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- - I .ot~r R .'frs.Cu T "We will cling to the Pillar of the Te four Liberties, and if it must fall, we will Perish amidst the Ruins." SININS, DURISGE & CO., Proprietors. EDGEFIELD ., JUNE 23 1858. CANDIDATES. g3 The Friends of Col. JAMES P. CARROLL respectfully present him as a Candidate for the State Senate at the ensuing election. Ur THu Friends of WILLIAM GRE6O, Esq-., respectfully announce him as a Candidate for Sen ator at the next election. Febi ' *4 ITTsz Friends of Maj. ABRAM JONES re spectfully present him as a Candidate for re-elec tien to the State Legislature. Mar 10 to* 9 - aThe Friends of Col. JOHN HUIET re spectfully nominate him as a Candidate for a Seat in the House of Representatives at the next elec tion. IV TiE friends of Dr. 11. R. COOK, respect fully announce him as a Candidate for a seat in the House of Repesentatives at the next election. WTTH Friends of Mr. WADj HOLSTEIN, respectfully nominate him as a Candidate for elec tion to a Seat in the next Legislature. Mar 10 to* 9 EWa are authorized by the friends of Col. JAMES TOMPKINS to announce him as a Can didate for a Seat in the next Legislature at the ensuing election. g The friends of Col. JOHN QUATTLEBUM respectfully announce him as a Candidate for a seat in the next Legislature at the ensuing election. April7 to* - 13 0- We are authorized by the friends of Maj. A. L DEARING, to nominate him as a Candidate for a seat in the House of Representatives at the next electiou, April7 to 13 117 The friends of M. W. GARY, Esq., present him as a Candidate for the State Legislature at the next election. Mar. 31. . to* 12 W THm Friends of W. W. ADAMS, Esq., re spectfully present him as a candidate for the State Legislature at its next Session. Mar 23 . to* 11 -7 The Friends of. J. HAMPDEN BROOKS, Esq., respectfully present'him as a Candidate for the State Legislature at its next Session. 3or OB rr . H. BOULWARE, LEWIS COVAR,. W. W. SALE, - WM. QUATTLEBUM, LEWIS JONES, For Cer3. 'JACKSON COVAER, F. M. NICHOLAS, EDMUND PENN, 8. HARRISON, WILLIAM L. STEVENS, LEWIS COLEMAN, JAMES SPANN, ROBERT D. BRYAN, 3rCo3r Ta&'. * C tCOs' CHARLES CARTER, CHAS. M. MAY, JOHN C. LOVELESS, STARLING TURNER, M. W. LYLES, E. W. HORN, THEOPHILUS DEAN, Wor Crclinery W. F. DURISOE, E. B. FOREST, Par tn e rs hip. MESSRS. GARY & DOZIER have this day formed a Partnership for the Prac tice of LAW and EQUITY. One or the other at all times in their Offiee, near the Court House. M. W. GARY. JA MEs A. Dozima. Edgefield, .June 9 tf 22 Law Partnership. T HE Undersigned having formed a partnership Iin the PRACyIGUE of LAW and EQUITY for Edgefleld District, will give prompt and dilh gent attention to all business entrusted to thecir The residence of Mr. OWEss is at BarnWell C. 1--that of Mr. SEInELS at Edge~field, s. C. EMMET ElBELS, W. A. OWENS. Mlay 26 tf 20. S B. GRUFFLN, Attorney at L AW and a Solicitor in EQUITY, will attend punctually to all business entrusted to his care. Hie may be found at all times either in the Office of the Com~missioner in Equity, or in his own Ottice immediately In rear of. the Court House. EDGEFIELD C. H., May 19, 1858. tf 47 E. II. YOUNGBLOOD, A &torney at Ijsave WiLL attend promptly to all business j-laced VVin his hands. gT~tlce at .Edgefield C. H., S. C. May 19 tr 19 PHYSICIAN, WILL attend promptly to all business of the profesign entrusted to his care. OFFicE, Edgefield C. U., S. C. A pril 6 1858 ttf 13 CHEOPLASTIC PROCESS og IsJayNG T E Subscriber having furnished himself with La liense to use this NEW PROCESS of INSERTING ARTIFICIAL TEETH, le now ready to serve all who may need such, with an asuranee of a more perfect adaptation, and a closer resemblance to the natural organs, than can be realized by any other method. Its perfect Pu. rity, cleanliness, freedom from all taste, or ga.lvanic sensation, durability, eomfort and security, are among the advantageseclaimed for this SUP1~R1lR anode of setting Artificial Teeth. II. PARKER. June 24, tf 24 TWnOs. .I. & C. II. MIO IS E, SUCCESSORS TO LEE At MOISE, 1WSOLaSALE GiROCEHRS, No. T, Ilayne Atreet, CilARL.ESTON, S. C. Jan 27 IY 3 SHINGLES, BOARDS, LATHS, kO. rr. H Subscriber, living four miles East of Edge .1 feld C. H., and one mile from Mr. Samuel Marsh, respectfully informs the public that he keeps constantly on hand, and gets to order, Sbingles, Boards, Latas, Hewed . Timaber, Posts, &c. Which he sells on reasonable terms. lie warrants saiato to all. To. every order he wiW give ,prompt attention. H~e solicits a share of pstruhpage. P L. DuLOACIl. May2C8 2m*' 20 MY OWN SWEET WIFE AND L This world's a world of care and pain, And trials thickly strew it; A greater share of loss than. gain Most find in passing through it. But wherefore at our lot repine I To-day the storm sweeps by, To-morrow's sun we trust will shine My own sweet wife and I. My cheek to thine has oft Ien prest, My true, my own sweet dove; And each the other still bath bless'd With uncomplaining love. o True love's a blessing evermore, Riches take wings and fly ; We pine not for the miser's store bly own sweet wife and I. Then let the world go as it will, Still hopefully we'll try, If not our purse with gold to fill, To gild our home with joy. And when the eve of life comes on, Resting our hope on high, We shall not rue the moments gone My own sweet wife and I. I'M SINGLE, YES I'M SINGLE. I'm single, yes, I'm single! There's none to bother me, From scolding noise and bustle, I am fortunately free. I roam to suit my pleasure, And do what e'er I please, With friends I while an hour, or Recline alone at e.ise. I'm single, yes I'm single! There's norfe when I go out To say, " where are you going ? And what will you be about1 And pray when are you coming ? Or when will you be home1 And are you never tired - Of leaving me alone ?" 