THE ADVERTISER. Edgclicld, S. C., Ot t. 'iO, 1871. Excitement in Savannah. Mr. De Montmollin, of Savannah, rent otl his plantation ton milos above the city to a Mr. Zetler, but fin "lade him to sub-let any portion of it to negroes. Zet ler however disregarded this, and did sub lot tho land. Mr. TH'Montinollin then went up and had Zetler ejected, and drove off some of the negroes, while others consented to rem ?in and be hired by Mr. I>e Montmollin. Tho latter, af ter, after this, returned to the city; but hearing soon that the i;smissed negroes had determined to go back to the planta tion and drive off those who had remain ed, he again went up, taking with him two friends Messrs. Kent and Slyer. They wore attacked by the disaffected negrees-a large and well-armed band and all three wounded-Mr. Slyer mor tally. And not only wounded, but taken off by the negroes to Bluffton on the South Carolina coast. At latest advices they were still in the hands of the ne groes nt Bluffton, and it is feared Mr. Slyer is already dead. Savannah is even now iii a high state of excitement over this bloody and high-handed outrage. Disastrous Eilects of Martini Law. Thc Columbia Phonix, of Sunday, says: Our information from Spartanburgnnd York is that a feeling of great insecurity and excitement prevails in those counties. Many have left their homes to avoid mili tary arrest. Yesterday, at Yorkville. there had been forty four persons placed In jail, and our informant states that five hundred or six hundred persons had left their farms-laving their crops exposed to depredation. At this period of the year the Injury resulting to the business intorosts ol' these disturbed communities from the present state of affairs must be very great. There was a rumor of a collision be tween the citizens and the military at some point on Broad river, but tiiis re port is probably unfounded. A special telegram to tho Charleston News, dated Columbia, Oct. 23d, says Eighteen citizens of York County were arreste1 last night, charged with being members of thcKu-KIux Society, and there are forty already in jail in York ville on the same charge. Attorney-General Akerman is person ally aiding Marsha? Johnson in his raid on the proclaimed counties. AUG US TA ADVERTISE M ES TH. PETER KEENAN, THE REFORM ER:-Peter Keenan lives, and loves, and sells Shoes, in Augusta-and reforms abuses in the Shoe trade, and consequent ly secures much respect and makes niue!; money.' If you wish to see what abuses Peter Ke< nan reforms, read his new card in this week's Advertiser, and you will be satisfied. Peter Keenan is one of the many honorable and enterprising Irish gentlemen who lend such life and geni ality to both tho business and social life of Augusta. His card isa quaint one. Siudy it well. THE WOMEN OF EDGEFIELP RAISING A MONUMENT TO FUL LERTON :-Of course every one knows who Fullerton is-Fullerton whom gen erations yet unborn will bless and praise -Fullerton the famous Cooking Stove Merchant of August:- In fact there is a monument to Fullerton in every house where stands one of his Incomparable Stoves ! We visited his Establishment the other day, and lound him rilled with all his old-time enterprise and beneficence-and his rooms tilled with superb Chief Cooks and Philanthropists, and other Fine Stoves too numerous to mention-al! sizes, ali styles, all prices. Fullerton is well nigh opposite tho Augusta Hotel, a l ule higher up. We need say no more. ORNAMENTAL YOUNG GENTLE M EN, ( i 1 VE EAR :-Give ear, and learn where yon can get Beautiful Clothes made ; and where you can lind suc h Stulls to choose from as your eyes never beheld before. Well then, go to the Globe Hotel in Augusta, turn che cor ner there, down Jackson Street, going towards the Post Office, and three tolera bly long steps will bring you to the Bijou of a Tailoring Establishment kep: by Messrs. Kavanagh & Lynch. And it is nearly opposite Sneiderstoo-famous and sacred locality! Mr. Kavanagh is thc old and celebrated Cutter of John Kenny. As regards their Goods, oras regards their ('utting, Fitting, and Mak ing, Kavanagh A Lynch are not to be surpassed anywhere. Give particular at tention