?? "?" ?MMCCT --.? :;.--c:.' - '. ~ My Briarwood Pipe. My Briarwood pipo is my warmest of friends ; Its heart in aglow, and its excellence loads .A solace and joy to ruy innermost soul, .?S toa-lhe id?ense floats off from its ash-ciuctared Anrschaum born of th a foam of the sea My Briurwood pipe is tao pipe, sir, for mo. RAILROAD TO BARNWELL C. H.-The Barnwell ?Sentinel, in reply to some re marks of ours, adfmitted that it has " railroad onth'e brain.." and hfments tho isolation of Barnwell 0. -H. from railroad facilities, and asks if it is not excusable in looking towards the South Crrolina Railroad for help to build t n miles ot' road from Blackville, the bed of which is all graded and only needs cross-ties and iron. We are clearly of the opinion that, with the ?cod crop now harvested in that County, there on_\ii to be a volun te r delivery <>!' cross-lien enough, ?! ??-cii mile ol' farms contributes its share; This much fixed, we think there would not be much difficulty bi M.i, TUE DAY. ?sh dav Vf NOVEMBER NKXTi a'.! lh?- REAL and PERSONAL ES SAIE of .-ai.i accented, construing u? ^i?iTe ?t>mi tracts of LRDU, All situate in Edgefield County ar..i State of S. Cur "'ina. viz : Ti IE HOMESTEAD TRACT, Ko. I, contain i: ./ 563 Acr -. TRACT N". 2, part of original Homestead; c ..-ai-.i: - ! ".' Acre*; PIXEYAVOCDS PLACE. No. 1. containing SO- Acre?. X . ?.: ttn'n? : 21 Acre? WALCHUM TRACT. Nu. I, cni;t?.iulng C-ts Aeres. No. 2, containing 200 Acre?. No. 3, containing 2'Jj Acres. Xo. -J, cont tining 36*6 Acre?. ADDISON TRACT. No. I, containing 255 Acres. : No. ?, containing 214 Am s. No. ...oi.tttii.ii g ]>'J Acre/. No. :. roata?nli?^ itt.! Air? Tin y will a -.. sell ut tho sume tttuc .iud place, thc residue of ;he personal property, cossisliug o! FOUR MULES. FOURTEEN if EAD OF CATTLE, ROAD WAGON, CARRIAGE AND HARNESS, PLANTATION TOOLS, (J IN HEAD. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, KITCHEN UTENSILS. Also. TWO PAIRS OF MILL STONES. TERMS OK SALK.-The Personal Property will hi? snM for Cash. Tho UCHI Estate will bc K?l?l for un? third of pureba; . inor.ey cash, the ha?.ii c* ? i tutu eet Court l r the I' strict uf Souih Carolins, in the above Flated case, I will proceed to nil at Kdgcficld C. H.. on the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER NEXT, the following REAL ESTATE Ulonging to the Estate .?; TH OS. S. MILLER, Bankrupt, to wi* : TH H Pl ANTATION o! Rai I rupt. CM t?.in'iig F v? Hui.uri .?AV IN NOV EM ER NEN . ,i" PLANT A Tl ON of said !::; k-n; .. I.-:. a; 1URK ?: T ? S Ul UKI !>i: .. o' Si'vau.Mih Riler, in li .: o"ii Ci'.niay, ,'i , j~r T< r ir -, una iiiif.' i .'?i. Thc bajaocc on One and two years crciiir, with 1;-?ten ,t frcia i:ate, tobusecurid by ""Bond with good sureties miU a Mortgage of.the premises sold. W. T. GARY, Assignee. Augusta Constitntionuliit will copy oncea week in Daiiy, until day of sale, and forward Bill to Assignee. Sept. 21 Gt :;u ASSEJNEFS SALE. TX BAXKUUP7! CY. lr. tit? .Hi.lu i' JA.U!vS ii. liLKASE, jk.iuKttipt. ' BY a:i Order from Hi- H n"r Judge llnsn, 1 will .-eil on THURSDAY, tin -Uh "day of NOVEMBER NEXT. ?? ? -Vciock, A. M., the premises. :>ll the rijh!, t:t'n iin ? ?ntorost of JAMES H. BLEASE, B>okrl3>t, in the TRACT i'K LAND whereon thc c^1' Bankrupt now re sides. Bitua'c in E.leefield V^.u: ty, bounded by lands of Wtilltin Padgett .ni'l otb*crs, sud COL ktiiiiag Soven Hundred nod Three Acres, more or ic-s. ?STTERM3 CASH. Papers and Stamps to be paid for by thc Purchaser. JOHN T. PETERSON, Assignee. Oct ll 4to J2 ASS?BN??IsT?L?. IX BANKRUPTCY, ia th? Matter ol JAMES .HI lUCELL, Bankrupt. BY ai! 0'?i.