- . -.-.----- .~--( 4 dPh A*lh e - ~'" fil .0-C Vl -C -o Iil Ijv 1 Coft- to 5,011tIru U."1j5, 1wS, oi1105, 55lA DCc, 9,5,t "We will clind. to tle Pillar's of lite Temple of our Liberties, and if it must fall, we will Perisla antidst tlic Ruins" W. F.D1USOF, Prrimtor. EDGEFIELD, . ., JUNE 29 1854. .m----2. THE EDGEFIELD ADVERTISER ISUBLISHED E7ERY THURESDAY BY W. F. DU R IS 0E, Propriutor. ARTHUR SIMK INS, Editor. T E R M S. Two Pot.t..Ans per year. if pid in aivane-Tw Dot.tlans anil FIFTY (.:.Nrs if nit paid witiii six nIths-and Tniut: Dol...S it not paid before the expiirtin of the year. All sii-crip:;ion, not diititt v limited at the time of sibpcrihiinz. n% i.l lie cni -d a, m;le for an imileiite perild, aid will be coln iited tnatil till arrearages are paid. ir at thie (ilition .tie Pitublisher. Siptriptions frmi othier StateS mit invariably lie aerimnidwitil %iih the ca:-h or ife.rence to sumne One knt i ownI to uZ. A eVERTIS I N .s will lie cut.wpicttt y i:n-erted at 5eti per Siuare (Ne lies or ..t) for the irmt tiiertioi, and 37 ' ceits for each suiieijniet insertiin \'h h.it oily puiheii 3lutlily ,r Qutaterly I. per Y. listq.. ats a Camiuht fit a Se.'i t E m I oiu .-: of Re rs naiv -a i.tit "h.,iT *I-j *'Tt Frti-ntl ouf C.\ 1R IY WY. .I- II- lI '! repec olly anntoce hi ast at Canilulle oulr a e lie net I '"t lure. *i-Tu Frien.1i of.G. 1). TiLL\l.\N. 's.. respictu 'antounce hitl a. a :.til-e 'r a *ett -guT I:ds of CLI<). W. L.\ N D1111 an notnce him as a Caudidate for a Seat in the tt.ki Lesaure. ---:- 'ITtur Fri..nuid lf Dr. ii. It Cix rete' ully annt-ne iim a Cmtiiate fori a Seat in the next - itizefiter-ett r*-ipet~~ llytnOunce buttm a" a cant.!,i:.e fitr a Sca' itt te lu' of Repreen'tatves at the netxt elvedon'i N LT. pratie at 11. Ield :and the Courls oh' V t the a.ijiinitt I r.'. n t'. F..l -i ldIC.lH ., S. C. \ v 18". :f 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW AR.D SDLICITOR IN EQUITY. behv G. L. 1'E'N's Ia ilVy i-"i0V \ ril 27. I' 1-5 5. .T -1 iaKE.s5 ATTORN.EY AT LAW. Frlnet I' it mAt oi -ilm: tct:T- ntom:. Practice of Surgery! I . .Jg5IgtAII ErARREN. At'ns't'.a, I ; a. is t reptrt d i te - tnn..:t ith- ISt inu andsi Ni.' '. tuc p tie'x su yb irt lt \r .\l't-ters *my blaa.d hv hirSrat D r. Mi W, A bn ey iT.\\IN remii ved into the \' ati ille , fotl r t het purpot hs' otf d-:tt ofn id h ims f mor ex 'tiliutt to tie prf.-itn adcIrnpyting ).theCo reiulirist b- ven. the al .T~uUtillIi i ( 'huch lte i-.:. :n t l lie 4.epiedili byt. fu eS.iai:k I ii~. a te.C \ Rannotda ellrs hi Pro eonalgServce ^l'o. hepmplo thte \t' itell ad te sONlI In. vath day, h.lt Ie-m h a foundin is t iic , (a lti n-e n the -iii:.of W. W.' k.\ o iadi rn SHmbrgen iEidef.\l.Gd.A A Rd.n and t n'ht hecnhIonI a i wlie Tml: annexed 'eeling and beautiful lities are va'd to have been writen by a young Eiglish lady, wlhc had experienced nuch afflietion. There is a de v.oteditess, a spirit of religioitn running throuLEh it, which cannot fail to totch tile most obdurate leart. Je-us- thy cross have taken, All to leave and fllow thee Naked, poor, deipised, forsaken Thou, fron hence, imy all shall be Prish every fond ambition A I I've sollgl.t. or hooped, or known Yet how richi is miy condli:41on * God and I lcaven are all my own Let the World despise and leave me Thev have left my S.iviour to-> t linnian hopes aad looks deceive mie, Thou art not, like them. untrue ; And whils thi.u shalt sivle upn in me, - O.t of wisdtotm. liove ani might, Fr:etnds may hatte, and fo-, ni.ty scorn me Show Thy face, and all is right. Go. thi n. earthly fame aml treasure Comie dlisaster, scornl and pain ; In thy service pain is pleaure With thy favotr loss is gan I hare cll thee A bha, .