Oar Agento in Charleston. Tho Advertising Agency of Messrs. Walk**, ?TigV? <* Cogswell, represented by Roswell T. Logan, Esq., is the only authorised Agency Ibr this paper to Charleston. Club Rates for the New Year! # . ' * " " ? ? ? D?ring the present year we -will fur nish the Advertiser' to Crabs at the fol lowing low rates ? . ; To Clubs of Five Subscribers, at $2,50 each, cash in advance, $12,50 To Clnbsof Ten Subscribers, at $2,00 each cash in advance, .and one copy ?>.-?? extra to head of Club. 20,00 Make np your Clubs at once, and com mence with the first of the year. .'< January 1, 1873. Burning Oat of Lucius Devore. On Tuesday night, Lucius Devore, a well-known and well-thought-of colored man, who bought from the government the John Walker place, adjoining the plantation of John Burn's Esq., was al most ruined "by fire!. The inain dwelling house was consumed, and with it 1500 lbs.' seed cotton, '25 bushers cotton seed, pea?; 'fodder, groceries, 'ftc. Also a crib filled to overflowing with fodder and hay. i Dorins is confidant, that au-incan diary"did this dreadful work. He did Eot live iwtho larg? -dwelling house, but in a ki?agBif SoT?e ffistoficeoff. His loss isabouf?lpj HegaWryi|?Jtaj%2?^ thy of the community. -1V \ 1 ' Y A ! Geo. Toney an? thrTeetotalers: " Geo. Toney of .Johnston's Depot and the teetotalers of the Advertiser Office. George keeps the best Liquors in the world, and always remembers his friends on anniversary days. For instance, du ring the) holidays just past he sent the above mentioned teetotalers several love ly botties^^Bttlfcnore Club Old -Rye Whiskey," "Imperial Rye Whiskey," and "Pure California Brandy"-with contents magically delicious. The tee totalers were, at first, shocked at this bold attempt to overcome their virtue, but in .th9 end it was the old tale over ' .They ".first condemned, then pitied^ wen embraced.' Another Verse of the Old Song. -Our old song about Johnston's Depot. Abd the borden of this verse is the El egant New Store of S. J. Watson & Co. S. J. Watson is " Col: Sam," of honora ble memory always. As to tho " Co.," it matters.not. Cal. Sam is-sufficient: guarantee. We hope the public will look carefully at the card of S. J. Watson Liki>a Pianof This is tue latest'Georgia conundrum H. B. H.,. who b??m*? Sale-day visit from Augusta tp ld?; nattie hills, proposes it 1 n f roi4 of pur attica* We lUt?a/.ior Uus-answer, 'lt is this: 1 Becaiijfc trto^fclp?^arl?^keys) art above tf?ywop?f ,,j,i^'v\?ri 'feAm? we have no H maofc it himself at the ex^eiis^f4^wu^e^)lc. CARWEO TSSWUI 'C???MNA.-The negro. Jr*ftu$\ arrested by the police on Saturday, charged with robbing the store Jbouse.. of .Jesars. Swearingen & Wood ward, at .Pine Hoii^e, S. C., was placed in custody of Constable warren, of that district, ?vestenliy morning, and carried to Edgefield to answer the eharge against him.-Chronicle 7th. ? ^ST-'The veniict of Ihe'coroner's jury of inc/ocstfin regard to tho krtc Orangeville tragad jr^nA* tbet twirrder of. G?em /Col ledge upon ?oe Green,' D A. Foskelt, H'. Turner, Jbhiis?n, Robert-l?at?i'er and 1 ty ' Mr: ??'H. H16knitrrf; President ol thc Gr?r?r?teflU? Factory,- ba*' presented ?^'M?ybV '.jSrdo* a f?alo coritaM?tt&'oire thousand yards of shirting,manufactur ed at the ?bt?