g. id e e~ rtis~er. OCrel.IvR3D KVKttY WnC!ESDAr MOUaIYO. A. sIlfKENS, D. R. DURBISOR, a B. KEESE, PRO P121 P.Olt. 'r.;JK)S 01" SU1SCR[PTION. Two Duai.r.'.ia per year if p.Lidl in alyante--Two 11101.1.10SW Nill FIY C)tIT!I if nota raaid Withain Al u."tti.:~ TutniE Ithlt..RS if notA paid beotre thea expirnti.'r' of the ye':r. Siberipio1i+ out of' the Dietrict wuit be paid fo~r in mtdtvnec. All jdt "rii' "n. nts will lao iusaertaxl at Oa DOL I "~ ctor : 1aiir' " X' .1iiu ;Na or leral faor tb' i iea:aJ. ui.I Fifty Ccute I'r eaat:Ia2ubee,1aloni .lertit:L:Its front1 strage andl transaient * * 1.i& " 2avle in aIlvauiee. All others will be *Itt -ia:i( otaha,v i js~ the. diesireda umber .......rt.ta~a4 zU& ia ka.l "'an Ulac :is r.git, wiil be con ( .* al -:tal 2art~ .2 a~t aatra:"l" arctar!iu',ly. r;a, I.. a.Ila',rrl.e lar the year can't. "", . ii.ra aeroa"--i? stein( una'luritauo4 that coon tlaa fair variv r "' "1 .An': are caanfined to the 1". itiuliate l'fii*s* if the aril tar inlividual con. t" '" nl. Cla~atr.aiCt iiltV Il'elnl2Utd palyable semi .tI~ c"" ennie~r a-' of a personal character, (h:iJira.ry Noljt':: 1:,.r:-. Resolaautions or Pru ' ins,: .f a&ny .il iJ..1-oeistionf or Corpora l:"., ali 1"t e~rt ale :tllactLewt'LCt. :, u'aa' la.'ia ti 4jn.1iIlu"': nuot inise.rtedl until pia. I.a..) file aa Illui . l".oa' 1!n at l ta ii: .atl ;Va ) DJ~rix lh, o! ,1 ,".," a'a 'l li till: C lisnt'.' I'., t !* . + \ .t 1 a i~ La.'N .-W~e are it, J." ".,. t . a .. *' I :n . ja 1!, :teua ,,l I) t aa .". ,is +-I r. but very nearly ,".S"'"t :'i .:t . 1 ;aJI ap,.u'uister Kithi tbat u. ... .a? :Itsa' a*iiL o~'a rtat .Jlauia4 1V. G'resham, i".I.', ..1'*'~ ta. .1i1 l.t Ith. I tai no~w at t!,." !;aal.i: at -it-. lil'o'llamn. anda f'rom him am!l ."11"'x. :aa!' a.' Il.la'i.ll'.ar; litcL: At aba tt :1.I h' i ir p (-''a ui Ilt.' IltaharnaC a t :~ '' atla2' Pint.111 ilelaalv 1 .rbatana, ia':l: Garubsa n",t. and within htavut tix butadre' y*4ld4'I aLtlt- tiain.iaa. A iarge leai a r'a tmna'a: Wi'th !was stwivi'k aind aal a srnall l'(w-l)Wit I' r idail "rit, i t. al tl. town Iitraled. i;~a.1 ter *'.r I%;--I I' t:a:*t. ::rtnza' withI niu4.;t anal :'li ar~ L'uIrt iith ~an )k tit t he houlaa.. pI'" s.-'2i.saa 1: t isa poolr-nit oft fiawhs, w'hich 111. tr:.ha~ant r'zaet. themj V-e a'aaidt hout !,et ;r"i t' iiti. '1hiliat in tit he-? )2' be (:taii I'ali it '' spt. I ."a( i.'ttrre~i. Ile thle timea~ unader 0..a .:t..a ? 1a '.Iiiylt Ii. S. 11 itha-War, bay. i I :he~;-0I!' lair :L;iaaa'razaa's. l' a:I t ' ititlfaN. ti :tit faire ilpail the Ime-i a.4 ill to B .a !t!IV t". rrval-aad Ita lii"i' l:tr"aa. wading up t;" t'i wa -t i u:a:.t'. whieh1 lire wans Cantinuee t,; } ; a.t; t%""' "1' fl~i .en laItidsi until thea tl'aiaar *.a at.:f 11)11 W2L% akatt is not known. but it i; Ver: eviah'aait twat it Iltthtt'e were killed -;t A~t sv 11 t:'": iaargre left ;lie shore the steam eai r 'l'fltl;C"'i heav t~e i re ofI' a nn'U~on any. I. -'siItsa 11101i1 toe tnn'n anaal the lwelling-bouse. * I;ti~ li ' trot, i."apt ne:t farit'n haour, nli the iote of. Mr. t . ztl'lP'k with about I; halls. 1 "ahI ia aaa f'l' 2 ti ,ii lb,.. andalsaio by 8 Present to Col. Bacon. We learn from the Richmond Dispach that { Mr. Doswell, and some other citizens of Rich mond, have presented to Col. Thos. G. Bacon, of the 7th South Carolima Regiment, a valua-. ble hurse, called " Mars." Col. Bacon ac knowledges the compliment in a handso , e manner, in a letter, (dated June-24,) to Mr. )%swell. The Seventh Regiment has been pushed forward to the outposts, and we truly hope that the gallant mel who now occupy a iositiion in the very flout of the enemy will he supplir d by the Confederate Government with suitable comforts to enable thetm to en dure the toils of the canpaign. We make some interesting extracts from Col. BIcon's letter : - We are within about tive wiles of 5.000 of the enemy. A bslioon was seen last night atd tv:l tim t" -Jay, from my camp in the neighborhood of Alexandria. They view 'ur position front it and tecgraph the result a, Scott. I suspect they will feel easy new at they have ascertained our strength in tl.i- vi' inity. Replort. .says the 5 000 above spck.