Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, June 20, 1872, Image 4

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. ,Qip HEART. ii lorin* heart ia more to me Than ??glitjhat fortune can bestow"; The treafflrwErom the distant sea, <4tf^?fmHlnefc radiant lustre glow, The?ffloryiei a monarch's throne, Not halCIhe plea/mre can impart; Of all eartys treasures, I would own' . / One loving heart ! - . ? "; W i? j The viator's crown, the poet's wreath, The.bsubiea that theworld may fling, A momentary fragrance breathe,--: bi AjjpPuontary ^nmph bring; . Bat loris: as life remains, shall love Nejr fragrance and new loy impart, ' E'en when the daisies bloom above One loving heart I . How sweet the spell it throws" around " Our homes,; though humble . they maj bel And where one loving heart is found, 'Tis always Paradise to me. . Ofate! mvhopesthoumay'stbereave, . And bid mv cherished dreams depart ; Take all things else I price, but leave ' One loving heart ! CAUGHT AI USS. (MUSCp .ill ?? . It was in the Spring of 18-. I h >i been at Rome during the Holy Week, and'had taken ? jpU?e in th" diligence for Naples. There wert two. routes : one by the way of Te - rac?.aa and the other by the Via Lati: na, more inland. The diligence, which made the journey only twice a week. foUbftep these' routj? a?ter natetf/gdf ' tfiatr eacli* road^wW tra versed only once in s?ven-'-days. I chose'-ther inland route,--and-'after a long day's journey arrived at fepgjwj who're we halted lor the night.'^e next morning wt star ed again'ver. ' early, and it;' was, scarcely ye'iday. - light when ve reached the l?eapoli tan frontier, a short distance from t! e town. There onr passports were ex- ' amined; and to my great^dismay 1 was informed 'that mine was not eu j regie. It was covered, indeed, with stamps and signatures," not one 01 j which had been procured " without some cost and trouble ; but one "visa" , was yet wanting, and that the all important one, without which'none conld enter the Kingdom of Naples. Twas oblig-d therefore to alight, and to send my wretched passport back to Borne, my wretched ' self being doomed to remain under Police sii? veillince at C?prano, until the dm gence should bring it back to hie o.' that day week, at soonest. I took up my abode at. the h tel where I had passed the previous night, and there I presently received a. visit from the Capo di Polizia, who told me that l must present myseli every morniug and evcumg at 'his bureau, bnt that I might have liberty to " circulate" in the neighborhood dnring the day. I grew so weary ut this dull place, that after I had ex plored the immediate vicinity of the town I began to extend my walks to' a greater distance, and as I always reported myself to- the police before night I met with no objection on their . part. One day, however, when I' had been as far a3 Alatri and was return ing on foot, night overtook me. I had lott my way, and could not t?ell how far I might be from my desola tion. I was very tired and .'ad a heavy knapsack on my shoulders, packed with atones and relics Iroui the ruins of the old Pelasgic tomes.* which I had been exploring, besidea a number of old coins and a lamp or two which I had pureba eu Lhere. _ J could discern no signs ot any human habii :tion, and the nilk, covered with wood, seemed to shut tue in o -e\ev> siue. i was regnfmng co .tunk seriously of looking out tor some she't . idsjotunder a thicket i i which to ??? <h? night, when the welcome sou -id. of a lootstep bei:ind me len npou my ears Presently a man . uu-sed in the usual long shaggy coat ul a shepherd overtook me, awi'tear iug my difficulty offered to co:.duct me to a house at a short distance .'rein the road, where I irtightob{aii a lodging; before we reached th?. soot he told mc that the house in q .estioa' was an inn and that h- wa the landlord of ?if. He had not much custom, he Eaid, so he einuloye,d him self in shepherding during the day ; ii he could mak-j me .com?of table . nd give mc a g cd supper also, Let ter than I snou.d expect, to look u 'lim; but he had b*en in .good'.cir-. .-.iwstances once, and had lived iu service in great families. . and knew iiow things pught tip be, .?nd'what a ??ignore like nm elf was u ed.to. The hou>c to which he took ia seemed like its ?wherj to have seen better days. It was a large, ramb ling place and much dilapidated, but it was tolerably -comfortable within ; J aud my landlord, alter he had thrown off his sheepskin coat; prepared me a savory meal, and sat down to lo k :? and converse with rn-.> while I ate ii. I did not much like the look? of thc fellow ; but he seemed anxious lo be sociable, and told me a great dei?; about his former IL'e wh*u he was u. service, expecting to receive simila. confidences Irom me. I did not gran fy him much, but, one . must. t*ik o. something, and beseemed to think ii only proper to express nn in erest in . his guests, and to learn as much ot their concerns as they would tell him. ' ' I went to bed ear?y. intending tc resume my journey, ass soon as i should be light. My landlord took up my knapsack and carried it to my roo::., observing as he did gii that ii wa>; a great weight ?dr me to t. avel with. I answered jokingly that it j cw'aired great treasure, referring to my c oins and ?elics; of course he did - nor understand me. and, before ? coti'.-l explain, he wish d me a most ha: ny little night, and left nu-. ' . Ti:e room in which I found my self Vas situated at theend of a long passage; tkere were two rooms oi the right side of this passage, ard ; window oh the lett, which looked un. upon a yard or garden. Hawnj taken * .survey of tne'ontside of -t?.e house while 1 Was smoking my eigm after finner, when the moon w s up, I understood exacly tho jusitioh <if my chamber-the eud room of a long parrot* \\inj? projecting at right an glee U'Aa'tha main "building, wjii which it was lonnected only by th? pasrtt^H and the two side rooms al ready mentioned: Ph ase, to bear this ..description carefully in mind whi. p .I proceed. . * Befare; getting int?o bed I drove into:^l?