'yfX3^*ir^??K-?^.',*?-<-- -??rr?--!???, rHJHJd?a*? WEtM?KSDAY MOUSING ? v D??EI30?, KS?SE '? CO. S'JB^CIUPTIOVS to rh? ADYERTtSK?i for ont? feirflN|)rP0T.Lu\ R in ?Ot^nw, . AOVSRTISKM?NT? wi? Ix? Ww?! at OW. DObT.AK pur SqHarp (in minion Unes ?r \**s) t?r each Inaction , A?t wU.'.&ro.-iiU wilhout.inniruciio*!? ?* U? Hie nooilwiru/Unou? Wib?'uwrtod, witt be published uoU.} forbid, aadcharsfHl ?ocor.Hnvly Ann^urM^a? CwaWaU* tn- any Ofllcc of honorer proli. TIYE DOLLARS, to be paid bef-f* the an Bomwrnent Qi pnMkhftb Ohiluary notiee?. ?TrUarW-l of Ee*r?.rL or an j comrau nicHtlon piiraonal IR Its nature, will be rated as advor isemenu and charged accordingly. Tbe Mississippi Convention. A dispatch to N. 0. Times dated Jackson August 23. says tb*> Mississippi S'ate Con vention adopted an ordinance ratifyi- g ali laws and official acts passed sine- tbe State's ask>n, not repugnant to the Constitution of the United Sutes arni of Missisippi prior to January, 1801; exoept laws concerning crimes, and acts" enabling railroads to pay monier? borrowed by them; r^p^dn al! laws authorizing the payment ol' du-1? to tin- State io Qoufed^rato ?erip, and d'fit?Hation of spirit? on State acc'mnt; 'riMfii* all official acts, pr?c*t'dtTig?. judgmeirs, dec eps, ?rc., of the aeV'.-ral-courts, with all s iles madr by ad mi ni t: ators and others actio? in jud?cir-l ca pacity; authorizes ex- oattns a"i>l cn hors V? compromise with poroona "train.-t whf.rn ;by hold notes as to fhe rea) value of th? prop-r ty for wbicH Mich note* were ??ven: authori zers parol testimony to be taken % to prove Wheihrr or hot crni'ructs comempiHted sp?cir or currency; raffled all marrisges consum mated ?ince January 1861. A Jaon Dispatch of Aug. 24, says the ordinance proposa;? to submit the oonstitu tiona! anter-dtnent to- the people for. ratifi cation or .nj dion wa? ros*, 5 to 4-i. An flo quent apperri wi memorializ . Pr -sidot t J -din sou to Riant p irron in behalf nf Jrff. Davis and C .arie? Clark, late Gow of }T- ?t8*i| pi. and sigDed by ov r -1,000 ladies was reid and .pproved. A resolution was adopted requesting tbe P.-erid^'nt of the Cen?euti??ti tn inrward the same to tho President pf the United. States. The convection gives their President the right to re-convene them when deemed ne cessary. Prospects ot Charleston* Previous to the evacuation, thc general boniness of tho city could have been pu dawn as on y trifling, for though there wa? an appearance of business, of transportation nf rn^rchaudise, traffic, and other nubers that deuote mercantile occupatio!', it really .lid not oxist to an." extent. Trade was con . fined to but a few goods, and the buyers ar il nellers were not many. Prices, also, were so extraordin?r}''hat the masses could not or would not enter into business as purchasers. True, the currency was Confederate money, but such .deprecia*ion as some knew m us i occar never entered into the beads of the crowd Mtrd they rather, dispoused with, artt oles of real necessity than expend a largo amount (as it seemed to them) for thing1- So small, but wanted. The "?uh'?ring clares were also very much restricted in their ex penditures, they suffering, as they always do, by low warres. and thus a c./nsid.-rabio traffic that exists through them was cut i ff. So that thia apparent activity was conti tied but to speculators and sharpers, and the dra\s rolling by with boxes and bales of re-rchun dise were only removing tb*trT fiTMa one por ernment department to' ^uother.- DIR;tess roamed throughout the community, and bad . it not been for tho charitable cr>nsicV.ratiou of . the City Council, abiy assisted by individual dont rs, a.arvation would have stalked into our houWa. In six short months what a change baa taken pl ?ce ! and, although the trade of Char !c3tou at thia time has just recovered enough to show that hie exists, our stores are filling up writ gojds, and our people aro preparing for a bupic, while attending to -on.o busi nes* Dear be ib .vo named po-d, saw the body tdaburoar. being r se tn -h*- surf?Co of Lhe wa ter. Hts imniediawly set ta wo. k at gifttmg the b*'dy a-hwre- Tiiis . being d ne, it was found to be a young lady, apparently s?