Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, April 20, 1871, Image 3

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THE ADVERTISER. Terms, $3,00 per Annum. Thc Advertiser Taking on More Sail. The Advertiser ia in it? Thirty-sixth your, and this week it appears before its honored patrons, enlarged by four col umns, and stamped throughout with tho impress of bran new type. Instead of Thirty-two, as heretofore, the Advertiser has now Thirty-six columns, and, as re gards externals, the old sheet is as fresh and bright as the green leaves of Spring. Pride for our paper, forour-District, and for our people, impels us to this ?marge ment and improvement. Wc say no more, but simply express tho hope that as the Advertiser grows, so may the love of j our people grow -with" it -and around it. " If thia.be the paae .we sh. ali bo satisfied ; nay more, gratified beyond expression. SJ .For Rep ai ri us a House of God. On Friday evening, tho 28th inst., in the Masonic Hall of this town, there will ; ^b^v?pf? ?r??dl/h&ahd Di?matic Eii "tertainnaent, for. the purpose of raising rands for much-needed "repairs upon the Episcopal Church. On this occasion, the resident amateure, who have tho matter in hand, will be' generously assisted by two accomplished gentlemen pf our sister city of Augusta ; the one an experienced and spirited sing er; the other a poet and patriot in the Tidiest, sense Jpf either ward-JAS. R. I KAN DA LL. Esq. - who will^ .recite several choice productions of his own and kin dred pens. Fnrther particulars concern ing this Entertainment will be given next week. -1 ? ri?;, i -. Meeting to Appoint Delegates. We arc requested to calla Meeting of the votcrs^ol'-Wisc and Piokens Town ships, in the^ Court Houscj jon Saturday theism inst.,'for the purpose of appoint ing Delegates t? the District Meeking on the following Monday, which latter Meet ing will be for thc purpose of appointing . Delegate^ to tho Tax-Payers Convention which is to assemble on thc second Tues day in May. The object is one of great importance, and tho yqtew of thc two Townships arc strongly urged to turn out in full force. Draws on the Harnees Again. . As will be seen by | reference to our ad vertising column, our old and much es teemed friend, Dr. G. IIoitD, again draws o? the medical harness, which he wore so long and so successfully . in. the days gone by. We wish him all success; And we congratulate thc citizens of Granite villc that such eminent skill should now bc at their command. Some Men Have Thc Gift of Tongues But MCCABE, COSTELLO dc DALY, of the new and magwnccntup-town Dry Goods Establishments Augusta, have the, still rarer gift of Knowing just what thc Ladies want, and the spirit and enterprise more over to keep on hand a Large, New and Constant Supply of all their u I minor tal Liongings" for thc beautiful in Dress and Adornment MCCABE, COSTELLO dc DA tx arc immediately opposite thc Planters Hotel, and they not only deal in thc Or namental and Beautiful, but quite as ex tensively in the Practical and'Useful. Give close attention to their new adver fisemcnt in another column, and never go to Augusta without exploring all thc ins and outs of MCCABE, COSTELLO fr DALY-. -T Col. Bacon's Horse*. Col. BACON'S horses, Corsican and Nan nie Douglas, have been brilliantly suc cessful lately in Mobile and New Orleans. In the latter city, a few days ago, Corsi .can won ono of the grandest and most hotly contested races of thc season. W. A. Sanders versas Old Sol. The summer has set in unusually carly, and the fiery rays of old Sol ar? already causing people to pant for green pastures and cooling drinks. Wo will say nothing about the green pastures, but as regards the coolinga debriks, Dr, SANDERS has boldly taken up the cudgel? ?g-unst old Sol. In short, the Doctor has opeiu-4 his ?Soda Fount, and dispenses daily such Soda Water as would almost revivify a dead man. Sweepingly Patronized! Sweepingly patronized is the Augusta Grocery Establishment of F. E. STEVEN <k Co, next door l>elow the RICHARDS Brothers. They have, in this issue, list of New Groceries which it is astound ing to contemplate. Eureka! Eureka ! Eureka I Was tho exclamation of some friends of ours the other day, upon their return from Augusta, tiftcr having shopped ex tensively at thc superbly stocked Store of CHUISTOPHBE A? G BAY & Co. Their report of its great beautie s, a Treasures, Cheapness,-and all that sort of thing is wonderful and delightful to hear. Rc ?er to our advertising columns for the exact whereabouts of this great Store and keep it strictly in mind. The Lightning News-Dealer Again. Of course wc mean QUINN of Augusta, :he famous seller of Navels, Magazines, Fashion Books, III ostmtcd Papers, Comic Papers, Newspapers. School Books, Sta tionery, Prints, sn dall Slings in that line, QUINN'S is really thc most alluring aud seductive place in A ugusfa. And QUINS will not only sell yon all the Magazines, and Fashion Rook* and Comic Papers, but he will send on und suhscril>e?br you if you*wish, and wattage tba whole thin-, with lighfuing-likc celerity and prompt ness.. QUINN'S is under thu Omuttitttt??H alixt Office. Home Skill and Home Taste. We birve jusst had the pleasure