Gr peat Ice olii c jj ion in tit GRAY, M?IMRKY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS JN FOREIGN AND JDOMESTIC DRY 328 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, ARE NOW PREPARED TO OFFER AT BA HAVING ON HAND OVER Worth of Dry Goods, Purchased Exclusively for Cash, since the late decline, at Auction and Importers' ?Sales, by an Experi enced Buyer, who is always in thc market. OUR STOCK. CONSISTS IN PART AS FOLLOWS ?Plain Black Geo's Sirks, Plain Black Glace Silks, Colored Chine Silks, Colored Stripe Silks, Colored Foulard Silks, Brocade Grenadines, Stripe Grenadines, Mourning Grenadines, Black Tamartine, Black Crape Maret z, Black and Colored Challies, Bareges, English Bareges. Colored Crape Maret z, Pal De Ch?vres, Leno Cloth.-?, , Mozatubiques, Plaid and Stripe Poplins, Figured and Plaid Chillies, Black ?lapacas, White Alapacas, Lupine JSombazices, Printed Jaconet Musics, Organdie Muslins, Organdie Robe-*, Printed Lawns, Black and White Organdies, Plain French Lawns, Plain French Cambiic, Printed Cambrics, Cbin'.z Percules, . Plain Percules. IN'COVERINGS WE Rich Lace Circulars, Lace Points, Silk Sacques, Silk Basques, Silk Circulars, Shetland Shawls, Shetland Rotondes, Barege and Ca'.if Shawls, Lama. Wool Shawls, Black Grenadine Shawls. Brilliants, Pique Clo'hs,' M arseilles, Jaconet Cambrics, Jnconet Muslin, Plaid Jaconet, Nuinsook Musliu, Plaid Nainsook, India Mull, India Long Cloth, Swiss Muslin, Striped Swiss, Dotted Swiss, White anc Col d Tarletana, Embroidered Curtain Muslin?. 253 IO IE3L O X IO ES IO. ? ES S3 Jaconet Edgings and Inserfings, Swiss Edgings and Inserting3, Jaconet and Swiss Bands, Jaconet and Swiss Setts, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Hem Stitch Handkerchiefs, Plain L. C. Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Handkerchiefs. A LARGE STOCK OF IMPORTED LINENS. Linen Sheetings. Pillow Case Linens, Brown Table Damask, 8-4,10-4,12-4 Bleached Table Damask, Xapking and D'Oylies, Bordered Towels, Fringed Towels, Damask Towels, Turkish Bath Towels, Brown Huckaback leveling, Bleached Huckaback Toweling, Crush Toweling, Russia Diaper, Bird's Eye Diaper, Irish Lineu Fronting, Linea Lawn, Linen Cambria Linen Shirts Front3, . Blay Linens, Brown Hollands, Planters1 Linen, Brown Linen Drills, Brown Linen Duck, White Linen Drills, White .Linen Duck, Fancy Linen Coatings. 20 Cases American Calicoes, 10 Cases Imported Calicoes, Furniture Calicoes, Sew Yolk Mil:4, Semper Wan, Lo i ?esdai'.', James' Steam Milis. . And other favorite brands Long Cloth, 0-4,10-4, 11-4 Sheetings, best qualities, Pillow Case Cottons, 11-1, 12-4 Marseilles Quills, 11-4, 12 4 Lancaster Quilts, Domestic Scotch Ginghams, Stripes' and Apron Checks, Tickings, Cotto jades aud Nankco? Checks. Black French Broadcloths, Black French Cashmeres. Black French Doeskin, Fancy Cassi m eres. A COMPLETE STOCK OF Hoaie?T ?and 3XTotiori.s. To Merchants visiting this market we offer Great Ind?e?m?hts, having a coinplete assort ment in Every Department. 228 Broad Street, i 15 i FOR SlRpgffe iSSMKI! At Tempting Prices! HE Subscriber is now' rocciving a CHOICE and WELL ASSORTED Stock of T ?)?i?e8t^:^j|???g(^^ii|%' -Consisting in.part of-r Brown SHEETINGS/ SHIRTINGS,' DRILLS ' and TICKING J Bleached Cotton SHEETINGS,.Pillow PASING . .and SHIRTINGS ; ' ' ~; K" .** Bleached Linen SHEETINGS,-Table DIAPER, "NAPKINSand TOWELS; DRAP DEETTE, CQXTONADE, Linen DUC and DRILLS for Men and Bov's wear; PRINTS and GINGHAMS ; ? Printed LAWNS>.Jaconot and . Organdie -MUS? ? LINS; "'*: ' ." White- Jaconet, Swiss', Moll and Nainsook MUS LIN, Plain, Checked-apd;Striped.; -- ; Linen Cambric, Hemstich'?d ?nd Embroidered . ! HANDKERCHIEFS:;:' ' - '.'