Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, August 19, 1868, Image 3

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' Give Heed, All Concerned. \ . From tho Charlton Mercury, of August Sth, we 'copy a communication the wisdom and propriety of which speak for themselves: TO THE BAR 0 SOUTH CAROLINA. "The revolution of Radical peace" has reached-our'profession. lu-times- past we contributed our share to the elevation of our brethren.- from- the different sections, ot the State, to the merited-distinction of guides and interpreters of the law. We hsfve had no occasion to repent of any choice which we-made, until (in the seemiDg but deceptive" subsidence of the -waters of strife) we lately consented (not without mis giving - and' ?warnmg, too,) to lift into office ohe man (for years a persistent but unsuccess ful candidate) who has betrayed:our people and.his race. . .- : ' The m en who adorned our profession, whose learning .illumined the .jurisprudence of tho . State, and of whose-unsullied purity not.even .the, overthrow-''of tbe, last" hope of-.a ruined, litigant "could- suggest suspicion; have.been ? displaced from the high positions to which they were called, and three individuals (of whom "the betrayer of the people and his race" is chief, and ihe others mere? wayfarers) haye been wafted, ''by Afnc's spicy gales" into" their honoured sea's. . sThe tribunals in which we have been ac enstomed to put our tr?st have" been sup planted. Shall we now subject the interests committed to us to the shallow intelligence and mor? than doubtful honesty of rei ^ga-le* anti' Str?nget ?' Tell-your clients ich, arc these judges',''.*jd of what composition the ju ries who will determino causes ip law and equity. Ba assured, they" will uphold you in refusing to go before them. Tau-, have ii in your :poicer toi constitute a different tribunal, adorned and graced by ca pacity, learniug and virtue. Select'from among \ yourselves i from the judges and lawyers) as many arbitrators aricill be needed fd transad' all t/*e law and equity business of- the State ; and submit your cases to then.. The interests of clients as well as your own s??f-respect for 'bid'that you should practice before the men, who represent the ignorance, squalor aud vices cf negroes and adventurers. There is no difficulty, in your way, in sub stituting arbitrators for these men.. In. New York, without any such necessity as exists Here, those gjeat jurists, Chancellors Kent aad Walworth, were by the bar, made the ?elected referees in the most- important cau ses eouducted Tn that State. With us the MC- J ccssity is imperative. Arbitrators may be se lected at-large, and have'circuits, or the bar of each district may choose a local-arbitrator, and from the whole number select three or more to determine appeals. The compensa tion of these officers can he charged al-a rate to be determined on, as part of the expenses of .litigation. 'A; litlls reflection will satisfy you, that the plan proposed will diminish rather than in crease the cost of litigation. That which otisht to be dune and prompt ly done, is this : Call together the member? of thc "Bar in each district, and lct""rhemsend ta a meeting to be held iu Columbia, in Au gust* br September, oue delegate or inor? (if desirable) io D?VISK A "-LAX, uv which the bu - siiieas of the profession caa be kept aloof wu" - safe from huogrv,- unprincipled and incompe tent persons. ' r* - A MEMBER. Frvitt thc Ciilinitlw J'hoent'x, . Is the RiRht of Sutrra^e Restricted hy the. Constitution of South Caroiinu .lately adopted, f MR.-EDITOI;: I desire lo sr.y a word about '*the legality of thu late dictions for County o lfi oe rs i n't Hi's Strife. TbeCuavuniiou receut ly held in South Carolina, passed ah ordinance to provide fur tho.ratilk-aticiuof tho Coustiui . tioo, and for the election of ccrtaif> -?iiiicirs. Undersection 7 of that ordinance; it is pro vided that a Bjard of Cotninissiont rs app- mi ed byohe 4 th ?action-nf the satn? ordinance, should prescribe regulations :ts to tUe time and places for an election to "e held in each County, within tbicty 'days jilter the rati?c-i tion ot th* Constitution, lor ali County offi cers required l?y the-Constitution, to-bu cJec; cd by the people. The same Section (>f the same t?rcrimmoe, pre-vid?^ that at such eletjf tious, every qualified elector tinder thc pr?vit sions of thia Constitution, may volo for ail officers"to bc elected. The Constitution was ratr?ed-abo?it the middle'of April. About the.2S?h of the same month, .Geaetal Canby, and not the Commissioners- appointed hythe Convention for tho. pur??os?-, ordered an elec tion- for Coubly iiffiee'rs to take place thc "Jd and oj of" Jun". The erection was b/j'd. and "Geh. ?anby libnouucvs the result rn General Orders" Np* 121, dated July. 1, lSCd. Ile de dares that the persons named in said order, received a majority ol'the votes.cast hythe qualified voters of their respective Comities. This may be correct ; but were ull the qu 1; fed voters' under the Stale Constitution, per mitted to cast their votes? We tbiuk not. JLet.us look into the Constitution. du-Ar tide* Viii, Section II, the disqualifying pro viso read* as follows : " Provided that no per squ shall be allowed to vote or hold'office, who fs"bow or her-after may bc disqualified therefor by the Constitution of the United States.". Now, the Constitution ol the Uuited States did* not disqualify any one for holding oSoevQn accuuut of having engaged in the rebejlian, until u very recent date. The Con vention'that framed the State Constitutions, evidently had'?n view the amendment to the Constitution of the United Stales, known a j Article-XIV, which they expected soon to btcom?'a part ol that Constitution, and which Jins just been announced by the Stcretary uf Stat.