NOW READY! .. LEBESCHULTZ, DEALER IN SIIERB REABY-IIABE COTQHIG, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing GOODS! W OULD respectfully call the attention of all persons in want of FASHIONABLE and WELL MADE CLOTHING ----- Fine Marseilles and now style Dayadere Shirts, A large and beautiful assortment of GLOVES, CRAVATS, STOCKS, AND UNDER GARMENTS. Also, special attention called to the following gar ments: Fine Skeleton Cassiniere Suits, Coats, Pants and Vests to match. Fine Black Skeleton Sacks, A beautiful style of Coat. Fine Marseilles, Linen. and anew style Nankenott SUITS. BOYS &YOUTH'S CLOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. The above articles I had manufactured partly to my own taste, nud are warranted to give satis faction. My supplies will be replenished weekly. I have also a fine, full and varied assortment of the latest and most approved style of I-I A.T S, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c. ALSO, A CHOICE STOCK OF GAITERS & SHOES. STEEL ENGRAVINGS. I have in Storea collection of CHOICE STEEL ENGRAVINGS. of excellent framing, bought from the first Importer, comprising the Likeness of Washington. Calhoun. Jefferson, Napoleon. Cal vin. ,-Choice Studies, Empress and Son," "La dies on Ilorseback." "Mount Vernon," " The Scnons," - Jourdau," &c. M. LEBESCHULTZ. April 5 ut 12 H. A. GRAY. CAREFULLY REPAIRED. Ofice over E. X. Penn's Drug Store, Near the Court House. A pril 4, 1859. 1m 13 01H0I0E WINES AND LJIQUORS, SELECTED FOR FAMILY 1-SE. A ND put up in Cases containing 12 Iottle., each, and assortedl as fdlows : SBottles Old BOURPTtON WhIlSK EY: 3 ' 4 " CHIAMPAINE BRANDY; 2 " " TOPAZ SHIElRY: 2 " " SOUTil SIDE MIADEIRA; 2 " " HOLLAND GIN. These Wines and Liquors arc of the finest qual ity. pure and unadulterated, and selected espiecial ly for family or medicinal use, from the most es teemed importations of the well known and highly respectable firm of Messrs. A. BININGER & CO., 92 & 914 Liberty St., New York. fiOFor sale, one or more eases at Wholesale prices, by M1. LEBESCHIULTZ. PE* N. B.--Also, Havana SEG ARS, of favo -rite Brand,. April 4 3t 13 COLTON'S ATLAS!1 I HAVE now for inspection at Ehelieldl Villane. COLTON'S CABINET & tIENERAL ATLAS - OF TIlE WORLD, containing over 170 Steel Plate Maps and Plans, and also a Letter P'ress giving the Geographical, Statistical & Iistorical Description of each and every Mapl. - Not deeming it necessasry to coniment on the many excellent merits of the abiove work myself. I will merely offer the following Certiticates from sonme of the best Geograiphical and Hlistorical critics in the District, to whose inspetion I have submitted the work, and1. who~ have kindly furnish -edl me with their favorable opinion of. it. To the annexed Certificates the reader's attention is ear nestly invited. J. W. DEMMON, Agent. April6 tf 13 Certificate of Hion. F. H. Wardlaw. Enoarryit~n C. H., April 4, 1859. I have examined with some care Colton's General Atlas, and I believe it to he the most complete and valuable work of that kind offered for sn'e. F. H. WARDLAW. Certificate of Rev. J. RI. Pickett. Eoara.o. S. C., A pril 4, 18539. Mr. J. W. Dm~imos.-.%ir: I have examined the copy of the Colton Cabinet Atlas which I purchased from you with some cnre; and as you wish my wvritten opinion of the work, without the least hesi tatiorn I give it to yon. in the libllowing terms : I know nothing to equal it in the satistiuetion it of fords and the truthfulness an~d lateness of its ae count'. I hope the above will be snficient ars an exprelsion of mny viewvs of the wosrk as a recomn mnandartion to any one who may wish the latest and best work of thne kind.