. Ifatal Affray in Augusta. The Augusta Constitutionalist, of the 2Stb, says : Last night, shortly t.fter niue o'clock, a shooting affray occurred in front of Mr. Schnei der's on Jackson-street. A patty of gentle men were on the sidewalk talking rather loudly when a policeman came up and ordered them td be quiet'. From this words ensued. Two officers of the police-Chief Dillon and Lieutenant^ vans-were attracted to the spot by the signal rap of the watchman. Dillon accosted one of the party, Captain Lewis Picquet a one-legged ex-Confederate. Blows and pistol shooting began, and some nine or ten shots were fired, resulting in the serious woun tho. ?hot ranging across, but not affect ing the spine? The injuries to the others are very slight. We have heard several accounts of the origin of the affray, but as there will be an investigation of the affair, we deem it just to -air parties to refrain from reporting them this morning. Capt. Picquet was arrested and lodged in jaih, notwithstanding bail, in any amount, was offered. Capt. P. was unarmed throughout the whole affair. There was much excite ment, but. our citizens behaved with great for bearance, especially*as the version most cur rent of the unfortunate proceeding tended to exon?rale the wounded citizens from any at tempt to violate thc law or to disturb the peace of the city. Capt. Phillip was, at the time he received his injuriespdoingall in his power to quiet the loud talking between Capt. Picquet and Chief Dillou. . The.Augusta Constitutionalist, of the 29tb, says Mr. Red, one of the victims of the late murderous assault in that city, died on Tues day evening. " Negro Violence Threatened in Union District. A committee of the citizens of the town of Unionville, consisting of Dr. W. C. Bennett, R. A. McKnight, John Rodgers, and. Alick Macbeth, lreedueu, have been here on a visit IQ Goy. Scott, (says the Columbia Phonix) in behalf of law aud order. We learn that the committee represented an outrageous state of affairs in their District ; and that informa tion received by'the Governor, from the ne groes themselves, goes to establish tne state ments of the committee. It appears that on Saturday, the 2jth inst, about l.jOO negroes assembled on the plantation .>f Mr. George I LU, contrary to the wishes and remonstrances of this gentleman. Th's is about fourteen miles from Union Court House. . About 500 were armed,"anti were"organized asa military bony. under'"ifeadcrs claiming military titles. - They were also provided with ammunition. The most viol??t and inflammatory harangues were made, and.threats against tue whites were freely indulged in. John Bates, freedman, was called "Majorof Battalion." and read what he claimed were " General Orders," from Gov. Scott. These orders invited the negroes to organize, and piomised arms and, music for them at anearly .day, and eucouraged,preparations or a milita ry character on tie,part of the negroes. This man.had visited Gov. Scott a lbw days before, and he read these "orders" as the orders of the: Governor. This man, John Bates, went on to say that 1 they were to meet irr Union village, on the fol lowing Saturday, the 1st of August, and he formally ordered Iiis forces to assemble at that time and place. The committee further stated that they had been informed and believed that the main object was to rescue from the jail a freedmau there confined for a grave offence. The