Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, November 21, 1866, Image 4

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ESTABLISHED IN 1850 THE Subscri- <ov \IKT would ro-/9^S5r5ft tpectfully in fon* thc citizens -f Edgefield ?ma tba surr?und ; .. .. mut rv, that oe keeps a SPECIAL ESTAB LISHMENT for thc REPAIE of WATCHES u- i JEWELRY. All work 'jutrustcd to his ..i:. kv il I I'o executed promptly, :'ontly, and carran tad for ono year. \t his Store wi!] bo found ono of tho largest St./ck?of Qom ??ncl Silver Watches, Of (?ie !???t Bur >poananil American man'ufaetarc tu th?. S utUrr.i S .tr*?, >vith a seleet assort 01 em nf RICH AND NKtV STYLES ETRUS CAN COLD JEWELRY* Set with' Diuuiubds, Pearls, Rubies, Oriental Gur nets, Coral, ie. Also, SOLID SILVER WA RE, consistisg of full T35A SE TS, WAITERS, ICE AND ?V \TBR PITCHERS, CASTORS, GORM: V >. CUPS, t J???KS, SPOONS. t >d o vi y hine in tba S:lvcr Ware line. FINE ?IN?LE -\>::> DOUBLE BARRELED Coil's, Sm iL. Je Wes un "s, Cooper's, Remmiug ton's, Sharp's, Derringer's, PI STOl S. Ao l mmy others of tho lat03t invention. FINE CUTLERY SPECTACLES, WALKING CANES, PERFUMERY, PORTMONIABS, AND FANCY GOODS 0 ' every variety to ' e f->und in a first class Jew e'ry Esta'o Lihment. A. PB?NTA?T, . 0 ?>. D?r?r l>olo? Augusta Uotel, 133 II..).ut Street, Augusta, Ga. Oct lj On 42 TWINAME * SUMMERS, 310 BROAD STREET, .A. ugusta, Gr a., Shipping and General Commission MERCHANTS, OFFER. FOR SALE A LARGE QUANTITY OF BAcor>r, CORN, FLOUR, Whiskies, Wines, Braudies, &c. ?zap-No package will be opened. Augusta, Oct "16 lm 42 FLEMING & WRIGHT, ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1, Warren Block, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, BUY AND SELL ON COMMISSION BACON, LARD, FLOUR, GRAIN, AND SUPPLIES-OF ALL KINDS. ^"?rCan?ignraents of COTTON particularly solicited, for which we have CLOSE, FIRE PROOF STORAGE. Angust?, Aue 13, 4m S3 CENTRAL HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. MC FRIENDS and tba TRAVELING PUB LIC G ENERA ELY are notified that I have taken a NE?Y LEASE on this Uoui>e, and -viii be g!<t>l to serve them to the host of my ability on all oeoa.-ions, and at all times. N. B. Ballera no reports from any qoarter whatever that I have given up the Hotel, or that I intend doing ?o. My calculation is to be per manently looatad, and my friends may rely upon tin lin * mc al hume, and p'.eused to see and serv* them. WM. H. THOMAS. Augusta, July 27, 3m 29 JES ft, ttl EOS ESrosad Street, AUGUSTA, GA, Wholesale and Hetail DEALERS IN STOVE?, RANGES, TIS WARE, Ac, OFFER TO THE PUELIC THE CELEBRATED Harrest Queen Ccok Stove, Of varions siz*a, either with or wiihout Copper Boiler attached. This Stove hus been favorably known io the South for ?ever il years, and from the larpe number sold ?ince thu War we can safely recom mend it as being jua what is required for tri section of country, and when tarnished with Copper Boiler forms a* complete a Cook Stove SF ever o?ored to tho public. We also keep a larg? supply of general House Furnishing Goods, Euch as Silver Plated, Bri tania and Planished Ware, Wooden and Willow Wara, Cutltty, fte., ic. J3r*We would call the attention of Couutry Merchants to our Stock of Manufactured Tin Ware, which we oflfer to tho trade at very low prices. JONES, SMYTH & co., Formerly ?S. 6. JONES & CO. Annita, Aua 27 3ai35 HMO MS mm, stablished ia Charleston in 1837 And in Augusta in 1848. fflllE Subscriber takos ploasure in informing ,L the residents of Edgefiold and the adjoin ing Districts that be has been appointed Agent for tho THREE BEST PIANO MAKERS IN THE WORLD, vii: STEINWAY A SONS, New York, CHICKERJNG ? SONS, Boston, HAZELTON BROS., New Y'ork. And he will sci! their Instruments at FACTO RY PRICES, with freight added. Parsons wishing to purchase a SUPERIOR PI A SO PORTE will please send for Circulars and Illustrated Catalogues, and they will find they can purchase from tho BEST MAKERS, at as ji.ow Prices ns they can of inferior ones. Illus'rated Catalogues and Circulars sent free of all chargeB. GEO. A. OATES, 240 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. fgf Also, Agent for Mason & Hamlin's cele brated CABINET ORGANS. Apr 24 tf ?17 ]FrLi4nitp.re ? TnE UNDERSIGNED HAVE on band, ?nd aro receiving, FINE ASSORTMENT ol SUPERB FURNITURE, Which