THERES REST FOR ALL IN HEAVEN. P ti n-Y FINLEY J3omsO, Should sombre clouds of sorrow rise, t And shadows o'er us tlinu, e And hopes that ince hare taken root Die in thpir early spring ; Should every .Joy and bliss of life Fade like the dcws of even, We still have this sweet solace left There's rest for all in heaven. If life's pathway should seem to us A dull and beaten track, And all our deep and holy love, Dv grief be driven back; If we are like the wearriei dove, O'er -lireoess ocean driven, 0, let us raise our eyes above There's re-t 'or all in heaven. Should sickness pale the rosy cheek, And ilim the radiant eye, And every pulse that faintly throbs Tell of a time to die; 0, then iidleed unto the world Our thaou:its should not be aiven,1 For we iuust ne'er foraet the truth There's rest for all in heave:i. [From the lome .Tournal.] HER WAYS. nY CAuLI:S A.WCKAY. When theue i.-, a.n thing to be said in leasure n pain, To brihten joy :i -. sunlight, shed, Or dry aillittion' .;:',: When she'd console, ret nkefcontrol, W, Lh " yes" or "no," a clear; SIae's such a way of saying ', 'Tis pleasant:,ess to :ear. AId when thee's something to be done, At I.eed's or duty's call, A vi'urte y. a ebarity, A kindness, arreat Ir smail; .: ::riet tI:.t seeks reiet; Wlate'Lr tile acti.ln be Shlie's such a way of doin it 8he wins all hearts to see. But! ,a.I do:i, night or d'ay, :'T 4ini.s :ult to) 1te The oaen of mind or face, Ti-t m.rks her to excel; Ie sk!-om tie love I crave, AUut r ;e iI li::ht divine, le's sCh L Way 4:Of loking it, .\s prove, leer to) be toile. From Ohe liarrisburu (Pa ) Airgus. TilE DIE.1'TH PEXILTY. At w priod, perhaps, say; the llighstown (X..l.) . has th sject of, Capital t'u1i is IIIAit (TeI1pi4d so mulh tif tle an.mi 16on4 of tie eiji:lens ofl' our 6tate :I- within the past fecw bmontlhs. Timl! imb li d m 1id - has h i:1 indicaions are~ that it wii! h e I:rough.lyv ex:.'a ied1, mnd ai d'.:im rcmiredl in4 e4ry' ind. #ither ....r or I .inI, it. It i .. an old timv-hoored statte, s'istaiined by adll aions through all ag~es with it we asre the le..n apt to qunestion its coiiis hasbee bltte frm te ttute bo~oks. Iin li Christiani commu~nitie's it rec'eives hut litdle sym pathy, being hld, Its it relly i.s, asfa refie of Jfudaisma. The teae4 Christianz-who receives Christ as~ his. guide-eaonnt su'pport or respect the humifani hav thatt demands the coMl'h ..d *ed murder of~ a tte!)''.g. Ver'. distini'ti' duos Paul speak oni this subljec't in his epistle to the Rlomans. T1he idea wIe'h fflrmerly existed that Capit'al Puniishment waIs n)ecessary~ as ani et1:lunph- to evil d.esjined p.rms: has k4', sice pr~a'tie~ndly exploded. PubAie .sx~'e:ions arie n. w l'!d in pf'reb', within theC pr1i'lon wa Is, wher' thi ;.' ofd the curious may: 144 not winss n the exhibbin. And why,~ if thet e'x:a~t:e is ai good one"a::' ne calculttatedI to s.'rike t--r.'r to the. h.r of .-eh looker on ? WhyA not er.-t the :ibbet in2th middle of the mos.t publie tonrodht ire and there let tihe terible;( 8X~4unt~i sp -:t i warn4~In to4 ever.V 44aur b' .us).:, it is to, wel! knuow'thuit eall suel : sc'ee only fvui'l'iar :-- 'and harden thei b-:ar~utf the: bh-shie!41r. In at moral view itim:hn.tenetobaredhacp tal pJt~indi.nn. nt is I b::uia!~~. an)4l in many in4stan1. the5 :4Ir m':e pa ' t nitn h die -niic4'i1S o the hnt."w Tlarret .'re, ~.if the 1 cnaunt 1):iV 4no4tt becnelited Iby1 capiltal punIijh:w-uit. ti-re is but one i jes:y of :hn law. :ide that i th e:imn~i. the8 be10iit an-'il refor44nation ofi' the p)4uiLhed, and if~ it has' not thisobject ini view it CenSes to4 be plunishmen Ct and1 ,4 ) be '.s erne1hy,' harhar:Iiit. 14n thecas o1~ ~f e:: iti iimp~a ilhmenit it becomes1411 were-' ly aL legal, a judaicil i unider--a miurdelr inl col bloodI andi li: 4m!!ee af'oruethought. wh:ile it . . lack. eveni the pleat ot the. unir4eer who e: a~ 41 e li nerey oni the hroun 88f pai:LSIi which at ile t::n' !.::lv 1)a ' aauotl::lt:'l toJ ali un t ro4'! I n-i"h b~e'.. Very~I'vI f- )imal4er are" C dlnm4it tedi ojther'wie si than it'i the heat 'f 1::s.ion. At the n :nment all bi thun 'I z.:ish '' t is :Jr r.145 4m ha~s lo- i r u w'. ' Wer it. notw s. there' mi:rbt i be mor )e ilipe i .1:I 41i e lii i!L'fet-:o eii4xam-4 pb'. T pimary. cri'ne !;'-iuI :nmitted. we 3141. . .'- un') 44is eeI :'rl mureiere( , 114 til.' av hi !rt; a::! 4ppordijties ihr the S couanm. . ':o*i h cr!i'' ai:ae, mlh ininish4 'and ao ref~rm a.: :a 3 iSlurp ti.e rigl.t of1 the .l nmighlty. li t::a: th:::t which nm hnuan p)ower a ean re...t re. Ilhining' th. miurd~erer canno18t binig back! hi<"n vieim. 4:e!. is no0 better pro'lteun t'1n of~ -0: '4--. vehil)1 nitmor-d ifluence)L1 we con4 L'drStil.: laws it is ver'y ditticul4t, andl in why ~ er alt ipssae to convict a mur4Ider'c wherethe enah is death. The rea- ' son is o~bious.., a~ll wer tie l8en:4'4y imprison-. menllt for' lid'. j.ii'.