whites of Uuion feel abie to take care j of-"themselves ; but they desire the peace of the community, desire the law to prevail; and hence they submit the facts of the case for the action of the Governor. We do not know if Governor Scott has taken the.proper measures to put a stop to the violence that the deluded negroes contem plate. Dut we do know that mUita-y organi zations among the negroes are prohibited by tho laws, ar d that, if a collidion should occur, a heavy responsibility will rest, upon Governor Scott. The white people of [Inion have done their duty and shown their disposition to ? commit the subject to the hands of the proper authority. They have acted wisely and promptly to preserve the peace. 12?" A Philadelphia Democrat whoso address is tho Heronry offico, in that city, offers the fol lowing : " lie will name twelve .State?, and will bot $10,000 .on each State, that Seymour will carry them ; ?20,690 that Seymour, if he live?, will be the nest President : $?000 that no Radi cal W'll daro accopt the proposition, and put up the money." Fo#r tho Advertiser. Grand Democratic Ratification Bar becue. Thc following gentlemen constitute a Commit tee to solicit subscriptions and'contributions of mexti, vegetables, ?c., and to make all necessary arrangements for thc Grand Democratic Ratifica tion Barbecue to be given by tho District of Edgc Celd, at*'Etfgefield Court House, S. C., on Wed nesday, th ) 2fld Sept 1S60, viz : Z. W. Carwile, Chairman, Stuart Harrison, F. L. Smitli, CA. Cheatham, H. W. 5cibe!s, Julius D.iy, James Hatcher, E. W. Perry, W. T. Gary, J. F. Dum?, John LakOj M. L. Bonham, J-mes Baatwrightj A. P. Butler, Jumes A. Lanier, R. G. ii. Du rn? vant, D, C. Tompkins, J. A.Blaud, Lan dan Tucker, John F. Burress, L. J. Miller, ^J. B. Holme*, James "A. Devore,- together with thc Presider.'s of the different Democratic Clubs thryugbc ut the District. It is expected tbtft each member of thc Com mittee will immediately proceed to solicit sub scriptions of meats, flour, vegetables and moupy. The Committee will meet nt Ed?efield C. II. on Monday, the 2 (th August, prepared to turn over to the treasurer of the Co:nmitt-:e all monies collected, and to report to tho Chairman all contibutions of moa'-. vegetales, flour, Ac,'.Vc. Members ' of this. Committee, who were not present.ai tbt-meeting tooday, will take this as notice of their appointment, aid act accordingly. . Z.--W. 6ARWILE, Chair. Aug.::. if& 3t?.2 OBI TU A RY.' ~_~ DKTtirrr.ir M.i< life on th* 20th April, athis residerie in Newberry District, J5. V?'. LINDSEY, in tile t&h year ot his :i?*c. The fl^cea-c 1 wa- a ?Irscetid.tnt from ancestors who bn11Mil nSWy for tie Independency of Amcri?a.'-'-in the revolutionary wir. Few men vr.-re ni'-re'hifriily esteemed by their neighbors. II? possessed.ninny noble traites : strictly hopc-st with his fellow-men, he ever presented a crystal like character to the" world, and scorned, with undisguised abhorrence, every pha of thc Favorite Buffalo brand Black ALPACAS, unc?iu;illed in elegance of color and texture. 5 Cartoon. WHITE BONNET RIBBONS, 50 per cent, less than original value. JAS. A. GR AV & CO., 22S Broad Street. AUGUSTA, GA. July 27 If ?I Assistant Assessor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby giv.