PUBLISHED EVEaY WaDNESDAY bOLNG.i A. SIMiNS, D. R. DURISOE & ELIJ KEEE, PROPRIETORS. TERXS OF SUBSCRIPT.ION. Two DoLLARS per year, if paid in advance-Two DOLLAR and FFrY CENTs if not paid within six months-and THrunEE DOr,..ARC if not paid before the expiration of the year. All subscriptiores not distinet ly limited at the time of subscribing, %ill be c' on. tinned until all arrearages are paid, or at the. option of the Publisher. Subscriptions out of the District and from otler States must invariably be paid fir in advance. TO CLUBS. To Clubs of Ten the Advertiser will lie furnished one year, for Fifteen Dollars-one person becoming responsible and paying for the C uh in advance. RATES OF ADVERTISING. All advertisements will be correctly and conspicu ously inserted at Seventy-five Cents per Square (12 Brevier lines or less) for ilte first insertion, and Fifty Cents for each subsequent incertion. When only pih. lished Monthly or Quarterly $1 per square will be charged. Each and every Transient Advertisement, to serntre publicity through our columns, must invariably be paid in advance. All Advertisements not having the desired number of insertions marked on the margin, will be continued until forbid and charged accordingly. Those desiring to advertise by the year can do so on the most liberal terms-it being distinctly untler stood that contracts for yearly advertising are con fined to the inimediate, legitimate business of the firtm or individual contracting. All communications of a personal cl.aracter wxill be charged as advertisements. Obituary Notices exce ding one square in length will be charged for the overplus, at regular rates. - Announcing a Candidate (not inserted until paid for,) Five Dollars. For-Advertising Estrays Tolled, Two Dollars, to be paid by the Magistrate advertising. OF THE TALL TFmA1 OPENING OF NEW GOODS AT BLAND & BUTLER'S! E are now receivitg and have opened, and V ready for inspection and sale. a large por tion of our NEW FA LL and Wl NTER STOCE In a few days more we shall be prepared to show our friends and patrons the Most Extensive and Varied Stock o DRY aOODS, Ever brought to Edgeflel; and those who mny buy of us, may rely on laving good Goods at tl LOWEST PRICES at which they can be sold. We desire particularly to call the attentiotn of tl Ladies to our STOK OF DRESS 90DS, Comprising the most elesant sILK ROBES of the richest designs and most magnificent Goods ever brought to this market. Also, other Dress SIL,KS. Black and Colored, of every style; Rich French Printed DeLains: Eugenia Robes: Poplins; French and English Marinoes; Solid Colored DeLaines, bright colors; Also, in bright colors and small figures all wool DeLaines, suitable for Children's wear, together with a large assortment of fRENCH,?ENGLSH.& AMERICAN PRINTS. We have also, Elastic and Patent Leather Belts, In great vari,:ty ; Corsets ; Elastics; Head Dresses:; Laces, &o. Ladles, oomo and see them. To the Planter We can ofFer a superb assortmernt of HEAVY GOODS, such as KERSEYS. .BLANKETS. BROGANS, 4-c., with a good assortmneut of tma terials for their own and Boys wear, with Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c., To all of whlich we respectfully invite thte inspection and attention of the tradinig community. BLAND & UTLE.R. Edgefield C. I., Oct 1, tf 38 BOOTS AN\D SHOES, "E3''oacI St., Akugguzsta Gra. R ESPECTFLULLY announce to the citizens of .Edgefield and the adjoining Districts that thoe have just received -thteir Fall and Winter Stock. --comprisig 10,000 Pairs Men's Plantation I3ROGANS, atssort ed qualities: - 2,000 pairs Thy. . " " ass.gu1~alitie., 3,000 pairs Mlen's Nip "do. ),000 4 " Calf Pcgt-ed " do. 500 " " Grained and Buff Brogans, as sorted qualities; 3,000 pairs Women's t'eather Bootecs, peCgged, as sorted qualities ; 60pairs Womnen's low pr iced Sewed Boottes assorted quatlities: 500 pairs Misses' fine Morocco Bootees, assorted quatlitie.s: 500 pairs Misses' fine Calf and Goat Pegged Boutees, assorted qualities; 500 pairs i oys' Kip Brogans, assorted gualities 500 ."" and Youth C:tlf Brogas, assort. .ed qualities; 500 paing Youth's Kip and grained Drogans, us sorted