-Ha i***yi ?or distribution among tanpool7Mnlitf eityJ ?' yprj coin u uu; i lah lopjfec?eodJtog ' ? '., 1 /i ' J&BK S?Y'?t*\5l0W' huUdlngSi^irc tobt epeaedin Aiken, one,of which will con tain a public hall and one will be? used by Hiss Mi A. Bule for her Female In stitute. ?3k* We are glad our ever highly es jeiriad^frie?d \"Tv*xtt CREEK" is aroused as to the propriety' of extending the time for the collection of taxes, and in his article on another column throw?, out a practical hint or two to-.tax-payers, I-to which we invite their consideration. As wa have beforentafed, the people are inclined to pay their taxers, and ar? ma*, king preparations to do so,-but they have always been allowed from two to three months to settle with the. Collector or Treasurer,-and they are now very j justly clamorous for more time. If the Legislature acts wisely, and we think it will ia this matter, the time will.be ex tended to the ii rat March before penalties attach. The people have some rights, as well as the tax gatherer, and they are very properly going to: contend for said rights. Masonic Elections. The following officers have been elect ed to nerve Caldwell Lodge, No. 82 A. F. ?M., (at Liberty Hill,) for this Masonic year, viz : O. Sheppard, W. M. J.C. Lanier, S.W. J. H. Yeldell, J. W. J. T. Ch oat ham, Treas. W. Y. Quartes, Seo'ry. J. T. White, S. D. J. P. Blackwell, J.D. i . %. ?.'White, Tiler. galnxpion Lodge, "No. ?34, ?Etfdg? Spring) has duly installed the following officer:, for tho present year, viz : * Joliiu Kennerl v, W. M. 1 * VC. Cartledge, ?. VtL \ , * J. B. DuBose, J. W. P. J. Quattlebaum, Sec'ry. Geo. D. Walker, Treas. L. M. Asbill, S. D. D. S. DuBose, J. D. Stan. Watson, ) Stewarda L,,ThrailkiU, . . J s?wards, M.' Boatwright, Tiler. The Globe Hotel, Augusta,-Ga* The many friends of Mr. D. G. Mur. phy, so long and favorably known as one of tho proprietors of the Augusta, j Hotel, and who recently withdrew from the management of that House, has re cently associated himself with Mr. Jack son as one of the proprietors of the Globe Hotel, and under the attentive and never-?ring industry and watchful care of these gentleman, the Globe is daily growing into popular favor, and is re ceiving, as it should, a liberal share of | public patronage. '1 The Augusta papers, noticing 'the 'above-mentioned change, say: G LOr K HOTEL.-This hotel, as will be seen b3' our advertising columns, is now conducted under the joint proprietorship of Messrs. Jackson ?ft Murphy. Mr. Murphy has been for many years one of j the managers of the Augusta Hotel, as a member of the firm of Murphy A May, where he earned the esteem of all wit^ whom he had any business relations. The popularity-'which he enjoys, and i,which he fully deserves from his courte rv and attention to his guests, may be considered a guanmt v of the' success of I the ''Globe."-AugustaConstitutiojtalist. GLOB13 II OT KL.-It will be seen from , qur advertising columna, that Mr. D G. j Murphy, late of the firm of Murphy A I May, or the A mr us ta Hotel, has pur chased an interest in the Globe Hotel. We think that thin augurs well for the future of the Globe. Mr. Murphy has I been for many years one of the mana gers of che Augusta Hotel, and has gain ed the esteem of all who had any deal ings with him ; and wo feel quitecertaln that hi? connection with the Globe will render I hat establishment a favorite re sort of our country visitors, as well aa of all who appreciate courtesy of manner, and a scrupulous desire to please, and make his' guests as comfortable as possi ble.