Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, February 08, 1854, Image 4

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A DOLLAR TWOI With cationm step as we tread our way through This intrinsio world, as other folks do, May we-still on our journey be able to view The benevolent face of a dollar or two. For an excellent think is a dollar or two. No friend is se-true se.a dollar or two; Thro' county or town as we pass up and down, No passport so good as a dollar or two. Would you read yourself out of the Bachelor crew, And the hand of a female- divinity sue t You must always be ready the hand-some to do, AlthougYsit should cost you a dollar or two; Love's arrows are tipped with a dollar or two, And a'etins are gained by a dollar or two, The best aid you can meet in aflvancing your suit. Iskthe eloquent chink of a dollar or two. Would you wish your existence with faith imbue, And enroll in the ranks of the sanctified few t To enjoys a good name, and a well cushioned pew, You must freely come down with a dollar or two. The gospel is'preached for a dollar or two, The salvation is reached for a dollar or two ; you may sin some at times, but the worst oferimes, Is to find yourself short of a dollar or two. Cousin Sally Dillard, 8cun-Court of Justice in North Carolina. A beardless disciple of Themis arises and tIius addresses the Court: " May it please your.honor, and yoi, gontlemen of the Jury, since it has been my fortune (good or had I will not say) to exercise myself in legal dis. quisitions, it has never before befallen me to fie obliged to prosecute so direful, marked and malicious an assault-a more direful, sIilful, dangerous battery, and finally, a more diabolical breach of the peace it has never been your duty to pass upon, one so shock. ing to benevolent feelings, as that which took place at Captain Rice's in this county. But you will hear from the witnesses." The witness being sworn, two or three were examined, and depose: One said that lie had heard the noise but did not. see the fight ; another that he saw the row, but did not know who struck first; and a third that he was very drunk, and couldn't say much of the skirmage. - Lawyer Chops-I am very sorry gentle. men, to have occupied your time with the stupidity of the ritne..ses examined. Had I known, as I now do, that I had a witness in attendance who was acquainted with all the circumstances of the case, and who was enabled to make himself entirely understood *by the Court and jury, I should not so long have trespassed on your time and patience. Come forward Mr. Harris and be sworn. So forward came the witness, a fat, chub. by looking man, a "leetle" corned, and took his corporal oath. Chops-Harris we wish you to tell about the riot that happened the other night at rCapt. Rice's; as a good deal of time has been already wasted in circumlocution, you will please be as exrlicit ias possible. Harrie.-Exactly-giving the lawvyer a knowing wink and at the same time clearing his throat-Capt. Rice, he gin a treat, and cousin Sally Dillard, she camne over to our house and axed mne'if my wife mout'nt go. I told cousin Sally Dillard that my wife she was poorly, being as how she had a touch of the rheumatis in the hip, and the big swamp was in the road, and the big swvamp was up, for there had becen a heatp of rain lately, but howeomnover as it was she, cousin Sally Dillard, my wife she mont go. Well, ther, cousin Sally Dillard axed me If Mose he mout'nt go. I told cousin Sally Dillard that Mose lie was the foreman of the. crap, and the crap was smartly in the grass, but howsonmever,-as it was she, cousin Sally Dillard. Mose he mout go. Chops-ln the name of common sense, Mr. Harris, what do you mean by this rig. marole I Do say what you know about the riot. Witness-Captain Rice, he gin a treat,1 and cousin Sally Dillard, she camne over to our house and axed me if my wife mont'nat go. I told cousin Sally Dillard Chops-Stop, sir, if you please, we don't want' to hear anything aboutt cousing Sally Dillard and your wife.