-i of, at. Falls Church, have started back to A;exii dria. If they do not start by Wed 1csday, I think we u ill bag them. Mfy re i muent iinmer,--tUen, be:ides about 71) n& groes, wi.o will light like thunder. We are in good heslt:i n'id spirits. " 1i am tLabt Nevins, liyer, Mulligan an' Wilkes. together with all the roughs and rob bers, are in Wa-hington with compaies. Houw I would like to pit mny ",th regienent Lgainst then in the open field . * * * would charge them to the very death. " I cannot close without again thanking you ihr you acceptable present." Tit: FIGHT AT Bc-T:t..--Thie Naslvile rAi. I." has received the following ".lweial :ro:n Washington dated June 19, 1i1: A Government messenger ba. at last ar i ived! giving th: otieial account of the battle at (licat Ilite!. It is now ascerteined beyond a doubt that the Federal Is will not fall short of one tilusand eight hundred, killed and wounded. The rt-port to G seneral Scott says that Gen. 'ica une Butler is not to blame for the ter rible slaughter; he was fully two miles in the rear. The victory to the Southorners was owing to a great mistake on their part. It is pobs ivelv asserted that their cannon were eharg d wiih ball cartridge, and although unknown to those who loaded the gurs, Magruder was :..gniz unt of the fact. The .orth Carolina regiment, it. is also believed, used both pow detr an-i ball. This conclusion has been arrived at by the e:.tire engineer corps, who state that shot, shell, Minnie ball=, and particularly rule car: ton tills, will kill when properly directed, at ca-t tive timleS out o' ten. The report caused great a.citenett here. It - )epartinent suot t' Gen Scott wanted c"o snro, but was too toil!e; unl Ahe IUini.,t: ut iim-t .lo rio y drunk. TI:e latter mdi viial wanted the matter sue pressed, but ow i- to his overflowing conitii~ion, it leaked i, and Iluastened to forward you the par Titi' Rw l :;ty: r.-Wc learn from i.d. Larsnalt that two co - panies from this -tric:t will comnplete the regiment ; also that 'o. Orr has gone to Ijichuond ot busines co:ninected with his couinitl, and41 that it is zighly probable that the regiment wii be or Ired into camp in ten or titteen days. As .oon as the order to encamp has been obtain ed Capt. Perrin's company will be ordered to his place, for the purpose of having mnea ures taken for uniforms. The uniforin has .-ell t'iopted by the field oflicer.:, and con tiacts made to furnish them, .Lne two Com panie.s will be indebted to the tteralit y ot Col. M\arshall tur their uniforin<. Whe-n one indiiidual does so much. ought .ot toe citizens of the district make up a tn a least sullicient to purchase the entire r, taininig outfit. and place twenty-tive dlolhir, ii tue pockets of~ every needy maember cf these coinpanies 7 he tollowing are the field oljgcers elected on last Wo\ednesday for the regimentt: .&nimes L. Urr, Colonel; J. Fostecr Marshall, Leut. Colonel; 1). A. Ledlbetter. .?jor. Eighbt compaimeg, well o~icered, and comn -posed oftspleiidid snaper;a), hye been accep ted. four comnpanies have applied for thie Ah an~ld l10th places, ' hese pilae- havre lt1 e bee o-assigned to the applicants. A,. soon s- a:-msi can. be promcured, the regiment will go iit ea up at Sandy bprings Can-p Girouid, in Aierson distrie:, on the B:ne .Itdige iltad road. We alio learn that the' ladies of Anderson aI P'ickenis have volunteewed to mnakeithe ut.orms andl knapsacks for the comnpanies romiu thoe2 districts. We are certain that the ladies here will cheer ful y ask nerlinirsion to do the satine