COLUMBIA, Aprils. I? compliance with a previous call, a gene ral Convention of delegates from tb? several Democratic Clubs "1 this State met last night, at 7 o'clock, in Calisthenic Hall. On motion of Cu!. J. P. Thomas, the Chair man of the Richland delegation, Gen. John S. Preston was called to the Chair, and Messrs. James G. Gibbes and R. C. Shiver requested to act as Secretaries. 0:i motion, the delegates from the several Districts were requested to present their cre dentials to the Chair; which was done. Thc followi;.g gentlemen were unanimously elected officers on the permanent organization ol'the Convention: Presi?.etU-H0?u A. Burt, of Abbeville. Vice iVesiaWs-Gen. Janies Chesnut, Hon. B. E. Perry, Gen. John S. Preston,. Colonel. J. D. Blanding and Simeon Fair. For Secretaries-Messrs. James G. Gibbes and \V. K. Bachtnan. Ou motion, a committee, consisting of Messrs. Pope, Mullins and Jeter, was ap po med to conduct tho President to the chair. The following committee was appointed to prepare business : Messrs. J. P. Thomas, B. F. Perry, W. S. Mullins, J. D. Blanding. Simeon Fair, James Chesnut, Gabriel Cannon, A. M. Fost?r a-;d E. B. Lartigue. A resolution to . refer all propositions in tended for the action of the Convention to thu committee, was adopted. >. : O'.her papers were submittcd;-and without being read, were referred to the Committee on Business. The Convention then adjourned, to meet this day, at 12 m. COLOMBIA, April 4. This body re-assembled at 1U o'clock, yes terday, lion. A. Bart ia the chair. The pro ctedinga were oponed with prayer by Rev. Mr. Young. The journal of "the previous day's proceedings was read and confirmed : (>n- motion of Gea. Preston, tho Presidents and members of Democratic Clubs present, were ?oquCBted to take seats on the floor of the house. On motion, the reporters for the pro3P, were invited to seats. Col. J. P. Thomas, Chairman of the Com mittec of Ten, read the report of tho Com mittee on Business, w!tich after some disens fion, was ad.'pted: W hereas, in the opinion of this Convention, the interests both of oar Stile and our com mon coautry impera;ively demand the union of all good, wi?eand conservative men, uuder the banner of the National Democratic party -a party faithful to tho principles of the Fed eral Constitution, as maintained by the fathers ' of tho Republic ; be it, therefore, Resolved, That the Democratic party of South Carolina do unite wub the National Democratic. party of the country, and hold themselves reidy, uuder the Constitution and law.*, to co-operate with that organization in all principles, and ia all measures, that may be regarded conducive to the interests of the whole couutry and of all classes of the people. Jit sol ned, That the people of this State, in cluding all men prepared to act with the par ty, bo earnestly iuvited to form Democratic clubs in every section of the State. Resolved, That the people of this State be urgently recommended to go to the polls and vote against the Constitution of the radical faction lately promulgated in Charleston, and to vote for good aud true men for all offices within I hoir gift. At the same tim*e in voting for olliccrs under this Constitution, we would put on record our protest against its validity. Resolved, That under the action of the State of South Carolina, heretofore taken, we recognize the colored population of the State as au integral element of the body politic ; an'Vas such, in oerson and property, entitled to a tull and equal protection uuder tue State Constitution and laws. And that as citizens ot South Carolina, we declare our willingness, when we have the power, to grant them, un der proper qualifications as to property and intelligence, the right of suffrage. Resolved, That a committee of five be ap pointed by the Chairman to nominate a State Central Executive Committee, consisting of seven members; a majority of whom shall be res dents at Columbia. Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a Committee of Fiye to nominate to this Con vention suitable persons-two delegates at large and one from each Congressional Dis trict-to represent the Democratic party of this State in the National Democratic Con vention, to be held in the city of New York, on the 4th of July next ; and that the Seato Central Executive Committee be authorized to fill such vacancies as may occur. Resolved, further, That the State Central Executive Committee isHue, through the press, such document:; as be deemed condu cive to the purpo?es proposed by this Conven tion. Before considering this report, it was sug gested that the various papers submitted to the Committee be read to the Convention. Whereupon Gov. Perry, Col. Blanding and Col. Thomas read those papers ; and, on mo tion, they were referred to the Executive Committee, to be reviled and published at the earliest day practicable. These able docu ments, it is believed, will be in print early next week. The report of tho Committee on Business was r^ad by sections. Au animated and in teresting debate ensned. Mr. Aiken objected to tho third section, as indefinite and really inconsistent. Ile was unwilling to vote for officers under an unconstitutional provision. The section he declared impracticable and invalid. Colonel Thomas replied. It was deemed important to insert this section, in order to bring out the strength of the white vote in the State. Bat suggested, that in thua voting, wc enter our protest against the entire pro ceeding. Col. iiken accepted the suggestion, and the following amendment was added; ''But, at thc same time, we enter our solemn protest against its validity." Co!. Aiken objected, that thc fifth resolu tion did not go far enough. Let the colored man know what bc had to expect ; give him something tangible. Add to the resolution, that in due time he shall have partial suffrage. Gen. Chesnut stated that this section caused some debate ia the Committee B^oom. Ile thought the gentleman from Abbeville was right. We should say that the colored man bo made to understand that hereafter he shall have qualified suffrage. He also thought t nat, in military parlance, it would be necessary to accept tho " African auliliary." Hon. B. F. Perry said he believed it was absolutely necessary to the peace and order of society that this class of people who had been elevated, should be permitted to vote. It was important to encourage them, and, be ing encouraged, they would educate them selves and seek to acquire intelligence and property. In Connecticut, two years ago. when thi3 question was submitted to the peo ple, the negroes themselves went forward and voted against universal*suffrage, on the ground that until their colored brethren had acquired intelligence and property, they wore not en titled to exercise the right. The same argu ment addresses itself to a lar/re class of col ored people now. Qualified suffrage was the sifety valve of society in South Carolina, be cause it would make good citizens of intelli gent men ; whereas, if not entitled to the privilege, they might be disturbers of the peace. Besides, the privilege would be exer cised by so few that they could not exercise a controlling influence in elections. He bad entertained these views for many years, and when he went to Washington, President Johnson concurred with biro, and said that if all the Southern States would adopt qua'ified suffrage it would disarm and defect the radi cals of the North. The President likewise wrote to the Governor of Mississippi and urged hina to~employ bis influence in secarfeg qua?fied suffrage in that State. It w*s the right principle-right, because it is the prize which the. colored man bas won, and it can do no harm to society,, it was, therefore, proper, in going before the people of theSfcite, to let the negroes .know distinctly we are wil ling to concede this partial right of suffrage to those who can handle the tool without damaging themselves. Say this to the black man and thousands of votes would be se cured in the coming election, besides doing great good in the preservation of the peace j?od quiet cf society. ft*T I? .