-u that I will altend.at the following named places for thc purpose a: receiving tho Returns of the Internal Revenue Tux for the year lSti", vir : Bodic's eu Monday, 10th Aucust. Coopcrmlle on Tuesday, 11th. Mt. Willing on Wednesday, 12th. Mrs. Rinehart's on Thursday, 13th. RiebardsunviUe on Frilay and Saturday, 14:h and ljth. All persons arc required to make Returns. lt. A. MILLER, Asst. Assessor 17th Div., 3d Dist. S. C. .Aug 4 lt 32 T Dry Hides Wanted. HE hizhest market price paid for good DRY HIDES. W. D. lt A ME Y. Julv 21 tf 30 Bread! Bread! Bread! Shave just received DREW'S YEAST or BAK ING POWDERS-the Best ever made. For iule vory low by. THOS. AV. CARWILE, At Sign Golden Mortar. April 1 tf 14 Purifies the Blood. For Salo by Druggists Everj-Tt-Uerc. Tax Notice. ALL Persons engaged in Merchandize, Manu facturing, or Distilling Spirituous Liquors, will make their Returns for-the Quarter ending 30th June, IfifiS, forthwith, either to. mc or my Agent Maj. Z. W. Carwile, at this p!oce. Those neglecting .will'bc Hablo to uouble tax. BENJ. ROPER, T. C.E.D. July 27 ' St 31 ~A.t The FREDERICKSBURG STORE, Ti HE Snbscrilier begs leave to remind his friends throughout Edgelield District, that he is still nt th? famous FRER1CKSBURO STORE Augusto, Ga., on the Corner below the Planters Hotel, where be is ever- ready to welComo them, and exhibit to them ALL KINDS AND QUALI TIES of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, nnd to offer , them the MOST ADVANTAGEOUS BARGAINS. Ile will consider it a privilege at all times to see and serve his Edgefiold friends at the Frcdo ricksburg Store. GEORGE TONEY. Augusta, Apr 13 3m ' 1G TO MILL OWNERS.. -0 FRENCH R?RR, ?S.0PUS & COLOGNE MtLL STONES, BOLTS RS CLOTHS, ' < SMUT MACIil?VES AND'-ALL KINDS OF Mill Furnishing Ware FOR SALK A T THE LOWEST CASU PRICE, By . . . WAI. BRENNER, ?07 Brood Sirreot, AUGUSTA, GEjORGlA; Augusta,-Jan 13 th dav of July. I SUS. Z. W. CARWILE, Assignee. July 21 3t 30 Assignee's Notice of Appointment. tn thc D ht ri et Court of the United Stales, for thc District tf South Carolina.-ls BANKRUPTCY. IN THU .MATTER OF WILLIAM T. BUTLER, BANKRUPT. To Whom ii may Concern : T'lIE Undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment aw As.-igiieu of the Estate of WILLIAM P. BUTLER, of Edgeficld District, in said District, wno has been adjudged a Bank rupt upon bis own petition, by Henry Summer, Esq., Register In the Court of Bankruptcy! Dated at Edgeficld C. H., tho 20th day of July, i-f08. M. C. BUTLER, Assignee. July 21 St 30 Assignee's Notice of Appointment. fit thc District Conti of thc United States, for the Southern District of Georgia.-Ix BANKUUPTCY. IN THE MATTER OF FRANCIS MURRY, BANKRUPT. To Whom it may Concern : rjpl? E Ucdersigncd hereby gives notice of his V .appointment as Assignee of thu Estate of FRANCIS MURRY", of Augusta,in thc County of Richmond and State of Georgia within said Dis trict, who hus been adjudged n Bankrupt upon his uwji petition by the District Court of said Di-trict. Dated Augusta, Georgia, the 11 th day of May, 1S?S. S. D. HEARD, Assignee July 21 St 30 Assignee's Notice of Appointment. I)t thc District Court of the United States for the District of South Carolina,-IN BANKRUPTCY. IN THE MATTER OF D. F. McEWEN, BANK RUPT, To Whom it may Concern : IVIE Undersigned hereby gives notico of bis , appointment as Assignee of the Estate of D. F. SIcBWE?; of Edgefield District, in said Dis trict, and who has been adjudgud a Bankrupt, upon the petition of himself, by lleury Summer, Esq., Register in thc Cour; of Bankruptcy. Dated at Edgelield Court House, the 2 Ith day of July,. 