Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, November 09, 1854, Image 4

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The "fllustrious Foreigner." The telegraphic news despatched on the arrival ol the ,teaitr A mertiea at Halifax, ltloullettl, inl addition to, a rise in flour aud Cottol, tle important fact that Count Nich olas Whiskeyuitch, the rib Russiati noble maii, was miontt e pIsiengers, land soon. to rejoice Bosto by his pieseice. Every bodv talked of Count Whiskevyitch, and evers b.dy a ok.-d es eryhmly else what Count Whi lrvu%'itclh wovotl ilthink ol* America,anid u hat Count Whi keywvitch would probably tell the Czar uhii ie wvent back to St. Pe tersi ig, and whether Count Whiiskeyllitch would lirobably wI ite a hook a bout us ? etc., ete. The iane of Couint Whiskeywitci was heard on chaige, in tle har rooms, and in the linudours. Evervbody was on the qui rice to see Count Wiskey witch. M ezli while, ; irs. Semiantis Fleet gave a p rt i lithe upper ten. All sits u distil. gutislied peoilt- erou ded her saloins--Judg. es, literaii, ollieerS of* the# alnny and navy, airy artists atid heiressess, belles and blue stockings. A bout twelve o'clock there was a great bustle and conunion inl the draving root. A little bandy-laeged, fairy-ftcetd mass dressed its a blue *.ock braided and frogged with t -tar on his breast, and scarlet panta. loons seamed %%ibh gld luce, matle his up pearanc.-, mid ran up to the hostess, with ui vager juetnill air. N.b.ody kiew him, but the words Count Whit-ke *%uoitc hurImlst f'rom the lips of' all. lie cittered ,omnibieth- in m ia unknowin toiri, :;it Mts. Flet replied in Freelh, but thie iluti.sforeignert only shrnguged his s'imilder. A profles-or of all the model n to intie, pte:--h~ut the Counit turned lis back Onl him--o!"eomse the p:ote:-sur's Rtuss ian w ut ho.!v unintel-ligiole 11o a mative ! Th 0il-triei. n for. ig I'r liked all rounlid him, ill V;iil eildeavo.r t., distove.r the I.iend who had bru.glt him there! T ie I-iies ciowded around him, and vied with each oter .in hu in ilg hi :ittet-lions. Put the (t'ountl hon8i'd away %ro 1 0 hemliil andle:ping, ily in lit- .ir, knocked a couple. of drop- from ilt ehsdttlier uith his walk. ing ltk. The ladies wereredy to die ol dehghdt at uitnle-zing. the plyidk011 exhiblition on Cite pit ilf' the lingii ilemat. 31 rs. Semiaiionis Fl eet contetld his ltimappy fiee doms 4 mi.imer with ih;e puritanie stifibess of tilt l toi bli eaux. Mr. D'Oray Itaymi1ond almost died wiith envy at behotlding the graceful ease of the stranger. Alh " saidl he to his friend, Agustuis Dawdle, "it's le lood that does it, Gus, replblic.an inistitut ioins can't make a gentle. mai." And now the mn-ic of the Redowa struck up. The d:neers took the floor. Count W'hiske'vu itch seiz d ite divine and blushing Faniv s ir iless lhv the waist and darted forward u ith her. I-,w ier caipalions ell vied her ith'e partiner ! And hlo w dilI-rent lv he dani. d friom ,I l the rest. Fool- ! to think thaitt i. th-ee qua:ter's tuition they could, learn tiat R..dow taii! To the Couit Ihe m "sure uas as i:iar as his apt Fatt liv ilh h elour l .i~oluter. hlow' he wihiiled an hoiu:.de'd-n:t Cdj,~isdaining evt n to 11hr)" inl a' few% fl.1p441pS :md suimmerze!rs ot it .he Ow ut tiwd f the dance and itpedF iintg at htis llmrtneir. hii. dIt hightad hi- modegk of' s:dtutaitioni. N.. b,.: itno l'e toi ['ad her'i to her senit; Iie~ then- uh.e the gh:.s on te flout', and.. edl the conttents. 'ihe uh lile comtipaniy ap-. " i5;tg s fret' hoat-nl!hwIeigt si in1 getlemteni ate fromt ainy'0 ohier' geite ~Thle fa:ir F't nov retinod to the conservato ry, hir shet was brte'iailess atnd fatigued byi hadl Mtubjected her':. Thle Cont dar~ed itt ter't hert. T he anionts miother was about to follo'w her foot ireps. "St:.y!" saiid the hoistess, laying her fan uponi tier I'iengd's aan1, - dio ntot intiruide up onl thei ptriva;cy' of ai Ruiant3 nobleim~t ; whlo knoiws hiow youn may j'i-opardize .the pros. pects iof FLit ! iAh ! I ui ih I imdL~ a daugh-. 'Thle Iov'eiy Fannyt) plneked an orange and r'aise'd it t,0) hier Iips. lThe Coutnt snattch ed it away~ andi pro~eeded't toi ea1t iL t.tann biltushed up toi lihe iiemplets-.it was probabl pic.ke'd aniher' manl:.r'- the C.o att snateh ed it awa tandltt dIeioutred it as bef'ore. So she, kept'e S-ei g hi.gi' uii oratiges, and( lie kept devoin.tlig sweetness at her hiandts and love fri'i her' eye-s. ilTey wee' 111ttilily Otranlges toi give liti, lie s''ized lier lt:.nd allit hit it. Shet ' ui as pineiid but dlelighitid T1he're wa'3s noi mtisitaamgt Cais de~chlira:tiiot, and atway she um iti aiiski her lltzonma~ ' consetnt. bad propos..edl ini so audibile ai tonie, that the At th.Is esi is a ctrash wa~s heard in the' contser va t y. All irushed't to the glas-s door. " 4 dear' " criedt ithe haostess to her htus b-md, " do lioiok here. S1.e howt wildly the Cinitt is muullsintg himnd'lf? lHe has pillled upi alt my t ji sponicas byv thie roots aind no0w lie's tagiag te pts through tihe gliass roof'' e'd .