* Yours, respectfully. Poutr o M. . It. PICIE ETT,. Pa~to of .. E. . A E -:/ii . . Certificate of' Rev. L. 1R. G watltney. Em:rirm.. A pril 4, 1839. -I take lela:nre in eonmendling Colton's Atlas, for which Mr. r. W. Demtnun is Agent. Compie tent judges proamnee it the moi~st rel iable work of the kind ever j'Iible in this country. So far as I am cap~able .f jai.lgimg, this coumnendation is richly deserved1. "hiue the .\laps are excellent, the Letter-pross is riel~in varial: 3nd useful informa tion, makir.g the Wrk a vithiable acquisition to any family. L. It. OWA LTNEY. Certificate of C. D. Tillman, Esq. EIrtr.P, April 4, I85.'t I have use.l Colt.'n's Geneirnl Atlae for enore than twelve mi,,th', ind: esteem it the (e.. graphical wirk, beth for L-lineation and .Descrip sion ever published in Ameica. 0. D. TILLMAN. BURIAL CASES. . ST receivedI a full nuor tmentit r METALIC. BURIA L CASES. all ei.LS. lao, a newl style Case, full glau., full satin lining and' extrat fine. The Metualie Cases will be sold 0W Folt .CASH. Wo inuev for Cassh, and will be acessairily c .mpelled to sell on the same terums. T-rty days is thme lon::est credit that ai!l lhe given. Al:.', MlA IIO0ANY C0ulFNS at Augata pri ces. Conmo WOOl) COFFINS made to -i the ordecr, both in quality and pnrice. WITT & HIUDSI;. A pril 6i tf -t F)1R SkLE.--Tl~il-EE S(JWS and PIGS,f F ine stock. Appmly to WV. WV. G OODMAN. A pril 5, 1859 2t 13 CiTION--All perso4n5 indebted to the Es C tate of Nic-holas MckEvoy, deceased, must pa; the samie. by the 1st of May, if not, they will b sued. Those havinig demands will present then RICHIARD FL ANI A N, Adum'or. A pril 6, .st 13 NOTICE--By a resolution of Council, a iipersons who do not coImpoundl~ for street dlut ..before the first day of May net, will be assesse 25 per cent upon the original amiount. C1CE1O A DA MS, See'y. & Treas'r. T. C. A pril t., . 2t - 13 P)ORT MONIES, PURSES, &c.--If y Uwish to save money, cali oa W. H. HARR1 soAg'., when you .wat to bay a good Pou Mone , Paaor loem oo. March8 se s 12 ICANDIDATES.. For Sherif. W QUATTLEBUM, I LEWIS JONES, LEWIS COVAR, I H. BOULWARE, For Clerk. S. HARRISON, ROBERT D. BRYAN, WM. L. STEVENS, JACKSON COVAR, LEWIS COLEMAN, F. M. NICHOLAS, JAMES SPANN, EDMUND PENN. For Tax Collector. JOHN C. LOVELESS, T. J. WHITAKER, STARLING 'URNER, THEOPHILUS DEAN, M. W. LYLES, I CHARLES CARTER, C. A. HORN, | CHAS. M. MAY,*, For Ordinary. J. P. ABNEY, W. F. DUAISOE, D. L. TURNER. DAVID BODIE, E. H. YOVNGBLOOD, Attorney at Law and Magistrate, WILL attend promptly to all business placed in his hands. W Office at Edgenleld C. 11., S. C. April 6, tf 13 PROFESSIONAL CARD. T IIE undersigned having formed a Partnership in the PRACTICE OF LAW and EQUITY, fur Edgefield District, will give prompt and dilli gent attention to all business entrustad to their care. The residence of Mr. Ow ENs isat Barnwell C.H., that pf Mr. SmEiLS at Edgetield. S. C. EMMET SEIDELS, W. A. OWENS. Feb. 1, tf 4 PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. T IE undersigned have this day formed a Part nership for the PRACTICE OF LAW AND EQUITY, under the name and style of LANICnux A MonE.. Mr. MoonE will regularly attend the Courts at Abbeville. and will promptly transuct all businiess left in our hands for that District. V. W. LANDR UM, J. P. MOORE. Edgefield C. H1., Jan. 13. tf 2 attorut2 at 9aWl, WILL give close attention to all business en trusted to his care. .A- OmeICE, IN TinE RECAR OF THE CoURT 11osR. Edgefield C. U., Jan. 12, Gi. 1 LOUDON BUTLER, Solicitor in Ec.uity. OFZCE, in the one formerly occupied lay W. W. AiA'as. Esq. Elgefield C. H., S. C., Dec. 22, 1;58. A CA.RD. D US. BLAND & HILL, will practice Med. iine in its various branches in this village tad vicinity. ELUERT BLAND, J. WALTER