-r from his Hi not Ju ?gc Bryan, I wiil .?H! within ibo toga] hour? of Kale, on tho FIRST MONDAY in NOVEMBER NEXT, at Edgefield C. II . the ASSIGNED ESTATE OF SAMES MURRELL, Bankrupt, consisting of ONE HOUSE AND LOT OF LAND Situate and lying in tho Corporate limits cf Edgefield VUlago, containing Twenty-Seven tnd-a-hiilf ?: (27J) Arrf?. more or les-, bounaod by lands of *'W. .1. Re''ly. E-"q . Lewis Co var and others. Anil also, the ''!.?f> iii Action, eontafned in c: i l B.'it.krupt'j Scot mi . .? the hi^ocst tddder /..rOASH. r PtireJi i?er.? :o ; ;.;>. for Pa; -.r.- and Stamps Estral SAMUEL SEA SE, Assignee. Oct 8,_4to 12 ry ASSIBSEE'S SALE. IN BANKRUPTCY. In Thc Mutter of THOMAS S MILLER, Bankrupt SN Pnrfuanca of nn Order from H Ceo. S. Bryao. Judge o! the U S Di r:.-t Cour?rf?r Sooth*CHrotina. h i ! ? r . .?. : t-. sdi ?t ibe rcsi dence ot THOMA-- S. 31 ILL Kl;. BpukrupU on WEDNESDAY, tho 3d NOVEMBER NEXT, all the PERSONAL KSTATK of said Bankrupt. 26?r Ti rms Cosb. W. T. CARY, A-signen. Oct.'J _:j.t 42 ASSIGNEE'S SALE. IX BANKitlTPTCY. In the -liutter of WILSON' ABNEY, Bankrupt. BY :*n Order from Judge Bryan, I will pr <.<.? ] to -ell at t'ic la*.? restrlenc of WILSON" ' \ ?5NEY. - i". n TH URSDAT, tho 4:h NOVri -' E? SEXT. all tho PERSONAL ES TATE of said Bmtcrupt IKKMS CASH. A. P. WEST, AssigDoe. Oct. 12 4* * 42 J Sheriff's Sale. Wm. Shear. ) vs. Y Fi. Fa. Sarnu;:l Cir.rk, j Otiicr ?: intUTs ) Tho Same. J BY Vii lue of a Wri? of Fi Fa t<- mc ^irn-turl, in i he above aratod case, I wi'.] proceed to sell at Edgcftcld CU.. "n tho first Monday ir. Novem ber next, tho following property of '.Lo De fendant, lo wit : (Jae Tract of Land, known as the ??ct'y Tract, containing Ono Hundred and Seventy, swen (177) Acre*, inor?- or !c?s. swampland, ???ai: ded bj biio'.? of .K.-i.ut of J. II. Hammond, doc'-!., an i Albert Ruin h .. 'Viraci >'<>. 2, containing Tan Iluo?rod and Forty twi !-';*-'.) Aries, uiu.e ?r lc-.--. ! ??li and low grounds, 1 eui Jed by bindii cf Mrs. 21. A. Mills nnd Thoma? Whatley, Ihr? ?iles fr? in Sand Bar Ferry, and known aa thc Myer's Place.. Tract No. o, containing Seventy-Seven (77) Aeres, more or less, swamp land, adjoining lands of Aimer W. Atkinson. James P-mtur and Samuel Clarke, known as thc 0 d Neal Place. Tract Nt?. 4, c naming Twenty Ei.-ht (2S) ? Acre?;-in-ire or h s?; Mghiar.d, Vnghfo! Samuel ! Snirzir/eger, nnd adjoining -the Homestead Tract j of 212 Ams. . , , \ Tract No. 5, contnin?rig On? Hundred and fSix'll'!6) Acree, more or less, i ijtb land, --.i-h !>.?..: ii.g nd Out iiou-'-s. ?dj iring land of Dr. il K C?ok, Sam-.i'l Clarke and .?ibera, rorinerjy ] owned by Air-- Sarah Ar.iis. and a recent ccu l pied l?y A. W. Aikiuson. j Tract No. 6, containing Thirty Four (?.4) I \cr?s. more or less, high laud, known ns the I Paraotioge Place. i:u?l al i-ic.-t.it occupied hy J. [ f. itariifg. --ALSO? I Tko infireit of tire above Defendant in fte fob ,'nw?! /.| r. i? rty, '.??t : * LANDS L-l nj?ihg th- late SAMUEL I'LA lt Ii E. ii? Retch Llniid, S.C., ihhcrited.bj his liecuased wife: I 1S1 Acres, more or Ics*,?higb lands, in the I !1 in s?;d Piare, with Ilse tw? story Dwelling j and Ou: Hous>8.. Acn s{ mj re i r 1?ndj sining Estate of j Doer. Braflihr-l's lamb bounded by fhe it iver. 100 A eves? wore or lis?, a??joiuirig the above Traci :.n Xl. lil. T. N.lundy; . J ]0> Y Virtue of a Writ of Fi Fa to mc directed Sa^D in tho above vt - ted case, I will proceed to sell at Edgclield C. Ti., on tho first Monday in November next, thc following property of thc Defendant, to wit : ONE TRACT OF. LA Nf?, coniairrfn-Six Hunr ..rt--! atol Scve?i".?f?70)> Acr? s. mo'o < r le-s, I j iiHiig lands of J:.ine? p. Will.-, Dc: j. W. Mays, and othcii. ONE OT ?ER TRACT, containing Three linn* drcd and Eorly-itveii (347) Air?. ni-.:-. <-r ICM*. adjoining lauds of John !i. \Vi?e, James A. (Jr-y :ind others. AL50, -ANOTHER TRACT, known ai tho PINKY WOODS TRACT, containing two Hun dred and FoTt'y-fiv? (245) Acres, more cr le.-s, adjoining* lpn da of J. hn Raiiuford, thc Estate ol Moses Swrorcrgin, and linds of others. T< rms Cash Title.?'