they offer AT VERY LOW FIGURES. Thoy ato also prcparod to MAKE TO ORDER and REPAIR any thing in our lino of business at short notico. Cane-Bottom Chairs RE-SEATED at a living price, at 137 Broad Street, opposite Monument Situare. WEST & MAY, June ll 6m 24 W. J. BLAIR, A. J. SMITH, W. W. KEEN, Augusta. Augusta. Danville, Va. :(LAIR, SMITH & CO., TOBACCO AGENCY, - AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 208 Broad Street, Augusta, Geo. PECIAL ATTENTION given to PALE OF TOBACCO, COTTON, FLOUR. OR A IN, BA CON, LARD, WHISKEr.BAOQING, ROPE, TW?NB; PRODUCE, and Merobandi? of every ^tfrOtniignittBU ?ad Ofden wpnUuMf tr'? Angula, Ott 1 3m #40 J S ESTABLISHED 1854, lill?GW SELL. Importers and Wholesale Dealers IN MILLINERY, STRAW, AND zF-^isrc-sr GOODS, Forth East Comer Meeting and M'irlcl St*. INVITE thc Trade to examine their Toll and variad assortment of BONNETS und 4IATS. trimmed und untrimmed. RIBBONS, ot ell description*, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, DRESS CAPS. NETS, VEILS, ot newest des'crns. RUCHES, LACES.CRATES. SILKS, COltSETS. HOOFS, Ac, Ac Churle-t n, Oct 1 6m 40 TliE un der?: j-ned. beinjr ihe OLDEST IM PORTERS AND DEALERS IN GUANO in Charleston, iuform their friends that thoy expect to receive regular supplies of PURE PERUVIAN GUANO D'rtrt from 'he Ag? nts of thc Peruvian Govern ment at New Y?rk, which they will sell at all .imes at lowost market rates. Ordori promptly filled. T. J. KERK & CO., Kerr's Wh ?rf, Charleston, 8. C. Charleston, Nov. 6 6t -15 Gunpowder ll Reduced Prices! IS Kegs. Half Kegs, Quarter Kegs und Canis ters. Qu-ility guaranteed equal to any made. Apply to CHAS. H. ItlOlSE, Wholesale Dealer lu Groceries and Liquors, NO. 9, HAYNE ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. Charleston, Nov. 0 lm 45 GEO. \l WILLIAMS ? CO., FACTORS, CHURCH ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. WILLIAMS, TAYLOR & CO. Commiss'n Merchants NEW YORK. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES will be made on COTTON Consigned to either House. Cheleston, Oct 10 3m41 PLANTERS' HOTEL, CORSER QUEEN AND CHURCH STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. C. C. W. Oe J. li. DENNIS, Proprietors. T-IIS SPENDID HOTEL WILL BE OPEN ED ON TUE FIRST OF OCTOBER, on ..ie Enri<pcuii sys'tvtu. It has been retrod -Iceland -efiirni.hi-d ihroughont. Tbl* Hotel eon tains over ono hundred rooms, wLioh will bc reserved chiefly fir the ?se of travellers und transient gues s. Competent ns.-:st:.rits; havo been secured In every depart mont, and every attention wi 1 be pud te ensure comfort to ibeir customers. The sleeping rooms are airy and clean. Thc restaurant will be supplied with the best turo thc market a tr-rds. Porters will be always ready t- at'tnd to each .irrival and departure < f trains The travelling pnbMc, transient visitors and others, will And ?li it .ill the luxuri?s of a Brct-elass house, combined with tbe Comforts of home. Thc location is fine ly a laptvd for business men and travellers. No oain? or expense %s-1 ; 1 be spared to give entire satisfaction. Charleston, Sept 25 4teow89 FALL ANOWINTER GOODS, THE SUBSCRIBER baa now in Store bi? Stpck of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in port of French MERINOES; Figured and Solid Col'd DELANES ; Beautiful POPLINS and ALPACAS; French, English and American PRINTS; CANTON FLANNELS ; All Wool Red and White FLANNELS; SHAWLS, NUB IA?, SONTAG BALMORAL ?nd HOOP SKIRTS : Colored CAMBRICS ; HOSIERY, GLOVES and COLLARS; L*dUs' ard Geut'o UNDERVESTS ; Ladies' and Misses HATS-splendid variety; RIBBONS, FLOWERS and FEATHERS ; BELT RIBBONS-Rich and Beautiful; 'Faner Doeskin CASSIMERES; SATTINET3, TWEEDS and Ky. JEANS ; Bleached LONG CLOTHS : TICKINGS and STRIPES; Plaid HOMESPUNS; BLANKETS,-a fine supply ; Meu's and Boy's H ATS-all kinds; Ladies', Misses, Mon's, Boya and Children'? SHOES and BOOTS, in great variety ; GROCERIES, HARDWARE CROCKERY; With many other articles too numerous to men tion, all or which will be BOLD LOW FOR CASH ONLY. B. C. BRYAN, Agt. Edgefiold, S. C., Oct 2 tf 40 CITIZENS Of I AM NOW preparod to wait upon you to the best of my ability, and furnish you whatever you shall call for in the way of . DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, AND SUNDRIES. S. F. GOODE, Esq., lately associated with