Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, December 18, 1867, Image 4

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feral Miscellany. " TUc Purest Pearl." Eest? : |lto church ii ?r, aweary ?n>l lone A bl??nl iwan'ia s-tt 6a lite c dd door stooe ; Tj'i wiurl v s bitter, thc s:'.o?7 1^11 fast, And i ui o'iin^ voice in toe. fitful blast Seemed ever to echo her m i: g cry. A3 she begged fur alms of ?bo passers by J " ll.?vc pity ou lue, Lave, pity I pray, - My b?plc i- butt abd my head is gray." Tai bel's Hire lingiii^ thc hour bf prayer, And many good people Wera ^aihcring there, But. covered with furs n;.d mantlu? warm, Tnay burri >l past through thc win'.'t'y sturm S.-ute were ur.;.i:.g lheir souls to sa vs, Au.J some v.ero tiiln'.ijng cf dcut'a Mid tho gr., ve. And a'.i.- '. they hal no time to h-ed Tho poor s .ul asking fur charity'* tueod. Aud some ?vero blooming wi'h beauty's grace> But, closely oiufCcd in vti's uf lace, Thsy sa-v not the sorrow nor beard 'he moan, ?f ber who s t cn the cold door stone. At last c:imu oat* of a noble naiao, 15y thc city counted lbj wealthiest darno, And 'be ; earls that o'er her tieck were strung, .She proudly ibero to the beggar thing. Then followed a nnid-n, young ?nd fair, Adorned with clusters of golden bair; Bal Uer dress ?ras thin, and scanty, and wurn, .W: even the bag;; ir's se-m- 1 more forlorn. With -i tearful look, a-td pitying sigh, She whimpered soft, " no jew ls have I, But I give you my prayers, ?od friend," ?aid fht>, "And surely ? know Oed listens to mu." Oa ber p"or weak band, so shrunken and . small, Thc blind woman felt a tear drop full, Then kissed it, and said to thc weeping giri, '? It is you thai have giveu the purest pearl." Kissing, A kiss fairly electrifies you. It warms your blood aita sols your heart beating like a btiss drum, a:id makes tour eyes twinkle likvi estar? in a frosty night. It U ?i tiling never to be forgotten. No lang tage can express it; no letters will give lite stund. Then what in nature is equal to the flavor of it ? What an aroma it his ! How spiritual it is i It is neither \i>ib!e nor tangible, not portable nor transferable, lt is not a substance nor liq ml, tir a rapor. h has neither co-or nor form. Imagination can't conceive it. ii can't be'limited or forged;! lt i> con fined to no clime nor country, and ii ubiquitous, lt is disembodied when com pfetcd, but i> instantly reproduced, anti MI immortal, it i> as old as thc creation, mid yet is as young and fresh ns even . ic.preexists .and stiiS'e.vists, and always will exist, li pervades al! nature. Thc breeze as it passes kisses ilia roses, and th? pendant vine droops down and.hide; wi.h its tendrils its blushes, as it kissei lilt: limpid silvain that waits in thu ed1 to meet . and raises its linv waves likt a :\i >ns s to receive it. Depend upon it, Evt irned it iii Paradise. How it is adapted tai al! circumstances! There is the kiss of welcome and of part ing, the long, lingering, luring present one; thc stolen or the mutual one; the kiss of love, ol joy and of sorrow ; the seal <>: |>romisc; and the receipt of ful fillment, ls it strange therefore, that Woman is invincible whose armory con sists of kisses, smiles, sighs and tears] Ten Follies. To think that the more a man eats the faller and stronger he will become. To believe that the more hours children study at school the faster they learn To conclude that if exercise is goof! for the health, thc more violent and ex hausting it is. the mote good is done. To imagine that every hour taken frort) sleep is an hour gained. To act ott the presumption that thc smallest room in the house is large enough to sleep in. To argue that whatever remedy causes one to feel immediately better is "good for" the system, without regard to more ulterior effects. To commit an act which is felt in itself to be prejudicial hoping that somehow or other it may be done in youi ca^e with impunity. To advise another to take a remedy which you have not tried yourself with-, otu making special inquiry whether all tiic conditions are alike. To eat with an appetite, or continue to eal after it has been satisfied, merely to gratify thc taste. To eat a hearty supper tor the pleasure experienced during the brief Aime it is passing down the throat, at the expense of a night of disturbed sleep, and ti wea ry waking in thc morning.-Progress. PRIMING. OFFICE RCI.ES.-All persons in thc habit of visiting newspaper estait lishments, would do well to pocket this .-?crap, as it iqight bc useful to ali concern ed, and it. is expected these rules will be universally 'observed : I. Enter softly. ?. Sit down quietly. .'J. Subscribe for thc naper. 4. Don't touch the poker. 5. Say nothing interesting. fi. Engage in no controversy. 7. Don't smoke. 8. Keep six feet from the table. 9. Don't talk to the workmen. 10. Hands off the. papers. II. Eyes off the manuscript. 