qutalities. ---lso .Gent's, Ladieg, Misse-s, Youth's andi Chui'lrent's~ JROOT~and SlIOES, of ALL STYLES AND QUALl TIES, received and for sale low by the dozeni or ease. C LA RKE & ROYA L. Augusta, Sept 22 tf 3 1856-Fall Trade-1856 WE 0. PRICE & C0. DRAPERS AND) TAILORS, Augusta, Georgia, Are now WEL L SUPP.IED) with a chtoick stock of Cl0tlls, Cilssilllel'cs, eSillgs, And all other Coods for Winter wear, imtporte-d by ourselves. Gentkmten leaving orders for anyi article of Clothing may be as'urcd of gettinig FIN E~ anid GOOD) GOOD)S, atnd made op in good and Fashionable styli-s, WjM. 0. PRICE & CO., Dratper~s and Tailirs. Augusta, Oct 28 ' t f4 PIANO PORTE! P2r.IES 1=EDcED: T lIE unidersigned havintg removed Stheir stoc-k of Sheet Music and Musical Instrumentsa to [tome, Geo., beg leave to rtutrn, to the citizens of Soth Caro lina, their- sincere thaniks for thte liberal patronatge bestowed, and to informt those still in w~mtof Piantos that we still keep a stock of Pianos in Augusta, which we will sellbit unpree-dent ed low rates. Thoise watnting Pianos, wvill fid it greatly to thteir adv-antage to write to us, as we wcar rant to please in prices, nnd quality of insatru:ne~nts. E7 Orders or inquiries ad dressed to us at A ugus ta or Rome, Geo., will meet with prompt attention. A. A. CLA l!K & SON. A ugusta Geo., or A. A.CLARK &SON, Rome Geo. June28, tf 23 Motice. A LL~ Persons indebted to thte estate of .J esse Limobeeker, dec'd., are earnestly requested ti make immediate payment, and those having de mnands against the said Estate, will present them prcperly attested. G. W. LANDRUM, Adm'or. de bons non. Aug 27 tf 33 - For Hire, A GOOD BLACKSMITH. . W. P. BUTLER. Dec 10 tf 49 A Great Mledicine. BLISS? eelebrate-d DYSPEPTIC REMEDY. Readthatlongadvertisement on another col tumn. For gale by - DRS. A. G. & T. J. TEAGUE. &no 4 * tf 43 FALL AND WINTER GRAY BROTHERS, P ESPECTFL: LY anuce to their u-0ete:ers nnd the puhl'C nt flrie. that they have re eiv'el. :1m1'I are still re--iv in by very ste'~amcr from New Yerk. .1 ie.-ral as-ertcient fr FALL ANb WINTER DRY GOODS, W hich they are ci-eain will he f und superior i-th in Extent, Style and Cheapness, To any a-sortment ever befoire ifle-rvd in .ugsta. Amnont our stock can he founi the following : Lxtra Rieb Striped Mloire Antique SILKS; " col'd and bl-k Pteu de scie ROBES; " " Gro. de Napp' and Pou de Soie; it " Bavadere SILKS; Biseh-ff's Paid and Brocade GROS de RMIN; " P':in " - An extensive mossrtment of low-priced SILk, in epcorq and hhick Faev Stripid and Plaid CASIIMERESand Satin de' SHENIES; Gal:t PLAIDS; Wool DELAINES; Persian DELAINES, Mohair Mixture-; Figured ALPACA; lilaek A LPACA: Baek and Colored E.ngish MERINOS; French " Lupin's best nlack BOMBAZINES and CHAL LIES; French GINGIIAMS and CHIN TZ; and Aimerice:m PRINTS, of all the favor. ite brands. Our IHo-iery Department Will be found to emlrace (very style (i f Ish and G-rman Ge-is .Als. Raw Silk ail Spun IhOSE .id II;l L F HOSE; Ca-mere, Clot.h., 1:m-k kin anz idl LO LES, f-cr Tae~ s:md Gentlenw n : Jace-t and Sw!Ss TRIM1.NGSantd FLOUNC ING ; . -- Cambrie. Svis o ad 13e0! Muslin COLLARS and SLEE1VES; infatis IEmbroide-red ROBES, Fio-k WAISTS, and WAISTS; Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS; Morning GOWNS, UNDERSHIRTS, Mourn ing SETTS, &c I brapery MUSLINS, Colored Worsted DAM ASKS, fur Window Curtains: French Mamseilles COUNXTE RPANES; Manchester'and .an-aSter " 1-4, 9-4 and 10-4 Whlite Snow-drop Linn DAM ASKS; 9..1 and 10-4 Whec Satin ani Figiured DA MA SK; 8-.I. 9-.1 and 10t-I lrown :nd% Wlit.r Linen and Cot ton D.MASK; 8-4. 9-4, 10-1. 11-4 and 1-4-.1 Brown and White Li'nen Tahe COVERS; NAPKINS, DOYLIES, TOIELS, DIAI PERS. C(I ASi, and an excellent aw-ertine!It of ine LINENS for Gentlen's Shir: iSorne:. S11-4. ]1-1 na:d 12-d All1en.bele, I hnnilton IIn N York Mi< Sheeti.