*nd tam: s Extra. JOHN H. MCDEVITT, ;; E.C Oct. 11, -tu A'2 Sheriif 's Sale. State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD COUNTY. IJt I'M OUATE COURT. Mar Ufa (Hiller, ot al, "j Robt. J. Smith, et ux, et al. j BY Virtue of an Order froi. the rrob::tc Judge, in the above cause. I will sell nt the late ros idnneoof V. 1LS0N ABNEY, dee'd., on THU ItS I I? AY. iii?' -*n- dav of Novcwnor next, i!-.<: REAL .-..-J .i i E ?.f Mr.- TA.nitllA A UN KY. dee'd., i ..UM ting ... FOUR Tl: At; I'S OF L vN 0. vi/. : 1st, THE HOMESTEAD, imuiediatciy on Sa luda River, cotitttiniof? ?ight Hundred nod .fccv enty Acres, bounded by ?lid River, .-.rut Ly lundi? ,,|\ WrfJtt?'.?l Oo'.oiimii, LitoUn ur Ibo l,-'ni?- ul tienne' Perry, Wilson Abney and others. This ?.la.-e is finely improved. 2nd, THE MCCARTY TRACT, the residence of Mrs. m. A. Gilder, containing One liuto?rt-.l and Twenty-live Aerea, bounded by lands ol Joseph B-.-rry. Baily Merchant, thc Estate of Lew is Samite and ?ithers. :; i. No. 1 <'t" tho CO LE M IN TR ACT, on thc Vorth M.ic o: the Charleston R.>.i i, containing Two Hundred and Sixty-kix Ancs I..?.lo?! by ar: ls of the E.-tate of Bennet Perry; Lewis S;.m , le an?! . thor'. ?th. N:>. y Of ibo COLEMAN TRACT, ?rn the S-.uth ii?lc of tho Charleston Road, containing Three Hundred and Twenty -ix Acres, hour.dvd bylands of tue Estates t-f Bennet Perry, Lewis Sample and others. S?rs-Plata i-f said Lods will be exhibited on liediiy ?-f Sale. ' TERMS-?Vue i!? Lr.l of thc purchase mon?;y, ard the expense! ?-f this fnit, will be required in . asl". The ba b:i.<-e on a credit ? f ?.ne year with ?ut-.-re.it front ;*nc day of Sale. The credit purihiu lo be secured by thc individual Bond of the pur chasers, and a mortgage ? i the premises. //...'- Sale to take placa :.t I ! o'clock. A. M. Titles arni Stamp. Extra. JOHN ll. McDEViT, 5. E.iC. Oct. ll ?tc .42 ?'..-*- Thc Newbery llfwld will inser' -. ?fire in ! Ibrvrsrd ' .li l? this Office b (ore dav ? I S..le. i tState of Couth Carolina, EDGEFIELD COUNTY, IS PRORATE LOU RT. Geo. M. Shaler and Jane E. "| Shafer, by next friend, ?Petition for Sale vs. !" of Real Estate. B. F. Oozts and wife. J jijY Virtue of an Order from D. L. Turner. ?> Judge of Probate, I will sell at Edgefietd C. H., cn Mondny the Isl day of Novctnl c: next, th?: REAL ESTATE of WM. SHAFER, dee'd., tri vit: ONE TRACT OF LAND cor.inining Three tlundrc'l A?-r-.s, inoi?j ?.; ?c-v. ailj?iu?ig lands ot i lu?. >i? 'i' uiui'.'imr.n, MaliulaSbafer, \V. F. Slreel and others. TERMS OF SALE -Thc Costa of Suit and . .nc-ti.ir.! o! the purchase money to be | aid in Catb. Thc balance on a credit of twelve months, v. ?th interest from day of Sale, to bc securadby Uund nr:?i Mortgage ol tho ] rtmi-r.--.ro >hc Judge of the Probate Court nf said C..uuty. Purchaser pay for Stanrt.s nn?l Papers Extra. JOHN H. .MCDEVITT, S. E. C. Oct f ' 4te 42 State of South Carolina. EDGEFIELD COUNTY, Ut PR ORATE CO UR T. Qcorge M. Shafer and Jane E. "j Shafer, by their next friend ? Pc-it'n for Sale VS. J of Land. B F. Oozts nnd wife. J BY Virtue of an Onlcr frof? D L. Tor -er, Jinlfeo" of Probate C?.uit. I viii s?ll .( E-i^-e :i-'d <'. ll . ?it Monilay, thc 1st day of N \ :\\ ber next, tho BEAL ESTATE-.'f JOHN C.SHAFER, dee'd, tn wit : ONE TRACT OF LAND situate in said Coun ty, containing Two Hundred Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of James Lamb, Simp.-on Mathis and others. TE." MS OF SALE.-Thc C?sts of Suit and one-third cf thc purchase money to !>c . aid iii C i^h. Tho hn'ance on a credit of twelve months, with !. t'jrcst fr. n: day of sale, to l e sceiirc! by 'S o 'i a?. . i Mortgage of tiie prtmi?e'?i to i;V Ju lg" of il? i Pr.;!.at Court nf s.;id Coo- tv Pur . . i. to ? .iv f?r Stamps nnd Papers Extra. JOHN ii. MCDEVITT, E. C. Oct 9, 4to 42 State of South Carolina, ' DGEFIELD-IN EQUITY. Barney M. Lamar and 1 wife ct al. T,-11 r n . r Bill for Partition. Wiley C. (Hover, Ex'or., et al. J .jf-jV Virtu* ..fan Order in thi- case, by His Hon 3L> or J-:?i .