\l r. Fleet, al vuilgar, naItter'-of.fac-t fellowi, quite untworthy gof nis iinilliat parItner. 0 , for shamew'!" ciied the ladies. " It's I'1ll shtow htim te wayi i !" ct ied the ex aspiera:ted Fleet. " Just liook at him11 now ! lie's eliminitg up Itho trelliees antd pui.i g down myi~ Muiscats!" "Whiere is lie ?' cied a1 hoarse voice, as a vulgatr red-lh~eed uman, a stratnger to all presetnt, push~led through the cirowi. -Couzit Wiikeyn~ itch, sir ?" cried the hiostess. "No warmnt. !" retplittd the rt d-fauced mian. "Coiunt Whiia;~yntitch is at thie Tr'emtol.t 'Ouse." "-fThen whIo is the gentleman who has been ettainuing us, sir !"' faced tiian w ith a chucakIl', " is an ouranig Outan!! whic-h 1 ftthted oUr in the s~1temr fromt the Surru'y Zoiiiogical --and wthicth es caped, marim, fromi the cah, ini which'h I wats "Yo' iu've h.:d the show~ fior niothiit'--but I hope)1 yon11 v'ont gio ii bilk at p or cove a1s lives by lid' exhibit ~ ii iof hiextraorlidinary haitmalii s, -aittanciiLe onily run shilliig, ladies attd ge'itnteen, at the k'ublie Gar'dens, foot of the W1ith th~ese wo'irds the shownm rushed iito the 'onte~totiry andu soon reappeared do:ggintg the " ilhotCions fo~reignier," by the trat who erouched to the carut ohattered with fear, and looked up with implorng eyes, as if soliciting fotgiveness. Miss Fannv Brainless fainted,-her main. ma became hiserical. Mr. Augustus Daw. die assured his friend that he knew it was a " sell" from the first. Count Whiskeywitch, the renl Count heard the story, and left Boston in a buff, while the lovely F:nmy consoled hersel 'or ier (liSapp)intImeiint by nrri ngViIi' a VounIr di. vinity Student who had long been enamored of her charms. -The anim:J who had caIseil this, flutter among the uyper ti-n now resides in a glass Lse iIn Kibliall's Musem. NEW FALL GOODS! WILLIAM SIIEARC, AUGUSTA. GA, H AS just reprived from New York a part of his FALL SUPPLIES, embracing a great va rieY of -uitable t iir the pre. Ilt season. ai i hieh are lih SatiIn PIi. Irocade and Faicy SILKS, o the latest Paris styles R:ch all Wool ~Paris Printed DELA INES, of new and eleiait styles; Frenich a I Wool Faney PLAIDS, of beautiful styl for Ladies ID )'ses: En-lisi PRINTS and Fancy GINGRAMS warr:tied fast elohrs; Sup Engitih Mourning PRIVTS and GINO. IIAMS31; Lipi')is Plain White. Tlack and Fancy Colored MERINOS. of superior quality; l.up'n's Plain Bhttek anid Fancy Co'ored DE LAINES. and Plain Blak CIFALLYS; Su--e:i.,r lilack BO.UDAZINE. Hick AL PAC AS and lilack Can'on CLOTH S; Superior Englii 1;laek C RAPES, for Trimming an I to:- Mourniim \'.ls: I.ati s' Kmbroilered French COLLARS, UN DERSLEE YES and COLLARETS, of branti tul -tI% s: Lidis Mournin COLLARS and UNDER SLEEVES; W.rkd auslin EDGINGS and INSERT INGS,a tnl Narrow Thital EDGINGO; 1ii h Thread1, alence dnns, -hltve -t aid loniton LACES : L-id' Embroidered, Scolloped. Widle 11em st tlied and lourin: French Lawn h'ANKER CHIIEFS, (if be-autiful tl: F"aiev Neck anl Ion, t R ;IBONS: l.a i s' Eid ln-i Giitlet cLO'ES, and Long and, S!hort hand I3ak I.ce 11ITTS; Ladies' ilark -puli tikal t:'e y.:ield HOSE. so;:c of extra wci;.ht and size, Id 'he beist make and quality : leat Wesh and Heavy Shaker FLANNELS, of the liest make: Supe'rior Weltsh GA UZE, Saxoty and Silk Warp FLANNELS; Iltavy all Woul Red FL.ANNELS. forervants, at low ie L: English Cil'd FL A NNELS. for Tvdie's'ek Eii.iish and A merican Canton FLANN EILS, or -uperior style and qu.lity. with a great eatiety of other new and beautitul arti'ces of lapl- anl Faney I)rv Goods, many or which have just hein put chiased at aticin fir b, low the cot of imiporittioi, anl. all of whi--h will be slIl vier l ihiers. t'aiilies wishing.r to plurl:ts th1ir F-'ll Su'Il!es aly, revp pcttfully invited to call and examineo the assorttent. A ugusta. Sept 11 i i --5 To the Planters of Edgefield. GREAT SACRIFiCE! TWENTY per cetenb dae by% buine" B00OT.Sanld SilO E.sat lit-heilters' D epot. The Stock is all New.. :an Fre , and warranit edl to give geinerail saitis'actio.n. Amo'ngst this hu g' 3nd well selected Stock may be found 10 1t1 Pair Maens I leavy P.p 1'ititaion Droants. 5.vtitt " " " Ru-it .5,900 " Bovs tipalmd lInet " 3.0O0 " 1s ns' D.Itehi ng l lloolts, Together with a LARG E and stPLEN DID1) Stok of Ladies, Gentlen, lDys, .\li'ses and Chidren'.. Boots and Shoes, LATEf SYLE, (F TnEi LATEr STLESAND ALL DESCRIPTIDNS, Freilh tnat!e lIhuts andl Gaiters. .\si , Ladies' tireh (boiters of Kid Gl; ve Leatheur. The Pulic ate resptfuilly mviti'd t call moil examinie bet'ure p)urebainig el-en hie'- as Gjoids will be freely shown and onil'ie pice~ asked. I1r Plea-se itmembeir the none :ail rutiber Pnornr teront or -rn: P'A~tri:ins'l Bo-r &~ S::oE~ L. ror No 2->1 UBoad-St., ippite thei 17 R Iotel, P. S.