~g l'illow-cabe Csai Emiglih A::d Armican Lung Clihis, of al t'he fIa vorite brands ; Douedl and Figucred Swiss 3.lustins; Clieked and Striped Jaconet, Swiss, Mull an1 -N:i,:ook Aluslins, A prni Cheeks; lied andl W1*d4- Flanirx~s ; Broen Con.i Supe-: iir or iC-res. Bear Skin, for Ove.r-COats4. Pilot and Ilaver Cloths; Sattinetts. Cashmerotts, Tweels, Cassi netts,Ken tucky Jeans, &c. Negro Clothing. Blankets, Stripes, Osnaburgs, Linseyz, Kerseys, ke., in great variety. Cloaks, Talmas and Shawls. This biranch of our business ill be fLund to con tain every variety of material, both Imported and of Anmericcm manufacture, and will range in prices from two dollars up to the most costly garment. Carpets. To this branch we have this seison added a large zssntment of the following beautifuel styles: Rich Velvet Tapestry, beautiful designs; Superior Tapestry Jrussels," " Extra Sup. Three Ply, atnd Tngraiin Carptt: Stair Carpects ; Druggetis: and an extensive assort ment of Choe-ile anid Velvet laugs; A dehddl M'atts, 1Bindings, &c. Sepjt. lCth 1850. tr 3 A ME RI CA N H0T E L, Eamburg, S. 0.. T lI R Preoprietowrs of thies well ,4.~'t I.knowna I JOTEL beg leave( to /ti itfrnm their friends andl theL pui genrally, thiat they are- nlways ready to, receive. them in the BEST STYLE POSSlBLE. Persens arriving at thia I letel may rest .nssured that they and their baggacge will be prompctly si-nt, free of charge, to the Carolinta Depeut, or to either or the G ecrgia Deleots. e al-o take thi~s eppnrtnit. tof retunrning~ omc inere- thianks for paist :atreenag.-, andie v~ill u- e.very end. e vnr to merit ai conitzinunce of' the samne. Thlere will alwayvs be oen hiand a goodc OSTl~l.I nd hI erses leit ini our ebearcge will eect withe e-:ery Illurl, .J uy 21, if 2'J S. E. BOWERIS, Agent, ciof his Fr end ianl the Pub!.lie icener.d'!y,cend tiil sole(its a shearice f their p'atro~nage. I ei. is n-ew reci ec.~n a LAREGE SiUPPLY, CONSISTING OF' Suarsi, Colfees, '~Ceese, Gcsh~en lBetter, Pickles, P'reser-v-e, SpC. e . lia'isins, Crc-kiers, (cmeesh, Se-aps, Mack i-ell. F:iendye Fiur . Bcekwheiat Flour, I roce, liuekets. Tcbnereos. Secears, MIacareuni, Wies- aend I )ranelies eef aell c, tI 'et Fair Notice. . LPrson w-hw :ien :ra'nst tin' EC-tat. of I . J.Le Giver h..v e not b. en ce:ted will i-leas call imnmediatev en II. TI. We l lht, E-i;., we hois fuly auhlori-ed' to seK'te all of the~ sacid claeiims. A eed al thoese whocse tcaimis aire not settled Iby Thursda-Icy aifter i-ale dacy in IS.hreuaery caext, ilil mieect meC :nI te Conunisueesiner's Ollice one thact dayv as I'in tetnd tee macke a final settlemt-nt (if-the Es:taite atl thact timce. All thoese indected to -ne will ell ocn .I r. WVrght acnd seul-Ie with heime. Thoee- who don'it peay hey Thluts dayv nefer sale any) in I-Feb r:; will he tiuncition ally su,:d. Nowa. genctlemrenc, by aittending to the aebove youC wil oblige me-aed if youc donel't I will obalige you. J11IlN 1RA I NSF"ORI), Adm'eer. De 241 .It5 I ?iOTICE ! A LPros inidebted to mie as Excetor of the Estaetee lf r. J1. 0. Nichlonf, dee'd., or det nec as Acldeeiictrautor of J. C. All, dee'd., mucist :oee- feorwird and cetle c, a-t zucardhians. ha~ve becen ,ppoineited for the l-ea:tes of said Estate I hoee l concerniedl wiil ~.cml-ly wi thiout furtheer tracnh-e. 0. WV. A LLEN. De 2d 4t 501 N ot ice. LL~ Pers.ons having dl-eandes agacinst th~e Es-tcte e (Cr Ali5s Macry Pai-kiin, dea'd., are regneC-d' o ne-t mie at LElge field C. HI., ccn Thuursd:ey the 15the cinnary wicth their e'caim~s pr'opcer-y attested, as I vist to close up) sid Estate. dOS. PA TKMAN. A dm'or. Dee 241 4It 50 NOTJIE! g i Il~ l will lee an Elee-tion heeld cen the Seccnde IM eennday in Januanry 1 857, ih'r Intendant aned Warense for the Tow oa.f Ed~gefieldc. The JElec ion will lee hel d cit Drs. Teaicue'se Drug Store. el ems. W rit, et Lc ore and 11ufCus J) D enn'illnet s an~agers. By ordler oft Counecil. ' L I.I. SUILLIVA N, Sce'y. Dec 241 3t 5 Comne inn, (Aentlemnen. J US'T' hecived Twventy-five Barr' Is doubclIe Re tifiedl RTYE WI HISIm Y eef a rnper ior iqualiiy d louw plice. Also,' Absielute Deadorrzea Alcohol, fresh smoked Beef, &c. S. E. BOWERS, Agt. Dec 23, If 50 HENRY DALY, B00TS, SHOES AND BROGANS AT WI lOLlSA LiA AND RI'TAIL.. \g1[\ W llT if thw ibov' Goods, ri$P)01UUU carefully i. etel froi tie besit Manufacturies. and comprising Every Description in the Trade, Will be sold at very smal advane.