand that he has made a par tial settlement with Treasurer Cardozo. On Monday last, just as the dry weather had begun to tell oa growing stuff, there fell a gentle rain. Ou Tuesday we had still more-falling beautifully. And as we write, Wednesday forenoon, it is cloudy and damp, with every prospect of further showers. So the season may . be called a fine one hereabouts. The Case of Capt. Bart. N. Blocker. Our compatriot, above named, for years past a citizen of Burke Co., Ga-, had a hearing before the U. S. Court in Savan nah on tho21st April. It will be remem bered he was arrested some six weeks back upon a charge of Ku Kluxism. However, we should not say "had a hearing," inasmuch as the Grand Jury found " No Bill." The' negro witnesses failed to link their lies, and Capt. Blocker returned quietly to his home Our friend was mu'jh favored in this matter by able legal advisers-eminent lawyers giving him the benefit of their time and talents without fee or reward. . The German Festival in Charleston. ? The Germana of Charleston, a body of people Very much to be honored and'ad mired, held high festi\?al list week-the national amusement of target shooting and enjoyed themselves as only Germans can-rationally, aesthetically, enthusias- | tically, without strife, confusion or vul garity. .The arrangements for their an nual celebration were thorough and com plete, . and carried out without mar or mishap. The salute of? cannon on Monday morning ushered in the carnival of joy, ind without let or hindrance the festivi ty and mirth continued unabated for five days. ] Among no people is the union of fes tivity and solid virtue more beautifully 1 blended than among the' Germans, nor the equipoise of business and pleasure better sustained. The first through passenger train on the Air Line Railroad, from Charlotte to Greenville, will reach Greenville this af ternoon, Wednesday 30th. Tho excur sionists are to behandsomely entertained -frrand ball &c. Greenville-as well she may !-is to lift up her voico and shout for joy. The name of the railroad town on the Greenville & Columbia Railroad, known as Frog Lovel, has been changed by the Legislature, and is now called Prosperity. Thc town has also beon incorporated, and recently an election for Intendant and Wardens of the town resulted as follows : fntendaut-U. B. Whites. War dens-J. M. Wheeler, E. P. Cromer, J. J. L. Counts, L. S. Bowers. John Phinizy, Jr., Esq., an emi nent lawyer of Augusta, died in that city on Sunday last, in tho 53d year of his ago. HEAVY FROST.-A heavy frost fell in this latitude Friday night, and garden vegetation yesterday morning was con siderably cul down. Accounts from the adjacent country represent the crops as presenting quite a sickly appearance in consequence of the cold snap. But for the extreme dry weather prevailing, the damage to the growing crops would haye been very serious.-Chronicle ? Seiftinel, 2G.h. Notice.-Two Silver Medals and four Diplomas were awarded to Alfred C. Force, 258 Broad St., Augusta, by tho Cotton States Fair Association, for the' largest, finest and best assortment of Boots and Seoes. 6m 6. -'--m?ii ? SST- COME OUT OF THE JA ws or DEATH. -Throw off that despondent spirit, crush that feeling of despair, bo cheerful, hap and well. Take Simmons' Liver Regu lator-it is no humbug, its virtues can be proved by h undreds right here at home. Examine the certificates. It has cured the worst cases of Dropsy, Dyspepsia, and prevents CMUM, Fairer, ota J ;-NOWTSr-THE TIME -FOR. Spring Remedies ! I\[ow in Store many of the most popular Medicines for the Spring season -for PURIFYING THE BLOOD and RENOVATING arid REGULA TING THE SYSTEM-such as Dr. Tutt's Sarsaparilla and Queen'?3 Delight, Rad way's Sarsaparillian Resolvent, Jayne's Alterative, Ay er s Cherry Pectoral, Wi8tar's Balsam Wild Cherry, Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator, . McLean's Liver Pills, Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills, And many other well-known and invaluable Remedies. -?