Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, March 14, 1872, Image 4

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? 'Fu?tes* of the ?Ourt. LSst week weg?rt?-trre progress of th? Court.up to Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday the Court was occupi . ed in the trial of the State vs. JTohn Do zier. The Defendant ls a negro who stole some Sixty dollars from" Dr. Rushton's' store, and tho evidence against him w^is as clear as spring water. Nevertheless the jury, conrposed-? entrreiy ?Yri?gr?es,") pronounced him not guilty. Judge Mel ton seemed to bo horrified and indignant at such a verdict, and, to use a common phrase, raked the twelve colored gentle men with unmistakable asperity. And well he might f for if this 3ort of. thing is to become the rule, it will soon be black for' black and white for white, race stand ing up to race, without any reference to law or j ustice. In this case Mr. Brawley, of Chester,"jacted asr"SalicUor for.the State,.e?i?a?eing much the favorable im pression of him which our people had already conceived. For the defence, ap peared.two young lawyers just making their debut-Messrs R. G. Bonham and J. D. Talbert. They managed It decided ly well, and we predict for them a useful and honorable career nt the bar.. On Thursday afternoon the Grand Ju ry; "after making their presentment, were discharged.. From, this presentment we publish the following extracts furnished I us by A. Ramsay, _Esq., Clerk of the Court: A To His Honor S. W. Melton, Pr.esidj9 Judge: The Grtad Jnry ef. Edgefield Co^ty? io whom was referred the specializer of inquiring as to whether the ^unty Commissioners for Edgefield 'bounty have published the annnal s^m?ntof| receipts and disbursementy'0^ public monies passing through ther^ds, and of. other matters pertainir? to the-dis chargerof-their 'ofltchir Wes7~beg leave respectfully to. present 4-h?t AjP*J upon investigation^ y&V-the? Board/of j County Commlssipn'e* for said County have published no statement of their account in the ouut5\PaPer of this. County, or other*-se? 88 far as they can ascertain since L*2 "th day of July A. D, 1S7P, and tha.t j^o-clerk of said Boaid lias published on/ 11 partial statement cn the 5th day of ILPILI. They tK-'01* recommend that tho Solicitor je instructed by the Court to. prepare ?nd have served upon saidBoard, and tb* clerk thereof, a "Rul? t> show cause-it tlie next term of ?his Cou rt, why an indictment should not be preferred agstnst them for inalfeasau.ee in ofiicc, and dereliction*in the discharge of their ' public duties. They further recommend that (he saki Board be ruled td show ctiu.se at ino next terni of the Court why H.bill of iudict ment should' riot fie preferred against them for neglecting so grossly the jmblic Roads, Bridges .and Ferri'cj of tho ('ouur-:? ty. The Grand Jury ask leave for further time within which to enquire into the several matters pertaining to thc proper discharge of their duties, and invite the co-operation of all good citizens in cor recting thc many evils with wh.ch our County is afflicted. . H< JOSEPH EDWARDS, Foreman. li ' fi It is due to Solici'or Brawley to say and our people should feel mulera weight j of obligation to him-that his persistent j enquiry into the reported short-cDinings j of our County Commissioners, -.vas tho ^. cause of this presentment of thc Grand j ,? Jury. And on Satnrdav the Solicitor did * I Ol actuallv issue a Rule to show cause, ?tc., . ? ' * i J*( in accordance with (he recommcndalion ! ^ of thc Grand Jury. j '.. Before finally^ dismissing the Grand j '. Jury, Judge Melton took occasion to od- j t dress them in a speech of considerable I ^ length. He reviewed ?ho conduct of tba negroes since the emancipation, and, ?? while not blaming them for the past," gave them much good advice and warn ing as regards their future course. He A also animadverted upon the gcucial con " Ci duct of County officers under the" new . regime. Attributing their shortcomings j more to tho defects of the present law j ^{ (which does not provide for sufficient su- :'.1U pervision) than to individual Wart of in- 1 Sl tegrity. Bitch officers were likewise well advised and warned by his Honor. J migo Melton's address to the (?rand Jury was unmistakably Republican, but at the i same timetable, fearless, aud un mintaka 1C Wy conscientious. . : Thursday and Friday were do\ oted to j ie case of tue State vs. Barney Bailen- : ti) the case of tho ?tale vs. Barney Ballen- j "r tine, for the murder pf .Grout. Boozy, both colored. The canse- of ? difficulty j was thc alleged illicit intimacy of Boozy with Ballentine's wife.. Solicitor BraW Uy awlqjpBoy, F. Youinnus, E>q..,' sup pered for thc prosecution; Messrs W." T. Giry and-K?J.. Bonham for the de fence. The verdict of the "Jury was Mansua,gh?cr, to the'?tsto.ni>h?ient of many, yha were of opinion,' from the evidence Educed, the-skillful manage ment and ery able argument of Col. Youniansaw otUb? Solicitor,, and the clear and poii^dcliarge'ol' die presiding Judge.'tnk the vercfict would be