to their card in another column. ST1 LL ANOTHER EDGEFILD MAN WITH BRANDT:-With Brandt, therj fashionable Shoe Merchant. His name is Dr. Walter Nicholson, and he has troops of friends. Let them not forget him next week. "WHICH JEWS MIGHT KISS AND INFIDELS ADORE:"- Weare think ing of thc Diamond Crosses wo saw a; Prontaut's in Augusta last week-Pron taut's, the Jewelry and Silver Store, ol Oriental gorgeousness, under tho Augus ta Hotel. Let every body from Edge field go into Prontaut's next week, while they ave at tiie Fair, if it be only to see tho Dazzling Beauty and Entrancing Splendor of the scene. A GI ANT SADDLE ANT? LEATHER MAN.-our new advertisement from Mr. Oin*, (r. Goodrich will attract the attention of hundreds of old friends and customers. Ho is at his old stand in Au gusta with an extraordinarily heavy Stock ot Harness, Saddlery, Belting. Trunks, rind everything in his lino ol business. And ?ie is always ready to welcome ld* friends from Edgefleld, am furnish them bargains difficult to obtain elsewhere?. Therefore we give this ad vice:-If yo.i tl r.sire a set of Harness, a Saddle, a Tr ;:: .. or anything else in thal line, call on Mr. Chas. H. Goodrich, :>71 Broad St., an ; you will be courteously ami fairly dealt by. -MINK COMFORT IN MINE INN. -This i-; a phrase suggestive of the larg est meed ul' enjoyment, outside of thc holm- cirele, to the traveling communityi and we know of no place of public enter-, tainui; nt where tho idea can be more thoroughly realized than at the Augusta Fl?tet, in our neighboring city. The apartments aro well furnished, well ven tilated, and well kept. The cooking is savory and elegant. And as for Messrs. Murphy .?.-. SING?LAI: TRAGEDY.-A singular trag edy is reported from Switzerland. Last spring the wife of a peasant died at Gri sons. A few hours before her death she took a pill which had been prescribed by the medical man who was attending her. After her death the husband, who was pas sionately attached to his wife, got the fixed idea that the pill contained poison, and that it was owing to her having taken it that his wife died, and with continually brooding over this thought he became quite melancholy, and a few days ago took his two children, aged respectively 8 and 12 years, and beat out their brains with a hammer, after which he cut his own throat. In a letter, which was found on a table in his bed room, he stated that as he was unable to live without his wife, he had taken the shortest means to join her, with their children, in the other world. Thu New York Herald, referring to the proclamation declaring martial ?aw in Sonth Carolina, in tho course of an editorial on thc subject, has this to ray : " Coming upon usjust at this time of universal charity and good will among men, it jars upon the public ear as an unexpected and unwelcome sound." ??i~ Tho 2*ciL'be)-ry Herald says: Last Wcdnctday night a negro man, who gave hi* nume as Li LU us Ruff, alias Luuus Suber, alias Bill Holloway, entered tho second ?tory win dow of Mr. Foot's residence, by ascending n tree and getting upon tho porch. Ho raised thc window and catered tho chamber cf the young ladies, who wore aroused from sleep bj tho villain's placing his hand up-jn thc throat of ouc of the young ladies. Their ?crean-s awoke tho family, wbon the fellow made his iscapc. Ho was ?oon after tracked and taken by tho young men of tho family, and lodged in jail. This outrage will serve as a warning to our citizens to be watchful. COMMERCIAL. AUGUSTA, October 24. GOLD-Buying at 112 and sellingatll3. COTTON-The market has experienced but little change since yesterday. During the morning tho demand was moro than equal to thc olfcrings at 17j, but adverse accounts considerably dampened thc feeling in the market anil it closed nomi nally at 17A@ 17}. Receipts, 1,07?? bales. Sales, 8.50 bales. Our quotations are on the basis of Liv erpool middling. BACON-Stock large and market un changed; C. Sides, ?H ; C. H. Sides, 9; Shoulders, 8* ; Hams, 15(5,18; Dry Salt Shoulders, 7 ; Drv Salt C. R. Sides, SJ ; D. S. Clear Sides, 9. CORN-Prime white is selling at 98 cts. by the car load from depot ; retail. Si 00. WHEAT-We