-I also keepi on haind a 'ar.e Stock of IL::iies and Genttli.eens Travee:liitne runs, Carpet lis andh ValicS. AlIso Mli-es' Schuool Satc.hels--aI of which wilt be sold loiw the Cash. 1t. C. Ocet 5 Gin A gr icultur al F air, O~WING to the. prva nee of Y' -'lVii-i': Fvr ~~.\nu:.-ta, the Far of ihie .S,uiIhernt Cegntra Agrcultural Siocie here-tif.'re aidvertisedl for Uec tber 23i1, will nit take pilae. uiitil 310NIAY, Nt.VlE.lltEli 20, 185.. It wil! be conitiu -d durin:: the iiire week. a' cirding~ to th:. itu!es mal Regul t its inrhare i pblithdi :i anid as ill <hitier 0t cotagiont wdl then be ovir. it is h oped thu:it the .\gr.euhiural ad .\bm utictturtte initerests of Georgia and her tt-r States will be favoraly reptresente~d. Cii s of the l're miumt U-st may be obtained by atddressint - Editiots of' Soiut-:ern Citi titr, A uausta, ( a1., aind i'.l 'thier informtationi will hei-ni- di by the un 'ersuaineet. I). WI. LE \'IS, tac'ry, Sparta, I a:. Octobecr 12 51 t Fresh and Pure M~edicines, &c, 'j'IESuberber has just received a SELECT Family Miedicines, Chemicals, &c. -Co'aisTi\G iN P'AiT or Sulphate of Qiinei~. Iw l as Sup Ca bitate ot 'ida,(Jnil H1.enry's t 'at. .\lagties.a, Irtuio atr Sulphte of .\lorphine, Iiide-futasi, I umtp .\htgtt siai~t te Me.ieiis ' ii.dayalCreo ofel ar titt Go.d L. Pot.Assem, ttott sirlv'en in ni f h Thomson's Eye d Wa te .\e. Lst., r'.- foUiigeso, ut'nwsNtiorw tds \eaitrue\drd. ARndoatfull sup;ly ot all the popukgilr Ptethi slei ineihs fte day, wl uhitneh arte 1ar aote free hrm auduerationc. la''benc:t o ITht alwi r egut et id if hentockholdr ioi thet tlat onc uandmosyo td MRso.d Ta~ts all the atokho ders Agethi NOts fo5~ h Sokntyt cald opaal six montstr dae ittih inoteest of theo B. o Ja tarimxl. peii~ oI* 1at~t at t quhatall wo hiave notiteti pid~ them, hulzgd cme ittr wardis athone and* il tido o. niip~tirytotd 0l.A.RxE) A. the uthOrzdAn. Oct12 5tf 309 L8 herson gin dit. to~i thei satw ~e ii J ac t I..Zith. priizaos the Lg-tuary lto r re-te agaist Crcek sa wiale thanad t hm nprpr olsted. Aug_10 3m 30 Notice. ISheebLiveTIn ta p~t will be m~idet teI'tLegat Ah itsittin of theegsltutiCuilfren tietchorter lorsen Crek wisi thrviabe strieam and th laher A ug 10 3m3 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, . IN EQUITY. Martin McCarty, wife & other.s,) Is. I Billfor Par'n Simpson 1. Rodger. BY virtue (of in order from Chancellor F. H. Wardlaw in Ibis ease. I will pro'ceed to sell, at Edgtfield 'n rt Hiuse, on the first Monday in Di ctmber m..x, the following real estate of James Rleers, dleeensed : Tract o. 1: Known as the I- Hnme Tract," siinated in ilt Ditriet and Stte aforsvuid, on the waler-s of Dry Creek. containing Two Hun ired and niitii-thre :.eres, omoie tor less,and biuniided oil 1he- Nos-rh boy lands of J. H Rogers, i1n1 te ll S Ioth blds f Wm. Rogers, on the East hv h:ods t' Denuy and Tract No. 3 of ilk estate, and (in the West by Tract No. 2 lot s:ltne est.n. Tr'ac At). 2: Sitited na above, containing One Hunidred nid tweniy-finr acres more sr lIi.m.aid bionded li lanids of Mahlon Padgett. Wilti-im Roger. and Tract No. I sof ihlis estate. Tratt Xo. 3: Sinnaled as abvi. contaiiig Onv I nidr-d and ninttv.five aere.., more or le-, JIn bound, d by hrids of E. B. Fsrest, James Roi!grers. Dr. Joit Deniy and Tract No. 1 of this v:-ta *.e. Trae, No. 4: Sitnated as above, containing One Hundred and nine acrem. more or le-ss. and tonided I I nnds ofr Jame- Rasititon. Jas. Pow. G isn. ltl, 'S. H. Rigers, Cheley Roglers and True N". 5 of thi- estie. 'ract No. 5: Sit stetsd na above, conthiniing Ones Hnindnisd and eigl'y-three nere<, more or less, and bounded by lands of S. 11. Rogetrs, Isare Ora nder. .10siah Padgptt, John Gillioin, Jas. Rshtiin nd Trat No. 4 of tis estate. TEFis -'The above hnds will tie isoId on a crtdit ntil the 25li Deceinber. A. D. 1855. with ii:erest froi the 25th December 1854, except to t o ,stm1e as will defrray the costs (of this :sni; whieh must be paid in cash. Purchasers wil itbe required tit give Blinds with adeqnate -n reties to seenre thill puirchase money, and they . ill also ply for papers. A. SI.MKINS, c. E:. D. Nor 1 51; 42 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EDGEFIFLID DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. Adam S. Newhise and his wifec M\ary .J., wind mnothvr 1tY virne idt an order frsom Chan. Wa:rdhaiv itn i-, ent-e. I uil sell at E'dgefiseld Court iiumi. ssni the lirs.t \liday ill Deiember next. the fl-lsowitg real estate of .Jidin Hat field de ceensed. % iz : 1. A Tract of pine land. in the Dist'rict and Stas atsress.id. lying t::r Beecl a 'sln, coitaii i.g Ov I atist -, arer- niire sir less, snd bound. .. by I md tof Riiird Illinkin-nii. 2. 