HILL. March 30, 1S59 tf 12 DENTISTRY. DR. H1. PARKER, can generally be found at the Office formerly occupied by G. D. Tillman, Eeq., and will be sure to be there during Sale-day week. March 2, 1859 tf 8 CANDEE & McEWEN, WATCII MAKERS & JEWELERS. AVING this day formed a lCo-p artnership will occupy 'ace Rtoomas next adjoaining the Past Offie, and w.ll give the STRICTEST AT. ['ENTION t., all business eanersed at their care. JE WELRY and SOCIETY B3ADGsES made tea ,rder and warranated. gg Particular attention will be paid to Watch repairing. F. 11. CA NIEE. 1). F. McEW EN. E.lgefield, Nov. 1, 1858 tf 43 NOTICE.. T IE subascriber has just opened an entire NEW STOCK of Gods act his Old Stand. (the ricA .S..r..) which he invites all to call and examnie fear themcselves. Itis stock embraces every variety of DRESS GOODS For Ladies' Wehr !. Among them will be found Plain Black and Fan qy SILKS; Organdie and Jaconet MUSLINS, new styles and paterus; Jiyadlorc Double Skirt and Side Stripe E RIAtES: English and Amuerican'PRTNTS: BRI1 IA NTES iand t 1 Nii Ila.\S: P'lain. Swiss andl Jaconet M.'l U 11NS: Plain Striped and Ch~ecked Nucineeuk and Mull MUSLINS: Sumicmer SHAWLS und MANTILaLAS: Jacmnet and Swiss EbrlNIJS, COLLARS and SJ.EE\'ES: Fine BONNETS and BONNET ItBONS: IJ00TS. 811OES and IJAITES for Meni, lBoys, Ladids aned Misses. Blenched aend Unbllenchedl SiIRTIN(S aud SIIEETINGS: PILLOW CASE anal SHIEETIN(;S: LINENS and MARSEILLES for Men and Boy's wear ; OSNABURGS, STRIPES and TICKINGS. With every variety usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. g' Please call andl examaine iny Goods and Prices before trading elsewhere. ~13. C. BRYAN. Mar. .'t0. tf 12 NEW SPRING GOODS ! T lIE Sub'scribaers nre now thin r new SP'RING STOCK fear lIs'J, which they arc cnering at VEltY LOW FIGURES FOR ('ASH ! Koewinig the CAS iI SYSTE.M te lbe far the best we inted toe conttinaeianrselves as5 near us po.riblte :o the Cash beasis. We cordtially ihat e all (Cash custoeners tiec aenl n examcine aetr Stock befoere purebuasinag else where. ur (ODS has b~een baou.:ht pariniall~ay fear Cash, aind seleetedl with the t.REATEST CARE fromn tir-t Chaos Iluuses in New York, Baltimore and Charleston. Se give us a call whether yeat peurebase ear not. Oar Stock compnhrises every article usuaclly kepit in a Yihlag~e Steore, consisting in patrt of Ladies' DR ESS GOODS of every style and quality;i American and English PRINTS; Scotch Plaid, American and French GINO. HAMS; BAIREOES andl TISSUES of every atyle; Jiunnet RhB~UONS of every hune andh cgnaality ; JIRESS Ttt[MahI[ al in great variety; Ladies' Extenislon ROOP a8Kh RTS; Alisses' "C eg " To the HIOSIERIY, GLOVES nal TRIMMINGS gnerall~y we invite espaecial attention, as they were puarchansed diretly from Imaporters, and at very leaw parices. TO THE GENTLEMEN, Wo saey wv:dk in :ned exameine our Stoc~k eof Gen-.~ tlemien aand hleys (000UlS, which were peurechased xressly fear thoese whee wish tea beuy lowe fear Cash. TO H~OUSEKEEPERS. We wvisie to ca&l! yaour attentioan tea eour large and well selectedl staacks of CROCKERY, G L'ASS and Queen's W A R E. THE FARMER We call the attenetioen ot' the Farmiers tea eour Stock ef ANES. I10ES. CHI[SEtS.Al'U C tiS. SCYTilE :Lh.IIlS aned lSeCKS, TII tWH CII A INS, &c. TO SPORTSM.EN.T We leave can hand Ceeli's Peetenet ICEPeEATEIIS. with tahaer styles of P'ISTOLS, PeOWBERI, S110T anad CA P'S. TO ONE AND ALL.. We wish to~acall yeeur special aittentioneie ou eer baerge aane well saleeledl steeck eof SIll ES. ebracineg ev ery variety oef style uande quality, which we wvar rant to give satihafactieon. -~ levGa(rooories. W haeafull ande compi~lete Stock of G ROCl: 1j.', contsistinig ini part eat ewe Ureap