-, as a part ot the Untied States Constitu tion. The 3d section-of Article XIV, in these words : ' li No person shall be a Senator or Repre v?/tmtffcyve in Congress., or efector of President anuv'*?cerPrej>?dent, or hold any office, civil ?or military, under $B0 United States, or un .?ler any^tit?, yfj?p having previously taken ? a-i oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United Stutts, or'as a member of any State Legislature, or as im -.-MecutiTc ?or judicial i.ffieer of any State, to support the Constitution oj" {be United States, shall have enga^?d in ?tKiinveii.on or rebellion agaiDst the same, pr given did or comfort to. the CUP ?ti'e- I lierait? lt will be observed that thia section does not ahrblge the-rightof suffrage. It only dis qualifies certain persons from holding office. If Ibis uuic?rdinerit had.been adopted by the States when fir?t proposed, noone would have (JreauieJ-tbat it prohibited atiy person from votiner. who was qa??hlied to' exercise the riirht. of suffrage, under thn Constitution, as it was before tiiis amendment beca?ni> a part of it. Now, if we bear in mind that the Slate Con aritution, Section. II, Article VIII, provides ** that "nu perron shall be allowed to vote or hold" .office, who is now., or hereafter may be, disqualified thtrrfor by the Constitution-of the United ' States." " Are we not f J reed to the condusioii, {hat thc right of suffrage is not-abridged by th-: fems of the Constitution of the Stat.;, on account of any participation in th:; rebe.'li m '! Does ir. tieeessariiy.foilo.w-, tliHt because a person is unqualified! Ir in holding dffitc-by Article Xl \'. that he is U\M disqualified front voting? Dy no means" This is a eve for strict construct tom The citizen is entitled to ali the privileges that uti- not taken away in absolute terms, and b??i?-e yveargue that np person is excluded ?rom the-p:ivi!ege of-suffrage in South-Caro lina, on account.of-having engaged in the re l&llipifc The 7th section of he ordinance of the Convention, hdpre quoted, prorides-that r?cry-cfualified elector,-uuder the provisions of thia Coiistituti.m, may vote for 'all officers to be" elected at such - elections, (i. e.,) f>r Countr officers. Was every qualified voter permitted, to vote at the election for -County oflieer?f.-w?red by Gen. Canby ? Unqiies-. riotl?'oly nct" T-heu does it not follow that tbe.-fate'.e?ecti?n.<rfor County officers are UU> pal, and per 'consequence, null ai.d void. The offices- ward'c. ea ted by the .Constitution, and the sauTC'po.wcr (invented With authority by. the-reconstruction laws) that created the Coi.-' stinition.. prescribes the* msmrer in whiv-h these officei: should be fclected-and declared* wh? suo??d vote. It was in pursuance of this ordinarico that: Gen. Canby ordered ihe elec tion for .State officers, members of Congress and members '-of the'.Legislature. . Without ibis ordinance. ' we think- it very doubtful, wTiOher *??i would have ordered any elections TorCouni/ officials. This should have been .done by the Legislatur?, if the ordinance afore said Tras not recognised as a guide. It is cer tainly an anomaly in the history of Constitu tions, for elections for officers, provided by a Constitution, to take place before the Consti tution itself became the fundamental law. Tho Commanding General excluded from voting for these County officers, a large number of, the best and most intelligent citizens.of the Stave, in direct"contravention of the terms of the very ordinance, in-pursuance of which he |.oidered the election to be held. We bold that the rightrof suffrage is not restricted or Abridged by the. Constitution of the State ; and that as' these persons wore wrongfully excluded from the privilege guaranteed to them by-the Constitution',"and by tho ordi nance passed by the Convention to-have it [ratified and'earriad into effect, that the"said elections are-illegal, and therefore void. . NINETY SIX. [Br REQUEST.] Sunday School Songs. 0 NL'Y W AIT I N.Q> , BY REV. ~B: MANLY, JR., i). D'. Only waiting till the shadows Are a little longer grown ; Only waiting till tho glimmer Of the day's last beam h flown ; Till-the night of earth has faded From the heart once full of day ; |. .J?ill-tho stars of heav'n are .breaking Thro' the twilight soft and gray.' CHORUS.-Here we aro waiting, only waiting Till-our timo for rosi shall" come, Working, watching, hopicg, waiting, - Till our Father calls us home. Only waiting till the angels " Open wido th? ?nyslio g?tei At whose threshold I have linger'd," Weary., poor, and desolate. Even now I.hear their footsteps And their.voices Jar away : If they call me, I am waiting, Only waifing to obey. Cuonus.-Hero wo aro waiting, only waiting Till our time fonrest shall come, . Working, watching, hoping, waiting, Till our Father calls us home. MARCHING- ALONG. ? The children are gath'ring from near and front far, The trumpet is sounding the call for the war; The conflict is raging, 'twill be.feaxful and'long : We'll gird on our armor, and be marching along. CUOKU-S. - . Marching along, we arc nfnrching along, Gird on the armor, and be- marching along ; The conflict is raging, 'twill be fearful and long: Then gird.on tho armor und bc marching along. Tbe foe is before us in batde array, But let us not waver nor turn from the way.. 