- on Cot. i" The Subscriber solicits a e(:III from his Soutlh Carolina friends beore pureh::sing eleewhere. :V TEatms.-Re.til. Ctah. Wholesale, tile with approved paper. No scumnd pr'c asked. HENR1Y IDAILY,7 Under .S. I lo'l, A niusta, Ga. A urusta. ran., S.-pt 22, h Furnitare! Furniture! BENMAM.\if -GOODRICil, Biroad street, op posite Lnabak & Cooper'.s. reypectful an nounce to their friends and the publie, that they are now rece.iving daily a .loice and well selected asstirtment of all kinds of F L R N ITUR E, such as BUnI\ US. 1IUOK-CASES SOFAS. CH[A IRfS, TETE-A-TETES. C KNTRPI TAB'LS, .D STEADS. VIN DOW SIADlES. &e.. of the i t st al most fashionable designFs, whsiel they giuaran tee to elI as low a-< can be bouhtii in this cit, and invitv :ll wilh) wi.-h tI purellas'., to call and examie ihvir stock. AlL WURK W.ARRANTI'D. Maress: a8n n:!'I kinds of Furniture, manfiae tured mol repaired t-, wder. with n:anesM :and Jis palc. 1ILNJAMlN G GUDURJCl. Au:;usta, April 23. tf 15 W atches, Clocks and Jewelry E. TWEEDY & CO., NEAR TE LOWER NMARKET. HOUSE, Augusta, Ga., H.\E received their new and beautiful assort Imenit of (old ndS Silver llunting and open face 3V7.'MC'EEEO, , JEWELRY OF THE NEWEST STYLES, Colsastnllg if Cor., C::meo, Lava, Gold Stone i51ni a;! Go!d Setts: . i.adies and Gentlcmen's Gold Pins, Chains, F.n ger Rin:s, 1iu:tons. &c: Si'ver and Plaaed Tea and lable Spoons, F ks, i.:ldles, Sah Spw.ns, :sar Shovels, &e ; Ivo:v, I'urli] an.1 Toltie he- CaIrd Cases; ?...61 loks, P.\r toonieq, Knlives. Si'ussrs ; Wa:116g' and swmni Canlus: Also A lae ac T sot-t of CLUCES, at prices va) inu Ioi .'ll :md'nr.sar, 10 which we call tile atten :n. a'of or Caro!ina frienlds and tIhl.e. publie gene'anly. .\_u:.ta. Nv 5 tf 4:1 AT TH Ei SOUTHERN Saddle & Harness M anufactory A u;ansin,, (eorgin, C .N be ruma1l the bu+t tock of the ful'owing? I.SIned Gods ever o'-ried for sale in this market addlts and Bridle% of all Kinds, TRUNKS, VALISES and CARPET BAGS, Every variety and style of Coach, Buggy and Wagon Harness ! --- KEM1BEL'S Patent Mlachine Stretehed-BELTINE of aill widths, always on hand, and warranted. "R EPA1RING done at short notice with neatness and desp'ateh. fD- All we ask is a trial, and we are bound to p1 use in price and quality. IJATON & BECGliE, Unoder thei A ugusta I lute1. A ugusta, Nov 12 3:n II State of Sonth Carolina, EDGEFWIELD) DISTRICT, IN COM31ON PLE AS. ' Saniin-s. ixs. Alose~s Saundyers. TI'lE Plaintiff in the above cases having~ this dayv I filed his declaration in myv (Ollice, und the De fedant h.aving neithlier wvife nor Attorney known to rside.. withi~n the lumts of this 'ate, 0on whomt cop'ies .ved : UnI ulnell of :.las's iani .. 3!uarathi. P it il~s A\ttarne'.s, (1 dered Ilmt said le trelait and a ra the da:cl h:1i cr Im ::*l n ! *~l jukeme~n ill t he aintSt.n rSn:st him.. TIit )s. G. i;.\.CuN, . c. a. Ii. Cerk's OCif -.., 'ar 6, 18.5. 15.1 8 bsid.a on th,:. Mar- ta.--l i.d , *'ne i3-I I'A ~lIVN 31.1R? i YiULE. al-;, :Yd at 1.5;e iun ot r.1 ..!ar.-. snid i:un. is . f size. of Ltolld :ned tail lin!y l.:n. v i:Inc.nt Ih. * s, and .uf j.osed to be Ii el loi !as: Mi rag. -Oct :ll, 1I-im HT-ATlE OF Sf ail G I(ARIO1 1N.. LV EP'ITY. 7 lai I ls h. rcb *:ven to :. i:d Sing'r th .. e redior. of .\ rt! r I) er d,:.-ase, u hoseci th f..nrth 'd..aix.:: lialrch ntxt, cel p.:da 1fbb I uth 1. 5. * A. SI.iK NS, .x . 1iee. 21 *.n 5 'IN 1EQI ', TOTId I it herebyc iv~en tec ntii d singuit.Ir the, eicredia si of liraimc N.., byli deceased, to prle eit. tilnd prove' th ir rSi:.('Qlive dlen;nd.- be tore mei. n or before the founrth Meanshay inliu 1cI .Abtent. otn j.tiin sf bingl pn einded ftasm the benetit of the 1er-e for distribl:t:.,n. Gie undIl~ter mly hand at mv ofie this l ab lie embler, 185G. A. SIMhINS, C Le a n). Dec 2.1 .-mo 50 IN EQUITY. Sat ah Nanacy (ual-.', rs. S. W1. Gardancr. OTR:CE is haenb iy givena to all and ,tngulatr the er.-dlitorsi of Sti. rling Qunarles, dleceased, to pr'e et their chimaas dulty aut hent iented to amy Offlee rul to tihe outhil Mcaday in .