0, yes! 0, yes' I'm single! The house is clear of " squalls;" I eat my toast in silence, . Then make my evening calls; Or 'fore my cosy fire read, The papers of the day, And with my mild Havana Puff anxiety away. 0, who would o'er be married I To woman tied for life? I Forc'd to hear both morn and night * Her ja*ing and her-strife? Not I! and now I'm single, The will I have is mine; And mark me for a - if I Ere bow to crinoline. THE CHARMS OF GARUBLING. BY J. U. GREEN. I have often heard persons speak of their rst game of cards-how they were led from tiat to a second, and a third, and so on, from gme to game, till the vice of gambling beanie i confirmed habit, and almost an essential pas ion of existence. Truly, there is a fascination and a charm in Vfmbling which noine but devotees of the Cards nay appreciate, and which but few, with tongue er pen, can adequately portray. Experienced as I am, and have been, in all the ramifications of gambling, it may rightly e inferred that I am able to speak advisedly menerning its soul-destroying influence on man ind. Yes, I have seen father and son-nay, hole families-swept to ruin and horror by the Demon vice, in wvhose deadly grasp they ad unhappily faillen ! Men of fine talents and irtues, even mural and upright inidividuals in il other respects--professors also. I am sorry to atlirm, of the religion of Jesus, have gone own to infamy and destruction through the eticements and fascinations of the Card table. Methinks I could whisper into the ears of tose who pilay cards solely for amusement's ike, tales of woe and terror that would make te blood run cold and the heart beat in wild t pulsation, from their mere recital. How uch worse would the scene have been, and t~e heart-strings torn, by the witnessing of nny a painful scene in the career of an invet rate gambler ? I care not whether a man plays for pastimeI er profit, from the very first game he is apt to ecome enveloped in the fold of a monster more trrible than the hydra; and when snared, in ain will be the lopping off of any of its hide us heads that serve to snare the hapless victim. o! the vice should and must be crushed in it inception, or there can be no salvation from eath and damnation here and hereafter. Fear ful thought ! Would to God that all might re lize the truth of the evil effects arising from ard-playing, in whatever naspect presented, as a surce of pastune merely, or when pursued .for molument. Fathers, good worthy citizerrs, ould be spared disgrace and crime, and widows nd childlren might be saved from poverty and oe and the scoffings of a heartless world. I knew a happy and worthy family, whose ubsequent misery and sorrow arose from the ocial card table,' as a source of entertainment and- amusement for themselves and friends. .his family consisted of; besides the parents wain, three sons and a daughter, all of whom ave promise of a life of usefulness and honor he insidious vice of gambling crept into the eloved family' circle, and brought sorrow and esolation in its wake. The daughter had reached her thirteenth. year, and gave developments of beauteous wo anly maturity anon, when she was seized with consumption, which painful disease soon eft its withering power on her fragile frame. Lhough rapidly sinking into the grave, she for ome time retained her seat at the card-table ; t length, however, her malady increasing, she etired from the fascinating amusement and sught preparations for death and immortality. She now requested that cards might no longer e the pastime of the evening, beneath their oof, and her father, loving her tenderly, readi y complied with her request, and the card ta le was accordingly set aside. It gras now that he parent realized the fascination of the games, and found that a passion for gambling had in sensibly become a rooted prinpiple of his breast. Hie now sought the gamning table abroad and pent his evenings ini the fashionable gamlling ouses of the place. He continued as usual to lay for pastime, but becoming a wine-bibber, one night, while merry in his cups, he was in da to haziard money. not only on this onca sion, but on almost every other evening after ward. Still he persisted in his recklessness, and played deeper and' deeper in ruin, till on one Friday evening he came into a room where several individuals and myself were seated at a game of cards. He offered to stake five dollars on a game, and being permitted, his money was won from him. He then bet ten dollars, which he also lost. Becdning excited, he continued to bet, and, as a matter of course, where all were sharpers, he was well supplied with liquor, and cheated not only of what funds he had, but forced to give a check for money thus won rom him. He became drunken and remained with the gamblers during the night. The fol lowing day the check was cashed, and a portion of the money used in keeping him intoxicated, so that he was kept away from his family sever al days. Great excitement prevailed on account of his absence in the community, while. his friends and family suffered painful anxiety in regard to his fate. I was seated at a table playing with him on Sunday evening, the third day since he entered the gambler's den, whbn his family physician entered and inquired of the unfortunate and inebriated man, if he knew where he was, and if'he would not return to his stricken daughter and distressed family ? " Yes, yes, Doctor, I'll be there presently; go and say that I will soon be with them." The physician left, but the poor man continu ed the game and speedily forgot his promise. About half an hour passed in this way, when a female rushed into the room, and threw her arms around the neck of the gambler's victim it was his wife. "Great God! My husband! what are you doing here ?" "Beloved-my wifo! what seek you, and why come to this place ?" said the man, bend ing his head and reeking with shame. "Oh, my dear husband, come home instantly -our poor child is dying! 