>'6o?r close to the doorasraall gimlet wh'ch.formed part of a com plicatedipocket-knife which I always carried with me, so that it would be impossible iora'ny-one to enter, the J room without my knowledge ; there was a' \??k to the door, but the, key would not turn -in it; there was.also a bolt, but it would not enter the hole intended:for it, thu "door having elink apparently from itsproperlevel. I hutisned myself, however, that<he <! , was se?ared^by my gimlet, and st a fe??s?eet?; . ' ' How can i ? describe the strange and horrible1 section- which oppress ed me3, aa P awoke, ont of my first "3 -mber?^I had been sleeping sound: Jv adi) before I quite reeovc?e ? cou summit* I bad '"instinctively risen ) ? - . . ..... Jsss^K^^saaa?K Vom' myr pillow, lan? was cro? jiorward, my knees.-drawn up 1 Wo?'- rlasp?d obe?ore^myc?aci jmy.whbleiFriibl?l o^SveSng wit] nor/ ; I.saw -noting p]fer!?/not .mt. a soond'jv^ rinding in m; that se-med to make my bloo ?cold. J.could not nave s?ppo .possible that any mere sound, ever might be i te nature,: obuld prod ti ced sn feb a re^ul^ion of'fi or inspired such inten e horro then experienced. lb was not of terror that I heard-that ; ?lave roused me to action-nc [moaning' of one- in pain-that i jhaye di. tressed me, and called (sympathy raJher.tb?anW?rsio?? ' it was like tie ' groaning of o .anguish and despair, but not lik ?mortal voice ; it seemed too'dre !too intense for human utterance sound had begun while.I. wa asleep-close tp the head of m j-rc;qae ta my very pillpw; it uVmued after I was wide awa1 long, loud, hollow, prorated .-making, the midnight ?air rev? .ire, and then dying gradually " [until it ceased entirely. It was 'minutes before I could at all re (from the terrible, impression } |-eemed to stop my breath and r kze my limbs. At length I h^g .io"k about.me^forthe night wa entirely dark, and could discer outlrheB.oif^ the rb?a?ndNthe.Be pieces of iurnjiute in it. I the, jout of bed arid called alou? ?jj* b's there? What is the matter' any one ?$1 ?" I ?epeafe?::'tbet iquiries in Italian a?a in French, .uiere was no answer. Fortunat ?had some* matches in my pocket Ijvas able to Kght my candle.- I examined every part of the 1 carefully,' and specially the WE phe'l\et?'qf'vfy^e?', sounding it Imy knuckles; it was firm andi .there" as in,all'''6thci,;5r3rade8;"<] fastened:'mV doorrjfgbd explor?e passage\ty tb^? twfljt?ioingig TO whic*h were unocciiped and al; destitute of furniture; th?y-bad dently not been usect for ?m? t Search as I wonld I could gail i-Iueto the mystery. Retnrnin iny room I sat down upon the be .j. eat perplexity, and began to; bvpcan iny; mind whether.'it Was <ible I coota Hv?**'b?en deceivi whether the sounds r?hich causee *uch dstress might not be the spnpg of. some dream or night*" i but to. that conclusion I could bring myse'.f :at all, much as I wi; it, for the groaning bad' contir tinging in my ears long after I wide awake and conscious. . Whi was thus reflecting, having negle to close the door which was oppc the side ?>f my bed where I was ting, I heard a soft foot-step at a tance', and presently a light ap] at tfoe further end of the pass Then I saw the shadow of aman upon the opposite wall ; it mc very slowly, and presently stop] I saw the hand raised, as if mal a sign to some one, and I knew f the fact of the shadow being tim ifl advance that lhere must have k a second person in the n ar by wi th- light was Carried. After a si pan e they pee'ded to -haye retrn their step?. without mv haviTis: hs glimpse of dither of them, but < of the shadow which had come be: and which followed them as. t withdrew. '. It was 'hen a little a :one o'clock, and I concluded ti were retiing late to rest, and nnxi to ayoi disturbing me, though i b since thought that it' was the li from my room which caused then retreat. J felt ha i inclined tocal them, but I shrank, without know why, from making kn?wn what 1 disturbed nie, ana while I hesita rhey were g'?ne ; so I fastened door ?gain, a d resolved to sit and watch a little, by myself. 1 now my candle was beginning ? burn low, and I found myself in t dilemma: either 1 must exting?is! at once, or I should be left with' the means of procuring a ii^ht .case I sTiould'-ngai-a. be disturbed, regr-tted t at I lind not called another c indie while there were p< pie yet moving in he hoii^e, bu' could not do so how without rauki explanations ; so I grasped my box matches, put out my light and I down, not with'-ut a shudder, in t bed. \ For an hour or morp I lay awa thinking , over what bivi, occam md |)y-t'hat-'!time ? had almbat pe suaded "myself that I Had . i moro imagination to thank for the alar 'which I had suffered* " Jt fe': outer-wall," I said t>? myself: " tlj< -;re all outer,waLh,i and tbe house built of stone;, it is impo sible th any sound could be heard tarong sucii a thickness5. Besi'des, it seeni* to be in my roon;, close to mv ea A hat an idior I mu^t be to gi damed and.excited about nothing i'll' tbink no more about it." So urned on my sicfe, with a smil (rather a ibreed one) at my own foo ishnese, and compose'd ' myself t sleep. At that instant I heard, with mor tisiinctness than I ever hoard, an ..ii.er sound in ray life, a g sp, . oicele.