'The Lord is our strength ; bo ibis ever our song : With courage and faith we ?ire marching along. CHORUS-Marching along, ic. We've'listed for life, and will cainp on" thc field; With Christ as our Captain wo never will yield; The " sword of the Spirit," both trusty and strong, We'll hold in ?ur hands os wo're marching along. GHORUS-Marching along, Ac. Thro' oocflVcts and trials Cur crowns wo Taust win, For hore we contend 'gaiust temptation and .sin ; But ono thing a.-sures us, wc cnn not go wrong, Ti fruiting our Saviour, while marching along. CHORUS-Marching along, Jtc. t5>" The y -w York IleruUi, (Radii-a?,7of Tabs day, thinks that Seymour will los elected. But it Uiir.kd iliac thc partie? h;, vc got the wrong men. - Grant ought to be in tho hands of tho Democrat und Seymour the nominee of the Radicile. What next ? ' .: Joseph E. Williams, a Tennessee colored orator, is stumping Alabama for the democracy, OBITUARY." Os the liS'.h Jtity, u?atli again visited us, and took from our midst a lovely child, sun u.f. A'M* UNE and WILLIAM M. WILLIAMS, "aged 3 years ami 11 months. Uur beautiful little WARREN LEE has gone from our sight, Uut,only fur a short while ;>.for s ion we hope tu greet his glorified spirit in a land where, our sorrows will be o'er: We have one more tie to bind us to that bappv home. His is a blessed s at?, ?reed from pain, und triumphing in a blissful ituuioitaiity. Even uow his little voice is raised in ?weetest union with the angelic hosts around the throne of GoM-those sweet seraphic Mraius which linger through eternity. Rest thee, dear chil i, thy rest wili soon be ours. By the ties of nature we can but grieve - For-the loved one who-in death now-sleeps ; A mother's, care,-a- sjiterVpct, "But oh ! how could wc e'er regret/ iVhou we remember the Omnipotent God Who his spirit uow keeps. A FRIENP. For the Advertiser, (.'rand D?mocratie Ratification .Bar becue. The following gentlemen constitute a Commit tee to solicit subscriptions and contributions of j meats, vegetables, ?te., and to make all necessary arrangements for thc Graud Democratic Ratifica tion Barbecue to be given by the District of Edge field, at Edge-field Court House, S. C., on Wed nesday, the 2nd Sept. IStiti, viz : Z. W. Carwile, Chairman, Stuart Harrison, F. L. Smith, C. A. Chcatham, E. W. Seibols, Julius Day, James Hatcher, E. W. Perry, AV. Ti Gary, J. F. Burn?, John" Lake, M. L. Bonbnm,' James Boatwright, A. P. Butler, James A. Lanier, R. G. M. Dunovant, D. C: Tompkins, J. A.Blaud, Lan don Tucker, John F. Burrcss, L- J. Miller, J. B. Holmes, James A. Dovore,-together with the -Pr?sidents of the 'different Democratic Club3 throughout the District It is expected that each member of tho Com-', mitt?e will immediately proceed to solicitiiub scriptions of meats, flour, vegetables and money. The .CummittftO will meet at Edgefield C. H. on Monday", the 24th August, prepared to turn over to tho t-wisurer of the CotnuiUhsc all monies collected, and to report to 'be-Chairman all c-ontibntions of meats, vegetables, flour, Ac, .tc. Members of this Committee, who were not present a? the meeting to-day, will take this as notice of their appointment, and act accordingly. Z. W. CARWILE, Chairs Aug. ::. 1SCS. 3t?2 Religious Notice. Tho Executive Boird nf thc Edgefield Associa tion will meet in thc Baptist. Church, at Edge field C. H., on Saturday before the 5th Sabbath in August- . Thc Union Meeting of the 4th Divinion will be held at tho same time and place. L. R. GWALTNEY. Aug 18 J2t_ 34 Religious'Mee* . Tho Edgefield Baptist Association will hold its next luoetiog witl} the Horn's Creek Churchy J[?? miles South of Edgefield C. H.) commencing on Friday, tba -"I I ? h diiy of September next; aVIO o'clock, A. M., being'Friday b?furtf-tho 2d Sun day in September. W. W. ADAMS, Clerk. A.uir IO . NO'WCE-S40 REwiSil) ! s. rOLEN, from Mr. DA vin MACK, at Dr. J. W. PITTS', six miles.from Chappell'S Depot; on the nicht of the 7th inet., a largo Bay HORSEa?d'V middling fir.cd Sorrel"jVIAItEs Tba florie is about ll years old, with-some grey hairs on each side of his shoulder frjim.marks of the collar,- wUh: a sink in.hi?neck where tho top hamestring work?, and a high l'imp on his wethers; when moving carries bis tail on one side, and his head on a level with his body ; he trots, well, walks with long, swinging walk, and is perfectly gentle. Thc Sorrel Mare is about 13 year* old, wita a small blaze in her face : with a f niall notch in her right upper eye lid; light mane and tail ; round rump and close built, and when.going up to her ?he look's ill, but is perfectly gentle. Twen'y Dollars each will bo paid for the ro covery of the horses, or for information that will leid to getting them. DAVID MACK, Rlchardsonville, "Rdgefiold District, S. C. Aug 13 St* 34 THE TOURNURE 0K f. ADJUSTABLE ISUS?XE Hoopskirt ! JUST OPENED AT JAS. A. GRAY & CO'S., 228 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Augusta, Aug 3 If 32 OPENED THIS WEEJ?, SPANGLED TAsRLATAN, SHEER SWISS MUSLINS, EMBROIEERED SWISS, FRENCH SWISS, DESIRABLE GOODS FOR THE SEASON. JAS. A. GRAY & CO., 228 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Augusta, Aug 3 tf 32 JUST RECEIVED. F INE 10-4 SHEETING, UTICA, Pep er?I and Bates' manufacture. FINE 5-4 QUARTER PILLOW CASE COTTON, Tuscarora uni Watusutta brands. LINEN SHEETINGS AND PILLOW CASE LINENS, very low. ' ? GAUZE FLANNELS, very cheap. JAS. A. GRAY & CO., 228 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Augusta, Aug 3 tf 32 Great Reduction IN Prices! 