1Her only prayer for two days has been your welfare. Come, dear husband, now! Our daughter may not live till our return." The wife, husband and physician immediate ly left the place. A short time again elapsed, when that delu ded man returned, and composedly resumed his seat again at the table. I incidentally in quired of him how he had laft his daughter. "Oh, God! remind me not of that, sir. She is dead, and died while I was seated here at cards ! I could not remain; the tempter drove me back! I could not stay and see my child a cold and lifeless corpse." While he raved and wept, his wife appeared the second time, and dragged him from that pandemonium to his now hapless home. Four years after this afibeting circumstance, while I was sojourning in the same city, lectur ing on gambling, I received a visit from that unfortunate man. His appearance before me recalled to my mind at once the painful incident just detailed, and T inquired what were his feel ings when he visited home and found his daugh ter a corpse. "Oh, sir, I left your table thinking 'it was but a ruse to bring me home; but I cannot tell iiehorror thai tilled my s6ul, when I realized that my child was dead. I clasped her lifeless form in my arms and implored her to speak, if but one word, that I might kno* that I had not lost her favor. There came no response. I cast the dead body from me, and rushed out wild and frantic, yet voiceless myself, deter mined on self-destruction. I felt that I was her murderer, and the terrible thought drove me mad. Scarcely knowing what I did, but impelled by the foul fiend, I foundemyself in the street, hastening away to the warf, with purpose of fearful consequence-but strange to say, that bright lamp, at the door of the gam bling house, diverted me from a watery grave, and turned my feet into the den. itself, where sat abstractedly, I have no doubt, for I knew nothing until your inquiry about my dead child restored me to consciousness. Providence ins! tructed me in an awful lesson, and from that to the present, I have never allowed cards in y house, nor played any myself abroad, nor ouched the intoxicating bowl; and God help' e, never shall." This incident is sufficient to show the conse uence of indulging in card playing and gam bling. We could sincerely wish that it might lead every one to sericus reflection, and induce a return to the paths of rectitudle and honor, r that terrible desolation follow which most ertainly atteinds, as we know full iwell, the ourse of the gambler andl drunkard. AFFE~mrY:O o A .LVS Pon his MMsvu.-A southern correspondient writes: A genmtleman in this vicinity had a fine negro, to whtom he gave te privilege of hiring himself out, nuid keepinag ne-half the wages. A short timec since, the ne rro came home to his master, in Norf olk, to tell him that the man for whom he had been working wished to buy him, and would give thirteen hundred dollars for him. " Well," said his master, " what of that ? I don't wish to sell." " But, you seec, massa," said Sam, " I'se ad a cough some time, and "specs I'm .gwine into desumiption. I don't "spec I shalb last mnore'n two or three years, and I'd like to take dat man in !" A Scotch parson was betrayed into more puns than he meant to make when he prayed for the Council and Parliament that they might hang together in these trying times. A countryman standing by cried out:* "Yes, with all my heart, and the sooner the better ; it's the prayer of all good people." " But, my friends," said the parson, "I don't mean as th'at fellow does, but I pray that they may all hauig together in accord and concord." " No matter what cord," the fellow sang out again, " so it is only a strong one." An old lady of my acquaintance has four daugters with the following names : Clemientina, Wielina, Martina. and Mazin Aun. I re marked to her, on hearing them, that the laut was a very singular name, and asked her how she camne to think of it. "Why, you see," she said, " I got tired of fancy names, and conclumded t'give her a good Scripter one." "Ah,!" I said thoughtfully, vainly taxing memory to re call the portion of Holy Writ ~in which it ai peared, "I cannot remember ever seeing it there." " Well," she replied, convincingly, "you dont read your Bible then. Didn't you never hear of 'Mazin' Grace, how sweet the sound ?" Of course I remembered it, and aeknowledged my unheard of forgetfulness. Dorr S'rOP YoUa PMERi.-Curtail and econo mise in other respects as much as you choose, but dont stop your parer. Your wife needs it; your children need it; you need it yourself. It uot only affords you the, amusement .necessary to your health pnid happiness, but furnishes you with a variety of knowledge worth tenfold what it cost you.-Thiere are hundred other things whic'you can better dispence with than your paper. You can even do without " bitters" and meals a few times without injury, put your paper would be a serious loss. If you are compelled to " suspend payment" or go to jail before doing so, pay for your paper a year in advance ; and it will reileve the rigors of poverty and, solitary confinement, and it may prevent the disastrous consequences of suspension-by the neek. Don't, stop your paper, but pay for it out ofyour first dsosable money. 