\Ita:cha, l1,',7, oither vsahywll be pereeludedi. Genunader may h~and tat miy Oflic, this 1 5th huc. I. A . Sl K INS, e.E Ic. De 15 1856 3ma 4t1 * ~Coveient and Safc.. I A\'E just i ceived a hne lot of Mlackbell's .new patenat fastenings for Window Shutters tand llinds. They are a conivenienat anad secure 1Fas elne, and11 ctanot be open ied from1 thle oiutside. W. S. PALMER. Nov 216. if 41i Brushes, Brushes ! [N Store a lilne variety of Pnant. Varnish. Grlaila intg Bhenders, Tanners. Whitewash, Crumab, usaiag and Illair ]eushaes tandi Comba:-lIelh ru.has and I lair' Ghoves--Naxil, Tout h and Shlavingp 3ruses.i, &c. F~or sale by A. 0. & TF. .J. TE A TUE, lIrauggikss. Cupping Gases and Scarificators, j *l nn 1 illt I Il jt t cra at verkc t of Surgical lu~tut, for sale by - A. n. T. .1 TI~u1 nruggist.. 40 AND SURGICAL I NFIRMARY F*1OR NEGRO0ES), AUGUS111TA% G0 Aa,.. . T ljE Untlersigneird would rtFII'iflly e--:1 n. ention (if P ai -rs :1d owner: gtener:allv to their very, complete a.l extensive l st:blihmniiit in .\niita. (t .. for the uecomitotd.1l tin of NEGROES 'reqtuiring SURGCAL OI'ERATIONS or ' ITREAT'1IENT IN CHRONIC DISEASES. The B i!ding, is sitnated corner of .orkson niid Fennic fitk St reeks, I11w.eenu the Gera and the Savannah Rail Ro:d Depots; and in ,iNglt f h. It is tlirefore conmveinit for the reep. linn of latients from a distanlec. In its constritction, thr l ghout thi etire pIle, ' s kept in view the special pnrpo6e to which it is npplied; beiig 'frisihetl wit:h every hing wirieb Cin conduce to the CO ) MFOlt'TI OF 'l I,'. SICK. It i. supp!h-d wi h h t aid chl :hI and shower batths-and hvs water.elosets in eachl story 1 avoil fatige :id exjin re to Ile patieit-. It i also we. venti;ated and liaIte( with ras. WVifth the const:mt. at ite;di:iwe of expseriented me J1nd1 fuadIo 1musf5eq, inc p.itient will be sved mneuh 1'f t( n i ig whiih too fiten is the Iesult of unvidahcne in the tr.. -I* hrealment of NF.GROES in rlinary iivate punc ice. TERM S-For li.:ird. L dgioiiig and Nursing, per nonth. .9to. Fier Alt :vsm:, Medieil at tenidaice, Surrical Operat iIn-, & . ihe same ai in onlin:.riv ci: prctice. I .P. ' ii': l ..S r c n Augnrusta, Jin 30, 185t. 3 rjJE WHOLESALE AND RET Al DELElSIN - HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, &c J. Av. NEW11 BY & CO.. im .r Vi . S. I ft- . AEGE T.\. G A.. are now recieiVing amil ,i.inintl h . . \EST :nI .\I hST FAI )nl III IL I.: ItL :\ Bfl'T 11ENTio FALL AND WINTER R READ Y MAD E CLO0THI1N G BVE'it OFFER E1) IN TIlE CITY Ov" AUGSTA, Ci Sll'R1 NG EVERY VARIETY OF FURNISHING ARTICLES Ior Genfleineni :'1 Yoiti Wear, whieb Ir .n rir z : i. IIlY or ',1A N FACTII-' %mot.esu, ,i ein this or :mnY oIther Irark,. I. :dditin i to which, we will weekly. Ieceive a iF E -S I U P V ii I E S From our 10'l- ii- N:w Vrk. We al:.o keip coln:t.1:it I on lutnizd a LAlG IE :u1 SPLENID STOCK of Y'O% TV. & 0,R . 2 X.9 . g Country Merchants and ALLA PElSUNS visiting Augusta will cerainly find it to their interest to examine our Stock. as we ar determined to offer our Goods to the trading public on the Inost reastinable term.' gr Thankful for the past kind and liber'al patronage that we lutve received from the citizens of Edgefield and the adjoining Districts, we hope to inerit a continuance of the sae J. M. NEWB3Y & Co. Augusta, Nt v, 11, 185G. t f . 44 FOREMAN'S IRON PLOW STOCK'! X~S T iI I TI.ME for r-.owiis Wh~eait i oner at hani,anitd F~OR E.UA.N'.S iRON . gelO)W .5TOONE i.the IIEST' I .lPL~EI-'1\'T u tting in simall G rain, I will oll'er thern from this tlate at Four Dolbtrs and Fifty Cents. S. F. GOODE. Edgefiet.I, October :30, 180. t ST A'T'E 01- S0 )T i1 C.\ R Ol.,N A. F L 2DVI~E O D IN CO.~IM.V P'L-..lS I tN.'. it m::S e:Ivi t'v~e TPyre Etheretdge, Mo ca . 1rGrubbs. . ~ l. PAL ~3 Z~T? G D ' itE IC 'hatintiif iniil itha ve .:a'ed eas-e h::vttt l hc i ngi- W :ios:ii i tlea this day fild hi< )eilar:;itn in m < lii- ..t al oltai::e ff !l:aes. . io aind the Ik-endant havin.zt n:ther ui'e nior .\.ttr- ~I~t oi ~ h:l tier,* kntwin to re-ilde w ihin ~ i init of tis, ;:;te ai.vit's. iI(.fti; 1to r ar oiwho ct ou upies ot maid lhe::iratio: with tiles to I i :~ i tlYi~ plt.!i if, be ser. Un o~tio of.\nne l i- iIU o . V'i~ i TCj..'. G. U.\CON, c2.:..