- I" uti, I uri!) Boll al K.igcli? .1 C H., ibo tirst M? nd -. io N- \> m ber next, THETKACT OF LAND dtfcri' cd in th?j pleadings, belonging loth? ESTATE OF MRS. ELIZABETH OLA RK, dcc'd.,*situnte", lying and being in said County, containing Two Thousand Acres, more or liss bounded by lands of Durant Glover, Jasper Ram soy, Whit. (Hover ami other-. TEEMS-Ouo half thc purchase money tobo paid in Cash. Thc balance on a credit until tho firs? day of January 1870, with interest fr..m the iii} of .-uh\_lo' bc ic uro I by ti ?Vt orig! ?c of ldc pretnifus. Purchaser* lo pay for Tules and Stat'ips extra. JOHN ii. MCDEVITT, S. E. C. Oct. 9 4te 42 Tobacco and Segars, eFI' ST received n choice lot Chewing TOBACCO and SEUAKc'-Seme very Cheap. 0. L. PENS. Oct, 5 tf 41 ?o No. 1, Park Kow, _AS just returned from New York with tho LARGEST STOCK OF GOOK that has even1 been brought to (his market, and which were .?elected in pcrsm with especial regard to ibo tasto and wants of this community, li- begs ii* friends, and the public generally, before visiting other markets to purdm.se th-ir Full ami Winter Goods, to call find .examine Ins Goods and Prices, ic bought his Goods from the hest'marts in the United States, on the same termsthnt oher Merchants obtain them, andean :\tnl WM tfeli at AllgllUa and Charleston -brices I He lias in Store a large and varied assortment ol' ratl and Winier Dry Gtoda, RICH, RARE AND BEAUTIFUL. rr'ANCV GOODS, . FOTELTJJ^ 600 Pieces English, French and American Prins, A SUPERB ?jTP HANDSOME STOCK. DOMESTIC GOODS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS-, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SRAWLSi BONNET*f MTS, HM! IN BEAUTIFUL ARRAY. ?J Dress Trimmings, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchief Gloves, Hosiery, Yankee Notions, &c., Ladies' Dress Goods. His Stock in this Department embraces every Variety and Qu?T?TyV?aiM ail the Newest Fabricsj and the Richest and Most Superb Designs. He begs an examination of Iiis beautiful array ol' Handsome line of BLACK and COLORED SILKS. SATIN STRIPED POPLINS and TARTAN PLAIDS, Figured, Chene, Mottled and Striped MOHAIR, Plain Black CRETONNE, Fancv Figured French ROBES and PLAIDS, POPLINS, EP1 KG Li NES, DELA i NES, LUSTRES, MERINOES, ARPA CCA, BOMBAZINE. Empress CLOTH, OPERA AND ALL WOOL FLANNELS, Earieston and Domestic GINGHAMS, 600 Pieces BEST CALICOES-French, English and American very cheap, LACES, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS. Swiss, Mull, French and Nainsook MUSLINS-beautiful assortment. EDGINGS and 1NSERT1NGS, CLOAKS. SHAWLS. BEDOUINS, HOODS, NUBIAS, in varictvj COLLARS, GLOVES, 11OSIERY, LADIES and MISSES HATS and BONNETS, newest styles awl very handsome, BALMORAL and H OOP SKIRTS, a large assortment, Ladies UNDERVESTS, CORSETS, &c... White Goods And Domestics. Bleached and Brown SHIRTINGS, - i 8-4, 10-4 and 12-4 SHEETINGS, . ?3 Pillow Case LINENS and COTTONS, JEANS-Brown and Bleached, A PRON GB E( 'K s, ( : EORGIA STRIPES, Beautiful QUILTS and SPREADS, Splendid Bed BLANKETS, OSNABURGS, Bed TICKING, &c., &c. Linens. White and Colored TABLE DAMASK, TABLE NAPKINS, White and Colored, Superior Irish LINEN.-'-all grades, Large lot L. G. HANDKERCHIEFS. TOWELLING, Birds Eye DIAPER, ?Sec. Gents' Goods. A large Stock READY-MADE CLOTHING, all grades, cheapo; lian ever, GENTS'FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS. CASS I MERS, SATTINETS, TWEEDS, Gents' and Boys HATS, &c, &c., &c. > Shoes for the Million, ! The Subscriber has given his SHOE DEPARTMENT unusual atienti?n. and he has on hand GAITERS, BOUTS, SHOES, &c., of every styjTtn?fpality, and at greatly reduced prices. His General Assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY^TI* WARE, CROCKERY, &c., is complete. 