00 0IUATIONS. the Advertiser. EDGEFIEIA ATIONAL BIBLE SOCIETY. A meeting Edgefeld Assoclational Bible Society wash* . Damaqcus Church, commen cing Friday f May, and ending Sunday the 30th, at which, owing Resolutions was unanl. mously adopte Reoled, thee of agents be appointed by the Chai, ng of one member from each Church -conpos the dgeield Association, who shall be reques seek out the destitution in the vicinity of their tive Churehes, and supply it, as far as practi with the word of God. The President submittng the list of Agents he had appointed u the above Resolution, also sub. mitted the follo explanations of the appoint. ment, viz: The Soiietyias are of the delicate position as sumed in appq brethren as Agents who are ab sent and some' ihem are not members of the Society, but con itmay safely venture this liberty for two reason First. The .g approbation of the cause by Christians. on, understandingly, professing godliness woul illing to withhold the light of divine truth f . who might be destitute of it, and therefore t ttake exceptions at being asked to aid in this e Secondly. To confined the appointments to those who were. pt and members of the Society might have thi.- ane of making an invidious distinction, ih as known that some who were absent and not ing connected themselves with the Society, wo y c-operate with the Society. The appoin having been made with these feelings and e on It is hoped the brethren appointed will I to act, and that'any brother whose name is ' list of Agents that can not aot, will select some ther, who is a member of the Church to which( ongs, who will. The objects h view in making these appoint ments are, 1. That the ay ascertain as far as practica blo the followig. as who may need and be wil ling to receive t We in his vicinity, through the agency of the 1. Children r who can read but are not able to purch 2. Those who willing to purchase Bibles at. the cheapost rates, least inconvenience. 2. To procure? Iand members to the Society. 3. To receivrf ibution and sale in the con gregations of wi is a member, Bibles and Tes taments. - 4. To report, at eetings of the Society, his success in accompl the above objects. The terms of d' 'ip are One.($1,00) Dollaran nually, for ann bership, and Ten ($10,00) Dollars, paid in two annual payments' a life membership. - It is also to beb i stood that the funds contribu ted, above w , neoessary to supply the des tituti....... pliea. through the .Bible Bfaa as vi e, I aids'Tiifln'769eitf field, In which the Board of Foreign Missions is la boring to furnish the gospel of the salvation of God. The Society -hopes by these voluntary agencies to secure eoilcient aid in this great and good work, with the least possible trouble and expense, and to do this that it will have the hearty co-operation of all who have received the knowledge of the salvation of God, through the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and are desirous of disseminating that knowledge. Under the above resolution and views the following appointments are made: viz: Bethany, J. L. Talbert; Gilgal, John Lake; Re hoboth, W. J. Martin; Red Hill, J. T. Middleton; Caleham's Millp, J. F. Talbert; Plum Branch, E. C. Robertson; Buffalo, J. B. Britt; lioreb, J. 11. Wide. man; Beulah, T. W. Smith; Mt. Moriah, J. L. Grif fin; Friendship, T. J. McCrachon; Providence, S. Gahai; Siloam, U. F. Corley; Fellowship, F. G. Martin; Bold Springs, IL J. Rush; Mountain Creek, J. Trpp ;.*Little Stevens Crook, Jas. Adams; Edlgeflld C. 11., JT. H. Mims ; Good Ho~pe, W. M1. Dean ; Sister Springs, J. W. Coleman; Chestnut Hill, Z. Watkins: Pine Pleasant,.M. W. Clarey; Salemn, T. Coleman; Red Bank, W. S. Mobley; Sardis, J. J. Jeunnings ; Lexington, E. Alewine; Bethel, A. W. Ashel; Rtidge~ Springs, R. B. Watson ; Dry Creek, J7. De:iy; : Rocky Creek, 0. WV. Allen; Mt. Tabor, N. L~. Jlartley; Horn's Creek, B. P. Tilman; Mt. Zion,.J. Swearengen: uGraniteville, A. P. Norris,; Mt. Lebeniin. J. 5. Maili ews: Big Stevens Creek, T. L. Shaw ; Repubailicanl, . P. Gletren ; lletlehem,,N. Merriwether ; Redl Oak Grove, G1. W. Nixon ; Antioch,D. D. lirunson ; Pieas ant Grove, G. W. L~andruim; Olive Brach, Sama'l. Stvos; Damascus, T. F. Williams. After transacting- its business in a pleasant an i armonious manner, tha Society adijourned to meet at, Pleasant Grove Chureb, Friday before the fifth Sunday in August next, 10 o'clock, A. M. Sunday 11 o'clock, A. Mi., Elder J. M. Chiles preached from Math. xxiv. 14, after which a collec tion was taken amounting in eli to $52.40. Snob was the spirit of devotion manifested that Christians did say " It is good to be here." W. P. HILL, Pres. Sas'r,. Svavnas, Sec'ry, pro. team. For the Advertiser. A LETTER 'FROM THlE MOUNTAIS. WALIIALLA, S. C., Juno 15th, 1858. Ma, ErnToa:-.Yesterday I visited the "Stump ouse Tunnel," ad was surprised to dud the work progrssing so rapidly. The Eastern entrance is completed or nearly so, fur one thousand feet, which brings the Tunnel up to Shaft No. 1. To stand some 200 feet below the surface of a mountain, and 1000 Ifeet from the month of the Tunnel, with the sulphure ous odour of the dense smoke, the little flickering lamps, the clink of the drill and hammer, and the moving before you, that look more like ghost. (amid the gloom) than men, produces a sensa tion, that is better Imagined than disoribed ; and to add to the beauty of the scene, to hear (as I did yes. terday) a sepulchral voice cry out, "the blasts are tamped, so be off with ye," and by the time you, had got some 25 or 30 yards to hear boom, boom, boom, behind you-and every moment you are expecting a piece of granite to be