>. F b. 1. lr--5 . j l t I . Criti, A.i: e 1 r. T. itims S. P'. T'mins. Sjd TC )~-JY. )~~ 15. C. liryan tSc. Pi.lon:=piia. ~ i~0I t li it~A~ i ' 1II P!:i:h'~si ;fih I ah :t.t -d ease. having -.asfta ~tolI~.' ~ ~~. S h Is :; CiOal IIDe.aVtc J' :: S:.- U. iii.- tih!, and~e~:: Th . ihidl:. ha n ibrnr .'s itorni.,y l:n tw tarettid wi;o tI n- li m' tt t h's tinte. p~ kii whm l it et. ofl:61h hA-e::. ttta:: I th rt:ah-. to i~ ; ~ k~'aa pl~l en e st.i etr I edtt.iii :~ aa to r-. A ut .. IA ,I lai lit.,. i .\ r mey. . n il: iutiam t.ti ie - h 1''eim~ie tt ...iai.*u- .i a:ml :ii d a fro t ithe ia :te r.f orieit 11::1: d I '~' -au t:;jta il ~ ute~i i :.nt judighmrte wilditbtitwill g:i s thi i.lIi:-dIS:. . 1.s ttt .ita Tilu . . Ii.\C N, e..c. I .it:i~ I 2 , 1 :;. . l y -1 etti taniai :' tOtnimmyiiau S'j'i'i' O F :4OC T C.U mIbl .\, ei:tiatn IN CO.MMON0. l'L E As. .1A.N .lS~li v. . -orrign AItaclinma:l T..1. Tih::kalle 1I 3~(Y\~)C''.CE vti:lii l r 'il II Plaintl~ti' in the ahltoe s ir-tel ea se ia- Itlin;:i hh' i i ii~mgeme -i igo i.. hi da ied his l'eeairaion u in y 0llhe toni N ti. the Detndatit hiaviw~t n-itier wik- mor A.\norne. ossi i iI ltai1t .7 kowni to resie wmthin the lh~is of mthis Stae. on t whom coies of :aid dechm-:iiin~ with mrnis tto ph-::l Ot .i - can he served. Ottmonioni, o 'dessrs. Catidunina & i(c ! lC hco, Plaitilfs Attorney, or.ered that said *Ile fedant umppear. and plead to -ntid Jearationit witin 1 .0 \.W- CV iILi o i is mmvan ya nda day from te ubitte hereof. er Iii al d m:t tlr ai itsmil csu~m ihtm absolute jndgment will be given a::aiiinsltii. ,ttifhuridial TjjU. U. IIA CON, .ei.c D on. f Septh 26, 18':0. - ly 12' ......- * --- is. orign. FAlachmenice 4l Lb perints inde~~ the ie Estate of havint hiseiil.itdt ii sae f1onD y t i 1 tled t-hir- Demaaion in' mt lic iiiitit itntmt imltoe hvn ln the Deetant vn nliter wt:ife nor Atid :ii~ t torn-:yai ~t;a. rt'rqit~i t edr ht knownl Eatt reide wtitin them limits ofi thisj Sta-it, t~ 'Y~iit i.i tta fittiiii15,a whom cis of ne aid Dee Iinr mii n's with s s4ules atoiop-ibm y ar~ nd' dyo thet diiiat.eef I fial ndt~w I ~~aty. .T 8OG.E1OAWCONI c. cmr-. W.K n.LR Oac 2t 186 mi 1 Ot ,186.m3 CHEAP DR Y- GQODSH1 ~T I I I ' ' I .wi] & M N FALL AND WINTER GOODS, n i .uh e:dI th-! attentVilm -of their- fren 11ndth pjublli. .fiote a soranent. Theliir Stiock is VERY L:1R(O ;n.1 compri,.s alI the best makes and. 4t. 'f Godn-s. ail tle lattut ni. ve'ties of the sea s :n: ail Ias they are dlvir.iniel not to hc U n'derxold bv any illu.,e in the 1ate, and: wigu:aranltee theier prics toi be as Tily fv l assured! that an ex.amination (if their GodS wV:il nsure :. continuntion or the liberal pa they have hitherto rocived. They woull inlv~te alttention ito the : Ludie' DRESS GOODS; IUnek an l F;oev Dre < SILKS; French and En-.lish M1ERIN-OS; -ert~eh. Frenc'm and A lmrienm OINCIIAMS; Enis. rench atdlrtmerienm PRINTS; EMB11ROID ERIES. nMl kids t ! )r'ss T RIM INGS. splendid 'variety ; IIOSIER Y. a vvry large ass..irtinlt; OLOVES. of every decription; .64- LINENS; TM. JLINIENS amd DIAPERS; NAPKINS. DOYLIES aill TO.ELS; SI EETINGS md Pillow LINENS; I1-:wIhtd :md4 irwn SHIR TINGS; P..1NTS STU1S, Twueds, Cavsimers and L Cde,'077O14I nfl colors; - Bell BLA- NKETS; FLA NNELS. l-d. white. WilIsh, &c C(ASSI M ERIE S and PLAIDS, for children; II ouwe Servanits' GOODS; l11ibw Allmens. HnhzisDimities, Qu'Ite: FUR FRIN;ES; S1 H. WLS,all, &c. -Also : eyS. stripli-s. P'laidsol' ndosnaburg's. \ Set 17 t r) MILLER & WARREN, Corner Opposite 11hm Globe Hotel. A I:G US\TA, G LOl1G l.\. IJAVE jut reeiveda large :tock of Faill lai ... Winter I)iv Goo.s, Of the lateitv importatioi Rie b 0-oe~-h- m lniid Colore. l.K- : Figur :.1ni 1.loire Anihine tilnk SI I.S; li Fion..:1 US.I N 1) E LA I.N 1-S; C.\1%-I I : l , . N D11 1)1L. NES i -trent variety: Ils) IA Z:N1-.., CII.\ .Ll V8, A.\LPAC.S :n, l.iglish anl A meie;m P1 I NT.S; :lszmeta t entehl :l i cr rn ich G IN ; I I 0i ' A It lack Lce COL.