for the com'panies of this djLI irt. -Abbeville Banner. An evrn1. un,.pudl.l by~ all the other acts oit .a-e:ie...S on1 the ytwt cifcinr unp~rincipled eneC n, is recordedi by tihe jiewey.s pojit corre$ po'ndnt of tile Columbus !'liwepa We copy it below, simpi~ly adding th .h .Miss Evns neV cmpiamies i: theluama regI~iment as a nurse I o the blk: " Anot her gratuity, ando heaver inshdhnlenl :.in that of Sun iay, was tenideredl to us from thle Ripl R-ips, 3eidaiy muorning. ~Miss Au -.;uit3 J. Evancis attraiced t he ,;llanti lire of " Thi ht aitpl shell, like death, also "liove a sinzing muark." -' heo di!'e oence. however, is uhat the i-halt of ibp~ g;-'.u 1.-0;;8. f in titi unerring, ineviitable-becauise d~irected4 by: the almighty armi of an omnipotent G;od. The wrath or the Formecr is chlaitt because aimed y a c-owardiy an base foe,. andl, in every ini .tance, they tall harmiless tt the inte-ndedj vic titus. Acting Lieut. Col. I..ma~x, ol theL Ala nama llegin.1, was attfendml,i .\liss E. and a copanty of laies atid genitleien lonIg ihle beach at devell's point IDatte-ry, and, whenI they had approached as near :'--'' -v coul ge:1 to) thli ip la:ps, and st' .:iake obi-er Vatnst aL -thot tromt * gel Amtericn citanon" wats nedc, detberaite-ly. at themu. wihic-h fell in the water, somiei su yads but lin adra m!ilno~ with theC grou. .'-ah gifted~ ?:;-- ri tuatheres of Beu. lah, h11. never buiare wji.e.g-d an exhlibitlon, :0t ga!!a'try like this-ant exodbitipon which -as promatptly acknowledged by tu-e wain tg o ~nlbrciefs4 and thter demons;trations ol' eternal hostility and unzdyintg deliances to such a fo. Ater~ anoAter :lh-W'eeti i shot, the g1:i1 ws levtetd aaed ten intere tib; ;;;:; niude, at the llattery, asi Li Suunda.' laco I~~-Eur ou A so-rnt::: Cosma..--T. Ne. York Ifkrald has tii.he flaI ing~ 4:o:-y: : .'nde-r the aJuspi-.t of0 lJikerS itn &>b dl :ret, a comin.i:atim i- n nmk:r un11 C::p;: Lni its has been tormed in New Yo'rk lter the~ exprt purns to aiig anid abetti:ng t~ue oteit insurrecitioi, by withil- ::g l'rOl .th Admnir4atio.-:: the mn*.ns '.f earryi..c in lel war. We~ di., inetly chalr::e toiiIImoe.1~ re leimeit WIhzose inm*:tire hai our p: se-rsiot, ~f he~ pul'.ic ol:and it, nave., ari i ..4 at. tuder~taiditag ',ith n l1eh ot.her Ilo I .-nseIlie to no m~ore los;w., 1:d1 :i.!,. in r to inlr- t lie nt mnat creditfo iei ownCi~h . ia ;,'n,.a o. to the extent of thir p.,wver. Ie; a~- pi - 1 esa~ly in a'ibe cutt-i amt l'o cigna aexcha&;; yl . eret, a 'md are ofl Ehrlii-., FIe:ena . enr. man0. as wdl ai of .\mie~lo, o'g-. 'They 1ft'ect norro-tr at ttie en rmn., apn dture whiclh will bie i-volve ~.i t: aIlpyl. - .-ionoi rebellion. and1 d.-ela Le Ilha thel n Ik of i this city o.(ver ziut-st oh w9o~he ihey %m il x '-l.-c ri prnmoun01 t conltrol, vlt-il nio 1 i-l n ml;hor dltiear, i4 tur- her h'un:, -. re- pt itni, I1... urgedl on, iu th c-iur.ae :e ine .-:. e 'i on. Il l y I-onll a too Mul:mehe~s r *-u-,:.. whoI : at e h:ut t he indep~-Cender -of t.o t.-.,Oh..b.,.te S:ats sh.,l-id be nekno"-. ele-d 1.< -pe.. .i1-0a nay e s-ippliedl wmih r~oton~f. wtm-..ai th rl k p mell.i bhat. ai r. t ha- woln!-! find it impos'~ 5ible tI combalIt with it, ai d thiat he will tind ue i laniting ul-on a broken ree'd, if he pliac-es a ;-y fot n depe.t.dentce itt uponal arreL-t. Ge r-iau pe,4che(--nd vi-ry line orecs for h-r:; - :;rop no0w g'roi ing in the Sate of Geor Washington News. \ ASHLNGTON, June 29.