'The wamp Triet. lying its Beech Tsind, en.-Itt ting Onte Ihiitred nieces, more or les.s, rti hitsideti ois tie South. Etist and We-st by the SavnavIh river. tid on the North by laids of aat.d..lth ir:.dfiord. ToS.---A ere-dit of one and t wo years with intere--t fr-oi dav f le. -Xc-pt e-'ts tIi [si- paid its e-l. Poteh-ers to Pivt- bond with nd(-qtiit personal sretties to sienre the purchase uimoney, .nd Lt pay extra fur titles. A. SIIKiNS, C. E. D. Nov 1 5t 42 Staten~ of Souith Oaroliina, 'DGYIFll.) DISTRICT, IN llN.\RY. 1. . T. W IuGHT, lquire, Ordinary of L) Edgefitd District. Wheres, Villiam 1 once,jr., has applied to me ror Le-tter- of Adniistration, ton all and sin - tlar tlie ioosi id chattels, rights tind credits 0l .hh11 Ysne, kIte of the District afore said di-eenSed. ITie-Ts , te;efor, to cite and admonish all an11d inti. the kindred and creditors of lite -Ad dee.. ed, to lbe td t.ppeir befoIre me, at iur next) Ordiarv's Cousrt tsr the said District. is tie thold:eti at'Edgefiel d C. H-., sin the 1 3thI dayo Nvme mt-xi, toi shiow eanse, if any,wh~y -n' il tbltsistrn~tiont shltd ntot tbe grantred. Gjivetinuder my handt :mds~ t'eal. ihi, 26.lh day oft (Oct. in thes ventr sif sour Lorsd one thosus :mds eighlt huitnrd andss tifiy Ifour anid in the 79th year iof Amert.-iennt t'ladependenc. 11L T1. \\RiG H T, 0. E. D. Nov 2 2t 42 1N3ORDINARY, . PY H T.WRIUiIIT, Esqr., Ordintary 0f 11diel.d Di.trict: Wheens IThtos. fllwlec and Edwatrd Hoswle have t applied to tie foir lbe;tters of Ad miinist rat ison, with ithe Wiltiitexsd, sin till antd sinsgulasr the goosis ebt t stel-s. rigts :mdi credsits sif WVin nyor W'i:ii.utns, late. of thle Disr tiiet tiforestid, UTe-: at re, t hetreforie. t o cite tand ttdmonibh nllI ;titt tsngu~tlari. t he kiindred anid edesitsrs sof thes sid dtecea-esd, ti tbe tansd appen r befo rse me, tt ntr ne-xt Orinaitry's Cort n.fort Ihe stiid Distrtict, iio be htiohlent at Edgie'-tld C. Hse. sin the 1 3;lh d::y it' Niovmin tosX s. isow etit-t. if'any. whly the s id~ uhinti-'rin sit.htsld tnot lhe grttntedl. Givent ttndet my:, httnttf::td setal. this 25th day of' hc.inth ve.: sif iir Lord osne thIous:and eitghlt tusine<I and tiitiy-fiur anid ist the 79th yetar of .ieia iteindiiependenceiti~. LI. T. WRIGHT, 0. E. D. No..- 2 2: 42 Stg of south Car'olina, EDGEIF.LD D)ISTRICT, IN ORDINARY. BY UI. T. W RIGIlT, Esq., Ordinary of Edge fi-ld District. Whersceas.,s.ltp D. Als-n antd WVm. S. Smny h-v hatve tippliedl to mte for Let ters .of Admiiin itain ontnl andi sietulir the gooids anid ebltnitis. right. atit ecedits sif Johtn C. Alleti, hi'te - I Disi riet afws'sntid. deensed. Thefe tare, Iteefore, toi citei tansd tidlmoish all andi sintgnhltr. tthe kindired anid creditors of the said deetsed. to bie ;m d apupetir befoire nte, at sor inext Otrdintairy's Csou5rt fior lie sasid Distriet, to bse hlens at Edgefield C. HI., ion the 13.hI d:t of Nov. iiext, to show enais-, if anys, why thte sasid tdmnitirat ison shsould noet be- .rted s. G;ivten snder toy brli~s anid setil, ii's 301 I dasy of Ot. itn the vsear iof ouri Lord ione thousantd eight hui ned attd Ii ft y-fiur, atnd in thie 79thI year of1 Amernicani tadpdi1ittse. Nov 2 2t 42 ST1ATFE OF SOUTIU1 CAROLINA, EDGEIELD D* .)1ISTRIC'T. IN ORDIN ARY. IY 'H. T.W WkIGH (, Esquire, Ordinary of Waiseen, Imrsy I sgttt hassapplie-d to mec for Lesttersiof Adi~tttist raionis, with the W'ill ansnex ed, n alil assd sinignlir the goosds asnd ebattelts righitsid er<s di sitf Arthsur J. Patdgett, late of thte Dl isiitessid, decesd. The~ ss'e, therefs-ore, to cite unsd tsdmssnish tall antd '.inggular, the kinidred ansd credsitsors of the said deeansed, io lie antd tipper before sme, art sun ne.st Ottdinary's Cisurt for the said Di-itriet, to lie hlsdesi at Esigetield C. IH. oni thse 13thI day oft N ivembe atliniex s. tos shosw cau~tse. if aniy, why te saiid dmiin~ti ortionit shosuldi insi. lie gr..sted. G iventi inde'r myv hansd uind seal, t his 3os I dtay sf Ott.istier, In lie year ssf sinr Losrd onse thIousnd eight Ihundisred asndiliy-fur anid ini th lsiteventy ninths year of Amerienni indepenidence. 