~*Col. Thomars {javo his bt-art^tieurrqwrejfr: the opinions expressed by these gentlemen. He favored this idea ever since the emancipa tion of the slaves. He agreed with General Hampton wheu he advocated this measure a year ago, and he agreed with him now. The speaker bad been.? slaveholder; bat he hoped he was a humane and "merciful cue: Meu talk flippantly of the approaching"'* wac of races," but should it come, the speaker would do his part.. Let us accomplish a peace ful solution of. this questionwthe solution compatible with-, th? dignity 'of the ?White race. The question arises, what shaH we do with the 4,000,000 colored people in our midst? In England, Germany and France, difficulties have arisen relative to the right of suffrage by the lower classes. It- is sirggested that the proposed action is inconsistent with the dignity of the white race ; he had faith in the dignity and superiority of tho Anglo Saxon Xftce. Bat while he held,out thejdive branch to the colored man, he would let him understand that he could never govern the South-he should participate. We should be prepared to say to them, " this is our land." ?v. Mullinsthen moved that ? Committee of one from each delegation present be ap pointed to select candidates for the various State offices. The Chairman stated that there vere seve ral papers on his desk, and asked what dispo sition should be made df them. On Mr. Mullin's motion, the papers were referred to the State Central Executive-Com inittee. The different, delegations then submitted their nominations lor persons to recommend suitable State officers : Richland-John S,. Preston; Lexington John H. Counfs ; Sparenburg-G. Cannon ; Lancers-Pr. McSwain; Orangeburg-F. M. Wannamaker ;'. Kershaw-W. L. DePass ; Oolleton-C. C. Henderson; Georgetown F. S. Parker ; York-J. Mason ; -Greenville W. H. Campbell ; Chester-Major Hamilton ; Barnwall-J. Evans; Marion-D. Legget; Abbeville-D. W. Aikeu ; Newberry-S. R. Chapman ; Andersou-P. Earle ; ?Juion-T. B. Jeter; Sumter-T.S. McCants ; Edgtficld -L. Schiller;; Fairfield-W. J. Alston. The delegates retired for the purpose of se lecting candidates. Under the fifth resolution, the Chairman appoiuted the following Committee to nomi nate the State Central Executive Committee : Messrs. Preston, Blauding, Foster, Schiller and Blake. The following committee waa also ap pointed to nominate delegates to ibe Nation al Democratic Convention, to assemble in New York, on the Fourth of July : Messrs. Campbell, Gregg, Vance, Henderson and Woodward. The Convention then took a recess until half-past 7 oxlock p. m. EVENING SESSION. . The Convention re-assemblcd at half-past 7 o'clock. Thc Chairman announced that the first business in order was tLe report of the Committee :o Noruyiate State Officers. Mr., the Chairman of thc Commit tee, reported as follows: For Gowrnor-Roa. W. D. Porter, cf Charleston. For Lieutenant- Governor-Hon. T. C. Per rin, of Abbeville. Secretary of Slate-Samuel Capers. Adjutant and Inspector- General-Col. J. P. Thomas. Treasurer-Wm. Hood. Comptroller-General-S. L. Leaphart. Attorney-General-I. W. Hayne. Superintendent of Education-J. A. Leland. Gen. Preston, from tho Committee to nom inate delegad-es for the State Central Execu tive Commut?e, reported the following: Hampton, J. P. Thomas. F. W. McMaster, Joseph D. Pope, of Richland ; Wm. Shannon, of Kershaw ; S. McGowan, of Abbeville; and Prioleau Hamilton, of Chester. Mr. Gregg, from the Committee to nomi nate delegates to the Democratic Convention in New York, on the Fourth of July, reported : For the State at large-B. F. Perry, James Chesnut ; alternate?, J. A. Inglis, A. P. Al drich. First District-W. S. Mullins ; J. B. Ker shaw, alternate. Second District-Carlos Tracy ; M. L. Bon hara, alternate. Third District-J. S. Preston ; W. B. Stan ley, alternate. Fourth District-A. Burt ; W. D. Simpson, alternate. Gov. Perry moved that the delegations from the different Congressional Districts nomioate members of Cougress, which was agreed to. After consultation, the following nomina- - tions were made : First Congressional District-composed oC the Districts of Lancaster, Chesterfield, Marl boro, Darlington, Marion, Horry, Ger^etown, Williamsburg, Sumter, Clarendon and Ker shaw-J. N. Frierson. 1 Second Congressional District-composed of the Districts of Charleston, Colleton, Beau fort and Barnwell-Johnson Hagood. Tliird Congressional District-composed of Orangeburg, Lexington, Richland, Newberry, EJgefield, Abbeville and Anderson-S. Mc Gowan. Fourth Congressional Distrecl-composed of Oconee, Pickcns, Greonville, Laurens, Spartanburg, Union, York, Chester and Fair fielp-Samuel McAliley. Col. Thomas stated that, as it has been as serted by eminent legal gentlemen that roany, portions of the Charleston Constitution were illegal, he moved that the Hon. A. Burt, Chair man of this Convention, be requested to give his legal opinion on this subject ; which was unanimously agreed to, and the Hon. James Chesnut was requested to take the Chair. Ur. Burt said in substance, that it was his earnest conviction that the Constitution re cently adopted ?3 fatal, to the welfare of both races. It is an imposition. He agreed heart ily with the sentiments expressed here, and addressed himself to the white men and the bjackman. I protest, said the speaker, against that Constitution, because it seeks to destroy our past, our history-every land-mark. Nt? people on this continent can endure tho bur den of taxation that that Convention imposes. All taxation by that instrument is imposed upon real estate aud the sale of merchandize. The taxable property is held by the one race, and the law-making power by the other. Not only the arduous appropriations are paid by the whites, but all others, with the exception of a small tax for educational purposes. With out auy qualification whatever, one class is al lowed to vote, while the other is disfranchis ed. Taxation without representation is ty ranny. Those who do not hold the property, vote and Jiake laws ; while the property ojvners are not allowed to vote for even a con stable. Those who hold office are incited to increase taxation. These voters are not re quired to know a letter of the alphabet. The holders of taxable property in South Carolina will not be able to pay the taxei on that prop erty. If a colored man acquires real estate -the object which he desires-he is placed instantly in thc character of the white man. But by this Constitution, the colored mau will net be able to hold that property three years before it will be taken from him to pay taxes. To those who favor that instrument, I would say that the homestead exeraplton dues not relieve the property from taxes. No judge_ even though he bo from New York. Ohio or Africa-can decide that the homestead bill exempts from former debts ; it is only ex empted from future debts. I think it legiti mate to impute to the Convention the desire to mislead honest people relative to this home stead matter. What the people desire is ex emption from debts contracted on the basis of property which hassjnee been swept away. The Constitution of the United States declares that no State shall pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts. That vaunted homestead law can protect no man from the. payment of any debts contracted prior to its passage* and that ?3 the relief which is needed. The speaker thea referred to that provision of the Constitution wliich annuls all debt? for which slaves wem the consideration. The Chief Justice of the United States has express ed the opinion that they are as binding as other debts, and the Supreme Court will so decide. He also asserted that there are fatal mistakes in the judicial article of the Consti tution, which would work to the injury of both blacks and whites. So cumbersome anu coofiictin * are the details of that Constitution, that we will be crushed by it. Tho impover ished peop?e cannot bear np under iL Every antagonism between the twp raero is incitad byitr -1 calhofon-every white "man end-eve- ! ry colored roan to unite, resist and defeat that Constitution, by every means our oppres sors permit ns to use. It is a duty we owe jto the living tod to the dead. On tho conclusion of this address, a resolur tion was adopted, that .the thanks of. this Con vention 03 tendored to the Hori.