quote choice white, ?1 S5; amber, SI 75. FLOUR-City Mills, 87 5flfy.l050 ; at re tail, 81 "ri barrel higher. Country, 87 50 .v u, according to quality. CORN M10 A Ii-895 at V holesale; Si at retail. OATS-55(3)65. Town Residence for Sale. IWILL sell at Edgefield C. H., at pub lic outcry, on the first Monday in No V' m ber next, (if not previously disposed of at private sale,) my HOUSE AND L')T in the Town of Edgefield, situate on Broad Street, and adjoining Mrs. E. H. Bland, R. T. Mims and others. The house is in thorough repair and neat condition-is conveniently located, and is a comfortable dwelling." Parties wishing to buy at private sale will please call on Mr. D. R. Durisoe for price, ?fee .?afir- Terms Cash. T. W. CARWILE. Oct 25 21 44 For Sale, THE RESIDENCE recentlv occupied by O. N. Butler, near Edgefield C ll. A good Dwelling House and neces sary outbuildings. Sixty Acres of Land attached. Will be sold low. Terms made known by application to J. L. Addison, Esq., or Graham & Butler, Augusto, Ga. Oct 25 3t 44 Land to Rent. IWILL RENT, at Edgefield C. H., on Monday, the Gth November, to the highest bidder, for Cash, tho Farm be longing to the heirs of Dr. B. T. Yarbo rough, dee'd., lying on the Aiken Road, about nine miles from Edgefield C. H. G. M. YARBOROUGH. N. B.-Mv Kenney place is also to rent. Apply to Capt. T. H. Clark. " 01 G. M. Y. Oct. 27 2t 44 RAFFLE. IWILL Raffle, at my Store, on next Saturday afternoon, at th reo o'clock, A Beautiful Silver Tea Service, worth Eighty dollars, for five dollars a chance. Those who havo taken Chances will please be present, or authorize some one else to throw for them. J. H. CHEATHAM. Oct. 25 lt 44 IVolicc. ALL persons indebted to WM. HILL, dee'd., will please call upon the un dersigned, at No. 205 Broad Stroet, Au gusta, Ga , and settle their accounts. WALLACE J. DELPH, Ad'or Oct 25 tf 44 NOTICE. HE Estate of R. W. ADAMS, dee'd.. * must be settled. Longer indulgenco will not begiven. Therefore, all persons concerned, will please settle up forthwith T. D. PADGETT, Ad'or. Oct 25 ?rt ? T To Rent. THE PLANTATION on which Mr. Josias Lanham resides. Apply on the premises, or to Dr. S. G. Meriwether, Woodlawn, S. C. Oct. 4 3t 41 THE SINGER SEWING Machine. The Singer Still Triumphant! Incalculable Saving of Time, Labor & Money, BY THE USE OP Singer's Sewing Machine, With The Following Attachments : Thc Corder,-The Tucker,-The Ruffler - The Quilter,-The Adjustable Binder, The Trimmer,-and Thc Embroiderer. TO sav nothing bf the bearing off of all first premiums at Fairs and Ex hibitions in past vears, tho Singer Ma chino has already this fall, only a few days back, been awarded the highest prize at the Atlanta Fair. And sold du ring the year 1870, 127.833 Machinen, being 44.625 over and above that of any other Companv, according to the sworn reports published. The undersigned. Agents for the Bale of the Sincer Sewing Machine, have lo cated in Edeefield for the present, and herewith invite the public to call at their office, noxt door to-Mr. J. H. Cheatham's store, where they will be glad to exhibit their Machines, and instruct persons in the operation and management of the same. They beg leave to refer to the following citizens of Edgefield. who have already bought Machines of them, viz: L. F. Youmans. Esq., Captain Lewis Jones, Johnson Bland, Esq., Drnry Vaushn, Esq.. Jas.L. Dow, Esq., Arthur A. Glov er, Esq.. and Mrs. Chase. MALLARD & BAKER, Agente* Oct. 25 lm 44 Goods at Still Lower Figures. JUST Received 1 Case 8-4 Graniteville SHIRTING, at 9J cts per yard. Shoes for the Ladies, 2 doz. Ladies* Lace Gaiters at 82,75 2 doz. " Button " at 82,85 2 doz. " Elastio " at 82,75 J. H. CHEATHAM. Oct 25 tf 44 0. J). GOODMAN, (Formerly of Ninety-Six and Cross Hill,) OEGS leave to announco to his friends throughout Edgefield and Laurens, that ho is now with McCabe, Costello & Daly, The prominent Dry Goods Merchants of .faigusta, where he will be glad at all times to see and serve them-promising them advantages not to be surpassed by any other Dry Goods Establishment in the city. Augusta, Oct 25 tf 44 INSURE AGAINST FIRE ! Incorporated, 1859! Capital and