searehing the centre of your cranium, ereates anything else bet a'pleasont sensa tion. After the blast. were all fired, I thought I would go back. into the' Tunnel, but the smoke and darkness were so disagreeable, I did not go far before I roturned, for "Murkey thick the blackness seemeth, As he gropcs athrough the gloom, Like to one, who sleeping, dreameth, That he wakes within a tomb. And the banister he holdeth,. liae a cold sepulchral damp, And the heavy air enfoldeth, Gleam and gloom like dying lamp. There's a vapor fintid, stealing Over all the shuddering sense, Like a charnel-house revealin~g What we are, the spirit hence. Sure, the darkness Is appalling Deeper than all midnight gloom; Voices inuffed, shrieking, ealling, Such as fill a haunted room." I then visitedthe powder mill, which is situated c.s t h utern entrance of the Tunnel, at the Issequania Falls. The mill has recently changed hands, and now it is undergoing considerable repairs All the machinery was not in operation while I was there The composition of coal, saltpetre, Ac., afte, being rightly proportioned, is put into small copper mortars, where It Is beat for a considerable length ol time, with large wooden pessels with copper buts, These possels are operated by a large horizontal shaft, with cogs running serpentinely, which keeps some going up and down all the time. After this eompo, sition has been well pulverized, it is termed mass, and is then carried from one department to aunther, until it comes out genuine powder. These depart ments are known as the Shaping, Rolling, Glazing, Drying and Sifting departments. The powder fron these mills is termed very good, altho' It is perfectly round. The Fall that this mill is situated upon is beautiful and romantic. The water falls from bench to beuch, (nearly perpendicular) for 100 feet, ouc place four men can walk abreast between the roch and the water that pours over it. Tradition tolli some quite romantic stories of these Falls, but I have neither time nor -ice to even give you a synopsis of them. After leaving the powder mill I visited the rest of the works on the mountain, and found it going on with greeter rapidity thun I had any idea of. The contractors of this job are calculated to get through it as soon, if not sooner than any'set of ien in our country. The little portable engine that has been employed at the Seneca river bridge, passed through Wal halla to-day. They are carrying it over to Mr. Lap poll's works. ..There are three large engines employed on Tunnoll Hill, two portable and one stationary. I am informed that 3Messrs. Elam Sharp and John Smith, contractors of the heaviestegradiug on the line, are making fine progress with their contracts. I am per.sonally acquainted with the latter, and know him to be a very energetic and industrious gentleman. The citizens of Walhalla are endeavouring to de vise menua to build a German Evangelical Lutheran Church within the corporation. I suppose you will be supprised when I tell you that Walhalla has a popu lation of 700 or 800 souls, with a fine market for her merchandise, and no Church within the corporate limits. It is true that there is a very respectable Church at West Vnion, some mile awl a fourth from the public square, and 21 miles from the upper end of town, but this does not meet the convenience of half our pbople, for there is never half the people at Church once a month. There 'ought at least to be three or four Churches within the corporation. Peo ple travelling through our town at once- set us down as heathens; for they see no Churches, but plenty of doggeries. " CAPT. CIIAW." From the Baltimore Clipper, 12thinist. PEACE IN UTAH. The President of the United States, on Thursday, transmitted to both HOuses of Con gress the subjoined Message, communicating, on the authority of an accompanying desatch from Gov. Cumming, the agreeable intelligence that G . m n aesw~L 41 2 Utah have, as it is believed, received a pacific termination. To the Senate and House of Representaties: I transmit a copy of a despatch from Gov. Cumming to the Secretary of State, dated at Great Salt Lake City on the 2d of May, and received at the Department of State on yester day. From this there is reason to believe that our difficulties with the Territory of Utah have terminated, and the reign of the Constitution and the Laws has ben restored. I congratulate you on this auspicious event. I lose no time in communicating this informa tion, and in expressing the opinion that there will be no occasion to make any appropriation for the purpose of calling into service the two regiments of volunteers authorized by the act f Congress approved on the 7th of April, for the purpose of quelling disturbances in the Ter ritory of Utah, for the protection and supply of emigrant trains, and the suppression of Indian hostilities on the frontiers. I am more gratilled at this satisfactory intel ligence fronm Utah because it will afford sonme relief to the Treasury, at a time demaundinig from us the strictest economy, and the question which now arises upon every new appropriation is, whether it be of a character so important nd urgent as to brook of no delay, and to istify and require a loan and most probably a tax upon the people to raise the moiney ncexssaL ry for its payment. In regard to the regiment of volunteers au thorized by the act of Congress to lbe called into' service for the defence of the frontiers of Texas against Indian hostilities, I dlesire to leave this question to Congress, observing at the sanme time that, in my opinion, the Stnte can be de fended for the present by the regular troops, which have not yet been withdrawn from its The