me in tho Dry Goods and Mercantile business, hav ing withdrawn bis interest from the concern, I now respectfully solicit for myself a share of the patronage heretofore bostowed upon the Firm. I am to be found, as heretofore for somu months past, at tho Corner-the old and well-known itand of Blind A Butler. I havo, and constant ly heep on hind, everything in the way if Dry Goods, Groceries, &c Uiually found ia a well-conducted Villago Store; all of which I offer for CASH AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. J. M. WITT. EUgcfield, Juno 18, tf 26 HE Undersigned gives notice that ht- ls now prepared to havo REPAIRED in a good and workmanlike manaor, WAGONS, CARRIAGE6, BUGUI??, und other Vehicles that may be brought to his Shops, at fair and reasonable pri :os for Cash. NEW WAGONS, CARTS and BUGGIES will also be put np in tho host stylo, and on as reason able terms as can bo afforded. Having EFFICIENT and EXPERIENCED WORKMEN in my Shops, and a good supply of tho BEST SEASONED TIMBER, nopslnswiU be spured to give entire satisfaction to those who may rend their work to there Shops. W. W. ADAMS, Sept. 2C tf 59 Notice. APPLICATION will bc made to tho noxt Sos sion of the Legislature to discontinuo the Aiken Road from Holmes' Tavern via Siegler's Mill to Adksrson's fence, and tu opon andstraight ea the old Aiken Road fruin IT'lnics' Tavern via Addison's fnow Lucas') Mill to Ramluls, the Pub lic Aiken Road. Sept 1 3m 38 Notice. ;i PPLICATION will be QM.I at the rrgnl,r ?% Session of the Legislature to Charters branch Rand from Edgefiold CH. to intersect tbs Colon, jin A Augusts KaH'osd ot lb? amt ?spejsihje i" tut, ft!? mc pu rp icc of running Can laoreoDi li '.be/ by 5tsata or Hat6t Point* j 6?pti ** ar M. COHEN 9 WHOLESALE AND RET^I DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, Has on Hand and receiving daily a large and well assorted Stock of LADIES, MISSES, CHILDREN, GENTS and BOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION tlint can be had in ANY MARKET. Merchants andf iters Would do well to call "und examine my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. It is my determination to keep a i sp il My motto is fi QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS ONE PRICE, AND CHEAP FOR CASH!" 23^??Dont forget the place. M. COHEN'S, 182 1-2 Broad Street, next Door above Mrs. A. Fredricks, AUGUSTA, GA. I3TT. W. HENRY, late with BONES & HENDERSON, will be pleased t.o see his old Monda >?f d. COHEN'S Shoe Emporium. Augusta, Sept 3 3ro. 3G JOHN M. CLAEK & SONS, (OLD STAND OF ESTES & CLARK,) 278 Broad Street, A/ugiista, Greorgia, Wliolesale ?Ss Hetstil BO 's Would call the attention of purchasers to their LARGE and WELL SELECTED Stock of Choice Groceries, Which they offer to the Trade at VERY LOW RATES. Augusta, Oct 15, 3m 42 JENNINGS, WARD & SMITH, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCH'TS, AUGUSTA, GA. THE Undersigned have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of JEiSTNIlSTOS, WARD & SMITH. They will transact a Warehouse and General Commission Bu siness, and oller their services to their friends and ihe public. They pledge their undivided attention to all business entrusted to them. Their Fire-Proof Warehouse is located on McIntosh street the Centre of the Cotton Trade of Augusta, and they have pleasure in announcing that they have secured thc services of .Mr. E. BUSTIN, who will take charge of the Cor respondence and Books. fgfLib?ral Cash Advances will be made on Consignments. T. J. JENNINGS, Augusta. . R. H. WARD, Green County, Ga., JOSEPH T. SMITH, Elbert Co., Ga. Augusta, Oct 15 Jin 42 NOTICE TO PLNT I I ? WE ABK RECEIVING AND WILT. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Pure ]NJ~o. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO! WHICH WE WARRANT GENUINE. Sept 10 CRUMP, DAVISON & CO., No. 2CD Broad St., Augusta, Ga. 3 m 37 A. A. DCA LL. J. H. Bf EARS. W. B. PORTER. BEALL, SPEARS & CO,, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fire-Proof Warehouse, No. 6, Campbell Street, AUGUSTA, GA. WILL GIVE STRICT PERSONAL ATTEN TION TO STORAG E und SALE of COTTON, GRAIN, BACON, FLOUR, AND OTHER DRODUCE. /?