-The steamer Paw nee is now at the Navy Yard. The steamer Freeborn had proceeded to Point, Matthiaa and landed men and sand bags. The men then proceeded to erect breastworks, when a-company of Southerners appeared and the breastwurkers took to the Nater. The Southerners are now occupying the breastworks. Capt. Ward, of the Free born, while firing a gun to protect the soldiers, was shot in the bcttet atd instantly killed. Fifteen -.hots were fired at the Southerners, but with what result is not known. It is rumored here that the Cabinet Conn cil have voted requestiug Scott to take Rich tuond if possible, before the astetabling of the Confederate Cougress. .leClelland has been authilriz?'i to sendfil prisoners o! war to Cl ubltu-, Uhi. The Federal (i'verntient will endeavor to Lorruw 5:.2if).000) Cut) ;rio the p. jil'. in aunts of' $9- and Nalln. The Cabinet scetus ahlaid to trust the cap~italists. Troops c.mtinup to pour in. Several regi tuenta arrived to.afay, and it is expected that 1O.c-03 nore will arrive before the end ot' the week. We have now tifty-,even r-ginenta here numaIriug -1*i t0i tmeu, but ue must have more. It. is prolos.et to send (Gen. 3uatler, with 10,000 met, who can be spared frot Fortrees .\Monroe. direct to Charleston. The New York Commaznercial says : "'There is the bighest authority for contradicting the stories about the rebels having made peace prop >sitions to the touverninent, though some presses and journals have parofe sied to give sunewhat milttute details. fhere i+ no truth in it whaever. Oi the contrary the Adinin i-tration have rece ived assurances that the rebels intend proseuting the war with the utnost vigor, and, it' pos-ihle, overthrow the (haverntnent and daestrov the liepui'tie, 'ven though they lp rish in the rninz. They feel that the two (Govermrnents cannot exist in such ei se proximit v or even on the sime cnt inv-nt. It. is und'rstuod to be the luoliev of the Government to pertit the rebl'ilious L.ais lkture of .larvland to pass any disiloyai acts it plestes, but if sneh acts conflict with the Constitution and the interest of the nation they will aboli-h the Legislature at the point pf the sword. The gnerrilla system adopted by the eein will be met and put down. C.s. Key antid )unn, detailed to examine prisoners, d..cide.i that they will hold traitors with the intention of turning them over to the ivil authorities for trial f,,r :- 1 in, ex Cept in case (If guerilla, who will a shot. Cap:ain Dahney ii. Maury, Assistant Ad1 jlttnt GUneral, Curler Stepahenson, of the .. S. Innuttry, antd Lieitlenant Edward 1)11. Ion, all Virginians, have had their names striekei from the army roll f'or tittering trea suonal,:e epre11'siuns. All reports tabotit the (lisposition of the President, his Cabinet, General S'ott, or an) body e:lse connected with the G;overn tment, that. have the ring of conpronlise or delay on th. part ofthe A.dminist ration, are unfounded. It is rumored here that the Confederate battery, at Seweui's 1'oitt, lad fired oint a recontiietinig party of' Fedleralists, killing eiglt and wounding niany. Frank Pierpnt, the (uvernor of Western Virginia, is .ere, and has been conferring A itt the Cabingt. Columbia College hrs conferred the bon orary title of LL. U. on Abraham Lincoln, Preaideut of the United States. Skirmish at Lrbana. Rnt.1 Ntu, June 2.-A party of Federal troops, 'n Mo:nday afternoon, from the stean er Star. attemipted to land near Utbana (tt the Rappahannock river. The Federalists dtspatched boats cotntaininig about fifty :01 dit'rs with swivei anti small arms. Tjwelve of t bese, artned with niuskels, matcbing towards the re.,iee uf Mi'. GreVshaint, wi: meut hy ai comn;-any' of Confedera;... triops and reptklsed. w:i ih seva'ral 1;il leid aii nlei-I; t he baatnce ranl tio thir bo~ats andt( ptl bac'k :t th.. 'e.umn er'. Abount eighty sh~ot., were Ii red froin the' steamer, seteentL''i of whjich passed through Mr. Greshaml's housei. "Nobody hurt'' ont the Ci fedierate side. This news cone's fronm Cof. flall, in a letter written in Greshtamn's houise arter the fight. .Vpoited'e. General. We e.tnmendl to our Non~'hernt enemtiOs the W'e aure plearl to ?