>rae fift?on or i-ixttocti years old, wbj hud fust been shot, iben had h? r hoad, arm aud leg cit tf. and th'- body.thrown in'o the pound. ? Ko cia? has been given as to what this tmfor t un wa lady '? ?amo was, or thc where abouts "of the -flrtid who p?rp?trft'od the bloody d'edi The-inference is that h^r prr ann wa? ?tjt vifdate I, and then murd -nul. in order to prevent the pen sfcmiut of the villain Who eoruiukird the lout deed. We>do not.think tuat the young lady be longed in this immediate neigub-iurho^d.' ? We hope thattiuT military: and civ?a?tir?jr . Jtjfea ?fill leave nothing undone thal would .-be iostromehtal ni bringing about tbs arreat ol* the murderer. We Tf-?pr?trutfy suggest that a large r?ward bo off red "by the citizens of the aojoiuint cotm'ieS, aa well r-j bar own, for the arreat of the guilty party. j MONTGOMERY & TVevr POINT RA?LBOAD- 1 "We are informed, Bays rho Atlanta Intelli - goncer, that the ca'ra will ruo through to Montgomery on thc above named road to-dav. ; This will be gratifying ?Jbrmalion to many; the gap in that, road atnee tho destruction in . the early spring bas been a great. i^terrup- , tion to those desiring to rome from or the trial sf MOSTS CHARLES WATKINS, FRANK HIGHT, an-i JOSUUA DoronTV, suspected of hav ing ptirpcr . ted the deed. Wo have not been able to h?.'it-Id District on reasonable terms. Ali these luxuries und d'.-i.c-i eiosareof tho very best quality.' Tba clarified sugar, which <*ccouijan??d tho lemons, and ri:l.< which we sncuienod tbo icmoundn, was as beauti ful as we over saw. But go and see for your I selves. A Hlonth Full of Pearls Can ho provided tor ?ny one, ??au ur aroman, by that accomplished Den?-t, Dr. H. PAHKUK. Or at lrast ho.Caa provide 'ho pearls, und a-rungo tbcln bca?tiiully ; tho mouth ciuet.be ?hcrc to b-uin with. Dr. P. ha? ju~t returned fr"m tho .North, whither bo bas been no: only to buy ma terinis necessary in tho earrjfag on of bis busi noss, but ?'so, to acquaint blni.eJf with all tb* improvements in dcntistiy ?hieb have been roa?e ! and porieeted during the war. As regards both i these objecte, bebas bt?en eminently Miecrasful, [ us any ?.'ie will see by vi*i'.ihg his office. Ho bas I tbianoat *ubjH?*i*oiy perfect aititiciul t-seth wc j'h .vc fV?:r seen. And his-rm?) me?iod:ef gattibg I ; U:< KC'S, thc plates being .>: vulcanised india-tttb- I j ber or gutta percha, 'bc color of tho gum er j roof of tho mouth, und .ubiclly indicves a v 'st j , onward .-Tile in (lie dental art.. Wu oan ri.' QZ actly dt-cribe this new mcthvd, but suBico it to i sny that .:S regards lightness, strength, durabitiiy I and truth to n.iuirc, these new plaM are immense ly sup;ri'?r to 'boyo of metal. Sec Dr. P's Card ? ia anotbur column. Host Lamentable Fire. Wo regret e.\cvcdi-v'y ;hat it l-ecomea oar dnty j to toil ot a great mittfnrtune whtch has lately | befall-o tb a barned and poj.??ar gentleman, I Prof. F S. HOLMES, lato of tho Charleston Cch. j legt, ami for'lfcree joars past a citizen of Edge field. Orr Friday nijrht l ist, *r rather between ' two a? d torre o'clock ou Satur?ay morning, an | i offion, a?lj4n"ing Pn>f n's dwelling house, c?n- j j tar?ng the {frofessor'l entiro libn.ry, geological I UBM*m^ und philosophical apparatu?, was des? ' troyeft by dre. Besides bi.s library, ono of tho I most rare and valuable in the Seuih, a vaslquan- ' j tity of cosily scientific instruments und uovol < i gfofoglcal-and natural Kpscimti&s were stared in j , this i moe. Also tevcr.il hticdred