^Orders for BAGGING, ROPE and FAMI SUPPLIE6 promptly filiad. The usual CASH ADVANCES mado on pro duce in store. Tho patronage of their Friends and tho Public generally respectfully solicited. Au?nsta. Sept 25 3m39 J. W. BACOX. J. J. BACOX. J, W BACON & BRO, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of . SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, LEATHER, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, Wood Hames, Whips, Valises, Carpet Bags, Shoe Findings, French and American Calf 8kins, And al! other kinds of Leather, &c., 169 Broad Street, UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL AUGUSTA, OA. /Sr?ADDLfia aid HARKSfiS JUfairtd tad totta to erckr. A?*wa,Qt SI |pj 4| 33 J. S. COLES, FACTOR AND FORWARDING 144 Reynold Street,' (Near South Carolina Depot,) A?QUSTA, GA. Will Sell Cotton and Produce Gen erally, OR RECEIVE THE SAME ON STORAGE. Will Furnish or Purchase Planters' Supplies. Augusta, Aug 15 Om I. SIBLEY & SONS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCH'TS, No, 6, Warren Block, -Augnsta, Georgia, HAVE excellent CLOSE STORAGE ROOM for COTTON, and will givo their personal at tention to its SALE and STORAGE. Also offer for sale 100 Bales Heavy Gunny BAGGING ; 200 Coils Green Leaf ROPE ; 200 Half Coils Groen Leaf ROPE ; 500 Pounds Bagging TWINE; 50 Barrols 8UGAR; 25 Boxes CANDLES; SO Hfcde. BACON SIDES; I ? ?' 8H0ULDKR8; 100 Boxes CHEWING TOBACCO; 20 Barrels ASSORTED WHISKIES ; ?tc, Ac, Ao. _ J.ogq*a, Btft li la 17 PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S SUITS will bo the name of tho new style of rarmonts shortly to bo introduced tn the publie. As early as brought out will be o Cered to the Tashionablo public at our New Store, v herc a more porfect RECONSTRUCTION in tho improvement of our premises hns lately been achieved. It is our old stand beautifully and tastefully rctnodollod and finished, whero wo hopo to meet our numerous friends and customers. Wc assuro them that our old POLICY in conducting our business on t>e ONE PRICE SYSTEM has proved a ruccess beyond our most sanguine expectations. Low prices and fair deal ing are bound to be TRIUMPHANT in every part of tho globe, and iu_evory branch of commerce. Tho commercial year, just upeninr*, will Bud us well prepared to meet tho wauls of our nu mei nus customers, dir goods ure of the best qunlity AND WILL BE found as cheap as thc cheapest. Thc ccarellj of nv.ney in our midst, combined with thc :>urtiul fuiluro of tho principal crop?, will necessitate a rigid economy to bo . ADOPTED BY thc majority of our citizens. Our varied stock will enable thun to nuke such selections as are suiiublc to their incomes. Thc beautiful styles, of our clothing aro not only proverbial at homo, but also by travellers passing here from ALMOST EVERY STATE who accord us tho praiso for cheapness r.nd the durability of our garment*. We also offcer at the very lowest price", Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, I flats, Yankee Notions, either at wholesale or re tail, as cheap as any house '. IN THE UNION. Our motto is "THE NIMBLE PENNY IS BETTER THAN THE SLOW SHILLING." Wo guarantee lowest-prices-latest fashions. Clothing made of the b??t materials. Call and examine* for yourselves ai I. SIM?N?& ISOMER Fashionable Clothing Emporium, 224 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga., Oct. 15, tf 42. " WHOLESALE GROCERS. H0RT0?&"WALT0N, CONTINUE BUSINESS AT Store No. 287, firoa<T Street, Augusta, Ga., Next - Door Below Old Giiion Bank Building. Wi ITH INCREASED FACILITIES wo are prcparod with a FULL STOCK to Foll at LOW EST MARKET PRICES all Goods usually sold in our lins, suited to Merchant's Trade, Planta tion and Family use. JAMES W. HORTON, ROBERT WALTON, Ja. Augusta, Sept 10 3ni37 WITH FLEMING & ROWLAND, AUGUSTA, GA. THE Subscribers invite the attention of the public generally and Planters in particular, to their Stock of GROCERIES, consisting inpart of GUNNY and HEMP BAGGING; ROPE of all kinds; BACON' SIDES and SMOULDERS; MOLASSES in Hods, and Rbis.; A B and C SUGARS-Refined ; CRUSHED and POWDERED SUGARS; SUGARS of low grade; GOOD and PRIME COFFEE; Superfine Family and Extra Family FLOUR : WHITE and YELLOW CORN; CORN MEAL; FRESH BEAT RICE ; SALT, IRON, NAILS; GRINSTONES, NOVA SCOTIA GRITS; RICHMOND FACTORY OSNABURGS; " ? STRIPES; " , . " KERSEYS; Plain and Twilled. ?if We arc prepared to sell Goods LOW for Cash or on Short Draft. FLEMING & ROWLAND. Augusta, Sept 13 3w3S ??GUSTATFOUNDERY AND