-A^so BITTERS! TONICS! &ITTERS! In great variety, embracing H?ME STOMACH BITTERS-the people's favorite tonic, Bostetter's Walker's Vinegar, Plantation Panknin's Hepatic Tutt's Golden Eagle, &c And the genuine Imported Schiedam Snapps, very fine. . l@*For sale By' A. A. COSBY, Druggist. Apr 23 tf 18 -AT 0. F. CHEATHAM'S. MY STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE I -rn- .. All Departments, And will be Sold Low for Cash. 0. F. CHEATHAM. Edgefield, S. C., Apr 1G tf 17 The Edgefield Male Academy. THIS School has but recently been opened. The present session is to be one of Five Months. Board can be reasonably obtained in the Town. Now is the time for scholars to enter. The Undersigned is endeavoring to establish a Classical School, of high grade, in this place; and feels quite sure of achieving ultimate success, provided he is reasonably sustained by those who should feel most deep-ti interested in the subject of educating thc young. So soon as the School is sufficiently large to justify it, a competent As sistant will be employed. TERMS, $20-one-half in advance. J?"*For further information, address, H. E. WHITFIELD, Principal, EDGEFIELD, S. C. April. 15, gt 17 Holland dB? Mo"bley, JOHNSTON'S DEPOT, S. C. HAVE IN STORE A LARGE STOCK OF Plantation SUPPLIES and Family GROCERIES, OUCH as BACON, CORN, OATS, FLOUR, MEAL, LARD, SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, &c., &c, which they are selling at the most rea sonable prices. BST CORN and OATS received by the Car Load, and sold as low as any other House can possibly sell. THE ?SEST LIQUORS. Such as Fine French Brandy, Superior Corn and Rye Whiskeys, Gin, Rum, Sec., always on hand, and for sale very cheap. t When you come to JOHNSTON'S give us a trial. Johnston's Depot, April 15, lm 17 Sounds FROM POWELL & MULLER, 1S9 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., LilSTEN : The hard times at the North have forced many Merchants to throw their Goods upon the market at UNHEARD OF PRICES, and the prettiest of these Goods we have just opened. Look at the Prices : DRESS GOODS -at 123 cents. Colored CAMBRICS at 20 cts. Japanese POPLKTS at 25 eta: SPRING SILKS, (all silk) af only $1.00 an d $1.50,-the latest styles represented. PERCALES, Colored and White PIQUES, the prettiest eyer brought to this market, from 10 2-3 to 25 cts.-they are cheap. A celebrated brand of BLEACHED COTTON, 1 yd. wide, at 12} cts., worth 18 cts. ' ? Lace and Crochet TRIMMINGS, at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cts. PARASOLS at 50 cts., late^tyles. COMBS at 5 cts., LACE COLLARS at 10 cts. Lace POINTS and Summer SHAWLS at $1.25. We offer Bargains at thjs Season, while you need the Goods. Ky Wc mean business. POWELL & MULLER, 189 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. April 16, tf 17 IMPORTED WU AND BRANDIES ! 10' Cases fine old Hennesey Cognac, 4 " Imported Champagne, 6 " " 'Madeira and Sherry Wines, 2 " ? Claret and Old Port " 2 lt Rhine Wine, 4 Casks Scotch Ale and Porter, OLD RYE AND CORN WHISKEY ! . 20 Bbls. Old Rye Whiskey, different grades, 10 " ? Corn .9^Just received and for sale by . ^ At A. CLISBY, Druggist, Apr 23 tf 18 Lumber ! Lumber ! For Shoemakers and Planters. IHAVE now on hand at each of my, OoMPLETE Stock of SOLELEATH Steam Saw Mills, near Johnston's Do-1 ER_prench and American Calf SKINS _Kip SKINS.-UPPERS for Gents ... Mills, near Johnston's Do Eot, a fine assortment ot FIRST CLASS ?UMBER, and will seU, the same at rea sonable prices. I am also prepared to deliver Lumber. Will deliver good Lumber at Edgefield C. H. for $17.60 per thousand feet, cash on delivery; at any other points of great er or less distance, at a slight difference ia price. p. M. GIBSON. Apr. 9, lm 16 New Crop Florida Syrup! JuST received Four Barrels NEW Crop FLORIDA SYRUP, which wUl be Bold Cb?ap for-Gash, either by the Barrel or Gallon. ' W. F. DURISOE, Jr. Deo? tf ? Shoes, and all the necessary implements for making Shoes and Booft. J..H CHEATHAM. Apr 16_tf_J7 2DOZEN more of the SEAMLESS KID GDOVES, at GRIFFIN & COBB'S. Feb. 19, tf 9 Vinegar and Pickles. JuST received 2 Bbl. superior VlhE GAR. Also a fresh lot very fine PICK LES. For sale by G. L. PENN A SON. Apr JUS tf IT G. L. PENN & SON, DEALERS IN TOILET ABD IAffCY ABH011S, GROCERIES, TOBACCO, SEGARS, ?DC. We take pleasure in informing our friends and the public that our Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES and GROCERIES, in every Department, is now complete, and of the best quali ty, and we have marked all of Goods at the lowest possible rates. j . 