Large Additional Supplies ! .o Gray, Mullarky & Co., 228 BROAD STREET, AxLg"U.sta, Greoria. Would again respectfully inform the publio that one of the Firm has just returned from New York, with LARGE ai? ADDITIONAL SUPPLIES, pur chased at unprecedentedly low prices, trom those large failures that have occurred within the past week, which gives them UNRIVALED FACILITIES, so as to defy competition. They would specially request a careful and close examina tion of Goods and Prices, feeling confident that they can guaranty a saving of FULLY TWENTY-FIVE TO FIFTY 'PER CENT, to the prudent purchaser. LOOK AT PRICES ! Rich Dark Calicoes, 12? cents per yard, ? Poplins, 25 and 30 ? Fine all Wool French Merinos, 75 cents per yard, Rich and very elegant Poplins, in new and fashionable colors, */5 cents. worth" $1,25. Pure Linen Cambric Hdk'fs., 12? cents each, Fine While Long Cloth, 15 cents per.yard, 10-4 Heavy Sheeting, SO cents per yard, Fine Ribbon Bound Blankets, ?5,00 per pair. Particular attention is invited to the elegant and choice selections^ our mm GOODS wmmm, CONSISTING IN PART OF Rich Irish Poplins, Poplin Reps, Moire Antique Silks, Plain Silks, Rep Silks, hi the latest and most desirable shades; Beautiful Plain White TaiTetc dos De Nap and Gros De Ecosse Silks, for Bridai Dresses ; Choice Colors in Alpacas, at 50 cents per yard ; Beautiful Empress Cloths, very cheap; Rich and handsome Plaids, in fine Poplins and Mohairs ; An elegant stock of Mcrinoes, all qualities and colors; Heavy Rich Black Poplins, for Mourning; Fine Black Merinocs and Alpacas, for Mourning, Empress Cloths, highly finished goods, for Mourning, Lupin's Fine Bombazines, " " All qualities in Canton Cloths, " " Delaines, all wool and mixed, " " Choice selections in Second Mourning Goods ; Rlack and White Check Poplins, ?See. "TELE HEAVIEST AN? RICHEST BLACK SILKS IN THE MARKET, IN Taffeta G. os De Nap, Gros De Ecosse, Glace and Reps, Heavy Black Lyons Silk Velvets, Heavy Black Cloth Circulars, Heavy Black Beaver Circulars, Richly Trimmed Cloth Basques, Elegant Heavy Beaver Basques, Large Beaver Saques, Handsome Trimmed Beaver Saques, Beautiful Cloth Saques, Very Fine Wool Long Shawls, .Heavy Mosaic Wool Shawls, .Black and White Check Long Shawls, Plain Black Wool Long Shawls, Fine. Black Merino Long and Square Shawls, An extensive assortment of Square Wool Shawls, Breakfast Capes. Sontags, Nubias, A Large Stock Housekeeping Goods*. Sheetings, all widths, much iowar .than they have ever been offered ; Marseilles Quilts, in great variety, from 10 to 13 4, some very handsome; Linen Sheetings and Pillow Case Linens, Heavy Irish Linens, for family use, White and Colored Striped Furniture Dimity, Embroidered Muslin and Lace Drapery, for Curtains, Heavy Irish Linen, Bleached and Brown Damasks, , Fine Bed Blankets, best quality, Towels of all kinds and qualities, Damask, Damask Bordered, Fringed Huckaback and Huckaback and Crash Towellings, Turkish Bath Towels, Diaper Towellings, Russia and Scotch 3 and 4-4 Bird's Dye Diapers, some very fine, Napkins, Doylies and Tea Napkins, : 8-4, 9-4 Heavy Worsted Damasks, . Worsted Embossed Table Covers, all sizes, Fine Piano Covers. /AN IMMENSE STOCK WOOLEN GOODS. ? Flannels^ all makes, Fine.Silk Warp Flannels, ?. m . 