Machine Works. Brass and I rou Casting* HAVE now on hand SUGAR BOILERS, of all sizes, Alarm (Amalgam) BELLS, GIN GEAR, HOLLOW WARE, ?nd Anti-Friction Metal, for fast or heavy bearings, and can fill all orders for every description of CASTING, (Iron and Brass) such as SUGAR MILLS, COLUMNS, GIR DERS, SAW MILLS, PIPES, PULLEYS, BOX ES, OIN GEAR of seven diff?rent pattorns, Im proved CORN SHELLERS, PLOW POINTS of all siies, and VERANDAHS, of which I have somo vory handsomo pattorns. Railroad Companies, Bridgo Builders, Factory and Mill owners, and all person) wishing a largo amount of CASTINGS, at short notice, will find it to thoir inter?s' to givo mo a call beforo con tracting elscwbcro, as I am now proparod to do all work in my line at New York pricos. Special attontion paid to GENERAL JOB BING and MACHINE WORK. P. MALONE. Augusta, Sept 3 3m 216 CHAS. P. MCCALLA. ENOS A. TATE, Of Elbert CO., Ga. [McCALLA & TATE, COTTON FACTORS -AND I COMMISSION MERCII'TS, Jackson Street, (near Ellis Street,) Augusta, Oa. Commission* for Selling Cotton, 2 per Cent. jjSJ^On Cotton Sold by ur, no Storage Charged. Augusta, Oct 15 3m 42 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT,' INEQUITY. Wm. G. White ) and others, vs. Josoph V. AVhitc NowellT. White, } Bill for Partition. Blumer White, Wiley Harrison | and his wife Sa- j rah and others. J ?T appearing to my satisfaction that tho Defen dants Joseph V. White, Newell T. White, Blu mer Whito and Wiley Harrison and his wife Sarah, and Bickens Minor, rosido bojond the lim its of thin State, It is thorcforc ordorcd that the abovo warnod Defendants do appear and plead, answer or demur to the bill in this caso, within three months from the publication of this order, or the said bill will bo taken pro confemo ngaiust thom. Z. W. CARWILE, C.E.E.D. Oct. 20th ISM. 3m 43 Executor's Notice. ALL persons indobted to the estate of TEMPLE MARTIN, deceased, aro requested to make payment to tbe undersigned at an early day, and all ptnons hnvlng eloimcs against said eitnte aro requested tn present them duly attested to tbe un designed at tho late residence of tbe deceased, I JABEZ MARTIN, Kx'tor, OctIO, lt? 44 Sheriff's Sale. BY virtuo of a. Writ of Fi. Fa. to mo directed, I will prococd to sell at Edgefleld C. H., cn tho first Monday in December next, tho following proporty, in tho following cases, to wit : ' John Cheath?.m vs Jamos Boyd; Abner W. Glan tun vs Tho Same ; C. B. Boston, Assignee, vs Philip Boyd, James Boyd and William Strom. Ono Tract of Land containing Thrco Hundred and Sevcnly-fivo (375) Acres, moro or les, ad joining lands of Sam. C. Strom, John B. Griffis and others, levied on as the property of the Do fendnnt Jiraes Boyd, doe'd. ." S. S. Jones k Co. vs C. L. Befo, S. F. ?oodo and A. G. Teague; Other Plaintiffs vs C. L. Bofo, Ono Lot of Land in tho Village of Edgefield now occupied by Lewis McCullough, containing Three Acres, more or less, adjoining lunns of Mrs. Sa rah White, Dr. B. T. Mims and others, levied on as the property of tho Dcfondant, C. L. Befo. Thomas P. Magrath vs A. Bushnell, M. A. Ransom k S. S. Boyce, Ex'ors. of Benj. Galknan, dee'd ; Benj. G. Ryan vs S. S. Boyce, A. Bush nell nnd M. A. Ransom, Ex'ors., Ono Tract of Land containing Five Hundred (50(3) more or less, ailj'iibing lands of A. J. Hughes, James L. Mathis, Mrs. M. Swoarcngin and others, levied on as thc proporty of tho Estate of Benj. Gall man, dee'd. M. C. Taggart and wife vs M. A. Crofton, Ex ecutrix, and others ; Tho Bank of Hamburg. S. C., Assignoe, vs Martha A. Crofton ; The Bank of Hamburg vs The Same ; Various other Plaintiffs va The Same, One Tract of Land containing Thirteen Hundred (1300) Acres, moro or loss, ad joining knds of Joioph Grafton, Thomas McKie, Joseph Meriwether and others, hvied on as the property of thc Defendant Mrs. Martha A. Cruf ton. ' , Naylor k Smith vs John L. Harmon; James P. Gravis vs The Sarao; Other" Plain tiffs vs The Same, One Tract of Land whereon the Defendant now resides, known as Winter Seat, chaining Eight Hundred (SOO) Acres, moro or loss, adjoin ing lands of Thomas Perrin, W. B. Dorn and others. James P. Carroll, Assignee, vs Edward Welch, J. D. A. Bell And G. W. Sirom, Ono Tract of Land containing Two Hundred and Fifty Acres, moro or loss, adjoining lands of D. D. Branson, Mrs. Su'an Branson and