12. Li t'.he u devil" alone. Gentlemen observing these rules when entering a printing oiiiee xviii greatly oblige the proprietor, and need not fear the " devil. '5-The ladies, who sometimes bless us for a few moments with their presence are not expected to keep these rules strictly. Boys, accompanied by their fathers, are particularly requested to keep their hands in their pockets. BUSINESS SUCCESS.-It is worth while to notice the almost wonderful success achieved by some business men in this city, who commenced with only ti moderate capital. The means adopted by our most prosperous merchants, we learn, on in quiry, are, first unceasing assiduity to their business, ?nd watchful Attention to al! its details, great and small ; second, a determination not to encourage the de tire to grow suddenly rich, and, thirdly, u> inake a reputation and establish a good and reliable name. A reputation, in a retail business, is made, in a great degree, by liberal advertising, m being satisfied with.a moderate' profit, and by making ti rule not to misrepresent the articles sold. t\ noted millionaire says, to realize a for tune, jon have to do but two things ; first, ; r' gel hold of a good thing, and then let the I whole world know it.-N. Y. Home Journal. ? [TKCOYBREP.-'fgoing uncovered indi cates ? revere: t spirit, as is claimed by j jt some com:*fies, many of our ladies in . r< fashionable circles are patterns bf rever- JJ euee. They are head and shoulders jn j advance of ite world in jeaenU, j Let every pious prirent regard his fam ilv a* a -little. sch"ol for thc church, .iud' act as a teacher designated by the Saviour on purpose to- train the children for his service, and we shall sec a glorious result Let parents neglect this duty, and their children will prove incompetent to meei [he responsibilities awaiting them, and the parents must answer for the ruin that will ensue. The laws of Lyc?igus re quired that all children of Sparta should bo trained for the State. Jesus teaches his subjects lo believe that children are a .heritage of the Lord, and to train them tor (he Church. A Dignified clergyman, possessor of a cuni mme, aUi tit winch he was likely to have a law snit, sent for an attorney, in order to have his advice. Thc lawyer was curious tu see a coalpit, und was Je' down by ?1 rope. Before lu-was lowered, ha said to the parson-'"Ductor, yot.r knowledge is not confined tu the surface of thejrorld, bat you have likewise pene trated tu its inmost recesses; how far may it ba from litis to hell?" 1 don't know exactly," answ?rcd he, gravel) : a but if you let gu your hold you'll be there in a minnie." PUEL?CSALE E VE Ii 7 DAY Of ? !t>??j:!j?:, ihy (,oods, Blankets, i?oa?s and Shoes, Hais, Fancy ?XOO?IS, Cutlery, &c, ?.v.c., A T I. MICHAEL'S, Una or A.ugrtsta Hotel AU G i STA, GA. THE PLACE TO GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH! Tour old fricn?. Mr. II. SOLOMON, whom you have tried, and whois williup to Lo tried ?gain iu giving you B:irg:iiu>-, is hero. Tue common enquiry En tho country is : whore ro get thc CHEAPEST GOODS IN AUGUSTA? R?iiieilibci* [tis at thc Store of I. MICHAEL, under the Augusta Hotel, where GOOD BARGAINS arc in St ire in e ven thing to wear fur those who wish to econ- mi-c. "SEEK AND VOL WILL FIND." r.~y Cul this advertisement nut and carry it with you. Dec 0 7t .10 fffilf FALL A.\D GOODS I X'i-E Subscriber In? just r. e. ive J from Char leston irtih bis Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, Compriting every ela?s of Goodj gcncral'y kepi in a Village Store. CALICOES fr? tn Ul .?. 2? et* per >d.j Fignred ML! Al! Wool DELAINES; POPLINS. Pl dn.Siripcdahd Chem-, all color?: Plain BLACK SILK : Ladies' ?inc CLOAKS and SHAWLS: La-lie?' and Mi ses HATS and BONNETS; Silk and Velvet RIBBONS ; GLOVES, HOSIERY, HOOPSKIRTS; Red ud White FLANNELS; OPERA FLANNELS: Eurlesn.n und Domestic GINGHAMS : Domestic and Bleached GOODS-all kind?. Bl?ck ?nd Co'ored It-cski" CASSlMKRfiS ; SATINETS, TWEEDS and JEANS; Lidio' and Misses SHOES-ail kinds : Men's and Boy ' BOOTS and SHOES ; Men's und Boys' HATS-nil Myles: GROCERIES HARDWARE, CROCKERY, With tranv ott sr erdelos unn< cestary to enume rate, nil which I will SELL VERY CHEAP for (.'ASH. Bi C. BRYAN, Agent. Oct 15 if 12 State ol' South Carolina EDGEFIELJ DISTRICT, /.V ORDINARY. Bi W. F. DURISOE, Esq.. Ordinary of Edge field Di-f itt. Whereas. Tillman II. Clark, has epplied to rac !(.r Letters '.f Administration, on ?ll and singu ?ar the go-.'ds and chattels, rights und ere Iiis Samuel Brook;, late of the District aforesaid ice'd. Thc?e are,therefore, to cite and admonish tndfingular, tho kindred and creditors of tl.?, said deceased, to Lc ?md appear before tue. at our next 0.-dir..try'?