-e be dune the otf.'n der's in .early! u-:'-ry catse. There is at na~tural lte.rror la:eryV8, ireast againist iseing) the judicial muztrd.erer1 of1 a fl'lkew erea'lture, and88 if~ po'ssnile. the sentecei will bec avouidel. Tihis subject is 0one14 1 w irri 4 tiie aten41t18(ion ofgislatojrs ii' thew putblie g~ o'd, and should he. acLted upo. Society dleman48i: tha) a4 eblanlge sh4ould lbe mtadie in ourt" ishiug ea:,itai Tl)mii.hmeni~t we' be'lieve would8 mteet with'a hlearty c))ooperation)4 the418 pu1blic!. T1here islbut one tru:e, invuinerable arstocracy, - anti that has its foundation in goodit mianne4r5 and1 wvhiere manners4.4'1 and4 moral111 are r'ighit, the jbieli- p: gen1ce is ntever wating.t" The bes~tcodtnsf birthi and wveah are forC uituitouis-elpend8ing1 f "r Iheir cont~iuancel upon chance'1'; but good ntoui'er'S cidenit or' misfortune,being self-sustai ing an imnperish:thuie. A bandant and abnos1ut periCetual instances proe) thalt the be1st andl noblest of ment] -maty spinge from) the lowe'st temporal ranks, and4 J that riciute<, and1( titles and hlon'irs, m1ay' be ac- T I quired3 by~ men of obscutrest orign. What is it,.; then, that can and may properly distinguishi men is our reg"ard, anld lift oneC above anlother 0on the I prnilsof alristocra1cy? Why, simply thisa superIiority in mnners and morals. Just so far as men excel in this direiction, they are better and nobler than their fellows. They are an aristocr'acy-refusing, in the vcry- nature of things, to mix or assimilate with inferior coni-~ 1ions--jus't a-; i refuses to inix witit water. The very highiest enligtentment is minl'rked by these signs, atnd whlile no il!.-ma:nner'ed, had. m1ora1l per;on enfin be1 gentlemain, the1 re' u foremost '.'enicmanm all the wiorld is he o e bas, arch nr canstone of the highest order of j me Taking our ponition as granted, we sadly fcar n r our country's future. To tbc observing there no otler feature in our national character so arked as our tendency to trifle with and tram Le on manners and imorals. This is particularly -me of the younger classes--of our children Ad youth. Reverence and modesty have little > do with them. They are far enough from the rample of their fathers. and are growing worse ay by day. It is a novelty now-a-days to see girl or boy make obekance to age, or in any ,av treat it with a marked respect. Not so rere their fat..ers and mothers taught-not so id they behave. The ill-manners of the young re becoming a reproach to the age in which we re-they are a blot, a shame. If the school aster is abroad, he has sadly neglected to teach is pnpil.; what is of the utmost consequence to hem and to societv-good manners and morals. etter school them more in the-e, even at the acrifice of algebra ad logic. Hert alone is where mr age I. falling off and backward, and in no irection could a fall be more fatal. Let us see o it that we do not plunge down beyond re overy.-Exchange. SAD C.1sr.LTY.-On Sunday, about 3 o'clock . in., a fatal accident occurred at a private board. ng house in this city, which ought to prove a varning to those who are in the habit of going o sleep too near the fire. Two young negro vomen, instead of retiring to their beds, after eing tip until 1 a. In., kindled a blazing fire in he kitchen, and went to sleep on ablauket sipread war the~ hearth. A gentlemnan sleeingtI overhtead vals awakened h their screams and hastening to 1wir az.gistance. fiutnd them both comiletcly en reloped in the flames, which conld not be extin. ruishied until nearly every stitch of their cloth iq was consumed. . One of them, owned by Dr. 1,111eh, died, in abiout four hours, and the other, he property of Professor LaBorde, lies in a )opeless condition.-South Carolinian. THE Ct.iwFonl) S-rATUE.-The Richiond Des. 3atch of Thursday says : The equestrian statue of Washington was yes erday unveiled, and at once presented to the ves of the assemblage present, perhaps the randest work of the kind in the world. he ritiesms suggested by the outlines of the figure when senei up at once vanished like mist before he sun. and one and all united in the sentiment ha- the-re could not be a grander conception. or me more beautifully and completely executed. [t is great tritumpli of art, and every beholder j leplored that u'timelv death of the great genius ho conceived it, hv vhich he was denied the joy I f witnessing the elevation of the statue and hear- ] i the exult ant praises of the multitude. (~SABlie iETNt1T1. EDGEFIELD, S. C. 5 JOHN M. WITT,,,, haing jus r um-ifom New York wih a mlost COM1PLETE iid MN'AGNIFICENT assmrtment of FURNITURE, lepectfully an:nounces to his frien-s and patrons hat lie is now prepared to exhibit as beautiftul uni well maniufactutred an assortment of CABINET U RNITURE as can be flound in the SeutLern ates. This Stock selected with areat care. d1141 he 1::tters himself, with much ta-te and jtdg neht,-was bought for CASL1 at retduced tig re, and conserjucntly will be tlifred as LOW en cn be atherded. My large assortmenit cosists a part of A splendlid variety eof fine and supierfinle El10gally RXTIlrobcSt I rich lot--all styles-of Ro-ewood and Mahogany Rosewood and Mlahogany Libraries, i E CI RFT A R IES WIThl B00 K C ASE S. t beautiful collection of Rosewood and Alahogany WASH SI.XKS OR STANDS, A good stock of excellent sprinzg botom Improa~tved styles of I :osewood awl Mahogany FRENCH BEDSTEADS, i-'0LiNG IRON BElDSTEADS, A uiqueI and raLre asw'rtment of 'os~isting of P'ARLOR. C.\RDl, TE.\, ENP'AN 'ea~e the best julaeN el tl:e good and be4auil. -A lot of Corner Stands and Portable Desks, A varity or tine An unuitsually latrtge assortment of c~ i..A. I rE. s. moralisinig Solid .