W. H! Moss, levied on as tba property of Edward Wolch. Elijah Still vs Je?. C. Stidham, Geo. Free and John* Stidham, One Tract of Land containing One Hundred and Fifty (' ?0) Aeres, more or less, adjoining lands of Theo. Dean, Robt. Bryan, Mrs. Rosey Stidham and others, levied on as the property of the Estate of John Stidheu, dee'd. Waldo k Addison, Ex'ors., vs Robert G. La mar, Thus. G. Lamar and Thos. W. Whatley, One Tract of Land containing Thrtc Thousand (3000) Aeror, moro or less, on Horse Creek, ad joining lands of Estate of Thomas G. Lamar and others, leviod on as tho property of the Defen dant Robt G. Lamar. J. P. Quattlcbum, Adm'or., ve William Quetfle bum, One Tract of Land containing Two Hun dred and five (205) Acrod, moro or less, lying on Racdy Creek, whereon the Defendant now resides, adjoining lands of Hugh Moseley, Juhn A. Cole man and others. I will also sell, by virtue of tho writ in the above stated case, on Wednesday following, the 5th Dec. ncxi, ut thc residence of tho Defendant, the following prop?rty, viz : One Horse, ono lol of Oom, Fodder, Shucks, Stock of Cattle, Hogs, Shocp, ono Wagon, one Buggy, Farming Utensils, Household and Kitchen Furniture, kn. TERMS CASH. W. SPIRES, S.'E.D. Sheriff's Office, Nov 10 4te46 The State of South Carolina EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN ORDINARY. Moses P. Walton and wife, Lucy *) Ann, Applicants, vs. ). ForPartit'n John S. Floyd and wife Susan Ann, Applicants, J BY an order front the Ordinary, I shall proccci to sell at Edgctteld C. H., on thc lim Monda; in December next, for'Partition, the REAL ES TATE of MARION A COLEMAN, deceased, sit uated in thc District and State aforesaid, contain ing Ono Hundred and Ninety-three (193} Acres more or less, and bounded by lands of A. J. Holl 'man, Estate of Josoph Griffiths, Estate of Thoma Coloman and others. TERMS,-On a credit of twelve months. Pur chasor to give Bond and approved Securities am a Mortgage to the Ordinary to secure thepurchas raooey. Costs to be paid in Cash. Titles extra Wit. SPIRES, S.E.D. Nov. 10, 3t 40 State of Soufcb Carolina EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN ORDINARY, elizabeth Franklin, Jesse Franklin and others, Applicants, vs. \ For Par'n Georgo Sharptun and wife Nancy I and others, Defendants. J Y an O. der from tho Ordinary, I shall pro coed ta sell at Edged-Ul Court House, on tb first Monday in December next, fur Partition, th REAL ESTATE of BARTLEY FRANKLIN deceased, situated in the District and State afore 'aid, containing Two Hundred and two (202 Acres, mure or less, and bounded by lands of L Gomillion, Levi Moyer, Richard Gregory, Sr. and others. TERMS-On a credit of twelve months. Pur chaser tu givo Bond and approved Securities, am II Mortgage to tho Ordinary tosecuro thc purchus mi ney. Costs to bo paid in Cash, in Specie Titles extra. WM. SPIRES, S.E.D. Nov. 10, 3t 46 State of South Carolina EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN ORDINARY. Ti. Smith and wife Rebecca, Applicants, vs. . J-Fur Par'r. Lila Brogden, Cornelia Brogden and William Brogden, minors, Dofond't?. BY an Order from tho Ordinary, I shall prooec to sell at Edgefield Court House, on the fir: Monday in December next, for Partition, th REAL ESTATE of JOHN BROGDEN, deceased sjtuatcd in tho District and State aforesaid, con mining One Hundred and Twenty-seven (127 Acres, moro or less, and bounded by lands of I Boafirright, Lewis Holmes, Estate of Jesse Satch er and othors. TERMS-On a credi of twelvo months. Pur chaser to give Bond und approved Securities, an a Mortgage to tho Ordinary to securo tho pur chaso money. Costs tobo paid in Cash, in Specie Titles extra. WM. SPIRES, S.E.D. Nov. 10, St 46 State of South Carolina EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN ORDIN?R Y. BY W. F. DURISOE, Esq., Ordinary of Edge field District. Whereas, Z. W. CarwileC. ?. B.D., has applied t uo fur Letters of .Ad ministration, on all and sin ular tho goo Js and chattols, rights and credit of Georgo H. Tiraincrmun, lato of the Distric .foresaid decoased. Theso aro, therefore, to cito and admonish al and singular, thekindred and creditors of tho sail decoased, to bc and appear before mo, at our nox rdinary's" Court for the said D ?strict, to bcholdez at Edgofiold Court House, on the 6th day o Dec. noxt, to show