\ Smnna SLIS'.ES:k "J:etonet and Swss li d ) n F s.M llC 1:1-.1 VI1)rv (;o S.oe T1.14i:1 1 LV ES:I W Alex-inder'vs Kidl and ilk31 GLO\'ES; :plendli.1 Stock of Genit's ". Titolethr with an en~i~ss vari-ly 4f Gioods usuially 6,1m111 inl a Dry Good)14sStolec. Wle wi~l say that we' hive a large stoek, anxious to sell, and will take p!v.:sure in sliwiag them to our friends and custo lter. Anigusta, Oct. 8, 1856, tf 39 "HUZZA FOR BUCHANAN !" Look Here Everybody. Tl lI E Subseribers are just receiving from Phtilat I delphia and New York the MlOST SPLEN IIATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. Carpet Bags, Trunks & Umbrellas, Ever attired ini tisn market.. .\so asulpet itine, large. and wvI el lheed lot o' Ready Miade Clothing, Of thme La4test Syle nud B~est Mate wii m' e:r:.t llig. lu il eceaat ,e! yo e~dsit low price::n.t superior (Gun d. an~ Slt.\'N & !(l0O011l. Hb :lihur.-, -etpt 2Gi. 1 56. tt 3S ?URlIFY THE BLOOD - M~OFFATT1S LIFF, PILLS ANn) F.7.:ro~I .'M A . -3IIA.ITTERiOiS unn r... :r: i ihe :-ii d :* . r I t o eI n a a : -e !r .e.a i.-n- h~ I tI w X It ; n , :-I ::. I ..0.*\*.: t ::it.: . win h:- it, . rs-i e i he Irk nw" t I p. r h .,1 *.renePvrue ' 2.r ani t' :.i'b T r'e I:111.: .il - jtr::'t-..i. e .I''1 \il .le tI F. .. i.........-...-n al.e~e. ;2 - !n. i i n: i: illoi. : p. th~ iiey u-iei :..nd:-nie~~ tn VEGETBL IER LE N\I:IES i:r ll kn~. s of' .in r dien".s an ii di t t r..m It i .:e~~ it nv or i :n-t iy B'I nel, c :1-. I-nb5I. n oPth L i.r ~psin, t-khesl Shild, vetmii~l~t. L. I Ni ent 4 G.~prais forieli Sale,1~ ~;:eofTv .1 ::::.'. ' e l ., .'1et h er~t t:I t i nie w Iy Super i.lul; !'m;\ te 1:uic .. : ly:t l'IatcillN fl. Pelons. wiii.: nprim:-te th~ ii v. T i 'r . en'tii, clim Go ,leninils JOre .n'. El)ONI, hAGis fr wadto :. Ch lannle.Ihtuu-. th tid rsent t hneirattl um.. y nt-- 'hIhh pr illy ore faired and 2turne.L 'l'r.-i:c. .ma thl ilttt! lien Gin, fom.\uustWt Be-.I. ER .'-'5. r T ly 2. l:5.2WY8 N PI UST ir, ctve b1. 85. PEN gn1at f 4e t~spctineEIging DaryChs.5 Groceries,{&c, r IE UnadLrsignedhave formed n Co-prtller' ship in business, under the firm of.SJI BLEY &TStillI, at the old and well kr.uwn itund of SI'.i.y & SoN, Corner of Market and Centre Streets, I abburgr, fr the transaction of a general Grocery, Provision & Cotton Business, Where we intend to keep const.inly on hand C full .tiiaply of Gods, and will sell as L.'OW for CAS1I as anv other h..use. Our Stick consists in part of the following: Chutiedi1,4. Crushed, Powdered, St. Croix, Porto Rico, and New Orleans STGAR: New Orl-ans and West Indi:> MOLASSES; .ava andl li. COFFEE; Irish POTATOES for plantina: BACON, LARD and BUTTI-R'.' . Iaggging, Rope and Twine, Shoeand Sole Leather, Mackerel, Kitts and Ilarrels, llankets, Negro Cloth!, Osnaburgs, Saddles and Bridles, Wooden Ware, Pepper and Spice, Fresh Rice, Sack and Table Salt, Tea of various kinds, Indito, Window Glass, Lamp, Linsoed and Train Oil, Paints. Powder, Rifle and Bhis:ing, Shot and Lend, a cood assortment of Chairs, Rock away:.. Office, Arm and Children's Bedsteads, Sofas, Feathers. Mexican and Peruvian Guano, Kittlewell's Salts, Lim and Plaster, Iron, Ge,-man and Cost steel Nails. nssortvd. &e., &e .10SIA11 SIllLEY JOlIN U411ER Sit. I[amburg, .1an 23, 1856. ly 2 Wagons and Iron Plow Stocks. I 1I.\VE sl-cured the services of a FIRST RATE WIlEELWRIGIIT, and propose to build La;re and Small Wagous t.o order. and to do all kinds of R EPAIRING in the Weaton business at the shortc4 notice. -ALSO I am sI1 mnannufacturing out Elf thelest material, THE IRON PLOW STOCK, (Fi?'s Patent.) and offer them to the I'lanters - o'f Idg.fliell I 1istrict nt $5,50 per Stock. All or.ler.s !* Flows will be prnomptly attended to. S..F. GOOEE. Ed'efield C. 11., Feb-27 t 7 DRUGS, MEDICINES, &c, I)RS. A. G. & T. J. TEAGUE, respect, fully inform their friends and patrons that they have just received their FRIESH Stock of Pui re and Genuine Drugs, &c. A ml will be pleased to wait upon all who may favor them11 with thi&r patronage. Spnee w.11 not allow us to give a Catalogue in this piac v..f our Stock of Drugs. 'Mcdivines. &c. Suf ie i' to say, we have the F UT L E ST and S(81T COMPL ET E Stock ever 0. '- in thik place. Esigeli--!dl . 