5 CASES LIGHT AND MEDIUM 'PRINTS, 10 oeuts per yard. CHINTZ BRILLIANTS, reduced. ORGANDIE MUSLINS, reduced, Light colored LENOS, reduced, French MUSLINS, reduced. Solid colored CREPE M A RETS,, reduced. Brown and Grey CHENE SILK POPLIN, re duced. Embroidered Colored CHALIES, reduced. Vj White CREPE MARETZ, reduced. 8-1 Black CREPE MARETZ, reduced. . . | . 8-4 Black BAREGE, reduced. Black Silk GRENADINES, reduced. JAS. A. GRAY & CO,, 228 BnoAD ST., AUGUSTA, Ga.. -July 27 . .; tf '?_].. -rr St. Lanclret?i's ? ilium HF S J HST received and for talc the...follywing va rieties : f YELLOW Rt;TA 15AGA, EARLY FLAT DUTCH, WniTE GLOBE, YELLOW ABERDEEN, WHITE FLAT RED TOP, w .GEORGIA AV INTER. TllOS. W CARWILE, At Sien Goldon Mortnr. July 29 if 31 HAYING been appointed by _tho Manufactu rers; Agent for tho exclusive sale of tho Cotton Plant Cobing Stove For tho Districts of Picket:*, Greenville, Spar tauburg, Liiurens, Abbeville, York, Unico, New. berry, Edgcliold.- GUustcr, Faiilictd, L.-xiugtui?, Richi.md, Or.icgobiug aud Kershaw, T would.re spectfully inform tao citizens of thc above; named Districts that I will keep on kind's large supply .f these STOVES, whr.h l. will sell ut low prices for cash only. ', ... \ Wholesale dealers supplied at a libernl discount. A. PALMER, COLI'MSIA, S. C. - July-27 . -- i -2t il Stolen and Reward. FROM the subscriber bo the 12th inst., a light iron Grey MARE, ?nnik'.-d :,s follows : A small collar soar on point of each shoulder,-right hind foot whito fiom fetlock joint down?-a little white on tho other hind foot. I will give ?if tj doll-i rs for' thief and horse, or twenty-five for horse alone. , N. A. WHETSTONE, Or.angeburg. C U., Aug. IS . 2t .'34 Valuable Soap Recipe. THOSE wishing to have well-washed Clothes will save time a?d expense by calling an, or ad dressing the undersigned. This Soap ia unri valled :as to cheapness and utility. Price' bf Recipe, $1,0.0". \Mns. EMMA M. KEARSEY, ACT. ! Edgcfiold, S. C., Aug 18 2t , -Notice to Debtors. JAMES B. SULLIVAN, of Rome. Ga., hav. ?ag placed all his NOTES and ACCOUNTS in uiy liittids for collocriun, all porsuns indebted io him will call ar.u ?ettie, or make satisfactory arrangements, by .'hearst Monday in September. J. L. ADDISON, Atty, in Fact. Aug 18 ' 2t ._ ?4-, NOTICE. ALL Per.-nns indebted tb tho Estate of Dr. R. ? ?.BRADFORD, dee'd.,- are rcquest-.d-to make curly p?) meut; .and uti parties hnvtngany.claims whatever against said deceased, either od his own account, ?'r as ?urcty, aro notified, to pu-sent the iuaii tb ind forthwith. Ct G. TUTT, Ex'or. .Aug 11 . 3m* 33 Strayed or Stolen, PROM my Pasture, on Thursday nttfht.-fh'c 6th iust., a small sized BAY MARE,, in' good order, lw.il! girna liberal reword for thc lodg ment bf the Tliicf nt Edgcfield C. H., or the Mare ut my house, five miles North of Meeting Street, in Edgofield District. JOICY BRYAN. Aug.il,, ::' , 4t .' . r|3 TU E.Subscriber will offer at public-salo, on the ifremijes, on (lie FIRST MONDAY in September text, thc PLANTATION 'formerly awned 'by J. Y. L. PARTLOW,.in Edgefield Dis trict, known as the MILL TRACT, INCLUDING.THE MILL, STOCK AND SUP-. PLIES"on-tho PJace', .with the CROP. MISS BELLE PARTLOW. . Aug 10. 4-. 3S, ROSA? A?iIS Purifies the Blood. For Salo by Drug-gists Everywhere. Estray Sheep, WniCH the owner can rocovcr by proving property, and paying for this advertiss incnt. Apply at this Office. July 23 3t 31 RIGHT KIND OF MANURE FOR TURNIPS AND WHEAT ! PURE FLOUR OF RAW BOWE. A LL BONE AND NOTHING ELSE BUT 3L BONE,-for sale by J. SIBLEY & SONS, Agts. No 6, Warren Block, AUGUSTA, GA. Aug 10 3t 33 Sheriff's Sale. . Bland, etal, Ex'or., 1 for C. Lowery, ? Fi Fa. S. Johnson and wife Harriet E. BY virtue of a Writ of Fi Fa to me directed, in tho above stated case, I ? will proceed to sell at Edgefield C. H., on tho first Monday in Septomber next, the following property, to wit: ONE TRACT OF LAND, containing Two Hun dred and Seventy (270) Acres, moreorleBS, known as tho Egypt Place, adjoining lands of F. W. Pic kc ns, Estate of R. J. Burton, deo'd., H. B. Gallman and others. -, Ternis Cash. ISAAC BOLES, S. E. D. Aug. 13th 18C8. 3te 34r Sherifi^^SaleT Bonj. Roper, T. C., "j E. Z. Bossey, Ad'or. of tho Es'tato [ TaX Ex* of Emor'son Bas?ey', deo'd. "**"J BY virtue of an Execution in tho above stated case to me directed, I will proceed to sell at Edgefield C. H., on tho first Monday in Sept. next, the following j roperty, to wit: ONE TRACT OF LAND containing Four.. Hundred and Forty (40) Acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of John Archer, Joseph Hussey ] and A. Sharpton. TRACT NO' TWO, containing Two Hundred and Fifty (250) Acres, moro or less, and bounded. o:i the Norh, South and West by lands of ?. Sharpton, and on the East by Tract No. 1. Terms Cash. ISAAC BOLES, S. E. D. Aug 10 4t 33 Sheriff's Sale. * i Benj.- Roper, T. CY, vs . ?> Tax Ex. John Bauskett. BY virtue of an Execution to me directed,' in the abovo stated cato, I will proceed to sell at Edgefield C. H., on tho first Monday in Sept. next, the following property, to wit: ONE TRACT, OF LAND, containing Three Hundred (MOO) Acres,.?nore or less, u(?joining Mrs. Lucy Butler's lands, known as the Good Spring Tract . \JB ONE TRACT OF LAND known as the Peter Day Tract, containing Four Hundred (400) Acre*, moro or le>?s, udjoining lands of John Bell, A. Hatcher, and others. ONE TRACT, known as the Mill Tract, con-_ tai o i H g Three Thousand Five Hundred Acres, more orJe/?, adjoining lands of Alfred Hatcher,.! 