cause, if any, why tho sait administration should not bo granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 2Gth da] of Oct.. in rho year of our. Lord, ono thous and oight hundred and sixty-six, and in thi ninety Gmt your of tho sovereignty and Indepon dance' of tho United States of America. W.F. DURISOE, O.E.D. Oct. 31 6t 44 B State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. /.V ORDINARY. BY W. F. DURISOE, Esquire, Ordinary o Edgofiold District. Whereas, Z. W. Carwile, C.E.EJ)* has appliec to me for Letters of Administration, on all ant singular the goods and chattels, rights and orediti of Edward Howie, late of tho District aforesaid dee'd. .Those aro, therefore, tc-cite and admonish al and singular, the kindred and creditors nf thi said docoased, to bo and appear before me, at oui next Ordinary'? Court for the said District, tobi holden at Edgefield C. H., on tho 6th day of Doc next, to show cause, if any, why tho saic administration should not bc granted. ?Given undor my hand and seal, this 25t!i daj of Oct. in the year of our Lord, ono thou sand eight hundred and sixty-six, and in th? 01st year of American Independence. . W. F. DURISOE,O.E. D. Oct. .30 6t 44 Sate of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN EQUITY. Zedekiah Watkins, Adm'r., J m {of rf ^ John F. Clark, ot. al. J and Relief. IT appoaring to my satisfaction, that John F. Clark and John B. Vance, two of the Defen dants in this cause, reside beyond the limits ol tho State, On motion by Mr. JOXBS, Sol. for Com plainant, It is Orderod tint they do plead, ans wei or demur to the bill within three months from tb? publication of this ordor, or on default thereof, that a decree pro confuto he rendered against them. Z. W. CARWILE, C.E.E.D. Sept 7,1866 Sn if COMMISSIOHER'S SALES State of South Carolina, EpGEFIBLD DISTRICT, IN EQUITY. . Sydney Murphy and others V vs. > Moses Harris, et. al. :;!; ;:. ?J.? ? . BY Virtue of.*u Ordir.of tho Courtlr..?;?-?. I witt sell:Mk that residence*, ia? ij& lsHZ--; ABETH-MURPHY? on THURSPAY the 6th-day of DECEMBER NEXT, the foHowmg SEAL ?nd- ? PERSONAL estate described in tnVpleo&ngiu - to wit:' -i;'--.- ? ONE TRA<JT OFLAND, on-Shaw'a Creek, con tainiDg One Hundred a id Forty-nine Acres, nore or lefs, adjoining lands of Benj. Hatcher, Dr. M. M. Long, Thos. Atkins and others, . Also, '? 'An i ; HORSES, CATTLE,- HOGS, ' HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, PLANTATION IMPLEMENTS, Ac, Ac., ?e. The land Bold on a credit of twelve month?, except costs of suit, wbich mutt be paid in cash. Purchaser to give bond with two good sureties, nod a mortgage of tho premisos to secure, the pur chaso money. Titles extra. Personalty sold for Cash. . r Z. WV CAB WILE, C.E.E.D. Nor. 12,_4t_46 State of South Carolina. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. Amanda E. Etheridge, Adm'or., vs. . -BUIfor Par. Elizabeth F. G. Fitheredge, et ol/ BY Virtue of an Order of the Court in this cnuse, I will proceed to sell on the premises on TUESDAY", the 4th doy of DECEMBER, NEXT, tho REAL ESTATE of GILFORD ETH EREDGE, d?Va., to wit: ONE TRACT OF LAND, containing Three HUNDRED and Fifty Acres, more or less, ad joining lands of Jeremy Wise, Calvin Fellers, David Wiso and others. Sold on a credit of one and two years, with in terest from day of Ssl?, except costs of suit and expense of sale, which must be paid in Cash. Purchaser to give bond and adequate personal sureties and a mortgag e of the premises to secure the purchase money. Titles extra. Z. W. CARWILE, C.E.E.D. Nov. ll 3t 46 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN EQUITY. Lcnh D. Ramage, AdmVx., '") va. > Bill for Partition. Mclvcrda Ramage, and others J BY virtue of an order of the Court in this cause, I will sell at Edgcfield C. H., on Mon day, the 3rd of December next, tho following REAL ESTATE described in tho pleadings, to wit: ONE TRACT OF LAND containing Four Hundred Acres, more or less, adjoingiands of the Estate of Jacob Pope, -iee'd., and others. Sold on a credit of one and two years wilb in terest from day of Sale, except costs of suit, which mast be paid in cash in specie. Purchaser to give boud, with two good sureties, and a mort gage ol the premises to secure the purchase mo ney. Titles Extra. Z. W. CARWILE, C.B.E.D. Nov. 6,1S66 4t 45 