.- . / ? ? : LACES, RIBBONS,' FLOORS, HOSIERY and; GLOVES; -... MOURNING DRESS GOODS'; CLOTHING 'FDR; MEN and BOYS;':'for Spring . . and Sunimer*wc3r; .* '" v:ft-.^ SHOES-for Ladies, t3*nfc;. Boys,. Girls'ARd the . Babies ; BONNETS-LadioB and -Missos, and 1 Infant'*; HATS; Men's, Boja and Children's HATS. -Also, a good assortment of Hardware, Crockery, China and Glacs Wa;re, Groceries, Saddles, Bri dies, Baggy Harness, ic, &c, ?.Vc. This Stock of Goods was seloctod in New York after tho lato declino in prices, and will bo sold FOR CASH ONLY, Afpricci to suit tho most economical. JAS. B. SULLIVAN, At the Old Stand. Mar 27_4t_U Spring and Summer GOODS! THE Subscriber is now receiving his Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS direct from Charleston, consisting of CALICOES, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, COTTONADES, STRIPES, BROWN AND PLANTER'? LINEN, SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, LONG CLOTHS, BED TICK, ?fcc Ladies, Misses and Men's HATS AND BONNETS ; Ribbons, Flowers, Wreaths, Plumes, Gloves, Veils, Hosiery, LADIES, MISSES, HEX AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY,' SADDLES, BRIDLES. GIRTHS, SURCIN GLES, With many other articles too tedious lo mention, which trill bn ?old at the lowest market price for CASH ONLY. B. C. BRYAN, Agent. Mar 21_tf_ _ 12_ Teague & Car wile, UNDER ODD FELLOWS' ct MASONIC HALL, Dealers in o jj Brushes, &e. HAVE on hand, and'are constantly receiving, all of the most approved PA TE XT MEDI CINES, consisting in part nf AYE R'S CH Ell lt Y PECTORAL ; AVER'S AGUE Cure: WlSTAIt'S BALSAM WILD CHERRY; Dr. Strickland's COUGH BALSAM : " " Anti-Cholera MIXTURE: " ." Pl LE REMEDY: WATSON'S NEURALGIA KING-an in fallible remedy : MKS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP for children teething. Knrliy* Popular WORM CANDY, Brown's Bronchial TROCHES; EHILOTOIvEIi, or FEMALE S FRIEND : Whitcomb's Attbmn REMEDY : Heiubold's Fluid Extract BUCHU ; Constitution WATER ; Husband's Calciood MAGNESIA ; Brown's Essence of JAMAICA GINGER; Sylvester's BENZINE. For the Hair. All of thc mo.'t popular preparations for the Hair, ?u(h as Wood's Hair RESTORATIVE; Barry's TEICOPHEROUS; Liou's KATHAIRON: Jayne's Hair TONIC : Burnett's CO'COAINE ; Antique OIL ; BEARS OIL and POMATUMS. Also, A fine assortment of KEROSINE LAMPS, KER OSINE OIL, and in fact everything kept ia a first class Drug Store, all of which will be sold at the lowest market prices. Mar 5 tf ]0 Good News from Mexico. THE Subscriber respectfully announces that he is prepared to du ALL WORK in tho Coach Making: mid Bepniiiiii; ut ss. All kiwis of REPAIRING done promptly, and warranted to givo satisfaction. Ho bns also oh hand a large supply of Pine, Black Walnut and Mulberry COFFINS, nea'Jy finished, which bo is prepared to deliver in any putt of thc District. As he bus to pay CASH for everything he has to buy, he will rcfjuiro the CASH, or its equiva lent, on delivery of the work. Ai BUSHNELL. Liborfy Hill, Apr 2 -tf M FISK'S PATENT METALLIC BURIAL CASES IT A-NT) CASKETS! HE Subscriber has just roceivod an assort ment of Iheso beautiful Rosewood finish METALLIC BURIAL CASES and CASKETS Air-tight and ^destructible-for protecting and preserving the Dead-which Lo,will sell at buta moderate advance on original eost and transporta tion. Wherever introduced thosv C:u?es have the preference ever ail others. J3^*Orders promptly filled. Ternu, of course, strictly