Mur der. This was a important ease, atfd excited ^onsidaral^ ?u^-^ throughout the trial. Thc dtsnce un?l?y ;.c.Jic.d j of upon was thc rumoro adulte*jSu? inter- Bi course of the deceased NV:T!L T]IC WIFO OF H the defendant ?ut?ctfrta, r?reumstanefa ! "r of se*T defence, alf .n'ece>.rily bast.a gj u-greaUueasnre upon <^rcilt?tau^j| e^._ idence difficult to connect. ?hc ^vaxd | p, for thc prosecution, in the l1gUag6 0< ? S Judge Melton, and ir, thc ophNil of the j *p*li-bouiid audience, did their\ V) j10je duty/' Our young friend Ricliai ?on. liam, for tho prisoner, made hifirst ?peech in acaso of murder, spoke ^ ease and self-possession, ami by his bi. ly creditable argument won thc appian^ w of all. Maj. Gary, one of the first crimi- M nal lawyers at our Bar, closed for tho de- |* fence, and sturpasscd any former cttbrt o? his in leg*alknowledge, graceful delivery, and touching eloquence. And th- < burt in this case paid a meriti*! compliment I when he said that ? tije defence was con ducted with great pertinacity, untiring j y.eai and unusual ability." On Saturday the Court ?it buta shari! time, nothing-worthy ot mention being \: accomplished, Saturday, too, Mr. Draw- ? ley departed, and wus succcedotl, as State's Attorney, by Attorney G?nerai Chamberlain. The case of the State va-WinMlow Ham- I iltou for the killing of Capt. George lint ier occupied all of Monday and Tuesday. Attorney General Chamberlain for the State; Chancellor Carroll and W. .D. Hamey, Esq,, for the defence. As re gards thc speech of Mr. Hamey In this ^"use-his jlrst since his admission to the bar, If we mistake not-it did him 1 very decided credit, and augurs well for ! his future success. Verdict-Not Guilty. As we go to press early on Wednesday, we will not bo able to pursue the pro- ? ness of thc Conrt further until our. next j issue. The Court will continue in session j throughout this week and next, Aud i notwithstanding a previous announce- j ment to thc cont rary, we understand that j the coining week will bc exclusively de voted to civil Imslncs?. Stich bein- the case wc deem it our duty tot ?'?rn *>ur juri'es_- 'a? confusions, wrangling^, heart-bur ni ug?, ft?d complaints of par tiality and iitiustice leoine comino;: throughout our .County-to ?wctnbyr tut for five years past,-the rule ;.n g fef> ?M/)n regard to ??fe-wnr deV.s, has been to ?cale them at 2T? ?ents in th? dol lar. It is .too late now to go backwards Jin this matter. Our pebple remember the pounty Con veution ;of April .1808^ ?nutri? Repor prepared by-Ure foUoWmg regularly ap pointed Committee-J. A. Devore, F. W dickens, M, Frazier, Ju?ijs-Bankj*, G -?-.Wbwough, M, W.-C?ary, T. Reese, Abram Jones, B. C. Bryan, Moss, and W. L. Coleman. Th eso j zens, speaking for tho people, . mended the giving of 25 cents in tr do1" lar. And from that day to thef*^ such has- been the mle. f < J A Melancholy and a W&r?*.*'BnA* We regret exceedingly to rF Mr' George Mar Un cut bia thro/at **** Poor House, un yesterday. * .H?? 001 yet dead -we write on Wedne8d?faornin's-0ut his medical attendantj?ms-to have no idea that he can survjjr*- Ml% Martin is an old citizen, and hf seen better His living at tho B*r House bas been com?Qi-tablo, and h^reatment kind. But he says he is tire/?f^^e* To ?*v -Merchants. Baltimore.^ behaved nobly to the SoutH. Tb/efor0 wc P?int our Mer chants to fe cax^ of Armstrong, Cator ft Co. ~W*~ t?? further than Baltimore? / Acknowledgement. Wi^many thanks we acknowlsdge the i^eipt of an invitation to attend the Ary^ersary Celebration of the Excelsior .jyerary Society' of Newberry College, /"Walhalla, on Friday evening, March Sth. Cai wi!? No. 1 ; Carwile No. 2 ; Car wile No 3. There they are in Augusta-young nen whom we all know and love.. Tom s No. 1 ; Ed. is No. 2 ; Willie is No 3. They sell Groceries on a big ecale, two >r three doors below Richards-near the Planters Hotel.' And their heads are evol ! And their doings would baffle a Congressional Committee.to investigate touthem affairs. Read their new adver isement in another column, and give hem a long pu\\ a strong pull, andaH mil all together ! jj low Conld Me lin: Without Hita? Without Quinn, th? Bookseller in Au gusta? . As for iw.'should God call Quinn lome, we would no longer beabloto bear ho burden of lifo ! Indeed what would ife be to any of us without .Quinn's Jooks rtntl-Pspors and Magazines? Quinn's latest present to us is "Fors er's Li fe of Dickens1 '-of Dickens whose iead was so full of quaint -wit and hu tior, whoso heai't was so full of philant hropic love, whoso soul was so full ol i vino tenderness for- the poor and per. ecuted wherever they might be. To all ivers of Dickens, this book, just pub lished, will be a joy forever. Send right ff to Q'.dnu for it. Forster is an omi ent literary man of London-a thirty ears friend of Dickons. His labor of | )ve is emphatically well done. Another new work now o tiered hy ?uinn is " Fernando do Lomos/* a nov I, by Mr. Gayarre th ?Vam ons litcraicttr f Xow Orleans. To Southern readers articularly this romance will always