0 ' - B^r* Thc public gr??eralfy are earnestly invited to call and look through my Stock. All I ask is an inspection. CHAS. A. CHEATHAM. Oct. 5 lm 41 To Rent. "?T?7"ILL bo Routed at Public ouiury, on MON TT DAT, thc 1st November next, if nor, pri vately Rented pr*viou;!y, the SA LUDA HOUSE, nt prient occupied by Atr. A. A. Ol'vcr. This II??M?O has Sixteen Rooms, and Ten Fireplace.--, and is w !1 ad-ipicd far Hotel purpose.-;. Anj,!jr ut Mr?? a. .v. n<-, KM.V . r Lewis COVJ il 0:t 12 ::- 12 j EXECUTORS' SALE. ?? pursuance of powor and authority in us rest.d, by ibeWil! ol JOSEPH L. TALBERT, j deoasid, wc propose to sell at private salo th? ! PIA STATION bf said deceased on Hur ! L:?bor I Cati:) ojnsis'in/r < f between Seven Hundred and Kehr Hundred Acre* of land, a Ijoining lauds of J I. Cheathasn, lauds of Dan'l Rountrec, lands o fl. .T. Sheppard, A. Bushnell and others. Said Plantation is well improved,havingther? n a comfortable Dwelling, good Um Hi.use nn i ?crew, and other necessary outbuildings in good .epair. Evrcilent well '.>f water. Tho place is very healthy, and well adapted to . thc production of O rain and Cottcrr. TERMS-$20(10 nash : tho balar co in ono nrnl two yenrs, with interest on thc whale.from date, pay a MK annually. Tho purchaser lo give Nott and a Mortgage of thc premisos to secure tho pur. chase money. "SALLTE E TALBERT, ) JOHN T. i'll K VTIIAM, \ Ex'ors JOHN F. TALBERT. j Sept. TS, IS?fl lt 40 Executor's Sale. Wilt b-? sold on SATURDAY, the Ch NO V EMU KR N EX I", at tho residence of thc Undersigned tho Heal and Personal Estate of JEREMIAD S KIOLEE,. dee'd, caiuisting i I 425 Acres of Land, and one lot of F?RST IURE, A.c., Ac. /ESf" Terms runde known on dav ofsn'o. XC. Iv. SK! CL Flt, Ex'or. 0.! 12 3t 12 Sale of Real Estate. IWILL sell nt Edgefield C. H., on the FIRST MONDAY i:i NOVEMBER NEXT, tho LOT OF LAND on which ?ho Jeter Metbodi-t Chimu ls located consist? ug of One and one-hnlf Acres, .situate on the Publie Road, near the residence of Mr. John Rainsford. The House and Lot sold together. Titles good, T?rros Cash. Z. Vf. CARWILE, Auctioneer. Oct 12 ::t 12 Real Estate For Sale. BY Order of the Court of Probate, the ENTIRE LANDS of thc ESTATE OF ELIHUE WIL LIAM S( deceased, situate in Beech Island, in ?dgeQoId County, containing Three Hundred and Ninety Aeres, will be ottered at Private Sale, ur, til MONDAY, the 20th instant, and if not sold by 12 o'clock <>. that day, will ho sold at Publie Outcry, at ibo LOAVER MARKET HOUSE, iu Ol>ClTY OF A l*G USTAj in thc ("State of Geor gia, on thu FIRST TUESDAY INJS'OVEMBER NEXT, between the usual houWof Sale. i l?-t Acres in Woodlandin the nomo stcml Tract, about ono half cleared, anil pro nounced excellent cotton land.' There is a Dwel ling containing Six Koomi, with Stables and out buildings on thc promises. Tim placo is situated about .-even miles fr'in Augusta, and about six teen from Aiken. No healthier or more beautiful si'.t can bo found. >':?r Call ;it my Office, roo Pla!, and go and see tho Land before bidding icir it, ?ir-TERMS CASH. A. D. PICQUET, Adin'r. witb will annexed, O?io over 102, Broad Street, Augusts, Gu. Oct. ll 4to -12 FURNITURE! F?RN1T?M! 0 F PUTT MOTHERS, ( FORMERLY C. \. PLATT A CO.,) 214 Broad street Augusta, (la. XfV TTE HAYE and :TC constancy receiving tho bostassortiaentiof FURNITURE that har ever been in this market. ROSEWOOD PARLOR SUITS MAHOGANY PARLOR SUITS, I CHAMBER AND COTTAGE SUITS * BUIIE.VUS, ?s&o?aa??^ < ?T1I \ [RS. SOFAS, TETE-A-TETE, CENTRE TAR Ii KS, RIDE BOA RDS, KI PENSION TABLES, of nil lengths. Wo pirlicularly call thc attention of purcha sers to ..ur SOLID WALNUT CHAMBEE SUITS for !l?tuty, Durability and Cheapness. ?i>?;v l?ranMf:ictiiri?8?r Department Is stir ii' operation. Special Orders will he nr.iirt'lly attend>d t?. REPAIRS DONE IN ALI IT.