Cash. J. If. WITT. Edgefisld, Mar t3_tf ll CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY EDGEFIKLD, S. C. TUE Subicribers- respectfully announce that they are now prepared to do all work in the COACH MAKING and REPAIRING BUSI NESS that may bo entrusted to them, iu a work manlike manner, and with neatness and dispatch. Wo have on band a few CARRIAGES ?ad su perior BUGGIES, of our own manufacture, whioh we will sell low. All kinds of REPAIRING done promptly and warranted to givo satisfaction. &tTAs we sell ONLY FOR CASH, our prices arc unusually reasonable. All we ask is a trial. SJTHTH & JOKES. I* M?r 7 "' " tf' - lio. The Place TO BUY FANCY GOODS, CHOICE PEU, FUMERY ot all kinds, fine TOILET Att ?ICLES. i id NOTIONS ,*.;?oW? Where they, arc prepared to ?fTeV to t?ie.public on "ELEGANT atod COMPLETE Assortment of ' -.' STAPLE AND ?Y DRY ? ?j CLOAKS, SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, ?Ssc, &c. One of thc partners will reside in New York, devoting his entire attention to the SELECTION OF OUR SUPPLIES, And we are now daily receiving NEW GOODS at coisrviisrciisrGLY LOW PRICES, PURCHASED FOR CASH, At the Great Auction Sales in New York-, and TWENTY-FIVE TO FIFTY PER CENT. And in some instances FULLY OWlI HALF LESS TUAN THEY COULD BE PURCHASED FOUR WEEKS AGO. These are superior advantages, which we will at all times share with our Customers. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, And all others in want of Dry Goods, Should liol make a .single puichasa before visiting om- Establishment. Augusta, April 2, A. F. GRAY & CO. tf 14 J. J. Lathrop, C. E. Muslin, fi. W. (Jibbon, LATHROP, MU5TIN& CO., Importers and Jobbers 0 P CHINA AND GLASSWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, Plated Ware, ?fee, TXTo. 274 Broad atroot, (W. R. GRIFFIN'S OLD STAND,) AUGUSTA, GEO. Mar 13_lin_U_ A. STEVENS, Grocer and Commission MERCHANT, 209 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA., ITAS NOW IN STORE A LARGE STOCK OF SUGAR, COFFEE, CHEESE, FLOUR, RICE, RUTTER. SOAP, CANDLES, TOBACCO, RAISINS, SARDINES, YARNS, &c, &c. WINES & LIQUORS In Barrels and Boxes. Fifty Hlids. Choice Bacon. Togethor with a full assortment of every article to lie had in Wholesale aud Retail Grocery estab lishments. Augusts, Nov 20 ' Oin 47 /A. J. PELLETIEBX Oilers to the cilium* of Edgufiold ami ad'\ joining Districts a FINE ASSORTMENT \ DRUGS AND MEDICINES, SP! CES, Toilet Articles, [And Fancy Goods for the ToiletJ TO BE HAD AT HIS DRUG STORE, HAMBURG, S. C. Nov. 18 Cm 47 Tn IS WRINGER lins again taken thc FIRST PREMIUM in tho Grr.-t Fair of the T. M. BOXES, JAS. HENDERSON. BONES & HENDERSON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags, No. 187 Broad Stroet, AUGUSTA, GA., HAVE reccutly oponod; next door to BONKS' Hardware House, a VERY LARGE and VARIED ASSORTMENT of BOOTS & SHOES, Which were purchased from the best manufactu rers at low price's, and which th?y aro now selling Wholesale and Retail, ns reasonable aa any other House in Augusta. ^5?3~Thc Peoplo of Edgefield and tho adjoin ing Districts aro invited to give ns a call. t^*Merchanti will do well to oxamino our completo Stock beforo purchasing elsewhere. Augusta, Deo 5 Om 49 "FAIR NOTIQE. ALL Potton. indebted to mo ns Agent, either by Note or Account, who fail to come for ward and make settlement within thirty day? from dato, will And said Notes and Accounts in Augusta for collection. S. E. BOWERS. Himburg, Mar 27_2m 13 Executor's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of JOHN QUATTLEBAIIM, dee'd., will please make immediato "payment, and all persons having do mands against the said Estate aro requested to pr?sent thom, duly attested, to the undersigned at the lat? residence of.the deceased, on or before the 30th day of January: 1867, ss there will he a tin?l settlement of thoEitAto on that day. ^ SIMEON COGBURN, Ex'cr. Jan SO ." ly_ FOR SALE, ? AT" IL A. Gray's Watch Repairing Shop, a lot of SPLENDID RUNNING CLOCKS, very leer. Wacoetfid to Jttfp ?SML IA i a * _u_ i' ii VJ .VI i u .ti in loo uren rair oi ene Ameri can Iu.