rove irresistibly charmin!?. either a Sardine, ncr u Needle in a Haystack. We allude to our goner ms and hantf me young friend, Mr. Pierce B. Chris e, of Augusta. Pierce has troops ol iends up here among ids native hills, nd as he is neither a sardine, nor a needle i a haystack, they can very easily find im when they-go to Angosta. He is at ie- very prominent .and fashionable lothing Store of. J. Pope ft Co., under if Globe Hotel, where, besides Clothing ' every shape, style and quality, they ?3! ihc most beautiful Hats, Collars and ccktlcs in the world. The new spring lk hat (beaver) now sold by Pierce at Pope's is nothing less than au inspira rm. So boar all this in mind; and aUo ic first mentioned fact-that Pierce i lither a sardine, nor a needle in a hav nek. Tho infant child of Hun. Frank rnun died at tho Niekerson House in >1 ii n 11 ?ia, on thc 6th. j.ir- Thc Augusta papers announce ;ath of Rev. John Nettley, ol' that wi1 . his (feftb. year. Mr. Nettley was a itdnatc of Trinity College, Dublin, inc to Augusta about thirty years ago, id was ordained a minister of the Frot tant Episcopal Church. Hd was an sistant for many years to Dr. Ford, the vtor of St. Paul's, and afterwards to ev. W. II. Clarke,.the present rector of at church. The deceased ranked as ie of the ripest scholars of the South; Religions Sol; ce. The next Union Meeting ol' tho 3rd ?Vision will ob held with the Cloud's v:-k Church on Saturday before the 5th ibbath in .Varch. Rev. II T. Bartley to preach tho Intro ictory Sermon ; Rev. W. L. Hawes al ??ate. Rev. R. J. lowell, Charity Ser on : Rev. H. Jones, alternate Subject : What is our duty as a De aninntion to the Colored race in our idst ? H. T. BARTLEY. Mod'r. J. W.'DKXXY, Sec'ry. Religious Notice. The next fifth Sabbath Union Meeting the Fourth Division, of thc Edgofield iptist Association, will be held with the im's Creek Church,-to meet on Sat day, beforo the tilth Sabbath tn March, lOo'.-ioe.k A. ?, Api-ointiiients for the Slated services: ,'\\ W. B. Shaw, for thc Introductory rmon; Rev.'J. P. Mealing, Charity i'uion. J. P. MEALING, Mod. Poisoned'to Death. V liesHhy liv, r s< ervin each dry afoul two und ?1 If *MHIH<U tit bile, which contain* a irreal amount ?ra?*? map-rial lykeii from Iii" Wood. When the ci b C ITTII-S lorp'nl or congoted, it liiilr In efirainatfj * v.1-1 iiiM*?util?>f noxious MI;.?-, ince, which, Ibcre c reman?s ta -tolson Ute b'ood and he conveyed to sry part .rfilia system. What must bu the condl II of Iii? blond when it ls rreeiv np mid rciaiuinf ,-'i day iwii and a half p ttii'N of |Milson ? Nature li'lo work offllih pyl.m 11 Ciro nth nib r channel lir',!ra:Uis-T<n*? ki-liiey.lungs-kin. etc.; but these aifr. '" r ""** nfetluxeiHn performing ibb labo\ in whit'-' b-tllMflrynainrat function', uml rannol lon-r Tili*"' :!o jT?.??uri:.liu: heroine variously dlscautetl. all v.ta'.'"" u h'Ph i> Ibo ^rt-ai clc-ctrlcai centre ol iii-, d'v' '* unduly kliinutnl.'d by Um nnhcallhy .it-rf-.n:. . I?ass? to '<t fr.thc heart, und it fails to ,',(. i,?h. ?'""-' h.alilit'u?y.- Hence lh<> symptom.? ciiaciiy ?" Vt- wnlcli ar-.- ilutlneas, headache, tn Mf mem?rv, .' ""-' |U-"J '"' a,|y inibject, irapalrmrnl ? r.-."?h:i ".> :..!'. "I'-ciiy. or'i. rvou> feclioi;. gloomy ./.,/,' li iT" .!?.irritability <.!' u-iiip< r.. The htood virr?ec?f tl?lA^asJlfornu theswvfit upon th. li it it pr.ii!uct *,;'s SO irritating and polaouwis i^iSchet-and otb**"-**"' l)rnw'1 "J"'s. pimples. HSTolulons tuiil'1'"'"- '-"^ ecrlmncli s , !,-r or-tiiw ^pokr W*,u* ?bnaaeh, b-'Weia and ,r. ?-.n-r--riuer cannot escapo bcc<'miing .,..". t>ia. oia-rl.ara. d .-ostlvi-n. s-. pilvs, dr psy iti.?r form? < f cl?r mic dal* weakness and many iiarv re-wi* A* a reiue.l-"'- ?? hmong tho ncc. JJ i*i|i|/>,i? uf il-<.-?i- Pr'.' a" these Tarions mani li <i-o'v. r\ i- po iliv-lv gtftWeV (i d.Ien Medical i iii? anneiilt; regulated and r*?<ve henlthy state. !';ret,!,H !lo.r>Xl,ly puridfld vi, the bled and wbnlesvstem ren?vau-.l and bcninchi d. and thc byal?to*l-tto?i.drwM^ ip anew. Sold 1? every Q,n-t.rter of <i-e ?wSlher^rAf-w ...decibe where lt fh? MrvicAj* MCSTASO LINIMENT taere It ls not. S; i ; " ml?? pr r.ar,tion-. ll- transoreceden?e |" ;,. "Ma.od for il n poptslarity s?l?tai.nt m er ls uv pr prietarv mcllcini I? ils Infai.mehed hy t?TO^wn- prononn.-cd in ihe w.o.o fiat of d ?enu-iil ?hieb it r.-c -i.-. d from phya'cuead dj uan surdons, horsemen and pui.lie goiurcteri. ??i,',,..w.I,'nfc. .fip.eslioiiinplUclai.il tola No ored the Standard Liniment of America, Mr MIK K I ?OMB ATTBACTIVE.-Notll adds more to the handsome appearan . of a house outside, and to its cheerfulness inside, than good clear window glass, ann bri-'ht-colorcd ornamental glass at the ? sidos und over tho tops of the doors. Ihe ! first lets in all thc bright warm light ol i tho ?mn. while thc Intter admits tho light tat tim same time that it shuts rjff the view bf prvintr eyes. The best 1? renell and ! American grass, both plain and ornamen ' tah as well as doors, sashes, blinds, bal ! asters, newels, mantels, fte.', aro to bc i Und of Mr. P. P. TOALK, NO. 20 Hayn? street, Charleston, S. Ci A LARGE, and- B?autiftil Stockjy W}} Bov's HATS and CAPS ^^d^icHBATHAM'S.. Jana* ' tf * ADVERTISEMENTS. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE IL L US TR A TE D ISTORY OF THE BIBLE By Wm. SMITH, LLD. Author of Smith's Bible Dirtlonnry. It contains over 350 fine Scripture Illustrations and lil05 paces, and is the most comprehensive mod valuable History of thu Bible ever published. Tho labor und learning of centuries arc fathered in this one volume, to throw a strong, clear light upon every I "page of the Inspired Word. Send for circulars and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phila delphia, Pa. Atlanta, Ga., or St. Louis, Mo. HISTORY OF ~ The Great Fires In-CIIICAGO and tho WEST l>y Kev. E. .T. GOOD srcKo, D. D.. of Chicago. Only complete history. TOO Svo. pages; 6>> engravings. 70.<Mi already sold. Price t2.5t?. 2,100 agents made In 20 days Profits go to sufferers. AG KN .TS WAWTfc.JL?. II. 8. GOOD3PBED <fc CO., 87 Park Kow, New York. CELTIC WEEKLY The greatest Illustrated Original Story Paper. In America. Hight New Original Monea In first number. No literary treat equal to it Agents and ('un vu ?sers wanted In every town and etty of thc Union. $10 a week easily reslized b> the sale of this extraordinary Irish and American Journal. Specimen copies fr-e. For sale b> all newsdealers. Price. Cc. ; * 50 per year. Address M. J O'LEAEV <fc Co., P. O. Box 6,074, New York. EXTRAORDINARY IMPROVEMENTS CABINET L ORGANS. Tho MASON ?fe HAHLE? ORGAJ Co. respectfully an nounce tho introduction of improvtmtnts of much more than ordinary interest. These arc REEDAKDPIPE CABINET ORGANS, heinz the only successful conbir.utlcn of BEAL PIPES with reeds ever made ; DAY'S TRANSPOSING K K Y-BO ARD, which can be instantly moved to the right or left, changing tho pitch, or transpiring the key. For draicings und descriptions, see Circular. . MOW AND KI.KGAN'I STY1.KS OF DOt'BLV. RKKD CA BI Ct KT ORGANS, at .$141, s 13-2 and $125 each. OchHderin g Capacity, Elegance, and Thorough Excellence of Workman ship, Viene are cheaper thad any hefotcfi offered. The MAROS & HAMLIN Organ;, are acknowledged BEST, and from ext ri Ordinary fncilui s for manu facture this Comp: nv ran afford and nov undertake to sell at prices which render them UNQUESTIONABLY CHEAPEST. Fons OCTAVE ORCTANB $50 each ; FTVB OCTAVE Ott i; ANS $1()(|, $125 and upwards. .With three sets reeds $151 and upwards. Forty styles.'up to $15'!0 euch. NKW ILLUSTRATED CATA Lot. rn, and TESTIMONIAL CIRCULAR, witn opinions <>T MOKE THAN ONE THOUSAND MUSICIANS, sent free. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO., 151 Tremont St., Boston. 596 Broadway, N. Y. RED RUST PROOF OATS $2 a Bush el ; Orchard Grass $8.50 a bu;ucl. Scud Scent postage siamp and my complete Priced Lists of atl kind? or Qm* Seeds, Fluid s ..cd?. Garden Seeds, Flower and Tree Seeds.' 'Agricultural Implements, Machinery, Guanos, Chemicals, Live Stock, Ac., will be forwarded you. These Priced LUts contain much vsluahle information as to time ami quantity lo plant, Ac. MARK W. JOHNSON, Seedsman, P. O. Box 230, Atlanta. Ga. THE BROWN COTTIN GIN CO., New London, Cona., Manufacturers of tho "Br-wn Gin." Cotton Seed II ul le rs. Machinery and Castines Manufacturers of | Harris' Patent Botan Steam Lupine- thc best and cheapest Steam Engin" for plantation purposes. Cot ton-gin nmkeis und repairers furnished with all kinds of matcrix's. Saws, Bibs. Bullies, Boxes, etc., of any pait rn. to order ot -hon noiioe. Have had long experience in the business, and guarantee.sat isfaction in c' erv particular. Orders solicited." Ad Ircss as above. At; f.*. \'TS Wanted.--Agentsmake nv-remon ey al work f?r us than at anything <)?p. Busl necs light und permanent. Part cu lu rs free. G. STIMSON & Co.. Fine Art Pult'shere, Portland, Maine ?O Plnno Co., N. Y. 1st class $290. No ? U. AtrenH. Namos-of patrons in 40 Slates In Circular. WEAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS, ind gool Imr'.uefs for one rr two persons of either ?'x in K-'g' Beni ami adjolulng (??M US. bj which you ;an make from finn to p.-r month, with 'but ittle Interference with ordinary business. Arliulesas ?tapl- wflpvr or cotton cloth. *? po"d bu* ne.s for ig-nt?, shro. If our whole time is given, a much urger sum can I?? linnie. Chili Circulars free, giving s uupleti I >t "f articles and eonimissidns allowed HORTON. Bural 3B&Co?611 Pine Si., St. Louis, M >\ To Advertiser*.--All per?ons who conten* ?ilnte mak'iiir contracts willi iievrspapcN for the in .ertion of Advertisements should M-nd !?. 'ira Circular, or inch-s.? 2.1 cents for their One -lumire*! I'nge Pnmpliiei, containing I.isis if 8,?i?ti Newspapers and m?mate?, sri- wine the cost if advertising, alto many nw fi.I hint- to advertisers, ntl some ace-Hint ?if the experiences ot men vrhi> ire known os Sncccsafol Adver leer* This Irm aro pr prt tors of the American Newspaper Ad 'ertising Agency, nd are possesed of unequaled f.-c?it?