^ Bil ANCHES. Upholstering 3>t'j?:i?'?:?;e:;?. HAIR CLOTH, ENAMELED CLOTH REPS, TEH ?IV and SPRINGS, and all aruVlcs suitable fof Manufacturers, ?i ?neb wc < Her a*. Low Pri?es. Window Shades. A largo St ek of WINDOW S II AD LS, of eve rv style an I pattern, fruin the Cheapest te thc Finest, with ?.ll tho New Style Fixtures. Undertaker's Department, Superintended by i comp?tent man COFFINS of all Descriptions and Quality. MKTA?.IC CASES and CASKETS, nf th? in? st. improved stylos, famished al all Hours during the Day or Night. UNDERTAKERS can besupnlicd with T Et I5 i MINGS. Augusta, Jan. 4. ly z WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ^ESTABLISHED 18*50! TUE Subscribers would respectfully inferir. iLe Citizens of Edgefield and surrounding coun try that ho has just relumed from Europe, where he selected with great care an EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT of WATCHES, Of tho best Manufacture, whian ho will utter at lower rates than any Houso in tho City. In addition, will he found a large Stock of fine GOLD JEWELRY, Sot with Diamonds, Rubies, Garnets, Coral. BRIDAL SETS OF PEARL, ?TUPT?AL RINGS, WATCH CHAINS, CHARMS, Ac. SILVER WARE. Also, SOLID SILVER WARB, oouu?stin" of FULL TEA SETS. WAITERS, Ice and Water PITCHERS, CASTORS, P.orrv and Butler DISHES. Cord RECEIVERS, Card nnd Cako BASKETS Cordial STANDS, GOBLETS, CUPS, FORKS*and SPOONS, and everything in tho Silver Ware ?inc. GUXS AXD PISTOLS. Fino Singlo and Double Barrel G UNS, Colt, Smith A Wessen, Remington, Coop?,, Sharp and Derringer PISTOLS, anti many others of tho lntcst invention. Fine CUTLERY, SPECTACLES, WALKING CANES, PORTEMONNAIES, and FANCY OOODSof ever' variety to be found in a first class Jewelry Establishment. Wo would ?viso remind tho public that we heep a Special Establishment for tho REPAIR of ?inc Watches and Jewelry. Ail work entrusted to our caro will he executed promptly, neatly, neaand warranted for ono year. A. PltONTAUT ?fe SON, 103 Broad St., one door below Augusta Hotel, AUGUSTA, GA. Dec 7 ]y so Liq uors. w tr Y ISIIING to retire I fin tho Liquor Branch of my business; I will for the next 30 days, fell a Largo nnd Wcll-Selnctcd Stock of i WHISKIES* BRANMES, WINES, &C., AT NEW YORK COST. Parlies needing will I find it to their interest to give mo a call. TUGS. M. GOLDSBY, 2',)'.) Broad Street, Augusta, fia. 10 tr_ill CHEAP CASH HOUSE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DEY Domestic '9 SSS ?5S??A??> STREET, A-ugusta, Greorgia, S>EO to inform their friends and the public that they are now receiving their [.'ALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS,-selected carefully for the Southern Trade. One of our Firm being permanently located in New York, purchasing exclu sively for PROMPT CASH, from the'leading Manufacturers and Importera, and ittendin** the principal Auction Salo.-; of the Season, our facilities for procuring 3HE?P?AND DESIRABLE GOODS, are unsiupassed. We confidently invite Merchants visiting Augusta, to give our Goods a careful examination in reference boto tb prices and quality, being certain that they will ;omparo favorably with those of any oilier House in the South. Plant-era and families purchasing Goods by the piece will be dealt with liberally. All goods sohl at the closest prices, "and guaranteed to be the same as represented. C-i-'Ihe strictest personal attention paid to the tilling of orders' by Mail or Express; and no eftorts shall be spared, on our part, to give satisfaction in this line. ONE PRICE Off CY ! M?LLARKY BROTHERS, A UG US TA, GEORGIA. A. MULLARKY, 1 J. H. MULLAHKY.J Sept. 28 tf 40 The Great Southern WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS HOUSE ! 