'Dr. C??fj&nd other*. On this Tract there isaI Saw Mill and Grist Mill. ??T Terms Cubb. ISAAC BOLES, S.E.D Aug 10 _4t_:u_ Sheriffs Sale. Ben. Roper, T. C., ") vs I Tux Ex. George W. Dorn. J BY Virtue of an Execution to me directed in tho above stated case, L-will proceed to sell at Edgefield C. H., on the first Munday in Sept. next, the folio wine property, to wit: ONE TRACT OF LAND, containing One Hun dred and Seventy-five Acre?, moro or ?ess, be louring to thu D?fend:mt, und adjoining lands of | Mark Johnson, William Watkins und utners. Terms Cash. ISAAC BOLES, S. E. D. Aug 10 4t 33 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, INEQUITY. Z. W. Carwiie, C. E. E. D., *) vi j- Bill for Foro. John B. Hodges, it al. J 8Y, Yirtu?iiif. on order of Court in thin cause, I will tell at EdgiMiold/Cburt Honse-pn the 9iR Monday in September next, THE HOUSE, AND LOT in thc Village of Edgefield. wherein l>. F. McEwen now reside*, .containing One Aere,'I louvre or JCT.-, udjoining lu?ds -ol' K.J. Min.'!, Mrs. E. Chi i.-tic, ot al. TERMS-Cue-third nf thc pureha<e money and the costs of ??uittO.be paid in Cash. The fe inafriuer on a credit until the lirst day of January I SCI), with interest from tho day of snlu, to he .?.cared by bund with good personal sureties Ti tles extra. Z. W. CARWILE/C. E. E.D. Aug s.__lt_M_ LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! Ti HE UNDERSIGNED, lute- of Edgefield District, und a native of Abbeville District, hav ing pu re h II i ed thc Stuck in" T-rndc of W. A. RAMSAY ? CO.. GROCERS and COMMIS SION MERCHANTS, w..u':d respectfully solicit j a continuance of the patronage, so liberally be stowed upon tht-tn.. He respectfully rcqu:sts.:ho eitjzons of Edge field, Abbeville, und the adjoining Districts who trade in Augusta, to giv-i him a;eaH before pur chasing anything ui bis line of trade elsewhere, ns he llatter.? himself that he will give.them as good bargains, if noU-bpttcr, than they .can ob tain elsewhere in the'city. ? He will keep everything usually found in a WELL STOCKED GROCERY STORE* fct?*Tli-- best WINES, WHISKEY, BRAN-'J DY, GIN, <fca, always on hand, nnd.very cheap. Mr, W. A. RAMSAY may l.e .found, at tho Storo'Vt ?tl times to wait upon cu'slomer.-. J0I1N (*. POUTER, August No. 270 Broud St.-, Au gu s tu, Ca. nsf a, July U*""*' ' ' ' tf 2U lounty T?'mlui$sio?er6,> Notice. NOTICE ?s i. ereby given to ull County Officers, and all'citizens having business with the County Commissioners in reference to the County over which tho County Commissioners havu control, will hcroaftor scad all communications, petition: ? .-.-sr and oilier matter addressed to tho OOiee of Coun ty Commissioners at Hamburg. Also, ull persons retailing Liquors, or intend ing to do so in tho County Of Edgefield, whoso License have.-expired, or those- wishing to procure Liccnso, will apply as'uiual.aithis Office. Those failing to do wilf.be dealt with according to law, FRANK ARNIM, Chair. C. C. July 21 ' . . ' , tf 30 GULLETT'S PATENT STEEL B JETH S H m fi THE ABOVE GIN is superior to any ever used in this country, and bas taken many premiums at Agricultural Fairs in the States of ] Alabama, Mississippi and' Louisiaca. In it groat advantages:aro gained, both in quan tity and quality of staple cleaned, bringing-in price at least'one cent per pound more.than cot ton ginned on the best gins of our country. Wo have on hand pamphlets showing the uverits of this Gin, and giving certificate?'from many of tho largest planter? and cotton factors in tho South, which we will furnish to any plan ter who desires to purchase. Tho G/ULLETT. GIN/can bo seen at our office, corner Reynold and McIntosh streets, Augusta, Goorgja. ^hErcry Gin Warranted. ' ISAAC T. HEARD & .CO., Cotton Factors, Agents. Augusta, June I. ' ' 6m23 To the Public. THE Subscriber is engaged- in 'tho- BLACK SMITH BUSINESS, in all its branches, at the Brick Blacksmith Shop in rear of Park Row. Having Secured tho sorviceB of a good WAGON BUILDER, I nm prepared to'REPAIR ALL WAGONS and BUGGIES sont to my Shop. All work entrusted to my care will he warrantied tb give satisfaction. . Prices reduced to the lowest rates, but ?oras STRICTLY CASn. Mr. A. A. Paul, Gunsmith, may be found at my Shop, ready to work on Guns, Pistols, ito. JOHN MOLOY. Jan 13_ ._tf . 3 Meal! Meal! JUST Received TWENTY" BUSHELS GOOD FRESH MEAL. From this dato, I will keep constantly on hand a good supply of MEAL. ? S. H. MANGET. JAMES G. M.OPFETT, FACTOR, And General Commission and Pro duce Merchant, No. 22, East Bay, Charleston, 8. C. THE Subscriber'offers bia services to the FAR MERS,' PLANTERS sod MERCHANTS of ] Edg?field District, for the SALE and SHIP MENT of PEACHES, APPLES, Ac. Shipments made from any point OD tho South parolina Railroad, near Augusta, on Friday, will be for sale in Ballimore and New Turk on Tues day morning. Freight on Crates 9x16x22. containing one Bushel,, to Charleston, 30 eta":; to Ndw York 00 cfs. Drayoge in Charleston 3.ots per Box. Bromising-strict,and prompt attention., to your interest, I respectfully solicit your patronage. J?S. G. MOFFETAH ^.FL. R - (LATE MorPKTT A BOTCR.) Charleston, July 13 . lm29 Turnip Seeds . .,...?. -AT" THE AI?GUSTA SEED STORE, No. 15, Has hing ton Street, TH? 