dollar? worth I j of Ublo silver. And, saddest loss of all ^o a i i literary and Ri-b-utiQc mos ! all tho notes, maria- j ! script*, and report? of researches, made by thu ? j Protcs-or from his yontb to rhe present day-and ! preserved by him with almort parental chre. Wo bag le-?vc to offer to Prof. Doors* our most hon- ' esl smpathy ut this bis great and irreparable IO?S. \ Tho liru is SUppbtcd to h?ve been tho work nf an ' iocoadiury. Most richly does thc vandal wretch j desoir? to hang as high os Haman. Willis A' Chisol:.;. Notico tho advertisement in to Jay's paper of Messrs WILLIS A CIIISOLM of Charleston. Major . WILLIS, lata of tho Confodurato'Army, is the groatost business man in tho late Southern Con federaos. Trust to him, and he'll be sure to '1 bring yoU oat at the big end of tho horn. I < --?-, ri A Constantioople correspondent of the N. ' Y. T'ib'in'e under dato tif Aug. 2, States deaths from cholera amount to about six hundred per - - vt .-l-^v-,-?:a"v.-aCi*-.k.....u. M. Uyama & Co. Augusta* Ga. In another colara n will bo .fcutjd' the.business -ard of M. IIVAJIS 4 Ci., Augnatii, Gm, layoff Charleston 8. C. tTo hare not tho. pleasure; of j these genticmens' a'cq'sainUn?cy nor hnvo iv? L id ? the pleasure uf visiting tl'eir ?.ublLut j - wo know that their rennin! >u as C. -?'mission j's Men-bunts is very widely'and vory d^Seirttfely ; i ex* and nd; and many ^friends who b^e iafrdy i i railed upon them in Angnsta, assure us fiat their.; ( stack of Dry and Faoc3 Goods U vory fin--ifh>t i their priocti kio reasonable-Ibnt their defigrt- j I mont t?w.-rd* their customers i.c uniformly palito t and prepossessing. Our fvllvw citis-'ns^f-iSlue-J j field District will i?se nothing by 'fiitruiriag 8u>?- 1 j uess to their care, or calling up n ibem*forCtfiods j 1 or,Groc<:riea. ', -,-* -*- -v Ko l?ec?ubiructi ia Wituotrt Nogra , ' Sul?rngc. Chief Justice Cnisc. Setiar-.r F.VUZZR,'if EX PELL PrttiJ.uv, and b'hurs" nf'more or Jessfcoto riety, lending the -unnatural, tjnra.is-itc.???and irrational erasadejigain?! President JoiisswtS} 'vn- ! nquiicc that they will oppose tba GorenAh ?yit j policy, as set forth by tho Prciidont, b?>caJtj^o by ? it negroes are n ^r permitted to ?-ote. Xht^arr-i- ' slav; ry fanatics and flo" defying LieoUfhave hoisted upon their standard-tlm raVfi,' "?jp P?e i-oniiruetiun without Negro Suffrage" Thc'evi dont deM-rn of this cx'.-Qfttely vilo e?)d *nru\-U progressiviisjfl isl to nuko bitter war n'^Ta ttit Administration, if it does not Immedirtily put the haU?t* in the bands of tho freedia??;. and thereby r.ndrr tho whole S< uth unfit fortb? borne ff the white mae. If such an idea ns political praeticftbiljfy can ber driven into'(belioadi of moo ?Vfroiwrously abstract iii their views, wc should like to-htar thom state hvw tho p.-.n of r.rgre -suff-age^an be perfected consirtonily with thotandeniabt?iiboory of the North during tho war, ctherwiie fbun l>y t-.e vory cour.e Pro^dem JOHNSON is fuming. Either :hc Seu:horn States har? an oslS'^nee, "r ?.they havo not. If they havo i-ot, then tie Con federates werc,.n? they claimed, foreign pell igcr cnts, aud thc people of the North haro "no right to treat them otherwise. In this viovr, th?? Ouv ?rnmeat cannot try Mr. DAVIS-and other South ern loaders-for t'rea-5-r-l with'Sn gi ?nd because of its recognition of the Oonfed?rat?s as r-cllij-cn-iits. If ti? States do oxiat.-'nnd-us Provident Jonss'-N has .from the' first,persist?mtly aud co.sistently chi.med-'.he Gave! njii:.nt hue simply put down a body of insurgent*, operating against their own ?vos at well aa.ttre. Ufo of the nation, then if follows that'the constitutions and ! .wy of s--,id-Sutes tr.u-jt continue in'force until suspended - y a competent auc who are expressly excluded by it, with any more propriety than be copi d porta* the same course in Aiaine or Pwhodo island, lt the plan of allowing Slate's to r.?