of in specting' a beautiful work of art at the Drug Store of Messrs. MAKKEUT tfc Cu*> liY-a Prescription Case made by our fel low townsman Mr. JAMES PA CL. This t 'ase is orescent iii shape and consists of | seven panels, each' .panel containing a gorgeous pane of stained glass. It is c*mstm?'tod throughout of the most ex quisitely polished black Walnut. It is J tot, however, of, tu? material or'design, beautiful as they are, that w? desire so much to speak, as of the admirably ar tistic manner in which thc whole work is executed, Deflecting, as it docs, tho highest praise and credit upon the ability and skill of Mr. PAUL. It is really worth a visit'to MAUKKKT ?fc CkWBY's to sec and insjKJCt this .beautifully made, and no less beautifully appointed, ProWrip tioii Case. Oar Friend, the Marion Star. Our brave aud able friend, the Marion Star, has a handsome new " head" and divers other improvements We be, leave to express our heartiest congratu lations. J??r A band of negroes in disguise, a few nights since, made au attack upon tlie house of Mr. Pud Shaw, in Laurens County. They demanded money, and fired several shots into the house. Mr. Shaw is a very old man, himself mid wife living entirely ?Jone, and the vil lains no doubt thought that they, would have ari easy job? but it so happened that a young friend was with him at thc time who scattered-thc {rang by sprinkling them with shot. One of them was se verely wounded, and is now under medi cal treatments ?U ii _^-Fivo K. ICs were arrested in Washington county, Georgia, lastweek, and .'reiiow boarding :U theSaunuersvillo jail. They are all negroes. Theyjiotjfjed 1 another negro, who didn't please them, that they were coming to pay him a visit, and he called in help, lind when they ap peared, bagged the whole party, ... Trade at Hope. TT Edgcfiold is crowded with new Dry Goods, Groceries and Drugs. Our advor tisiug columus are rich iu tho Spring ad vertisements of our honored and enter prising villago Merchants. Wo hopo those advertisements will not pass unno ticed, for really cverjr man's interest is consulted by encouraging his homo trado. Supposing he can as well supply his own wants in his own town, District, or State, as elsewhere, he wrongs himself when he goes elsewhere to spend his money. When it is known that this is his rule of action, every fair dealer in his neighbor hood will aim to trade with him, so as to enable him to realizo the worth of his money. It is an injury to the place in which you live, to use your spare money for the benefit of a place elsewhere, and thus create a rival. Build up your own home interests, and thereby you increase the value of your own property. You will share in the profits if you wish to sell or remove at any time. A lively thriving town invites new settlers, enter prise and capital, which arc but additions to the aggregate wealth of your home. If one is to enjoy life, and is fit for it, he must desire to see those around him prosper. His law is " live, and let live," Our people can supply most of their wants in their own county town, and from men whom they know and should support. We say again, our merchants. | have full and fine stocks, and our people should trade at home. Local Dots. In this old town, Spring is radiant and" triumphant. In the park and around the public square the trees are as deeply green as in July. As we gaze from our j window on this beautiful April morning, all looks frightfully calm and peaceful. Aiid as if to illustrate the scene, a young salesman in a popular store across the way, closes both his front and back doors with an angry liang, and says jeeringly, "For fear 1 shall sell all these new goods before we can get more, I'll close up and bar out the crowd." And there comes Dr. SANDERS, and wc are reminded tliat he is the person here abouts who first had green peas this spring. The Dr. had them more than twoVeeksago; and next to him conies our friond CHARLIK CHEATHAM. Hut! as regards cabbages CHARLIE is ahead of j thc Dr. So you all know now who are f thc two "'big irijuns" in thc gardening linc. And pcrccivo those nine little negroes going to schcol. Each ono is abundantly laden with books, and each one, in turn, an nou i ices, in a sing-song voice, and with a peculiar African caper of tho logs, ** I know-my-less-o-n.!" the voico rising very high upon the last syllable. Thc negro school-house and thc negro grave yard are upon ihc hill in the rear of Mr BRYAN'S residence, and the spot for so new a ono, is curious and well worth vis iting. Both thc nivmber of graves and their fioral decorations arc subjects of ] surpriso and astonishment. The school, wc believe, is quite large. Thc most salient feature of our village life last week, was tho Entertainment in behalf of the Soldiers' Monument in Co lumbia. This was gotten up and carried through by two ladies of equal energy and taste, Mrs. LEWIS JONES and Mass MAXIE JONES. Thc Charades, acted by very young persons alone, wore lively, piquant and decidedly well played, while thc Tableaux, presided over by our artis tic friend U. H. Mi.ns, were among thc most beautiful we eve? beheld. As re gards thc supper, it was all that becomes the fame of Kdgciicld ladies. Thc occa sion was in all respects a delightful one, and the ladies, if we are not misinformed, realized ?hORt One Hundred Dollars. Another pleasing ?