'Subscriber has commenced' to receive bis* Stock of tho -above," comprising a large as sortment- of IM-PORttED -AND AMERICAN SEEDS, tho' fatter grow?f to my order at the North this your. . ' '-'" English -Improve!!WED'S, as'sorte'd/ . Largo White GLOBE, " .Large-White NORFOLK,.' tjr * . Large'WbRe and Yellow FRENCH, - N?w Yellow FINLA-ND, Early YELLOW S-TONE/nnej * " r. HANOVER;?-TANKARD,' Af - Amorican PURPLE TOP; i ? > : . RUTA BAGA, Waites'ETJLrPBEilargo,-' ' .RED or PURPLE TOP STRAPED LEAF, ! .WiHTK FLAT DUTCH, v - ' 'Robinson's GOLDEN BALL, fine, ' WHITE RUTA U.AGA, And others noton?meratod?-" - ? Also, .-the finest-quality of- WINTER AND SP?ING CABBAGE SEED, BESTS, ?e. - - $??)~l will prepay the Postage-- or .Express on all "Sooth ordered, fr nip a ? pound-to. a pou Dd, when the Oa'i h is sen tV ? ... liberal deduction tu Merchants. C. PEBBLE. Augusta, July "23 ?; 20 - Corner Drug Store; AT. Nov 1: -3Park How, . -vt" vr - . 1 SE CMWILE. M HAVE jtrst'recbivad"-a FRESH" SUPPLY of GOODS portaining'to my lino of HmMncsiT'cDri sisting of- ' .Tieman'g'LA'UNDRY -BLUE, ...Hurly's.WORM CANDY, . *i . Essence of JAMA?CA (?INGER, Cottar's '-INSECT 'POWDERS, ' HoStetter'r STOMACH BITTER?, .Hall's SicHiuu- HAIR HEN EWER, ".Spear'* FRUIT PRESERVING SOLUTION, '" Mrs. Window's SOOTHING SYRUP, Radwar's READY RELIEF, 1 ' . '? .-.MUSTANG LINIMENT, Effervescing SoL CITRATE MAGNESIA, PHILOTOKEN, or FEMALE'S FRIEND, ? Aj-er's CHERRY PECTORAL, ' " Sylvester's-BENZINE, or STAIN'REMOVER -Beckwith.'* Anti-Dyspeptic PILLS, v . A. 0. Simmons' LIVER MEDICINE, CONGRESS'WATER,. " . CONSTITUTION WATER, Genuine Old PORT WINE,. SHERRY a"d MADEIRA WINE, 2 FR'KNCJf BRANDY,1 Fine Family WHISKEY," Dillinger's yid London Duck GIN,1 V Fresh SETDLIIZ POWDERS, CORN STA lt CH. COOKING-EXTRACTS-Lomon, Orange, Va ? nilla ami Rose, Sulphate QUININE, , . Sulphate MORPHINE.' .Durkee's Coneonimted TOTAS H? NATRONA SAPONIFIER tut making SOAP .Cox's SPARKLING GELATINE, ?tc.. For the Hair. Mrs. Allen.'* ZYLABALSAMUM, Barry'? TR.ICOPllEItUS. EUREKA li AIR IN VIG ORATOR, "Antique HAIR OIL, Bear'* OIL and Creole HAIR OIL, ' PUilocoiui.e.POM A DE, Paro OX MARKOW, Ac. For the Handkerchief. . "LUBTN'S GENUINO EXTRACTS-.ipsorted, BURNETT'S FLORLMh'L, . - - Genuin? BELL COLOGNE* ' NIGHT BLOOMING CEKEUS, ?c. Fancy Arl icios. . nigblv-Perlomod RICE FLOUR for the Toilet ? -Pure LILY VVHITE,- - .. tabbi's TOILET POWDER, ... Piney PU FF. BOX ES, Bain's SHAVING CREA M, ' Mihtarv Snaring SOAP, TOCLET.SOAPS of?5ll kinds; The very best TOOTH BRUSHES, Fiuea.<M?rtment ni HAIRBRUSHES, . , Hat and Clothes BRUSHES,, B^ti?intr CQ?ES, Fine Tooth COMBS, Tooth WASHERS and POWDERS,Ac, --ALS? Conntantly on hand a largo assortment of " LAMPS, L?mn. CHIMNEYS, BURNERS, Ac. PURRKEROSINE OIL, N URSINO BOTTLES/itdprovedatyle, PENS, INK. STATIONERY, Faber's LEAP PENCILS, Ac, kc. **~Ah sold for. the most reasonable price, but STRICTLY CASH. t.'Vv: CARWILE, 1 At Sign Golden Mortar.' ' Juno 23 ' - ir * -tf 26 LADIES, ATTENTION ! ??AV?NG accepted several Agencies, I am prepared to relievo the Ladies almost entirely of the hardships of household busines?, euch os SEEING/. WASHING, MAKING SOAP, CAN DLES, Ac, and to furnish them,-and thc gen'tle men.Svitb GOOD and.USEFUL BOOKS to read at their leisure. .1 have the Com m OH Sense Family Sewing Ma chine, The ONLY SELF GUIDING SEWING MA CHINE IN THE WORLD ! Costs onjy Twenty Dollars; I also h ave a ' Washing Machine, AND Jackson's Universal Washing Com pound, Tho greatest labor savers known, and which ctrip waah-day of its terrors. Tho COMPOUND will remove Palut, Greaso, Stains, " Ac., and cure Chapped Hands, Ac. It is worth five times the coBt of the Righi for-a toilet article alone. Try it, and you will usu nothing cleo.. ARTIFICIAL LIGHT. -The Eureka Illuminating Oil? CHEAP,-CLEAN" and NEAT ! Makes a bril liant Light! Naihnoke! No offensive Smell I No Grease! Not explosivo ! Not dangerous to use like Kerosene ! The Pictorial unday Book, Containing an Account of tho Manners, Rites and Traditions of tho Jews and other Eastern Na tions, Ac The whole explanatory of many por tions of the Old and New Testaments. By Robt. Sears. . THE YOUTH'S OR PEOPLE'S ni8TORY OP THE GREAT CIVIL WAR,- the only History of the War from a D?mocratie stand point. By R. G. Horton. These Books'should be in every house. ES?"Aconta wanted In euch Battalion to assist mo. W. L. PARKS, Agent. Marl? . tf 12 THE FRlDERICISBIJRG -.-?-? EYERY DEPARTMENT IN THE FREDERICKSBURG STORE DAILY REPLENISHED ?Y IEW MI mmm JUST RECEIVED, Another supply o/' Lama Lace POINTS and CIRCULARS. Beautiful DBESS GOODS, ?ri the greyest profusion, New CALICOES,-BRfLLlANTS, PIQUES, TUCKED fclJSLlNS, MARSEILLES and JAO0NETS, MOURNING GOODS of all kinds, ? 'large invoice of French worked INSERTINGS and EDGINGS just '?pened, CLUNY COLLARS, black and white, CLUNY .LACE, 8 4 BEAC K SILK, suitable for shawl*, 8-4 GRENADINE BAREGE and GRENADINES, - " Colored and; B&ok NETS for Veils. Elegant CORSETS, if Best makes. HOOP SKIRTS, GAUZE MERINO UNDERVESTS, ' A large variety of TRIMMINGS and TRIMMING RIBBONS, Full line of HOSIERY and GLOVES, Beautiful assortmenurf FANCY-LINENS,TWEEDS, CA8SIMERS. for Boys and Gents, ' IRISH L1N?NS, TABLE DAMASK, TOWELINGS, MARSEILLES QUILTS, &e., &c. All. are invited lo call and examine. The Stock, to be" appreciated, njust be s?en. We keep-no trashy or?common auction -goods, but every, piece is selected with the greatest care. -Our stock, suited to the wants of COUNTRY MERCH ANTS,, is. unsurpassed in variety, and should be examined by every one making purchases in this market. '?"We buy tit thelbjr?st cash'prices and "sell upon the same terms. V. RICHARDS & BROS?, Corner by the Planters' Hotel, ,May'5 tf Augusta, Ga. -yT . 