-s gasp, (l-4. if gdui*? ont? wpr II ngony tor breath, biting ?ti the ail tr nyi' g wit. ?.esp?rate efforts i, . irv out pr Speak. It. '.asrepeatej second and third lime; then ther \vas a pause ; then aga^n that horri ole gasping; and then a long-drawi 'breath, an audible drawing up of titi air into the throat,' such'as one wodli make in heaving a..deep^sigh. Stu'< .onnds as these co did'not'possibly have been heard unie** they. har. been clo?e to my ear ; they stein ta: .0 come out ol' the wall at my head or to risi; out of my pillow. Thai icarlul gasping, and that drawing iu of the bre.uli, m the? d rkaess and ali nee OL th* ::i?iit, seemed to jriak-i very . oet v.- ii ll y budy tl.rib with dreadi'u exp .?'i- u. tJnconsc-ou I nratiK <* Iron} J.H. .-(vu [j ... ?lowe as b-r.. e with taff Tice ujpyii jy knees. lt c*?wl Su?l irntnedi ately a moaning sound began, whu lengthened out inc . an aw lui pro ijaci d gi'o..n,. Waxing loud?; . ? I louder aa it, uude'r au increasing aj_o .iy, and then dying away slowly and .graduany into6ileuce; yet Paiu/uliy and distinctly audible, even to the last. As soon as I, could rouse; myself from the freezing horror which seemed to penetrate even to . my joints and marrcyv, I crept away from the bed, and in tfre furthest corner of the room lighted with -.Baking hand my band e, looking anxiously about, me a? I did so, expecting some, dreadfu; revel?tion as1- the- Irg^ht ??s?red Tip. Yet, if yda Will believe mel I did not teel alarmed or frightened ; but rather ppressed,- and..penetrated, with an i m nat ural, Overpowering sentiment of^awe. I'se?nied to be.m the '.pref ene'e bf Sotne gte?? and horrible mys; tery,- some bottomless.'depth: of woe^. or misery or crime. ?'shrank^ ?om it wirb a sena?tiori' of. .intolerable loathing aud suapenae.. lc was a feel ing akin to this winch prevented me j SB .J?!-W ^-BOM rtMMlMMM MMMMK MW from callwgjfomy[landlord J T ( >iot bring myself to speak to hi what had passed^ :hot = ? ino\vin? ?early, hey bimse? migHfr.bb"inv? in tile* my$erj[. VJftWfW[9nly? .?fl; r? escape aBMqniei?y. asj.p.ossi^e,-, sie room and from -the house, caidie was how beginning' tp"fl in' its Socket? but the stars were iiingf 'outsidey i and 'iherdJ was . ? ?and air to bre?the't*ier*?, which'sei '" be wantingin my Xoom; so I o^ue^tue window," tied.the: clothes together for a rope^and .?red myself safely ? and;, silent! the ground. Tjiere was a, light st?ljburn'i che lower/part of'the house; 1 v-rept noiselessly along?? feeling way carefully1 among' tji? iret ?, in due time came upon-a beaten t .vuich l?ri me to a road,' thesame"? ? had been tr ave i:ig on the pre* uight: I walked on, scarcely k ing whither, anxioua .only .W incu my i'ist?nc?'fr?m? tte.' accursed "iii until the day ' began lo break, \ almost the fir?t thfngJ could see cirjctly was a Bmdl body ' of mei preaching me. It waa with no fi ipteasura. thatf ,1 ; r?eoghized. ab; head ?my .friend . the .Capo di P.oj j ' Ah 1 " he cried; -' ' nrifojrten ?fe :1ns what trouble{( you. haye/ given ' '.Where hatfe yo.u' ..b??n.l.., Qoc praised that I see, you safe and"sol tiut Kow ?.."-Whitt js/tfce1 matted fyfat yu. ^tt^tr-^ie on?3poES&s rOEiW.hH? how I had lost my 1 . jyLft-J*!? ^.^b^igedi r ?a i ..".And. what "br?peuc-d ,to;; tfare,?,',: ho oped, wjth/a Jo?& qf: .lety/ "... [. ... . jj J was. disturbed in :the;night coula nci sleep. I made my esc .aqd. here I^am. I oannofc tell more." . " You must tell me more, dear , foxgi ve mo, ;y ou mus t tel 1 me ev thing. ; I must'know ai] . that ya ?? thatAcM?se. ;We hay^ ^ad it ul our surveillance io* a Ju'?g ti?iej when. I heard in what direction had gone^yestefdayj and had nol ruined,' ? ffcar?d you had got ome mischief there, ?nd we s even now upon our waf to lqok you." I could' not en?er into, particul but"I "told him*I ha^^iea^isrit, sounds, and, at hja-request I went t with him tb the'spot. He to'd by the way that the house was km ro be the retiort o banditti; -that landlord harbored them,' re;ei their . ill-gotten * goods, . find! h?J th?in to d'spose bf their booty. Arrived at the spot, he placed men abbot the premies and-in.it ted a strict search, the landlord the man- who was fouud^n the'hc being compelled to accompany i The room in tfh?ch ? had sl?pt carefully examined ; the floor wa plaster or cement, so that no soi could have passed through it ; wail-* were sound and solid, and tl was nothing to be seen that coule any way account for the strange I tuabance I had experienced. '. room on thc ground floor underne ray bedro -m was next inspected ; contained a quantity of straw, h firewood and lumber.. It was pa' with brick, an J ?on turning oser straw which U.L.S heaped togethci a corner, it waa discovered that bricks were uneven, as if they 1 ueeu recently disturbed. " Dig herj," said the officer. " ' sha 1 find something hidden hen -nnnginc. - ? The landlord was evidently mi disturbed. " Stop," he cried. . will tell you what lied buried the: come aw ty o.ut ot doors, and >y shall know all.about it." ? . 