- Cour! tor the said District, to bc uoldcn at Edgcfield Court House, on the ''let dhy l?ec. inst., to show cause, if at:y, why the said administration should not bc granted. (??von under my hand and seal, ibis 7th Jay ?.: Doc. ia tho yoar cf ?ur Lord one thousand eight hundred ?ind sixty-seven, and in thc V2-": -ear <>f the Independence ol' the United S.jtes ,f America. W. F. DURISOE, O.K.P. Doc II_2t_50 State of South Carolina, EDGKF1EU' DISTIUCT, IN ORDINARY. BY V,'. F. DURISOE, Esq., Ordinary of Edjje ficld District. Whereas, Larkin G. Swearii.gen bat applied ] .o un tor Letters of Aduinistr Lion, with tito Will annexe,!, on all and singular th? goods ami chattels, rights and credits nf James Swearin gen, late ol the District af r'.snitl, dee d. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ?ll :.nd singular, tho kindred ?nd creditors ?f thc ;aid deceased, to bc a'id appear before mo, at out next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to bc holden at Ed gefiel d C. H., on the 21st day ol Dec. inst., to show cause, if any, why thc said administration should not bc grin.ted. Given tineler my batid and beal, this Tili day ot Dec, in the year of our Lord one thousand oii;Lt hundred and Sixty-seven.and in thc '.Mst year of thc independence ot thc United States of A met ?ca. V.E. DURISOE, O.E.D. Dec *W St M T Day Beard. HE Subscriber can nceoratnodate a Tew per sons with DAY BOA BD. G. L. PENN. Dec 10 tf 60 Strayed, FROM the Plantation on which I am living, six niles West of Edgcfield C. H., ..bun iLe I ?rn November, a Pal* >. rrel MARE MULE, -might V.c called by some a Light Bay,-of me dium size, in good condition, S or '.' years old, ?mail tore on kit sid?:, (ix or eight ?nebea from shoulder, mime and tail lately trimmed, qniek moving in harness or nuder saddle. Sai l Mule wa.- formerly owned by a Mr White who lives near Abbeville !.'. il. When last heard from sb.: .;: .:? going i'. bat direction. 1 M.'.? pay a liberal reward f r the reenecry ?f said Mule. Any iniormation thankfully received. Address R. G. LANHAM, Edge?cld, S. C. Dec 3 . 3i3 41) Notice. ?HEREBY f .rewarn all persons from trading fur any Note given to me since Juue ISOC, as ell of my Notes have been Stolen. WYATT V. HOLM KS. Dec 3 2i? -19 Tn Stock, Wholesale and Retail. M and S-4 Lubin's Super Black DELAINES. GRAY A TURLEY. In Stock, Wholesale und Retail. Superior moke rich Paris STRIPED POPLINS. GRAY A TURLEY. .'" Stock, Wholesale and ll-: ii!. ! ? Exira?tioeri-? Quality Pans J A'S PE CLOTHS GRAY A TURLEY. : In Stock, Wholesale -nd lt fail. I-4 Superior Q.i.i i v Paris Silk Ki/n red AR. MUltES. G KAY .1 tl'BLKY^ rn.S.oek, Wholesale and R?t?lV: -1 Superb r Make and Extra Super Qu dfty P?PP LIN REPS GR Ki A TURLEY. Errors o?' Y o sst SD. . A ?enttoninn who suffered fot years from Ncr nus Debility, Prematuro Decay, and nil thc Efects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the rake f suffering humanity, send free to all who need . tho re.ipe and direction s for making tbo simple imedy by which'he was cured. Bafferer* Witsh g to p'otit by the advertiser's ex;., Hence can ilo by itildr?M?D?> in perfec? confidence JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar SL, New York., M?73T ll 22 ? j DRY GOODS DECLINING! GREAT ADDITIONS TO OHS LARGE STOCK HAVING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE DEPRESSION IN THE Murk et for the last ten days, V. RICHARDS &. BROS. Bought heavily at the REDUCED PRICES, and are now receiving a SECOND SUPPLY of alt kinds of DRY GOODS, bulb fine and low prices, at much lower figures thai) they were early in the season. DELAINES from 20 to 25 cents, worth 30 Lo 35 cents. POPLINS from 30 tu 50 cents, worth 37-3 ami 75 cent?. One <>f thc finest and most superb Stocks'of DRESS GOODS in the City. MOURNING GOODS of every description. 3-4 BLEACHED COITO NS ht 10 cts.; 7 S and yard wide do. at 124, 15 and lb cents; Warmatoosa do. nt 25 cts.; New York Mills do. at.30 cts. CALICOES al S, 10, 12-} and 15 els. One hundred and Fifty CLOAKS just opened, from ?3,50 to thc finest. Cheap as the)' were before thc war in gold. WOOLEN SHAWLS, ?ill grades, from *2 (o ?10. Elegant SETS OF FURS at" much less than they are sold at retail in New York City. White, Red and Opera FLANNELS, and DOMESTIC GOODS of all kinds very much reduced. CLOTHS, CASSLMERES, KERSEYS. SATINETS, ?cc, &c., in the greatest variety. If you would save money, send your orders, or call and buy your Dry Goods of V IDS * Oct 29 301 Broad St., Corner by Philters' Hotel, AUGUSTA, GA. 44 UT H ERN- 8 HOUSE M. -AND 234 Broad St., TJndor Central Hotel ?S2 12 Broad Si., Opposite Augusta Hotel, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, WISHES to inform his Friends and Patrons that he is receiving and has constantly on hand one of thc Largest stocks of Boots and Shoes Ever biought to this City. He will continue to sell as usual CHEAP FOR CASU, ir. lias been his desire, and he has thus tar succeeded; in keeping A F?rst Class iso ot acid Slice Store, %\hcrc all styles pf Boots and Shoes will be kept. He is constantly receiving and always on hand a large supply of T, MILES & SONS' CELEBRATED PHILADELPHIA SHOES For Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children. My Stock consists in part of Ladies and Misses Clotli Congress BOOTS, Ladies and Misses Cloth LOOTS. Lilies and Misses Kid Coner: ss BOOTS, L^dicaand Misses Kid HOOTS, Ladies and Misses M? rocco Cosy HOOTS, Ladius White Kid ?nd Sada SLIPPERS, Ladies Toilet SLIPPERS, Genii Fine Calf Dress BOOTS, Genis Fine Calf Water Proof BOOTS, Gents Fine Calf Dress Congress BOOTS, Gems Fine Calf double solo Congress BOOTS, Boys and Youths BOOTS and SHOES of .