1 Physicians, Farmers, Merchants, and the Ladies in particu lar, are invited to call and examine oui Stock of Goods, and note the low prices at which we are selling. W. B. PENN will always be foand at his post ready to serve, his friends and customers. Our Stock Embraces in part: Jayne's EXPECTORANT, Tutt's EXPECTORANT, Allen's LUNG BALSAM-, Cook's WINE TAR, for Coughs and Colds, Whitcomb's ASTHMA REMEDY, Ayer's CHERRY PECTORAL, Wistar's BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, Bradfield's FEMALE REGULATOR, PHILOTOKEN, &c, &c. POPULAR PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR. Ayer's Hair VIGOR, Chevalier's LIFE FOR THE HAIR, Dr. Tibbetts' HAIR REGULATOR, Hall's HAIR RENEWER, Barry's TRICOPHEROUS, Burnett's COCOAINE, PO MAD ESand Hair OILS in endleu variety. ' FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER WITH LIVER COMPLAINTS. Dr. Sanford's LIVER INVIGOR ATOR, Dr. J. Walker's VINEGAR BITTERS, Dr. Simmons' LIVER REGULATOR. BITTERS AND TONICS. Tutt's GOLDEN EAGLE BITTERS, Hostetter's STOMACH BITTERS, Solomon's STRENGTHENING BITTERS, Drake's PLANTATION BITTERS, McLean's STRENGTHENING CORDIAL. TOILET ARTICLES FOR LADIES. Penn's Bouquet COLOGNE, . Lubin's Genuine EXTRACTS, Bell COLOGNE* . Alwood COLOGNE,. Handkerchief EXTRACTS of every description, Hair OILS and POMADES, select flavoring, Toilet POWDER BOXES, very handsome, Toilet SETS, ali colors, . Tooth SOAPS and POWDER, LILY WHITE, ROUGES and Toilet POWDERS of every kind, Toilet SOAP, all flavors, Tooth, Nail, and Hair BRUSHES, full stock. We were very careful in selecting the above Good?, and can guarantee ;ach arl ide to be pure and of the best quality. FOR COOKING PURPOSES. SEA FOAM, something new and excellent, EXTRACTS Lemon, Rose, Orange, Vanilla, Pine Apple, &c, A full line of Baking POWDERS, and SPICES of all kinds. LAMPS, 'CHIMNEYS AND KEROSENE OIL. Always on hand a full stock of LAMPS and CHIMNEYS, all styles, And Pure Kerosene OIL. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND CON FECTIONERIES. SUGAR and COFFEE, FLOUR and MEAL, CHEESE and MACCARONI, Goshen BUTTER and LARD, PICKLES and SAUCES, MUSTARD and SPICES, JELLIES, all flavors, Canned GOODS, PEACHES and PINE APPLES, LOBSTERS and SALMON, Deviled HAM and TURKEY, * . ' . OYSTERS and SARDINES, CANDIES and CONFECTIONERIES in variety,' RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON, NUTS of all kinds, &c, ?tc. FINE SEGARS AND TOBACCO. : If you wish to smoke a fine Segar, or a supply of good Chewing or Smo king TOBACCO, you can get it at G. L. PE W & SON'S Drug Store. XO THOSE WHO LIKE GOOD TEA.. We have a splendid stock of Green and Black TEAS, . which we can highly recommend. Call and try it. Prescriptions Compounded day and night with the greatest care by W, B. PEW. tiiPGive us a trial. And we guarantee satisfaction to all who share their trade with us. G. L. PENN & SON, No. 3, Park Row, E?ge?eld, & C, Apr 9 lm 6 "TI^^ GIN FILER. I HAVE obtained Letters Patent for the above Machine; and would respectfully call the attention of Capi talists, Machinists, Farmers apd Planters to,the merits of the same. It is beyond all question the best Filing Machine ever offered to the South. It does its work with ease, neatness, .uniformity and lightning speed. I Filed a 50 Saw Gin. in three hours with it, and did not know I was timed until I was done the whole Cylinder. . fiSTState, County and Shop Rights for sale: Send for illustrated Circular aVid Price List. Address Ridge Spring, (C. C. & A. R. E.,) S. C. ? ' I4. M. ASBILL, Patentee. Apr 9 3m . 16 E. G. ROGERS, 147 and 149 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. I AM NOW OFFERING A VERY SU PERIOR STOCK OF FUBlSriTURE, Of all grades, comprising PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM, HALL and OFFICE FURNITURE, in great variety of style. My stock of CHAM BER SUITS is especially varied, being the best in the city. MF UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is now fully organized, and I am pre pared io furnish COFFINS, CASES and CASKETS, in all the varieties, from the best manufactory, and of my own make. METALIC CASES, from tiie most approved makers, always on hand. Experienced attendants. Calls qttend ?d to at all hours. Apply at night, or on Sundays, in yard at rear of Store, or at 102 GREENE STREET, 2d house below' City Hall. April 16, 3m . 