>rgat|i>:o within 'themselves shall net provo successful, then an .ithi r must bo adopted. Martial law can prevail when civil administration may bo powerless. Eut upon tho ground taken by tho G-ivcfp.rueiit, aad sa far maintained, no other courso was possible for tho Prtsidiiit, than precisely tho one be. bat; scon fit to adopt. New York, 0h:o aud Indiana .re States in the Union; The}- all ro?ase to allow tho negro to vote. Do those erraticlj^o-itic?ati? pf Territories? And now a, w-rd io those who are g'dng t reproent us ia thc approaching Convention Let ibem not bf vain biclt.-rir.gs over thc ciern'all; defunct institution (pr.ines- aid prosperity ot' the j-ou.u it for u to regain our -talus in tho Uuiou and iatbe Na tional Congress. L?it onr repre*eittattvcj thor? in tho coming Cenvaatbm talk no rhod>aa?at->dd, but sposk a>.d j act practically, and according m the te.ct.ir.gj *l I comm.-n st-rso. Princ.ples are but tb? rayait ?I j experience and expntUeacy, and tho vo-y >!iut'w ! rea sou that point* out a ocrtaiu policy a? righi al one time, may sot il anide aa wr<.n^ ;md pi;rni cioua at aaotaor* It u a vory convenient ti.in . i ??r lucn wno bato i"? nike thu troubla of thvr.kiug I and reasoning, to i.iy duwn a general principio I aud lake it us their guido aud master fir alt time aud uniler all ciroumaViiicw, The wise ?nan, tho statesman worthy of-trust, wi.l t:j.ko rttuon for hi? guide aud by this lonchst"fto test ah c-ir.o.it aio-,6 :or himself au-i hts country. No prin>-ip!? is unirersai ia its applicability. Wont may bo right nun bost to day under oho stato ot circum stances', may be grievous error to-morrow uador another. Tho beasts ot Ibo ficid and thc fvul.? of the air havo a universal iui-tinct rcluoh toar.bxs them tu shun dangers ?ney cannot resist. Man' not only possesses iu.-tinct, buti? gi.ted with reason, and shall bo act with less discrs.iou iluu brtuiss bon?t?? To tdupl ourselves to sui r ,'.lib ing circunnMaTces is not oniy a miu*k of goi'% sense, but it is a high duty. .?Eff- The St. Louis Itcpub'5can rogrotB to say that the iicpicas'i imtoigraii- r promised Mid.mri, in enso .lavery w?a u'.llod, has not yet made it' rrppeanno*. On the contraty tba population of souto of the richsat counties, has purceptibly dU minished. ZSgf Tbo'PresiJcut has roccivod a violently insulting lotter from a S utbern lady, r?ting bim for " tho murder," as sh? calls it, of Mrs. Sur rutt.. . tSP* There is a fatal disease raging am-.ng hornes in sumo part* of PannsylVaiiia. Ai first'! ibero is a swelling of tho throat, follawod, tu- ' ? ?ard the last slades, by a swelling of tho hfcad.! j and limbs, which proves fatal. j ? pS?r A "Washington dispatch to the St. Louis.j ? Demacrat says that ia an^wor to-tbe opplinatiun j J of a Northern Congresrman for tho app??n!meQt*j . of ono of his eonstituonts to au internal roven ne ! ( oflico in Sonth Carnliua, tho Pr?sident said that i c bo menns to go upo>i thc theory? that tauru wcro ; i enough capable and loyal mon in that and every j t ?thor of the late rebel State* to fill th* offices I md reorganizo and suttain the Seato Government, j pst- Gon. Ewoll is trying to obtain tho pardon J if hts jvife, ^ ho i ? qui " woulthy, Ile. soys uotb- j og about his own, though his application is ?u J Ua> j? For the Advertiser. The Charleston Courier. RIDUK, S. C , A-igual 24th,lS?5. MR..Entr?n-:-This rory anei-.-nt and always . .biy cotdnHed and conservative Public Journal : -this ibor'in?h neile's of commercial progression ? nil if correot publie ?eutimeor fur ibo Ust fixty ? ?dd years, bis rc:?:h*.l us ibrough friends orra- I '..milly ?fih iceog?iiioa by ihosc ?tho have alway* ! "ar-keil themselves -among rho most Etaunchof! ts aupporfcrs. aud admirera.... The Courier, it j '...eui', is n.i-.v jinbltshaj] na-i^r n;w. auspices ilud j jy ankunirtl li? mes. And wey these oban gos'! , Have they been wrought by proper and legal j :raii?f?r arri purchase? \Vo*a?k the que:tiu'n for i [afora&tioii, and tb ?oabla ns to ?ai is y entpdriea j pir^ponnden rVry frequently, by patra?a of th? I old i uurirr, ?nd hy friend* of Us old proprietors. I tVe . wirhr.:.t;?'