- A. Bart, for tho able, lucid and searching anfialyais of that ms.trutue?t' promulgated by thc Conven tion in, "Charleston, and tiiat he be requested to furnish a copy to the'Executive_Co?imit .tee foi publication. Mr. Jeter, seconded by Mr. Cannon, submit ted a resolution, that the District Associations nominate suitable persons as candidates for State officers ; and also appoint speakers to addre*8 the cfriaens, irrespective of'Wlor; besides supervising the ballot-boxes, so as, if possible, to prevent fraud. Which was agreed to. After the adoption of a resolution of thanks to the Chairman, for the faithful discbarge of his duties-to which an eloquent response was made ; the Convection adjourned sine die. Amongst the papers submitted to the Con vention was tho following address to the col ored people of South Carolina. It was af terwards referred to tho State Central Execu tive Committee, with discretion to publish. Ibo Committee has kindly furnished us with a copy : A DO HE SS TO THE COLORED PEOPLE OF SOOTH CAROLINA. ' The Convention of the Democratic party of South Carolina feels it a high and bounden duty to speak to you candidly and earnestly, and with no farther apology than that our in terests are to a certain extent identical. You have been soddenly put in position to exercise certain powers, the abuse of which -may result disastro?sly to you and to ns. It is imposs ible that your present power can en dure, vjiethtr yon use it for good or ill. The white race already out-L-umbers you in the South. Disease has made tbe mortality among you twice what it is among the whites, and the rato is dally increasing. Emigration has carried off thousands of your color to distant Skates, while it already begins to fill their places With whitc5vfrom Europe. Let not your pride, nor yet your pretended fr?en Js, flatter you into tho belief that you ever eau or ever will, for any length of time, govera the whfte men ot the South. The world bas never seen such a spectacle, and Its whole hi-.tory, and especially tb^his tory of your race, gives no ground for the anticipation. Perhaps, however, you expect to attain power by the aid of the radical party at the North. The Almighty, in His wisdom, (perhaps to prevent the amalgamation of the separate races which Hecreatpd and marked,) bas implanted in every human breast a senti ment called the prejudice of race ; and when this feeling is once arou'ed, it is one of the strongest and*most universal passions of our natures. Wheu your race was among us as slaves, this seutiment slumbered, and only a compassion for you influenced every honest heart-those among your masters-to treat you kindly ; tho3e who believed you wronged, to desr? to set you free. When you'were set free, compassion ceased to exist. When undue power was given you by the radical party, (from motives which all men appreciated and despised,) prejudice of race sprang np. The whites of this State endeavored to allay it-here, at least-by inviting you to a course aud a compromise which would have given it.nothing to feed upon. But their efforts resulted in?such an utter failure, that it would be mortifying had it not been a Christian du ty to make the effort. Every step of your political sareer, so far, bxs cul.ivated this prejudice, until it now speaks aloud ia Eng land and is already rapidly changing the politics of the entire North. This is the odium which must soon prove the death of the radical party. It is too strong to bo re 8'8tcd, being the operation of a law of nature. Do you vot see it even in your white radical friends, in spite of their industrious efforts to conceal it, so long as they have use for you ? Is il not apparent, also, in the officers, and even the very private soldiers, of the army whose bayonets still prop up your power, onlv because they are paid to do it.* Do you flatter yourselves that your," Loyal Leagues5' can prevail against it 7 " Blood is thicker than water," and the league which the Al mighty has organized is ono to which there will be no traitors, when once un ?.-sue is fairly made. To repeat, then, as we began: Your pres ent power must surely and soon pass from you. Nothing that it builds will stand, and nothing will remain of it but the prejudices it may create. It is, therefore, a most dan gerous tool that you are handling. Your leaders, both white and black, aro using your votes for nothing but their individual gain. Many-of them you have only known, hereto fore, to despise and mistrust, until command ed by your leagues to v ta for them. Offices and salaries for themselves are the heights of their ambitions ; and so that they make hay while thc sun shines, they care not who ia caught in the storm that follows. Already, they have driven away all capital and credit from thc South ; and while they draw eleven dollars a day, thousands among you are thrown out of employment, and starve simply for lack of work. What few enterprises are on ly the work of Southern men, who have faith that the present state of affairs is but tempo rary. The world does not offer better oppor tunies for the employment of capital than are to be found in the South, but will your radi can friends send their money hero to invest ? Not one dollar. They would just as soon veDture on investments in Hayti or Liberia, as commit their money to the influence of your legislation. Capital has learned to shun it as a deadly plague. We, therefore, urge and warn you, by all the ties of our former relations, still strong and binding in thousands of cases, by a com mon christianity and by the mutual welfare of our two races, whom Providence has thrown together, to beware of the course on which your leadets are urging you, in a blind folly which will surely ruin both you and them. Wodo not pretend to be better friends to your race than we are to ourselves, aud wo only speak where we are not invited because your welfare conc3rns ours. If yon destroy yourselves you injure us, and though but lit tle, compared with the harm you will do yourselves, we would if we could avert the whole dancer. We ?re not ir my condition to make you any promises or io proposo to you any com promises. We can do nothing but await the course of events-but this wo do without tho slightest misgiving or apprehension for our selves. We shall not give op our country, and time will soon restore our control of it. But we earnestly caution you, and beg you in the meanwhile, to beware of the use you make of your temporary power. Remember that your race has nothing to gain and every thing to lose, if you invoko that prejudice ol' race which, since the world was made, has ever driven tho weaker tribe to the wall. Forsake, then, the wicked and stupid men who would involve you in this folly, and mako to yourselves friends and not enemies of the white citizens of South Carolina.