- Chronicle d: Sentinel. I shall ever consider Simmons' Liver Regulator as tho preserver of-the life of J my little sou, who is now in blooming health. Mrs. ELLEN MEACHAM, Chattahoochee, Fla. A R.Ui h CHANCE FOIl ENERGETIC MEN -No CAPITAL REQUIRED.-Cauvassinj? Agents wanted in every County in South Carolina, for the best Southern Agricul tural Magazine. Apply at once, by let ter, to' the Rural Carolinian, Walker, Evans A Cogswell. Publishers, Charles ton, S. C. The Southern Cultivator for 18T3. Now is the time to look after renew ing your subscription to the Southern Cultivator, that popular and most valua ble Southern Agricultural journal, pub lished at Athens, Ga, at only $2 per year Call on Mr. L. H. McCullough, at this office, and subscribe. There is no better Agricultural journal than the Southern Cultivator. The New York World. Among the few large and intiuential Newspapers in America which may truly be called GREAT, the World occu pies a deserved position in tho front rank. Having an immense circulation, with advantages and facilities for obtain ing all news of importance, at home and abroad, with departments embracing every subject of interest from the hum I blest to the greatest, and a business ( Management which hesitates at no ex [ pense in rendering its columns .attrac tive, it in, everything considered, the ! best newspaper on onr continent, and should bi? a regular visitor in every family?-' The Weekly World is sent to i i?:jy address one year for $2,00; the SouinVfrenkly for fJ,00, and the Daily for ?10.00, besides very liberal terms to clubs';1. Call at our offico and examine our liles, or send for specimen copies to THE WORLD, 35 Park Row, New York. C?" BUILDERS' AND CONTRACTORS' SPECIAL NOTICK.-Doora, Sashes, Blinds, Window and Plate Glass, Builders' Fur nishing Hardware, Mouldings, Stair Fixtures, Marble and Slate Mantelpieces, Encaustic Floor Tile. Drain Pipe, Ac, Ac., at lowest wholesale prices, at the prcot Southern Factory of P. P. Tonie, Charleston, S. C. Send for his price list. TAX NOTICE. ?^OU th? convenience and accomumda , tiou of the Tax Payers of Edgefiold County, I will bo at tho following named places, to RECEIVE TH? TAXES for the year 1372. The people are earnestly ur jed to como forward and pay prompt ly, as the time is short and the penalties heavy. Ridge Spring. Thursday, 2d Jan. ISdgefield r.. M., From 3d to 7th M Meeting Streut, 8th " Edgcnold C IL, Oth, loth, A lita, .' llalliwanjrer's Store, 13th .* After which time at Edgefield CH., until'm v "Books are closed. ?r> After the 15th of JANUARY, 1873, the penalties prescribed by law will at tach to ali unpaid taxes. P. A. EICHELBERGER, County Treasurer. Jan. 1,1878. 2t ,2 School Notice! THE undersigned hereby notifies the public that he has entered upon the discharge of the duties of School. Com missioner for Edgofiold County. He will be found at hi? Office, at Edge field C. H., on every Monday and Satur day, i .. : . ? .-: -..'?.. Tho Examining Board will meet at his 'Office everV Saturday, ?t 10 A. M., for the Examination -andr-Appointment of Teachers. . . ? ? < ... - . . .