19 FIRST i? CLOTHING KTO?E? k Me T"0 la a n t Ta iib FS, AND "DEALERS IN ?a 0F3 RMI '# CLtilMilC Gents' Furnishing Goods, 238 Broad Street, Augusta, ??. ARE OFFERING FO? SALE, AT .THE VE?-Y LOWEST PIUCES- FOR GASH, AN EXTENSIVE STOCK ?OF HEW .SPBIJSTG -A-XSTDD S>TJ 3?E A3,', 3 . ,,, - . FOE MEN AND BOYS WEAjfc? , ---ALSO A SELECT ASSOETSBBT SF FURNISHING GOBES, REPLETE WITH ALL THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEA-SON. WE HAVE CHOICE GOODS IN PMC I COATING CA$3itfEftES AND VESTINGS OF THE ~ NEW EST STILES AND PATTERNS* -ALSO The Fiuesj, Brands of Imported BLACK BROADCLOTHS ~. AND BOP->KI* CA**IitIERES, Which we make to order in the MOST FASHIONABLE MANNER and at the LO WEST PK ICES. , All Kinds of Custom Work made in the Best Manner, and Warranted to fit? . tCTWe have GOOD ' BUS?NESS SUITS from *0 to *30. KENNEY & GHAT, 238 Broad Street^ Augusta, Ga. Augusta, Apr1 27 ' 2m - 18 L. C. DUNCAN, Pioprleto*. OPPOSITE NEW TAMMANY HALL, Hth street, , 1V11W TORS CITY. Jane 22 ly 5? T New iPirpU HE Undersigned bavelxhis titi catered into ? Co-Partnerjlrip- in th* GENERAL GBO CERY BUSINESS under The Firm name of CUEATHAM** BRU NS ON. By clo.?e Atten tion to business they hope to merit ohd re<civo a liberal patronage. 0. F. CHEATffAM, W. Kt DRUNSON. June 8th, 1868. J. HE Subscribers^havo now in Store a full sup ply of Goods, which they warrant of the FIRST QUALITY, and which they are offering ai the LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES. Their Stock embrace? io part Bacon SIDES and.SHOULDERS, Choice HAMS-rWy fine, Superior. Leaf LARD, ' Driid BEEF, Smoked TONGUES, . MACKEREL, in Kits and Barrels, 1000 Bushels CORN, FLOUR, CORN MEAL, GRIST, RICE, MA CCA BONI, Canned ?YSTER8, SARDINES., LQBSTBRS PICKLES', SAUCES, Brandied ERUHH?, SPICES of all kindp, RAISONS, CITRON, CURRANTS, Hard and Soff Shen ALMONDS, Sugar, Butter and Soda CRACKERS, Choice WINES and CORDIALS, BEST LIQUORS-in great variety,, Superior PORTER dntf^LE, SUGARS of all grades-a teary Flock, It? Bbl*. SYRUP aod MOLASSES, Java,-Rio and Luguini GOFl'EE, Splendid White Wine aud Apple VINEGAR, Sperm and 7\fliifnantinc CANDLES, STARCH, SOuA^OAP, A No. L Cbew'wtf md Smukibg TOBACCO, SEUARS, SjiL'FF, PIPES, , - CROCKERYj GLASSWARE, TIN WARE, POT W?RE, Gorden HOES, RAKES <tc4'Pe)iM?8.. ' - 8H0VEL8, SPADES, PITCH W&L9, Brade's WEEDING HOES-a splendid article, SCYTHE BLADES-the very best, AME8Jntid TRACE- CHAINE, ' WELL BUCKETS, CHURNS, ic, ?c. J?rTht public aro ia vito J to ?iE and give ?J Stock an examination. C H KA T H AM * B?VNS?N, At Sullivan's Old Stand. '.JuoeS - it;'' 24 XHE Subscriber has now in Store a Stock of SUMMER GOODS, just received from Chorlos ton, which-he will sell at the LOWEST MAR KET PRICE. ' . . ,. A. splondii assortment of CAL?COES-fronr 10 to 20 ct^jper jard: . . . , . LE?OS, MOZAMBlQUES, Eng. BARAUES, A nice Kl of Colored MUSB?No; s , White JACONET, SWISS, NAN500B- and BISHOP LAWN>P?laio, StripedAnd Checked; Ladies' BONNETS, H?TS aad3lSBQX?-J Ladies und Mieses'LISLE GLOVES, ' T Ladies.and Misses' SILK VITTS j ? ' Plaid DOMESTICS, TICEINU aud CHECKS; TWEEDS and CASS ITERES fur Men and Boya wear]' COTTON A DES irnd DEN IM NS, of a!! kin das Pl'ain and Twillod- LINEN for Boys ami -Mcn'd went; . . ,. .m Mori's, ??M?fa and Buys Felt, Wool aid' ?traw HATS ; . Ladies, Mis?es and- Children's SHOES, all kinds ;. . , .' i,^ Men's, You tte and Boys S1J0I2S, all kin.li ; . OROCKE-RY-of all desmans': -Brade's Patent Dlid Crowli HOES ; -- ? Perkins A Son's Patept HOES ; : Griffin's Beit Scythe BLA"DE{j : NAILS, HINGES, LOCKS, ?c. CHOICE GROCERIES, a full ?ad -varied us sorlment. . B. ?. BR?AS, Agent? May. 27 . . ,r- . . Af.. ?__2j}_ All Ready! COME ! MY MILLS art) -now- In floe trim, Vug THOROUGHLY REPAIRED"IN EVERY RARI. and in good condition to promue catira satisfaction te custom ora. * t3r*?)aya for Grinding may he engaged, which will' bo a'convenience to nil concerned, ?^i-Get all the Oats outof Wheat, if penible ; which may. be done by dissolving salt in ?aler uutil it will bear up an c^jg, Theu pour in th? Wheat slowly, ?od all the Oats, imperfect Wheat, and nearly all rho Ghent, ' will float. ' Then'pour into clear water and dry it. Customers aro io v|_t?4 to inspect the man agement of the Mills, and, every part of th? ma chinery for Cleaning and Grinding Gr -MW, janel Tcport ?ny negligence on Cht part- of-et?pwfyfles, and any defaot, any where, bj which they may possibly sustain any lass. , ^ JSTI have concluded to grind Wheat irre spective of tho Ont.- contained th it, a* the atop gonerally is ?" full ?f Oats. * "* ... Rv T. M.D1S. H. J. WEBB, Supcriutcudant. Juiyi Jr r. Best Vinegar and Spices F OK MAttliM? J'Jf K?,J>. J?STreo*?v?d"e 'full supply ?V SPICES Of ALL VARIETIES l?r Pickling "puj^oaea -consisting iu part <iL J3LACK l'El'l'ER, - ALLSPICE, CLOVES, CINNAMON, NUTMEG, GINGER, WHITE Mt START- SEED, MUSTARD, ? . TUMEKIC, MACE, One Bbl. No. 1 VINEGAR. ' For sam at the tntfit reasonable prifes ny THOS. W. CARWJLE, At Sign 0 olden M ort ur. _July U_tf 29 Administrator's Notice. THE Sale Notes of-tb* Estate nf W. .TTWFLKB, dee'd., are in th.? hands of . W. W. A ?A VS, Attorney? who is authorised to compromise the Said Notes at cording to the revised Sale RSI of said Enlato:- All parties who ar?! indebted on tiny euch Note arc .carncstly requested to com.