\lahongany s-prini. b~tom RIck ren's". Nurse'., a!nd Sew in'. Chairs, and Ch'Iihe'as atn!t Chair. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Work U*.kets1, Fanciy Boixes and Ladies Wor rk Ibexes, Chiblen'st Buteaus, Spool 5: nols, 1ird Catses, This Stock iv aleh ti comandil. the aidmittion oft wholn have k~ilyi visited lily new Store. wais, 0$ oeve staed'. punrchasedl 4n reoablleff p~rices, andl ill be sold a-.t nhe.aiLy LOW~ F( R (.ASI1. Am'l woutldl hiere- state that ci rcumostatnces, with whiebh I are "eli ao ulated, rendelrls it necesary thazt, I 'nuld adopt the CASh1 SYST EM and strictly ad-I eiv t~o it., other-wise I cannot carry on my bune~ss. An examuination of nmy Stock is solicited. UIetter Iwuains ale not to bec had! in Augusta ort anlyI her Southel1 City. Re p ai r in g, &ce I c-entinue to make to order- anty FURINiTU liE nted, ad also to. ;ep air all old Furniture sent. i-ni alonlig your worlk anid it shall he done in a y I bespeak a liberal share ofi pubhlic patroin .lly 1, tf 25' CARRIAGE REPOSITORY ! II R I S T' 1 E & II U Rt L B E RL T. li~ E- Sub-r-bgrs offer ter sale at the old stand L ofR.11. Sulhavatn, a C110ICE colle-ctiont of Carriages, Rtockanys, Buggies, d ail oih.-r atrtl-s in theiar line. Theiy hlave4 ado arrangimentts to ks-ep the-ir I louse suppliedi t1 the IBESTI A RTICLES5, from, the ImEST actres in the United States, whmich they wil: Il LOW FORL CASHl, or for good paper to aorth :ime. C A R IIIA ES and lIWGGlIES of everv de5 iption will be furnised to order on short aleotice. G S. CIhhRISTI E, tO A. IIURLBERtT. SApril 22 if .. 15 C FOR PALATKA FLA.' aland Route, via Beaufort, Hilton Head savannah, St. Mary's, Pernanidina, .Tack sonville, Black Creek and Picolata. 'HE NEW & SPLENDID U. S. M~AIL al EVEIRGL ADE, O ~ M. COXEThi. Mlaster. leaves BROWN ti ..j. & C:O.'S W IILA RI". Chaarleston, S. C , eve.ry Ui~i)AY MIORNhN(G, at 1I o'-loek-, and' con. to cs re-enlrly wvith Slai!es t-r A l-g::toer, thndi~eon, gi .llaa--se-e, 't. A unuiaen.-, (jtanige Sprsinigs, Aica.-e~ ,y), Netwo Ilwil'e and Tanpa lMay. A redneli'n .' ths-se Emiigratting with Negroes. Frghtt con~asuel tm this Age-ncy will be re- t For freight or pasage a:'ply to It Brzown &' Co.'s Whaa U, Cha~rleston, S. C. Nov 1 4 3m 45 WHiITIE BROCHE SCARFS. I !T LL ! 4 -I S HE A R ha4 .jutst treceived ' 'fr-om New York, Ladies' White Btroche, na AIt'S. ;ad IBlack ---relta SI!...WLS, of Leauti-.s sy!e-, to wih tbe attention of the public isb ipeeuIy inviUd. lc b A,..i, . 3 18xn If A DGEFIELD FIFTY YEARS AGO! ,ife and Death of Beck Cotton. 'IE DEVIL IN PETTICOATS OR, God's Revenge Aguinst HUBN RIJLIMNG ! . halve just printed a few hundred ciii-s of ' the above pa:mph'et written hiv Rlev. W L.i VEM.4. author of the '- Life (if Washington," Life of Marion." and other lesser productions, and tid by sume t have been the most peculiar writer r anv age. This work is replthe with interest, es eeiallv so to the citizens oif this District. as it con iin- quit.- a fair " showing up'" of the dark days ld murderous deeds of old Edgefield a half een &iv Since. 0T For sale at this Office. Price 20 cents per opy. Liberal deductions will be made to those ovine by the wholesale. Auz 26 If 33 TRIAL OF MART IN POSE Y T E have on hand and for sale a few hundred opies of the Trial of MARTIN POSEI r the Vlurder of his Wife, Matilda H. Posey, -AND iegro Slave Appling, lteing an interesting pamphlet uif ahout 75 paves, rivi.g a true and exact acciint of a crime coi nittld in Edigeield iD)trict inl 1849, and which i.1sulted in lie coinviction (of the said P'osey of nutrdletr in the lirst digree, for which ofifence he :ufl'erel the extreme penalty of the law on Friday, Ft h. Ist, 18.50. Persons desirous of procurinu this record of past lays and dark scenes should call at once. W- Fur sale at this Office Price. 15 cents per opy, or Iwo copies for 25 cents. Two copies sent )y mail. to one address, for 25 cents. April 20 tf 16 Dctagon Burial Cases Tl1E Subscriber keep- constantly on band at his Furniture li.omas. oppibite. the Poist ( Offic. a arLe a*4-olr:nwnti of this new style of METALIC BURIAL CASES, of beautiful form, and finihled n perfiect resemblance of highty polished ROSE VOOD. Tles.e CASIS are now extensively used mnil possess hany valuale advantages over all .oflins now before the public. -A LSO will a1.s0 keep randy fir delivery at a moient's varnng, a fire -Stock of W0Ol) COFFIN1, of my eia nhan ufet urc. nail of all eixos. prices and quality. JOIIN M. WITT. Edgefield. May 13 tf 18 Dr. McLANE'S ViEt M I F U G E 1IVR PILLSo Two of the best Preparatuonas of t he A ge. They are not reconi mended as Universal Cure-ails, but simply for what their name pur - ports. The VERMIFUGE, for expelling Worms from the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms. The Liv ER PILLS, for the cure of LJvER COWi PLAINT, aHl BILIOUS .DE RANGE'':NTs, Gia ~ HEAD ACHE, ~c. 