-. *.' ' All Teachers who have not filed reports for service? rendered previous to Jiuiira ry-.lb'Ta? with -please-doso at once.-" . All Tear-hors whose Certificate* bear dato preview*, to J0ctol?er 1H72, will be required to procure new Certificate)*. GEORGE A. MORGAN, S C E C. Edgefield, CvH., Jon. 1st, 1873. St 2 ? "? SPIC'S ! .LL partios indebted to M. O'DOWD $ CO., .or : to: fufl\ individually, are re quested to come forward and sottle Im mediately, Bargains ! Bargains?! THE Greatest Bargains of the Season TO BE HAD AT O.T. CHEATHAM'S til 10,000 Yds Ladles' Dregs Goods at Cost. 5000 Yds, White and Red FLANNELS at Cost. 100 Ladies' and' Men's SHAWLS at Cost. 200 Wool SACKS and SCARFS at Cost. . 100 Suits MEN'S CLOTHING, all prices, at Cost. I 100 All Wool 11-4 BED. BLANKETS at Cost. 100 Ladies' and Misses' Trimmed and Untrimmed HATS at Cost 50 Dozen Men? White,Linen SHIRTS, all priceB, at Cost. 100 Doren Men's and Boys' HATS at Cost. 100 Dozen Ladies' CORSETS at only 35 cts., worth 75 cte. 50 Dozen Ladies' CORSETS at only $1,00, wort? $1^50. Call early and ?get the Greatest Bargains ever offer?? in ?dg?ne?d. I am Selling the above Goods at this Great Sacrifice in order that I may reduce my Urge Stock at an early date. The above Goods will.be sold as above stated, for Cash only. . , O. F. ?HEATHAM, f No. 1, Park Row. Dec 18 tf 52 TO THE PUBLIC ! WE would respectfully staie to our friends^ar. i the public generally that we have purchased of Messrs. SWEARINGEN & SEIGLER their store and Stock of Goods, afc Graniteville, S. 0. We will keep constantly on hand a full liue of / DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &c, &c, And we hope by a strict attention 'tb business to merit a lib?ral 'share of patronage., i . t ' All COTTON consigned to us by Planters, we will sell, in this market, ee of Commissions. . . Cr. W. TURNER & CO. GEO. W. TURNER, \ JAMES E. Coox. J ' . Graniteville, S. C., Jan. 1,1873. tf 2 TBiUMPH A??T? CAROLINA FERTILIZER WILL BE SOLD AS FOLLOWS : CASH PRICE, . $48 Per Ton of 2000 lbs. TIME PRICE, $53 Per Ton of 2000 lbs. PAYABLE NOVEMBER 1, 1S73, FREE OF INTEREST, F-REIGKKCT AND D ^A.Y-A.GrE TO BB ADDED, ITS SUCCESS IS AND ITS STANDARD IS A. HXTo. X Call on Agents for Almanacs and Certificates. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., CHARLESTON, S. C. B. A. JONES, Agent at Ninety-Six Depot, G. & C. R. R. Dr. J. M. RUSHTON, Agent in Edcefield. R. B. WATSON, Agent at Rid?e. S. C. JOHN H. HUIET, Agent at Batesville. Jan. 1, 1873. 4m Dickson Fertilizer Company, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Again Offer the Well Known and Approved SPMp0 - ' IDiolsL&on Compound D I A Iff O k ND, a? heretofore, GUARANTEE the STANDARD. Also, the following artl JL CICR, all of the Bast Quality : PERVVI AH GUANO, DISSOLVED HONE,LAND PLASTER, NITRATE POTASH,NITRATE SODA, MURIATE POTASH, SULPHATE AMMONIA, PUKE FINE GROUND RAW BONE. Tbe Capital Stock of the Company having been reduced since last year, the quantity of our Fertilizers now offered will be reduced in the same ratio. Those wishing our COMPOUND will do well to send iii their orders early. PRICES UNCHANGED. STOCK ALL FRESH AND IN GOOD ORDER. We are Prepared to Manufacture Fertilizers ou any Formula, Furnishing all materials required at lowest prices, or using material furnished by the parties ordering We have HEAVY MACHINERY adapted to the work, and can make A1STY BRAND OF MANURE On short notice. Orders solicited for quantities not less than Ten Tons. JAMES T. GARDINEB, President. LEWIS JONES, Axent at Edgefield C. H. Jim. L 1873. 