5* Dig, I say.' We'sha 1 find ( for ourse ives." " Let the dead rest," tried l lanJiojilj with a trembling vpi " Jbur thc love of heaved come aw? and hear what'l >\ut\l tell Au."' " Go on with your work," si the Sergeant to his men, who wt now plying pickaxe and spade. ''.1 can't sfjay here- andeee, it, '-e claimed ' the ian J?oid '"'once*' TnoS I ' Hear ti?eii ! it is the body of u Son, my only - bon-iet him ,res:^ rest ii? can.. Me was woiunled m quarref, and brought home to die. tbougnt lie would recover, but the . waa i.either- doctor nor pi i est at han . nd in. spite ol all that we could i for "him he died. L thini alone bo' or let a priest, be first sen lor; 1 d?ed unconfeased, but it-rwfo0$kt? fault ; it way not y? be too-late make peace for him." "But v. hy is he buried in th place ?" " We did not wish to make a st about it. Nobody knew of iii? deal J and we laid him down quietly ; oil place was as. good ns another whe once the lite was out of; him,, thought, \?fe are poor folk, and coul hot pay for cenenronies?." The truth at length came ou Father and son were both raembei of a band ol thieves; und^r this floe they concealed their -plunder, aa* there, too, lay more than one, mo?l dering corpse, victims ..'ho had occu pied the room m which I slept,- ani had there met their death: The.soi 'was, indeed, buried in that spot ; h had beeu mortally wounded^ in J . .kiruii.sh with travelers, and had liv ed long enough to redout nf his deeds and tb beg lor that priestly absuiu tion Wi.ich, according to his- .creed I was necessary t-> secure his pardon lb vain he bad urged his. lather t< ! Diin?the confessor to his bedside ; ir v?m he jmd: eutr?a'ed .him tdtbreal< oif ?iom. the murderous band; wit!, .vhioh he was allied and to live hon esty in, lu.ure; his prayers wert disregarded, and his dying admoni tions were of'no avail. * Eut lor the 5']?uge, mysterious waruing which bad roused me lioni my sleep and inven gnlont o.i't-hv hoboethiiVbijghi;, ti.o^er r?>-:,wu](l, haVs he-hi-fi* -i j thu old mau"! -u-aie- th 'guilt ina! g-'?ui;w f -;'u:tjp_t -los^. k, ..mi .. ti.it .'? '' i 1 ' "'.i.':;- wbv-.-.oe did tm^y prow';u :'' iU yan- no. livi.rg voice. D- youa that I will express ?io opinion on the subject. I will on ly tiny that it was the means of sav-i ing my life, and at the" samo tim? puiting' ai. cud'tb the heines .of bloody deeds which had been committed in tnat hpuseV .I receiv,e?al niy passport ? that even ing, by the dilligence from'I^ome, and started fche next morning oh my way to Maples. As we w?rrr?Vbssing the ifonf^e/, ra tall figure app^oabhed, wearing the long, rough1 Lcapolta ''of: the- iriendicant ir.airs, with a ?ood over, the face and holes . for che eyes to ldok1 thiough. ' He ca?d 'u-'tih' n?otfty?box in* his hand, which he held out.to.the passengers^-jingling a "few comisan it, and ' cryiflgnJut in a inonotonohs'^oice', " Akfa&^ni pur ycUatior 'Anime in- fntrif?t^ r^Z do not.be^e?^e ^p5 : t;ur?^ ' supplication a lbs- the dead ; but I dropped a^piece ot ailyer i?tp,.%.e'J)Ox v neverth?lfess/'?s t thought^ tfel ?un hallowed'^rav'e in the forest,'ahdrmy? prayer went; up to heayen in ?u sin*f eerily,--" Mcyutma. inface/'* i\ GRAND CO?BiVATIOS Scribri?r'.s Paient rualifying Tubes An invention having a lost important. B< I 1.'. ? IrigV?n m? future repution of Eeed-iinstrl j meni^, hyaneaivi o? vnch ? ?th?; quantity f Vol n.nui ?f lune id very rg?ly increased^?nd ih?'qVialUy of tone reuired! ' ! ' ^qtieJ to fi?t m the --?.T-Pipe O?ans of the g. ame Capacrvr. ? i Oo? jfci?p&t?? ?SVc Plfeil'' "Louis *] Pat?nt," "Vox Humai," ''wilcox Patent" * Octave Oojupler, the wnming " Cello" or. ' '* Clarionet" Srnpi; 'nnd1. " .' ni1 T.?tr i irr i nnn IT p?* r m ' Can ? be"' oijh'.ln?d onlfln these- '{ Organs. FULLY W ARANTE D.? Manufactur?t Aov, 15,17 ?^9 . ?af Mree?, Thirty-five different S^es?.r;i&^??rtor*and;i?e .'"^burch. g? ;.;< ?jh rV '-?sa New and Elegant Dc-signs, ' . >dlnA860.)___^AGEfiTS WANTED is AT 298 Broad St., Augnsta,lGa. .^FT Shoulders, D. S. SUJS, ^CT ad nm-\? Canvassed Hams, Country Hams, Prime Leaf Lard,. . . Pickle Beef, . . Dried Beef, Pickle Pork, Breakfast Strips, Excelsior Extra Floor, f.: virttle. Beaty Flour, .. " '? 'Gord'en;Sheaf'Flour,'--' " Pride of Augusta Flour, Westert) Flour," ' "" Reboiled Molasses, Cuba Mol.aj-sep, . Golden Syrup", ' ? New Orleans Syrup, Richmond Stripes, " Osnaburgs, Matche?, flSrWe are Agents fur 4 ' BUFF.' 6tyles, and warranted equ ir Merchants and Planter E.T3FIRE Al\I> FA Mar 6 ..Oafs, . rBa Sugar, Coffee, .Mackerel, j" Assorted Soda, ; B. C. Soda, . ; Soap, Starch, dandles,' Pickles, Sance, Brandy Peache Can Goods, Whiskies, Brandy, >Vine%? Tob. .'ceo, Snuff, . b-'i-'ga rs, m n r. t i yd fte: ftc] 0. P( \i;i>J. of all.sizes and ?- i "i ' :of tldace ?nd Sign.'/ j.' : p At the Fredericksburr ;v NOW OPJ . NEW, BEAL t it UL E Ei E Ci ITT ??-JJS! I HIS popular and weU-knchvn Hotel is now/, fully open for the reception-i.f visitors, having recently been tnor?u?i: ly renovated, newly painted, and put In the most complete order. > We aro deter mined to moke ours a'first-class Hotel, not t? bo surpassed North or-South. . We respectrally solicit the patronado of oar Edg?fJ?ldiriehdB and. the public g-T^??RPH^.&.MAY,'i-rop ietors. . Feb 14 ? tf 8- ' i Livery Stable Opehed ! PERSONS^fl?^nj?BorBesor Vehic or conv?y?n ce ?5* apportion bf w Surrounding conntry fitira> this .point,1 can be acc?mmodate?by api.'-?ng to L rt A.'A, LUSBY, j ftiajl :" IT ' "<" ? |p . 'T WOULD BE A TREAT for any . person, whcthsr they wishetl to pur- j chase or not, to Uifte a sCroiljthnraeli the , . FREDERICKSBURG STORE'and vie w {?the elegant goods, embracing everything i .that is new and dosi rabie, and ?ep're?ent- j ing the handicraft of nearly all civilized ? nations throughout the world i:iere dis- , play?!. < '! . Beginning with tho Elegant SHAWL, SUIT and SILK DEI ARTMENTS, , Whore all tile elegant fabrics o? thc season ; are to be seen in beautiful Plain, Striped, j Checked andfrDolly pardon te>ilks,.made- j up S?ita* at" the newest etiles, Ubinia ! Lace Points, Shawls, and other Wrap pings; be&htiful "Parasols, Bun Uiribrel las, <fcc., Ac. * . In the DRESS GOODS DEPART MENT, everything that is novel, no* , and desirable* can be round-commencing with Dress Goods that will make a hand somelooking dress?t 10c. per yardup to the finest. . In the WHITE GOODS DEPART MKNT are -Piques,, in plain, striped, robes and figured. Percales from 20c. to fine Chintz at 50c, in all the new designs bf-figured.. Robes and Bolly y amiens ; all, thc new varieties of 'Muslins, Linen Lawns, in white and figured, plain col ors, Ae., Ac. A fall amoxi ment o f Whi te Goods, od' every description. I? the MOURNING DEPARTMENT will be found all the new fabrics of thc season-some new and elegant goods, as well as some very.'low!torice?v ?. In the LACE DEPARTMENT will be \ found all the new stylos of Lace Collars and Sleeves,"'Sets.' ?d*rlngs,"liisortlng8; " [ Embroideries, Black ."