~unce~tIV that isishop Poik, Presidinig Episcopal Bishop of' the liio cese of Louisiana, had eezeivedi at t he hand% of President Davis a comhmison (;s f!era in the proii;ional Army of thet Conf~iederate States Gen. Plkl. hlaving'acceptd his ~fli com iin, will have 'ol tmundt of I.e br'igwde of 1'ed River \'ohinteers'-a mIost etiliet corpas of sddiers. Blishop Polk has~ beent $fojaitrnintg :or sever'al days in l~il~tichmo .1. ife st~adsi the fronit ratis of the talented r.ti to be fibund enrolled in the nministr'y of' the E-piscitpal Chureb in the Iie Unittd Si a:~' lie is, huow-' everCI, noit wihoult miliarly exp1erience, he~a ini early li fe graduatal with d si intguis:hed h.., or at West l'oint, an~d thld t.e post. of' Lill' e:n~tnt int the arimis of' the late l ' ion. Negro Steiins. .Jacob R. Mtewiir-. Atory at i.aw, ofthis city was~ brouight b.ek from~ New Or'leanl- bya las ni:tht's tranl chatitned to au negro iof dJo~t, ilL f)ais, of' Mono' county". on t tie charge of hitin 10 be Cre--cont. City. We understandu the. i.videnc'e will bie ouenclusive agaeist 31 Guire, who h'cs a hearinig ci day fbefore I-:I W'a;!L ton his was' to .Nw t bi li'nast. he an ai'ced to switndle a wido-.r lady of this city of S.1." (,n theit. p- text. of ye'tt itig fier unoney hanlgedi for s'Jmei thlat wiattld pis in M~is'dt' .ippi; whithaer ~l: a'..inug lil a sisit to one r'elatives. A M er he' got the mniey, lh e'vadedC~ the o' tner. but .lhe kept up wi itim as far tts New title.tas-K-G'uireo pr~omising, to at her3 li'out if :I.e proiiucels of thet sale oif the n:'ro of Mtr. D~ais 'ahieuh he lhad wit bi otiln. Ils hd hit New t )rle'ans, waalieh resuL! ed in the airest anid imtpriso)nmtetit of 31e Gu'tre anti thme negro. T'he holy' hail to tbor. row money to get htomei, wit hout tataking her ' nvteplated visit. (Un ht'r returnt shte -ave U inin;! bn~ to Mr'. Ihavi- tat the faiets abtlvi iiversuer toa New Orliatns to induenitif' j.i m atnd .ring im hima. 'lIe also iirughft' euire. Since t eV..gong we learn that fse: n:iwer :.' 's:r" int 4 a n oif :2,tfnu, andi ti smanmd coannaitte-l ti saidl hjaM is IA-ented4.a Thi-,~ i, on :lea megruo si ig eht r~' . T!::i iif I.r.n y~i': a'e rtust rep a :i i.'i ua n t b~.eeni pro centted.---Maeon ( t'-) Citizen. G[::'. I:.mo1tlA Kn-S Coinr:s.-. The ihs I. tmui !L'..wiori of Wedi~l.e.l:.3 .my-: "We \ k':h:urn front a genttlerntan 0 h to n .i . na a~; . ''nt'..::'.:tce'.da u Li Gr~ i.a Ka~o 1:Z w . te dii)' aLiinliu:f. is " :' t :Uw:L "a 1. i-- . -. h * . 4. v. a 111)ous a ?u i ,.m n-; an- a viVIh Iw wti 'a W er a f' art lih r'. I't ot ir ; ina.. sibe ti m . ' rob ia I- . ' t,'aer.i'.ti aia st . th-, wi . I p e 'a t uas s I r!: i:.n e on.-.t t'ai's.- , 10ne e ttald 1--real m. ;i.i: . t' I ,m ift- ir 1 e're o sens. alt"P oe -,ild hag-c in be i'tte diw n a te'tii ittver:int d- anicraen.ta- 't a.',' eiy mdtn:' :.a:It.a 'Mfkecru F..- he -Temh :etn 'ri ('a. B.subs r:;r I. I itr.:: n '- V: ': ir ime lo~ hat .-the 'i .'1... tie'- whih hthist btitl.. bt ;atting's cot;nawho itre t!;v diconsed i; ard tholoatteeianitbb htl uno be ofreed if ays ihn1t Suteru~ Ifrim, ~jwil ineh short time, be mustered into the Cotfderate service and proceed to the scene of action upon the border. Mr. Tucker on Treason. Our readers are aware that Mr. it Wofford Tucker was arrested at St Louis for alleged treason, in uttering Southern sentiments. He has been since bailed out. He comments as follows on his arrest: "Never beft re have we been char.. d with the coutinissiton of any crime against ilhe h ws of ,our country, or against the law of morals, or against the laws of honor, or aninat the d:etates of decencr or proiri iy. For the luIst time, thee, in our lives, we .tand charged with the commission of any recogi:ised offence against law. And this ihence involves a Charge of the highest degree of guilt anr shame-which, if true, would sulject us to the doout of the felon, and h'aekein our name with everlasting