'urenaser will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McL ane's Cele bratedl V;v:Ru:FUE and LIVE:R prepared by buLE PROPRiETORS, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. McLANE's, are worthless. The GENUINE McLane's Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. F'LEMING BRO'S, G0 WAOeD ST., PITTStUURGH, PA. sole Proprietore SCOVIL & 1MEAD, No. 1l1, Charles Street' enaeral ti hlescale Agents for thec Southern States' whiom all otrders must be addressed. Gi Sold by G. L. PENN, Edgefield f-. C., A. J. nzuaenrox anid TerLT & PJ.E.FTIER, Hamaburg; Ksser. & HIAantISOX, Longmnires, and WARDLAw Lyox. Abhaeille. A pril 7, 18.Y7- ly 13 NOT ICE. ~L perons having anay demanids against thec -.Estateaof Mary A tatrey, dee'd.. are requested p'r-eent dthema properly attested, on or btefrie. iinday the 1.5th February niext. ('1658,) nt the dianary's Oflice, as on that day I desire to make a al settlement of the Estate. Those indebted to said Estate are also reque sted1 piay tap foarthwith as longer indulgenace cannot be ren. .JaJI1N ALUTR1EY, A dm'or. Dee 14 inm 49 ()TICE I-All persns indtebtedl to the Es tate of' George Mel). Rearden ate reque'uted aamke' immetudinte settlement ; and those htaving nimads against the Estate will please present '0m forthwith, properly attested. E. P. H1. KIRKSEY. Jan~ 6, ___ ____If 512. ESTATE JUD)GE BUTLER. )ERSONS htaving demnandls against the above Estate wilt oblige by lorthiwith handing shtte ni of thea lamtei, proterly :attested, to Wt. P. tie.r. Esq., at lgete'eld C. II., air '. .rwardin;; theam iunul to the subset iber at I:arnwell C. HI JOT-NASONM 31 AGO"hPi Ada'ur. AUG' STA ADVERTISEMENTS. -- - $o D/ORNER UNDER GLOBE HOTEL, UGUSTA, GA.. L C. DEMING has now in Stoie his en e tire Stocek ofF A L, and W I N T E R 01() , Is being the moIst oinplete ever offered. mid at Iower p-riee- o tesh and proimpt paying cus omn rs. A mon which will be found SILK DRESS GOODS. The greatest variety thait can be found in the City. rlhe lobe a Quille, Rohe a Volaintz, lBeyediere. (t wo ize stripe,) Velentres, Poplins and side Stripe-all varyingr in price from $20 to $60 per Robe. Also. Solid Colored SIlKS, iu every shade, with RIBBONS and Vm.LVETS for Side Stripe all of which are entirely new and confined styles. Biled B'aek SILKS, warranted to main ain their color. WOOL DRESS GOODS [n every variety. embracing Robe a Quille, Beye dere, Velantz, eet., with the usual styles and quali ties. EMBROIDERS and LACE GOODS, most complete, and at a lower rates thani ever before offered. S I A W L S, Square and Long, for Gents, Ladies and Chil dlren; Mourning to Full Dres<, from 25 cents to $10 A large variety of CIENEILE, with Plain and Figured Centret. MANTILLAS AND COLLARS From .-2 Cloth. to Sf1. Velvet. Pai ticuar atten ti -n has been pai. to thei, being made full anti of the best Yelvet. Algst. Clildten'a and lisses' Cloaks, Mferino'. Colrgs, Cashners and bluslin DeT.ains of all colnrs. French, Vnglish anrd American Solid and Figured OPimA FLANNELS. Chiliren's DR ESS GOODS, of Wool and Silk materials. New und confined styles MOURNING GOODS KERSEYS AND BLANKETS At lower rates than can be purchased elsewhere. EV Aly housa is the only one where George Stlhley's-warranted all wool filling-W ill T W C1 01I \ PLA INS cen be had. '!hey are the most delsirable and economical Goods ever ofered ta the Planter. LINSEYS, OSNABURGS, STRIP FS, TIO\1E SPIINS, FLA NNELS, IIOSIERY, TICKINGS, &e., in full variety. Every article that I have shall be offered at the lowest rates possible. An examination solicited. 0'7 Orders punctually and carefully attended to. L. C. DEMING, Corner under Globe Ilotel. Auzusta, Sept 14 tf 39 BUY THE BEST AND CHEAPEST, JAMES HENEY, AUG USTA, GA. H AS now in store one of the best and most - fashionable stocks of DRY GOODS ever brought to Augus:a, and lie solicits an inspection then by his friends and the public. Being satis fied with very SMALL PR1OFITS, he is confidnt that his stock will be found CIIEA PER than that of any other in the Trade. The following desirable styles of go: da are to be found in his steck: Rich Silk, Deltine and Cashmere ROBE DE QUILLE. Rich Silk. Delaine and Cashmere Bayadere stri ped IftESES; Rich Plaid Raw SILKS; Plain " all colors; lltnek Silk ROBES and BOBE.$ DE QUJILLE: Rich lFig'd DEL4AINES, CASIM1RES antd AM llINOS; Frenchi MERINOS. all colors ; A latrge lot of DEL AINES, frotm 12 to 37 eta. per yard; ?eturneing" Bla--k ALPACA, BO.\BAZINE antd TAMAR TINE ; A laerge stteek of English and American Printed CA LICO ES ; A latrge stock eof Mlourning C ALICOES ; A inrge stock of. Scotch :mgd Frenchl GlNCS I L\.\MS, s~eome as leow as 10 ce-nts per yard: Chenrdle. Ste;:n, Plush and Wotolent Piaeid Sheawls: Ssatin and Cruel SCAIILFS; Cleith antd Velvet CLOAKS attd TA L.\AS: 1l,'ee9 $EIlS: Cteatn P;ue CLOTilS, a camGnrtaeble article for Itdt T'wiltedt LO)NGCftiT HS. Plaein and Striped SiR:WiNOS anid SI IEEITI NGS, LINDlSE~Y WtO~l-EY. anid Plan:ttione STUFFS: .A thle ;atrtmntt of French uand Sctth Ett broeidevredl COL LA AltS andt SLKE\'ES, st-earate antd mn setis; LEtnbroietered Alisset. a::d Tto 's COITLA RS: " Infant' l!O01 ES tand W A lIS; "t H AN litlF aend SKIRTS: "~ Silk llOSE:. " ItANDS, ICDOINGS, and1 IN SERTIlNGS; 1IUSIECRY. ke. Cottcon, Thtrt-ed and Cr-o:chte: L A CPS; A large vareie-ty of IDretsm TIRt'IaING.S; U NJ ) E RV ESTS ; F . N N EC L,, nh1 ctlotr< an.1 enalitie s; Itedl II ANKETIS, QUtILTS. &c. Ila thte Milietry Departmenrt Mirs. 1HE.s:Y ha-4 mane eof Ite fitnest selectionas of IBON N ETS, 11 I.