1I., May 23 tf 19 ARRIAGE MANUFACTRY EDGEFIELD C. 1H., S. C. TIE Sub.Cribers considue 1(o builJ - to) order, and of the 1EST MAT LRIAL that enn ie lit4cenred, Carriages, Buggies, &c., O- -v::n STYLE AND DEsCntrT:cx. They-alSo kep netpnlwitly ou hand a fine an-i varied assortment M Nev anad Seconal-Haad Carriages! :-l[:EPAIRING neatly andl promptly attend ed to. Thankful for past patronage, they hope by giving du- atdtnton to their business and the interests of their CustomCrs, to continue to receive a liberal share o~f public favor. 'C. MCGRIEGOR, F. L. SMITiI. Mar 28 % tif 11 FORt THE LADIES ! W E have on band a great variety of Cohlgnes, Ilancdkerchief Extracts, Toilet Powders and an ai'sortujhent of Fancy atid Toilet Soaps; ; Pomades. Pure Bears Oil, Ihair Tonics, Restora tives and IHair Dye; ; Pt eston Salts and Aromatic Vinegar ; Cremn', of Beauty, Carnation Rouge, Ihair De yhntory, &c., to all of which tihe attention of the . Ladcies is respietfully invited. For sale by. . A. G. & T. J. TE AG LE, Druggists. May 23 ,if 19 -Notice. .~ T.L Persons concerned will take notice that I ?1 :;tve a ppointced Dr. Jamies A. D)evore and Robert A ttins my A gents and A ttorneys to repre s:.t me int the collection of the debts due to the Estat. o' Jlohn IDoby, dee'd., andI in all o.ther dutie-s lerpliing upont me ats atdmin'sitrattor ..f sail .ie'en'ed. al ATILI A ) D l;Y, Adm'or. Feb 11i tf t Notic. L L. ti'S indebtedl to tI-e Estat". of J1. E. Free i. mi:l cill pleause comec fsrward .and pay t. immed:aty : and th~ose' ha' in g d.~:nd- aca~intt the Eatate will pre'sent them pro.perly anttd. Notice, S1. pet-ons i ndebted .to the lEta e of Wiiat - ~ D. Thurmond, dee'd!., aure* '..iuhst ! to :cke laiwt :i tihe undersigned. .\n tho 1:se blaing .i .!.. inst the same will ;- ent it:, mi S i.!-:.\SANT D. Ti!l 1;ON-1 .. 'r N'otice. '{ i\ 'F, appointed Jlohn Hu~ t niv A gent to :t.e c' I unke immualldate p.,ym' t to himr. :md ll~ i.i ) . Ii md :againslt the 1a:a~e wih! rend erl it i:.:.:<. td to him. .ir. I: itt's add~ress is !: :. i. C. I[. S. G. D)OZI ER. .3 'x. on Esta:e of A. Dozier. dce'd. . I ie. 1-It 48 Final Notice. . LL Pelrsnang-having any demandIs neainst tho L -.Est:: of Lucretia Whittle. dee'd., are h-. reby -.:tke. to be and appear a't the Ordir:oy's Oflice. tn To..a 10th Mlarch next. (1857,) as the A dmin :-.tor intends to make a finatIl Itm.:tt Elf the, Est:te on tha~t day. All those in anywise indebted, cr' repu..ted to settle up forthwitha, as longeir inidul ge.:('e ant be given. Dec. 1, 1856, :Im 47 STIATEii OF SOUTfl CAlmL!.JNA, iN CHANCE TY, l Iir:iet Lundy, vs Frane'rs O'Connor, Adm'r.} of %:lphia Nobles, dee'd. TOTICE~(1 is hereby given to th~e linea~l de-ceen itdants of Zilpha Nobles. de.ed., late of IEhe field Di.,trict S. C., or their Ieeal represenItatives, 10 coIe fortward and establish their clulras to at futfnd nw in: thIe charge and keeping of the Coinwicxsio~ner in I-'guIty !br said District utndefP an order of the t.urt. ITe tirst alonday in Many 1457 is th~e litmited time wit hin. ic h any such elaict must be ,.Itbst:iated, as imlino dliately thereafter the' fun d is to be paint o the t-arniss then known to. be existait iaccordhing togheir re- jeetive rights in thle 'alne. A. :1lINS. Ct E .TD. STATE OF SOUTil ICAROLINA, EDGEFIELD Dis~TRICTl IN COMMON P LE AS. ILthe Sherifl'o Edgefchi 1)istanet. by ite of a Writ of' Capias ad Saivravendum. at the suit of dmnSheppard, having fik. d in my Giltc-e together with a Schedule on oath of his ec tate :nd efikets, his p tition to the Court of Co,:unon I', pray ing that he. may he admitted to the benefit of the Ac's of the Geneitd Assembly made for the iief of in-ohient debtors: I t is ordered that the satid James' Shep) padt, and all other creditors to whom~n the said Henry R. Spann is in anywise indebtedl. be. antd they are hereby summened. .mdl' hmve ni tee to ap pear befuore the said Court at Edacetieldl Conrt 1 louse, on Mionday the fourth day of Stharch next, to shew. ause if any they can why the. pirayer of di.e peti tioner aforesaid should not be granted. THlOS. G. B ACON, c. c. r. . Clerk's Office, Nov. 12, 156G lfot 44. Fin. Buckwhcat Fheur, 1USTl rteeived a mnagtniticlit supply of Buck tJ whteat FLOUR. Also,. on hiand a g. od article af bichissics. Fine times tha nd-Ahatn ! CaII s-cn or you'll be deprived of a great luxury.AQT G. L PEEN,Aaar Nov 19 . af45