itifamty, which, in its blight in;; etfects, would descend to our children and our children's children, and cover thema with shame. This charge of crime is made under the solemnities of an oath, by .Johu 1). Ste venson, Black itepiblican member of the [louse of Rlepresentatives of' Mi.i'niri from St. l.ouis comiiiv. It will be seei, on elamination of' the alli dat it, that the afliant Steveoso:I has not sworln Lo these charges of criminality apon infi nma, tit n'wl bciie; but that the fact or crime therein charged is positive'y and uncondition ally m.averted by the terms of the oath. Now, we know that every allegation of criminalty therein made, and as inade and intended to be made, is an unqualilied, unmitigated false. hood. John L'. Stevenson has sworn that these charges are true. The. pending inves tigttion het'ore the U. S. .Jtldicitary will det'r mitn' the truth er the fttity of the charges thi mate. Wi;h this statement, we turn Mr. Stevtsoin over to the bar of an tulightened ipiition, and to that indignation if his IlUlow. countrvnitl, wiih wil follow hit to the grave. We are not aware that we ever iiia that ptrsontag any harm. We should be una ble to indent'y him in a crowd ulpu the street. I .e abused his privileges in the Mis souri House of Repre-eutatives, by lugging in our natle, and attempting to cast ridicule upon ns i.ersonally in that lornm, where we had not :he privilege or the right to reply. This was the tmost striking evidence of those attributes of naliness and of' those senti. ments of honor which greatly distinguish him. We do not value this piosecution to the amount of a rush candle. We stand in an at. mtuophere from which we look down with in. finite eontettpt upon the blood-thirsty. vindic tive and t.al:gnant brood of Black Rlepubli eani.,n., whoise dirty oflices are being peform ed by su, It pinps and jatkals as J. 1). Stevenotn. Siue only p.;int of view in which this mat. ter is at all significait, is that which devel.ips and deuonstrates the -pirit which actuates the tonember.' of a political fitetion, which -tops at nothtng-which knows ito law of kind ness-no sentiient. of justice-no regard for law-but which would this day and Lour tac riliec thi best blood ul the laud onl the seaf l,cl. and consign the fellow-eiuizens 1f tbese iactionuisis to death without ruth or renorse. 'I his i., tue frenzy wuich is enthroned at WV'a-hingstot-which po sons and maddens the public n:n.t ot the Noi th-which has destroy edi th federal l'aiion, aid w hieh urges on its detented dcvit eus to the work of tle.truetinti. and utt:r desolution of that section of coun try which seets l.r'aket ai cnr.w.it ..t butt. "' We begt, tin di,mi smg t he .mil.j.-e fr '. ibe present, to tacknot.wh-d1e wt iit: a .. i :t li: teigned gratitude taat v2hmrt:try t: t.m ieous expres.,imn of S1 iip:li b + ;.n pers-nI fniend-hip which w.;s i:u.;ht si., u. t ii- 'ctia siont by htundr..its t.nil thloutints of oulr tel low eit iz'ns-.men~i, women and chiiir: n . 31atny. miany thanks, dear lrieml.,; we' are censcious oft reectiude, of iinueeicee, of hot.or, atnd ol m:.lloyed pat risatisun. W'ithI the.e:-et:mtets wei have hn via, and worked and suff~eed antd withit Lese .,"entimeints we explet to live. to suvive these miagtat tiotacks, and whent we Ihave served our daiy and genetratio n, to die ini the peace of Goed, and to have au place ini the atth':t ionts anud respect. of our fellow-meil!" The Spy Ht:n-Ibut. The Rieihnond .PispnrI of Wedtnei.ti ay 'he following ~ i :I|:tion to the n. - if lI I':' thhut the peo; he w il ei ~ l .rni. h agencies by awhich li.: t.k. fia ..:tice mayl3 be accomlttihed3. We thik he~ will have a ha~rdb toad t-: tr..vel to~ makex tha't cs :tpTe in Chariie~ston: "We' itz:ule a intal'r of hain'iies y'esttr iav as to the dispos'it jioi in'te to bet~ masde tt'thie nail Wmn. II. IIl;ribit. who.,:e tar:-est at A l..ntau, Georgia, :mi sutbsiieteatrtemoval to this city, wits mnent itned' ini .esterday'.,' p~Ig. We cetnhi. hotwever. gut hc;!d of nioth n, dhelini:c. It ainy exaith~in wais hteld it w:a not couch tdeid, ihthe acens'ed hatving been remandedl to i i.