West Indlia MOLASSES; -w Orleans SYR UIP: 50A ItS anda CoFF EE cef every quality : S 4 ST4AItC II. S0A PS of every equality ; YSEARS anid TO)UACC0 oef various biranels. M-m in anad price if yau ale noet wish to. buy, soe at youc can be well poustedl as regards price anlality. HUDSON & COGBURN. - N. B-- have a few hundreed pounds of fmne u Tennessee [IULDERS we will sell at 10 eta. -to make ren foar a large lot of Bacon we are ex se poecing to rtlre from Tennessee shortly. I. & C. arP e r o SPLENDID DRY GOODS! JAMES HENEY, AUGUSTA, GA., IS NOW OPENING A NEW STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS,. Which will compare favorable with any other in the city, to which will be added, from time to time, during the season, THE LATEST NMVELTIES AS THEY ARRIVE FROM EUROPE, OR ARE PRODUCED AT HOME. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT ! Tn this Department our Stock is Full and Attractive, containing Fancy SILKS, Black GRO DE RHINE, TAFFETAS, TISSUES, BAltAGES, BOMBAZINES, ALPACAS, LAWNS, ORGANDIES, &c.; ROBES, of various styles and Fabrics. In the WHITE. GOODS and LINEN DEPARTMENT will be found, IRISH LINENS, LINEN DAMASKS. NAP. KINS. TABLE CLOTHS, RUSSIAN CRASH, CAMBRICS, JACONETS, BRIL LIANTS, PIQUES, QUILTS, COUNTER PANES, EMBROIDERIES, &c.; a Splendid assortment of SHAWLS AD MAIT8LLAS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, DRESS TRIMMINGS AND PARASOLS, SHIRTINGS SHEETINGS, PANTALOON STUFF, &c., &c. SAll of which he guarantees to sell as Low as the Lowest. Call and examine fior yourslrel , be fore purchasing elscwlere. OrdJers car.frilly attendel to. GOODS NOT AS REPRESENTED MAY BE RETURNED. MRS. UENEY WITH A LARGE AND SELECT STOCK OF STRAW GOODS, F L 0 W E R S, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, AND MILINERY ARTICLES GENERALLY, May at all times be found'in rear ot' the Store, and to which she particularly invites the at tention of the Ladies of Edgefield. Call in and look a the latest Fashions and Styles of Goods. Mrs. II. will take pleasure in exhibiting then. Augustat. April II tf 14 SPRING & 'SUMMER TRADE ! J. A. VlAN WINKLE, UNDER UNITED STATES HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HAS NOW ON HAND A SPLENDID STOCK OF BLACK & COLORED CLOTHS, BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERES, SILK AND MARSEILLES VESTINGS, Drap D'Etes, Splendic Linens, &c., WILT4 BE MADE TO MEAUSURE IN TI-E 1VOST FASI-IONA2BLE STYrLEg, AND AS GOOD AS CAN BE OBTAINED IN ANY PORTION OF THE COUNTRY, --ALSO A FINE STOCK OF SUPERIOR CLOTHING! MADE EXPESSLY TO MY ORDER, A LARGE AND) SELECT STOCK OF Fu~rnlis.inlg Goocds. ALL GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT THE RIGHT PRICES, AND WARRANTED) AS REPRESE.NTED. J. A. VAN WINKLE. August:a, April II. . im 13 18039. 18659. D E MI NG & D AY. CORNER, UNDER GLOBE HOTEL, Ta ving everyi facility, they are Cnab>ieel to offer tiicir' Goods' on the 'nzost 'refsollulcetcerms to CASH AND PnOMrT P~ArING CusTl'IElts. Thteir Stock will always b~e replete wLith, everthinug NEW AND NOVETL, In the Tr'ade, anel b1y ar'rangementR, em'?'! RSi.1mer will bring the~n (1e SELEC 1' D)ESiNS F"OR LADIES' DRESS 900DS, EMBROIDERIES, SKIRTS, &01, &C1 'Among thseir Dutss Goous now on handi, i Siux, Co'rros ANo BAI$EOE fidiriC8, may be fbuund : Robe a 2 Jupe, IRobe a Mantuilet, liebe a 2 & 3 Vrolant, IRobe a Tquniquae. With all the usual Goods f'.r Dresses, All oarders promptly atte'nded t0, L4EANDERt C. DEMING, 'CilARtLIE i. J)AY. Augusta, March 30. t4 I12c /Al gi .1. Yrw/e,/ ef t, HORSE TAMING!~lgig~p T .LE Sublsciber re'rpect fully etl'rs his service. 