* Every Style. Fine Heavy Wax BROGANS, different qualities. Fine H?iv) Kip BOOTS. Extra Size'Women's and Men's SHOES. I? mm ALWAYS HAS BSEH 81 ADIEK SALES Alffi SMALL PBOFifS." And all I ask is lo call and examine my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. No Charge or Trouble to Show Goods. ?jS^Rcmember the places. M. COHEN, Broad St., opp'site Augusta Hotel and 23-1 Broad St., under Central Hotel. Augusta, Nov IS 1 Ot 47 In Stock, Wholesale and Retail. CASES MERRIMAC CALICOES, Fancy, Frock, Pink and Purple. GRAY ? TURLEY. In Stock, Wholesale and Retail. Cases Sprugue and Aihsn CAL1C0E?, Fancy, Frock, Pink and Purple. GRAY & TURLEY. Li Stuck, Wholesale and K-3tail. Cases of Kichuj"tid und American CALICOES, Fancy, Frock, Pink and Purple. GRAY <t TULLEY. In Stock, Wholesale and Retail. Case; of Autoskcag, Arnold and Wain: utia CALI COES, Fancy, Frock, Pink and Purple. GRAY & TURLEY. In Stock, Wholesale and Retail. Ca?cs Amoskeag and Simpson, Black and White PRINTS. GRAY k TURLEY. ~ Ia Stock', Wholesale ?ntl Retail. Cue- Green and Orange and Red and Black PRINTS. GRAY & TURLEY. In Stock, Wholosalo -nd Retail. Case; DOMESTIC G INGRAMS, Oreen and Brown Chock. GRAY A TURLEY. In St -ck. \\'!i>'! -:i!e and Kv :i:i. Ca?cs French and Scutch ij [NGHAMS, Black and White, Linc, Green and 15r--wn. GRAY & TURLEY. In Stuck, Wholesale and Retail. Bleached and Brown U-i, 10-1 and ll -I SHIRT INGS. Families supplied by the Piece ul Wholesale Price. ' G RAY A TURLEY._ In Stock, Whitegate and Retail. Bleached and Drown SHIRTINGS. Families sup plied by thc Piece at Wholesale Prices. GRAY A TURLEY. In Stock, Wholesale and Retal!. 5-4 andC-1 PILLOW CASE COTT'N. G IIA Y & TURLEY. lu S\ ck. Who'esale and K-tail. OSNABURGS, DRILLS and CARTON FLAN NELS. G RAY A TURLEY. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PLATT BROTHERS, (FORMERLY C. A. PLATT <t CO.,) 2ii Broad Sired, Augusta, Ga. In Stock, Wholesale ?nd Retail. BLUE DENNIMS. LED TICKING and UICKO ORY STRIPES. GRAY A TU il LEY. In Stock, Wholesale and Retail. APRON CHECKS. FURNITURE PLAIDS and ? STRIPED OSNABU UGS. CRAY A TURLEY. E HAYE and are constantly recoiviDg thc best assortment of FURNITURE that has cTcr been in this market. ROSEWOOD PARLOR SUITS, MAHOGANY PALLOR SUITS, CH A.M15 KR AND COTTAGE SUITS, BUB BA US, BEDSTEADS, CH MRS. SOEAS. TETE-A-TETE, CENTRE TALLES, SIDEBOADS, EXTENSION TABLES, of all lengths. Wc particularly call the attention of purcha sers to our SOLID WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS for Beauty, Durability and Cheapness. Our manufacturing Department Is still in operation. Special Orders will -be promptly attended tn. REPAIRS DONE IN ALL ITS BLANCHES. Upholstering Department. HAIR CLOTH, EXAM KEL LD CLOTH, RETS, TERRY and SPRINGS, and all articles suitable for Manu acturera, which we offer at Low Prices. Window Shades. A larg? Stock of WINDOW SHADES, of ry sryle and pattern, from thc? Cheapest to tJIS Finest, with all thc New Style Fixtures. Undertaker's Department, Superintended by a competent man. COFFINS, of ni] Descriptions and Quality. METALIC CASES and CASK HTS, of ibo most Inproved styles, furnished at all hours duriDg tho Day or Night . J . UNDERTAKERS can bc supplied wits TRIM MINGS. Augusta, Oct S3 Gui IS In Stock, Wholosalo and Retail. SIuio and White Corset JEANS anil GLASS CAM lil! IC. GRAY Sc TURLEY. k DEALERS I.V STOVES, GRATES, In St wk, Wholesale and Retail. I ' ' Extra Super Quality Lyons BLACK TAFFATAS. j X?U RMI fe'h??C? IrOll YVarC, GRAY & TURLEY. 7 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, PUMPS, A-e, A-c., ?Sec., 255 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. In Stock, Wbolesalo and Retail. Extra Super Quality Black POULT DESOIE. GRAY ,fc TURLEY. In Stock, Wholosalo and Retail, i and other makes, Black BOMBAZINE. GRAY A TURLEY. Lui In Sr-.ck, Wholesale and Retail. I V 7 E nvite thc attention of thc public to onr Super Make Extra Quality Black Dress CRAPE, j ffoU rch-ctcd Stock, embracing several pvtterns GRAY it ll'RLEY. I _r rrpcT rr \ ca nftnviwn _ lu St-ck. Wholosalo'and Retail. ti-4, S-4, Superior Quality Pure MOHAIR. _GRAY & TURLEY. In Stock, Wholesale and Retail. Fine to Extra Superior Plain Black ALPACC \ GRAY .t TURLEY. In Stock, Wholesale and Retail, lix tra Super Quality Silk Chain Black POPLIN G RAY* J: TURLEY. in ?tock, Wholesale and lle'ail. Fine to Extra Super Black EMPRESS CLOTH. _GRAY A TURLEY. In Stuck. Wholesale and Retail, [teal Irish POPLINS. _ GRAY ,t TELLLY. 1 o Mock, Wh?l< sale and Rel ul. Pearl and Pearl Grey POPLIN - , .