-ion, w hinb, in his ca.-:e, is lhe eistienii ec e.s tal ij.hmtet, ott the hill setitheatst .,t iliilw'o..d Cemeiuc-ry'. T'tie public seemedct to lie foli' inn iiessed w i lhe e vict ion t ha' I uiribo t's diu li ttioe is a ieastre emiii ninty teninii towanrds ithe seenrty of thle right~s .tgil iti lesM of the t...tt-de'tatie.N!ate s. which h:ve bieeni and aret. eiu-y emansd by the presietnce and ttmzehiinattir~s of sp;ies atndI I rabiors who have too lonig gonte totwhipped ofi thait equalz ndl exact ju:st ice w hich is iei due. t'If lrliut does, liy li< su peri or cuni iitlL (i.et his liberation, theO peeiple will Iealously scrtiinize tw Ia.tgencies lby which suchl a (e..nlt maiyi be produceed, aind it will be dnte with no fra-'iily t'eelinog, tiii. Pi. S.-Wte Iearni nince thet above was vwrit ten Itat HIurlbuit will lbe held lto awnit the re Init ol the Giove'rntor of Si n'h CaI.rolin, itn .1 tei GI h hitihi's 'AuLrrantt. TIhe pr-otf ofi hi- guilt is ail to bei amltple in Chtarleston:, id the wiul.eseis whlo are enabh)!iol to testify' k::ivinglyv re-hde in tt viin ity. TI. C'in ',i:I~:Ai Cr..jn toio:: is l".t i:.-Th'le Pr'ri - corre &pindhent ofi the ,.,td'n ./r writes,. .10ume ah:I '.' he i Miitrs ot' lie L 'i-il SItte have hard lv left lais when 'x ih;le aigents of the Coni ext rantl it arr no-s'sage from Pr) esiiiet Davisi tii te E'no~c'-r lit the Frenzch. Manty A uner. ir , *-.i haild to dhiini, why t lgy ven;urc snch ani aibertietn.--say~ thant the .pheriin en vir iv i h fi iinds a:-e v'ery sauitipe as toi i'l" ti~rpn edl byv e vl't oIler gent lemneni, ;-r...burg, 1';uI-sia aund 4ntia '; andi otiii-rs ftie m-nt'nf'att;r.-s of' France. N...ting is ,id'i alot' n t Maniteis'''t imen, ini cmonetion with his It ew mt iission;-~ biut itimny taill 5tr'ange. I' iit EI..h, a.l 12it h' told that nt-si of the dr ih.-' hmre de-i' iha leAomie of! t h''e days I .. I ..:. . .-- tr a iiilihe de1.'pt chled to br., .m :ii.:. bckatde esitblished by Preai .i..r Liur'lin." :1'.w":.-lT.- Norfolk Day~ BoM. .,f ; e '2d, I, ia itut'id ., a gent len: nn ftrom t he I.: i-i Sh..' r. I. lhp :-aw thes Paiwtin' stink .m lite Wr:;ivhm--i sih.i' ;tIh'e P..iium-e .jver, tip. Aquhi'Criek. 'orkeLIren sent Iirai rt ad e-it hir .-tr. wi' .sitypfi.' wer.- a..n~"i Thpini l' li' ihr: n'''' '' "i''' itt'met ef milirnth. Somti te iu ii luthav not he:'r Iiai. I r b 1 -.-~ : n i th e r t if' u lai...ips . f No.t h u'i'hm: \''uhmet'ii. 'igio iui'n 'i'ir i'dI t In t'e s. iou 80 esi eanu n i i. Cu h.t anua in;. -ln .a tLO'li inu .and .l. li umdhlin' - tee neit his o s eich!. snt hCdi m woting has. a'i heard 0 0 mnonth igti. ARTHUR SIEKINS, EDITOR. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1861. To those in Arrears! We are particularly in want of money at this. time-nnd must urge upon all in arrears, either for Su.sripttion .r .ilrerti.ing, the necessity of immcuetlii-e Iynt1cl. Ihose who have not the 'uch, are reeplctfsully inforsed that we will be pleased tu receive Wheat, Corn, Cuts, or other produce. at the ruling market prices. in liquidation of their rerpective ceeounts at this Office. Let it be Remembered, That from and after this diete, orders fur the .tecerisce, uless aceomipeeuied with the Cash, will receive ns a:tentinu frot us. We are ftrce:l to the ndoptiou of this ruie, and will rigidly ad here to it. Vountteer Aid Association. Wre take llersur in :t-sting that the ileech Is. laud hloliees hivei furmied th.iemselver into an indus trial asrucintiun f"r the bene alit ern' :uenthern vul unteer'. A sumteriptio, ei-tel in their behalf. :lrealy 5umas tip near tour blelurni del dthelrs, with which material is purc~hasetl tur elnthing, the In lies to du the work. Much in liet heas already been done. And we are now requested to notify the public tht this associntion islslee itself in reatlilness to mukse up such material as may he aent. either by indiviluals sir companies in otr district, into such artitleS as the don'rs may desire, tn.d to forward them ts the seat of war for the. .ompanh-s designated. 