3 (OF THE LATE FIR-M OF GRAY & TURLEY,) 242 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA., BEGS to inform his friends of EDGEFIELD'and ADJOINING DISTRICTS, as well as the public generally, that he has now on hand, and is making constant additions, ono of the LARGEST, MOST VARIED, and BEST SELECTED STOCKS of DRY GOODS for the Fall and Winter Trade of 1SG9 that has ever been offered in this market. The Stock will always be found to consist of a full line of ALL GOODS to be met with in a first class Dry Goods House, and I pledge myself that the high reputation the House has attained shall be mere than sustained.' Residing permanently in New York, and purchasing solely from the Manufac turer and Agent? EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, with an Experience Extending over Thirty-live Years in the Dry Goods Marker, as BUYER AND RETAILER. I am confident of being able to dior Goods, both in Styles and at Prices which must in truth compete with any House in the South. An Examination of Stock and Prices by customers must convince them of the truth of what I state. I return my most sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage extended to the Late Firm, and Solicit a continuance ol' the same for myself. CHRISTOPHER GRAY, 242 Broad Street, 2;ul Door Below Masonic Kali, Augusta, Ga. . * OlD~STA*XD OFVRAYc? TURLEY. Sop t. 21 ;:,n ;',9 QM Broad St. OFFER 224 Broad St GREAT BAEG-?IN Ready-Made Clothing, AND GENTS' SUPERB FURNISHING GOODS. Til E Public is well aware of thc SUPERIORITY in STYLE and MAKE of our CLOTIBSftft. And we continue to sell, as we always did, on the OKE PRICE SYSTEM, which guarantees fair dealing to all. A CSO -We keep also a good Stock of _ DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, &c, at our Lower Store, IVS Broad Street, just below Mrs. Frederick's Con fect ioncrv. I. SIMON & BRO., UH &, 224 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Augusta. June S_tf_24_ KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE ! THAT W. C, HEWITT & CO., AT THE BIG SIGN No. 282, Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., IS THE PLACE TO BUY CHEAP. PURE AND UNADULTERATED LIQUORS, SUCH AS Brandies, Whiskies, Elims, Gins, Wines, ALES, PORTERS, BITTERS, $C. In connection witn~cni3 ? no rare u? a- - ... LARGE RECTIFYING AND REFINING ESTABLISHMENT, THE ONLY ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KIND IN THE SOUTHERN STATES, where they Make Nothing but Pure and Unadulterated Liquors. They are also IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN LIQUORS AND SEGARS, To which they would call the attention of the trade. They defy competition, assuring all who will favor them with their patronage, that they will sell cheap er than any House in the South. W. C. HEWITT & CO. HEWITT'S GLOBE HOTEL, Fare Reduced to $3 Pci> Day, One of thc Best Hotels in tlic South. Augusta. May 30 Gm 23 Hi? O F BRANCH, SONS & CO., AUO-USTA, G-^ CniC Business of this House same as*nn Incorporated Bank.) ONEY received on deposit, on which INTEREST will be allowed, depositors having the privilege of cheeking at SIGHT without notice. Wc are-prepared to make advances'to'our customers on approved collaterals. Certificates of Deposit issued ; payable on demand, hearing seven percent, interest, and available in all parts of the country. Collections made everywhere in thc United States, Canadas, and Eurone. Dividends and Coupons promptly collected. Orders faithfully executed for the purchase ur sale of City, State. Railroad, and other Securities. JOS. S. BEA!*, JflO; A. BARNE*, Cashier. Teller. Aug 10 tf 13 ?l?t $?^ix(mx* JBLISIIED EVE?Y WEDNESDAY MOENTNG D Y P. Tl. PXJPcISOE TEE11S OF SUBSCRIPTION. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Tho ADVERTISER ia published rogularly ery WEDNESDAY MORNIKG, at THREE DOL ARS per annum ; ONE DOLLAR and FIFTY ENTS, for Six Months; SEVENTY-FIVE ENTS for Three Months,-altcaytiu advance. 