-. ino? c-l.-.-af : goods, for Bridal Dm-en. . GR YY A " URL EY. In Stock. Wholesale and H et,-, i I. LUSTRINE, SOIRR ?YE. Rich SILK STRIPES, In heavy Raps (?round. GRAY ? i UR LEY In Stock, Wholesale and R?I??I. iupcrb Quality, very high cos". CRAPE EU GEN1E. GRAY A Tl lt LEY. In S'ocA, Wholesale anil lt tail ?I |:r-t Mike Extra Saper Paris Silk Chain E PING LINES. _GRAY A TURLEY. Ju Siock, Wholesale and Retail, uperh to Superb Qualities Prenoli MERINGE? ..ll rsln-n. CR VYA ? UR LC . of FIRST CLASS COOKING STOYES,amoDg which will bu found The Olive Branch, The Henry Clay, The Comforter, The Hearthstone, The liotisckeiper. THE AUGUSTA COOK, a new und btautiful Stove, manufactured expressly for us tolupply thc wants of our people. It being lower ii price thin others, brings it within the reach of many who arc unal le tu get moro expensive ones. In addition to our larg? Stuck of Cooking S:..v. s. wo have all sixes of HEATING STO'ES, GRATES for coal or wood. PORTABLE HA j IMA UNG GRATES, FURNACES, ?tc, Sec HOUSE" FURNISHING GOODS, of e ery variety. ti i y -il?' iys be'found in our Stock. Our facilities f.r ROOFING and GL"TT]R ING. or MANUFAC'I UK IX G TIN and SHIFT IRON WARE are unsurpassed. This depart ment is uio'tr thc pcrsonnl supervision ofiur Senior Partner, who is a practical Tinner ol32 ye ir*' experieuce in this City. in S:?ck. W'h'dcMiK?nd Ret?:I. xtra Super Quality Black llAHi CLOTH. GRAY & TURLEY. SCOFIELD, WlLtTARIS& CO, 265 Broad Street, Augustn, Cn. Oct 22 lim 4-f In Stork. Wholesale and Retail. ! Ma -i . Empress and Coventry RUFFLINOS md FRILLS. CRAY k TURLEY In Stockt Wholesale and Retail. S?arlet Twilled und Plain itcd FLANNELS. GRA? ? XTOId??. KENNY1 238 BROAD ST., Address themselves to the public Gentleman in South Caroli take the trouble FIRST CLASS CL Will be willing to er That our House contains ASSORTMENT, and finished ! ADT-MABi FOR "W That has ever yet bee OUR TAILORING Is supplied with the CHOICEST CLO' including tho most delicate shades of coloi Miions will be prosecuted with RENEWED Proprietors, so that nothing of an infer vigilance. Our Stock of GENT'S FURNISHING Gents' White Linen Bosom SHIRTS ; Gents' UNDERSHIRTS and DR A WE White and Colored Linr- HANDKER HALF HOSE of every description ; - Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread, Buckskin, Dog ! NECK TIES, BOWES, BUTTERFLI Linen and Paper. COLLARS, die., &c; TRAVELLING SHAWLS and BUG( So that our patrons can supply themselv may require. KEW. Augusta, Oct 22 G. COHEN, (STAN?J OF LATE J. E. MD.VGEK,) 150 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. Watches, flocks and Jewelry REPAIRED IN THE BEST MANNER-, AND WARRANTED. Fjne French and other kinds of CLOCKS, to gether with a lnsgc assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, ?ic, of the finest quality, constantly on hand, and ?old as low as they can be obtaked anywhere. SILVERING and GILDING done prompfy and satisfactorily. Please give me a coll. Augusta, Oct 22 3m 43 PLANTERS' HOTEL. AUGUSTA, GA. Newly Furnished and Refitted, Unsurpa-'ed hy any Hotel South, Was Reopened to tho Public Oct. 8, ISfifl. T. S. NICKERSON, Proprietor. Jan. I. tf 1 STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23,25 & 27 Broadway, New York Opposite Bottling Green, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. THE STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely known to the travelling public. The loca tion is especially suitable to merchants and busi ness men ; it ia in close proximity to thc business part ot the city-is on the highway of Southern and Western travel-and adjacent to all the priu eipal Railroad and Steamboat depots. THE.STEVENS HOUSE has liberal accom modatiou fur over 300guests-it is well furnished and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms aro fpocious and well ventilated-provided wi:h gas and water-the attendance is prompt and rcspoctful-and thc table -is generously pro vided with every delicacy of tho season-at mod crate rates. Tho rooms having bcon refurnished and re modeled, wo arc enabled to offer extra faeilitie for the comfort and pleasure of our Guests. GEO. K. CHASE & CO., PnorniETorts. July 10 Om 28 Di TnE Undersigned gives notico thnt he hai this day oponed a FIRST CLASS HOTEL in tho Village of Edgefield for tho accommoda tion of tho public. The Rooms have boen re-fitted with Ecdding and Furniture entire-all bran new. His TAKLE will be supplied with all of the substantials and delicacies of this and lue Au gusta markets. The best of Servants have been employed. There is also a LIVERY and SALE STABLE connected with thc Hotel. Also, a MAGNIFICENT DRINKING SA LOON, under the especial charge of that prince of enterara, J A MI: s RAMSAY. Drinks from IO to 25 Cents. Rates of Board, the samo as all Grit das.? l?tel. A. A. GLOVER, Agent, PaorniETon. July 23 tf 30 Ti HE Undersigned has on hand a very HAND SOME LOT of Metallic Cases and Caskets, Which he is now SELLING AT COST, trans portation nddod. Also, a large and olegant stock of COFFINS of his own manufacture, embracing all styles and sizes, which he offers at prime cost of ma'eriul and manufacturo. ?3^ Parties buy ?ne Cases or Coffins will have tho uso of my HEARSE freo of charge. /T-?r-Tcrnis, strbtly Cash. J. M. IV ITT.. June 25 tf 26 BEEF MARKET. [ WILL FURNISH GOOD BEEF and MUT TON to the people of Edgcfiold on Monday, rt'cdneS'Jay and Saturday m?rniugs, at rcasona )lo prices, but strictly for Cush. I will have Mutton furnished whenever want id. A. A. GLOVER, Agent. Aug 20 tf 34 DENNIS' SARSAPARILLA ! ?TIE PUREST AND TKE BEST ! 