...n'OR-.d w".h- J ou: I?W ig !: :-t ?-? frrmftr proprietors, Lut we d> j BXT-cc. it as t! ?ag* now .-tutid, rc ?.ff>rd U8 ??.>.<: , knowledge of. t.ho'cli.ir?ieter of tho changes hero j B:ifced". ere w* can a.ratn, as heretofrr-t, 'con-is- ! PBJ.W..I". ' % 1 tent]? a.-.d ehftwrully sub cr.ie lo and 'cominona j it. In it? vcii-.icni .('ourfo. the Cnwjer baa ever* b-fu '-r v i ;t fer i:..- oaiistcr.ey and conserva- ' rivo teadcocib*. aJwnt ? i scEicwi'.g?ny a'.d every j pulir ?cal dogma ?bat savored iu any degrea-ofj inj .ry l? tr.r ?i p<-ru:ly of th? Union, and nevjer, j till lift coionn(.co nnut ;-f the CnUst recently | ended dalli ef'cr fight- and prvapcr und^r r.ny '. othcr-DjOU", fi?? tint ??/ perpetuity to thc Amen. '? ccu Uni-?, ii -d commercial mecen nn? protprrity j ito the ir'?/* world. Ea view of f :e!s ho;o -.tated, ? and awaitb?g ?1 tati*f>tctorM un-.wcr to this cora- | munica!i"0, w- will Lebt ourselves in readiness to support au? to comaiead tho Co?ritr as hereto forc but in thc incita time wo are in the daik, ?nd t oink ir. bo. tvr ther-lore to remain entirely passive. OLD Sb :-SQJUBEIiS AND FRIEND?. ?g*jr? The impresi?n prevail?, tait Davis' trial wi'-l t?kr place Itamndi/tcly after that u/-Werta. {ga* Upw-ttdB of'firty Government pacsbmers ar. thc S"U' =- li-.ve apt.tied for thc ronewal of tbeir pen-inns wfcieh had been .? topped by tho war, but ?ii?y three bis* been gr.-r.tcd. New pension ?gent? ur? soon to ho appointed In'the Southern States. . Brig. Gon. Wilde has retnrcd to Augusta. It is said -bat he wrl o*tab!i-h the headquarters ?if tho Frt?tlm??N u>rcau for Georgia, lntb.it vity. The tic nc a' b.-.s bacn ou a tuur of inspec tina through Georgia. -m. Fi'om'the Wiisliiinjtnn Chronicle. New York, Aug. 22. --The opening of trade with rh.. South IS pr, vr-:l by many healthy ?./.'s. Ptva?.'tg atong Beade street yester day 1 observed thc pavement? fi'dod anti ii '"eked with bait* and box'**e( merchandise, directed to vnfioutj Crrus iu tuw"8 in Alaba ma, ail marked "A. T. Stewart &? C ?., New R)rk,,: ahowiu^ that the eymmauditijrdutel icct at i be baal of that greai housu is not un willing la c ?rfideJfi, th? people whose re-joll l'-na i flurts be worked so hard and gay* KU tnuniliccntly to pa? 'io^u. On inquiry I learned that many S tithert: fibopki ppcrs are Corni.' g. fur ward to pay their d?b'.a, and, wher '.-VH|- i.^ d.-ue. theirgia'ifical creditors frc- . ly ftwik them to Mich riea.iirs as would not thfr?.':sc! confide in them. Thus a nuw and btinorabio commer?a is comm^t'ct d, never. I pray, t'" be darkenc : by tue black cloud ot repudiation. .-. * ? Theapi.ech of Gov. Percy, published in yes ^;-.-??i.y a pape', ja rafher a piain statement of Ihe fulwtance otin? rr.rsrvrw witb-Cti?.p?ea-. :i:ent, of thftir mutual views toucbin? a?fairs, tha? a b'ptweb. It will bc seen that they !5otb indicate radical changea in thc Cor.sutu lioil of th? JStatepaml for this we were pre pared. Th'1 ?reat chango in our affairs, the. ivcrinraw of negro slavery, tho nttcc.s.?gh tillage, ?:>? evury form ofiad???.ry, will render tiiiae phanr.'es '.>. b r little iio?;:ve trust that thoy will bring rik' netVTtary wit, wisdom and virtu?; to the i't.k. It-wdl bs swen from this speech*that ..T .vvrvir Pf-rry-c?ftif?s a full authorization v..m th.- Prt-sideti f r all that he has done at-d pUrjjosi.?.-! d'"injf. . We ?re t-.-ld by a late ?uftuWr ..:' th" Stale L i-n-lature, t'lat if tb- re a-.v dj-ctcparr-y f-eiween thc H'n'.c and .,?.]tt-1 v wtu'piri'tiwi i:f ?j tt'h Oa^linafit bas .ri'o.