Assctts, $494,959,55. T, he Georgia Rome Insurance Com pany continues to insure property against loss by fire, at reasonable rates. Many of our most prominent and pru dent citizens are insuring their Dwell ings and other property in this Company. Tho " Georgia Home" is agood and re liable Company-pays all losses prompt ly-and is worthy of tho confidence and patronage of the people of Edgefield. Call on the undersigned and secure a P0I?C3- on your Dwelling and Furniture, and Merchandize. And remember: De lavs are dangerous. D. R. DURISOE, Agent. Oct 25 3m 44 F. A. Brahe & Co., 206 Croad St., ^VoULD respect fully announce to their Friends and thc Public of Edgefield Dis trict, that they have just received, direct from Europe, and now offer, a large and magnificent Stock of GOODS, consisting of Fine Gold and Silver WATCHES, of j the best makers. Ladies' and Gents' Solid Gold CHAINS, of the latest st vies. DIAMONDS of first water, inSets, Pins and Rings. Superb SETS for Ladies and Misses. Stone, Cameo, Seal and Plain (?old RINGS. Sterling SILVER WARE of the latest designs. Triple PLATED WAKE. American and French ('LOCKS, A large lot of Imported FANCY GOODS, dre. pgr WATCHES and JEWELRY will be repaired with the usual care. Oct. 18 Gm 43 W, @. MEWITT I GO. 282 Broad Street, A U G U S T A, G E ORGIA, Importers and Wholesale Dea.ers in Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS, BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, Rums, Whiskeys, BITTERS PORTERS, ALES Of all Grades. Tobacco and Segars Of every Variety. Oct IS Ut 43 THE GREATEST LABOR-SAVING MACHINE YET INVENTED. -L HAVE invented, and obtained Let ters Patent, for a Machine under the above name, which will be of great aer vico'in labor saving, to those who have Cotton or Peas to pick, without regard to agc or sex, and must therefore present great inducements to any who may de sire to make and sell, orto become Agents for its salo. County and State rights for sale. Address me at Ridge Post Ofllce, C. C. & A. R. R., So. Ca. L. M. ASBILL. Oct 18 tf 43 To Builders. Proposals will bo received by the Build ing Committee for thc Budding of a Church at Elei, near Pine House Depot, until Saturday, the 4th November, at which time, at tho ChirVch, tho building of said Church will be lot on tho bid ac cepted. For plan and specifications of the Church, call on Mr. J. M. Wise, Pine Ho uso Depot. Proposals will also be placed in his hands until meeting of Committee. JULIUS DAY, L. G. SWEARENOIN, M.CROUCH, T. II. CLARK, J. M. WISE, JOHN MILLER, JOHN BETTIS, J. D. JOHNSON, W. W. JENNINGS, Building Committee. Oct 25 2t 44 Notice to Tax Payers. THE Books will be open for the Col lection of Taxes for tho .y-ar 1871 on the 20th day of.November, 1871, and will remain open until the 15th day of Janua ry 1872, after which time the penalty of 20 per cent will bo added. Stato Tax, seven Mills ;-County,|threo Mills, on all taxable property. I will be at Graniteville from tho 20th of November until thc 1st of December, after that time at Edgefield C. II. JOHN WOOLLY, CT.E. C. Oct 25 - 12t . 44, i The Fredericksburg Store THIS DAY MB ONW A li l). : --. ' I ; JT ia with a gratifying pleasure that we announce to our friends and pat rons-whom we are proud to say number legions, and to whom we are greatly indebted. for the success to which we have attained in Augusta-. that we are, at last, in the NEW ROOMS which we have been adding to our present building, and that we have filled them,from the FIRST to the FOURTH stories with''all the choice and elegant goods bf the season, and we cordially extend an earnest invitation to one and all To Pay them a Special Visit And see what has been done for their convenience as well as for the great display of all the ELEGANT GOODS OF THE SEASON. Never have we had the pleasure of exhibiting so fine a stock of goods, commencing from the lowest grades of [3 Domestics to the Finest Fabrics Required in our Market, AND AT PRICES NEVER ANY JLOWER. If we wished to, we would scarcely know where to commence to enumer ate, as every department is full. To one of the new features we wish to call, the especial attention of the Ladies, and that is