-ilk Laces, Puif ings, Ruffling/}, line Furs,-A(v . * In trie HOSIERY! GLOVE; and NO-< TION DEPARTMENTS Viii be fo?nti '' a'most superb assortment of these goods, and nt the lowest pr ces. The CLOTH, CASSIM ERE and DO MESTIC DEPARTM EN'B? 'are va?l'i.111 of good and useful .g^pds- : atad';?? tuo lowest prices possi ble.-'* ??? <m ?a# X Pcrsous who buy for Cash and wish t* save money, should alwajTf buy ol' Gash House-a house that buys for Cash ns weil Bs sells fol! Cash. Irr'a house o?' tbife kind-a?.theat?vnnt^e^ can be given? a Gash purchaser ; no efcru jftbtit patvoh" because the merchant bought his good? on time, and he having pakl an extra price for thc tinie, .,wludh,all merchant. r havs to do who bpy^hojar-goods on, thu iv. These aro ideas every Cash buyer shinild not forget/ " A penny saved is a penny made." The FREDERICKSBURG STORE is a house that buys its jStpds .dr^ash, and pays no oxtra-ppeepQb jhnc^'?lj sells | : upon a Cash oasis,"and charges no extra l' .profit to ni.iko up for bad debts. Its. :-?ock is laid in by a buyer who has boen I selecting goods suited to the wunfificfC'tLK- ' Leopleior neara quarter of .a cefnTOr. ' lils success in pleasing jthoni ia, vej?i*?d '. by the Frodoricksburg? Store neyw luv ing. gottenybohind from inp .? . start, in 1850, tb 'the'prest?' liri . r. you may be sure, when yon go tlii FredericJcsburg Store: td t?t?y.g'*o- ; are in tho right house. Tho ?Oiisi Lb/ -.buys right.sclls.right. ' and try:; t - i 'best it eau for its citsfohYers. Wo continue to send samples . .rv .quested, and pay freight ort's^' . h< ordered from our stock tv i ;fe ? i : o 810 and over, for Cash, stroud?'. V. RICHARDS . lliiO , CornerbythePlai.au> Hotel'. April 3 tf 15 AUGUSTA, GA. . VINEGAR ?TT J. Wi tx?, Proprietor. X. B. Imo * Cfc, Droobta i?d Csa. ?f'tr, San PrsDclics. C*L. s * 34 Com nerc?at. Sr T. aCCXXIOIlS Heur it mon y to' their u Wonderful Cut Tc T-Hr. cts. ./ They tua not a vlic Fnnc-rlnk, Mode of Poer Kamt Whiskey, Prooplrlte and Befdse K.r?pior?, doctored, spicod sweetened to please Uro taita/ca??ea .'Tonics," * Apjcrs," '.Restorers," *4? that load tho tippler on to dnnnessahd ruin, but aro a truoMedicino, made from natl vc root? aud herbs of California, free fro ra Alcoholic 8fl Bul lant.. They aro the OKF, BT.OOB PTTKI FIEU and A ?.IFZ GRGPKIXCIFLE, a perfect Bcnovatcr nod Iorator. of iba System, ctn-yingoIT alt poisonous mi and rwiortr.? rho blood to a healthy condition. No toa can take these Bit ten according to direction^ remain long unwell, provided their .bouts oro idestroyed by mineral poison or other moana, nine vital oriana wested texond the point of repair.. - ^ ,\. ff j ,? -( They aro a Gentle Frat! vo n? well aa a Tonie, possessing also, tluculiar merit of, acting os a pcrwcrfdl agjnt In. relic; Congestion or Inflam ttation of tho Liner, and all Visceral Organs. J " FOR FESTAXE CO JLAIATS, whetticr in y oun % er old, married or sin at thy dawn of woman hood or at the tarn of lift, o Tonie Bitten ha vo no equal. 1 , For Inflantmatory ll Chronic Bhepma. tira nnd Goat, Dyspla or Indigestion, ; Bilious, Eemirtcut I Intermittent TV." -vera, Diseases of thplood, Elver, Kio? noys anal Bladder, Utesltter* have been most. " s uicesil u !. Such Bl sea tic caused by TI t lattd Blood, which ls pcnerallyuueed'byderangement of (be Digestive Orjrani BTaPEPglA OB 1IGESTIOV. Head ache, Pain in the Shoulderooghs, Tightness of the Chest, DlzrincMfj So? ErtiOaf, of tho Stomach, Bad Taste iafto Mouth, BUlJitacts, Palpitation of UID^ ncart,-_rhCanauatlon ko langs, fain'in the "regions of th?'^TO?oyfii nnhundred other painful symptoms aro the offcprlngs)ysbcpsl?L. "* They Invigorate tho Stomand stituulnto tho torpid Liver and Bowels, which ter.them of unequaled. <fflc*cy la dearing tho blof-"ii impurities;turd ta'.. Jr^ifc??wjjfe andjt?gor b yt\\<W&em. . -v'. C FOB,SUSS DISEAS, Eruptions, Totter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Flu, Pustules, Bolls, Ca? buncios, P.:.-, 7-Worms, Sc aidai, Sora Eyas, Erysipe las, Itch, Scurfs, DUcoloratiof thaSfcln, Humors and Diseases of Ul 0 cit In, of wirer namcor nature' are lite rally dug np and carried of the system In a short time by tile use of these Bu One bottle In such cases will cenvinee thc mcscrcdulcus of their eara tfre effects. . ? ' . Cleanse tho vitiated BloodeneTaf you fir.d Its im .purities bursting through ?KMta Blhiples, Erup ttoWmrfBores; cleanse I^w/yeu Aid ftobstrncte* trad sluggish in tho veins; in sc lt whan it is fouL ?nd yourteelings will toll when. Keep the blood perejjuidthe health of tho sm will follow. ^53B?'SW^^nnd oto?rT?rsna,lurii?glnui5 ?system ofioirjujy thousandre effectually destroyed and removed. Bays a digulshed physiologist, th oro ? scarcely aa.'lndlTld upon,the face of Ole earth wAdse body ti oxentfrorn tho presence ef .woTms. It is not noon tbealthy clements of the lmy that worms exist, batu ?ie diseased humors ?nd slimy deporta-that bwoeso livingmoister* of . v.? *yiton> of Meno, no verm?fugos, no, anthclmlmics, wUl frto thostctn from worms like these Bitters. Sold by all Dru ga* and Dealers, J. WALKER, Proprietor. . H. MCDONALD & tO, Druggists ??il l?rtiml ill WM rraneiseo, CUP fornla, and 82 and si Conree Btroct, New Tort ' ?4z% Bfroa Street* ' AUG/;.ST 'QA., ? Tn..?