2 m ~lalcv 'thdJA ON toe the ciizena ef E.::rit an d nIltirnwell in IUileee ' iu'e tue practicet of the NELW tand USl'If Ubl art oef ::nClsMeln n ltal,:,uR HORSE TAMIING, u aehd u aa rnl(i,:I. lie has purebued the ri~hat tee this pr-actice fof J~S & C A k the )istricts eof Edgelieled and1 Imurnwell, ande is uut.Mae ~,Iagn 1 preared t'o give instructiona or to subdue 1viciousA I hosesfea tel wh 1e0reit.BOOS & SHE S. a:.ei instructithen- inite thousaad a-plicltioOPEo thisFrt. g alee lof te enau o nt . 9 horee for allch who diesie enit slel .W A BOOTS &t SH ES Upon th ra t :n of a ls o r r oei the ' parte ai'lietten at ay plae teyiui fay thrpe dC~iS ON"C IO E adtteS intuct. themt:' ine uth theusA.d . apl c bao of c.M tcko ~ecrc. etfeit P. ae.--Tu cytnnectinnthithlitheonhuve esshaveITn ts AN t'.e P.\aTEN efLililN)E, thecae ritheeeosptoae ta l n t lay .reefhich itsel ive t h chl ar. ay W. A or. t aecalbrlndapeitn ul pee-rnwel l tn e niag tie l lencatseic io sttheei .I.h RRS N gt neth , :uehntrard 01 cc. ut egtoe . . . a t. rhovei N JTIC.Alltoeidel ronsaing eay areundst aretrequeytedeto and temin, ppeyate T heed.utd~ aisuJc by r efor'e Thrsa theOLhUMBUS!a, s. intend TInalStingcaibfinalaseittlement ofa sail esCtaterm FSIIING TA CK 1LE, &c.--Jnst recived jtc Jc OMiU.,f'rli evcst h a first rate atssortmtent of FISH HOOKS, eekriin eoatatiyfRluhleDsrcli TlAUKL E, &c. For sale cheap feor cash by wl atl1c jrn. utct tJmsM aa WV. 1. HlARRISON, Ag't. litc'atn llrtM tay,12 alefoaEd . March 30 tf 12 hl .h. n 2mlsfo anug V &OLIN, G UITAR AND BANJO dy fArl n ilb hr vr it a STRINGS..-In store and for sale cheap,. ua iltesao sot h 5ho ue lo fsuperior Violin. Guitar anid Banjo String.AMSI.LNA . W. Ii. HARRISON, Ag't, lTtof1 lEScrIa e has just op~enlnt hi owND towihseiviecheatnto f2h0adc n There is no use Taking after Sal! H 1S friends know he will have good things, and sell then for aimall profits. Now receiving a fine lot of PURE BREMER lUGER nEH! VON I. DECTJEN, in pints and quarts, for which our House are the sole Agents ror the iuportation. Also, YOUNtIER'S SPARKLING Edinburgh Ale! St. Ann's Brewery, i pint jngs: and i. B. IJYASS beststout L OND ON POR T E R, standard brand. CHAlV.EPAGE. BOUIlE FILS AND DROUET. 151 PEltIAL AND CABINET, in half pints, pints, purts and uagnuis : with a variety of all kinds of other WINES, BRANDIES and LIQUORS, which cannot fail to suit the tastes of the most fastidious. Also, a large assortnent of WOODEN WARE, viz: Striped and Plain Brass Bound BUCKETS, with and without Ciovers: Cedar TUBlS; Painted TUBS; Painted BUCKETS; Do. Market BAS KETS: Cocoa DIPPERS, and a large supply of superior BROOMS, and every article usually kept in a similar concern. Fresh, and receiving daily. S. E. BOWERS, Agt. labnhurg, March 22. tf 11 A CARD. T 'E subseriber takes this method of returning his thanks to his friends for their libiral sup part during the past year, and respectfully informs them and the public generally, that he still con tinues his FAMILY GROCERY, and will at. ways keep on hand a COMPLETE STO(K of everything in the Grocery line, to which he invites the attention of the trading public. His terms are reasonable, as he is convintced that. "a'naimble Penn# in erffter thane a min: Si illintV." Also on hand, a large rtock of B0 0 T S AN D S I ) E S, for sale eienp. TII3AS KERNAtIHAN. Uinl brg, S. C., Juan. 5. 