*??/;;-<M>f village life, lately, has been tho Kastor decorations | and the Kastor music in Trinity Church. Tho blessed season of rejoicing has been worthily commemorated and all, we hope hayo "kept thc feast, not with the old leaven ot ttWjji'C and wickedness, but with the unleavened br^?d of sincerity and trutb." ? Colder o? Money"-Cold, Colder, Coldest. A du* ar two ago wc overheard a man, who was-trying io g?? %. drink'in a bar room on credit, say, " I'm colder of ;uonoy just now than I ever was in my lite be fore." There was a flatness and force about the expression that struck us won derfully. Could anything bo more strong ly or more hopelessly expressive? We have added a chorus "Cold, Colder' Coldest," and wc should like to sec thc man or woman in these parts, who could not f#kc it ttl? with a full and feeling voice. ? Wo learn (says tho Anderson In telligencer) from Judge Orr that there was little or no business before thc Court, at Bickens last week, and that only two bills were given out to tho Grand Jury, one of >vhich was ignored. On tho civil docket, no ?ttgp of importance went to trial. It will be rcmejiiwci'^U that thc November term was even more destitute of interest, as there was not a single in dictment or any business before the Cojjrt Kight months of practical ex emption frpm legal business entitles Picken* to the prajsp as ? model county. ?SBr A wag thus eulogizeshis Ids musi cal attainments : " I know two tunes ; the one is 'Auld Lang Sync' and the other j isn't. I always sing the latter." ty A bigamist's lawyer, in response to a question from the Judge as to how i many wives his client had, said: 'We have thus far counted up only thirteen, but there aro twenty-nine States to hear from, your honor." Our gay and festivo Bowen is certainty ecljpscd by this Wes tern marry ing-man. THE STATES STILL SOVEREIGN.-The .Supreme Court of the United States re mit ly struck a death blow, to the Radica] doctrine of cirjtraljzatjon. It held the axt-nintion bf State Courte from all Federal ifiterierence, and declared the States, un der the Constitution, ''as sovereign and independent as the General Government." That is the true doctrine. And "how. whnt i- to become of those leaders and party1 organ '. who ar? ii? the habit' uf de iiounciii'' State rights, whenever the syb i?ct is mentioned, as only another name for treason,'' and unquestionable evidence of. 1 dU'.'Vahv" in its advocates ? Dr. Tint's Celebrated Expectorant-? So Mystery How it Acts. First it detaches from tito bronchial or j wind tubes the mucus or inaner which ?sometimes adheres to them with thc tonacity of glue. Secondly, It mitigates tho pain and removes tho constriction ol' j thc bronchial tubes and muscles ol' the chest! Thirdly, ft resists the progress of j inflammation, and assists the lungs to throw oft' thc irritating matter which ac cumulates, Extraordinary Success! The justly-celebrated STIEFK'K Pianos have again been successful. Klovoli first Prizes and (?old Medals were awarded to tlte Sticfl's pianos for acknowledged su periority over fourteen different Pianos from the first manufactories of New York, Baltimore, Boston and Ht, Louis, during tho months of October and November, 1S70, at the State Fairs held in Augusta, (Jiu, Staunton, Va,, Knoxville, Tenn., Wyth ville, Va:, Wilmington, N. C" Win chester, Va., Columbia, <',, Clarks burg, W, Vu,, Charlotte, jj-, f, and other places, Including thu awards made during the previous year, eighteen First Premiums have In-ei't awarded to the Stied' Pianos over twenty-one of tlte most celebrated makers in the country. More than one thousand Stiel! Pianos have !>cen sold to the southern people since tb>;..clpsc of the war, which fact, when cTmsidi fe'rT in connection with the numerous Premiums awarded by disin terested judges, more than attests the sit? periority of the Stie?' instruments over all others. * ..- - Call for a Public Meeting. Tn response to Resolution 3rd., of the Board of Trade of Charleston, published in thc Advertiser of this week, wo call upon our fellow-citizons-tax-payors throughout tho District, to attend K pub lic Meeting at Edgefield Court House orr the first Monday hi May, for the consid eration of tho tax question, and for tho purpose o( appointing Delegates to the Convention to ho held in Columbia on the second Tuesday in May next. April 5th. MANY CITIZENS. Religious Notice. The Union Meetings of the Edgefield Baptist Association will be held with the following Churches on tho 5th Saturday and Sunday in April, the 29th and 30th : 1st Division, at Bold Spring Church. 2d " Red Bank " -3d 44 Ridge Spring Church. ? 