-s fors- curing he Insertion ?f advertisement- n all Newspapers n i P. rfooicats nt lowest rates. las puhlishe.l lor the hench"; of young nico ar.d I >:!itr* wh ? M'fTer from Nervi usiief-s. Debility, ?.tc. a I, rett,lsu.'?npplyiiig the im-nns of"i?>.licure.' IVrtMeii ' >y one who e?red bimsen, ?nd sent free on receiving i p'i?i-pafd dii -ettd envelope." ktUros . .SATHANIfcL 9TAYFAIK, brooklyn. X. Y. W. H. SHAFFER, Dentist, : rTAVING located at Editcfiehl offer* j Ii his Professional services t<? the eit zen* nr.d surrounding i-otuitry. Offici? at I lie residence of S. S. Tompkins, Esq.' I | Feb ?8 ._tf_ if. L. BONHAM. R. G; RON HAM. j ( Attorneys at Law, " Office, nt Edgefield C. H., H. C Jan 21 tf . ? TH0S. j. ADAMS, ittoruey and Counsellor at Law, Will Practice in Courts of this County jul ?tato. Will be found in the Lavr Office next bovcT. P. Magrath, Esq., and opposite ?aluda Hotel. Edgefield, S. C.. Nov. 2!), 6m 4U UT. W. ADDISON, LAWYER LAV. RANO:*, KDOBFEKLD, C. H. Prie1-: Ofl??fC, formerly office of Mo agnc it Addison. Jan. I, ly 2 Law Notice. Pili: undersigned have formed a Co artnership for thc PRACTICE OP LA.W ii Edgefield County, and the Counties of lie Filth Circuit, under tho name and tvlc of MAGRATH <C- ABXEY. They will also Practice in the Court? of 'riid Justice.! fer these Counties. THOMAS P. MAGRATH, /-- JOHN R. ABNEY. Edcofteld, Dec. 13, tf 51 JOH,N BAUSKETT, ittoruey and Counsellor nt Law. COLUMBIA, S. C., ILL Pi-rieHco in Kdgefelil, Lexington, *rnw?l! and Richland. ColunSia. >r?r 8 ly ll LAW CARD. l?HE Undersigned. hs.ve this dav >rmed a Partnership for thc PRACTICE f LAW in the Courts of this -tate, and ie Circuit Court of the United States. JOHN E. BACON, J.. D. TALBERT. Dec 4; 1S71. 3m 50 'he Greatest Discovery of the Age EAU FRANCAISE, Du DOCTEUR LAURENT, of Puris, .n infallible cure for all IRRITATIONS OF HE SKIN, OS well as obstinate ERUP I'O'NS. This preparation is universally sed among the hitrher classes in France ad England. A bottle of thc EAU FRAN AiKE will bo sent to anv address unon sceipt of SI 50 W. E. FLORANCK, ole Agent for the U. S., Richmond, Va. Feb 14 . 4t8 AUGUSTA HOTEJL, rjr; AUGUSTA, GA. is no popular and well-known Hotel visitoflly open for tho inception of Iv rohmving recently been thorough tho mosJ, newly painted, and prit in niincd toiplcte order. Wo aro deter not lo- bc ec ours 1a first-class Hotel, We rospessed Nortli or South, of dur Eogely solicit tho patronage conorallv. fri?nds and the public 0 MVRPE F*b 14 . MAY, Propiietors. ? ?? - -tl 8 W. H. Branson H., .? o '/ >? ,v.^?*' AS REMOVED to the.well ;knownBtor?:f?rSerly occupied to Col. M. Frazier,, where he invites a renewal of business relations with former friends and customers. " :, .'. Just received One Cas? BLEACHED. SHIRTINGS, 1 Case Sea Island SHIRTINGS,. ' 1 Bale Plaid OSN'?BURGS,. 10 pieces BED TICKING,' : ' ".. . 2 Bales Grantville SHIRTINGS, 1 case PRINTS for early-spring" wear, 10 Kegs NAILS, 1 Case BROGANS, Also .a few more bargains in WORSTEEDS and FLANNELS to make room for the Spring Stock. tST Call at the Corner,' and take a look. W. H. BRiJlYSOJV. March 6, 'tf 2 The Place Where to Buy is AT MILLER, HACK & HOWARD'S 298 Broad Sf., Augusta, Cia. 1???YS Bacon Sides, " Shoulders, ' D. S. Sides, " Shoulders, Canvassed Hams, Country Hams, Prime Leaf Lard, Pickle Beef, Dried Beef, Pickle Pork, Breakfast Strips, Excelsior Extra Flour, Little Beaty Flour, Golden Sheaf Flour, " Pride of Angusta Floor, Western Flour, . Reboiled Molasses, Cuba Molasses, Golden Syrup, New Orleans*Syrup, Richmond Stripes, Osnaburgs, ?Q i. I liC' i'O On Hand, and Receiving: Corn, Meal, Oats, Salt, Sugar, jj. Coffee, Mackerel, Assorted 8oda, B. C. Soda, Soap, . Starch, Candles; Pickles, Sance, Brandy Peaches, Can Goods, Whiskies, Brandy, Wines, Tobacco, Snuff, Segars, Candy, &c, &c, Scales of all sizes and Matches, fi?-We are Agents for the BUFFALO .SCALES styles,.and warranted equal to the best. Merchants and Planters should be sure to look for the place and Sign. EMPIRE A?D PALMETTO GROCERY HOUSE. Mar 6 tf ll THE CELEBRATED FERTILIZERS. WILCOX, GIBBS & CO'S. Manipulated Guano. (MO, SALT ANTHITER COMPOUND. -o The above PREPARED at SAVANNAH, GA., and CHARLESTON, S. C For sale by ?^?ionis: Griiano. Imported from Phoenix Islands, Southern Pacific Ocean. WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., Importers and Dealers in Guanos, 143 Bay St., Savannah, Ga., 151 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. For further information apply or address as above" for Almanac for 1872, Dr to G. II. KERNAGilAN & CO., Agents at Bate>?villeV~S; C.; -BEN. A. JONES, Agent at Ninetv-Six : J." LIPSCOMB, Agent at Chappell s Depot, Jan*29 * -3m ? New Cotton and Produce The Planters' Loan & Savings Bank. Subscribed Capital, $1,(100,000,60 ? 1 TTE WAREHOUSE OF THIS BANK, comer of RcynoSd* and Vs Zi in hi'll Street*, Augusta, Ga., ?a now ready to receive COT roN. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES will be made upon Cotton in Wart house, or upon Railroad Receipts. Parties ?toling Cotton with the Bank will be furnished with receipts io ;ame that will be available in thin eily or any other for borrowing money. The Bank is prepared at all time6 to make Loans on Produce or Provi -dons, on the most reasonable terms. Parties would do well'to apply at the Warehouse, or communicate with ;he Officered CHAS. J. JENKINS, President. JNO. P. KING, vice-President. T. P. BRANCH, Cashier. Augusta. Sept 20 tl ?9 Choice Family Groceries AND PLATATION SUPPLIES. JAMES G. BAILIE & BROTHER _ A VING set their STORE in order, and having received a Large Supply f the BEST GROCERIES, &c, that can be bought for money, now offer to heir customers and the trade, a large Stock of FRESH GOODS, viz : Stuart's, Cut, Crushed, Granulated, A, B, C and Yellow SUGARS, Java, Laguayra, Maracaibo and Rio COFFEES, Green and Black TEA, of Best Quality, Stuarts SYRUP, GOLDEN DRIPS and MOLASSES, Sugar Cured HAMS, Breakfast BACON, New FLOUR, Factory CHEESE, English Dairy and Dutch CHEESE, Gilt Edge Goshen BUTTER, Prime Leaf LARD, CANNED FRUITS, PRESERVES and JELLIES, English CRACKERS, English Albert BISCUIT, Fresh, American CRACKERS, of all kinds, Fresh, MACKEREL, CANDLES and SOAPS, of all kinds, BACON, Sides and Shoulders ; Liverpool SALT, BAGGING, of all kinds, and TIES, WINES and LIQUORS, of first quality. WE HAVE ALSO ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF larket, Fancy and Traveling Baskets, Tabs, thurns, Buckets, Tray.?., traw Brooms, Feather Dusters, Counter Brushes and Hearth Broons FRESH GOODS RECEIVED EVEI^Y WEEK, ind our customers can rest assured that we will do our best to please. JAHES G. BAILIE Sc BROTHER, 205 BROAD STREET. Augusta, Ga., Oct. ll 6m. 42 JUST RECEIVED ROM Head-Quarters 00 Lbs Genuine DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. Case full stock Men's BROGANS. To Arrivo this Week: 1 Case Blenched SHIRTING, 1 Case Sea Island BLEACHING, 1 Bale Plaid OHNA BURGS, 1 Case BED TICKING. All popular Brands. at low figures. W. H. BRUNSON. Feb 21 tf Just Received. 1CASB BED TICKING, 1 Case Sea Island SHIRTINGS, U low figures. J. H. CHEATHAM. Feb 14 tf 8 NOTICE ! I?HAVE this day. associated with me in the Grocery and Commission busi ness, Messrs. RICHARD SUMMERALL and P. M. MULHERIN. The business will be carried on under the firm name of M. O'DOV D <fc CO. I ask for the new firm a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to me. All porsons indebted to me aro earnest ly requested to pav the same to Capt. Wm. Spires, or to AI. O'Dowd & Co. Par ties indebted haye no light tp expect longer indulgent. M O'DOWD. Augusta, Ga,, Mar. 1,1872 lm ll Medical Notice. FROM thin date I will practice Medi cine exclusivvly for Cash. T. H. PATTIfON. Jan 17 <*? i . ' jw?* . ' :. ?i 'juc "-i Iii iii PREPARED BY TM DICKSON FERTILIZER C??PMY, . ;f; ACQUSTA, GEORGIA, - Of Standard Quality 8? Excellence. GUARANTEED FR^E .FROM' AMY ADULTERATION.' CASH PRICE, $SS PER TO??,-TIIflE, M'<& ? . MATERIALS FRESH AND PURE 1 NO OLD STOCK ON HAND); We refer generally to onr customers, to be foundinAlmost ewry com munity, and we publish no certificates.. s- '{?-.t?? Also, FINE OROUND PURE BONE for composting and fermentation, an article which cannot fail to give satisfaction. PRICE,-$40 PER TO|iv We manufacture any formula for other parties as may be .ordered, and guarante? good work and best materials. , Applv for circulars, to iv ? -, . JAMES T. GAIHDINEEiTresident, - ?7 ' :. . AUGUSTA, GA:', Capt. LEWIS JONES, Agent for Edgefield District. ?? ha tSf Fifty Cents per h?ndred pounds "Will ne gwen 'for all kinds of Dr Bones delivered at either of the Depots'on-the Columbia &-Augusta' R. E. Jan2: ^ ' ' ? : .'; ' - "' Sm" 2 M?P?S' NITBOG?NIiSJBD S?PER-PHOSPH?TE OF LIME. The Oldest Super-Phosphate Manufactured ju this Country. . Composed of BOWES,,POTASH, PHOSPHATIp GUANO,rCONCEN-. TRATED ANIliAL.. AMMONIACAL ; M ATTER,.'and", -'SULPHURIC ACID.,. No Salt, .Salt Cuke, .Sitre-Cake, .Piaster, nor. i^u Want or Absorb ent of any kind used. Factory open for inspection at,aU times. .. . NINETEEN. YEARS. OF- FR??T, CAZ EX?&R?ENCE. introduced in 1852.. ; - ~ Patented Dec. 29,1759. Quick Action "and Permanent: Improvement tu the Soil.. Testimony of Hundreds,of WellrKnown Planters'- in its.. ?'ftv??,- on^Ev?ry Variety of 'Crop and'Soil, even -During Extreme Adverse .Seasons.. * $40 Casta-$<50 Time, payable 1st Woy. .1st, :t&72. KINSMAN & HOWELL, General Agents for South Carolina,. [ano. ? NO. 1?8 EAST'BAY, CHARLESTON, S: Off : - W. H. BRUNSON, at Edgefield C. H., and J. A. C. JONES,, at Eine House De pot, Agents. . . .,' Jan 24 ,3m fi ? : WANDO :? J??'.IOC: *??O l?ldU? . ?'.i 'i? r: ?..i..-..- I .jv.** '.'.viii 05 ? FOR ..... fl j * V- 1 K.J Cotton, Corn, Whe^t, Tobacco PRICE: CASH, $50 per 2000 Lbs., at Factory. TIME, $55 per 2000 Lbs , at Factory, paya ble Nov. 1st, 1872, WITHOUT INTEREST. ' . . - . ? V?. . . - '- J K>eW; Factory East end Hasel Street; Wines on Ashley fi i vex frCID PHOSP ff Sr Vf HA* E FOR ?F LIME \ Composting With Cotton Seed PRIG E : CASH, $30 per 2000 libs, at Factory. TIME, $35 per 2000 Lb?., at Factory, pays )le Nov. 1st, 1872, WITHOUT INTEREST.