accompanying despatch from Gov. Cum muing, is of great length, and gives a full and satisfactory account of his reception among the Mormons; but' states that the people of the Territory arc removing from every patrt of it to wards "the South," and have determtined to destroy their houses and abandon the country. In the letter to Secretary Cess, Gov. Cum mting, says he left the camp on the 5th of April, e route to Salt Lake City, accompanied by Col. Kane as his guide, and two servants. In pias sing through the settlements, he was greeted with such respectful attentions as were due to the representative of the Executive authority of the United States in a Territory. Near the Warm Springs, at a line dividing the Great Salt Lake from Davis county, he was honored with a formal and respectful reception by many gen. tleen, including the Mayor and municipal officers of the city, end by them escorted tc lodgings previously prepatred, the Mayor occu. pying a seat at his side in the carriage. Ex-Governor Young paid him a visit of cere. moy as soon as he was sufficiently relieved from the fatigue of his journey to receive com~ pany. In a subsequent interview, ex-Governom Young evinced a willingness to afford him every facity he might require for the efficient perfor manco of his administrative duties. Brighan1 Young's course, in this respect, Governor Cum' ming fancied, met with the entire approval of majority of the Salt Lake community. The territorial seal, with other public proper. ty, was tendered to Governor Cumming by~ William II. Hlooper, the acting Secretary of th< Territory. The records and library remained unimpaired. Governor Cummmng entered upos the performance of his official duty. With feel ing of profound regret, he learned that the agent, Mr. Hurt, was charged with having inci ted to acts of hostility, the Indians in the Vin ta Valley. The information camne fromt Mr Hlooper. He hoped that Mr. Hurt could vindi. cate himself from the charges, yet they de manded an investigation. Governor Cumming had informed Genera Johnson that he should probably be compelled. to make the requisition for a sufficient force t< chastise the Indians. At every point he was recognized as the Gov ernor of Utah and received with a military sa lute, the houses being illuminated in his honor having heard numerous complaints, Gov. Cum . mingcued publie notice to be posted,. signify ing his readiness to relieve those who deeme themselves aggrieved by being illegally re strained of their liberty and assuring the prc tection of all persons. Ile kept his office ope at all hours, night and day, and registered fifty six men, and thirty-three women, and seventy one children, as desirous of his protection, an evincing their disposition of proceeding to th United States. A large majority-of these peo ple were of English birth, and were promise assistance to be removed. Governor Cumming says that his visit to th Tabernacle will never be forgotten. There wer between three and four thousand persons assem 1 Red for the purpose of public worship. Ther was the most profound silence when he appeardd Brigham Young introduced him as Governo of Utah, and Governor Cumming addresse( them for half an hour, telling then) it was hi purpose to uphold- the Constitution, and that hi would expect their obedience to 'all lawful au thority, spuring them of his determination t< administer equal and exact justice, etc. Hi invited responses, and several spoke, referrin in excited tones to the murderof Joseph Smith to the services rendered by the Mormon battal ion in the Mexican war, and recapitulated a loni chapter of their wrongs. The tumult fearfull] increased, but an appeal from Brigham Youn restored calmness. Several afterwards expresse regret at their behavior. ., Gov. Cumming proceeds to describe the exo dus of the Mormons. The people, including the inhabitants of Salt Lake, in the northern par of the Territory, are leaving-the roads ar every where filled with wagons loaded witl provisions tnd household furniture, the womer and children following after without shoes oi hats, driving their flocks they know not where The seemed not only content but cheerful. I1 is the will of the Lord, they say, and they re joice to change the comforts of home for the trials of the wilderness. Their ultimate desti nation was not fixed upon. Going South seemed to be sufficient to designate the place, but from the private remarks of Young in his tabernacle, Governor Cumming thinks they are going tc Sonora. Brigham Young, Kimball, and most of the influential men, had left their commodious man sions to swell the ranks of the emigrants. The masses everywhere announced to Gov. Cumming that the toch will be applied to every houst indiscriminately throughout the country,assooE as the troops attempt to cross the mountains The people, though scattered, every meant would be taken to rally them. Some of the Mormons are yet in arias, and the Governo speaks of the mischief they are capable of ren dering as guerillas. The way for the emigrants to the Pacific is open. Governor Cumming says that he would leave for the South on the 31st of May. He say that he will restrain all the proceedings of the military for the present, and until he shall re ceive additional instructions from the President, From the South Carolinian. THE BlVISION 0F T Bl SOUTH. and your rebukes of Southern disorganizers, inust command the approval of all reflecting Southern men. In your able efforts to advance the union- of the South by every proper means, we think that you may rely upou general public support. The union of the South for the sake of the South-for the purpose of equality in the Union and