4th M Mt. Lebanon Church. Tlie membors of the Ex. Board will at tend tho meetings of their respective Divisions. . J. P. MEALING, Chair. Ex. Board. Apr 12 _ 3t 16 Special Notices. Tho " PAIN KILLEU" muy Justly bc styled thc great me.Heine of the world, for there is no region of the glebe into which it has not found it? way, nnd been largely used and highly ]>rized. Moreover, there is no clime to which it bas not proved to bowell adapted for the eure of a considerable variety ' of diseases % it is a speedy and sa/e remedy far burnt, scalds, mts, bruise?, wounds and various oilier injuries, n.1 well as fordyscnt ery, diurrho'a and bowel complaints gen erally, it is admirably fulled for every race of men on thu face ot' the globe. It is a very significant fact, thal notwithstanding the long period of years that thc ''Pain Killer" has been before the world, it bas never lost one whit of its popularity, bat, ?v the contrary, the call fur lt j has steadily increased from Its first discovery, and ' ut no previous time has the demand for it been so great, or the quanti".}- made been sOjla'rgc, as it is to day. . Another significant fact ls, that nowhere baa the Pulu Killer ever been in higher repute, ur been more generally used by families and individuals, than it has boen here at home, where it was first discovered uud intro duced. That the Pain Killer-will continue to be, what we have styled it, TUB OBKAT MEDICINE j or THE wo J: LD, there cannot be the shadow of a doubt-[Providence Adv prfJstr. . Cheering Facts for the Bilious. Every day dem?nstrate? more clearly that liver c HI kp I ai n I, in all its distressing forms, can be controlled and cured without difficulty or inconvenience. It ls an obstinate disease, but ils obstinacy ls not proof I against thc pertinacious, remedial and restorative operation of I lostetter's Stomach Hitters. That genial corrective compel? Vie organ, to do it? duty.< If | muet secrete regularly and healthfully under the in fluence of tho Hilters. Their action brings it back from a stale of rebellion into perfect harmony with he laws of health. If there la costiveness, it di sap" i pears; if there is side-ache or back-ache, Uceases; if the akin and Hit- irhjtes of thc eyes are tinged with superfluous bile, they recover their natural bug ; i/ | the appetite is gone, it returns; if tho digestion la impaired, it is restored ; in brief, whatever thc sym ptoms of tbe complaint may bc, and whatever the phase it has assumed, a aire ie certain. Such are. thc uniform effects of this preparation where billious disease has been already developed ; but in casca where there is merely a constitutional tendency to. liver complaint, it may be prevent ed throughout lifo by theregular usg, in small /quantities, of thispalutable antidote.*These arc proveu ftigts, n(id sjiould be seri ously pondered-or, rather, they should be promptly acted upon-by all pcrsous of bilious hubit. marriage Guide. EVKUY OSE HIS OWN DOCTOIt. A private instructor for married parfont or those about tu be married, both male nnd fe male, in everything concerning the physiolo gy and relations of our sexual system, and the production and prevention of offspring, inclu ding all tho now discoveries never before giren in thc English language, by WM. V?UNU, D. This is really a valable and interesting work. It is written in plain lauguuge fur the general reader, and is illustrated with nume rous engravings. All young man ted people, ur those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read thig bec1'. It discloses secrets that every one should tu ?ctju'ainidd with,, {(??1 it is a book that must be locked up aud uot lie about the house. It will be scnt'o any address on receipt of 50 ct?. Address Da. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 Spruce Street, ab-ve Fourth, Phila delphia. Nov. 24 fun 4S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 40 W??K? FOR 5ffiT DOLLAR! THE AMERICAN RURAL HOME from April 1. 1S71.-A Firi?t-cla??, t?l?rht-l>age, Agricul tural and Family Weekly. Specimens Free. HOPKINS Jc WILCOX, Boehcster, N.'Y. AFREE G ALLER*' Pi1 ART-p. Ap pleton it Co., New ^ ork, will send tV> eveVy new subscriber to AM-LKTOS'S JOUI:NAI. remitting $4 for one year's subscription, TKN Sci'Ki:a ENGRAVINGS, suitable for framing, from pauitfugtj by the mott ?mi ueut American artists, ?.> ibu each htv subscriber receives GBATIS what would cost flu lu the print shops. Pull particulars will be furulsUud.-.on applica tion. APPLETON'S JOURNAL is published Weekly, and consists ot 2?14to. pages, each num ber attractively illustrated. Its contenta eou?iat of | Serial Novels tind Short stories. Essays upon History and Social Topics, sketches of Travel and Adren* ture, and pupers upon all the various subjects that pertain to1 the pursuits ami recreatiojis of t|ie pet-pie, whether of town ol'country'. l.'ri'Cc ?4 per nunum; $2 for six mouths, ie cent? per number. LV Ai-l-itioN &, Co., Publishers, New York. ANEW STORY BY A SOUTHERN AU THOR.-A serial Story of surpassing interest, by the author of " Valerie Ay liner,'' which Ute presa have so highly extolled, will appear in AITLLTON'B .IOVUNAL, No. 108. New subscribers muy commence their subscription willi the beginning nf the New Story". Subserip||op price f4 per annum, or }2 for six months." 1). Amitfiq Si Cu., Publisher*, N. Y. DR. S.S. FITCH'S Family Piiyxlclan ; 00 pages; by mail free. Teaches how to cure all diseases ot the person ; skin, hair, eyes, complexion. Write to TM Broadway, New York. Send YourSons To a Practical School, that ?ill traip iheiu for active useful life, and a 'successful tuturi-. The Institution (hat best accomplishes thia, and ls largely patronized by the Sou''i, is Eastman College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Address for particulars, ll. J. EASTMAN, LL. I). President. BLOOMINGTON' (ILL.) NURSERY l'Jth Year. Ono Acres. 