-Columbia Phoenix. '-? . ? J. E. BRYANT IN Towy.-On Thusday of last week Capt. Bryant, the base wretch who has been misleading the negroes about Au gusla since the close of the war, came to Athens to nee his colored brethren. He was domiciled at the Newton House, and we learn that a number of the boarders refused to go to tiae fable where he sat. After a meeting at the " Knox College" he was escorted to the hotel by a large crowd of negroes. We learn that he received a communication from certain parties supposed to be of the M Ku Klux Klan," notifying him tbat the feathers were ready and the tar was wt?rm, and if he did not leave by tho first train he would be treated to a suit of clothes by the Knights of that fearful order. He left the next morning. -Banner. E5r* General Hancock, on tho 31st, issued an order assumming command of the Division of the Atlantic, with his headquarters at Washington. The division embraces the Department of the East, tho department of Washington and the Department of the Lakes. jf&- Tho New York Herald has dropped Chief Jostico Chase, tho Democratic nominee for Presi dent^ and gnjtfwtod Ceo. .francis Train. THE" ADVERTISER . .JAMES T. BACON, EDITOR. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 18C8. , =rrz-_.- -: O ur Club Rates. .We are now furnishing tho ADVBRTISER tu Clubs at tko following very low rates : Two CupicS-ono Yo-r, $5.50. Five Copies one Year, - M 5(?.. Ton Copies one Year, ?2.-50. Twenty Copies One Year, ; 40.00. No Clubs receired for a less, period than one year,-and in all cases tho Cash will be required in advance. The names of the entire Club must he sent at one time. Advertiser Agents? The following gentlemen are our authorized Agents, and will receict for all monies for Sub scriptions or Advertisements sent through them : B. W. HARD, Graniteville, 8. C. M. M. PAD? err, Mine Creek, S. 0. CHAS. NICKERSOK, Big Creek, 8. C. Rev. J. P. BOWE. Kirksey's X R'ds, 8. C. JACOB HUIET k BRO. Huiet's Store, 8. C. Quarterly Meeting at Harmony Church. The second Quarterly Meeting for th? Edger field Circuit will be held at Harmony Church, on Saturday and Sunday next. On next Sunday night the Rev. WM. H. Fcxvnrtj, Presiding Elder, will proarh in the Methodist Church of this town. Attend the Political Meetings. See the notice elsewhere of Political Meetings to be held during tho present week at Ridge ?Spring Church, at Hamburg, at Red Bank Church, and at thu place. Attend these meetings by all raeanr, and encourago the freedmen to go with you. Best assured that, under emitting circum stance*, nciiher whites nor blocks can better use theft time! Meeting far the Nomination of Con servative Candidates. Elsewhere in our issue of to-day will be found the proceedings of a Public Meeting held on Mon day last to consider the Debt Question. Also the proceedings of a meeting, held on the same day? to organizo a Democratic Organization throughout Edgefietd District On the adjournment of the last named Meeting, another Meeting was then and there called for the purposo of discu sing the advisability of nomina ting Conservative Candidates to represent the District in the next General Assembly of tho State. Of this Meeting, our honored Represen tative, Dr. JOHN LA. ND nu sr, was made Chairman. H. W. ADDISON, Esq., then moved that a Com mittee be appointed tq nominate such candidates. Hereupon followed considerable discussion con cercing the matter in hand, one or two gentlemen speaking in opposition to such nomination, four or fivo in favor of it. Mr. ADDISON'S motion be ing submitted to tho mooting was unanimously adopted, nod the Chairman proceedod to appoint a nominating Committee of twelve, four from each regiment The nominations made by this Com mittee are as follows. And it behooves ttcry while man in Edge?eli Dittrict to go to the polls on next Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday, and cast his vote in favor of these candidates, and against the negro constitution. ?Af any and every taerifice th it ought to be done ! SENATOR. . H. W. ADDISON. REPR?SENTATIVES. JOHN LAND RUM, J. P. MICKLER, LUKE CULBREATII, GEO. W. NIXON, BEXJ. E. NICHOLSON, A. P. BUTLER, WILLIAM T. GARY. Rome, Ga., Becomes a Gainer at the Expense of Edgefield. Before this number of the Advertiser shall have been issued, our universally beloved fellow citizen, JAMES B. SULLIVAN, Esq., with his re fined and estimable family, will have departed from our midst to set up his rest in Romo, Ga. JAMES B. SULLIVH*, as boy and man, ia*w?11. known throughout the length and breadth of our District. As gentleman, Christian, citizen, friend, his record is fair and spotless. EJgofield deeply bemoans the departure of such a ci ixen, and such a family. And Mr. ROBERT GWALTHET, so highly honor ed and esteemed during his four or five years residence in Edgofield, also pulls up stakes in Beech Island, where he has lived for a year past, and turns his face towards Rome. These gontle tlemen will there enter, together, into the mer cantile business. Most earnestly do we hope God will speed them well ; and that the place which has known them so long, may yet know them again, if even but for a few transient days. Ready and Waiting. Messrs. C. A. & J. II. CHEATHAM. These en terprising young merchants returned from New York a week ago, after spending a fortnight or three wcoks in that wonderful city, selecting their Stock of Goods for the Spring and Summer. During thc week which has elapsed since their arrival, their New Goods have been opened and arranged, their Store hus been repainted and much decorated, they have girded on their armor for the coming campaign, and are now ready and waiting. Not however, that they have much waiting to* do ; for the rush to u Cheatham'i" has been very great for several days past And well may it be so; because their counters and drawers are filled with the loveliest fabrics and most beautiful articles the human eye ever beheld. AU such goods, lately bought by the Messrs. CHEAT HAM, as appertain to the most fashionable and.ele gant female toilettes of the day, wero chosen on on Wednesday 25th of March, the grand " Open ing Day" in New York, when all the very newest fashions and all th? novelties of the season are fur the first time exposed to view. The Messrs. C. waited for this occasion ; and good use did they make of it As regards the gaude toilette, from the gaiter to the hat, their r?pertoire is most unique and unexceptionable. ----? -?.?- ? Who is J. P. Wilson? We notice in the Charleston Courier of Wed nesday, the following paragraph ia relation to J. P. WILSON, an Edgefield man : A FIT SUBJECT ron OUR ALMS.