'OR DISEASES OF THE LIVER, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, OR PURIFYING THE BLOOD ! ?tOfTor salo by tho Druggifts. Aug 28 . tf 35 DOMESTIC TRADE. 1 LL of my MANUFACTURING INTEREST _, is now concentrated nt ono place. My Grain lill, Saw Mill, as well as tho Tannery and Stone Tnrt Factory aro in completo operation. T havo on hnnd and for FR'O a quantity of" " LOUR, LUSTRES, LEATHER, JUGS, JARS, ! !," C. Any of these a-ticlcH I will gjvo in ex- i ar lince for RAW HIDES. ! ?j, My motto is to build up business at home, and I ' ( ttablish, at least, a Commercial Independence. I LEWIS J. MILES. ! L, Nov 0 4t 15 I 7?w Magistrate's Blanks. J JfTE have on hand n eood supply of MAGIS TRATJB'0 BLANKS. i .DC Moy L5 tf 29 ] fe GRAY, AUGUSTA, C?A., in very empliatic terms. "Every na and Georgia who will i to call at our OTHING HOUSE, i dorse our assertion : the MOST COMPLETE the most elegantly Stock of f fT A T TT Wf a laJbU X JUL IJLiu n offered in Augusta. "DEPARTMENT [TIS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, . to be found in thc country ; and its ope: CAHE AND ATTESTIOH on the part of the ior character can possibly escape their GOODS will be found complete in RS; CHIEFS; Skin and Cloth GLOVES ; ES, SCARFS, &c ; ?Y RUG GS, &c; es at our House with every article they C?Y & G-KAY, 2m 43 KEMI ? GT O'N'S FIRE ABMS. Sold by the Trade Generally. A Liberal Discount to Deniers. 200)000 Furnished to tue 1. 8. Gov erument, ARMY REVOLVER, 44-100 in. Calibre N'AVT REVOLVER, 3(1-100 in. Calibre. BELT RRVOLYKR, Navy Siee Calibre. POLICI REVOLVER, Navy Sise Calibre. New POCKET RBVOLVSR, 31-100 in. Calibre. POCKET RKVOLVIR, (Rider's pt.) 31-100 in. Cal. RRPEATIHO PISTOL, (Elliot pt.) No. 22 A 32 Car. VEST POCKET PISTOL, NO. 22, 30, 32 and 41 Car. GUN CASE, No. 22 and 32 Cartridge. BREECH LOADINO RIFLE, (Denis') ? 32 A 38 Cur. REVOLVING RIFLK, 36 and 44-100 in Calibre. Principal Agents. Moore A Nichols, New York. Win. Read A Son, Boston. Jus. C. Orubb A Co., Philadelphia. Poultney and Trimble, Baltimore, lienrj F-jlsom A Co., New Orleans. Johnson, Spencer A Co., Chicago. L. M. Rumsey A Co. - St. Louis. Albert E. Crane, San Francisco. Circular? containing outs and description of j ju'rArms will be furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON A SONS, Ilion, N. Y. Mar 12_ti;_11_ The Best Tonic Now in Use! MANUFACTURED BY C. F. PANKNIN, CHARLESTON, S. C. For sale nt Edgefield, S. C., by G. L. PENN. Charleston, Jan 15 ly 3 3ta*te of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD. DISTRICT, ?N COMMON PLEAS. Guthridge Cheatham, bearer, ") v? J For. Attachm'nt G. W. Strom. J rUE Plaintiff in the above stated case having' this day filed bis Declaration in my office, nd thc Defondant having neither wiife nor Attor oy known lo resido wilban .tho limits of this rate on whom copio? of said Declaration with oles to plead can bo served ; On motion of W. V. Adams, Plaintiff's Attorney, ordered that said Icfcndant appear and plead to said Declaration rithin a year and a day from the date hereof or nal and absolute Judgment will bo givtm against im. S. HARRISON, c.o.B.n. Mar 7, 18f>7._ly_11_ State of South Carolina. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, ? . IN COMMOM PLEAS. Guthridge Cheatham, "j rt > Foreign Attachment. G. W. Strom. J rllE Plaintiff in the above stated case having this day filed his Declaration in my office, nd tho Defendant having neither wife nor Attor ey known to resido within tho limits of this State a whom copies of said Declaration with rules to lead can bo served^ On motion ?f W. W. Adams, laintiff's Attorney, ordered that said Defendant ppear and plead to said Declaration within a ear and a day from the'date hereof or final and bsoluto Judgment will bo (riven against him. S.HARRISON, c.c.K.n. Mar ll, 1S67. ly ll Estate Notice.. X LL Porsons indebted to the Estate of JAS. ?L S. ADAMS, doe'd., aro requested to pay up rtliwith ; and those having claims against .said state aro notified to present the same, duly at sted, by tho 20th Dec. next, as on that day a ml settlement will bo made on said Estate in ic Ordinary's Office RACHEL ADAMS, Ex'ix. Sept 20 3m 59 Furniture ! ?0W ON HAND and for sale at REDUCED RATES, a good assortment of hich in point of manufacture, finish and price, nnot fail to give satisfaction to purchasers. Furniture bartered