17 jVcblett & Goodrich H. -AYING increased our Manufactory ve are prepared to supply the demand br our well known COTTON GINS, vhich are considered, thc best in the, narket by those who bavo used and enow them. EVERY GIN. GUARAN* TEED T? GIVE SATISFACTION. Prico lower than any other first-class Sin. Orders solicited carly in tho season o prevent delay. Old Gins REPAIRED m reasonable terms. By permission we refer to thc follow ng gentlemen : Gov. M. L. Bonham, Messrs. C. A. .'heatham and T. P. DeLoach, Edgelicld J.H. Maj. A. .Tont*?, Pino House. Mr. J. A. Bland, Johnston's Depot Messrs Jas. Fullmer and P. C. Spann, .ccsvillo. Maj. Josiah Padgett, Mine Creek. Capt. J. G. Hawthorn, Saluda Old Town. Mr. L. Hartley, Batesville. Gen. M. C. Butler, Columbia. ?ST Capt. LEWIS JONES, at Edge ield, S. C., is our authorized Agent. Send for Circular and i'rico List. Address NEBLETT <fc GOODRICH, Augusta, Ga. Apr. 15 Cm 17 Southern WAREHOUSE COMPANY, ?ervais Street, near Greenville and Columbia Railroad, COLUMBIA, S. C. LS PREPARED TO RECEIVE COT TON and'other property upon Storage, nd make advances upon tho same. Cotton shipped to this house will be tored subject to the order of tho owner, ,nd the lowest ri>t.^ charged for storage. Ul property so stored will be insured in ;oou reliable companies, if insurance is iesired ; and advances will be made at he lowest banking rates. Our 6tore muses are so located that drayage is not ?ecessary ; and no charge for handling viii be made. All business communications should )e addressed to the Treasurer. EDWARD HOPE, President. EDWIN F. GABY, Treasurer. March 20 6m 13 THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY, Tust Published, in a Sealed Envelope. . Price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, >r Spermatorrhoea, induced by self- abuse involuntarv Emissions, Impotency, Ner vous Debility, and Impediments to Mar iage generally ; Consumption. Epilepsy i?d Fits : Mental and Physical Inccpaci ;y, <to.-By ROBT. 'J. C?LVERWELL, VI. D., author of the " Green Book," &c. The World-renowned author, in this idmirable Lecture, clearly proves froih lis own experience that the awful con sequences of Self-Abuse may be ell'ectu llly removed witboutmedicine, andwitu jut dangerous surgical operations, bou ;ies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of euro at once cer tain and effectual, by which every suf ferer, no matter what his condition may be, may. cure himself cheaply, privately md radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. . Sent under seal, in a plain envelop?, to any address', on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing the publishers. Also, DR. CULVERWELL'S "Marri age Guide," price 50 cts. Address tho Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York, * Post Office Box 4,586. Bed Bug Poison. OR salo at G. L. PENN ?fe SON'S, Drug Store. F Tin Shop. Tin Shop. THE Undersigned would announce to the citizens of Edgefiold and tho sur rounding country that he is .prepared to do ALL KINDS QF TIN WORK, at Augusta prices, sucti as Roofing, Guttering, &c. Old Roofs, Gutters, TINWARE, ?fcc, repaired promptly. Will make STOVE PIPE and STOVE PANS at tho shortest notice. All work warranted. Shop in rear of Post Office, where he may bo found at alit?mes during busi ness hours. A. E K EA RS EY. Jan.22 if 6 . ? :..( ; fi ll 'fi -0J-?? 1873. SPRING AND SUMMER. 1873.^ MRS. LECKIE ..: .>-'." . ' . . rs? . . ny .. r-/ Bi ? ; .. Ur ' . ; . ?. fefl .... 0 I .a EGS respectfully to inform her Edgefield friends that she has received her Spring and Summer Stock of Fashionable Millinery Goods, selected by herself in person from the most Fashionable Modistes in New York, and which for Style and Elegance cannot be excelled, to which sh?:; invites every lady and gentleman wishing goods in her line to call and ex amine. . Real and Imitation Hair Goods in endless variety, together with Sash. Ribba :6, Bows, Scarfs, Ruches, French and American Flowers, and in short everything to be found in a Millinery Store. . . flSrCountry Merchante cannot do better, than to give "my stock an in spection and post themselves as to prices and style of,Goods before pur chasing elsewhere. . ' All parties may rest assured that I Will sell Goods cheaper than any other House in this City. MRS. LECKIE, .. 