\ I DIRESSE4, ke ; tee a t examteinationc of n hieh tshe respreil uilvy ivit- her friends and the putlblie. A uaustat. Oct. tl 1857 tf 3 CLARK & 0. AUGUTSTA, GEORGIA. NOW otTer fort sale their splendid new stock te .. SI LVER WAREtL, of all kitmei-Te a Sets, 'itche'rs. Caestetrs, Waiters. Gobtets, e~Ttmblers, CupS, lFtteks. Spootns, Ladles, Pasry, Cake, Dessert andc Btutter- ~Enivesa. Sh1 ttielhl PLATED) WA RE-first quaelity of cactds int Casttrs, Cake Basketsi, Wtaiterae, Candele sticks, e. lI-rmtingham acnd A merican P LA TEDC WA RE, very shtowy. and ait low prices. O01 .D WATCilES, of all good maekcrs-Cootper, Dentt. I'Tobiae, Burley & .Johnston, ~English makers ; Biriettintg. Mattile, Swiss tmazkers ; anti Jues .Jur ueen ef Cepenhagen S LV ER W ATCIl ES in gzreat variety ; quick heat R ailrotad Watehtes, large iie. Rich Dintmond, Coral. Camneo antd Mosaic JEW ELRY, all the newest styles, with a large stock of Stapele and Fantey GOO>S, at their store, Post Oliee Cortner. opposite the Railroad Bank. A ugusta, Feb. 4 1857 tf 4 Notice. L L persons itndebted to me arc hereby notiflled Ithat they mustit atnd (to specak plan,) SIA LL pay me sotne. The old tale of " pay you when I sell tmy cettton,~" is about euivalcent. to no pay. I keow the times are hard, but pay a little and miake fair- prtomises for the balance. Rectuttn day I think comies on the usue (lday, and lot far off. . S. SMYLY. Jan.1 5i S 1 Ridge Land For Sale. It~ oferfr Sale my VALUABLE COTTON PlANAION. conhtaining atbotnt Fivec Hlundred Acres, lying en the Edgefield and 2tlumbliae Hoad. On it is a fine one Steory Hlouse, wieth basemcent, md a plenity of out buildiengsuof every kind, all new. tid to every tield there is a good1 new gate well minttted, and a plenty of water; also, a plenety of ine Girapes, anm Orchard, Shrubbery &c., anid an ebundante etf tine timcber aind izood drincking water all and examine-I know you will be ptleatsed. CLINTON WARID. Setit. 30 tI . 38 CORN SHIELLERS, Self-Sharpening Straw Cutters! ' PEN Aet has just reeived and olers I of COR N 511 EL L ERS. Also, a large Stock f thtose celebrated Self-Shtarpening S T Rt A WV U T T EC R S. The farmers will please send in 'or. orders. Sept 2 tf 34 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I ~H E. 'ubae.ibher eafrers for suale ht-is IlUSE andl I 1.T itt the Vil atge of Engte-lied, consmitingt Ithe a r. s. with every eecairy btuiiiang on . ol- . a . weli (.f excellent water, &c.. Te ramsucomimodaung. . W. LOG UE. M.,A a t GEORGIA SARSAPAF FOR LIrER COMIPLAINT, ANI P UBLIC opinion and Physiciansi have dlecided SARSAPARILLA thlt can he obtaiied. ingredients are well known to Pivsieiants and the MEDICIN ES, when appropiiiately used, often El othing more need be said in praise of it. i1i lains in addition to Sarsaparilla, the hydro-alcho White Ash, Grey Bread, or Fringe Tree (Chionau (Podophyllun,) and Blood Root (Sanguinaria.) Vjy&-Those prefering this Cornpontid Prepartio DENNIS' ALTERATIVE, OR GEORG TA S.\] For sale at Edgefield C. 1H. by G. L. PENN at July 15, 1857. CARPETINGB! CARPETINGS! WHOLESALE ANI) RETI'AIL AT THE NEW CARPET STORE, 234 Minr St. Charleston, S. C. r IIE Subscriber invites the attention of buyers to the riehust and n.ost elegant ,.tock of CARPETINGS Ever exhib'ted in this City (of DIRECT IMPOR TATION, per ships hlckinaw, Amelia, R. Cobden Iand others, frai Liverpool to this port,) comprising a full and complet-ienrtment (if: Medallion Velvet CARPETS, in single and dou ble widths; Royal Velvet Pile, new patterns; Taplestry Brussels, choice patterns and brilliant colors ; English Wire Brussels, choice patterns and colors; aid American Imperial Three-Ply new styles; Scotch, English and Anericin Ingrains, new patterns; Venetion C ARPETS, all widths; Enclish Wool Dutch, Hemp Dutch and Cotton Ingrains; 8-4, 12-4 and 10-4 Woolen DRUGGETS; American Felt DRUGETS, beautiful goods; Green BAIZE, Table Oil CLOTHS; Linen and Woolen ClIUMB CLOTHS. all sizes; Velvet, Axninster, Tufted and Brussels, Rugs, Stair Roils, Door Mats. &c.; FLOOR OIL CLOThIS, in all widths, thoroughly seasoned, and warranted in every respect, cut to 'fit rooms, entries, stair ways, & c., &c. Cocoa and Canton M ATTINGS, in all widths. r. Especial attention is also tcqurested to hi large and %aried :tock of LINEN G OA)DS, NAMELY: SHIRTINGS, FRONTING, PILLOW-CASE, TABLE AND BED LINENS, TOWELS, NAPKINS, DOfLEYS, DIAPEtRS, JIUCKABACK, &c., COLORED TABLE COVERINGS, AND FRUIT DOILEYS, PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, A full as-ortmtent, WINDOW SHADES, &e., &c. ll7Buyers by the piece or package, dealt with on the nost liberal terms. W The Carpet Upholstery attended to as usual. by the most thorough and experienced Artists, and every item in that line warranted to give satisfaetion. P. S.- All order, froin the Country responded to pronptly, and reeive imy personal supervision. ,AMES G. BAILEY, Iimporter and Dealer in Carpets. NEW CARPET STORE. Charleston, Nov 2 tf 43 FALL TRADE! H. L, CUNNINGHAY & CO,, GROCERS AND PROVISION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN WINES & LIQUORS, HAMBURG, S. C. W E tak e this opporrtunity or returning thanks to our patrons aindl fiends for the. very libieral enuragement anid fnaors we have re ceivedl tir sev erail yeatrn past. andI resp'ectfully solicit a continuanrce of the same. Our highest alims, aind best endeav ots will be to terit ainI deserve lie paitrontage ol ourtn ol.l customters, frie~nd~s aned the public tgenernlly, bv' conducrting or bursiness a<4 we have done hereto fo're, aind inwrensi ng otir reputaitien for Lovr Prices and Fair Dealing, Anrd making it to the idecidled advanntage of all who favor uis w ith their tradle. Th'le inter.