to our SILKrCLOAK, SHAWL, SUIT AND FUR ROOMS. To these we have paid an especial attention in fitting up, and in which we hope to see them all, and'we will not object if they bring the gentlemen along with them. Be sure and come. V. RICHARDS & BROS., AT FREDERICKSBURG STORE, C ORNER BY THE PLANTERS' HOTEL. Augusta, Ga., Oct. 25, tf .44 PEOPLE OF EDGEFILD LOOK!TO. YOUR INTEREST ! IT is a well known fact that since the close of tho war there' has been more deception practiced in the manufacture of Shoes, than in any other article of real necessity; and that the people have well-nigh lost confidence in those who sell them. I propose, as far as in me lies, to remedy this evil, and to proclaim to the GOOD PEOPLE OF EDGEFIELD, And all who honor me with their patronage, that I will never engage in such a trific ; that I will hold myself accountable for the faithful represen tation of every article sold, and never permit the slightest infraction of the principles of Honor and Fair Dealing. Never before'has abettor class of goods been brought to this market. They will be sold IO Pei* Cent, lower than at any period since the war. Reclamation will be made in every instance when BOOTS AND SHOES Bought of me, do not give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. Shoes cheerfully EXCHANGED, or MONEY REFUNDED. Come and buy your Shoes, where you have the Positive assurance of | being Honorably and Fairly dealt with. No Second Price. No "drummers" employed. Fair dealing or none, PETER KEENAN, 230 Broad Street, (Centre of the City,) ? A VG I STA, GA. Oct 25 tf 44 , Kavanagh ? Lynch, No. 36, Jackson Street, Augusta, Ga., (Inrear of Globe Hotel, and opposite Schneider's,) Have in Store a Large, Perfectly New and Very Fashiona ble Stock of French and English Cassiineres, Broadcloths4 Vestings, Scarfs, Ties, &c, &c, and will maka El TO ORDER, IN A STYLE UNSURPASSED. KAGANAGH & LYNCH. Augusta, Oct 25 2m 44 DRAWING POSTPONED FROM OCTOBER 1st, 1871, TO JANUARY 8th, 1872, In Consequence of the Fever in Charleston, S. C. $500,000! TO BE GIVEN" AWAY! THE SOUTH CAROLINA LAND AND IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION, BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY & CO., Agents, ?NDER THE AUSPICES OF THE "?SOUTH CAROLINA STATE AO Pi IC UL TU RAL AND MECHANICAL SOCIETY," will give a SERIES OF CON CERTS, at the Academy ot' Music, Charleston, S. C., commencing January 8th, 1S72. Refers to all the Bankers, Brokers, and prominent gentlemen of thc Country, both North and South. 150,000 Season Tickets of Admission. At $5 Each. If you have not received a Circular, send for one, giving full particulars. All or ders Strictly Confidential. 2,405 Gifts, Amounting in all to S500,000. The Drawing of thia Great Sou them Enterprise will be conducted under the super vision of the following well known gentlemen: Gen. A. R. WRIGHT, of Ga. | Gol. B. IT. RUTLEDGE, of S. C. Gen. BRADLEY T. JOHNSON", of Va. | Hon. ROGER A. PRYOR, of N. Y. Money for Tickets can be sent either by Express or Postoffice Order, and the Tick ets will be promptly forwarded. Direct all Let.era to BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY & CO. Principal Office, Charleston, S. C. Gen. M. C. BUTLER.JOHN CHADWICK.Gen. M. W. GARY. JBSrTickets can be procured of Messrs. Markert ccClisbv and Maj. S. S. Tompkins, Edgefield, S, C. Oct 25 lit 41 CHAS. G. GOODRICH, 271 Broad street, Augusta, Georgia MANUFACTURER AND DIALER -IN SADDLES, SADDLERY HARDWARE, HARNESS AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS, BELTING-RUBBER AND LEATHER, LLATHEB O IF -A. LL !E? I _?ST ID S3 FRENCH Ai AMERICAN CALF Ai KIP SKINS, Trunks, Buggy Umbrellas, Whips, &c, &c. ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Augusta, Oct 25 4m 44 wB?y Iour Tickets M Bagging and Ties We bavo tho.Agency for tho sale of?' M? . w. . TICKETS in the Grand Land and Immi- 1 gration scheme of Messrs. BUTLER, CHAU WIOT.GABV & CO. Call early and secure the lucky. Ticket! Tho Drawing will positively bo held in Charleston, on the 8th January next. MARKEBT&OLISBY. Oct, ll tf 42 50 Bales BAGGING, 350 Rolls Bengal BAGGING, . 2500 Bundle TIES. ' "In'stclre dfttt,f