1859. ly 52 REMOVED. E take this opportunity (if inftrining our WV PATRONS anld FlRlENDS that we have bought out the interest (f Messrs. SIBLEY & USHER, of this Town, an have removed to the Store formerly occupied by them. We return our sincere thanks to the Planters generally fur the liberal patronage always bestowed upon us, and will endeavor to cuutinue to merit the samie. When we shall have the-pleasure of greeting our old Friends tand Patrons at our new location, they will find us fully supplied with the following ar. tielas: Superior Java, Laguyra and Rio COFFEES: Stuart's A 11 C Powdered and Crushed SUJAIS; Golden SYItU': Orleans and West India MOLASSES; English Dairy CHEESE; No. 1, 2, 3, Kits and Rarrels, MACKEREL; Heavy (lunny BAGGINt; Bale ROPE ana TWINE; Canvassed HAMS; Tennessee and Baltimore BACON; OSNABUlstIS, STRIPES. SIll!TWiGS; 1;LANKETS and PLA INS; Negr. HATS, L'IlOtIANS and BOOTS; Oils, Turpentine, ( and Whitelead; TOBACCO, Indigo, Madder and Spices: Every description of IltON and STEEL, &e. We have made arrangements with the tost cele. bratted Distillers on the Continent to supply us the BEST nnd MOST CHOICE BRANDS OF LIQUORS, That nan be produced. Our future ain and Inten tions will be to ke6p unhinpnired our long estab lished reputation for keeping the FINEST and most PURE LIQUORS ever offered in Hamburg. Our lairge number of customers fear W INES and LIQUORS is attliieien t guarantee that we keep the purest anad best anrticles in this hihe. (lar supnrlur facilities for selling lanported Wines and Linirs are unqauestioaibile, as we receive thema direct frotn the Lonwdaon Doceks. 'In OUR SADDLERY DEPAR'IMENT, Will be found a New ands Faeshicenatle Stock oft line Saddles, wairramntued fort durability and censy riditag. Also, Anmericenn anad English heausings. IHuggy andua Wagaan liarneuss, Bridles, Curb atad Saiate Bits, Whipes, &., &c. If. & N. E. SOLOMON. Hanaburg, Jan. 5, 18595 tf 52 HA BU G S- 0. TIE subjscrier retturnis his thiantks to his friends uLnlpatrosns tor the liberal parronage extenud eu to him dtaring the lpast twu yeaars, aud hopes to receive a continuation of the slamei. For the yeatr 18591, atiie pcrepiarationts will hi mn~ade to give the lbest eatistuctiun to those who may patronaise the jiaensa. Sautv~trs, orterly anal wel-traineud, have been rlrer' titt Thec T.intes will receive tePoreo' w t tention, tt luatll tic sulplied with the benst the mtairket of A angneaa atforats. The Siuit~ias will be in the etige' of nu atten tire Ostle'r, it shert, kInd f'rieds, I um a gahlt tee miake every effoert to pienSe yon. t. C. CL'IN\tl i\M btmu rg, Dec. 21 tf n HA &MBURG, a. C. T II NEWAND) SPLENDII) hlOUSE FOR T ~ IERESH.ENTS, is now kept by the undearsigned in a style b,.reto fore unaknoewn itt this plece. 111S WINES, LIQU~I. 1, SEtLARS AND TO JIACCO, are ot the itest chie equalitieS. A. Y L!NBJERG ER. H[amunarg. Feb. P. :ltm 5 MORGAN HORSE. T i E cehlerated Mergan Stat. ii.,n CJ[IIL E NUGE, , t a0. standac the Sptrinl:1.-eato O: '' 15., nrt I-',etiaehl t'.eurt ile. - CiA L h. E Ni E i.- a hentutiteel' blacek with longa enda w:avy tanne actd tail, 15, hanaads high, a ael weighis in-11ianau . 1. ivwas 4 years old laest .Jnne., and wes ared bey hwmk Hlawk. by Sharani Moargan, bcy .laustin Morgan. Dltnm hyVhite Meentntain Morgunt, byv hcermnan Maran by .lenstin iAhergana. tGrawal elnme byv Woodhallerry, by~ .luntin Maorgana. lIe covets can boeth sides :.s much Morgean tbleod asi ay otear hocrse now Ii vincg. Hie na. 1 .o1ght hay thec ,nheritbers ini Witndsorr. Vaermaontt. eef D. U. l.inasley. E-.g. att a beesvy ex penase : lhe is w'll Ibrak,, ta tharaes, andaa ennau trait his mile in 3 minautes, withuat t raining. Tena~s-S'.'5 toa inasure a mare ini foul, aand 51,001 toa the groomt. S. F. 00DEoi', ELBlEhtT BLAND. Mareb 16,t; 1859t tt 10 DICK CHEATHAM! Wf LL stand thte cenuing season at/ V Elgeleld Court Hlouse, on Mun days, Tutesays and Wedneadacys, aned at r Ilarmoan Gallan'aas the retatindler of the woak, at thirty edellaers the Eeletent, with the privihsgee of pawal. lin anay etheur natit a iunrta perovci ii rnai, I:[Ulf CIlEAT11lAit is ;a Iaeattif'ul black en!t, faiur ysat.