11. T. WRIG H T, 0. E. D, Nosv 2 2t. 42 Not ice. A LT., Persons indebhted tom the Estnte of JTanmes 1 'a~ionha. d. c'd., tsre hetrsby notsitised iso mstke isissted ite ptay ient, tunds thse. hsav in i'eeinis taga.nlst sril Estate will pre'sent themsi itn slue foirm forthwrith, as I itend to id ud saits di Etattte. dJUIIN CULGA N, A dms'or. Oct 26 4t 41 Notice. LILL P'ersonts insdeteid tie .lshn Gibson, dee's1., ?1. pev~.'ious tis Isis dentah, tare requir's d tie mike prompss~t paiymets: inid talt psosns hatving demarisnds aga nist hi s Etate will prseseit themis immedi-siately, propi.rl'y tttetd. JOHN 11UIET, A dm'or. 0wo2 6t dik. WHOLESAL E DEAE READY-MADF J M. NEWBY & CO., under U. S. [iel. . BEST nnd .MOST FASi1IONAIW:E A ' SPRING AND SU04E Ever offiered in the City of Angus-. In SUPPLIES from our I louse in Niw York. YOUTH'S AND CIIl ALSO, a full atsrtment, of FURN!UiE>N'G ::F Country lerchants and :ilI ;weonli vi examine our Stock, as we are determliled to o1 Augusta, April 3.1854. CAN DIDAT1 ror SherifF. FELIX E. BODIE, W31. QUATTLEBUM, JULIUS DAY, JAMES EIDSON. Wor Tax Collector CHARLES CARTIt, TiO13AS B. REESE, DERICK ITOLSONBAKE, A. It. ABLE, TiIEOPIlLUS DEAN, WESLEY WERTrZ. M. B. WHITTLE, BARNEY LAMAR. !'or Clerk. TIOS. G. BACON. EDMIND PENN. R. D. BRYAN. WESLEY BODIE. For Ordinary. DAVID BODTE. JOHN W. SMITH, 11. T. WRIairT. W. F. DURISOE. A Card, Y Office is at Edgeti.Jd C. 11. for tlw cresent. C.W.T .. Sept 27 if Law Notice, SrTIE Undcr--izned have formel n 1':n :! F and will 'iRACTICE LAW "n E2:,1,, A ; beville and Lexingtin. GE'0R GE W. L\NDI)R71, A BNEi I filZ!N. Edgeficld C. IT., Sept 21, Il54. t' :t Law and Equity, THTE Undersigned hnve fo'un-d 1 111'1: "ASW Tfor the pracetice of Lanw awl Faini.. 0' OFFicE at Edgeield C. I i.. S. I * S. V. :!.'.\ Y. Sept 13, 1551. tf S. S. T 0 FI P if 7 ATTOMREY AT LAW. SOcrcv It on OF - co TE CoeL221 Ede't~ied, S. C., Feb 8, ' - Practice of 26r-0. D R. ,5UREAHIIAM '"' Ga;., i~e pr'e.paredlI htCn~nuoh:i A '.'l and Nursin. such pitients asmy hIe a I.t hitifor SURGICAL0PEILt.\TI or1( r:1- L U .Masters may be assuredI h t wiiI have every necessary autttin.. Au-usta. NhIv 26. 1 v P CurrytonAcademies rIV3I1 First S ..Ion of these In- iiitin dit cantdidaites for whnision wi i be r. : June 26, 185.. Edgefield M~ale AIademy, I31 Ei '.ixereses2. otf this ln>ti:ni:'n e" r.it itr.1.G 6 EG(G LEITN k:.it or Lmt .un1r's .. The~ exp1eriencee of a ttwebh-m::b ed~i us that no miore comnt: u C Cunt be foiund in tihe St::t ie .:e .: bead oif outr Aen.lemy. T1he he.-It 'm. ibackedi by the additihil fat int b : temitnlt~on of its tirs't week ih i t.y. uumb-red, 43 P'upils The TrutteLes diesire to axnr Itt . heir united eIIbrts will hte ..e ito I. .iiin wilt be exircised byv thit oe Mir. LerrTsFa will in a1 sho:- Ii.~ rteC A' Ssiat. andul anty utinbe 1 . r ennt then be' weit attetnded ti. The Builings' iS nl (o'hiale~ con! ti :": three itargie tir.--pinees (ione in eac I ftei7 ro' mlt,) anid bingt well sitppl id Ih to::' tales and1 airmn.chiirs of thte to:, I' 2 h and the adljiii'n istr ktcts, ii foitirn-u:er of onlr earnest enideavtors to e.bih " a r.' prparatory School. For the Cias sien1J Depairtmiaeit. per'I annum...t:'I " " lieber: Enir." " " .. C'apitol u .arling tonb h a1 in .a LtE~N 1.10N' Ri. T..\lil! ) Aug 3, ti Bethany Acadeiy Tf TIE Truitees of liethny Ae 'd1 n Iure in .mnoueing'it tip the imile. I School w~ilIlibe onened fir thei recept'pn ':2f1 t2:deuis pevision oif the will ktnownl andt suce'es. .s ne-2 Rates ot Tuition thet s-tne a' thlose e!:a- by I thei fill mer lHect'r. Ar. G arms. fam ni'ies on reasonable' t..rms' an o nt e:it i' to ::e W. T1I'll'r~t\!.\, G. .J. Sli.T.\i J Dec 21 17 4 Rich Dress Sims AT A GREAT REDIJCTIONI IN~ P.:E3 X~yLIAM SIEA RI, has1 just ri-.d . I i NwYork, LAlils.S' Rii CI 11 ' Ri S I . K S, oif new and beautifutl st'i l"'. wht ch-sr purhas~ted at ane'tion grtlyti~ hilo the P.22..' -f Un2 p lrtiifln.nntd wh'ichi 2ire .1il't'red ait . lrati ! he lad'ies are' trespetftully inite~d tip cIl :.22 1 x A uua, Sep~t II I f ' To all Persons Interest.ed! 'IT is imtpossible for tite Merebanttt of' ii *'.Id ines to carry otn btusineuss ptriihtibly Sr sat., he;ilr iy custiomers' it till isettlemtent of their 2enis''lt.. i Vi il.Vn itetriest has suffe red I iriom i tis ted it. 22nd1 I I *-arntlty ask ll per.--ons intdted tio no- tip citme forwatdi and cancel their dbiii' . (by d ' enishl if they etn, if nut, at le&st by tnors) -itaindtr y .s ve' me the timle and'troiubie of a1 initslanl 2rpltin.2 Edge'' 'l C. IT , Oct. 4. tf -' Notice. LL p ersons inidebti d to the estite oif Cafl 1 a 'T'aley dee. up to the time of bi s .ie:tah.:o to lisi'pht B. Talley'. Admninistrtir of tile et2e oft Caeht Talliey dee are eiarnestly regqnes2ted tio bti t. ady tio take patymnt by the Ilithda of i icetibier ttext. na. litnier itndultgetnce cannltet be givent. A tid ir titett ill to thle untdersirrted prtipetiy' atte',tid. JOSEPJI i. T ALLCY, Alhin'r. Oct 19 8t 401 Nod ice. A PPLTCATPION iil bei mat~de to) the Lep''slturei of tht's State, at its next session, for a Ra rom Gratnitcille to Aiken direct. AND RETAIL ER IN OLOTHINC, Anaansln. G:a.. are now receiving the LARGEST, WiORT.