5-4 Fine Flar.iels, Welch, Shaker ar.d Dornest Flannels, . Heavy Grey, Blue and Red Twilled Flannels, '.Opera Flannels, al! colors, i Heavy Kerseys, for Plantation wear, Fine North Carolina Jeans, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, very desirable goods, iLow priced Jeans, in great variety, .Ftne Fancy Cassimcres, Fine Black Broadcloths, Doeskins, Cassimcres, Reaver Cloths, &c. DOMESTIC GOODS LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED. . All the Fine Grades American and English Prints, Tickings. Stripes, Checks and Limeys, all qualities, Denims, Osnaburgs, Shirtings and Sheetings alwajs cn hand. FINE WHITE GOODS. t Soft finish Cambrics, Jaconets, Check Nainsooks, White and Colored Tarletans, Swiss Muslins, India Twills, &c. Rich Laces and Embroideries, Collars, Setts, Edgings, Insertings, &e. Fine English Hosiery, Ladies', Misses', Gent's and Boys' Haif HoseL Woolen Hosiery, in g ?rat variety, Notions, &c. ' jggrTo Jobbers buying in our market, we would say examine our price's bufore purchasing. GEAY, MULL AUK Y &. CO. 228 Broad Street, IngostA, Gi. Aa??sia, Dec 3, Im4fl M, LEBESCHULTZ, AGENT HOME AGAIN ! Ti HE Subscriber informs tho citizens of Edge field and tho surrounding country that ho has re covered from his long spell of sicknoss, and is roceiving a SPLENDID STOCK of READY-MADE MOTHM, Gents' Furnishing Ooods, DRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, &C. A fino Stock of White Linen SHIRT BOSOMS, UN DER VESTS and DRAWERS, HDKFS., HOSIERY, GLOVES, Ac. CASSIMERES, SATTINETS and JEANS for Men and Boys wear, Also, A fin* Stock of Dress and Domestic Goods which will be sold at greatly roducod prices, such as French, English and American CALICOES, Mourning GOODS, J MOL'SLINE do LAINES, CLOAKS, latest stvles and very cheap, Domestic GINGHAMS, Ladies' HATS and TURBANS, DRESS TRIMMINGS. HUTTONS, Ac., White /.nd Red FLANNELS, SIIIHTINGS/bleachcd and unbleached, BLANKETS in variety, and cheap, H A Ts and SHOES, of all descriptions, ?or La dies, Gcuts and Children, A bea'iful lot of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac. Also, Tho bett brandi of SEGARS, Smoking TO BACCO and PIPES, Fino SHERRY and PORT WINE, Splendid WHISKEY, by tho Bottle, Kentucky Rifle POWDER in Cans, . SHOT and CAPS, best in market, Fresh SALMON, OYSTERS and LOBSTERS, in Cans, GROCERIES of every description, and at the lowest figures. Also, Collin Best AXES, a splendid article, SHOVELS, SPADES, PITCHFORKS, A fine assortment of POTWARE, suoh as Potts and Ovens, at Augusta retail prices. To all wbioh ho respectfully invites tho atten tion of the public, and hopes to share a portion of the gener?os patronage heretofore bestowed upon the old concern. M. LEBESCHULTZ, Agent. No. J, Park Row. Nov 27 tf 43 FALL AND WINTER GOODS, J. HE SUBSCRIBER haB now in Store his Stock of FALL AND WINTE? GOODS, consisting in part of Frenoh MERINOES ; Figured and Solid Col'd DELANES ; Bean-ifui POPLINS and ALPACAS; French, English and American PRINTS; CANTON FLANNELS ; All Wool Red aid White FLANNELS: SH.iWLS, NUB IAS, SONTAG BALMORAL and HOOP SKIRTS ? Colored CAMBRICS ; HOSIERY, GLOVES and COLLARS; Ladies'and Gent's UNDERVESTS ; Ladies' and Misses HATS-splendid variety; RIBBONS, FLOWERS and FEATHERS ; BELT RIBBONS-Rieb and Beautiful Fancy Doeskin CASSIMERES; SATTINETS, TWEEDS and Ky. JEANS ; Bl ched LONG CLOTHS : TICKINGS and STRIPES ; Plaid HOMESPUNS; BLANKETS,-a fino supply ; Men's and Boy's HATS-all kinds ; Ladies', Misses, Mon's, Boy* and Children's SHOES and BOOTS, in great variety ; GROCERIES, HARDWARE-CROCKERY; With muay other articles too numerous to men tion, all of which will be SOLD LOW FOR CASU ONLY. B. C. BRYAN, Agt. Bdgefiold, S. C., Oct 2 tf 40 CITIZENS OF warn \ i AM NOW prepared to wait upon you to the bust of my ability, and furnish you whatever you shall call for in the way of DRY GOODS, GKOCEKIK..:, AND SUNDRIES. S. F. GOODE, Esq., lately associated with me in thc Dry Goods and Mercantile business, hav ing withdrawn his interest from the concern, I now respectfully solicit for myself a >hare of the patrouaije heretofore bestowed upon thc Firm. I am t bo found, as heretofore for some months psst, at the Corner-the old and well-known stand of Bland k Butler. I have, and