13 Greenhouses. Largest As sortment-nil sizes. Best Stfck ! I .nw PriecsTWould you know What, When. How to Plant ! Fruit, Shude, Evergreen Tree?, ito?* Gratis, Seedlings, Osage Plants, Apple Seed, Early .B<?e Potatoes, .Shrubs, Hoses, Green house and Garden Plants, ?kc, Ac. Flower and yeKf.-iu.ble Secrix : Finest, Best Collection-Sorts and qu?liiy. Send lo eeuts for New, Illustrated, . Descriptivo Caluiogue- So pages. Send stamp, each, for Catalogues of feed?, with plain directions-C4 pases; Bedding''dna Garden Plants- 32 pages, and Wholcrale Prie. Lht-24 pages, Address F. K. 1MION1X, Bloomington, Illinois. EMPLOYMENT, Bunine?* for All-Best Industrial S-page Kcpsoupcr ,V> cl*, per year. Send stamp for copy. PAT?J?TSTAB, Boston, Mas?. ' '. BUILD?NGT F?L?? osi work and inside instead of jdaster, floor covering, muts, A-c. C. J. FAY, Camden, N. J. ll IM] ROAR, how made lp lu hours, without fill drugs. Particulars 10 cent.?. F. SACK., Crom well, Conu. d'ort A DAY In very beal barnies* ever offered .0?U agents. For particulars address, with Stamp, MOOBK ?fc Co., Ill 8d St., Louisville, Ky. VB. EDWARDS, ConnscIor-at-Law, t 4Ct Penn. Av., Washington, J). C., gives special attention to claims under'lhe lute Apt of Congrl'ssfor' examination of claims of loyul citizens of Stales lately in rebellion. Charges reasonable. MONEY TO LOAN on So. Cx Beal Estate at legal rates. JACKSON Co., Box 2,U68, New York. FKA?WRAJVT^APOLIJ??E Cleans Kid Gloves and all kinds of Cloths and Cloth ing ; removes Paint, Greese, Tur, ?kc, inHantly^ytth' out inn least injury to the finest fabric. Sold by Drug gists and Fancy Goods Dealers. FBAGKANTSAPO LIN'E CO., JW Barclay St., New York, 46 La Salle St., Chicago. TJSK THE "YEOETABLE 4QfA The old standard remedy for Copghs, (toidi, Cnnsump lioir. 41 Nothing better.*1 CpTLKB |?|ios. ACp., Boston. Asent?s ! Bead Titi* ? WE WILL FAY AGENTS A SALARY of $30 per week apd expenses, pr allow a large co|unil?sfop, to sell onr pew and wonderful Invention* Address M. WAGNEB * CO., Marshall, Mich. AVOID QUACKS.-A Victim of early Indlu-rc. lion, causing nervous deldllty.premature decay, Ac, having tried In vain every advertised remedy, lui? a ilmplc means of self-cure, which he will sena free io al? fellow sufferera. Address J. H. TUTTLE, 7* Nassau s'" New York. 7 HIGHER EDUCATION. HELLMUTH COLLEGE Board aiul Tuition per annum,!226. HELLMUTHE LADIES' COLLEGE Inaugurated hy H. B. H. Prince Arthur. Board and Tuition per annum, T28C. I'MXIDKNT: The Very Kev. I. I.c.lmuth, D. D.( Dean of Huron. For Particlara apply to Maj. Evaas. Loudon, Canada West. Iy8t> BRAN NEW tm .' Si?"'I .; ? Ail Hui From A to HAVING just Returned from New York, with a LARGEand HAND SOME Stock of DRY GOODS and .SUNDRIES, All Bran New from the Largest to the Smallest Article, I DOW respect fully offer the same to the Public of Edgefield, at PRICES AS ?MODE RATE as can possibly be found elsewhere. .. . "' '* ' "'* ' ,?TA? \? 16 "J ' Wi to'- fx "i ? . . . ? \\.? njft2 ft .?i i.-w c< ifl-mud ii U [ff.: ;?f ihvt; ; I .> .-.-.ii-: . *Mi; -i > i i*. . _a... .. . .v/v"/u '. H.iUJ : j ' : ' rc Uv CALL AND SEE FASHIONABLE -BBSSGOODS dillis ttl bf?f???rn!Hi They are in every MATERIAL, every STYLE,-'eVery ?COLOR; every PRICE.. And besides -Dress Goods, EMBROIDERIES, F??S & FLOWER**, RIBBONS Si LACES, SPRING SHAWLS, GLOVES, NOMONS, , iv-i^'k i.ur.J mil DOMESTICS, LINEN GOODS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, CORSETS, CHIGNONS, &?. Also A VERY LARGE, VARIED AND FASHIONABLE ASSORTMENT OF ? MISSES Al MSW? SH, Gentlemen, You will find n>y Stopfe flf READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, SHIRTS, UNDER VESTS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &c, entirely incomparable. BEAUTIFUL GOODS FOB SFBINfi PANTS. PLANTATION GOODS, PLANTATION TOOLS, WILLOW WAREj TIN WARE, WOOD WARE, HAR9.W?RE. A SPLPD1D ST0C? -0F^ Superior Crockery, AEL, GRAPES-ALii STYLES. Mew O-oods Keceived r ? ' SUGARS AND COFFEES, ALL GRADES. . .. v.! .uiifluit?^ ?Sf?fl3jqj pc The Continued Patronage of the Public is respect fully solicited; while fair, prompt ?lid honorable deal ing is guarantied. - ' ' V J. H. CHEATHAM, At-Sullivan's Old Stand. . April 5 4t " Photographic T, HE following PICTURES, in tho la tent rfrifl^i'Mt'fasmortablo styles, can now be made at tile GALLERY over Mr. G. L. Penn's Drop Store, viz: CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, different stvles. PORCELAIN MINIATURES.-Plain or Colored, in the most beautiful style, by skillful and accomplish Artists. LIFE SIZE PORTRAITS.