\iENT at' ADY-1ADE CLOTHING, ti to whithi. we are weekly receivinrg PRFS .' al!o kep constant ly (an hand a large Stock of LDREN'S CLOTIIING. .RTICLES, for gentlemen's wear. n At-la wdl find it to their intereqt to (I our Go-ods at the lowest prices itnaginahle. ti 1-2 jow, Beautiful and Cheap! E P;'= fORUSEC is now receiving L- I ; E ad SPLENDID STOCK (af * [AM' DY COODS .taue for thet Spring and Su-nmer Trade. No . h (s bi spared i n the selectiou of this Stock t. p'.e :h ew tas.te of A LL. Th amaful I-ar pna.t patronage. f asure my friends 11h::'. vr t wil be :ale t n-rit a conltinu :Aaa o, at-i eirar. Of the Ladies, one and ;all, I oau!.I particu'arly reques-t an examiuntion before -ra91-a-la-a I-a' -twhere. A nong th;v Stot-k way be i:; a cIatoapicte assortment of Dres Gooda, o'. 1.LINS. of the httest and most falsh bh. St ' L-., 11 i - Is. to .1. i;.\ a EI a' if every color and (jua'ity Pi:.ii uin. Fiid T.-ate S Il.K. very rich; LaC :-r.ie: lOi A N l)IES II unequaled styles; tlc Card SI -Ks, Very VCheap: i ..a -a : T:. Pltn t LKS. if tal aqualities; N.;s.kaaind 31MUSLUNS: \ i. :.I Caliton do a now article ind Cl'd do do ::-:..ai 'V.<, do very p etty it.1 4 do " G*'~*~ I:-: I.\a. new Pattns, .. I -a:'l'N T evr aa4f-red in the Ilarket .\io!';NING)OODS of every de~.eriIption; :-t,:nl C-!l Grenadiane MANTILLAS, new Wid:e ::fd Colored Glacie SILK, suitable for ilel Iunaner - Mu.in UNDERSLEEVES from 6.1 an-.!:'ee C.\ LMRS. late-t ftahions; - " CiltE.lISETTS, ntew style and L -. m;tl. complte a-sortment of Jachonet and Iil irus : 1- Thread Eagin and Tnsert.ngs: 1imIl :;t. -.mIr Threal mal Li.-6e Lie- & Fadgings. V hi:-.. ~ : 2- alih for Skirts. new inrtielui C LD \' ES anad HO0iSIERY, great variety-suita La .! ,!. Mini-;atn1 Chil.lr-en's SMIORS, &c. 1'or- Gn-tlIcanu's Wear. . tt-!. Iru sta l that h-ot been unindful of :h.. .m:ts ,'f the Stter itex. In this line his Stock 1':: r'sLINEN DRlLLS of every gnality: 'i :Ul York Mixtures, fromii N to 25 ets a asi ti ~it. Ctaim:n etts tand ?tlerina Ctassimaers I...n al Grass Linens for Coats, all qiualities n Lictens and other goods fur Children's S1. 1'. al1ain and biff' MIarsnils Vestlng, C!'.1- avas, a light and baeautiful article ;'or ina ne :t -!! v 4 ard at a-in Cravats, va:-ioua qaIlities ; :!:kk and CoalreI Stoek- and Ties. I ve:-y repectfully invita all tholse wishina DRY il D) ta 2've tt;- : caIl. biing dleterminei to be V N 1 E!'SOI) l NU ONE in a fia:r and linura. 31. A. P.ANsOMI, AGENT rot Il. 1. 1FULLER. at-. Apa-:I 3 tf 12 Copartniership Notice, 01 la- :BIS03 & I1. B. JACKSON * v. ated~a thenel~tves toge~Lther, for the G. aa Hardwaro Business, n- .l i sL f Hlortixsos & -lAcatsoN, llamtnhurg, b aa'i w. wI:dtwtay keepa au e-xt. ive tasotmtilla !al.Y Till NG ini that linea togerathear with . a-~, I arnessa, Leaathert, Trunaks, W~Vhipst, ab::,Ail 27 if 15 303JEO?-J & JACKSON, JLI.\BURG S. C. now 1 atnv ht::t.l a taco-t compuajlete. StockI cI Tnrsdware, amonutgst whti-h atnay be :a Ton Engl:sh and Swee-d Iron, lM.a s IL a il . .I. LbJ a-'in!s, antI .z. (-llits' A es, -5 - trarits' P'tatenat T~aies and others, a."sperior St raw Cutiters, a0 " 1R!aes, a-t i-mplee oc of rockat andu Ta~ Cutlerty, Ai.tL STY L.Kt OF li:.n. Sties. Chi . Is, Saerews, I linges, l'.tila. Shot lia.tt, Powc F::sksa. Coattna ndl W~ord Cards, WeXA! Whee~als, Ke-ttlest-, Stew Pans, . Fr-yinag Pams. G ridlirons,~ llattimers. I atchetIs, Ta. Wa tr, ail WVi~a-e ions, Catnile Stcks, .A nina t:-. Sho !<aind 'rTans, Screaw Capst;~t--, c. ttt Ih~mtnr::. : Atrl 27 tf 15 7 .'11 Su--e:bers intke grteat pleasure in recomn .-f i,.nt In- lbis gentle~anttt as a I. nt authiai .\llLL. STON ES at his Quiry- can i.n' Creek, antd ailI ow nears woauil doi we-l' to -a ettbh: atrMa E. P. & d. AINEY. P..raasan wi.-,bin:: ta ir .\l Staines Dressedl r -nted. etaa addlr--s thet Undaersigned-a at 1 - '. I ., Ea laihl I )ittric-t. S. C . antd he wia. v..h ~ ;m .e gite thtemt lritmpt att-ention. G. E. IIENDY. arrisvi:!e P. C)., 'tay 29. 6 20 Groceries! a0 1tP' 0. }0A It, Also 50) Uarrels STEW ac0 la-s COFFEE. 25 lhuds NIfLA.SSES, 50j Col ROPE, saamae very superaor, lat It..s (nn a nd toalIun-la- BA GOING, 30 lahle. l Inali iad (:nnrater lil. Naa 3, No 1. - at.l .le-s MA CK ER EL, also Eits, " .\d.w wiauld AL~so statec," thaat we htave~ a flue lankets, Negro Cloths, I i-dsttends. Cha irs-, Sttadles, Osnatbures, Stripes, laron, Natils. Oils, Wht te Lead, Shoit, liar Lead, Salt, Chaeese, Pouwider, Saanp, Rice, lIacan, &C., &c.. &c., .\aid int feet, Ceery article auually foutndl in a Cro eert.anre. J. SIBULEY & SON. Ilhanobutg, Nav 14, if 44 For the Planters ! 1O OSUU 1 10bbs.Kettlwell'sGUjANO 7(1 VIim. INettlewe-a.l's. CTT E'\ICA L SA LTS, -0 - Pure~a- grautndl PLA STERI. 'The tabavceaelbrted al iatres fiar sale by J. SIBL EY & 'SON. 1 iabuirzNo . Xii Ii f 44 Thile Lanrenaasville Ilernad. Independeant Press and .\ndersonat Gaztte will ciopy the aaove fopur t ties. andl foirad hais to ~ J. S. & SON. MYoney WantedI! LL. Perinsti haavin~ dlenmandsi aagainst the Estate .I. f JIe.se~ Limbeheker, dee'd., tare ntiiehd to ri-ald-a the ian itohrt hw itha Ipraoperly tattested-andl all ttaywise iandebltedl aa said Estaa-teare haereby faire warnedu toi saeitle thae sonoic immnediately, as 'longer indualgencae lauust nait be expected. al. S. SIlA )R A CK, J. S. LIal BECitE H. A d ors Augm10 5 Tas BROWNING & LEMAN I IMrOnRrUS OF French, English and Geran 209 ated 211 Iin-g.trecI, rilrucr n" IaAl.re AP~!TIN(S-l:~.z:1n,3 Viys, Erustel., Tu CU RTA IN Nd .