1Z3T~ All papers discontinued at tho expiration : the timo for which they have been paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Advertisements will bo inserted at the rate of NE DOLLAR and FIFTY CENTS per Square LO Minion lines or less,) for the first insertion, nd ONE DOLLAR for each subsequent insertion. JES- A liberal discount will be made to those rishing to advertise by tho year. DARPETMMPETS. RUGS, ?MTSTBINDINGS. WINDOR SHADES. Floor and Table Oil Clothii." WALLPAPERS AND BORDERS, DAMASKS, LACE CURTAIN!!. Cornices, Bands, Pins. PIANO & TABLE COVERS. W E have just opened our FALL SUPPLIES ni the above Goods, embracing the largest assort ment ever offered in this market, which we offer tt as hnv prices as thc same Goods can be purchas ed for in any House South. SS^ The Ci ti-ens of EdgeSeld are invited (o :.ill and examine our Stock. JAS. G. BAILIE & BROTHER, AUGUSTA, GA. Sopt '28_3m_40 CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES PJLANTATION SUPPLIES, Wood and Willow Ware. BOOTS AND SHOES. OuR FULL FALL STOCK of tho above Gooda just received, to which wo invito tba at tention of the citizens of Edgelield. JAS. G. BAILIE & BROTHER, AUGUSTA, GA. Sept 2S_3m 40 J. ffi. Y0UN6BI.00D * GO., . GROCEES, 130 Bread St., Augusta, Geo. CHOICE GROCERIES AND PLANTATION. SUPPLIES GENERALLY at the lowest market Prices. Mr. J. M. YOUNGBLOOD having been sick, and away during the summer months, has re turned, and begs to sea his friends at ?me old stand once mere. Oct 5 41 A. ar. BENSON, WITH W. H. HOWARD & SON, wa?Uflst ami Commi??Mon MERCHANTS! No. 2, WARREN BLOCK, Augusta, Ga. WILL give their personal attention to tho SALE and STORAGE OF COTTON to all who may favor us with their putronago, and make prompt returns of tho same. TERMS-CV. D. JENNINGS, Jr. May ll tf 20 Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta B. 8. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, COLUMBIA, S. C.. October 1, 1S49. ON aud after SUNDAY next, O*ober 3, Pas senger Trains will run os follows: GOING NonT. Leave Augusta, at.6.45 a. m. " Columbia, S. C., at.W-M p. m. Arrive at Charlotte, N. C. 7.10 p. m. COMING SOUTH. Leave Charlotte, N. C., at.....;MJ " Columbia, S.C., at.. Arrive at ^f^^^^S^"' Oct5_ tf_41_ -M?-. ?ow^ii? ii. WHITE'S ENG LISH AND FRENCH BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Re moved to No. 59, West 42d Street, opposite Re servoir Park, New York City. References : Bishop POTTER, New York. Bishop DAVIS, South Carolina. Rev. W. T. BRANTLY, Atlanta, Ga. Prof. HENRY, Smithsonian Institute. flcn. WADE HAMPTON, South Carolina. W. W. CORCORAN, Washington, D C. President MIDDLETON, Charleston College. Prof. DAVIES, New York. Prof. BARTLETT, Wost Point Mil. Academy. W. GILMORE SIMMS, South Carolina. New York, Aug 30 2m 36 GROCESUES FOR THE PEOPLE ! JUST received a fine lot of Fresh and Seasona ble GROCERIES, ic., embracing in part SUGAR, COi'FEE, TEA, SYRUP. MOLASSES, CHEESE, MACCARONI, BACON, LARD, RICE, FLOUR, MEAL, SALT, SOAP, SODA, STARCH, CANDLES, CANDLE STICKS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, NAILS, kc, kc, ?5? For sale at very low profits. rS. H. MANGET. Sept. 29_itV_<0 State of South Carolina. EDGKFIELD DISTRICT, rx rn on ATE co CUT. H'm. J. Holmes and others, "j Wyatt L. X li ol rc cs, W. F. ? Petit'n for Fart'n. Prescott, Adni'rs., and others. J IT appearing to tho satisfaction of tho Court that-Gary and his wife Susan,-Mathis .md his wife Martha, Nancy Barf, ArrnstenJ Burt Wyatt Burt, Alpha Burt and Noppy Burt, Defen dants in the above stated case, aro absent from and reside beyond the limits of this State li j8 Ordered, That they appear and plead, ibswer or Ucoiur to thc petition in this cause, within forty day* from thi^ ?late, ond in default therruf, that the tame bo taken against them pro ani/'est'o D.h. TURNER, J.P.C.E.C Sept 6th, 1869. 6te 38_*