-Many of our readors bavo no doubt passed in our streets lately, a poor cripple, afflicted in the loss of his limbs in a manner so extraordinary as to exoite at once commiseration. He is J. P. WILSON, a native of ] Edgefield, who is so maimed that he cannot go even upon crutches. His present condition is allegod to be the result of injures received in the late war. Ho is anxious to get money enough to take bim to hi* sister, who is living in Johcson County, Texas. The greatest alleviation of his present unhappy condition, will bo to enable him to reach this, his sole remaining relative. We will gladly receive and appropri-.e such contri butions aa may be left at this offico. TUB FUNERAL PROCESSION-The funeral procession yesterday of Ashburn formed in line at the bouse where be was killed, march ed down Oglethorpe street, to tho Presbyte rian Church corner, and then to the Masco gee road, where the body was placed on t" train and carried to Macon where tbo family reside. There was music from two drums and a fife. The pall-bearers were negroes. Only one vehicle followed the hearse-a car riage containing A-hburn'a son, a Jew, Cole man, for whom the son clerks, and two ne groes. An escort of six soldiers of the gar rison, commanded by a corporal, followed. Besides those mentioned there was not a white man in the line. Citizens looked on indif ferently. All Radicals remained ?way. No demonstrations whatever. There wore not exceeding two hundred negroes in the pro cession. Half of these were womon. Of the men we recognized noDe from town. They seemed to be of tho idle, dirty class of rag ged vagabonds-gathered from the purlieus and outskirts of the city. The last section carried a United States flag. Ashburn's in* fluence, which has waned vastly in the last six months, appears to have died with him,; and in a fe* lays he will be forgotten. The 1 day ?ras bright and cbecifol Cwawhsi flBa, ) Vote t Tote t1 Vote fl t FOE THE CONSERVATIVE TICKET, AND AGAINST THE NEGRO CONSTITUTION. ? ~ It will bo reen from our columns that eight of our fellow-citizens have been nominated for the next Legislature. This nomination was made unanimously by the Publie Meeting on Monday last, and ii in accor dance with the expressed wich of the late Demo cratic Convention in Columbia. Tho Nom?neos of the Republican Party have been announced for some days ; and they havo gone?to work to secure their election with all that vigour and energy for which that party has be come famous. We, therefore, urge our feilow-citizons to loy oald* masterly inactivity for the present, and to so organize the different beats in th: District as to bo able to poll their entire vote on tho li, 15 and 16th inst. Oar Democratic allies at the North, in the Great Weft, and in our Bister States of the South, are, and have been for some time, thoroughly organ ized, and ready for the emergency ; and we have not a moment to lose if we hope for success. Above all, let every white voter say frankly and openly to his colored neighbour, we are your best friends, simply because wa ore your natural friend?, beoause we live in the same country, cul tivate the same lands, and hope to abare in thc same usufruct. Do not he deceived by foreigners who have nothing in common with you, but trust to these whom you know tobe your natural friends and allies. Tho Freedmen will sooner or later find thir ad vice to ho true and will be faithful to their own interest in adopting it. But earnest, energetic, honest work is before us, and we sincerely hope oar District will eater upon it with a manly .determination to accomplish the noble task. t -;-? -?>-? Meeting for the Settlement of the Debt. Question. On Monday lott, in response to the call of the Committee appointed, by the Meeting held in the early part of March, to prepare a Report propos ing aome acceptable plan for the settlement of old debts, onr citizens, from all parts of the District, flocked to the Court House. The Meeting was extremely largo in numbers and very earnest in spirit and intent. At the time the Report was submitted, the groat Court Room wu densely thronged. The approval and adop tion of tho Report was most emphatic and unani mous. Below, will be found the proceedings of the m'ecting, as we received them from the Secretary. The meeting was organized by calling Ex-Gov. PICK EN H to the Chair, and appointing J. H. MIKS? Secretary. The Chairman, after succinctly stating what had been done at the previous meeting, read tho following Report of the Committee : COMPROMISE SETTLEMENT OF DEBTS. The Special Committee have had under consid eration the matter submitted to them by the gene ral meeting held Sale-day in March, at the Ma sonic Hall, and beg lcavo to report as follows : According to tho Census, the District of Edge field had in rouud numbers 23,000 slaves. These at a valuation of $500, for which they sold^before the war, would bo el uv un millions five hundred thousand dollars ($11,500,000). This was consid ered safe and stable property, as much so as any thing held in the South, and it was all swept off by the resulta of the war, and the acia of tba gov ernment. Tho whole population went into the war with erthusiasm, and are equally responsible for it We have no data upon which to estimate the capital vested in stocks and money to be loaned out, but there is no just reason why those who held notes or bonds for money, should not loose any thing from the face rf the notes or bonds, and that the whole amount, interest and all, should be paid up, by forced sales, dollar for dollar, while those who owned lund and negroes should be entirely sacrificed by a war, in which all j engaged alike, and for the consequences of which, all should suffer equally. Land has been reduced In value to almost nothing when forced to be sold ?Kb cgdor to pay money bonds, notes and mortgages. The labour that made them valuable hos been abolished, while mort of our taxes are raised upon land, and note and bond holdors are comparative ly but lightly taxed. Now we think it but proper and right that a community thus situated ought, aB just and patriotic men, to come to rome fair ? and equitable compromise by which the settle ment of debts should be made. As neighbors, as fellow-citizens raised up together in all tho walks of life, wo own it to ourselves, to justice, to honor, aftor our terrible calamities, to make a fuir and friendly adjustment of all our debts, and thus set an example to other Districts in our ruined and disheartened State, so they can see that the Dis trict that was amongst the first to lead off io thc j war, as a band of brothers, was the first to show that we are still aband of brothers, and that brave men are always just and magnanimous. We would therefore respectfully recommond to the people of Edgafield District, that all notes, bonds, mortgages orjdebts now held, involving any consideration, or based upon any obligations in curred during the rc cor.: war, from lit Jan. 18G1 to the 1st of M*y 18(15, shall be adjusted and nt tlod upon tho basis of a gold standard at the date of the contract or obligation, and then placed upon an equal footing Kith dtbt? before the tear. We further recommend that all notes, bonds, or monied obligations of any kind made or executed prior to 1Ft January 1861 with interest, shall be reduced to twenty-five cents in the dollar, and paid in currency. We earnestly urge thc general basis of settle ment to be m ado by all our neighbors aud fellow citizens, and whenever it is not agreed to, then we recommend that it be submitted to an arbitration of three or five nun os the parties may agree upon, and the whole matter referred to these for full and final settlemeuL This would relievo us all from the heavy expenses of litigation in oar Courts, and before mixed juries, composed in part of our former slaves. It is well known that the exponse of litigation, under the general distressed condition of our country, will consume in most cases two-thirdi of the debt recovered, and if laud In forced to pay it, that the tale of land now will not pay the other third. Wo therefore think thc compromiso we propose to our fellow-citizena will be better for both credi tor and debtor. As to settlement of debts due by Guardians to Wards, or by Administrators and Executors to widows and miuors, we would respectfully recom mend that all such bo made upon the same bath?, oxcept that an arbitration