\'IJlAL1.5 ill S"ilk, Sati and Curtain Ctnmhr'es :in Mniip in lmcvru Ellibroiilt~rcd Imei .u. NtIlu,.lzn Curti:.u! Islykes, Curtai (;in Il .iters f lw~ :~'i5 Silveri and 0 ii Stiri Rolds : tir Carprt-ing. oir nll 'stilve. witon, velvet, and A\xinster "lugs, ill lar-e vai PiAN'TATION WOE'BxkesPan~ Cotton Osimburgs, ofl :-.'I tl: 5, ma : llutlll.rf rnnu rhetuires. Iv di h :nml .rnericnu: COTTONV~NES 1 reii i. miAsidit A Itiricai Pri nts. ]IN ri>; , of RE.i::rds. il's iiaultl *, vw-ktt. fill I Il v~ts. apins 'I~wi jg: I .A;il;.(aFruit cloth1I Cassimo. res and u~s~l's i b.,~ Frcnel Servants' ChllIs, inl all ILL, sl- a'Ies of Eungl*-l: bU.alititiS ;11111st -41 t0S. ' itii :tl: le: s it n t~iio fn SILKA. r.SU' 1Lilt ." G~N loni~izi~e, i'Al.eslind "..:ourninrg G ItodS, i It ,7rIen'i v-ar-ity-. 1.'Veiiii JDrvss (100s-. ill g' it VtLv, constantly All ti tO ve:re oif our own. 11 Pa rt Ilia. porI~i4 i id 0-0-t:41d -t fl e 1, 0 W L T . 41lse ON -i iTUCT' 1[.' .~~ ci l hivreC- to. AlH G(,h w.1ri1,l1t 1. l11,11w'N1NG CI ' LEMiAN. C I rsle~s~ .1:-.n J tl' G it EAT S 0 tUT 11 Ft R "1 1? AE ti B JAci 1 10 S' 7!1l 1 A C G 2I' l N'F( T. A Li I( CHOLERA 1,11OFS-UZ, ELI7 CO.IC CZ~OVERIA IVFAN=TUM. :Atuo, Amim.i~.Y A 0A IT LI 1)10 MANY 1l1-F:.%FFS oI. I:ESIALMSQ morsr rsm-gtj,'PINA. lLLrl:Y~ o T1dr 17I.? T17-- 0," JA ('011"S i Y.PPL Ii ILA TOO0 IlrEfrL rYt') Toi frEQ I R iIV / I. 1st. 11 1-rs:i ivi orst c.i~w. IIe.s i ~ I itn th-e worvt firmts oi tI!,vrl : :,t]. It tur -( ... : ttsr n i Lorr in: i . it r.tirvC, i \sri.v - h!i; "Al.n It 7t. It cures IN6lh.11 i.t uti -i i : rr ,qe i . It . :ilt :11 Iiliiy anid ilysterira t.itz, I 11 W6 al .1ina~rable 'funk*. A Few Short Ez!raviz front T "irtrmcn'23, (iti ia a int 01iiIA 01! llii it ad iP. in laitt .0~.4it,~( e Flsic.r4I:.Iiy .T:t-n.o "r r r C: .r . i Iiiil ri tke gret . i ow. n - i' r.v . n:. is :I v.-nv.ii'I II. 1111 l:,. tl .' ni it v it !4 k. J" * l~u 1 I 'lv t u Vitt A'~cz ';oer i:a t R, ct'.. Char~v.W1.11. I: e 'r 111~ur t, it b-feas 1ri~ t ; i "Tis ~ien v!;t iJi triuttiv e::sis r.itg i th4 1 )tmimp a it :? t I i i :' :.p \ ore Gootzi. -lv txr-r, . c~i. ix n. Sll tha la a!ou t a)j Ili-'~ ( .*% !v, La%%. i.nim eI !nv1.- li It ,~ tl lit tt !, c i . it iis I ~ itttlt I. t I 1111.1 6 Orij.. (Al Ca. GruJrn. T1 tht So. Cils e --!iv vrd lyF llie t aIi. at.I FRESH ARRIVALSe D R. A. G. TEAGUE respectfully informa his fri,- 141 and citizens of Eldgefield generally, thati he has jut re-:eived a LARGE ADDITION to his alreadty extensive Stock of fresh and genuine Drugs, MedicinesChemicals, &c. His Drus are enrefully examined by himself.and all thart ae foutiI worthless, rejueted : and those ttiat are approved inay-be rl.ed on as efv:in and of uni.fori netion. A LL of hie Mle-icinal Compounds, Tinctures, Piils. ointmeni:s. &c.. &c.. are put up under his onn supervision nd in- strict accordance with the uil~t..o stalesDip.ory I:roim i lonz and111 extensive experienee in the prct.eei of Medicine, i.- has iade slvefr:dl Com-. pound 4f his m vi. nit to lie f..und in the Dispensa tor*, viz:-A Preparation for the CROUP, which ie has useI extensively for eigiteen years. and re ciinidils with confidence: n V EItMllF UGE, safe and effieient: aid many other Compounds which lie minkes exteimlpoiraneous!y to fulfil the indications in ech piarticular ease for which it is used. It wond riquire nmore rpnee than could be ob. tined in a Neispaper to give a Catalogue of the irues, Medicines and Chmenicals k. pt and sold by liin-Fuliev it ti sy, lie enn furnish a Physeian's Ofice Cu.\ PLETE. with Physick and Furniture. lIe has adicd to his forimer Stock some of the most reliable Veg..tahie extraets. viz: PUDOPIllL LIN. STi tINGIN E, LKPTANDIllN, &c. rc7 Plantets and ftiunilies can be supplied with all Maiediies ncecessirv in a fimily-and when desiredr directionls put up with eaci itiele. All of the moo reputable NOSTRUMIS may be fOmnd in his Etablishmieit. Also, Canidies, Kisses. Sngar Plums aU4 S~t aids. ALSO, FINE WINES AND BRANDY, for Medie.nit purposes. UN D 1M' O D& d;SArtI&M Pcrfulery of his own ard Northern make, hard to hent. SO, PS.--. large and extensive vnriety. CANDLES,-Wnx, Sperm and Adamnntine. Faints. Gils and Dye Stuffs, WiNiltIW CLASS, PUTTY, VAIIX1IIIES, &c. BRUSIIES.-N1arkitl. Sash, Tool. Paint, Grain inz. Tth. Nai:, fich, Crumb, Shoe, llorse and Ta %nners tr14s P ENCILS-Cami;ei's and Sah!e Hair, large size. A111 last thlleh no liaisit, the finest IhA IR BIL TST ES ever uFtered in the ilnee, of various patrons nmd qualtiles. Dre,,.s:it ;nd extra fine CCMDS, it rws~v i N BRCSLIES.