2tn_2 ESTABLISHED HST I860. I^irontaxxt db Son, WffiHME^S MD JEWELLE! The subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Edgefiold, anti sur rounding country, that they keep a special establishment for the Repair of Watches and Jewelry. Also, HAIR WORK, in ?<-ery design,; made' to order. All work entrusted to their care will, be executed Promptly. Neatly, and warranted for one year. At their Store will be found one of tho largest Stocks of Gold amt Silver ?at^ Of tho best Europ?an and American Manu'factbre fri the Southern States, with a select assortment of Rich and New Styles of ETRUSCAN GOLD JEWELRY, set with Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, Oriental Garnets, Coral, Ac. .. ...... Also, SOLID 'SILVER WARE, consisting of Tea Sets, Walters, Ice and Water Pitchers; Castora, Goblets, Cul*, Fork*, and every thing in the Silverware line. Nine Singlo and Double Barreled GUNS ; Colt's, Smith A Wesson's, Sharp'* and Remington's PISTOLS, and munv others of the latest invention. FINE CUTLERY, SPECTACLES, WALKING CANES, and FANCY GOODS of every variety to be found in a first-class Jewelry establishment Old Gold and Silver takeU In exchange for goods. A. PRONTA UT & SON, One Door Below Augusta Hotel,' J63,'Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Sept25 " . " 1 .. . . lr 7. 40 .'?I' To Rent ! IN the town of Ninety Six, Abbeville County, asmall DWELLING, with necessary out houses. Apply to Ji. A. RICHARDSON., Nincty-Six, Dec, ll St V Fire Wood, IAM now prepared to furnish FIRE WOOD in any quautlty-Grnen or Dry -at the shortest notice, to snob as ai ' to me. NOT 20 R. O. S tf ly 48 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. The Original Stock Life Insurancei Company in the United States. Office, C9 Liberty Street, NEW YORK. Participation in Profits ! j . With Low Cash Premiums I New Business Insured In 1871, $9,175,000 The largest absolute increase of any Company doing business in New York. New Business of 1872, so far, Double that of Last Tear. I GEO. B. General Agent! Dec 4_ tf ? 50 The .Liverpool and London and Globe IN81IBM?^J)0MPANY. { Assets in the United States, $3,640,449,62 Assets of tbe Company, Jan uary 1, 1872, Gold, 20,106,900,00 Chicago Losses, p'd hi 60days3,000,000,00 ' C. T. LOWNDES, General Agent for South Carolina, No'. ?0 Broad St, Char lestom S. C. H. W. ADDISON. Agent for Edgefield. Aug 28 N _ tr- . 36 Le ROY F. YOUittAWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columbia;'8. C. Office, Law Range, Banskett's Build ing, up stairs. Kept 4 . tf 37 " W. H. SHAFFER, Dentist, HAVING located-at Edgefield offers his Professional, services to the cit izens and surrbundingcountry. Office at me late residence of S.S. Tompkins, Esq. Feb 28 tf A Card. Mn. EDITOR : We desire, through the columns of your popular paper, to re turn our sincere thanks to our friends and the kind people of Edgefield, for the liberal manner in which they have shared with us their patronage during the past four months. We feel much encouraged to push ahead, and will use every exertion to please and give gati??4f 5 f- M., THAT TRACT OF LAND, Sitiiato in tho Dis trict (now Couhtv) b?EOgetieldandStat? aforesaid, containing^?" H(m?