- aoha in $May neat. ftdll ifiteen, htanda tharee inchuse haigh, atnd wceighes nbet eslarran h:enrl anal lity pcona..,s Ile wae t gamia race hr.,, lie wgs sired by tatp(orted Albainta, hais elam was b~y lea peortea Lei'inateat, gruend damf hy l'neohet great grand dam ht 'Top (f1llant, great, greotgra:ad duin by iampnlaighater, &a. Than Altajens haate rtin 251 raes~ thtis teinter anad men Itt, beaig tho' eracks adt Nenatucakf ait Mein-. tplis Teonnesse the erasat' fi iginain cat Cheties Lan; 8. C., nei the erteaks oaf Alabania at Mont- I goaaef, Mobile anad Cdumbris. THO1CMAS 11. LDACON. Zeannary 19,1859g tf 2 THE FINE TROTING STALlON MO RGAN! W rLL stand thu piresent seasona at HIamuirjr, S. C., which has~ eaanienceed anal will expire irstteat June, and will Ite let to ares a.t the lowi rate of Tent Dellars the aienteon, er Gfteen tu itnsuae. D) E S C ItI 1P T I O N. MORGAN is a beeatutifaal nmaheegany hasy, near 16i hands htight, naitn years elad, ofl fine form and4 proportion, a paerfec:tmttdelt of a Horse. lHe Is a very fast tretter, anal is a full blooded Mairgan llarse. Was sired by Gilfurd Morgan, dam by Messeager. The object of the proprietors itn offering the ser vices of this fine stuck horse at such a low rate, is to put- him in rach of all, and imperove the stock of horses in the country. HIEC'KTLE ,6 WILSON. Angusta, Oa., March 16, 1859 Im 10 f' Unrnawell Hene~'nel will plCSteijaoy 0ne monthe and forward bill. NOTICE--AII pterlsons indathtedl to the Estate Nocf J1. B. Talbert, deceased, are requested to muake paytment at an early date. atnd thocse having demands against ead Estate, will render thtem In proplerly attested far paytment, B. Mi. TALDERT, Adm'teer. Sept. 20, 1858 12m 3 A LL COTTON ICAOS WANTED, ror which cash will be paid by liaaburg lob 8, E. BOWERS, Ag't, P. & 1. GALLA-HER AUGUSTA, GA.,. ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR SUPPLIES OF FANCY & STAPLE DRY C00DS! IN RICH FANCY DRESS G OODS, b THEIR STOCK IS EXTENSIVE, -ND CAREFULLY SELECTED, EMIBRACING ALL THAT IS NEW AND DESIRABLE, -A L S 0 EMBROIDERY9 HOSIERY; MLOVES, RIENS, Real Irish Linen, TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS, TOWELS, Sheetings, Lawns, &i'mb tic a ic Iif, TOGETHER WITH AN EXTENSIVE STOCK OF DOMESTIC GOODS, AND EVERYTHING IN THEIR LINE, ro which they invite the a t t e n t i o n of all in want of CIX-3BA. P G-OOCDi!H. Augusta, April 11, 1S59 ir 14 NEW CARPET STORE! JAS. G. BAILIE & BROTHER. 5/pring anly1 Simlmer Eefor 19-59. - -.40o - _ FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. Ve beg to state to those who are in want (if OIL CLOTHS, that we have now ill store a beautiful assortmeu t of these Goods in the boest qualities manufactured, and that we are just receiving, via Savnnwh, Sheets 12 feet OIL ( LOTuS, in Slates, Plowers, hec; Sheets 18 " '' " Fretcoes, Chints, &c.; Sheets 24 " 4 4 Chinti, Drabs, Oaks, &c. UI of which we are offerinig at prices to comhpaure favorablIy with any huouse 1th or South. Also, a good variiety of Patterns of Cheap Oil Oloiths. MIATT1NGS! MATTIN(GS! WVe are now r.eciving our Spring Stock of MAETI.\GS, wid aure ready to ofrer to those in want, of thiese Goods, a varieuldod exteniv~e assrment in lied C'heek, Wite and siiped. in 4.4, 5.4 and ( I-4 wihh<. CARPETING! (s usual, we have on hand~ au goo d asso rtmnent. We are jus~t receivinig an invoice of Crossley's Tapestry BIR USEL~S, which we holatt indneemenats on. WINDOW SHTADES-WINDO W SIIADE8! We't hatve jutst received two additional invoices of' these Goods,. per s'te:iiner Alabrna. ia Svannh, w ich akes edur stock compledte. We can oIthiers, snieli as4 is4 sle~l1in 1 Iii i ii)l Siullieilil lolis. )ur Stock of I1UGS, MAT'IS, 3)111'GG E'!8 and Tabl IJL1,(I CL