independence out of it-this was the great end and sin of our great statesman. In carrying out that enlightened policy, it is not then presunmptuous in you to expect success. It occurs to us that the recent Montgomery Convention has done much mischief. Bitter. indeed, to the South has been its fruit. At a time when every thing tended to the complete union of our section-when Southern patriots saw with joy the dawning of Southern strength. and independence-this ill-started agitation of the African slave trade came to disturb oum councils, to divide our ranks, aMl paralyze our enaergies. Observe for a moment the sad spec tacle at Montgomery. The original and prime objtet of the assemblage being completely ig. nored, the 'whole time was spent in angry debate. and crimination and recrimination became the order of each day. Where the most fraternal feecling should have beena cultivated, there rcigned the fell spirit of' discord. W'here a frienmdly in* terchanmge of opinions should have been, therec were fiery discussions and warm retorts. Vir ginia, our friend and champion, and around whose honored name cluster 'a thousand histrori eal recollections, she stood at haav-stung to the quick at un wortmy reproaches-her faith doubtel and1( her loyalty imnpugnedr. The chosen repre sentatives'of t~he South were denounced as faith less and-recreant to their trusts. Bitter taunm fell fromt lips that should have beenm opened onl. in friendship. Those who shnuld hmave pourem uil on the waters of Southern strife seenmed t vie with each- other in lashing the waves intt into wild fury, in fine, in spite of thme wise counsels of Preston and Scott and Prvor and H iilard, the South .4tood dirided, and the work era of the mischsi'f were her own sonms. And for, what were our internal peace ani harmonious relations thus greatly shocked ai impaired ? For a measure very generally con coded to be utterly impracticable in the present and the wisdom and utility of which are ex tremuely doubtful for all future time! For a measure which even Col. Yancey neither recoin mends nor disapproves ; upon which he ha; acknowledged that he has no "matured an< fixed opinions." Well, then, may-we ask, is his the bugle bIas to arouse the South ? Are we to respond to it uncertain sound ? "Are you ready my conn trymen," to embrace the new-born policy-t put the States of the South at variance--to ao the seeds of internal divisions-to divide thi Southern camp ? Are you ready to incur fo a visionary scheme and a very doubtful good the hazards of unwise agitation, and the evil that we know not of? Are you ready to giv encouragement to the leveling principles a agrariamiam-" the greatest number"-to bi the wealthy sacrifice their property, and delnid the poor man with a negro ? We know tha you are ready for all that may become a mar but for this we feel you are not ready. We arn sure that you will pursue a safer, wiser and sure policy-that you will in firmness and moder. tion develop -your resources and work out you destiny-that you will close ump your ranks,' thus he prepared, whenever the time comes, t turn from the present Union to a confederac of Southern States-a confederacy united i1 spirit and broad in territory. A SF.sna~ THING FROx Ma. Evzarrr.-Ei ward Everett, in a letter apologizing for not a' tending the dedication of a new school housa closes his letr thus: " We must not rest satisfied with a geners impression that our schools are in a very satim factory condition. There is some danger the showy accomplishments, such as declamatio and English composition-often prematarel attempted-and dramatic exhibitons-whic seem to me wholly out of place at school-wi oeupy the time and thoughts of teachers as pupifs, to the neglect of thorough instructioni reading, writing, arithmatie, grammar, geogri raphy, history, and Christian mnoralityv, and otha bra....e. of solid English ancation.' From the New York Evening Day Book. EDIT0RIL CORRESPNDENCE. WILLARD's HOTEL, ' Washington, June 6th, 1858.J The war feeling is rapidly subsiding here, but . events are thickiing, and it is quite possible that before sixty days pass round theie may be such a complication of affairs that nothing but the sword can solve the difficulties. Ever since Napoleon sold us Louisiana and gave -us ac cess to the Gulf of Mexico, European statesmen have foreseen that the natural tendencies of' the new power that had sprung up on this continent was to displace the debris of the old European civilization and make the Gulf and indeed the Caribean Sea American watera. The Gulf Coast proper-tire vast region which stretches from the extreme point of the peninsula of Florida to the extreme point of the peninsula of Yucatan, and is perpetually laved by the blue waves of the Gulf sea, is the grandest portion of the earth's surface, and in all reasonable probability is some. day destined to be the centre of com. merse and civilization unequalled in ancient, or, modern times. This region varies somewhat in its topogrophy, but its natural products aie the same, that is, cotton, sygar, rice, coffee. tobac- * co. &c., with, of course, all the fruits common to the tropics. In soine places, as the- mouth of the Mississippi, itagradualy stretches back con. tinuously fertile three or four thousand miles in others, as at Vera Cruz it is abruptly walled in by mountain barriers, that, once penetrated by the art and industry of man, as at the ass. of Cerro Gordo, opens up another world, where wheat and other northern staples may be grown as well as in Wisconsin, and demanding an en tirely different industrial system. This coast region, thus briefly 'referred to rather than de. scribed, has more