* forward and settle at Lome T. N. LUNDY, Adm'or. June 23 _~_ 2m 27 American Washing Uiupound i THIS COM POUND is considered the Girrtest and Rest .Invention of tht Age, ar.d tia? Housewife's True Friend. Wa?b Boards and Machines aro entirely oat of date, In s ?ead of cunsu min g half to throo quarters of a day in'te dioui wai hinget can all be done in trom One' to Two HonriTritb this WA8HING COMPOUND. It only costs ONE QUARTER .? much aa thc old fashioned'Sopps. Mn. M. C. FULLMER, Frog Level, Newber ry District. 6. C., tfie Agent, will fnrnlsh tht "Family Right" with full instructions, on receipt of $i;oo. Jnlo-0 _tf_2tr> Notice/ ALL Persons having demands against thc Es tate of Mrs. NANCY TALLY, dictf., ar? horeby notified to present them to me Ky Thu re day; the 1st day of Octdh?,,next. ^b*' hwfs'df said deceased are alio notified to meet me. in the Ordinary's Qffice*'pu that day fdr the 'par poa?' ?? having a final settlement on said Estate. A. HOES ON, Admfot July 6 y \ , 3m , 418: " M JUST RE CE IVE D.. f? EW. FLOUR-Granite Mills-in, Three Bbls. LEAF .LARD,- v?ry,?" Two^Hhas. BACON SIDES, . S> TwOBoxet LEMONS", FRESH CANDIES, Five Cases .BROGANS, (ill price?, . B?ST 6M0KING TOBACCO, compririBjEin? ? favorite brands " Emits and Flowers," ,rSo&aj CJpb;"'''Durham,"44c. ' , . -.- + . CBEATHAM A BRUNS?N. Joly _. tf . - -28 Final SeiMe^i?Bt a. LL persons indebted to the Estate of MAB, 2A. SHALL STEILHAM, deVd., Sr? notified to pay th* same forthwith". Tho? hartog clivai against the said Estate w?l-*res?ot them, duly attested, by th? 22d Augnitnext, as tn fb?Ttfiy a Final Battlement on said' Estate will be in th? t Mar. 3 - **. ' ~ 19 More New Goods TITE Subicribcr wot?l.il respectfully ciill tb? ot teiitionnf tho citizens nf'Edgufiifld and vi cinity tn his wdl selected Stock nt Goods, con >i:?tiii^ in part of-. t 'MUSLINS, CALICOES, '. JACONETS, BRILLIANTS, THREAD OF ALL KINDS, ERA IDS AND NOTIONS, Ladies, Misses and'Boy.' SHOES, in great va riety. SUGAR, COFFEE, MEAL, BATHS, TOBACCO, &F/GARS, SPiCES, CANDLES, SOAP; STAR'cn, SALT, TIN \VA RE, CROCKERY, BLACKING, MATCHES, ?c., ko. J Give me a call, mid you will Gnd my'prices an low us tba lowest. ??r Terms strictly Coan. ... . S. H. M ANO ET, Undcr,Mosonic Hall. Apr 28 ._ tf 18 ~- BUIST'S 6EN?INE TURNIP SEED ! JUST received ?, larpe HU pp) v. ^f BUIST'S TURNIP SEED-WARRANTED GENU INE. The as-ortuiont emliraces ' EARLY FLAT" DUTCH, EARLY PURPLE TOP, WHITE GLOBE, YELLOW GLOBE, '.'.?RUTA'B? GA. YELLOW ABERDE2N G L. PENN. July I_tf 27 Nojbioe. ALL Porshns indohied to'the Eitato of f HOS. D. J. HOW LE, doe'd., wijl please make pay ment, and tbnre hiving demands against -aid Es tato will render them in properly attested. Z. TC. CARWILE, Ad'or. JnlT fi ?T 28 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELL) DISTRICT, IN EQUITY. ' Ellen C. Chappell, Adui'x , "1 - vs 1 Bill to Soil 0. J. S: Boom. L>iiids,*&o. John At tawny, et al BY Yir.tuo pf an. Order ot tho ^Court in this, causo, nil and singular thc Creditor? of STANMORE B. CHAPPELL, dee'd, .are-re quired to present and prove their demands.bo tero the Commissi.-uer of this Court, on ur before the 15th- of > August next, or in default thereof they be barred-from all benefit of the Deere* to be pronounced herein: Zi "TC. CAR WI LE, C.E.E.D.. Julyl . 6t 28 Notice. THOSE having olaims against GEORGE Mc. WEYER can have them sectled at 14 prin cipal and interest by immediate application to ff. T. WRIGHT, Att'y. July 8 2t 28 Notice. MR. M. LEBESCHULTZ has placed bis NOTES and ACCOUNTS in our hand* for I collection. All parties interested who will come ! forward will be allowed the most liberal terms of ; compromise. . BUTLER k Y0UMAN6, Attor'vs at Law. Jane 16 lm 26 EDWARD J, EVANS & CO,, .N?KSEKIMEN .FRUITS AND ORNAMENTS TREES, GRAPE VINES, SMALL FRUITS, ORNA MENTAL SHRUBS, IJEDGE PLANTS/AC, for the coining season. i A good ???ortmeat 0CSO.UTHERN APPLES and PEACHES". NEW SEED WHFfAT, SEED POTATOES, Ac., fte. '^"^Descriptive Catalogues mailed to appli cant?. July 14 5m 29 CALICOES ~"~ And* HOMESPUNS. JuST r< ceiv?d a LARGE and BEAUTIFUL Stock of SUMNER GALTCOES, fast colors, and cheap. 25 Pieces BLEACHED HOMESPUN, very sopi-rio*. 2-Baie? BROWN HOMESPUN, of excellent quality, and cheaper titan ever. CHEATHAM & BRO. July8 tf .28 Fresh Supplies. T^E undersigned has just rcoelvas BJ v.k and Green TEAS, vcr fine, * Superior Applo VINEGAR, Twf'Bf-xes Fro?h'.T;K,\?ONS, One Ciiae Old London Dock PORT WINE, A choice variety of EXTRACTS for Han'k'f. TOILET SOAPS, Tarrant'* Soltzor Aperient, INDIA fUOLAGOUUE, au unf*i!in^ remedy lor Forcf-?hd Aguo, Bbollcnb?rfcw'i ANTIDOTE, Sulphate QUININE, CASTOR and TRAIN OIL, ?c., 4c. All of which ?re offered cheap for cash 6. L. BENN. June 16_tf | -25' Eat Poison, WARRANTED TO KILL. For sale hy THOS. W. CAR-WILE, - At Sign Golden Mortar. MarS_ tr_TO .'resflic or Oirbolic Soap!. JUST r*Aeivrd -v rapblj; ol !>*V above P>?lebra ted SOAP, or KB tiri jr Y * Mit?? on Chick ens, and protecting H'.r.n;* frnm P ?eh. Ac. THOS- W CAUWTLE, j , At Sign Gol?)<?n Mortar. July 29 ff 81 SUGAR ! SUGAR ! tJ?ST received FIFTEEN BARRRI.S SUGAR -all gradea-which we are offering at very low figures. CHEA fHAM &BRUNS0N. Joly 8 tf 28