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. Mary E. Byrd, Adm's., | B!" (0 tfH Beal n , , [? Estate tte. Daniel Piekcns Byrd. ) BY virtue of an order of the Court in this cause, I will sell at Edgefiekl C. H., on MONDAY, t'ie 3rd of December next, thc following REAL ESTATE, described in the pleadings, to wit : ONE TRACT OF LAND containing Two Hun dred and Ten Acres, more or less, adjoining lands uf Heary Spikes, Wil is Ross, Augustus Hacket and others. Said Lands will be ? old, reserving the widow's dower, on a credit of twelve months, with inter est from day of Salo, except. Costs of Suit and Expenses of ."ale, which must be paid in cash in specie Purchaser to give bond with two good sureties and a mortgage of tho premises to secure the purchase monov. Titles extra. Z. W. CARWILE, c.K.r.D. Nov. 6, . -4t 45 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, INEQUITY. Elmina Rush, "1 Bill for mic vs. > of Beal Et M. W. Clary, Wilson Abney,cf. al. J tate Ar. BY virtue of an order of tho Court in this causo, I willscll at Edgcficld C. H., on MON DAY 5th November next, the REAL ESTATE described in the pleadings, to wit: Tho HOMESTEAD TRACT containing Five Hundred and Twenty-seven Acres, more or less, ? ?joining lands of Mrs Martha Abney and lands nf tho Into Edward arni-. William Coleman. Tho MILL TRACT, containing Twenty-five Acros, more or less with a set of Merchant Grist and Saw Mills, on Saluda River. Sold on a credit of twelve months with interest from day of sale, except as to costs, wbich must bo paid in cash in specie. Purchaser to givo tionds With two good sureties, with a mortgage of the premises to secure fie purchase money. Tillea Extra. Z. W. CARWILE, C.E.E.D. Nov. 6 4t 45 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN EQUITY* Nathaniel Ramcy, "J Bill for Can vs. > cellation, of L. S. Johnson und wifo and others J deed, Ac. BY virtue of an order of the Court in this cause, I will sell at Edgeficld C. H., on MON DAY the 3rd December next; tho REAL ESTATE described in tho pleadings, to wit: A HOUSE AND LOT OF LAND in tho corpo rate limits of Edgefield Village, containing Thrco Acres, moro or loss, adjoining lands of Chas. M. Groy, John.Colgan and others, recently occupied by Capt. Tillman H. Clark. TERMS-Sold ot a credit of ono year, with interest from day of sale, except costs of suit, which must be paid in cash in specie. Purchaser to give bond with two ?ooi sureties and a mort age of tho premises to secure the purchase mo ney. Titles Extra. Z. W. C?RWILE, CE S.D. Nor. 6 4t 45 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN EQUITY. Mary E. Byrd, Ad'ix., } vs Y Dani. P. Byrd, ot al. ) THE Creditors of DANIEL BYRD, dee'd., aro required, by order of Court, to prove their demands beforo tc o Commissioner, on or before the 1st of January next, or in default bo brrrred from any interest in tho decreo to be pro nounced heroin. Z. V. CARWILE, c.E.E.n. Nov 12, 1866. 7t 46 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN EQUITY. . .S. W. Gardner, Adm'o\, ?) rs I Anua Mays, Sum. Maj s, ct al. J THE Croditors of JOHN B. GARDNER, ae .eased, are required, by order of the Court, to provo tboir demands beforo tho Commissioner on or boforo tbe 1st January noxt, or in default thereof, be barred from any interest in thodocree to bo pronounced herein. Z. W. CARWILE, C.E.E.T). Nov 12, 1956. 7t 46 State of Pouth Carolina, EDGEF ELD DISTRICT, IN .?QUITY. James A. Doxior, .idrn'or., ") vs. \ Francos H. Tillman, et. al. J BY virtuo of an order c f the Court in this cato, tho creditors of BEN J. P. TILLMAN, decM., aro required to come in ajd have their claims be foro mo on or beforo tho first day of December noxt, end on failure to dp JO they shall bo deprived of all benefit from any dc cree to bo .made in the cause. Z. W. CARWILE, C.E.E.D. Oct 10, 1866, 7t State of South Carolina* EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, INEQUITY. W. J. Roady, Ex'or., ) va. }. Camilla Blalock, et al. J IN pursaance of on ontor of the Court tat thia cause, all nod singular the creditors of P. R. BLALOCK, dco'd, are required to oome in and prove their respective claims, before the CommU sioner, by tho first day of January next, and ia default thereof that they li? barred from all bene fit of the daoree to bo pronSuneed narela. I. W. OAR WILE, OJULD. Nor. 1, 1865, 81 t?