1SG8. Z. W. CARWILE, Assignee. July 28 3t 31 Assignee'* Notice of Appointment. In thc Dixtrict Court of tlc United States for the District of South Carolina,-IN BANKRUPTCY. IN I THE MATTER OF W. T. GOLDING, BANKRUPT, To Whom it may Concern : THE Undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as-Assignee oT the Estate of W. T. GOLDING, of Ed-rtfield District, in said Dis trict, "ind who has been n'tjudgod a Bankrupt, upon the"petition ai himself, by Henry Summer, Esq., Register io the C 'urtof Bankruptcy. Dated at Edgelield Court House tho 21th duy;of July, 1308. Z. W. CARLILE, Assignee. July2S .it 31 Assignee's Notice of Appointment. In the District Courts of the United States, for the District of .South Carolina;-IN BANKRUPTCY* IN THE MATTER OF ALFRED J. HUGHES, BANKRUPT, To Whom it may Concern : THE Undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment us Assignee of tho Estato of ALFRED J. HUGHES, ol Edjrefield District, in said District, and who has been adjudged a Bank rupt, upon thu petition of himself, by Henry Sum mer, Esq'., Register in tho Court ot Bankruptcy. Datod at Ed gt field Court House, the 24th day of July, 1S08. W. T. GARY, Assignee. July 2S_? 31 31 Rice! Rice! JUST received TWO TIERCE CHOICE CAR OLIN AsJt ICE! . CHEA TH AM & BRUNSON. July 21 31 tf To the Public. THE.Subscriber is engaged in tho. BLACK SMITH-BUSINESS, ic all its branches, at the Brick Blacksmith Shop in roar of Park Row. .Having secured tho services of a good WAGON BUILDER, I. am prepared to REPAIR ALL WAGONS and BUGGIES Bent tb my Shop. All work entrusted to my care will bo warranted to give catiffaetion. Prices reduced to the lowest ratos, but terms STRICTLY CASn. . . Mr. A. A. Paul, Gunsmith, mny be found at my Shop, ready to work on Guns, Pistols, ?c. JOHN MOLDY. Jan 13 tf 3 O JUST RECEIVED, NE BARREL FINE SYRUP, Ono Bbl. fine MOLASSES, SUGAR, COFFEE. SALT, BACON and LARD. SOAP, STARCH, SODA. CANDLES, CANDY, CRACKERS, SARDINES, Smoking and Chewing TOBACCO, 4c. S. H. MANGET. July 21 tf 30 NEW SPRING DEY GOODS Great Seduction ! Wi E EEC; TO ANNOUNCE to our Friends and Customers I hut we are in receipt of a VERY LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF GOODS, ombracing 150 PIECES BEST PRINTS, Bleached and Brown SHIRTINGS, Bleached and Brown SHEETINGS, Plain and Striped OSNABURGS. LINENS. - Striped and Figured Brown LINEN DRILL, Brown LINEN DUCK, " White LINEN DUCK, White and Brown Table DAMASK, DOILEYS, TOWELS, CRASH, &o. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. .Beautiful LENOES and MOZAMBIQUES, Handsome CHALLIES and POPLINS, Rich and elegant PIQUETS, TOMATINES, latePt styles, Fashionable Silk GRENADINES,. Beautiful CRAPE MARET, Plain and Figured LAWNS. " Bishop LAWNS. French CAMBRIC, Swiss and Jackonet MUSLINS, Nansook and Mull MUSLINS, White ALPACCA, - _ W ito DELAINES, Block'SILE, a splendid article. Trimmed and Untrimmed HATS, BIBBONS and LACES, EDGINGS and INSERTINGS, # . TRIMMINGS of every variety, 50 Dor.. COAT'S BEST THREAD, GLOVES and HOSIERY, in great variety, HOOP SKIRTS, a tremendous* stock, and at uncommonly lpw prices. FOR THE GENTLEMEN. ? A splendid line of READY-MADE CLOTH ING, cheaper than ever, Elegant CLOTHS and CASSIMERES, Gents' FURNISHING GOODS, full stock, Felt, Fur and Straw HATS at low figures. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY. In Storo a very largo and select stock of La dies, Misses, Gent?, Boys and Children's SHOES, at prices within tho reach of all. Good BROGANS from $1,65 to $2,50. ALSO, On hand a large and well selected stocks of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, TIN WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, SADDLERY, - SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO S?GARS, CONFECTIONERIES, &c. All of which were bought from the largest and. best IIousos in New York prior to the great rise in Cotton, and we propose to sell tbcm as low as thoy can possibly bo bought in'Augusta. r, A. CliEATHAM & BRO. April 14 tf 16 ~HKT TNDJONNETS. THE LATEST STYLES ! AT PRICES UNPARALLELED ! AT MKS. I>. O'CONNOR'S. (Ni LT BELOW JAS. A. GRAY ?fc CO.) AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. STRICT ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. Augusta, July I tf 2< LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! TP ?HE UNDERSIGNED, late of Edgef.eld District, and a native of Abbeville District, hav ing purchased thc Stock iu Trado of W. A. RAMSAY ? CO., GROCERS and COMMIS SION MERCHANTS, would respectfully solicit a continuance of tho patronage so liberally be stowed upon them. Ho respectfully requests the citizens of Edge field, Abbeville, and tho adjoining Districts who trude ia Augusta, to give him ii call befuro pur chasing anything in his lino of trade elsewhere, as he Hatters himself that he will give them us good bargains, if not botter, than they can ob tain elsewhere in tho city. He will keep everything usually to' J in WELL STOCKED GROCERY STORE. trSTThe best WINES, WHISKEY,' BRAN DY, GIN, ic, always on hand, and very cheap. Mr. W- A. RAMSAY may Lo found at the Sture at all times to wait upon customers. JOHN C. PORTER, No. 270 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Augusta, July 14_tf 29 County ?onlIuission3^s, Notice. OTICE is hereby, given to all County Officers, and ail citizens having business M ith tho Cuunty Commissioners in reference to tho County over which tho County Commissioners havo control, will hereafter send all communications, petitions, aud other matter addressed to thc Office of Cuun ty Commissioners at Hamburg. Also, all persons retailing Liquors, or intend ing to do so in thc County of Edgcfield, whuie License have expired, or those wishing to procure License, will apply as.usual at this Ofliee. Thoso failing to do will be doult with according to law. FRANK ARNIM, Chair. C. C. July 21_ tf 30 GULLETT'? PATENT STEEL BRUSH COTTON GINS, THE ABOVE GIN is superior to any ever used in this country, and* has taken many premiums at Agricultural Faire in' thc States of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. In it groat advantugesxaregained, both" in quan tity and quality of staple cloancd, bringiug in price at loust one cent por pound more than cot ton ginned on the best gins of our country. . Wo have, op hand pamphlets showing the merits of this Gin, and giving certificates from many of thc largest planters and. cotton-fictors in the South, which we will furnish to any plan ter who desires to purchase. Tho GULLETT GIN can be soen at our office, cornor Reynold aud McIntosh streets, Augusta, Georgia. ^S0~Every Gin Warranted. ISAAC T. HEARD & CO., Cotton Factors, Agents. Augusta, Juno 1 fun2."J STILL M0R?CONVINC1NG Ti HE BARGAINS TO BE OFFERED at our MESS GOODS COMTEK THIS