be made by thirteen good citizens chosen by the parties alternately, and that their settlement be presen tu J to the Court, on petition, praying that the Judge or Chancellor shall confirm the samo. Wo present tho above basis of settlement to our fellow-citizens, and trust that it will be adopted and ratifiod by this meeting as the sentimout of Edgefieli District If generally acted upon and acquiesced in, wa hope it would to some extent, restore confidence and give new stimulus to indus* try, because most of us would then feel that thore was some hope for mpport to be secured, by honeit labor and worthy enterpriie. All of which ii re spectfully submitted. J. A. DEVORE, CHAIBMAJT. F. W. PICKENS, M. FRAZIER, JULIUS BANKS, G. M. YARBROUGH, M. W. CLARY, Til OS. B. REESE, ABRAM JONES, B. C. BRYAN, WILLIAM MOSS, W. L. COLEMAN, Committee of Eleven. The Meeting was then addressed in an able and eloquent appeal by Dr. J. A. DEVORE, in support of the Report The Chairman then submitted the Report for the consideration of the Mooting. It was received with applause and unanimously adopted. On motion, Resolved, That th? Report, together with tho monika cf Dr. J. A. DOT?SE.- bc pub l?sacd tn the Advertiser ; and that thc other pa pera of tho State, and also tho Augusta Constitu tionalist and Chronicle ii Sentinel, bc requested, to copy. P. W. PICKENS, Chairman. J. II. MIKS, Seo'ry. [We regret that our vaut of apace and timo pre cludes our presenting Dr. DE von n's able speech in this issue; but wo will take great pleasure in spreading it before oar readers next week.-ED. A ?rf] - Public Mectiug. At a Public Meeting held at Edgefield C. fl , on rale-day, immediately after tho adoption of thc Report on the Debt Question, Gen. M. L. BONHAM requested Hon. P. W. PICKEXS to retain his seat as Chairman, for the purpose of organ ising a Political Meeting; and on motion of some gentleman E. W. Seiblcs and R. W. Cannon were requested to act os Secretaries. Gov. Pickens then addressed the citizens, the Court Houso being full to overflowing, in his u 5ii al foi cible and eloquent stylo. Gen. Bonham then offered the following Pre amble and Resolutions, which bc supported earn estly and successfully in a Xew well-timed re marks : We understand that tho people of the Southern States generally havo been invited by the Central Democratic Committee, appointed at Washington, to organize the party ia the United States, so as to secure a general representation in tho National Democratic Convention to bo assembled at New York, on the 4th of July next, for tho purpose of nominating Candidates for President and vice President of the United States. Therefore the people of Edgefield do hereby cordially accept the invitation. The people of this District har? ever belonged to the old State Rights' Democratic party of the Union, and were accordingly represented in the National Democratic Convention that met at Bal timore in 1844 and nominated Jamos K. Polk for President ; and were, in like manner, in the Con vention that nominated Lewis Cass in 1848, and that afterwards nominated Franklin Pierce in 1852, ?nd were again represented in the Conren tion that nominated James Bucbannau in 1856 at Cineinnatti. Our representation in Congress has uniformly been Democratic in all its principles. Wc believe that tho great mnss of the American people aro still, at heart, Conservative and Demo cratic in their principles. We arc therefore desi rous once more of uniting with thom sincerely in a combined effort to preserve the Government in its administration, upon thc same general founda tions that were laid by our forefathers, and ce mented in the best blood of the Revolution; and wc wilf endeavor, so far os it may be possible to do so, to preserve a Constitutional and limited Government, as a blessing to posterity. Npw, that our peculiar system of Domesti0 labor bas been abolished forever, we can see no reason why all who desire to preserve Constitu tional and limited Government, should not freely unite in an honest endeavor to secure a faithful and wisc administration of the Federal Govern ment Therefore Resolved That wo believe the Gov ernment was originally intended to be limited by the specifiic grants ct power enumcrud in the Constitution, und to thc incidental powers neces sary to carry the enumerated grants into effect. Resolved, That we believe the exercise of pow ers, beyond their specific grants, is dangerous to the liberties of the people, because all powers " not delegated" are expressly " reserved to the Statee respectively, or to the people,"-and be cause it makes tba will of a majority th* measure of their power, instead of tho urganic law of the Government, which is the law of ita existence. Jlttolced, That a wise forbearance in tho exer cise of deubtful powers is moro conducive to the strength and the porroananey of the Government, than a usurpation of arbitrary and doubtful pow ers under the plea of " State necessity." Resolved, That the American mind bas been trained to an appeal to Conventions fairly as sembled, in order to adjust all national difficulties, rather than to the exercise of arbitrary powers or an appeal to force. Resolved, That thc advance and progress which we mny have mado over European Governments, consists in an appeal to Constitutional National Conventions, in order to adjust all our national difficulties, rather than an appeal to the sword and absolute power. Remited, That we respectfully invite the differ ent Districts of thia Stute to appoint delegate?, with alternates, to a State Convention to assemble at Columbia on thc third Tuesday in May next, at Siren o'clock P. M. for thc purposoof appoint ing delegates from each Congressional District, and two from the State at large, to represent our State in tho Democratic Convention to meet in New York on the 4th July next. Resolved, That this meeting now appoint a Committee of Tea as a Central Committee for this District. Rooked, That five men bo appointed ia each Battalion of Edgefield, whoso duty it will be to assemble, as soon as possible, and organize proper concert of action throughout thc District, to aid in the distribution of papers and documents, apd all other legal mean* m order to secure energetic co-opcr;tioii in the election of a Democratic President and vice-President of the United SUtes. Resolved, That the Central Committee of Ten now to be appointed by this meeting, have power to meet together at any time by call of their Chair man, and to call, if necessary, the Chairmans of tire Fivo Committees to bc appointed in eucb Battalion, tu meet together with tho Committee of Ten at Edgefield C. H , to consult, ia order to concontrate public opiuion on all measures ne cessary to bu carried out. Additional Rusoiutiou : Resolved, That, having just heard that a State Convention, assembled at Columbia, on the 2J iust, has appointed Delegates and Alternates to the National Democratic Convention to be assem bled at New York on tho 4th July next, we ac quiesce in their selections; but respectfully sug gest, if the citizens of the State should think uropcr to hara a more general Stato Convention after events now in progress at Washington shall take place, and further political dovelorments bo made, that tho Convention bo still called to meot on tho ::d Tuesday in May next. The Resolution: were then submitted and unan imously adopted. On motion Gen. R. G. M. Dunovant, it was Resolved, That a Committee be appointed by tho Chairman to propose the namos of suitable persons for the Ceutral and Sub-Committees pro vided for iu tho Resolutions just adopted, and also Delegates to a State Convention, should one be assembled. The Chair thereupon appointed a Committee of | Twenty-five with Gen. Dunovant Chairman. This Committee retired and after a few moments re turned and submittod the following Report : Members of Central Committee. Ex Gov. Piekons, Dr. D. C. Tompkins, Dr. G. M. Yarbrough, Johnson A. Bland, Gen. M. C. Butler, Dr. H. B. Cook, Dr. J. A. Devore, Gen. M. W. Gary, Maj. Joseph Abney, C. A. Chcatham ?nd Gen. R. G. M. Dunovant. Power is given the Chairman to erase and substitute names. Sub-Committee: 9th Regiment, Lower Battalion-D. D. Branson, Wm. Pro?cott, W. Mcrriweathor, Wyatt Holmes, Maj. Jno. Hughes. 