><?ui,: ntl'' jfjl Dealer, in wmn-ES.c to CKS, !?WELR &C. . .. t. . . it J .' ry * }' tili :'. HAVING at a frrf outlay, jsecnnfr ilieservic^of a FlRSOLASS WATCH \IAKl3lVfjt)m Switziand, ia now pr0 larM to Repair all lids of Watches, Viilfdo Boxes and Je?ry'?f all deacrip ionsj w,ith neatness id dispatch, and ruarantees all work. _T [ Ho offors, also.a frrerariety WATCH ES, GLO?KSJ A\^RY. SILVER 0#P0MPSICAL NSTRUM?NTS, ^ST'FSTOI?7^.1TRIDGES, AC, it New York,prices. . ^TTVT Lodk aSmr the sigof the BIG GUN, 142 ??road Street . Aufiuate.Dec2e HAVING agai&'&bt-^ a handsome selection of all the In DRESS GOODS, PERCALES, PIQ?ES, LAWNS, MUSLINS, jPRIN^'lJiit^yiffli?ceV?f ali: tae ???jttes'/?n !" Dolly yapeni}? I" Maryposa," " Yosemites," &c, Ac. All the new styles in PARASOLS are fairly represented, Jis&itstii?ii SASIWMBBC>SS-?D ?HiPploM, Entamerai, Plaid and Plain, j KewMff??iS WK)N^ TOrlisS and BUTTONS, ; ^^^l^^W ^.W^^M W^sfeM^t?fents and Boys, of the latest shape in Regatta,-^Gazelle, May Flower, School^ Lacea, Hurdle,.. ,Hnr lvesr,*~Franconia, &c. " ? _ *"v?TullliSs??2eW ' ,irv" '''"""" . The latest fashions in READY MADE CLOTHING, &c. All of which I have marked so low as to sec?re QUICK SALES,-to ?make you laugh in your sleep arid dream of good living. H. Ii. A. BAtK, 172 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. ! May 8 2m 20 INSURE YOUR LIFE IN THE Brooklyn Life Insurance Co. Cash Ca a?i-??els, CMer $|?000,O0O. JAS .;--'S.??Anse?il %nddrsefe ttfe $m 1. Because it is acknowledged to be perfectly solvent by all Insurance ^ ?'^fff^ (Vf? ' ii i m xand Cents, for ten consecutivo years. According-ta the atAtament ofttire .rates-?tf the different .life .Insiusance Comp??^^fiAt-cl?&^jfe ?versal," in its advertisement .entitled, " Fqcts.are Stubborn Things," and published in the ?dgcfield. ^^liser{hya?^s^'J^\ftt\9t Mutual Bates of the Brooklyn- are. Cheaper than-, those .of, any. .named Company. For instance, according to that statement: * fr? *i g: jft-fi tfp ft nt. .a the ??ill|l|ii? Brooklyn. At the age of 2? " PO* a ???yi table-.........;............ Taws? ff Y* i favor of tho Brooklyn. In The HtonMyn.Jd??..^'Xi^ ?? '? Piedmont & Arlington.' Balance in favor of tho Brookfyn. In the Brooklyn. " " New York Life. Balance in favor of tha Brooklyn. bf] HT M ''..* > !.. WM lu the Brooklyn...,., " u Caroona. W,fe.."'.;....:.,.. Balance in favor of the Brooklyn. In the Brooklyn. " " .Etna.i. 1 " M ?ill ?lui) if '1 rtfl ti Balance in favor of the Brooklyn. . ? . i ? ;* , . . w l n the Brooklyn. !f " Cotton* States...... Balance in favor of the Brooklyn. t the age of 301 $i,3H4 20 *8 8,455 46 88,875 7.1 7,541 47 8U34 2u; ?9,250 69 #11 $440 12 8,810 57 . ?140 12 ?9,250 69 8,810 00 In the Brooklyn. " St.' Louis Mutual. palanco in favor of the Brooklyn In Hie Brooklyn. " Southern Life........>.'...f..j... Halnnce-dn favor of the (?rooklvn ii1 i?>Miiiri<j ; 38,875 73l ,,8.503-111 88,875 7.1 ?140 69 '$9,250 69' .8,541-roi ?448 77 (8,875 73 8,455 id $408 9Gj 89,250 09 S,79S 94i At tue age of 40 Enflore $8,389 27 "$402 I;: Ibv Brt?nfcljyi. " Knicker! ax*]-: >r. v.y CT 51? Tn P 4 ?ulanw Th.".uVot of tiiofllrooklyn. ?420 2.7 ?8,875- 73 .: .8,Ml.o0 ?34 37 $8,875 73 Ft y??,1515 73 ?2i?'? (lu! li i^fft O? ?8;875 73j :>21!> -j:?. ?451 75 $9,250 69 I ;8,810 67 ?440 12 $9,250 69 8,841 731 $108 96 ?9.250 69 14 ?9,250 69 ?,639 30 SHH] 39 $8,389 27 7,987 22 $402 05 88,389 27 7,987 22 ' ?402 05 '??,389 27 .j 7jO]fc:40 88,389 27' 8,10^ 10 ?281 ll .. ?8,389 27 7,987 22 ?402,05 ?8,3S9 27 7.91H -to ?72v8<. ?8',389 27 ..7pap 50 , ?452.77 S.^.389 27 7,86flcjir ?530 17 ir?op'?? 30, s-JOO ?.'.!! insure In tlic Brooklyn. In tlic Uuivorsid ?11,750 00 i 1,390 01 10,306 90 ?385 00 Bal. in favor of the Brooklyn at ?tock rates ?333 00 . The greatly advantageous feature o? the Brooklyn in endorsing the Sur render Values upon il? Policies, in Dollars und Cants, for (en consecutive years, has met with unqualified praise from the most celebrated American Actuaries, as also from the Press, Ea?t, North and South'. . The Hon. Elrzur Wright, who is .admitted to be trie greatest Insurance Mathematician arid Actuary 1n America, congratulating The Brooklyn upon this new and distinctive feature, says, among other things, " I am particularly pleased by your departure in the right direction from the ordinary method of computing the Surrender Values." "One of the great est drawbacks to the popularity of Life Insurance, bas been the disap pointment and dissnt:sj'action of'retiring Policy holders, at the smallness ofihv-swrr^er-vfttKvya^ by a d?tii&l ftatcmtnt on tte fP?lici/\ inibdvancc, of thc s%-$). to bejhaid." Thisfst?Me*t! ^ Brooklyn Ht (Otlafs and cents, se tia^th?/eteauJ&?j?e^mistake. ?\ ' O *1JL/#JV. Read H hat sont hf rn Papers Say of This Feat (?rc : feature of casa surrender values is an improvement thar signalizes the era | in Life Insurance." . /Sun, (Columbus, Georgia.)-"There is. no better .Company in the land a'comparison with/?th^* corporations of a* similar character, will conviriet all Of the superior safely.in taking riste with The Brooklyn Life." f'ispatch, (Sil-It?aiSr"ifo.?) t?^W^*i|ity ?The Bfo?klyi Life is thus worth so much tn ready vxoncy. , .This is the.only Life.Com pany in .the country that, has cai$r?i, tyis^-excellent feature (of'endpr'sing the 6a8h' surrender valneV in dollars- urftT cent?,) into its_bitsines?i." uTo*l icy holders beinn doubly 'assured, the sjstVni caiinot.fail:td bewrae 'very popnlar*." ' * * .' ? " ' .'*.'', . '"" It wi]l. be seen .that,.w> asseti noflivifj. i'n.' tl?e >bo^e*. a^yeriif?me'Dt, tut make a simple statement of the supctior advantages y Thc Brooklyn, jt ?ppeare^from -disinterested parties. .. r . . ?. .. Th? Hon. M'.'L. Bonham. lids' been associated with us in the General; Agency: of Tho-.Brooklyn for. this Stafce. ? , ,iy MML4E,~& BlfiiER, ' , . - . ?