-An excellent nrticle. PAPER-Fools Cap aid Letter Paper, coinnion NOTE P,1 PER-Var:os sizes and faney styles, EN VELOPES-Common Buff, Pinin White and -NI ney Note Enve!pes, INK, PENS. PENCILS AND CRAYONS, UJborne's A meriean Water Calours. Gutm Elastic Enli.-Folid, Bollow and Fine,-P'arbor 1Balls for the Ladies, inviting them. to excii:e within doors, whcn the weather is too inelermmnt to be out. May 18 tf 18 Edgefeld & Cheatham Plank R. :0IM .and after the lst May next, the Edgelield & Clenthaim Ptlank Rioa1 will be o'.ened from Mr. J.u3:t:s C itwFix's to the junetin with the 11am hurg & 1:il. field Plnk Ilona, a distainee of about five imiles, and the f.ollowinmg Cates of Toll will be exneted. 1iautes of Tell. Four, five and six horse Wagons, 5 ets per mile Tiree " 4 " T..o . ' "4 3 " " " Two " Carriages 3 " " One " " 2 " " Ilorsehniek travel.rs, I " " Yehitcles in ,Imetiia. are e:ch entitled to half the PFLANK i TRACK. amd the Drivers are required to ii n -o the " LIGilT !" S. F. GOODE, PRESIDENT. April 21. tf 15 -' Notice. .1 p.-rrns are hert Ihy farwnrneil against itad A inc fiir eit her tine of tirec nites give by me. on or hiout the 30th Setelmber, 853. to Rtobert C. Fin. IIer, of I'olk Co:nty, Georgia. ns I anm rei.vcd not to pnev tany one If stnid.noti s. the con id.raiin bir whi'-h thiey we're eiven,butvingfailed. l::ieh of m.:id n'':es is for the sumi of twen'ty-five hundicredl i': Pas. ad first otne is due on the 25ith IDe *.imber , 18..4-the second on the 25th 1 )ece'nber, t855, and tihe thirid on thSIth 1 )lcenci ber. 185f,. SAMIUEL WILLIASIIS. A nancit 9. 1q5-4 Smi 32 Particular N~otice, To thec Stockholders of the Edgfcjicd Odd Fellou-s' ad Maisonic Building Associa G IC:NT LE EN: Ton will come fot ward andi arto .tas. I'. Suilivanm. Tire:iturer, ort A. 11am rey. .\* ent. the Third instailment of ii n'r cent in your Stick. .'t ntd thia lit umhave given their Notes for :he l:irst awti Scitl eed nstatlmeints, arc earn' sily re qested to tike themi up, as we t ed mely to have the wo'rk adivaniced. Please retsponid early. A. G. TEAiGUE, Pres't. Jtune 29 tf 22 Plastenrig Laths. ri [1PL.ASTE~ilSG l.ATI!S, four . J. 'JL'J ntnd four and a hatlf feet lonig, for c'.e toy. A gidy aLt Plank [ioaed Mlill, itt miles' above lImnoburz. or tom U. A. KENRIUCK. 1!:ninburg. April 3 tf 12 W'hite Lead, Linseed Oil, L.A31P C!., NEAT'S FOOT O11L and TAN EI-S1 OIL, fotr sale next door to Si.LmvAds. A nz 2-4 tf T 1 rece'ire.l n suppily of CIIOICE BACON t Si D!-:, SiOULI)EfRS and hIAMns, for. sale Cie:ip fir Cash. G. L. PENN, AGENr. Nv4tf 16 LHampton's Shop TS Re-opienied, at thei. i.ot of the hiul, immediately I ait the e::tranice of theo Plank Rii::d into Mlain lie ...hi.s I!irses, mankes lowsv Irons Waagonis, iminids Wdle Iirons, Lays AxSes, and1 does .vari'us o hr thlings titer the ohel styie. 11In has adopted mnyi of thie merm improv,-me.a~ nts, in fact all of itti except lhit .,r slighitn his work. An hi le hiumibly ak a .Janm Il tf 5 Notice. T. LPe.rsnOs inidebmed to the Estate of 0. W. .t~inas. ilee'd., are hierebyv requested t&O~Otme forwrd andi miak.e paiynment by the 10th day of.de venib -r netxt. and nul personts havinig any juist eldmati gin--t saidl decensed ate requested to'render them in hiv tha~t date. ;ie.:or'dinmg tio law. ELIid A [1 110 LL W AY, Adm'" r. OctL 4 t 38' N'otice. L L. pesn inidebitedi to the estate of Thomas TLa. e I de-e' i '.. tiy toi thle timte of lis death, and to .liis, lil LI. Talley, Aihdministraitor' of the estatte oif '1.Thomas Tallb-y, dee. ate earnestly regntestedt to be renyv to) makel paymite t by the 2(ith day oIf Dfent ter next, as launger iiinlzence canniit be Eutrfn. A lid th'ase ha~vinig deimads against sa.id.estate wil render them ini to thme unduersignmed properly attested. dOSEPhil1.T.ALLEY,Adm'rn. Oct. 19 10t . 40 Notice. ALL. persons indebted to the estate of Wiinm Li flu-ser dlee, anid to .losepih B. Taltley, Ad mnisitratoir 'de 'bonus non, oif tte estate of Wvitllinr llusse'y die., itre earne.-tly re'quested to be ready i. nke pay'menit by the 30tlhi' aty of liecemberi ne at a longer induilgece. ennot be given. And thosie mavitg d.-mnltds aainst said estate will render thens in to the unidersirned piroperly attested. JOSEPli 13. TALLEY, Adm'r.. Oct. 19 1It - 40 Notice? A LL Persions are hierehrt nutioned not to trei Li1 a-s oni thme Lainds belonginig. to thie-Estate of t. Y. llurtoni, dee'd., by eithi;-r hlinbg'ods or trawy of thet same, wvitthoutt permtissbi-ono time ruste'. Those who coantinue to do so, aytexpect a be prose'cuted by the *fifCSTEE~ SeptL. 18,. 1854. tf 6 Notice. LL~ Persons itndebted to the Estate of lM. E. Ilo! ingswoirthi, dee'd., up to the tinie of his ent, tire requesteid to umeke iminedminte .payjnenmt, id those htavmig dematnds aanimtsi nEstate will D). F. IIOLLIJNGSWORTU,Adm'or. Mar29 onr- i1 .