* WM. C. DUKES & CO, GENERAL AGENTS, No. 1, South Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. C. WM. BUTLER Agent at Edgefield, S. C. Col. CERTIFICATES : KDOKFIKLD, Dec. 30th, 1871. I have used commercial fertilizers for uveral years, and this year, with other inds, unod the Wando, giving it. I think fair trial. In my opinion, tho Wando ave more remunerative results than any Lher kind used by mc. jj. SAI/TBR. EDOEFIELD, C. H., S. C., Jnn. 1, 1872. This is to certify that I have used thc Vando Guano for two years with tba ?ppieat result-quantity applied200 lbs., itu 16 Bushels Cotton Seed per acre ith thia manuring I Increased the yield f need Cotton per acre about six nun red pounds br more. ?I may add that I lade abale per acre on twenty acres Ith above manuring. W~. A; SANDERS. Dec 20 EneEFiKLD,..S. C., Dec. 30th, 1871. This yeau I planted-eighty-five acrc.* in Cottonj poor land, and used three tons of th W ando Guano." I made, packed and ?old forty-eight bales, j weighing 40t-; pounds. The three tons .were applied t( 45 acres, which produced 31 bales For ty acres, better land, was unmanured. and the result was only 17 bales. .Thc cheapness, and the intrinsic worth of the Wando, places it upon a moniod valua tion, E. H. YOUNGBLOOD. EDOEFIEXD, S. C., Jan. 10th, 1872. I have used the Wando Fertilizer foi two years, and willingly testify as toit* merits. Taking into consideration it cost, it paid me bettor, as an investment than Pernvian Guaco, aridis equal, if not superior, to any fertilizer in tho market, of which I have any practical knowledge. ELDRIDGE POSEY. 3m .52.. For the Ladies. ! HAVE on band 20 Pieces PLAIN, ! H ECK KD and STRIPED CAMBRIC, urchased when Cotton was low, and rill sell at corresponding figures. These j loods will, owing to th?.high price of tatton, be very much higher this Spring, iow is the time tc- buy them. Just reeeived 50 Dozen COATS' COT X)N, at 70 Cent? per Dozen. . J. H. OHEATHAM. Feb 21 tt 9 Seed Potatoes. ?U$T receivod 20 Bbls. choice SEED 4 I POTATOES, for early and late plant- ? The Peerless is a favorite Potato., pro ucing f rom 300 to 400 bushels to the acre, 'hey boil mealy, I and are a fvery fine uality. G. L. PENN. Jan. 23, -.- . ? - <f ' "'? . ' - - - -5 : LYNCHBURG! I WILL permit L Y NC H B TJ RG to stand ,for a few Man s this Season-a' Twenty-fivo Dollars' for common-maree Fifty ?ollarn for thorough breds. Fer sous breeding must expect to pay by tin 6eoHon. If they don't take care of their mares lt Is their fault. . Lynchburg will stand at my h^usP. The season will end 1st June WI. ? TH?S. G."BACON. Feb 28 3m' ? 10 . ' The High School, ALE and FEMALE, at Sundy Bide, M : tlie place formerly owned by. Capt.. Biirt, will be opened on the, first Mondam in February.. . . " . Tuition in English branehes? $?,00 per month, ; in the Languages, ?2 per month. Tuition and Board,JflS per. month., .. J,, Male* and Female dep'ai-tm?nts" sepa-1 rate. AnWv t-> ' . ' ? .- * ' ' ' . r ort ED Vf IN.T. WALKER, Rector.' ?i Tan 31- " " "TT ? . ^Wod?tM oj o*.* .>.?.*.. .4? b-.u.-g . V ? *.? - rVffls -.''?'i **i\Si? - ' . -ri? ^svv-? fall ;?,*? w . ..?fl IS ! iM??ilb i j*-? ? bui ttn?X --.??. lVlfTilM . r . .|<?m'.> . ?x'm /B1^^1S..A>;MQISIA??^.IJ eGJ.YX?; ^?XEVjn f???Sii?lE a ?.:? ..5 ? VJ" .... >-s-CT-c* . ' . t ?:t . ; T-VKTR .br.A o .'v. ?ora jpifcxa* 'c:c HE above Staadara;FjgTtij;zcJ?^UA\rii'g Wen, used lar th#. lasb- five~?*?ii;?! ip the,Sordh.wiik:Un6quaJJei"l sucyes^, lire now dfiefetl M ' fepces th.'t.'cVrnu'-t fail^to giye,8Htisi^ctio?, w.uij? jlyr-slan r? U j -JIRI ?^L??? I J ? .v?j?? I ^ etjj| i?t?l, j? L not -?? peci?r,t?^ny ever.sobl.7U.j r tii\x'*:-. ' '? , . ....I ,..Th?e 4jridersigp.ed-having,-be<$niC-eH.is for 'Middle Seoygja-^'iire. tlieirJn trodu^tionPfully unilers.tamii'ifttbeu; ?t?Mite.-X; liM^rhdlv irc^i^??W?CTf to the pjAhc aa,t;b? |a?s?ft^6? \ fjfcg PKR-'FrL?ZER?J-? N * ? * - F?r prices And .Teraas,-apply t<?i|>6 G'^ertrTor Local A'gtrrts.^"'"^ ?/r ;A ? ???<; ** * j g?-?f f$? ?? Wairelioiiise ??wt? Co wunitrion ;H certain fttyfT io ai IMPORTAN^ ^?oMM^^lM^? .. ^_ -:-~? TUTTJl .il. .-.U:,r J< -?.?,.? sdi . ? . v -TIE v-H^!?iX.feA^T:?i^r. .la?a^mi??^ Vr *.'? i" i?-*--w '?-~ ?-'VI .',R?4- ' -*"'\ S';:t-'iV hi/X *?-T ? . ; Haye prepared, a bpjecial. F^rUn^'r dypjce;?4fr tbe,Po^an ilii^ov e i . w es o ?t'a ? -?w >sr ^?as .a. , _ i ^?ch/tjie^claim,.to.ba.p? .tbe^i^bt?'} ^nulf-<o?'j>F?ittlfecp^aia id><br-So*u'*h and guaranteei? to. eqinu? in .irs je^M Peniv?*.a'.<GuanoV ponnd Wwt ^ol?rid and to be of more permanent beae?f to tho tod..- .< ad i R? * ft has bee? n?cd by tftBVgB'Ar^'tttlA'M&JEy f??S?S8S? r_ .. y. . H - J. , . ?.Tfl(l9V; .<f* asp. ".a t---j,v : ' It increases tile crop from 100 rc 2G0 ^cr;?eiitv;#>,^ ^j. ... ; lt resists drought Tri aH:ta.^s:;;''?T?ie ?jm'?^f?t {r^W^7>^itT?<i f?iil " It jS^S^^^ci^^r^to^^l jweVK.i in wV;^q^hn4?B^^B?yfc? crop agamstj?ar?^'lro^p^/ir'^ %*K?^'^r^'!^?i?Hr^an*?? e?aile8 the p:lant?f tb. phtrin '?,is>Pot. ?brea*jttr/o!ur^v^a ?attA-^tu.^.