( .. . , ... | 7: . General Agents*and Manag?i-s.i Office over the Citizens' Savings Bank, Columbia, S..C., tsrii Aud at,Edgefield..t?. C.'- ' -bo . . . '' . .; ^iM^M GROCER AND COMMISSION I y er oad Street, Atigt?sta, G?. .. ^oofhaod ^noVdbr wk ab LOWEST MARKET PRICES fbr $?pL or Faoto^Acp?pUncel, pasible; ?ffra& a f^ ST?CK of ?^O?C? Orontes and' ^f?fatold?i? ?itpplie^ aniong which ,may bo HHDS. C. It Bacon Sides1, 10,0001D8/-?). f^Sh^dli??i*; IQ casks Hams, 100 packages Lard, . 200 boxes Cheese, 3?0,hhl.s.-.Flour,jdi grades, ,. SOO .sacks Oats, , . ' 40 ??' ?.* S?ed ?ty.e, 100 bbls. IrL'.i J-otatoesj . 500 PRokagesTiew.Miekerel-tios; l,N4tmd3^.,. .> . r ^ P??ka.?:es^xtmMessMackrel 10 obis.-Buckwheat. 100 ehesti Te?, all grades, 50 bbls. Syrup-dilmrent grades 200 cases pysters/'l and 2 IB. cans, 200 cases Cannefl Fruits and Voe etabl-ea^. ?. . . 300 ctt^ckl?^? sia?s, . ?50 $ Lob3^i?h?2?b. can8l- ' 10 quarter casks m 200 gross' Matches1 <^ . F i ' nae Brandy, : 200.boxes iCan?lea . f- - ? S.-o^?rter.c?slcs?co v2^^??SS^MfWtens' Segars,' 50 ,M Georgia-Chiefs' 9do^' 50 M. Oar.C^hOic? fld .20?M%lbnItoides - do 5,000 Bushel8iec?r . 25 H^ife??s^1 : .85 hhds. Brown Stu ft hhdTs^h^ug, (-:?.'25: bpxo?-:Hav?na?i Auguata, J An 16 ?0 i bbls* Crushed, Powdered aud Granulated Sugar,. 200 hbls.' Extra C and A Sugar, 200 bags Eio.Cofiee^ .50 ' M Laguayra Conee, 50 nockotsOldGovernment Java Coffee,.* . 100 boxes No. J Soap, 200 .< pale " 150 " Starch,1 100 ...Soda, 100 dozen Buckets, '. , 50' ." 'Brooms, BARRELS Pure Baker Whisky, . 50 bbls. Old Valley Whisky, : 200 HV Rye Whisky, al." 50 . life Pure Corn. 130 - ' .Brandy, GinaadvRUm, . 10 quarter casks Imported Cojp tch and Irish. hisky;- ?: . h a ' 20 quarter casks Sherry, Port , .andLMadeira Wine, ,. -20' caskp Ale .and Porter, io ot^&tm& Half and Half, . ai*o^orjpp^g?eT7^ ; . ? 100 ? Bit?V' ' (Vr : . 100 " BitteVs,. ,1 ' 200 boxes- TJobacoo, ad grades, 100 cases Smoking da ? ? tf 9 j "4 .'. i j ??? ?roa* l)i';ul:.- r/rbqjfe ? ' ? ? . ... -'-rr. . Uf? ? .': ,7i Uiuiti? -i-.-j i-.--.ui ai vir, ?OM WHOLESALE O l .indi ft/.bnb , . : '.v .A.-^j fLV.?fp ^f?::.'i d> ?ad? , yiooj i\cA'*V.'nyj?aX. ? /i.>-v-">i?; "in !l * '?"...'.'?/'.: ;.'.!.?.''[ vJr'bfpS? sdi ..!( .i.'i>/'>dj i>T>i('i \rj-iW/,-\ u&pf9iriift?>)t& i ?r '. . ...'i;<i.0 I, ?Ma^u?actui era .Agent gii(L "^oiesa ^op"*^.rMempiatdlim r^f^^^^ffiS ?ofli?a?i aa?i ^fe?acl?*^^f ?^^^n. : - .Tie s tock? .of. EfliydojKs. embra. all colore and qualities, besides.a. full, all- the inn um -?cable minor i wrns forans j f Also, .many articles that- waul d - OB ? a ? t? ? liery t ii . ill i : ?i ;;.;// ,ti :. vi.. fit. j Jtl . the Bode.Bepartmeiity will be font and Collegee, 'Dwiiocanee,. Bibles -an? large assortment of Juvenile. anoVlftoJ G??eFariiit?ratttr?/ fc??whd ad&? ; "?h'th? .'.MsTOellau?ouB St?^fcy w<iP!oio ?favorable terms'as'any'establishmenti A new Price List will soon be issu make sei?otions -and':?order-?.by. m'?il, ty?tafk a nd* ?areflfl . attentKm, since'-1 Imod?Vf Jdo4ng-%et?rie88'?ti'th?8 ?tablis li -aw ffyt?tiB'jtl -S'A. dJ&jasd ?i baa&tg rj?lq TheCtrieago Farm PumpsJ -AND it) N For Chirps and Welt of any Depttu ?vi.i.r.u /jnj^^:i:iv.'ul.: -_. 'v.'-, y.i, "f- wfi fettfl M# v'?u . .-?u: Are Cheap, D arable and Efficfenl ,, OVER 3.000 SOTJD. ? ?VERYPUMP WARRAtfTEIfc ?? Any Person Can Set Th?rh. . Sold everywhere by dealers in Stand ard Farm 'Machinery, Hardware and Plantation Supplies;-* '. * ' .' .Descriptive (dialogues sent on appli cation. .For terms, address the manu facturers. J. P. Tl?fPLET'&'lSO?is. . , . CHICAGO, lit..""' MsyW' ; 3ul 21 * t4-l<l Wt- ?I.. SEP GREAT ? OUT H ERN MONTHLY MAGAZINE, '?ico. Dollars p?r Annum. 64 PAGES READING MATTER. . 30 tofiES ADVERTISEMENTS, WALKER, BYASS A COGS WELL,. AMD -_ I>. WYATT AIKEN. C3IA?LMTOX, S. C B. M. TALBERT, Ag?m JbXtgeneld i\airt House, S jj, 1. ....... | Slaven ? iy*n Boors, Sashes* Blinds, &c ? ..ts ,v'J- < ? . . ? .. I f?fl| j.Vb. 20 JIawicJSi. -and HorJitcek's ' ..cirA^BLEsTON-'s; C. . ' ;-^ThiVisthe'largest';And most com-, pi?te Factory ofith? icind in. tho South cm States, and all articles in this line J cari be furnished by. "hit. P. P. TOALE ?t prices which defy competrtion.' '!< x ' AM wini phli'twit h full-and detailed Hat.oft all sizes .of Doora, Sashes and HUads, and the prices of . each, will be seht free and, ?ost paid, oh application'to r* F. P. TOJXE. CAAKLk?TON, S.' C. *Jnly26 " * ' - ?"? jj . 81 TTJBIL, w. lb ii %'??x9 /..LAW.RANGE, ?noE^?E^n, C..H. Brick OiUce,' /formerly office of Mo ragnd <t'Addison. . Jan. r,. * ' ly"";' Lnft Notice. HEtindeitl^ned lirtve formed a-Co* i)artnership lor tho PK ACTI CE .OF LAW in Fdi,'e!icld,Cuui.iy, and the t^oupties%t\ the Fut?) Ci^-uit. Under the riame and' stvle of MAG ll A Tl I ? ABNEY. , . I Thev will n.te?l.'r??lioei?Vth? Courts A\ T?ial Justices for these Counties. /*> ; THO?US P. MAGRATH . . JOHN R.,ABNEY. Edge?c?d, Boc. 13, tf . Vj H JOHN E? BACON, " JEW. D. f ALBERT. BACON St TAJLKRT, ATTOBNEYS A?TP COUNSELLORS AT I^AW, Will practice yi EdgefipW arid adjoining Counties.: . ' . . . Edgei?eld C. H., Apr 2 imlo M. L." BONH'AJI. B. G. BONHAM. Attorneys at Law^ Offl-'e, at ?dgeiield C/ ff., S. C. . TO SPORTSMEN ! Shiphsrds, Pointers, Setters, Eetriev ers Newfoundland.- St Bernard, Pox and Deer-Hour.ds, Greyhounds, Blood--Howida, Batters, Coach-Dogs, "BnU-Boga. ; Premium Chester White Hogs. Thorough-i-Erci Berkshire Uogs. . Fancy Poultry and ?f?s. * "Paney. Pigeons. * A^dre8S- C. I.'CALVERT, Newark, Del. j^r* AU orders ieft.with Mr. JOHN H?, FAIR, Edgefield, 'S, ;CM wilif re?oive.' prompt attention./ .? '. VNbv..2^ . . .' 