WEEK HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUALLED BEFORE! GRAY & TURLEY. Augusta, June 10_tf 24 "STOLEN, ON Tuosday night, the Hth inst.,, from my pasture, a medium sized BLACK MARE, heavy mano and tail, mane hanging on tho left side. I will give Fifty Dollars lor tho lodgment of Maro and Thief at Edgefield C. H., or Thirty Dollars fur thc maro alone. MARTIN MCCARTY. July 2C- 2t- :50 ?gr* Orangeburg Now? copy twice and forward account to Ibis Office. " in a Day or Two." WE havo a fow Memorandums in our Draw for Goods purchased, hy parties who prom ised to pay " In a Day or Two." Tho time bas expired-and wo want our money. Come for ward and rcdeom your promises. CHEATHAM & BRO. July 1_tf_27 Meal! Meal! JUST Received TWENTY BUSHELS GOOD FRESH MEAL. From this date, I will keep constantly on hand a good supply of MEAL. S. H. MANGET JAMES G. MOFFETT, And General Commission and Pro duce Merchant, No? 22, East Bay, Charleston, S. C. T. 1 HE Subscriber offers bis services to tho FAR MERS, PLANTERS and MERCHANTS of Edgofield District, for the SALE and SHIP MENT of PEACHES, APPLES, Ac Shipmonts made from any point on the South Carolina Railroad, near Augusta, on Friday, will be for pale in Baltimore and New York on Tues day morning. Freight on Crates 9x1(1x22. containing one Bushel, to Charleston. 8(1 cts.: to Now York CO cts. Drayage in Charleston .*! ets por Box. Promising strict and prompt attention to your interest, I, respectful ly solicit your patronage. JAS. G. MOFFETT, (LATE MOIH'ETT 4 BOYCE.) Charleston, July 13 lm29 Turnip Seeds AT THE AUGUSTA SEED STORE, Ko. 15, Washington Street. THE Subscriber has commenced to receive his Stock of the above, comprising a large as sortment of IMPORTED AND AMERICAN SEEDS, the latter grown to my order at tho North this year. English Improved SWEDE, assorted, Largo'Whito GLOBE. Large White NORFOLK, Large White and Yellow FRENCH, . New Yellow FINLAND, " Early YELLOW STONE, fino, HANOVER or TANKARD, Amorican PURPLE TOP, RUTA BAGA, "Waites' ECLIPSE, largo, RED ofPURPLE TOP STRAPED LEAF, .WHITE FLAT DUTCH, Robinson's GOLDEN BALL, fine, WHITE RUTA BAGA, And others not enumerated. Also, tho finest qualilv 6f WINTER AN? SPRING CABBAGE SEED, BEETS, 4c. #3*1 will prepay tho Postage or Express on all Seeds ordered, from a J pound to a pound, when tho Cash is sent. ?Sfk liberal deduction to Merchants. Gt PEMBLE. Augusta, July S3 6t 2? THE Corner Drug Store, AT No. 1, Park How, T. ?. CARWILE. I H AVE just received a FRESH SUPPLY of GOODS pertaining to my line of business, con sisting of Ticman's LAUNDRY BLUE, Hurry's WORM CANDY, Essence of JAMAICA GINGER, Costar's INSECT POWDERS, Hostettcr'H STOMACH BITTERS, ' Hall's Sicilian HAIR RENEWER, Spear's FRUIT PRESERVING SOLUTION, Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHING SYRUP, Rndwa^'s READY RELIEF, MUSTANG LINIMENT, Effervescing Sol. CITRATE MAGNESIA, PUILOTOKEN, or FEMALE'S FRIEND, Ayo?? CHERRY PECTORAL, Sylvester's BENZINE, or STAIN REMOVER Beckwith'* Anti Dyspeptic PILLS, A. Q Simmons' LIVER MEDICINE, CONGRESS WAT EH, CONSTITUTION WATER, . Genuine Old PORT WINE, SHERRY and MADEIRA WINE, FRENCH BRANDY, Fino Family WHISKEY, - Bininger-'a Old Lintfort Dock GIN, Frosh SEIDLITZ POWDERS, CORN STARCH, COOKING EXTRACTS-Lemon, Orange, Va nilla and R'>so, Sulphato QUININE, Sulpbato MORPHINE, Durkco's Concentrated POTASH, NATRONA SAPONIFIER for making SOAP Cox's SPARKLING