-Colored in Oil or Pastel, by the best Artists. COPIES made of Old Oil Paintings and Fading Ambrotypes,-and, if desired, enlarged to any size, and colored in Oil or Pastel. iii* Pie toe Frames. All sizes of Photographs, Oil Paintings, Engravings, Ac, fitted with neat Oval and Square Gilt, Rosewood, Black Wal nut orother Frames. Old Oil Paintings cleansed, re-tonched, re-varnlshod, and when torn, patched, and made almost as good as now. Thankful for the liberal patronage here tofore bestowed, I hope by renewed ef forts and close application, to merit a continuance of the same. - ' The Prices of all tho above Pictures will conform to the present scarcity' of money. Will have Specimen of Oil Painting? and Porcelains in two weeks. R. H. mus. Apr 13 4t 16 UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. NEW YORK. Tbe Origina) Joint Stock Life In surance Company of ibo llBited States, tiie butineit of this Company is EJCL USl VE LY confined, to the Insurance of firtt clan healthy linet. The Distinctive Feature of the Stock system of Lifo Inguran?ej os o? posod to the Hutnal, is a jow^ rate'of1 premium tor a stated ?um insured, which >'? m MEDIATE, SECDBED and CERTAIN ; in ! jeu of a 'high rate nf premium' with a promised dividend, which ?8 DISTAHTy C0NTIHaj5)IT ?pd pVptjlfiUf y this so called dlriijond bain- merely a return of a portion of tho excessive and unnecessary pre mium charged in the firititndorjOQ. Illustration, Suppose that an individual aged thirty de sires to devote $200 a year for ibo purposo of effecting an insurance on his life : this amount will itu me 'Holy secure bim in tho UNIVERSAL the sum pf $11,7?1, payable en his-decease. This sum, paid to a oompany charging the or dinary mutual rates, wo\$d ?ecafe him tho sum of $8,474-diiferenee, immediately secured, in favor ol tho UNIVERSAL, $3,277. To illustrato tho importance to the policy bolder of low premiums in more general terms, it may be stated that by a reduction of twenty-fire per cent, in the rate of premium, the same amount of money will secure a policy thirty-three and one third per cont. greater, and likewise that a reduction of twgufy?Bvo percents in the rate qf pr?g?uai ia preciiiely equivalent to an ? ? M liai cash dividend nf thirty-three and une-third percent, payable in advance, or to a dividend of forty-five per cent, payable at the end of fivo .'ears. By tho Stock plan Ihe full cash effect of the premium is immediately secured to tho in sured, tho Company taking all the risk! By the il u LU al plan the full vu lue in insurance of the premium paid is not secured to the policy bolder, who takes portion of the risk himself. The Premiums charged by th,p UNIVERSAL are as low as the actual experience of insured life in this coun try will justify, and on the ordinary Life and Ten-Year Non-forfeituro policies are NEAR LY ONE-THIRD LOWER than those charged by the majority of Mutual Companies. Special attention is asked to our " Return Premium Plan," by which the amount uf the policy is secured simply hy ?Le temporary de posit of the animal premiums, which aro re turned in full, together with tho amount as sured, to the holder of policy when it shall become a claim upon tho Company. A clause is inserted in the policios issued by the UNIVERSAL, in which these results aro dis tinctly xpecijied and guaranteed. GEO. ll. LAKE, G.eaciai Agent. g5?"Qood Canvasser wanted. Edgefield, S. C., Jan 25, tf ( :'>,.?'.'? A. i?.\*r.v. ildltor. Sllteil?Uav^ffB?tt^tttt. . ^. . .. . -nb .. A Ni.\t snuwer ol t'jc Present Timea. IniouiliMt lor Pooplc Now Ba kurth. locliiilU'K Fernie I. Mechanics, Merchants, Pro. fessloiu! Men, Woiker*. Tninkers, and a'.t Man ner ot Bonost Folks, sud thc? W"l?os, 8aas, and Daughters ol aU, ?uca. ON L V ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ! OM: HUNDRED COPIES FOB 850, Or less than One Cent a Copy. Let there be a SSO Club at every Tost Office. SEMI-WEEKLY SUN? $2 A Y il A II, of tho samo Azo and general character os THE WEEKXr, bu^ vrlfi^ & pr?ster Yarlety ?f mHo^JlftnofttW roadlo td anti farnlihlne the news to tts subscribes with (Treater freshness. becausQ lt comes twice a week Instead of onco only. THE DAILY SUN, 30 A VICAR. A preeminently readablo newspaper, with the taraest circulation in the world. Free, ln?e Dondcut, and fearless tn politics. All the news rom everywhere. Tvo cenu a copy ; by man, 50 cents a month, or 96 a year.. TERMS TO CLUES. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUN. Five copies, ono year, separately addressed. Four Dol?an. Ten copicj, one year jan aratsly addressed (and au ertra copy to th? getter up of clue-). Eicht Dollars. Twenty copies, ono year, separately addressed (aaa an extra copy to the fetter np of club), ' Fifteen. DqUar*. Fifty conloe, ono year, to ono address tand the ??ral.\r?ek)y one year to cetter np of dob), Thirty-three Dollars, Fifty roptes, ono year, ?eparately addressed (and the Semi- Weekly one year to Rotter upofcrnb), Thirty-five Dollars. Cue hundred conies, one year, to ono addrnsi t ind tho nally for ono year to the cetter up of club;. Fifty Dollars. Ouc timored copies, one year, separately, ada dre'fCf. .uni! the Dally tor one rear to niecolto? ui-of club), Sl5t> DoJlorit THE SEMNWEEKLY ?UN? Inc cottle*, One year,soparatclv nridrenerf. Eight Dollars? Ten coi lcf, ot.o tour,reparativ addressed (?Adj it* -extra copy to getter up of dub). Sixteen, Dollars. SE.VD YOUR MONEY In Po? Odlre or 1er*, cheeses, or drafts un New York, whsrrvcr convenient, if not. tuen resiste? the letter* containing nickey. Add ros* j L W. F.NOLAWD. Publisher; Sun oiCco. New York City. INIPQRIANT NQTIOE CONSUMERS ?F ORV GOODS All Retail Orders Amounting; to $20 and Over Delivered in any Part of the Country FREE OF EXPRESS CHARGES. HAMILTON EASTER & SONS, OF R?LTIMQR?j'iiP.j In order the bebtet tg meet tho wants of "their Retail Customers at a distance, haye estai!ish * SAMPLE BVREAV, and will, upon application, V'o.niptly ?end, ly stat full lines of Samples.?? th.o.Nc.wej-t and most'tfashtonible Good?,, of ?Rj?NQH.