'ly - t?; tita ? ?.:..:',tce'? - Ice.! Ai supply c-f ICE constantly Oh banu ;and for aaleatredn?edja^e^b^'^ May? tf ? wa ?n ; ., .v : V) fl I . ' .' !.' ? nr..-., :VUu i .uoiftol?k?rt Hi r I u-,'t M :T .'v ijf -r.? i? ?cr fulfill ? ;',Kiv Los ?irti?yoH ,'*i#J? /J'- mi .iy?if> ,!:>htP.iC ?nb 'itioibj/j ?v/ilr tf? 6U"J f? ,'.::':! i'lO J.'. A?CJ1J8TA, GEORGIA. iks, Dr Ba i-.r, fitilaoiJyiq i>':i' .iIO' bi?-mfriT. id tie?t?nda^?exiBooks&T Sc?Opls 1 PraV?f-Books/?osic. Books^Dd.a ? Books;"A?d-atwell selected . stock in. j; l./'i .I . tho??flj >?i hi" ot ifcif li ide?is1 WB^Mi^c?errtb teyatsia? atff^clr'^ffl^B.? .ikiafliMB?'to iP?esTM^"^^ M'^^?To??gh0 r^em^t?*7** hm^hW '{' '? '.:/":- >tf*^?S? I . ... '.. ?O a .1'. :, ? . ?>? i A? tl?ii J?V*.y?i- itt JA l?liWAYS REAM lufrom Onelo Tvven?y akanui ' oin NOT OME HOW . rt) io : . ,1-.-ul JflWOtlMrjRAiJti? ?.; . ?:I_C???{T It WM the tat and li the .'. , , [_ . _ . _ _.iEu-d-noJ oai?*. layy ita ara m allon*, BBu'uans ^DgVt?ooit-*VBexst)r rapFKOH o5fe TO T-ENTT M^T-ES,'- ? ? ? v, >us ;S euraigtc, ?rpSil^BiSaBBaWBB ?offer; i RADW A Y'S READY RELIEF i^LAM^i^oP^mMr^Ts-^- * r INKLAMMAT10W..OATHE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OFT HE BOWELS. ' vi .JcONOl^TIONO^T^BUa'?S. S0BE.THB0AT.^SC??T^ HYSTERICS,X5B0UI?;Drw HERIA...j '.Y, .. rr?Airi?tol'Toow?Bra."' vWMffifWfc OOLP CHILLS, AGUE OmJLB.ST. The ap pilcal ttrt'of (lie Re?dhy ReK*rf fo the .?inri or ptns w'.ierd th(-pain or difflcu?y.oxlt? ,?'1L u?ord.tiMah'l^oif'?. , * TwWrv drojM i rt halt atoniWerbr imrvilnfi w tew. momtsnt*,?wo:,CEAMP3. .?PAS^'-^pC? STdMACH. ? DrAiJuriLA, DTSKS?E?R V?SD lVTITEiBDWBLSi?ijd all WTI?RJ^iB?lMSt 'V TcaffclfTs &hoBkl nlwuy? carry alxit?t- nf, .K?d~ %*my*>? K???p Kt'llof wM thchi;X??rp?rfp** hr ?rater wm premnt . ile kn eu cr pt?n? tr oin aban iro bf .water.. .lt ia better thun JFrench Brand) OT Bill?? ai a stimulant. ?'. TI*"' -V;- r" r..iK7 FEVEE. ?lfe'AG?Tfi 'enre? foV?r?r cWit? . W/r*' is not a teraMla? ?f^ni in fr 6 worltf Um! i LIEF. Fifty jCiuo p^rJ|oula, 8TEOKG J?rb-V???E EICT BtC^0-^?0?SjS; OF FLESH ANO WEIGHT-OLEAE SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECUBED TO ALL. ': . ?''?''?RR :??-s . it:'.-ri DR. HADWA'Y'S HAS MADE THE MOST ASTpN*ISBI2iG_C? SO QUICK. SO ItAPID AKETBS CHA] SIWOIOUS ?NDKUGUE?. UNDKB,TB?dlM FLUENCE OF THIS TliULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE niAT EVERYDAY nn irtuntAoc ifirtwni ANO WEIGHTiS SEESAW F?fc??v THE GREAT -J^if^0&&i ? Eur y drop oj ?hi SAF^AIUUU^RB^OLr VE?T rfuhnnn&tiU* ihnfaqk ?ie 'Rbw,' i*iceatT Urin*,aiid <iVffi-?uid>i-UHA jv.?cr.ftft'.Vi?4s^trn?it<?. '??.jor-ofUjtiJur it rrjiiiii H ?iie xcasUe f?fi th* body icit/i HtK ?nd ?ov?d material. Scrofula, Sujjhilir, OnmimptH*, (rtdtidv?y ^tifatril <*7&ir*??? tte TlvrxiJ, Jl<iuLlu:'J. VIVI K, Sud?? ?V i7?s Gland i and ?Alier pari* oj lite y^iiAn, So?? SaHito?r&u* iltHcliarvrvfroaf Zite ?oA avd tht vcarji-fartuof Sltiii, ditmmc*, Ert{j>tU<*$, FtBfft SontyScafi.^aQj. ?Ona 'H'o/iir1, Silt Il7uum, Xrytip<lai? JJe?*;SUeB' Sp?* ? Wonna ?nU* f/ah, Ttmotm? ?meers i* Un i?oniU, und uU weakening and jiain/ui aV?ctarOM* /Sio7dStcr<rti',Louof?!perm and alf Abatte? if w~ Bright's DU?iie, Alhamlnatta, ?oanajui CtlBKijr (hero ar? Wck-<tast depoelt?,, o* the^watiu-Kr?' d?ady.iriixecTwItVsata?t-ce? lite? th-? wh?^i^, e?g.nrihrecMfa ?tc.wUUcBlifc. ?r there l?^^}^ dark, bilious tfiinear?n?e, and white boq,,,*?-,,.. posl?s. ahd wheh'tneroiB * prlekWir? UVSmma ot lion when passing w?ier,.an4 p?ln>r tho Back and along the LOID*. DR. R?BW^ Perfe?t P?rgate lilis? p^y.tMtele^elepaa?T ^^WBt " fe''' il FercV.-lB?. B^b^SP!??_^ Inffiff? ?*ms qj'-?i*teiXHe ile potent power to CWT* ?Aeow ? jj|?." irt?iopajienl, d?Jly b?conjli?'rt?iic^fa^ an.I ?V'composlllor IhaT ls conllH-aHy prOgr^-?in? l?ccrt-d? in arfestniR these wsstea..'_j_s taj (taita ta me wi tb new maierini. madeJronvJ-ffUbr " and this the ? ABSPAKILLTAK will ?6? dc -a<are la certain ; -for w_cn on? j belter anil stronger, the food dlgesUng better, appe* Utelm^r-g, &<Pflesh and w^hf Inereasl .g. . N?w ooiy dc^iber^^^ujJAX EMOIVKT.^. eel all known remedial ageoli Inuledre or Csronre, Scmtubas, Conslitutioaal, and Skin distales ; bm ii utltf>finiyKV^^H ? .. : .o Kidney & Bladder Cc tap . Aie%'.inMlIthe'aWTe named dlsnrdvr?.- Pnce* 7/lt'-/rVerBox.'^OlJ).lTDBU?Gl?.T-, . pG&ffZ??j??B?i AND TBtlE." Sent! one IrtU* SE K-IVSJfSSSSS?^^ ww? Suu?i worin ihonaanda-will h< acnt you. CJ?LBBBA-XB rfc? 158 ai. M'Mts, Thia pi?^tloni?oM and fiiTorahty1 ' knoTnj will ?ioronjrhly re-lr.Tigwate bruktn down-and kw*p*rited horses, hy atrengtistning and ctranslng' lb? at?n_aiaiaadlnt?lit--a?. :! .V'-?..T-? IlisasttrepreTtjit-rccfalldlseasef _?ctat_t to this atiltral, such ai LUNG ?EVEB. GLANDBB8, YELLOW^ VATER, HEAVES, TOUGHS, DIS TEMPER, FEVERS, FOUV?SR,. iOSS OF APPETITE AKD.VTTAL ?K?RGY., tc, . Itt .use improves tie wind, Increases th.e, appetite rires asmaoth and gtotty s'.tn-and,, nnsfonns tke. miserable sktle'^., ntoa'tluc-lo?klng and splriWi .erse. To lceepera of Coira lliki inn ami Oon ls Invaluable. His a sure pre Tenttva against Rinderpest, Hollow auaotity of milk and creaV twenty ' s^et^irl ?re* tiiem an appetite^ loosens their 1 em thrive much mater. the Luirgs*. Liver, it v this article acts ; u a specific. By fatting treal, ona- - ^J hairapap?r'taapapcr In a barrel cf r rwHI the abate diaeasatwMl be eradi catedo^ entirely prevented. If given In time, a, certain- preventiva and. oort for the Hog Cholera.. /rr_..>. .j DAVID FOUTZr FroprlefpT? . BALTIMOILJE; M,?, f Por sale by Hrnggiata aad Sttwe-eerers thmo.hout the UnlU?d SUtcs. Caoat vs and South America. For sale at Edgefleld "by Jit 'A. CLIS BY. JFeb27: ? lylo W. H.^SHAfTEIaj T TTAVHi^iocAted at ^a?nelct ofTot*