171 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Apr 16. . 2m 17 WI . ii ivj?RS. J. W. CALHOUN tolcpK ple.-r^hre in announcing to the people .of EdgofieM that she is now receivihjz from Now York, a new and select assortment of MILLINERY, thefa^st styled ? '? ? HATS, BONNKTS, RIBBONS,"FLOWKRS, LACES. ' ', ' .' Ladies beautiful Broche TIES', HA ?R BRAIDS, &c. She may be'found at-the Dry Gooch' t?tere of J. W. CALHOUN, who is daily receiving New Goods o? every description, from handsome SILK to common PRINTS. ' Ready made CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, and every thing usually kept in a Dry Goods House. We respectfully invite all to give us a call, and examine our Goods before purchasing elsewhere. .. .? Johnston's-Depot, April, tf , . % ' 15 . THE PEOPLE'S CLOTHING ST?BET THE LARGEST HOUSE IN THE STATE 268 Broad St.5rAjugusta, Ga* Xftr* Jk.. Ramsey, Agent \ E offer this season the LARGEST . LINE OF FINE, MEDIUM AND COMMON READY MADE SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING, for MEN and BOYS, in the State. We have some of the MOST ELEGANT GOODS that can be found, and every nrticle of o?r own make, and equal to custom work, together with the FINEST LINE OF FURNISHING GOODS in the city. HATS, CAPS. TRUNKS, VALISES, &c. New Goods constantly arriving. Large men <>r sinai! will find no trouble in getting fitted. Boys' from 2i to 2? years old can be suited. No on-a should purchase Clothing before e.c lunining this immense stock. W. A. RAMSEY, Agent. April 1G, 2m * 17 CIotMag ! Clef Mag ! ? TAKE pleasure in announcing*to my customers and friends that I have ?ow in Store a new and well stock of . . CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Special attention is called to my Large and Varied Stock of HATS, Of the Latest' Styles, which will be sold at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES, in order t? reduce the stock now on hand. H. S. JORDAN, 238 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Apr 16 . . 2ml7 Oldest Shoe House in the State. RELIABLE GOODS AT THE LOWEST FIG?SE3. The finest assortment of Children's, Misses and Ladies' SHOES, Dudley's Celebrated BOOTS and SHOES for Gents,-cannot be sur passed for style and durability-acknowledgedto bethe best and mo?t com fortable fitting Boots made. ALFRED C. FORCE. Sign of the Red Boot, 25S Broad Street, August* Ga. Apr 15 6m6;, . - ESTAELISt?ED I KT 1860 Jj?m Prontaut dfe Son, WOT?lMiKl Ml JEWELLEII. The subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Edgefield, and sur rounding country, that they Keep a special establishment for the Repair of Watches and Jewelry, Also, HAIR WORK, In.every design, made to order, All work entrusted tb their care will be executed Promptly, Neatly, and warranted for one ?/car. At thoir Store will bo found ono of the largest Stocks of Ctold and Silver Waie&e? Of tho best European and American Manufactured Uie Southern States, with a select assortment of Rich and New Styles of ETRUSCAN GOLD JEWELRi , set with Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, Oriental Garnets, Coral, ?fcc. Pitch Fin Remincton's PISTOLS, and many others of the latest invention. FINE CUTLERY, SPECTACLES, WALKING CANES and FANCY GOODS of every variety to be found in a first-class Jewelry establishment. Old.Gold and Silver taken in exchange for goods. '".1 Ai PRONTAUT & 80N, 236 Broad St., between Central and Globe Hotels, Augusta, Ga?. Sept 25 : . ? ly . 40 . Tobacco. T Ditchers Lightning* EIGHT Boxes o? puro virginia Loaf | cnE WING TOBACCO, forsalevery low at GRIFFIN A COBB'S. Feb. 19, ::. tf < 9 Sea Foam! STRONGER than any Yeast or Baking ? Powder in the world. A,barrel of Flour makes forty' pounds more'bread with the Sea Foam. Try it For sale ' PENN ; Fly Paper. KLILLS Instantly. For sale by A. A. CLISBY. Apr. 23,. . tf . v 1? Bed Bug Poison * Excellent and reliable pi tion. At ji* G. L. PENN A SON. J ? w CLOSBTB JDrog Store. W*V i tf ..?.J Apr . .tf ...... JM J^TX T ci and rel tbl. prepare