for ALL KINDS OF DUNTRY PRODUOE, and good trades given. J. M. WITT. June 25 tf 26 tate of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN ORDINARY. ) Y W. F. DURISOE, Esq., Ordinary of Edge 3 field District. Whereas. Z. W. Carwile, C. E. E. D., has ap icd to mo for Letters of Administration, on all d singular tho goods and chattels, rights and j.lit? of William Riley Shcaly, late of the strict aforesaid, deceased, l'hese ure, therefore, to cito and admonish all d singnlnr, tho kindred and creditors of the d deceased, to be and appear before me, at onr 1 Kt Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be ' J Iden at Edgoficld Court House on the Ctb day Jan. next, to show cause, if any, why tho said ministra'ion should not bc granted, liven under my band and scsi, this 19th day of v. in tho year of our Lord ono thousand eight ndred and sixty-seven and in tho ninety-first ir of American Independence. W. F. DURISOE, O.E.D. for. 19 Ot 47 -.-?_ In Stock, Wholesale and Retail. YLES ?nd NAPKINS, Spotted DAMASK. . .? GBAY ? TURLEY. J pi I WRIGHT & Mtt?LEY, ?KOCER?, Grain- and- General Provision MERCHANTS, 175 Brciad Street, Augusta* Georgia, THE Undersigned having formed a CO-PART NERSHIP, under the name of WRIGHT A MOB?EY, for the purpose of transacting in Au gusta, 6a-, a Genial Grocery, Provision and Grain Business, Now annoonco this fact to their friends through out Edgcfield District, respectfully soliciting from therua share of thoi'r patronage, and honestly assuring thom that nothing, (on the part of the undersigned,) either as regards ITIoderatioii in Prices, or Efforts to Please, WiU be.left undone.to render them worthy of the same. . ' Besides keeping always on hand a FULL AND VARIED STOCK of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS & GRAINS, Their attention will also be given to the. PUR CHASE OR SALE of J COTTON, As parties may please to favor them. They will give their attention, also, in supplying Planters and tithers with Guano and Other Fertilizers, Promising the BEST QUALITY^n-all cases. M? MCPHERSON WRIGHT, J? R. MOBLEY. Augusta, Oct 6, tf 41 GUANO FOR TURNIPS AND WHEAT. WILCOX, GIBBS * CO., Importers of and Dealers in Gr TT -A. 3XT O , No* 241 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, . KEEP constantly on hand, in Augusta' and Savannah, a full supply, of. PHONIX GUANO, Of Direct and Recent Importation, at $55 per ton of 2,000 lbs. in Savannah, and $60 in Au gusta. ' * WILCOX, GIBBS & CO'S. MANIPULATED GUANO, At $75 per ton in Augusta, and PURE PERUVIAN GUANO, At Lowest Market Prico in Savannah and Au gusta. Orders solicited and promptly Siled for CASH. Send for Circular. Address all communications to us at Augusta Augusta, Sept 2 3m -36 jTltT Y??NGBLOOD WITH EASTERLING & KENNADY 130 Bl'O-id Street, At the Old Stand of R. C. A H. H. ISASTEBMHG, ^XJG-TJST^L, GA., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN PROVISIONS & GROCERIES Of Every Description. SING, ROPE and PATENT' for Baling Cotton. Also, we will sell ALL KINDS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE, and will fill Cash ordo'rs at the very lowest'Cash prices. July,25, . ._ 6m 31 B?GGIN&, ROPE, &C. 12 BALES GUNNY BAGGING, 225 COILS ROPE-best brands. 125 KEGS OLD DOMINION NAILS-as sortcd eizes. For sale by Ai STEVENS. Augusta, Aug 20 tf 34 J. SIBLEY & ?SONS. Warehouse and General COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 6, Warren Block, AUGUSTA, G0E( w ILL give their personal attention to the SALE AND STORAGE OF COTTON and other MERCHANDISE. tS^Consig'nmcnts solicited. CASH ADVANCED on.Cotton dize in Store Also, keep on hand BAGGING, ROPE, SALT Augusta, Sept 2 tf 36 J. W, BACON & BRO,, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Saddles, fi?rness, Leather, Trunks, RUBBER A.\D LEATHER BELTING, WOOD HAMES, WHIPS, VALISES, CAB PET BAGS, SHOE FINDINGS, French and American Calf Skins, And AU Other Kinds of Leather, i.e., ?tc, Ac, * 169 Broad Street, Under Augusta Hotel, AUGTTSTA,*GEO. jjSr-SADDLES and HAHNESS REPAIRED md Made to Order, Augusta, Oct 7 6m41 j ( ( BACON, LARD, CORN, ! MOLASSES, ?feo. i 10 HHDS. Clear RIBBED 8IDES,. ' 5 Hhds. CLEAR SIDES, 5 Casks SUGAR-CURED HAMS, I ^ 150 -Pkgs. LEAF ?ARD, i?^barfe?s, tubs and pails, 15 Hhds. Prime Muscovado MOLASSES, 10 Hhds. Clayed Cuba MOLASSES, 175 Sacks Prime White-broad CORN, N m Boxes Adamantine CANDLES*- ? >. f.. |p< '75 [25 Sacks Liverpool 'SALT, 'Uh a FULL ASSORTMENT OF EVERY HING IN THE GROCERY LINE. ?STYot ?ate at the lowest figaws by At STEVENS. Augusta, Aug 20 ' tf ', St Old Papers! 71 OR Sale at tb is Office a largo lot of OLD ! NEWSPAPERS. For silo in ferr?la to suit irchascra. ZifyQ &JiaA ? y iah 0 Ye Old Cui?tomers ! JL TAKE THIS METHOD of announcing to 70a that I am still at my old stand, -?here I am conducting the game old lino '.ot business, which com r risc s. tho usual assortment cf SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE &.CUTLERY. 