-^w'i.-'iv ir^fiu r?*i i?cl thal G u Gilmore ..-?. ICI-.I,V-i ju.. . ifl>.-.al in-trHCtK-n, r q:?ii'i?:g fr?.?f'i him ?hf? ri/coirnition tit tho Proristiina! Gtveniv-r. -If thin bt? eoa--bui in anywny ir shiiu'd b- Mpv to cbviato ail d'ffic'iltie-s, it>*"J ' f * tb .*i/ 'o:orctjce to tSc Pre-ictet.r, -Conimbia Pi-oe dx. _J SKiir.tvTS-\'.'., hi ur complninle on cvrry :?- i.'l :!ia .iu-n yj-i sorrants 'tome an-J go V ;:cti Ibewnh^wSj nn'd t!:*.- proper reined v.* *htcb is a v;-v MI iii pb- ?>uc, *'.,GV'- aever t., ijceuT.uj i!a.-r empfyycrs. If you will -i" q rin- "f ?ie 6 . k;,:;r ftnpi-M nj'itit wlo-n tiny livid wbh a < ? Wlkj ibey left, y.-u eau i?Mrr-:by, tu i.earry everj case, g edmon ar.? guotrraliy vtcy tatlusifiuui. and.appc.ar to be eontenteti asd happy. Th? field bands rec-.ivo ten do" -sa m-.inth, AVO?CJ the old and disabled ar: w^-11 LalUn care of, and aclioola ate ei.UblBhVd ibr thc cfcildreu. . MELANCHOLY . AccipKxr - We regret to learn that Rw. Jatn<.s. pavia, Pastor u'f the Mt. Pii-^-?h BtaptUi Ch'nrcb, in t>'e lower part ol' Wa: hingum cpontyi in this State, ?ras 1'av.lly woulided while deer huntingnn Thurs tit Y last, by ope of hjs cum pantons, a Mr. ?.'.W?t, who ml- tu-k b'ai for a defti*. It learns that die-two geutlmneu Kine, parsing up. ?'?r down, a stnali s-rlt j tn, on?i un either I 'A:'.?, neil bet; of i.hcnt bel ?lg A ?aro. of t;se prox I tn'.ty of tile other, when j\ir. Davi.; approach- j ;d*tho stream through tho bushes tor the-pur jone*of procuring ?drink of waler, and Mr. DcWitt, catching a mein glimpse of him 'brough the l^ave--, and mistaking him tor a leer, raised hi- gnu and fired, a part of the marge, consisting pf four buck ahnt, atrik ug ?ir. Davis in ihe (tide, and indicting a voimd, from ihe ell'ects of which lie died in iver ty-four hours. Mr. DeWitt is greatly Affected at Iii? mo?t i infortUBate and fatal accident.-Mobile Ad-1 j c tiscr, lt)th. A youth of 'eigbty-five raalricd a maid p 9i SBTeatjr-fiyo in Xenia, Ohio, recestly. SUFFKAOF. IR TUE FREE STATES.--Th? fol lowirg F wi Stales make etdor (or vice) the lest of voting : New Jersy. Pennsylvania, rb- j dinr.o, liliobK Michigan, Iowa, 'AVisc.-nAin,' ; California, Minnesota, Orogou' Kansas. N'a- | srocs are nut permitted to vota in .these States. Th? Constitution of Obi* Hinits the elec tive franchise lo u ev?yy white freeman"'- but by'the decision of the Cur's of "that S atc, e^ery person Ci one bali'wbit^hln? l. is-^ettui eil " a white male citizen,'' and Bach are per mitted to voir. Missouri, by her lats b ios j S's-e Constitution, exclixdys thonegroes from Tutting. . . . Mai te, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massa chusetts ?Uoci? lihv-d, C'tnnrc:it.-uV Now York, permit negro suffrage tor a'greiler or hiss extent. In tho C?rtsritulion of West' Virginia, the privilege of Niffrage waa' conferred upon " white uiah.- ci tiz?os " Tin: NATIOXAT. DE?T.- Estimatii g th? na riouai ??cbt at twe;ity-Sre hundred taillions of dollar?, ami app-'-rlio'-ing ft according to tht; no ;.brr of white mule adulta over 'the aje . f Jivertty ont? jtars in the different iee* tiona of (li? Country, it' baa been found that tuc proppEtirfti ot fha New E; ???utrd Stages is $398 081U52: .?' tb? Middle SHlcs $7tr0:193, 342; of the Witera States ^t?3%28?,78t; of tl?- Southern Sra'es 9?6I.0S9 tMty ?ad .jt^be iWilic Sra es ^?St-?liC lil7. Thia caJcul?ti-u ntak?R h.'* uta ceap-jisible fer over $i6Q} OO? Olli) of tiebr. ?^T A fellow nam.fd Ga?a was arrested, tti^Kl and Convicted . of bigamy; at Cedar Fails. Li wa,, last :\:ik. Un hung bitnself in tb* jati ba Fr.day morniog; The Fcatnp had married about, a ac-zeo wives; in various paris of t:.e country, all living. He was preparing U mu ry another when anvbted. 