-ENG LlSfr 4nd D?MH8T10-MANUFACTURE, guaranteeing ot all - times to sell ii? low, if not at I fi price, than any house In the country. Buying our goods from tho largest and most celebrate J manufacturers in the different parts of Europe, and importing the same by Steam ers direct to Baltimore, oar itook ls ut all times supplied with tho novelties of: the Lon don and Paris markets. I As we buy and soU oUlgfor cash, niio* make no bad debt?, we are able and .willing to sell our goods at ruo* TE? TO FIST?EH PER C?*T. LESS Pnom than if we gave oredU. "" In tending^ for ta*?p?iify the kind of goods de>i'*?. Wdaoep the best grades of evou olt..- of goods, from, the lowest to the most costly. . .. Ordtrt unaccompanied bu the cash icill be tentP.1Q^.?)?? '.i .?'?> . - PRQMPT;PAYIN? V?0LE6ALE BUY ER^arsr ?rsvitedtoiwpdet tt?e*'Stocif la. our Jobbing and Package DepartaeaC \rMre?s r . HAMlLTOli-BASTJEB/'A SONS, 19?,"TW, 2ftU?<TZ?3"W??tBaltimore St., - " Baltimore, Md. Nov. 15 ly 47 M. LEBESCHULTZ, Agent. NO. 2, PARK ROW, RESPECTFULLY informs the public generally that he is now receiving direct from the Manufacturers in New York, a SPLENDID STOCK of Beady Hade (Miling, For Men, 'Youths and Children. ' Also, SHIRTS and ^ DRAWERS, ? large Stock. The celebrated Pembroke SHIRT cannot be surpassed in iii and style. * GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS of all descriptions. . TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, School BAGS. An extensive variety of the latest style of HATSj among which is the Gen. LEE HAT, very becoming and handsome. ROOTS and SHOES fdr Ladies and Gentlemen, the best hand sewed in make, style and durability. BROGANS and COMMON SHOES will be sold at a. small advance on Manufacturer's prices. A splendid Stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, LOCKS, WEEDING HOES, &c. DOMESTIC GOODS of every description. 16?*All in want of Goods in my line, are invited to call at the Reliable Store of Iff. LERE SCHULTZ, Agent, . No. 2, Park Row. Apr 12 3t 16 MARKERT & CLISBY, : DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, OILS, GLASS, Fancy Articles, Toilet $Qft?fe, SEGARS, TOHACCO, WIlfE*, LIQUORS, &c, RESPECTFULLY announce that their stock of DRUGS,, MEDICINES &c, is now complete. A.nd invitjng especia) attention to their; jow figures, will from this date furnish Goods at AUGUSTA PRICES. ^Prescription* C arefully ^Compounded af all hours, from Medicine warranted' strictly pure. ? tf.': 15 THE CHOICEST NOVELTIES O? THE 1EEM0E Merchant Tailor DEALER IN READY-MADE CLOTHING. And Gents' Furnishing Goods, 220 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., DESIRES to inform his friends, patrons and the public generally that he has received and has now in store thc best and most, desirable seleetion of Goods, which will be uneqnalled lor extent, variety and novelty, and which will be made up in the latest and most fashionable styles apd best workmanship, and at the most reasonable prices. Also, oil hand1 a; Full Stock Ready-Made Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Sooda, <fcc, &c; AUGUST DORK, 220 Broad St. . Augusta, Mar 29 5t 14 ESTABLISHED 1828. W. H. BARRET. R. H. LAND. S. H. SHEITARD. BARRETT, LAND & CO, gs, C?emieais, Paints, O?LS, GLASS AND DRUGGISTS' GLASSWARE, 291 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga.. OFFER the following at lower figures than the same class of Goods can he bought elsewhere : GUM OPIUM, SULPH. MORPHINE, QUININE, Bromide POTASH, Iodide POTASH, ALUM, Gum CAMPHOR, COPPERAS, BLUE STONE, Refined BORAX, S. & C. WOOD MATCHES, MACCABOY SNUFF, .BITTERS of all kinds, PEPPER, Sifted, GINGER, SPICE, . i Augusta, Feb 7 3m CLOVES, . VV. E. POTASH Concentrated LYE, LINSEED OIL, SPERM OIL, LARD OIL, TRAIN OIL, . SPINDLE OIL, MACHINE OIL; CASTOR OIL, . SWEET OIL, OLIVE OIL, KEROSENE OIL, ASTRAL OIL, WHITE LEAD, COLORS, &c. WILLIAM HILL'S HARDWARE STORE, No. 193 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA., THE FRIENDS and ACQUAINTANCES of the late WM. HILL, are respectfully informed that the BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED AS HERETOFORE at the Old Stand No. 193, Broad Street, where the follow ing Goods may be found at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES : IRON, STEEL, NAILS, AXES, HOES, TRACE CHAINS, PLOW LINES, . HAMES, SHOVELS, SPADES," MANURE FORKS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, BLACKSMITH TOOLS, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, TABLE AND POCKET KNIVES; &c., &c, -ALSO-: A Fine Assortment of WOODEN WARE, consisting of BUCKETS, TUBS, CHURNS, PAILS, &c. -ALSO TIN WARE of Every Description, by the Dozen or Piece. Mending rea sonably and promptly done. ?h?e Stock of STOVES is complete. THE COTTON PLANT a Four Hole Square Top Stove is first class. The Oven is large and com modious, and that part of it under tho Fife-Box; is unusually high and roomy Not being complicated in its arrangement, it is very easy to manage, am does not, like many of tb?v other-first class, Stpves, require a course of in struction to Knciw;ltow'l?