^?daiVd Twenty-eight Acres, W^&1fW?*n? adjoining lands S Butter Williams, Tem iH? Jtyrtlil/ Joint Terry Wd Gfeo, Thu> mond. Torms Dash, .Purchasers to pay for Stamps and Papon. If the terms of the purchase are not complied- with In half un hour, the prop erty wM be sold again. J J. W. GRAY. Jan, 1,1873. 5t .2 mrnss im tr, ?. D. lolTand, ?B: (C. C. & A. a. K.; TAKES pleasure iri informing his friends and the'public that his Stock o Groceries, JCiquors, &C., is now complete-the Stock comprising the best grade of Goods, - ?n.* PEPPER, SPICES, &c. -ALSO, . . nil ...nh. :\ li?Hf ? splendid lot bi BOOTS and SHOES-for Ladies, Misses, Men, Boys and Children, ???? Pocket arid Table CUTLERY, .. ' tflN ^JLRE, a splendi?'assortment,. . V g'{JJ Cross-Cut and Hand SAWS, Trace Chains, Axes, Pitch Forks, Well Buckets and Pulleys,- &c, &c. . . . . ? -.r, / j ? * ' I t jj Liquors, Tobacco, $%gm, . rf tn I! Pure Corn W?ISKEY/ only $2 per gallon ; 5?'cts. per bottle. : Pure Rye WHISKY, $2 per gallon ; 50 cts. per bottle. Pure RUN, very cheap. ? Pare 01d:HQLANP GIN, afrthe lowest rates. j j Premium WHISKIES, Good and cheap. : ' Fine Case LIQUORS, at low figues, French-and Cognac BRANDIES, , CHAMPAGNES, AJ?ES, WINES, ;&c. ! Fine TOBACCO and. SEGARS, " ; . .. , ,j " ;. . With a.fine lot of Christmas Tricks,. euch as: CANDIES, CON FECTIONERIES, APPLES, ORANGES, RAISINS,- NUTS, &c, &c. ' Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received, I hope by strict personal attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. E. D. HOLLAND. Johnston's Depot, Dec. 24/ tf . ' 1 i 12,000 Stock OF Qr j Goods and Groceries I T. & Kt IX Johnston's Depot) ?? . \ j . '-. y? fi . :. -.l.ii.: .:Eil i l i. . iii uh A AVE in Store and arriving from Charleston, Baltimore and Nsw- York "one of the largest Stocks of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots! Shoes, Hardware, Pocket and Table Cutlery, &c, &c, Ever offered in this District since the, War. Our Stocks of the above Goods is as choice as can be found anywhere, and we will sell :as low as any House in the up-country. We keep no damaged Goods or Shoddy Stock, and can and will sell as Cheap aa toe Cheapest to-Cash Buyers or to Punctpal Short Time Customers. We Buy AH Cotton offered, at prices that are as fair as any Rail Road Station in the State. We respectfully solicit a continuance and an increase of the liberal pat ronage heretofore bestowed upon us, and return our heartfelt gratitude to our numerous patrons for their former favors, pledging renewed efforts in the future to give satisfaction to all-who favor us-with their patronage. We have a polite and courteous cprps of Salesmen,. and no whiskey, or other intoxicating beverages ai e pola or kept in our Houses, and all may rely on fajir dealing and gentlemanly deportment whilst trading with us. Call and examine our prices before buying elsewhere. I. JONES *fc SON. ? P. S. We have a few November papers yet unpaid. We will hold j-until Saturday, the 7th. If not paid or arranged by; that date, will bei turned over for collection. Pay gents, and spare our feelings, and save cosfc. T. JONES & SON. Johnston's Depot, Dec 4 6t 50 NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK OF AUGUSTA, GA. CAPITAL $300,000. ALFRED BAKER, PRESIDENT. JOHN CRAIG, CASHIER. THIS BANK is now Paying Interest on Deposits as follows : Ou Daily Balances - - - 4 per ce::t. Ou Time Deposits, SO days or longer. 