'ALSO, : Which I manufacturo in all its Styles and Pat terns. y% WOOD WARE, A large assortment, such as Buckets/Tubs and Pails. c. I--jg COOKING AND HEATING Among which are the justly famous Cook S'.oves " DIXIE/' " SUMTER," ** GOOD SAMARI TAN," "SOUTHERN STATES'* and ?FIRE SIDE." Thu;9 Stoves aro adapted to Southern Housekeeper?, and there.should bo one in C7cry family in order to facilitate, and make Cool ing easy. I Caji and make a close inspection of the .Goods and Prices before you go farther. I am not paying $2000 a year for rent of Store as many others are. Beor this in rr.hid, as these expenses are not to be added to prices paid by you. ivar. nrix, HAMB?BG, S. C. pete tf rAi For Ute Plantation, The Garden, And the Home Circle. A.T the request of the Publisher, I am now acting as Agent for the SOUTHERN CULTI VATOR, an indispensable Agricultural Journal, published at Athens, Ga? Terms, $2 per annum. Every Fanner, Planter and Horticulturist in tho South should be a reader of the CULTIVA TOR. ?TSpecimen numbers may bo seen at the Advertiser Ofiico. D. E. D?EISOE. Sept 17 . tf . .3 GROVESTEEN & CO., ? mn mMwm, . 499 Broadway. New York. THESE PIANOS received the Highest Award of Merit-it the World'n Fair, over the best makers frotr. London, Paris, Germany, the cities of New Yo: k, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Bos ton; also, tho Gold Medal at tho American inetitutc, for FIVE SUCCESSIVE YEARS!! Our Pianos contain the French Grand Action, Harp Pedal, Overstrung Bi ss, Full Iron I'm icc, and all Modern Improvements. Every Instru ment t-arreit'e? FI VE YEAHS.' Made under tho supervision of Mr..J..H. GROVESTEEN, who bas a practical experience of over thirty-five years, and is the maker of over eleven thtituaud Piano-Fortes. Oar facilities for manufacturing enable us to sell these instruments from $100 to $200 cheaper than any first class piano forte. ^9-GEO. A. OATES, Augusta, Ga.,' is the authorized Agent far the side of these PIANOS, and will always keep a number on hand ior the inspection of tho public. Aug 8_lyntp 32 Fisk's Metallic Burial Cases. JUST received a lot of FISK'S CELEBRA TED METALLIC BURIAL CASES-of tho latest style !. Also, on hand, of my own manufacture and Gnish, a beautiful assortment of MAHOGANY, WALNUT, POPLAR and PINE COFFINS. All of which I om selling at LOW FIGURES, and STRICTLY FOR CASH. SI. A. MAUKE RT, Next door to Advertiser Office. Jan lfi_tfj_S__ MARVIN'S PATENT Hum and Dry Plaster, Fire and Burglar Proof SAFES, WARRANTED THE BEST IN THE WORLD ! Never corrode the Iron. Never loso their fire-proof qualities. Are the only Safes filled with Alum and Dry Plaster. Please send or call for an Illustrated Catalogue MARVIN ? CO. Principal ? No. 265 Broadway, New York. Warehouse!. [ No. 721 Chosnut St, Philadelphia. Feb 27_10m 9 TO Cotton Planters! THE Ur lersigned aro prepared to SHIP COTTON to Charleston, free of all ?barge for Forward.ng, from this point And will at tend to the payment of the Internal Revenue Tax for their friends, thus eaving annoyance and trouble to tho farmer. All Cotton entrusted to their care will be prop* erly and promptly attended to. H. WESSELS & CO., HAHN A SCRODER. Aiken, S. C., Oct 1 _3m 40 ACCOMMODATION LINE ! (J. S. MAIL FROM EDGEFIELD TO AUGUSTA. PERSONS wishing to go to Augusta or Charles ton can be accommodated by taking the STAGE at Edgefield on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday morning, at 7 o'clock, to Graniteville, and from thence by S. C. Railroad to Augusta or Charleston tho same evening. j*y For Scats, apply to Mr. W. D. RAMEY, at the Post Ofiico. Aug 28 _tf_35__ HOUSE CARPENTERING AND THE Subscriber respectfully announces to the citizens of Edgefield District, that he is now prepared to execute ALL BUILDING AND CARPENTER'S WORK with fidelity and dis patch, and on reasonable terms. He is ali ?ugaged, next door to the Advertiser Dflice, in tho Undertaking Business, Ind has on hand an assortment of BEAUTIFUL COFFINS, Rosewood finish, neatly trimmed, and if the latest styles. Prices very moderate. My fine NEW HEARSE, with gentle Horses md a good Driver, will attend Funerals^ when lesirod. Daring my absence from the shop, Mr. JAS. >AUL, who is conducting the CABINET BUSI NESS in the samo Rooms, will give his individual ttention to all orders for COFFINS, 4c. M. A. MARKERT. Nov. 27, ;_ tf 48 ??RRIAGE MANUFACTOfiY EDGEFIELD, S. C. rHE Subscribers respectfully announce that they are now prepared to do all work in the OACH MAKING and REPAIRING BUSI ESS that may be entrusted to them, in a wom anlike manner, and with neatness an d dis patch We have on hand & few CARRIAGES a:Bds|t >rior BUGGIES,of oar own manufacturo, whlcl e will sell low. All kinds of REPAIRING dette promptly an arran ted to gi vo f Refaction. ?&"Ae we sell ONLY FOR CASH, our ? unusually reasonable All we ask is al SMITH & JON Mar 7 tf -:-1 Law Blanks. "SOR sale at. this Off.-ie,, LAW BLANKS ; ALL KINDS at the moat reasonable p r 'j?ah. .?rI3 '.iX Hay 15 ? tf .1