'ersons wishing to send s.thl w.tt dir.ct to Miss MARY V ILI.S, 'r.s. 1. 1. Voilunteer Ai.1 Assorintion, enre of .J.ts K . Mat1..r.n .I 1t:not ar', A1ugu~ta, Gn. Front Gregg' Regiaent. By a short letter received from Marnassas Sinc'e our last (but wlhieli shostuld have enne to huitd dayr before) we learn that the P'dtf has a sueb scription ton frn t "fur the purpose of presenting i splentid Charger to Col. tG ni:ues when the Regi ment is t.li-bndieil. A tine rwurl and trappings will arQotemlpany this erneest of appreciation." The letter al;ae says: " It is now understud that the lRegiment will leave here the ad July for Richmond where it wi:l be dibnded." Killed by Lightning. We regret to learn that litle T. L. Tresztat, sene of Mt. ATilces Trest:a. whilst pla i::g out nider a Phalle tree in his father's yard, was instantly killed by Lightning on Thursday evening last. This is a melneholy efilietion to the family of the deceased and the neighborhood it whicl lie lived, for he was a noble little buy, and loved by all who knew him. Another Company. The Compney recently orgt.ised in this Dis trict, Capt. Ji:nost x WA cLK:n, will, we understanl, leave in a few days for Virginia, where they ex peet to juin Cul. B.4cos-'s Rtegiment. This is said tube a fine Cenpany nubtheringeheout +eventy-five ten. The Oll'c:era are Jan-yr. W. WA.Ken, Captaein. R..J. L.lt sl, 1=t. Lieutenant. CuCAs. PARut, 2nd " .SA31t B. Maxvs, ;ird "s J1011 IAnnIs:os, Orderly. We wdl rnaink Caept. W .LKen to furnish us with a r-' ';as. Cilwi any. Dr. Frank Tonpkins. lle tinel mi ne sf or ti" rgin. exelittges ini a h~tteri dated P.en.eacunla, the followinzg cemlie metary a.tns.n tor ])r. Fe:.is i To'e zt- ess, late iof the D.erk Ceor ei this Di.,trict: -O'er -.iek sare imeprovineg.:em ca.e is serioeus ex cept Wme. .1 .hnseun. andie he is now hI.inlg well-he is I ow 51niferi:g fromel psrtetraltion andi wecnkess, and wiil! he upI in a few dayes, I heepe : he is nlew :t the ht .5 I ofL kin-1 nleiglhbor whise invlitatilin we nec(eptedl tee takle thtm freom the camp.i lDr. F ruian Tompins ha~s been and iS een anegel. merey to ee--hei.- asensoe'e::-;. n een unlreenee tie ' to eoer ten e. ands P'rneiidence haes blcse.ed li e.y i.t Witht deeidedl micati'tl ikid he cem buhte- neteci, it thait ayipathy3 lep.d kinttines5 n isebl Rith -.~.t~I- l ier i.";IlItretI olr C::1. r- i ic R~'[eg imiett. -;Cn- .i:i- Clut iity ..rlg:mie'ed. Freera lowin : -,. *tt: i rtu, ea .-pu etnreel, the Tie::tmi-nt t . neo .-..1 c amdy . ip'ringr Cliuep tireeuned it .dr''n eit-tr Iice. ish litte Itidnge~ Ili-Irlrd i.whte lewill prohnlyii be in len 01' teen't days. The two, enmpa~lnies fromil eir D)i-lniet wi-l le. ui lformneti 1 . Uni.ear chtll. nnd we hae\ nto dltubit bute that nurl puiee .lirite.t viii/eIn will ~eiee hi librnu'i y. in p~rrovn.t te. rern:ining'..tir. anturnt crishing librd denlI. I.st's thle Compnetteitis. Th le folloi'n. re' it he Iidrn rnutrelern cu-nl oee I A.E~st 1. ti sie. R--*h-n"u.tut 1heigh'l & Anttiev. Ae teh- Aneglu-teu trert. I le eh.thbinig buernss i: sil t'tetul. 51'thouI. rne sof ilte ficm is nowli teh..-'it int lte Coeer..te armctity. In th-s eittabr untifrut- hu' e brescten mdle fuir r.ttr birnve viniteere, nss5, lend det;-.altch. Meysrs. Ii~luuc A Arsputxw ae .eorn htand ni tine n.-sort ment of gent lecmen-i iuri-hinlg gocntnis. aiend abFO reiedy il.'e chlting be'ies .1 eiuityt of e!ithl, buel- deum~e.