7 prr ceut. Collections made on all accessible points in this and adjoining States. New York Correspondent, Market National Bank. . JOHN CRAIG, CASHIER. Augusta, Ga., Nov 28 '** 3m 49 ^1?W;^^(]?^^EME.STS.' E??t?E B. HARBISONI ^j?^wk\m& ?*. WITH MILLER. BISELL & BUIiUfti, Wholesale tirq?evs, w, 173 and 177* Broad Street^ ' Nov 20 AUGUSTA* GA. Im '?S j. Child's Comnieiitator I OX THU Ulai,ic, forth? flOlXK CIRCUS, l .-inn pagtw, Un Enerarin? Thu faa oni^rurUu of Um ymT?r induit?." Evwf rn'm?ly will !u.vi- i;. Nothing tit* it nun pnltixi^t. Kw- circulai* ml 4m?ll; 8. Qoonrao) & Co.. fi? Park M??:-Nev "DOOK A (?IO NTS now ?I work, ur looking for . s*ft?a 'the Grocery Trade, I - . and our Prices are "at the lowest notch," We will be gratified to see our Edge field friends when visiting the oity,. and will take pleasnre in showing them our stock, ann the convincingly low figures at which we are selling.. Augusta, Nov. 20, 3m 48 Trices: AWD Trapa:oF America Wnnld yon iTHtd oclnfr " utrywT.i-giici, Sn-lmllers on.l Uumlropi : u^ad 1?0 - STA*8f^NULFD BAXS'SU." A'larges lUnatmiea iP^w?uni? STpai:- baper latiner .Ito. Splrnidldst^jWjSketoSei"^ Hiinmr. Ptuafcs. KfClpci. ttiK, -\ with decant Pranr citmraD.-'? /ree I? all. ONLV*1. Titr vi\ ffiuininUed. Agen!? wanleo. U? , men?, fcc... for tf cents". Adffr.v* "?AJJXyi{ ililli, N. U . ' :*, . . rile?. Poems.-wit, Wj'car. $l n yfrar, Ltm-.MN LEAVEH," a cr, SntMidkm ' fltFKKK. Sjioci. ?B? dred and SlJir/wftte lloilars will iond Tuition lo this Institution ^..jnntbs. Addrew TIIOS. WARD WHITE, I?eidvlDe, Spartanburaf'Dlilrlct. S. C. Serine imo -open? Feb,Itt J 1873. RVER 1893. JUBILEE! or tat.'^ NfW YORK Tn?Beit Relljrloiis and BAttriMsAbj ywrtpiper. 53 a Year with the 3TJBI?BrakAR BOOK. siD.\Ky K, AttWftK & co., ar H?^^r*# York. 8ENQ PPR A SAMPLE COPY. Th?:W?e%;S?fi. , OKI Y *l A YEAR 8 PAGES. Th? Beat Fa?ully Paper." The Beat Agricultural Papery The Best Polltleal Paper, , . Tho Best Ftthliiou. U?porta. Thc?Aart piti? Nru-kctRcporta. : 5T|?ft W>utGeneral MaVkefReportt. I i 1 The Best Paper Every Way. THE WEELY NEW YORK SUN. Elffht pagos, 5 6 columns. 11 a year, br lon tbah A cents a number. Send your dollar. 0 Address ,TUE ^UN, Kew York City.. ii\ til ? . . /JJ ?. i .'?.-.it." 1 : ,iu ai jitifi '.' .*.;;? ii,r . ? . . - . . _TC;;- .:. ?,.'?.'.. o! m ?:,(!. ? , .? '-.{.! . ... ?? :.-.?.:/. The Old Virginia Fi?ed?ricksbiirg House . / . ..( l>f0O7/ I . .?J j : . ' filii >' .. ' ?'