-ather I have set tmy iart on thee Storm, ia howl. and clotil niay gather All ruuist work fotr -ood to me Soni ! then know thy fulialvation illse o'er siti ail fe:.r. and care; Joy to finad in every statioi Stmethingz still to do) or bear Think what spirit dwells within thee Think what heavenly bliss is th:ne Think that .lesns died to save tlieo Ch.ld of Heaven, ean'st thou repine f Iaste thee on. from grace to glory, A rined h faith, and winged by prayer T hi~aven's eternal dav's befire thee GO I's own han, w ll gnide thee there; Soin sha!h eo!oe thy earthly mission, Sill Sh:l 1iass thy pilgrim dayl, 1-o- -e shalil chatnge to glad frniti F-'61th to siuht, antid priy er to) praise ! IR' ifd 1 al CD 1151. "Lead us not into Temptation," We tale leiasure ill relating- all incidetit whieh salrj~ly enlisted 9,11'C the-ad~~w l ... -;.4ererest; Ann nnmmy iitnae our nearts c 1a wiai joy :at ;ts happy termiinatiotn. In tie spring of 1838 we chanced to be speed iet a Few days itt a beatiiful inland country towe n in l'nny-vlvania. It. was court week, and I, relieve u s fr'om the somewhat inotnotonotis i .idenis of vidlagze life we stepped into the room where the cOurt had convented. Amon- thle prisoners in tile box we saw a lad 11t Ite years of age, whose sad, pensive cotite ence. Li4 viom nd innocent appearance, catis .d him toi look sadly out of place amontg the i:dlvnvd erimnah!; bv whomi lie was srrounded. -hleoe lv the box. atid matifesting tle greatest nleres" il the proedings sat a tiarfil Wom1:m, aeh . :mlXions glace from tite judge to tle hoy . ts ll roIoti to doiubt hiat it was his mother. %V- irneid % i:hi sadness from the Se.-ne to ill ilre oi the ofl-tiee of tle prisoner, and learned he was :nysed of stealitng moley. Tle c:se w:,s slolt coittrm eed, and, by tile titerest riliaifesltd by that l:trge crowd, we eitd that our hea-rt was not the only one in %abieb syIplithy for tle Ind exitetd. Ilow we i ied him! ThIe bright smile had valiishel froto ii- fa.,tl now it expres-ed tile cares of lie :.ild. [Ii, vennltl sister, a brlight-eveid girl, had ined tdil Iitn't0 hlis side, and 'cheered him:1 it ih the whispering of hope. Unlet that swee.t voice, which before caused hisi hee:rt toe bonnd wi:b hilappitne~ss, added onily to ite rief his shtame had biroughtt utpon him. Tie p'rogress of the case atcquatinlted us with lie ebeini~sktantces of thle loss-theo extent of whieb wais but a dlime, no motire! ilThe lld's emtphloyer, a wielathy, miserly, and tunrincipled matn:0tactutirer, ha~d made use of it tor the. ptipose of whtat lie called " testintg the bov's hiotnes v." It was placed where, fromi its ve:V position. thue lad woul d ofteniest see it, and least suspect the tratp. Thue dlay pasised, antd the mat~sttr, to his moriittieaiion, tnot pleasutre, fotund Itle coinltllti ntuched. Atnothter day patssed, atid yet his object was tnot gainecd. lie, hotwever, 1e ermined t hat the boy luouIl d take it, anid so he let it remaaini. 'Thik cointintted temptation was too miteh for the ii ho's resist amee. TIhe dime wtas taiken. A~ .siph-~ pre.'(ius of R., and has nd a black line drawn it-ider li; niane. This enough for our cQgrW! meichants. 1 Y; lifn that momuent a lost mai, and lie knows t why. ile sends a note for di-count to his uker; the banker finds that B's. account ihas en growing small 11y degrees aid iiost alom lbly lIessi. The baniker suisplocs th:t I. i. on o roid to miiernne. and so he sveks coolirit In '.f his Suspicions by a reco urse to the in isition, and Ie- finds it. B's. note is not dis tinted. :md his ruin is coilete; sill he kntoowst t afier what manner or why. I e feels that is ain honest man, toe is sure [latl he can see wa o clearly. IHe knows that lie hain:, up to ter in liais colomuni. : Le inows that le. of ielf, has doue nio.iiig to four