^tituto-it has also tnkon tho FIRST PRE MIUM at the State Fairs of New York, Verm -nt, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigar, Indian?, Illinois, Kentucky, low?, Wi,con;in, Connectii-ut River Vallry Fair, Champlain Valley Fair, anil at moft of the County aud Instituto Fairs throughout the country. Over 200,000 bavo bcon sold and are now in use in the United States, and tee never heard oj ont that toa* not liked. Tho UNIVERSAL is superior to ail other Wringers, in having large rolls of solid India Rubber, go protected hy strong COGWHEELS that they cannot slip or break loote /rom thuhoft. Its strong wood trama cannot bo brukon, and doti not ratt or toil the olothet. Every Universal Wringer ls WARRANTED. We loleet a fow testimonial! from parsons widely known to the public, who rpesk from ac tuc! experionco, and are above suspicion of mis statement. . " My family would ss soon give up tho cooking stove as the CLOTHES WHINGER. It cannot be two highly recommended.-[?olin Robinson. "This is the first Wringer I have found that would stand tho servico roquired of it."-[J. P. Huggins, Lovejoy's Hotel. " We think tho Machino wen JIOBE THAW-FATS voa ITSELF EYERV TEAK IN TUB SAVING OP 6AR WENTS. W? think it important tho wringer?bould ho fitted wiib COGS."-[Orange Judd, Editor of American Agrioullurut. " I boartilj commend it to economists of time, money aud contentment."-[The Rev. Dr. Bel lows. Prices ^ ' Large Wringer, "A." Medium " " H " Duty's Washer, Family Size, *? " Hotel ?* 812,00 ro,oo 14,00 18,00 Merchants or good canvassers can make money rapidly selling them in every town. Exclusive sale guaranteed and liberal terms given to res. ponsible parties who first apply. Descriptive Cir cular and terms sont free. The celebrated DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER, which has just taken the first premium at the great Fair of the American Institute, is also Bold by the undersigned. R. C. BROWNING, GENERAL A63NT, No. 347, Broadway, Hew York. Feb 21 10m 8 FREE SCHOOLS. THE COMMISSIONERS of FREE 8CH0?L! fur this. District are requested to meet a Edgefield C. H., on tho- first Monday in-May a ll o'clock A. iL A full and punctual attendanc ? desired. MULE CHOREAIS, Chair. AjcS 3* ll . i.?-U-J .Jo *ihi->t ^ igt*] ; AUtW?i^ , Wfcoles.ile and Bilail Deaiter ia ' p?rpente rs' afl*DferAMthW(r8ffi - ii oem f u^S^^fV*1*1 ^? fb-nouoe Wr MA? ??dru t??j ? g Mill Irons ?n? Mocks,''I', : Bolting CIotn7 " f ; - 4e.', Ac, Ac;'-- * ; . . All of which I am foiling ns cheap;- If no! cheap? er, than any xher Hoasc-in.the-clty- - mtii tju\ i. *Ji ?se ?rags, Bf?^?ippf? ???ou AUG?ST??:^:;W<^A. .WFT^LD tm&S?&j 'Yi?vlte "?ii* ?tt?uj?oTroT\* '" ..*f -...MERCHANTS, PLACITOS ?aTOFf* ?* SICIANB to th^ir^Sfock-Df.' te?m .J. s-? .PUR? MEDICINES,:; ?vi.-.--? j.? ?rx? w> . '.' CHE MICALSy-DRUGS?.- ;WMUV> ?*A PAINTS, OILS, -RRUSHJESV- - FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, ', ' ^OICE PERTUj^J, ^ " *Z*r PLUMB V LEimil, " 212 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, fcA. Mar 7 . \ ' Sm . 10 What I Wish to Sell. CIDER. 