than natural fertility and is ci pable of sustaining a denser population and can be made to produce a greater amount of produc tion essential to human welfare and necessary to the developement of a high cultivation than any other space of its dimensions on the whole earth. Nor is this all. Behind all this lie those vast regions which make up the main portion of the northern continent, and . which naturally pcu their treasures of wealth, their mighty produc tions into the Gulf seas, seeking markets with the islands, the South American continent, the verv 'land of Cathay' and ' further Ind,' which Columbus dreamt of-this, all these vast produc tions, I repat, naturally converge on ths Gulf Coast, and from thence to be carried where the law of commerce and human wants shall At. tract them. The Mississippi river,, with its mighty tributaries stretching away, to the base of the Rocky Mountains, and to te icy lakes of the North-'the Sabine, the Neuces, the RioBra. vo, the Panueo, Tobasco, San Juan,. &c.- all these are destined, together with thousands and thousands of miles of railroads, to carry off the products of the great Northern and temperate latitudes, and receive in return the products -of the tropis ; and I repeat, the cities of the Gulf Coast, New Orlea Mobile, Galveston, in shog "'l at the mouths of e navigable nves ope . Idieam oe a4 .''o ritv hiebl'Ti 9. and Sidon 'nd ancient Byzentium will sink in to miserable hamlets. But this. is one side-tre natural result of a natural condition-and the future, however distant of Democratic institu tions, if permited to work out their tendencies; in short, the fruit of so-called American slavery. rhe brain ot the whiteman and the muscle of the negro are the elements and the only elements of tropical civilization, and either of these ab sent, or their normal relations perverted, it is as impossible that civilization exist as it is for a man to live without atmospheric air. An "anti slavery" policyr therefore, would convert this great fertile and central Gulf Coast region-this heart of the continent into a wild, desolate and barren waste, and the fortunes of mankind - forced into other channels, would be modified accordingly, and the result, though negative, that is, the perversion of such transcendent good, would be an evil so stupendous in comparison that langusge cannot express it or the intellect itself grasp it. . If" "slavery" were destroyed, if the abnormal condition attempted in Jamaica should be ex tended to Cuba-to the whole Gulf Coast region, and the negro's industrial. capacity lost , to the world-I repeat that which God designed as the grarden of' America and thie grand centre of corn ~ieree and civilization would become of necessi ty a desert waste, and the miost illimitable beni lice of the .\ll-Wise and Alnighty Creator by human tolly, sin andl impiety distorted into name ess and measuirelesis evils. But wen' ned anti cipate no such unnatural result. " Slavery" will :.ot be overthrown. 'The benifteenee andI wisdlom of the Almighty cannot be perverted or pushed aside by the folly nud imipiety of man. But this is what European statesmen have labored for what the British espcially under the mask of philanthropy, have so long sought to 'ompass wvhat the bliil amnd besotted Giddings, and Sunm 'aners of the North are ignorantly and stupidly assisting them to bring about.-Tl ir diplomacy however, has become so conmplicai that it de feats itself, and England may thank her stars if, in the end, she escapes a war with us-a war that would revolutionize the kingdom and bury her aristocracy in the ruins. England, Spain and France are doubtless united in a secret trea ty to preserve Cuba to' Spain, but in a case of last resort, design to turn it over to the negroes. The English government, so long urged on b the West India interest to break up the "slave' trade, has at Inst seriousely undertaken it, and* here she comes directly in conflict not only with us but with Spain herself. The coast of Cuba ' stictly blockaded, its commerce is destroyed, -the slave trade entirely broken up, its industry, is mainly ruined. - Here are the complications. WVhere will it end ? What will be the solution ? The administration is doubtless closely watch ing events. Congress will probably make an appropriation for ten or twenty additional war vessels, and pass the Douglasgbill, giving the President the necessary means to act promptly Sand decisively during the recess. DR. DE~is' SusartAPRILA.-" When, in the tcourse of human events" it becomes necessary ,to take medicine, the mostjm portant considera tion is to know what will do the most good, and Sthe least harm, and our experience has been, - that the former remedy is very scarce, and the IBut nevertheless, there is still left for the ills >of suffering humanity, some valuable remedies r' -some medicines that will cure and not kill, 1and among the really good, our experience en ables us to class the Georgia Sarsaparilla, man ufactured by Dr. J. Dennis, of this city. We -have used it, and we believe it to be a valuable -medicine. A'disordered stomach and liver has , &een our companion for years, and we have ta-, ken innumerable remedies, to indue the unwel Icome disease to leave us, and the medicine which -has come the nearest to accomplishing their de t sired end was prepared by .Dr. Dennis.--Atste a Ia Dispatch. DsTonevs.-The General Assembly of Presby II terians, recently in session in Chicago, has deci, d ded by a vote of 160 to 52 that divorces can'not n be granted unless adultef be clearly shown, and ~. that any one marrying a person divorced for any r other cause, is himself guity of -adiultery iji a ?