-ared i-ton wte have rece~ive-d anid are continually rece.ivingc him iniduced us to BUY A LA lGEanIVii WELL~ ASsORT b:D Stock o'f Goods, in otder to ineet thei growinig dlermands andl increase of traide. The Superior Qiuality Of all Goods ot~ered to the Pub'ie ait this establish menit. is so we.ll kntown thart very little need he said upon this~ subject. IHut with the unity (if LOW PRIGES, ami loh V~ltY IlEST QUTAL!TY' OF GUOI)S. is thn.e ssterm of bursiness the sub~scribe~rs ire d,-terinnedl to'ecnrty ouit. This will he nmzde rip ti every bronch of rteir business. Ourr Ooiods ini all ins tances will tbe what thmey are represented ti b.-anid wi ben sold by s:miiple, shadl alwnvr hbe in confoirmity w ith the smnople. W; are constanitly receivinc aind have ini Store a COMPLETE ASSORTalENT of GROCERIES -onsistintg of LOA F, CRUSHlED, CL A RhFI ED, ST. CROIX AND ORLtEA NS UGA RS, ORLEANSSYRLUP & C2UHA AMOLASSES, TENNESSElE ANI) IAL.Tl.lultl B~ACON, L A RI, SOI)A, STA RCII, SOA P, CA N I)L ES, WhITE WINE AM) A l'PLE VIN EGARS, &e*. --Also A lairgie aesoirtent of WINES AND) LIQ~UORS, Cosisting of Pipes,11amlf Pi pes arid Quarter Catsks of IMPORTED BPRANDIES, Uf the tollowing elebraited Bratids and Vintages, Otarid, D~upy & Co.. 18:1, 1844, 1847. A lex. Signiett, 18i52, 1855. Azairnit signiett, 1849. .1. ,1. Dupy, . 189 P. Sirgnett, 150. OLD) IORDEAUX AND CilAMPAGNE BRAN DlES. MAEIRA, PORT ANDI SHlERRY WINES, J!OLLAN I) (IN. JTA MA ICA A N!) ST. CROIX R UMS, G!SO)N'S EAGLE Wt lISKEY, AND) Dmeistic Li q uo rs o f all kinds! 'iTii .XasttExCTs of our Store are such a to make this E.strablishimeiit in fiaet the substitute of the celrr of every cionsumier. 1OTELS. antd persons watin.g smra:l assorted lots of Chroice Wities and Liquoirs for specianl ocea-| sios, be supplied at the shortest notice. COUNTRY TR ADE supplied at the wholesale prices. FAM Al ES eani cormmnd the best Table Wines at very low prcs as also the ebenplest sorts oif Wine andl Liuors fo~r culinary purposes. PlIYSICla NS requiring line Liquors for medi-' el purposesS areC pariiiciurly solielted to cali arid ex mnimine our Stock. We keel) conskontly on hand a Of Saddles, lUridles, 3inrtingales, Whips, Satddle lakets, Bed Iilankets, seve.ral Cases of lino Sewedl andi Pegged Boots rand Shoes, La dies, i~sses annd Children's Shoes, Waterpraoof IIlurting rind Ditch er's .Boots, Iloys and lilen's JBropanrs from No I to 15, Fur, Wool and Silk linits, Cloth, Plursh anid F.atncy Caps, Osnaburgs, Shteetings, Shi' tings, Stripes. I Gorgia laeins. Gunny aind Dundee Baigging, Bale Rope, Twine. &ec., &c.. We solicit CASH ORDERRS from parties not visiting our Town, and will endeavor in all insttan - to satisfy in every particular, all who confidea their orders to us. I Persons visitling this Market are earnestly solidi ted to give us a enill before they make their purchia- - Sa . We are deitermrined to make it to their advarn tage by selling themg their supplies LOWER than they enn bu them elsewhiere. [i' We will cive rhe market price for Cotton, ot'ri every other kind of~ priiduce ret'ered. a IIENRtY SoLOMlON. h HL L. & G. C. CUNNINGHIM.I hrtu,p. - 3-n l87 6zm 38 1LLLA COMP6BNO,1 0 TO PURIFY TIE ELOOD. that this is the 11E1SI PREPARATION Or It sells readily and gives great satistiaction. Its people at the South. to be GOOD, and GOOD FECT GREAT CURES. 'an to publish what it is composed or. It eon iolic extract of Queen's lelight, (Stillingia,) ithus) Tincture of May Apple, or Mandrake, it of Sarsaparilla, should express in their orders LSAPARILLA COMPOUND. id Drs. A. G. & T. J. TE CUE. ly 27 HENRY DALY, Xr oaac B. .&.=gnssa, Ga. 3. BOOTS, SHOES AND BROGANS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 0 O WORTH of the above Goodls, U0,UJ Ucarefutly selected from the lbest .\lanuf.,eturies, and compricing Every Description in the Trade, - Which will be sold at a very small advance on Cost. In addition to the above, I have on hand, 5,000 Pair Thick Sioes, Slightly damaged by getting wet, and will be sold VERY CHEAP! tf"' The Subscriber solicits a call fron his South Carolina friends before purchasing elsewhere. W TER~ms.-Retail. CASR1. Wholesale, time with approved paper. No see-ond priee asked. hElIRY DALY, Under U. S. IIotel, Augusta, Ga. Augita, Ga., (ut 14 tf 40 BOOTS AND SHOES. T HOMAS P. LARUS, (SUCEEssoa 'O E. L SvuxoNs) orrosTE THE AU GUSTA lOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. T:vac1Lies' 30parxt=4nent. Ladies' Fine Kid Morocco SLIPPERS; do do do do BUSKINS; do do ilack GAITERS, heled; Ladies' Fine Colored do do: do do Black and colored GAITERS, without heels Ladies' fine black and colored Creole Guitets. VUsses' Depart:nent. Misses' tine Kid and Morocco SLIPPERS; do do do do iUSKINS; do do black and col'd Lace GAITERS; do do do0 do Congress do. do do do d, Creole do. Ob.:lcLrens' Departeent. Childrens' black and cohred GAI2ERS; do do do Bunton do do Kid, %Jorocen and Patent Leath, r Rootp: Kid, Morocco and Patent Leather Ankle Ties. A large and well selected stock of Genteiens' Oxford Ties, Strap 1hoes, Tie Gaiters, Congress Gaiters and Pump-sble Boots. A lso, lousus serv:'nts Shoes, of every description. N. B.