^u>.eJtV Give'the COjTTO?t PLANT-;a trial am satisfy; yourself.' " Every 'Stove Warranted. Tttfe GRAY JACKET is a New and Beautiful Step or Pre .mi?mlJTOVE,l'golteh up expressly for the Southern market, and is adapte particularly to plantation use. The GRAY JACKET is an up-draft Stov with heavy plates, large oven aud flues. It never fails to operate well, Ever Stove Warranted. - Jan 18 3m . 4 -A. T MILLINERY -AND ?ft&eyj ?oods Store 251 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., You will find tho Fashionable Styles of BONNETS and HATS, made of good material, and sold at low prices. FLOWERS, WREATHS, Sash and all other RIBBONS, Lace and Linen COLLARS. BOWS, CRAPES, SILKS, VEILS. FANS, H'D'K'FS, HOSIERY, FRINGES, GIMPS, BUTTONS, PARASOLS. Lace SHAWLS, EDGINGS, INSEP.TINGS. Tarltan, Swiss and Book MUSLINS, CHIGNONS, SWITCHES, And all other articles usually kept in a Fancy Goods Store. : New doods Received Tri-Weckly. QUICK SALES AND SMALL rUOFlTS! The Ladies of Edgelield are invited to call and examine. . Mrs. IV. BRUM CLARK, AUGUSTA, &A. Apr 12 i'm l? Ii e mo val OF THE BEE HIVE. Bi GEORGE WEBER EGS leave to inform his numerous friends and easterners that lu. has removed to the capacit/ii^Slorlf, No. 1715, Broad St., opposite tho Augusta Hotel', where he will continue ibo DRY GOODS DIMNESS, And hopes to merit a continuance of the patronage so liberally extended to him at his old location. Fresh Supplies of Dry doods will bc received by every Steamer, which will be offered at the lowest prices. Apr 12 tf 10 Read! Read ! . The place to ?ititl something PURE and GENUINE in the way of CHAMPAGNE WINES and BRANDIES, is at the Drug Store of MARKERI? & CLISBY. If you wish PURE.COGNAC BRANDY for Medical purposes, go to MA11KERT & CLISBY'S. If you want a PURE ARTICLE of SHERRY or MADEIRA WINE, go to MARKERT & CLISBY'S. If von desire a good article ol' OLD JAMAICA RUM or HOLLAND GIN call at the Drug Store of MARKERT & CLISBY. We will also state that we have a few gallons of that GOOD OLD RYE and CORN ?till on hand. MARKERT & CLISBY. If you wish a superior article of SHERRY for Cooking purposes, very cheap, call at the Drug Store of MARKERT & CLISBY; To gentleman who indulge in the luxury of Chewing and Smoking, we respectfully announce, (and do so concientiousiy,) that we have, and are determined to keep on hand, the BEST brands of Chewing and Smok ing TOBACCO and SEGARS. MARKERT & CLISBY. Mar 15 tf 12 For Sale, 100,000 WELL BURNT BRICK. AND among them several Thousands CIR CULAR RRICKS 'or Walliug Wells, -now rou'dv for deliver}-. W. W. ADAMS. Mar fi if ll Russ' Celebrated Prepa rations. Now ia Store a full Stock Rusi* SCHNAPPS, in quin* and pints, ? MADEIRA WISE, " sHERRY WINE, " PORT WINK, - CHERRY ItltANDY. " BLACKuERKl" BRANDY, " (UN-COCK'-TAIL, .. RASPBERRY SYRUP, " LEMON SYRUP, 4c, &c. . Ail warranted cf tho bi rt quality, and for sale ar Augusts piif ??. "W. F. DURISOn, Cr. Mar 8 :?u> 11 To the Ladies. Mi _HS. LEWIS J ON KS would inform her friends ?ind tho public that sh? is still our ryingott h.r DRESS MAKTXtl AND MIL LINERY ESTARLTS H M EN 1 nt ber old Stand, ?nd l <ipes they will continue to bestow on her thvir tame liberal (mtruntige. She will in ifewdayrbe supplied w.th NEW SPRING S'l YLES and PATTERNS. Mar 22 tf 13 \ Card t?c m a Prodigal Sou. I RESPECTFULLY call the attention of my friends Si? the mrroundiug country, to my locality, known as tho Grove Place, Beech Island, where ? may at nil times bc found, un less professionally engaged. I keep constantly on h.-iod a fino lot of PURE DRUGS, Kid am prepared to furnish my patrons with any Physio they may need. Having Arc Surgical Instruments, and con siderable cxi-crienow ns a Surgeon, I am pre pared to per?-'f? all kinda 0f Surgical opera tions. I especial!" ?-;Jl th" nttcntidn of thc Ladiei to the fact I1--' [trent Uterine Diseases very successfully, .CM. will pi.-.rantce a euro of any caso of five yr ifs ?.anding. Ver Ri?i>cctfully, j. L. surra, M. D. Bath, Feb li Sm 8 TO RENT, THE DESIRABLE H0USK AND LOT in the Village of KdgofieU, the late resi dence of Mrs- Christie, sud nxently occupied by Capt. G. A. Darling. To on acceptable tenant the iriuo will be reasonable. Apply early to X. W. CARWILE. Mar? If. 12 State of South Carolina, EDG?FIELD COUNTY, Ellen C. Chappell, Adm'a.., ? Bill to Sell Lands, vs \ Marshal Assetts, Chas. J. S. Bacon ct al. J ?tc, Ac. UNDER an Order from His Honor Judge Melton, made ia the abuve cause, all iud singuitr the Creditors of STANMORE B. CHAPPELL, dee'd., aro hereby required to present and prove their demands before me, on or before the 10th dav ot' May next. A, J. NORRIS, Special Referee.' Mar 22 7t 13 Masonic Notice. AREGULAR CONVOCATION of BEZA LEF.L CHAPTER, No. ? R. A. M., will be held in thc Hall on Tlursday morning th? 20:h inst. liv order of tho High Priest. W. ta. ADAMS, Seo'ry. Apr 5 2t 15 NOTICE IF ycu want NICE CANDY, Imy from MARKERT & CLISBY. Mar 29 tf U