TlIS, are varie and extenisive ; Straw and' lhair BlROOMS ; Pietare TASSELS, anid Everything usually found ini a Carpet Store. (T"i' aihl oif w ihi we would respectfi I ly call the aitte~nt ion of our Edgefield rids andi those re,.id~ini ini its viciniit v. Cily anid Couiniry Orders Promaptly attendedl to. JAS. G. B3AILIE & B3ROTIIEIP, BROAD STREET, 2nd DOOR1 ADOVE HANK( or AUGUSI'A. . DRY GOODS! BROOM & NORRELL ARE NOW OPENING Clytiv Stock of K, 811. S00bS lhnnkthl for' the Liberal P~1atXrg theyX hinve r)eceivedc here tuoi'be*, a t a t the~ ha nds of' their friendsiu andl~ a goeerous p ]ublic, thiey would res~pectially soicit bon t h11ii2" ihvcfrs, n nid NVITE A CL.OSE COMPAIlSON AND EXAMINATION OF TI-IEIJR GOODS AND PRICES TWITH ANY IN THE MARKET. THEY ARE DETERMINED TO MERIT PUBIlC FAVOR DY AS LOW A SCA LE OF PRICES Au any House in the Trade, and by a continuance of that. OWNI kND FklR SY8'M.0 F DEIIlMG, so Popular with ovr Customers, and which has always Characteuised our A Strict Adherence to our ONE PRICE RULE! PRICES GUARANTEED TO BI AS LOW As any other House is the Market, (: Goods Delivered, FREE OF ClIARGE, in the City and liambutrg. .co Auguita, 3Isrch 2~, ii CLOTHING& HATS! CLAYTON & KENNAD Y, DEALERS IN UNDER THE AUGUSTA HOTEL, 173 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA,Ga., Would respectfully invite atton tion to their Large and well selected Stoolc of Gooda 01 MN AND IOWS. Auguita, Mar 31 3m 12 SPRING GOODS WILLIAM SHEAR, H AS received from New York his Spring supplies, embracing a large and spleudi. assortment of DRY GOODS, among which are Fancy Spring and Summer SILKS, of new and elegant stIles; Paris SILK ROBES, with Double Skirts, of rich and splendid styles; Black Bayadere and Plain Black SILKS) of superior quality; -ich Paris Orgondic and Darege ROBES, of elegant stylest French Printed ,Jaconet and Organdi ROBES, at very low pricesI black Barege It0 iS. wih Double SKIRTS, for Molaurning I P.;aris lrlnteil RG ANI)TE$ ainel JACOYETS,of new atl beautiful tyles: - Supeirior 4.1 French I'TINTS anal Chints BRIL LIA.NTS: English and American PRINTS, a very large supply: Ladies' Black Lace. Silk and Lace, and Plain Blck Silk MANTILLAS, of new and splendid styleni La-liesa' Plain White, Elack and Fancy Baroge SilAWLS: , En lies' Plain l'k G renadineai Stella SHAWLS; Rieh French Emlbroidered Muslin and Lace COL. LA RS and UNDERSLEEVES, in satte of new and elegant .tyl'.'s; % French Embroidered Muslin COLLARS, of new and beautiful stylee; . Rich Embroidered Lace POMPADOURS: Threnl und Valenciennes Lace EDGINGS and INSER TlNiS; Vorked-Swis, and JuCe-net FLOUNCINGS, and Dimity BANDS; Jaconets, Nainsook, Checked and Mull'MUS LINS: Fancy Swiss MUSLTNA, for Ladies' Uunder aleeves, of hcanutiful styles: A large un.4ortment of Ladies' MOURNING GOODS; A largc assortment of Ladiis'. Misses'. Gentle. men-', Youths and Children's HOSIERY, of the be.t mal:e. cluistic and poleasant to wear; Lalies' CO SETS and Sjeel Spring SKIRTS, of the most approved styles: Ladies' Gossamer Steel Spring. SKIRTS, a new article ofthe most perfect symmetry, andvery light; Misses' Steel Spring SKIRTS, o( assorted sizes, and Ladies' do. of extra length; Ladies' PARASOLS, of new ahd behutiful styles; With a full anl complete assortment of articles suitable for Family and Plantation use. W. S. continues to sell for Cash, or for Bills to be paid promptly, quarterly, and in this way he can sell Goods at decidedly lower prices than they can be purchased tit the usual credit terms. He re spectfully invites his friends and the public to ex. amine hii stock, especially his large and varied assortment of FRENCH EMBROIDERIES, Which lie hass s':leeted with great care from the mo.