25 Bbls. of Fort's celebrated Champagne CID HT., and a ir jah supply arriving weekly. ALE. 35 Casks of B.iss & Cu's. PALE ALB, in piata and quarts. LIQUORS. JO Bbls. of BOURBON WHISKEY; IO Bbls. COGNAC BRANDY; IO Rbis. MALAGA WINE; 25 Cases HEIDSICK CHAMPAGNE ; ' 25 Cases pure HOLLAND GIN, and everything elso in the way of Liquors. SOMETHING- GOOD 25 Ilhds. Choice NEW BACON, primo nrticle. 100 Bbls. Northern FLOUR, various brands. 10 Tierces fresh boat, new crop, RICE, prime. 50 Bbls. SUGAl!, all grades and varieties. 30 Bags, COFFEE, assorted qualities. 10 Chests Jennings A Co's. TEAS, in i lb. paokagos. PEPPER, GINGER, SPICES, CL0VE8, CINNAMON, 4c, ?c. 75 Boxes SOAPS, all varieties. 50 Boxes Adamantine CANDLES. 25 Boxes Oswego STARCH. Every kind and variety of PICKLES, PRE SERVES, Canned FRUIT, FISH and OYSTERS, and everything el .?fe usually kept lu a First Cia?? Grocery Store. Also, 100 Bbls. NEW MACKEREL. ' 150 Kits No. 1 Family'MACKEREL. IRISH POTATOES for planting and family use. 200 Sacks CORN, arriving weekly at depot, and new Goods in my lino generally, arri ving daily, at low prices. I Have Also, The Ajjoncy for the rale of YARNS and OS NAB?RGS, HOLLOW WARE and CASTINGS fjf all kinds, all of which will bo sold at LOW PRICES. A. STEVENS. Ausmta, Mar 5 tf 10 Tax Assessor's Notice. ?WILL bo at tho time and face? bcrrinafUr montioned to maVo the Assessment on thc As sessable property of the District, consisting of Lands, Lots. Lands and Buildings :n Towns and Villagos, Manufacturers, Spirituous Liquors, Cot ton, Turpentine, ?tc. Edzefiold C. H., Monday, 2d April. . Pine House, Tuesday, 3d M Cbernkeo Ponds, Wcdnaaday, -1th " Hamburg, Thursday, 6th " Bench Ld and, Friday, 6th" Granitevillo, Saturday, 7th " Vaucluse, Monday, 9th " Hotelier's, Tuesdoy, 10th " F. Pusey's, Wednesday 11th - ? Lvbrand's, Thursday, ]2th " Ridge, Friday, 13th " Lott'.-, Saturday, 14th u Warren k Lovelace'.', Same evening, 3 o'clk. DuntonsvilJo, M ndsy, 10th Apr. Red Hill, Tuesday, 17th ? Edward Howie's, Wednesday 18th Woodtown, Thursday, 10th " A. Morgan's, Friday, 20th u Wbitemnn's S. H. Same canning,o o'clk. Coliier'?, .Snturday, 21st Apr. J. A. Talbert's, Monday, 23d * White House, Tuesday, 24th " Liberty Hill, Wednesday 25th " ShAttcrfield, Thursday Jflth " Roundtree's Stote, . Friday, 27th " Pleasant Lane, Saturday, 2?Sth " Moetin* Street, Monday, 30th " Mrs. Allen's, Tuesday, 1st May. Dr. John Moble/s, Wednesday 2d " Mrs. Norris', Thursday, 3d " Gcorgo Addy's, ' Same evening, 3 o'clk. Mrs. Gibson's, Friday, 4th May. Mt. Willing, Saturday, 5th ? Micklet't, Monday, 7th " Huiefs Storo, Tuesday, 8th " Perry's, Wednesday ?th " Coleman's X Ronds, Thursday, 10th, " Richardson's, Friday, 11th " Mrs. Culbreath's/ Saturday, 12th " Coopersville, Monday, 14th M A. Kemp's; Tuesday, loth " Dom's Mills, Wednesday 16th " EdgeSJd C. H. Thursday, 17th ? After which time my Assess ment book's will close. Persons making returns will bear in miad that returns most be made with reference to the first Ootober lost. Books opon at 10 o'clock, A. and olola at 4 o'clock, P. M. BESJ. BOPER, Tax Asitaior Edgefleld Dist, Mar 31 tf 13 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICJ. IK ORDINARY. BY W. F. DURISOE, Esquira, Ordinary of Edge field District: Wheruas, ,M? M. Padget and B. T. Jooning? havo a rallied to me for Letters of Administration, ife bow's rio?, on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of John T. Smith, a free man of color, late of the District aforesaid, deo'd. These aro, therefore, to cite and admonish &11 ?.nd singular,