1 " ? BQr^Tbe ' Brownsville correspondent of tht? H vrai d say* t bar. Sterling Price haa been rn.:d?; a .'..ujnr ??int?ral t.f Maximilian's troop* an i has b*en empowered to raise 80,000 nir-n from the disbanded rebel armies. fi?* Tue Tribune's spacial notes that Gen t-r*.! Gr*at recently remarked that sufficient evidence bad been clit-.i-.t^l .tb convict. Mr. 1)3vis of complicity in Pr?sid?t Lincoln*? a*a**air??tioi, anti thc fate bf the conspira tors setrbts that, of Davis. >Z?rST Gov. Sharkey ha- isiucd a ptr>c!a 'uati'/t. calling np ti the people of ifdlftisgippi, foi?volot?teer companies to' resist depreda tions courmitt.d by ?jayhawkeaa,robbers, etc, the duttr-d States forets being insufficient to suppress ihese outrages. r?j" G has sevoreb; reprcman dad CoJ. Blackburn and Captain Q-iiun. for their cowardly and uuylBc?r like at'ack on Gen. Wheeler, and promised lham a court martie) if thoy had uot been mustered out of ibe service. 4 g'SST On Angast 14, Judge L?wia F, Wright a;.d f-.'ur of hi? sous were cruelly and i.ihuma ly m Ordered by th?-road sid*, on t.e route from Urdla to H.wstou, Mo., some five miles southwest of the funner place.. 8?* ?fcwbppt, North Carolina, prior to tho war, had & population of six ?thousand, but is now the largest city m the State, hav ing incroasrd the number ot irs iababitunts to thirty thyusattd. Tho Northern element.? of labor and capifal'nrc strongly represented: Two now daily papera are to appear in the autumn. ??f The cholera had reached Marseilles, ann groat excitement existed among the cities in Southern Franca and Spain in regard tu the spread of this disease. It is reported that tho differences octwecn Austria an ? Prussia had bVcn aojostedj and that a com pi?ta ?n'deral?n'diug had beon amved at on T/hef>rinetpal>pAibiiA.juijdwput*._ Mrs. Grau?;', r and daughter, whi'e drivini in Columbus, Si. Oi?ir County, Mich., a f.?w day*3 a>?o,; wore a. tad:rd by bees, ano stung AO severely, that tue dju?htcr dif-d. Thc horses also riied in turee or four hours. ??y- Major General Johnson B Castlcmain ano Lieut Wea f? Muafo'cd. of tvtc mool ar my, arrested ia:?twinter as i*pies. within mu .ines, and confined ar ludianapi ita, have baer pardoned by th?.'Pre^Mtnt. butuust lea\> the country immeuiately.-Exchange, .-? ? V-. ? Willie bad r.n U:;clc Ch)(r1es who was a mininer, and whom he eaw foi Lhn first ?ntc while on a visit-to hitit. \Vi:lie was*?.notj nerving littL* lei bj w of t~ree years. Th? fipji? inte ttity mri at the tabb?, Uncle. Charles bowed h:s head over bia ?jbto and a.-k .d ? blewng. This was a new serries tb Willie, who could hardly rta'rain hiniso?f, but ^pent h? tiru? in exiuiiptiig his plate. Ju-t aa h's a -c?e coueiutle'J!, l?e tUTbcd it over, and ob icrviHj: tbs st;-.mp ot the maker oa the bot *??na, C:tl! >d on-. u Tkore n more on the othtr aide ; UocK Ch6r-?;i-', say :hat." .'0!? ft\'! nr lithely >et Why ahvurd wu wcoi> for thoo? Thy bright ?nd dewy coronet, 1* rising o'er ;iiu .-ea " Dian, in this Viliugo. ?ti lbe;2d inst., ROP?IH L\ Iv'r.. nldanebitd nf KOCKUT il and ISABELLA T. Mina, agfd "tic years a*iid nine mon ins. . Diidfui an'J .-or-^ti-jiiatf to au ai.mist unparal lrlurt (togroa f-r ?ne to yiiung, sho ha?l already b-e"tu>-. :. eottifcrt nn-1 eua??ltuk>n. to lier ijurent? ataid'he Oi- in* life. Aroona hor lutH w->M~ tr.-ru :ho.tr : ?. ? lora Jesus Christ biffer limn ?iii ; Ho died f-.jr in". t"vu.*t in him A id " Diift'i cry, mania; rar better:" wbii? .-he WHS gi?,'inr tor owo.iih There are tcarland ni'iurning, and strtokcri h'.'nrt' on earth ; hut glud F?