^Uifa as the 1st June, with a''certagf?ty ^f?sfriw hw- tei?ii^d ft^ lo'J at?t' It produces a latter q^a'iry;ol/C?ti|on,: ?.>qcwt;" ^ ^rs^j Looking ?t th? roxsf'?ric? o/-.Gottenihr- inte'nge?j^;^8tGr^dR?i? rfttr^By bp^pr^Bend^the nec?^ itothin?; but tl?e'h(fflie>t grade of^ejti lizers-r^Wd of 'strictly' avo^iit^'li1le_wbdsn V*?* ueUVs^eriEduced 'ly teratiori; orthe u?.e.of cheai?'u at?ri?ls Wlfr^^ tie low pVic?of-Cott?n, ? - .'?-^'-.::r;^/.,x^?,((AT^iT v- ? 56?eU?Bf??^e. ^fiifflorJ;Md.:: ' J. ll..PRINGLE Asxat-sf '.1 -! . -. I - Charleston,-^ 0/ ' *. : ;? ' 4 i Jan 17 efe i ..-sur: i. -ii?.'-.-^*?! JE I'?tf 6ix? *??' iik??'t .*'?.': .fjlo? ?iii :< i 4 htr/ .*r? W?LL *>FFER trom 'this : dwte* F.^T?IVE*' ?,??CiC GOODS, -.At-and- B^w_;?v^r.^^;^^y All-Wool DELAINE^,r:?n^?T?R': Scbtc-h'PI.AlDSv ' * ??' * .'. Fiynred DELAIS?Sf > - : i9p? :> - F! J NN Fi ' ,W ' ; ' .^F^EESS. Thepe'con?n'pt ?rFrent-H POPLIN. [?Jgj ; r^^Ml^C-'tU^t?,. -J- (l*rVi^9^a? .?tbrffoO ?-;' fe -.*..>;'' t "vi> I. fr\MM.* ?v :JU: tb) i K) ..T;?3 ?1 .W ll: VWi 7 VI KVi-F' ; ii: ..:. ?. J. ii-* Bi Hil .. W:r; ?rt-; ?i^.ai? : J?W o- .ti.v ? ' ?t V" ' ( r-.'i j * .v .citri; T^?V-'-'G ) d.- ?tri! "Fi f-^1 V, v .I'll ? ..!..?.),j; l-'-'?^f^S .y. i. :t v'.^ :ve* i,, ?a. Vegeta bles" o'f "gdo*d Quality winnot bo "r?'io wrr Kvfttr?ut "-fi : st sbuLp;^. r^i?f??'0 Seeds.' Having tested ti:e>v ?eedc'-f?; ?|nia?y v?. I s. Teali pf IT cOTm^'i^t?* :eo<'-mtriend them to'ail who mav dei?LVrfo i??ve Vi ??'itP?i w^f?tTfflP vegetables. .'' ' ..>-, . : ,? IN . . '(HbuW b 1 li ??J?! Jan 10 ff important, to Cc?tii rianter?:--! PATENT."" Mar- land IV'?ili???^:md'^rnn-' ;, v. J i i < ii du * claim lo be o' Uie COTTON FOOD SECURED BY. LEJ?EttS A- SP?CIAL FERTILlz :::. ;( .-. ; : . actu?ipg Company, B?Tiliriort-', I .; 'ii' <. n dfrbest nado of Fertilizer-? *?l - in tlie*fi ii !.. . It has oeon used by several bninked ,,l.m . ? t-^NprUi and SyiUl^Cajoii?4^H?ir' Teorgia for foin'seasons, \yil?? ;h?-. ; -ir- : . . t ,' -n ''? It increases the crop lrnm 7.1 t? ?I per evin : it re i ??- 'uflria sn c?sea. ' - * The crop is not effected by mst : it iViat?ite ? ti - cmp fr??m three t-.^r'ni- weekVrii1 idvance,.thu? insuring ^?siinsx early iru-r. pr ,in.the event of a% b.iekw?td sf-.taVtrj^ mables thc planter to put lu bis cj?op a.- jatea thc I Ouge wiLii':ivcc-r.uri?itj>?ii. ncc'?8s. . . ? ?fi . It producta better quality ot1 iftt-v : I ra ct' : ? >n thesV}C>rid ^ea^s^cWp-Wiftf2 mt additional manure, ran rna- i'i?in >-T.I >? tl ... iv .lnjli < i .t-m ii?->c year. f Its mechanical, preparation guipas ; s .ll . . ur i- ?,. tilizc? beiug-ai all. imes and iii all conditions of weather in erfc?tbr'dcr (6f drllllnir. 1?R ?' 'fi t V >?'..- ? Ni* ? - t^. . < ,IMI . ?II?-.'l.'.iK. ??vs. . .?i*."4? It is sold on the- ba-. Ls i:v <?nalitv of-Pcr?viiiu '?uano, pound for ponnd. Af?cntjra ire instructed,..wheu plaiuui? u: e ii - i.'< wiiu the best Peruvian Oujwy ip., -qual Ouantilies, to refund sneh airiouut a.- hi'd v. : i il qti ! if ?t :?i?ls to pru?j::'e ' is mncn^cotton as the'Peruvian.' Xtinieroiis te&*tin:uniuiS*c?n be'had at thcon*cca )t' the agent?c . ' * \ . ' . t . *? n* - * Orders will be filled by . , . , -, ....' . AUGUSTA, GA. CKRTIFIC.vTES. \ ' .'/.vj '. '!..'? Gon. M. C. BU'CLEK /Vr:>/y. r.' 'f "' ?*'*??'' ..t used rlirrie tons 'Cott'-n FifrifL1 mnri.ii.acturod by tne M rfyland Fertilizer CoSn-1. lany,- of Baltimore; applying :6? lbs. to tiu^aci-e. * By thc adc of it I appfle^'SO?" bs. Pemvian Guano to the aero." , -,. H "The Cotton manured with tho 'Cotton Foi il ' crew off more promptly and viij^ ?rously. 'arid whilst I iriade ho ciunpaVisoil ot t.;e results 1 am ?ire tho.prefe:et cc* . A-asin iaVor of the 'Cottnn Food;' and sojnueJi uni 1. tnip?-'?>-cd wirb this lK'Iif*f'?' . ?liall use it exclusively this year .in preferen?-c t - ail '?tin T!ie Cotton mmmrxdv vith ?t'was not affected like the others l>y tln: dr?*iith, and ntuttircd three twxka; ;arii?r. I al sn applied it?n a email way on Cnn with Mic ni-!sf sati ^factory resuIT*. . r: H. HOLLINGSWORTH, C.. fo G HA HAM ct BUTLER* Avmtttc? "I used 100 lbs. 'Cotton 1M*O.. I :.H- MU ? ..'.?<:.< WV sri ? [nlat-'o Land. mix'f\iii?iI >f sand, it increased the yH I.:?.-.un ,... ?iii I? ?d ncwial other kiiJLiO he year, before and I decided Iv ni?.? .?* di>- . ?i j->nd.' Itjnivo perfect wt&?aVa? ;i?n, s?mueh'art that I1 Sim ttin; Tl "Titi i r'eiv Ern* .' * i* 'i " Year". .??Tnsed75 lbs'/ 'Ci?-ioh-l-V^?m V r.'lr ' , ? . (? " I a . '..f.d^.i ^ro'cTuec,?t,liTf*1 loundsSeedCottontio thc an -. . A >n<in^:.s - rt'i ?i.Afe i t i - i?..... t FcrtUl^iKMM h? market. My crop wji^jiiwea-' d.a': ' : .i.< per - o ? . i hoted by l.'iUi. irember.' l'ani^veltplea;?d wlt?? k.' . CHtoo'J utrifffldtib??t-;$i3rtSir^-*(>>Wn i?W<i '':'.. ai-Ve, ' ii ? ir, the Krill at tinte'oT^ r)lanthig:?nd"'onemaU't?nl?e?i0*Utafroiv.? ?.. i.?r*? ! v\i.: io June Moatp/.inY.^tfein^H' ft#?!Si&h;&*hv ?5 ^?fiip?iiB? f^ ^r^ v* M>*v^ "-. ? Peruvian Guar?a ^rsvioo^tpv?-*!???*^ ^ *5 Augiista, Jan. 17 ?rn C(*tti ona. a . . ayirijr, there i I? : ^ helter tnT 4J^XK ^i- ?A ff a.