-Lamdies and Misses Gaiters and Slippers hch-d at the shortest notice. EgGive usa anl. A ugustat, Dec 14 ]y 49 To the Planters. rP'IGOS. P. LARUS, successor to E. r.. .LSymmonots, opposite the A ugusta Hotel, A U G UST A, GA., has this day received 36 Cases Menm's Heavy Broans, F~or Ni gro wear-and the Planters ,vill find it to their advaintage to aive me a eull before buying elkcwhere, ats all of the Goiods are made to uiy own order to suit the trade, and enn be wprranted toi be whit we represent themn, aud as cheap as any store in the City. STOVES, GRATES, RANGES,1 &C., &C.* S. S. JONE S & C O., A UGUSTA. GEORGIA., B EG AGAIN to call the attention of their nu meoroust enstomers and the publie genieraly to their extensite assottnmnt f STOVES, GRATES, R ANGES, and a complete variety of everythaing pertainintg to a FiRST CL ASS Hluse Furtnishing :-tore. Our asser rtmenit in this depiartmencit is all that thte most tastidious eaui iesire. We have tnearlr every style of COOKl, OFFICE and PARLORL E T(.V l.'. kept. by any other htonse in the City, and muany de sirale piaternts that ate to be funnda~ e.rctlusirely at our establishmnent. Gr r ai t o s. Of these Goods, we have some thirty dlifferent patterns.. all bought within the~ last sixty days and from the latest, designs. We thtintk we htazard nothing in saving that we can off-r a MUCH G I E.\TR VARIETY in this line than all ot.bter dealers in the city ciobined. S nE 0 & Ihaving testedi nearly all thme different stiles of Rangezs exianw. wc have for t wo years past sold Mo-r-s' PATENT INVINCIBLE RtANGE exclu sively, believing ithem to be the very beast articee offered. We have soldl some twenty of these Ranges in Augn.ta and vicinity, atnd they htave tterer fled to give pierfect sati-fa'ction. We will sell to any custotmer with a full guaratntee thtat these Ranges are pecrfect, itn their operation in every particular. IIOUSE FURMISIIING GOODS. In this department enueration is out of the quletiont. Our assortment is, as usual complete. andu no etibt, will be spiared on1 our part to retain for our house the positin it hats occutpied for tire years pa~st. It is well known that w'e keep MORE T HAN DOUBL E the stock andi variety of any P L A C E to purtcha.-e House Furnishintg Go..ds. The inic' ense iit our businaess in this departmtent has enititely exceededl our expectations. Our (ef tforts to establish a FhlR-T CL A8S HOU.NE-FURI NISH ING aTOR E have been croiwned with sue cess by ani alpreciatintg putblic, and (our imotto is " Upward and ontward ! TINVNERI'S GOODS. We havec in store an unusually heavy stock of Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Sheet Copper, Iron Wire, Block Tin, Pit and Bar Leadl. Also, a large stock| of Ja pamited Ware, Pressedh Covers and Plates of' every description, Thucket Ears, Rivets, Tinners' Toole atnd Machines, &c., which we offer to the trade on the very best terms. S. S. JONES & CO., 210 Broad-street. Augusta. Nov 17 t4545 XECUTORS NOTICE.-AI persons ihanving chaiims against the Estate of Avory liand. deceased, are h'reby nisaitied to present hem, properly attested, immaedinin-ly. J. S.8MYLY, J. A. P L.\ ND, Ex'ors. E. ILAND).) Notice.Chrs ALL persons indebted to the Estate ofChre Mc IiGregor, D)ee'd. ill please maake inmmredi ate panyimnt. And those having any detnands will iresent them properly attesil. A. RAMSA Y, Adan'r. July 7 18-,7 if 2__ Notice, A LL persons indebted to the estate of Daniel (i Boone, dcc'd., arc requested to miake inmmedi te payment, and all persons having demands ~ gainst the same arc hereby notified to present a hem properly attested. L. P. BOONE, , PETER OUZT. A dnmors. Dec. 2">,1857. Wf 50. Choice Counry Lard. J W UST received a fewv hiudred pounds of Choice t Country L ARD-a first rate article. For sale t wtrCshby W. 11. & T. S. HUD50N. d Jan. 20 2~ TO THE PUBLIC IHE Uniersigned laving sold the American [ lotel to G. C. CUN2NINGIJAM & CO. ake this occasion to return our thanks to the pub ic genera!lv for the lib. ral patronage bestowed :pon us. ind would iolicit the same for its present ?roprietors. Respectfu Ily. 0. 1L P. SCOTT & CO. 1lamburg, Mlay 30. 1857. A3MERICAN HOTEL, H AMIBURG, S. C. T H E Subserihers take this opportunity of in foarmina their friends and the. public aenerally that they have bought thle above 7OTEL, and are havinue it refitted in the best possible style for their reception. We flatter ourselves that every necessary arrangement has been made to promote the comfort of all who favor us with their company. I Our ROOMS are airy and comfortably furnished - SERVANTS attentive and obedient. And our TABLE will be constantly supplied with the best the season affords. Our friends may therefore rest satisfied that every exertion will be cheerfully ren dered to make theirsojourn pleasant and narecable. There will be in attendance a GOOD OSTLER, and Horses left In our charge will receive particu lar attention. W"Persons arriving at this House may feel as sured that their baggage will be promptly sent, free of charge, to the Carolina or to either of the Georgia Depots. We solicit a share of the patronage of those visit ing our Town. G. C. CUNNINGHAM. MARY S. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietors. Ulanburg. June 1, 1857. 1y 21 Hardware, Cutlery, & c. W M. HILL, HAMBURG, S. C., W OULD inform his friends o and all who may be trading 1 - to this Market, that he still con tinues to keep a FULL and well selected Stock of Goods in the above line, and solicits a share of patronage from all who may be in want of any ar ticks he keeps, assuring them that every exertion shall be made to give satisfaction to the purehaser. in quality and price, feeling confident that he can tell his Goods on as Reasomble terms as they can be purchased at ANY HOUSE 1v AUGUSTA. Ilis Stock is now COMPLETE, havir.. added largely by recent purchases from the lIESTblanu rieturers. Iiis Stock is such that almost every one can tind some article on their list of wants, and on such terms as cannot fail to please-amon;st which is a good assortment of F Cut NAILS of all sizes. rf the best brands, in eluding all sizes of SPIKES. Also, English and A merican Horse Shoe Nails, Wagon and Wrought Nails, all sizes. Nail RODS and Sheet ar.d Uoop IRON; Blister, German and Cast STEE L; Collins & Co., Leverett's and other celebrated make of Broad, Chopping ans lHand AXES, U ATC UlETS, &c.; Mill, Cross Cut and Hand SAWS, all kinds; llammners, Chisels. Augers, Drawing Knives, Adzes, Gimblets, Brace and Bitts, Mill, Hand Saw and every variety of Files and Rasps, Saw Setts, Compasses, Hollow Aungers and Bitts, Gauges, Planes of every description, Plane Bitts, and every Variety of Carpenter's Tools. Edge Tools of every description. 'E31aoo2&aanit1U Tools. Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Screw Plates, Sledge, Iand and Shoeing Hammers, Rasps, Drills, Tongs, &c., all of the best manufacture. Great care haovitng been taken in thre seh. etion of these articles, they ean be relied upon as the best. Pocket and Table Cutlery. His Stock of Pocket and Table'Cutlery is comnp'ete anti quality unsurpassed-nnmongst which cnn be found full Setts of Table Cutlery, ot .1 oseph Rodgers & So.ns celebrarted manufacture; Pocket and Pen Knives all patterns and qual ities ; fine TtRnors, Scis sors, Shears, &e. Also, a great variety of S MA LL W A RE S, Such as Pins, Needles, Port Monies, IHair Brushes, Combs, Paper Envelopes, Penrs, Pencils, &c. Guns, Pistols. &c. On hand a choice lot of Guns and Pistols of the fine~t quality--C'h's, A d:tmud and Dean's and others miake i.f Repeaters, self-cocking. Also, an ssortment of Pocket Pistols, Percussion Caps, Shot Ilehs, Powder Flasks. Game ikrgs, Cleaning Rods, &c. Buildinug Materials. his Stock of Building mna~erial swiil be found com ple.te, conrsistinrg in part or L.oeks. I inges, Secrw. Window Fas't.-nines, all kinds and qualities. Also, Till. Pad, Trunk and L,.eks. Light ands Henvy Ontinugs. Always on hand a finer assornu.nt ot' light nnd heavy Castings, Pois. Ovuns, Spidters, Tea Ket tes, WVell Wheels, Waflie Irons,.&c. Farmners Boilers, Caurldr..ns. Wagon Bitxes, Sad Irons, Fire Dogs, Shoavel anti rTtng. Cooking and lleating Stores, ALL P.ATTERNS AND SIZES. Wmagonr Chains, aill kinds,.TLog Continued. Hlalter aind Trace Chains, Spardes and Shovels, Hay Forks, Crockery andI Glas Wnre,&e. Also, mantufacturer of aill kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware! All are earnestly solicited to enll and examine f ihr emiselves. And you will find~ it greatly to youCr intlerest to psatronlize iour old Edgefiehl Dis trict citizi WM. HILL. llamburg, Oct 26 tf 42 BEALL4& STOVALL, Warehouse a n d Commission M E RC HA NTS, Reynoid, between Jackson anid Mlntosh Streets, AUGUST A, G A. W E hrave removed1 to Me.tealf's LARGE NEW FIREPROOF WA REHOUJSE, on Reynold, between Jackson and Mcintosh Streets, recenttly occupi. d by Gilhtam & Askin, in the Centre of thre City, int thre vicinrity of tihe principal Wareho~usss andI convenient to thre Hotels. B3eing amply provided with good safe Storage for Cotton, Grain, Flour, Bacon, And PRODUCE generally, we rsdetfully solicit uensignmrents, which shall receive our undivided tnd faithful attention. PA MIL T SUPPLIES, and tihe usual facilities, wilt be afnlrded customrers. glij Our Commissions will be such as are cus 1.ormary in the city. WM. M. BEALL, J. W. L. STOVA LL. Augusta, Dee. 9 4ma 48. PLANTERS' SUPPLIES, THLE GSubscriber begs leave to inform thre public that he has in 4tore, at the Stand occupied by him the last sea on,, a WELL SELECTED Stock of Planters' upplies, consisting of, Museovado anid Porte Rico SUGARS; Stuart's H. B. & C. Soft " " Crushed "i " Pulverised " llaltimore Refinery of same quality ; MOL ASSES, Uhds., Tierces and Barrels; Rio and .lava COFFEE ; I RON ali sizes, and HOLLOW WARE; BAGGING, ROPE and TWINE; Gunmny Cloth, a heavy article; Osnaburgs and Stripes; 7-8 and 4-4 Augusta Goods; SA LT, very large Sacks: 50 hlhds. HACON SIDES; 10 "SHIOUL~DER.S; SOA P, CANDlLES, STA RCH, &e , &c., all f which will be sold on accommnodarting terms to pproved putrchasers. gr Orders solicited and prompitly attened to. A. BURNSIDE. HIannUaa, June 6 tf 22 TOTICE.-Ahl persons indlebted to the Es. . tate of John Kirkscy, dee'd., are hereby., mety warnecst to make payment forthwith, anrd.-~ rose having claitms against the E state are r.otifie&~, a ;cerder thbem in1, properly attested, at an early' ay. . E. P. HI. KIRKSEY, acting Ex'or. Det8.a 61 * * ~