^-t. suj'l''. worn li)1-ai,go f'.i-os tn Heaven, for a feister*angel hu? joined ihe Klorifi -d ''hrong. Another harp has hean siruajr; an-Hhervoie.iad.lod t<-. tbo chair nf seraphs ; a u;her jewel*'on the .Saviour's dia deni A ii- 'g larowoil to ?ur darHag Kttlo one; tbroigb tho blood of J??US may w<> uv_oi her io lio-4veu ! S A. h. Dreo. a.prUoner, at Camp Chase, Ohio. Feb. 6rh. 1-.R5 Mr. DAJXIKL bYHD, of ^dgefwU District, S. C . a;.cJ 53 yeara. ... . The lui ?oreo tn uths f b's lifo he hall si?ent s* rt r?p:ivi?. A u ' KOUIO'J. is, o??iubinetl wt*h %henrc ?tocase. ?tU?ke*l bini, aud'tiioogb B?icohy tbo :i--idu ns atteniioii of his "brother Mtt.t.cucE, who was In tb'-sa'i.o j-ri^-n win hiat, botella r\'i?ru ro tbrir power. Prhbonti-ix V'j.irs b''hnil been a uitrubor of "lie Ha)Jt!.j:. Church nt Followshrps r? ?in leith li? rtcb'y, onjoyed tn ?: ?ulofi'it* of r-lijri"n. Hr. ytid Mint !ie " w>n .turod i lin r lu, >h(/ultl fear.dei?h so lir? j." thonirii tully expaetini it. 11". wtdio i that'ho could die at bouto. llo.aoVod bis brother to sing a favorite iou* of his, .which was '. Wo uro tr.,v ling homo lo heaven aboro, l'o sing our Saviour's dying iove." That, be c'.j.-yoil vory much. ITs hisr m-issages aed dearest earthly u? crions ?i-rtainerl to his) home, and hi?l^lest wi-h was to meet his ittar ?rife und ebihlren in Hoaveo. Ho waa us truly- a ? martyr f^-r bis country, ns if hu had'?BFiKLii, Aug. 22, LStJj. All perseus having fL.vcrrimont propony iu j their p(?ssessi.'n, inch HS .Horses, Mules, Saddler ' Wagons, Muskets, RiflcH, ?c.,' will do!iver tho ? same to this Off.ee wi>nout delay. All persons aro forbid selling Soirilaoui Li-I' ifuors- of any kind. And th? public are cautioned igtdust giviog liquor to the Soldiers. i R. It. GTLLETT, !' lst/Lieut. 5?:b N. Y. V. V. 1: . " ^And.Pro.Idar! I DU. H PA'iwivEIt ha? ju?t- re.u-ned froiu th* Sorti with .u KKW SUPPLY of MA ?ERT^LS for all th? LATEST and MOSTAP PROVKO? STYLES Ut' WORK dorio in thia counirv. .. . . . z/Se^-Provino:?.?, for nea cr boas (.^referred to cash for wort. Sept 5'** tf 30 Seiiool Notice. rp'.lK ExnAixri* Of MRS. Mc'LTNTOCK'S S. SCHOOL nih be resumed on Monday, tb* 1 ?tb in.t??it. . Term?, 1st Claw,per ruiirjcr of il weeks, $lt).on ' ?T 2.1 t;Us3,- '. . . " S.?O " 3d Class) " w. - -.' M" Tuition pud ot the end of tito quartor. ScntS ' . . .Jt ft Bead ? Head I Read ? rME Stfbrc-.ihor will pav the HIGHEST MAR X EST MARK El' PRICE for IO Fi?, 1 You ne Utile?; ."?OG ii ii .MU-is Hni'.it; SOO Hui'apla v?at9; 5tx?0 latus?, fcucn?; 200t) Lbs. i.at c; : ' .30 Barreta Syrup. JAS. H. HARRISON'. > Edgc?eid Cil., Sept 6 - tf " W At Private Sale, SUNDRY arides of F (titr. IT U RE. consistir g ; >f Hair Seat CHAIRS, DIVANS, a fina' iar c FOFA. Muhogany BU li EA US, 4c. Apply at this Office. Sept 5 tf 36 To Fariherjs'and Planters Wu are r-r.-puvd at all times to pureba?? COUSTRY PRODUCE, s?cf?'as BACON, ' I L V KU. F LOL" R. M EA \l? . B VTTER, . Eh?GS, - . j &???, f r wbicb thc highett aierkot prices will be I P:,''l . SJ*.*V Wo will also re?oive auch articles on C?? .Hginncnt. J' R, C All WILE & CO., . . ' iB?ldor M.:SJ?ic'11*11. Sept 5 .?.'.? . ^ 3t . . 36 . nain io ni BXJSPNESS: TTE Subs.irper respectfully aon??unc?s to tba ,ub.ic that y?estou. M s-rs. ti. A. H JIM.KV & t^o , Cbarleston. Or.o Sc?ll?SYj feVq . August, G-u MKTCAI.F. B*q , Augusta, (>n. ? M - r?. t.'t.A'.itc Dnr.o? i'?'o:, tv York. Me rs. M.JJKKAV .- . -^Alao-^- . \ A fine int 6f B \CON, Mfea't and FLOUR. Sapt 5 H 3ft' tUPE?i?R T?RXiP SEED. J"ST rsentvbil a rupply of superior GLOBE TURNIP SEED: .? J. R. CAR WILE k CO. Sept ?5 lt .? '< .36 Estray Mule. CiTAY-BD or stolan frma my premisas about tho 5!^ IDrh Angus*, a small sbn.-t legged,, ntmiso co!-' ured h-wse MULE,-one eye out, and ab'uit 12 years old. . A l?Vrnl reward will b?t paid for tho recovery of said Mule. P. W. PICKE Nf. Sept j 3t 36 . Bacon & Meal. . FOR SA L E a I?"' r superior BACON aud fresk MRA-LjLt J. R. CAKWILE A CO'S. Sept 5 , lt. -3? Beef ?attle and Sisep". 1^FILL pay ?ho highest market price, in G?ia or Graanback*^ f*r ?uv nuntber of GOOD BEEF CATTLE or PAT SHEEP. W.W.GOODMAN. Aa* 30 2t 35