? .. Di: -OF- ' .! V. RICHARDS I BROS. IT IS NOW FULL OF GOODS, from; the first to the'fourth floor, including everything that ?3 new and desirable, * and at prices'so* kw'that none can' really object to them. . >; . ...... . Every depaitment is now full, and it would almost be impossible to enu m?rate qualities and styles of the choice and elegant goods displayed, bpifc we mention in part that we have , a fine assortment of Velvet and Clbjfo CLOAKS.some of them elegantly.trimmed withfuri presenting ? comforta ble and elegant appearance ; Beautiful1 Striped SHAWLS and SCARFS'in elegant rich colors, from $150 up ; a imost superb assortment of BLACK SILKS, also in colors ; all the new Fabrics in ! BLACK GOODS, '"including best makes of ALPACAS, from 25c. to1 the finest.; - .' . '>? ! to take a stroll through our house, whether they wish to purchase or not, we extend to all a hearty old Virginia-welcome. " V. RICHARDS & BROS, Corner by the Planters' Botel? Augusta, Ga., Oct. 16 . ' 3m '' ' 43 Gro to 263 Broad, St., AND BtV OF . *. ' . .ii : -j rt r?|?bi^?i > ?lt \ .?' SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, Which we have always advertised at prices That Cannot be Beat. Our Ready CASH SYSTEM does us in the e cases a great service, and we can assure our friends and the public that we will convince them of what we say when they visit our Store. We only buy our Imported Goods'from Direct Importers, and our Home Made Goods from the' Factories, , ?LL FOB GASH. Aqd .a long experience has taught, us., to-understand that herewith we not only do profi t to ourselves at. the time bf purchase, but receive still larger profits through.the patronage and recommendation of a public that ever appreciates Pebble Goat BOOTS, at. 2 50 per pair 260 pairs PB? Pebble^rt?e qualiiy Boots at. 2 25 per pair 280 pairs Mistest Pebble $Foied, Silver Tips at.1 85 per pair 140 pairs 5iii.r8>same qfcal|ty, Silver Tips at. 1 50 per pair 200 pairs ^ifrsWs?! Sfffe ^o Tip, at.1 50 per pair 96 pairs Jf??tiwff? Tbp? Pebble Foxed Boots at. 2 65 per'pair1' 06 pair?ad,eaf?^.T?p''Ki4 Fo.xed Boots at. 2 50per'jpair 96 pairf4axiies'@oth Velve1;-T?p, 1 to 3, -at. 2 50 per-p?ir 180 pairs Chil?>J^tra'Ji*e; Velvet Top, Kid Foxed, 7 to 10 at 2 15 per pair Wbi^h is an average REDUCTION of about 13 per cent, on former priced A greater-variety of Gentlemen's Hand-Stitched Work than can b? fouiid in any House in the State. Every, article in the above list' equal to ail that is claimed for ?t, and re clamation made in everv instance when it fails to give satisfaction.- ! -M : The ONE PRICE RULE, as heretofore, will-be strictly adhered to, ?nd: every effort made to accommodate and please custora?rs. ' " ; ? . . PETER KEENAN, . 226 .BroadA?Jreet, Three Doors Below Central Hote?* Augusta, ?r?.V Dec ll . .;. Im?l - . ' ' Reidville, S. C., Female College, New Crop Florifla, Sytiipt ' SPA HTANBUPG DISTRICT. T A.P??N;SFEBUUAnrFre8'T. Thc ciic??pcst Fe- O U-VT received Four Barrels NEW ? ? Conc-goh?*tii?;p>?,j,;cr^l,8',^i^.^0('' Trop FLORIDA SYRUP,'fwt?ich wiU ?V^??IT?^^ W sohl .Cheap' for Cash, dither by'?the to #12 Tu BOM, H; Mu>ic.? V""T****, Barrel orGidlon. .lU'a'iii -1.1 f/tf Minara or '"?^.VARD ,WKLTK. Vntijuf., Dec 4. _tf ^Eff^ King's Mountain Military School, 1* " Y?RKVIL?E; S.*?. T' \ .Tlio. first Session, of ^he School'1 Year, 1873? will begin Febr :i?ry 1st, and end June 80th. Terma;-For School Expen ses, iueviB?nrd, Tuition,,FueL. Mjjhts, Washing, *tatlbneVy. to whom the Estate of . Cr. THOit AS TEAGUE, deceased,, ia indebted^ ?tot hahtt tn their accounts proporly attested; and those Indebted to'Sald Estate ait?iKP tified to.make.paynj^nt,r.,v > Jt : ?i!':r?? Deo4 Im - 80 ' ! \u::> i vu; ... -J:'.'- ?I rJ4?e>U