GELATINE,4c. For the Hair. Mrs. Allen's ZYLAV.ALSAMUM, Barry'. TRICOP1IERUS, EUKEKA HAIR INVIGORATOR, Antique HAIR OIL, Bear's OIL and Creole HAIR OIL, Philocombe POMADE, Pure OX MARROW, ?c. For (he Handkerchief. LUBIN'S GENUINO EXTRACTS-assorted, BURNETT'S FLORIMEL, Genuin? BELL COLOGNE, NIGHT BLOOMING CEREUS, 4c. . Fancy Articles. Highly Perfumed RICE FLOUR for tho Toilet Pure LILY WHITE, Lubiu's TOILET POWDER, Fancy PUFF BOXES. Bain's SHAVING CHEAM, Military Shaving SOAP; TOILET SOAPS t.f nil kinds, Thc very best TOOTH BRUSHES. Fine assortment of HAIR BRUSHES, Hat and Clothes BRUSHES. Dressing COMBS, Fine Tooth COMBS, Tooth WASHERS and POWDERS, 4c. --ALSO Constantly on hand a large assortment of LAMPS, Lamp CHIMNEYS, BURNERS, 4c. PURE KEROSIN K OIL, NURSING BOTTLES, improved style, PENS, INR, STATIONERY, Faber's LEAD PENCILS, 4c, 4c. >2??*-Al? sold for the most reasonable price, but STRICTLY CASH. - T. W. CARWILE, / At Sign Golden Mortar. June 23 tf 26 LADIES, ATTENTION ! ??AVING accepted several Agencies, I am prepared to rcliove tho Ladies almost entirely of the hardships of bounchold busines?, such as SEWING, WASHING, MAKING SOAP, CAN DLES, 4c., and to furnish thom, and thc gentle men, with GOOD and USEFUL BOOKS to read at their leisure. - I have tho Commott Sense Family Sewing Ma chine, Tho ONLY SELF-GUIDING SEWING MA CHINE IN THE WORLD ! Costs only Twenty Dollars. I also havo a Washing Machine, AND Jackson's Universal Washing Com pound, Tho greatest labor BA vers known, and which strip wash-day of its terrors. The COMPOUND will romovo Paint, Grease, Stains, 4c, and cure Chapped Hands, 4c It is worth fivo times tho cost of tho Right for a toilet article alone. Try it, and yon will use nothing oise. ARTIFICIAL LIGHT. The Eureka Illuminating Oil. CHEAP, CLEAN and NEAT ! Makes a bril liant Light! No Smoko ! No offensivo Smell! No Grease! Not explosive ! Not dangerous to use liko Kerosene ! The Pictorial nnday Book, Coptainlng an Account of tho Manners, Rites and Traditions of tho Jews and other Eastorn Na tions, 4c. Tho whole explanatory of many por tions of the Old and New Testaments. By Robt. Soars. .* THE YOUTH'S OR PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF THE GREAT CIVhL WAR,-'Ibo only History of tho War from a Democratio stand point. By R. G. Horton. Thcso Books should be in overy bouse. ggr Agents wuntod in euch Battalion to assist me. W. L. PARKS, Agent. Mar IC tf 12 EVERY DEPARTMENT IN Tiffi FREDERICKSB?RG STORE DAILY REPLENISHED 111 MEW ill iiMJTRL lins. JUST RECEIVED, Another supply of Lama Lace POINTS and CIRCULARS, Beautiful DBESS GOODS, in the greatest profusion, New CALICOES, BRILLIANTS, PIQUES, TUCKED MUSLINS, MARSEILLES'and JACONETS, MOURNING GOODS of.all kinds, A large invoice of French worked INSERTI'NGS and EDGINGS just opened, CLUNY COLLARS, black and white, CLUNY LACE, 8 i BLACK SILK, suitable for shawls, ? 84 GRENADINE BAREGE and GRENADINES, Colored and Black NETS for Veils. Elegant CORSETS, Best makes HOOP SKIRTS, w GAUZE MERINO UND ER VESTS, A large variety of TRIMMINGS and TRIMMING RIBBONS,'. Full line of HOSIERY and GLOVES, Beautiful assortment of FANCY LINENS', TWEEDS, CASSIMERS, for Boys and Gents, IRISH LINENS. TABLE DAMASK, TOWELINGS,.MARSEILLES QUlLTS,:&e., ?c. AU are invited to call and examine. The Stock, to Jbe appreciated, must be seen. We keep no trashy or common auction gooda, but every piece is "selected with