9th Regiment, Upper Battalion- L. Culbrcath, J. Yelde.ll, Elbert Devore, B. F. Talbert, J. Lake. 7th Regiment, Lower Battalion-A. P. Butler, D. J. Walker, Dennis Lindsiy, A. J. Hammond, Jonathan Miller. 7th Regiment, Upper Battalion-B. E. Nichol son, W. L. Coleman, Chas. Mathis. 10th Regiment, Upper Battalion-Jno. Lan drum, F. Cooper, J. Bonks, W. Holloway, J. H. Allen. 10th Regiment, Lower Battalion-J. Mickler, E. W. 8eibles, Dr. Langford, R. B. Watson, M. Norris. The Commiltoe further Report that the Central Committee is empowered to appoint Delegates to a Convention to be held in Columbia on the third Tuesday in May next, provided said Convention may be called. The Meeting was addressed by Gen. M. C. But ler, Dr. H. R. Cook, Maj. Jos. Abney and others. E. W. SEIBLES, ! g , R. W. CANNON, J bec ry8' The Central Committee of Ten will meot at Edgefield C. H., next Monday (the 13th) at 10 o'clock, A. M. F. W. PICKENS, Ch?' The Supreme Court, on Tuesd " last, formally postponed the argument io tr J McCar dlo casu until tho coat tenn. POLITICO; IffEETms. Gentlemen of ability have consented to address the people of Edgefield District Ott the Political Questions of the Day, and ALL drer invited to attend these meeting. Freedmen are urgently requested to attend. Meetirfgs will bo beld as follows :.. _Eidge Spring Church, "Friday nest. Edgefiold C. fi. Saturday next. Hamburg, \ : " - " Red Bank Church, :Apr 7 Coming Political Events. To those who wish to ?'keep the ron'; of politics throughout the country the follow ing compendium of information concerning events to occur will be useful for reference : CONVENTIONS. March 31-California, Republican, Sacra mento. April 8-Nevada, Republican, Carson City. April 15-illinois. Democratic Springfield. April 29-Nebraska, Republican, Nebraska City. . ; . May 1-Louisiana, Republican, New Or leans. May 5-New Hampshire, Republican, Con cord. May 6-Illinois Republican, Peoria. May 7-Iowa, Republican, Des MU?QCJ. May 13-Minnesota, Republican, St. Paul. May 19-National Soldiers, Chicago. May 20-National Republican, Chicago. June 10-New Jersey, Democratic, Tren ton. June 18-New Jersey, Republican, Tren ton. July 4-Nation*! Democratic, New York. July 4-Soldier J' sad Sailors," New York.' STAT E ELECTION'S. April 1-Rhode Island-?oneral. April G-Connecticut-general. April G-Michigan-new. constitution. April C to 8-Florida-reconstruction, State and Federal officers. April'7-Wisconsin-judicial. April 14, T5, lGj-South Carolica-recon struction. / . ? ; [j, jj April 17, 18,-Louisiana-reconstruction.. April 21, 22, .23,-North Carolina-recon struction. May 4, 5,6,-Florida-reconstruction. PROGRESS OF RECONSTRUCTION'. VIRGINIA-The Convention has attained its seventy-sixth day and is drawing to a close. The registry has-undergone one revision (with aoother promised) before the election. NORTH CAROLINA-Election fo- and under the new constitution begins April 21. Can didates for Govert or: William W. Holden, republican ; Thomas S. Ashe, democrat. SOCTH CAROLINA-Election for and under the new constitution begins April 14. Gene ral Robert K. Scott is the radical (and thus far the only) candidate for Governor; GEORGIA-Election for and uuder thc new constitution beginn April 20. Candidates for Governor: Rufus lt. Bullock, republican; David Irwin, conservative. FLORIDA-Election for and under the new cousti tut iou begins May 4 Harrison Reed is the republican (and thus far the only) candi date for Governor. ALABAMA-An?, applicant before Congress, with prospect of admission. MisaissiPir-Convention in its sixty-ninth day, and will probably conclude its labors next week. General B. B. Eggleston, Presi - dent of the Convention, lathe republican nom inee for Governor. LOUISIANA-Elections for and under the new constitution begins April 17. Candi dates for Governor : Henry C. Warmotb, re publican ; James G. Taliafrrro, independent. Mr. Taliaferro was president of tbe Conven t on and is a native Louisianian! The ques tion at issue is between thc " natives" and carpet baggers," and the : democrats favor Taliall-rro while declining to interfere. TEXAS-Convention just elected but not yet convened. ARKANSAS-Election held last week ; result no*, known. General Powell Clayton was the republican, and only, candidate for Governor Of tho rt-publicac candidates for Governor above named, Holden is a native North Car olina; Scott is a native of Pennsylvania, en tered the service from Ohio and JS in charge of freedmen's affairs ; Bullock is a native of New York, resident in Georgia before and during the war ; Recd was recently a Wiscon sin editor; Engleston is a native of New York, who entered the military service from Ohio ; Warmoth is a native of Illinois and entered the service from Missouri ; Clayton a native of Pennsylvania, entered thc service from fvmsas. TEIIRIIILE MINING ACCIDENT-TWELVE MEN INSTANTLY KILLED.-By the breaking of a chain connected with the hoisting machinery at the Diamond Coal Mines, in Scranton, Penrikylvania, on Tuesday, March 29. A platform containing seventeen men was pre cipitated to the bottom of the shaft, a distance ofl8? feet. Eleven were iiistautly killed, one has si?ce died, and two more, it is thought, cannot live. They leave eli ven wid ows and twenty-eight orphans. This is the most disastrous accident that has occurred in the Lackawanna Valley coal fields for many years. ^?rRush your Cotton to town. It is now bringing from 2S to 30 cts. in Augusta. Our Costs Must be Paid. ALL ParticB, Defendants in Judgments recent ly obtained, are boreby notified that unless tho Costs of Suit are paid, at once, the Execu tions in every caso will ho enforced by levy and sale. ISAAC BOLES, S. E. D., S. HARRISON, CC. E. D. Apr 7 ' ?t li Extra-Ordinary Notice. IWILL thank all parties ha Ving demands against me, ci'her ns Principal or Security, to present them on or before the first May, as I con template geing into Bankruptcy, and wish to put nil my Creditors ou an equal f. o ting. Look to your interest now, or forever hereafter hold jour peace. W. F. DOR?SOE. Apr 7 4t 15 Important to Everybody JI'ST received and for sale at low figures, CROW POISON, BAT EXTERMINATOR, FISHING TACKLE, ITALIAN VIOLIN STRINGS, PERCUSSION CAPS, For sale by G. L. PEKN. April 7 tf_M Fair Warning. IFOREWARN oil Persons from Selling DR. J. J. MCBRIDE'S KING OF PAIN, unless said persons are duly authorised by myself, as I am the Sole for the Sale of said Medicines for tho District of Edgefiold. Merchants supplied at Wholesale prices. L. C. McNEARY, Agent Frog Ltvel, Newberry Dist, S. C. Apr 6 2m* 15 NOW IS THE TIME! THE Subscriber bas opened a TIN SHOP at Edgeficld C. TI., and. will furnish TIN WARE, at Wholesale or Retail, at very low prices. Work done in all its brandies, such as ROOF ING, GUTTERING, 4c. REPAIRING don? with neatnei-s and dispatch. Bring up all your old Tin Ware. J3T*A ll work wama ted. W. R. BOONE. Apr? If 15 Notice. DURING my absence from the State, I ap point Mr. THO s. W. CARWILE my Agent and anti: orize him to receipt for and receive all munies c':ue me. Patties indebted to me by Noto or Account are urgently requested to call on him and settle. JAS. B. SULLIVAN. Apr 6 2t? ' 15 Notice. ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of ELI JAH TIMMER MAN, dee'd., are requested to pay the samo foi th with, and those having claims against said Estate are notified to reader them in without delay, daly attested. DAVID PAR DUE, Adm'or. Apr 7 lt? 15 tr, S. Internal Reverme. A?SESSOE'S OFFICE, 3D DISTRICT S. C. ANDERSON-, April 1, 1868. NOTICE ii hereby given that on the 22nd day Cf April; 1SG8, at my omeo in. Anderson, ap peals will be received and determined relative to any erroneous or excessive valuations, assessment? or enumerations by the Aisesaor or Assistant As sessors of the annual taxe i for 1888, which have been assessed. Tho Assessor's Office ia open daily, during bu. sineaa boura, for tho hearing pf Appeal? by par ties who shall appear voluntarily before him, re lating to any taxes which 'javo been assessed, abd which have not been committed to the Collector. All appeals to the Assensor as aforesaid, must bo m ado in writing, and specify the partie a lar cause, matter or thing respecting which a decision is requested, and must, moreover, state the ground or principle of error complained bf. '"""" H. 0. HERRICK, AprU,7 . ' * IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES FOR -.TBE DIST?ICTyOF SOUTH CAROLINA, IT THE MATTER OF TILLMAN WATSON, BANKRUPT, BY WHOM A PETITION FOR ADJOTICATION-OF BANKRUPTCY WAS tflLED ON THE 19TH DAY OF MARCH; Ai ft^ 81^ IN SAID COURT -IN BANKRUPTCY.-33?t; il-'to give notice tbat OufiS? twenty.riyhik dag-';/ Mardi, A. D., 1868, a Warrant in Lankroptcy was issued against the Estate of TILLMAN- WATSON, in the Dis trict of Edge field and'State of South Carolina, who has bean adjudged a bankrupt, on bis cwn petition; that tb? payment of any debts and de livery o? any property belonging to said .Bank rupt, to him or for his uso, and tho transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law.; that a, meeting of the creditors of tho ?aidBankrupt, to provo their debts, and ti) choose' one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bank/uptcy, to bc holde a at. Newberry Court Houso South Corolin a', before HENRY SUMMER, Register, on the twentieth day of April, A.D. 1868, at lt o'oTo?k', A. tt.' T i .... f .~ J'. P. M. EPPING, . -,?? -si i. i . W S- Marshal as Messenger. By George Larsen Depo tv Messenger. Ap?i?7 ??g. ,y: ?gg Sheriff 's Sale. A. J. Hanmond * * ! ' ' 1 ; W.^TIIarrYTEiPors., ~ v. w--5r Robt H. Sullivan. . 0"__ I BY virtue of a Writ. of FL Fa. in tho abov* stated caso to mo dirciUed, I will proceed Jo sell at Edgcficld CH., on tho lat Monday in May next, the following property of the defendant, Robert H. Sullivan, to wit : ONE TRACT OF LAND, containing Sixty four Acres, moro : or. less, with Dwelling House thereon, adjoining lands of John Huict and W. F. Durisoe.' fciiWa f*:*vtpL ?Sr Terms Cash. ISAAC BOLES, S.E.B Apt7_4t ?. - .:/. is;. SfceriffVSale. H. M. Folk, - I vs. > Fi Fa. , Wilson Holsten. J ^ BY ViTtue of Writ of Fi Fa to mo dircc^d in ' the above ?tated care, I will proceed to sell at':nc residence of tho D?fondant, Wilson Hel ston, on Thursday, the 23d inst, tho fellowing Personal Property, to wit : FIVE HORSES, CATTLE AND HOGS. FIFT? BUSHELS COAN, SMALL LOX FODDER, PLANTATION TOOLS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, KITCHEN UTENSILS, Ac. pa-Terms Cash. ISAAC BOLES, S. E. D. Apr 7 . *t .? 15 Sheriff'? Sale. John S. Coles, ] Ti. . >. Lion on Crop. Robt. J. Crofton. J B of tho Defendant, IL J. Crafton, on Friday, the 17th instant the following property, to wit: FOUR BALES COTTON IN THE SEED, mdre or less. .TWENTY BUSHELS CORN, TWO HUNDRED LBS. FODDER. Terms Cash. ISAAC BOLES, S. E. D. Apr 7 : 4t 15 i Y Virtue of an Execution in th? above stated case, I will proceed t to aili at the residence L _ T\-r_T>. T n -/_J_At-_ Sheriff's Sale. Fi ' Alex. Hollingsworth, vs. \ Fi Fa. John E. Harrison, Sr. BY virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. to me directed, in the above stated case, I will proceed to sell at Edgefield C. H. on tie 1st Monday in May next the following property of the Defendant, Jobo E. Harrison, Sr., to wit: ONE TRACT OF LAND containing Five Hundred and Twenty-eight (bi8) Acres, more or los?, adjoining lands of E. Devore, Mary Harri son-and others. - TRACT No. 2, containing Ono Hundred (?00) Acres, more or less, adjoining lands cf Steven L-mgley, Steven Wren, Thomas Rodgers and others. " ' I will also sell at thc residence of the Defen tant on Wednesday, tho '5th day of May next, ibo following personal property of the Defen 1 mt, tn wit: ODO Mule, Ooo Horse, Nine Head Cattle, Seven Head Sheep, Fifa ea Head of Hogs, One Set Blacksmith Tools, Two Wagons, one Carriage, Plantation Tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture. SSr Terms Cash. i , ISAAC BOLES, S. E. D. Apr 7_4t_IS State of Sonth Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN ORDINARY. E. W. Perry, Ex'or., Def 'ts. ? Partition vs. \ and to E. A. Perry and othcrr,Pl'ff. J Pay Debts. BY an Order from tho Ordinary, I shall proceed to sell at Edgefield Court House, on the first Monday in Maynext, for iartition and to Pay Debts, the REAL ESTATE of MARY PERRY, dee'd.. consistiog-of ONE TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND lying and being in the District and Stat? aforesaid, on Indian Branch, waters of Cloud'?'Creek, containing Three Hun dred Sixty-five (365) Acres, more or less, and bounden on lands of J. W. Dunham, Elijah Wat son, Sen., and others. TERMS-On a credit of ono and two years, in equal installments, with interest from day of sale. PurcLascr to give Bond ?ind epcurieties, and a Mortgage of the premises ;:o the Ordinary, to se curo the purchase money. Costs to be paid in Cash, and to pay for Titi?, extra. ISAAC BOLES, S. E. D. Apr 7_4?_16 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN ORDINARY. Piensan^ D. King ana 8? rah, ] h s wife, ot al, Applicant | Petition for vs. r Partit'nof Real Artemus Ilolson and wife et j Estate, al, Defendants. J [T af pen-ring to my satisfcetion that Joseph B. that Joseph B. Talley, Alvin McDaniel and L'crmelia his wife, John Bussey, Thomas J. Bus hey, Dempsey Bussey and Augustus "Cofer, Dc endants in the above case, are absent from and oside beyond the limits of this State, It is or lered chat they do appear ia my Office and object 4 tho salo of the Real Estate of Nancy Talley, lec'd., within three months from the dato hereof, ir their consent will be entered of record. W. F. DURISOE, 0. E. D. Mar 28. 1863 _3m_15 For Sale, _ A A SIX HORSE IRON AXEL-TREE WAG f\. ON, with body complete. And one FOUR IORSE bread-tire WAGON. Apply at this - iffice. April 1_it_14_ A Stolen Horse. 2JT0LEN from our Stahle!, on the night of tho 3 25?h March; a SORREL MARE, about 3 :enrs old with n star in forehead, with a slight addle gall on her.back. ' Any person securing ?aid filly for us will receive . reward of Ten IDolUrs on delivery at Mr. P. A. Sichel berber's Plantation, 4 miles North of Edge leldC ?l7 ISAAC and GEORGE FRAZIER, (Col.) April 1_tr .14 Final Settlement. LL persons indebted' to the Estate of MAR "_ SHALL STEIDHAM, dee'd., arc notified to tay tho same forthwith. Those having claims igainst the said Estate will present them, duly . ttested, by ta? 2Jd August next as on , that day L Final. Settlement ou said Estate will be in the )rdinary's Office. JAMES OREEN, Adm'or. Marj_^in*_10 Meal! TUST Received TWENTY BUSHELS GOOD 3 FRESH MEAL. From this date, I will keep constantly on bind i gooc! supply of HEAL. S. IL HANGET Mar tm 24 4