-toll us about the fight at Rice's. Witness-Well,!I will air, if you will let Us. Chops-Well air, go on. Witness-Well, Capt. Rice he gin a treat, and cousin Sally Dillard she came over to our house and axed me if my wife moutut go, and Chops-There it is again; witness, plase to stop. Witness-Well sir,what do you want I Chops-We want to ktnow about the fight, and you must not prooeed with this impertinent story. Do you know anything about the matter before the Court!i Witness-To be sure I do. Chops-Well go on and tell it, and noth ~Witnea-Well, Capt. Rie he gin a treat' and cousin Chops-This is intolerable. May it ploase the Cotart, I move this witness ho committed for contempt; he seems to be trifling with this Court. Court- Witness, you are now before a. court of justice, and less you behave your self in a more becoming mannier, you will be jailed. So begin, and tell what you know' about the fight at Rioo's. Witness-(alarmed)-Well, gentlemen, Capt. Rie be gin a treat, and couin. Sally 'illard Chops-I hope the witness may be or dered inito cnstody. Court.-(after deliberating) Mr. Attorney the Court is of opinion that we may save time by telling the witness to go on in his own way. Proceed Mr. Harris, with your story, but stick to the point. Winess-Yes, gentlemen I will do so. Well Cart. Rice Ihe gin at treat, and cousin Sally Dillard'eamo over to' lour house and axed me ii nmy wife she mont'nt go.. I told sousin Sally Dillard that my wife shte was porry, being as how she bad the rhtematics' in the hip, and the big swamp was up.; but howsomever, as it was she, cousin Sally Dii latrd, my wife she mont go. Well, cousin Sally Dillard then axed me if Mose, 'he' not'nt go. I told cousin Sally Dillard 'as Mose heo was the foreman of the crap, and the erap was smartly in (he cgrass, but how soemever,. as it was she, cousin Sally Dillatrd, Me. he. mont go. So they goes tin togeth er, Mose, my wife and: cossio Sally Dillard, and they come 'to the big swamp, and it was up, as I was telling you. hut heing as how there was a log across the big swamp, cou sin Sally Dillard and Mose, like gentli folks, they walked the 'log, but my wife, like a dratted fool, tucked up her- clothes and waded right through, cotch cold, and has had the rheumatics ever since, and that's afl I1know about the fight. Srax Wrns-rLL-SIdney Smiith onse sai that a railway whistli seemed to bii like the seream anattorney would gireo when, the dani ennght htld of him. A GooD Orn.--An Indiana correspon dent of the .1exandria (Virginia) Gazette sends the'fciftwing to that paper, with ap propriate vouchings of its truth: "At the breaking of ground for thetom. mencement of Lynchburg and Tennessee Railroad, at Lynchburg. the Rev. J. E., by appointment, acted as chaplain on the occasion. At the time appointed for prayer, the chaplain raised his hands, and said: " Let us pray." In an instant all hats were doffed, and the chaplain commenced, slowly and solemny, to rend a very appropriate manuscript prayer, which he had' previously prepared. During the reading of the prayer, an old negro who had been engaged with his spade, was resting, with one foot on the spade and his arms on the handle looking very intently in the chaplain's face. At the conclusion of the prayer, the old negro, straightening himself up, remarked audibly. " Well I reckon dat's de fust time de Lord has ever been written to on do subject of railroads !" A arcKRnIn pair of Quakers were lately heard in high controversy, and the repentant husband exclaimed: "I am determined to have one quiet week with thee !" "But how wilt thou be able to get it I" said the taunting sponse, in " reiteration," which married lAlies so provokingly in. dulge in. I will keep thee a week after thou'rt dead," was the Quaker's rejoinder. HARD Ttrs.-" Ah, Bill, times is hard just now-what are ye thinking o' doing I" " Well, Jack, sometimes I think of open. in' a hank !" " All gammon, Bill, how'll ye raise the money t'' " How green yo are, Jack, it doesn't take mueh to buy a crow-bar !" RRCENTLY at the dinner table of a Cleve land hotel, when the cloth' had been removed for the -' last course," a verdant gentleman summoning a servant, called for " some of that" pointing to a dish of ice cream. The waiter wondered at the order, but accustom ed to obey, hurried to the pantry and re turned with the desired article. The gentle man coolly spread the ice cream upon his .plate, carefully buttered it, and took a month ful, the result of which was anything but satisfactory. " Waiter," said he, " take this plate awvay and bring me some pudding that isn't quite so cold." ExrPTED.-Printers with nine children are to be exempt from taxation in the State of New York. Very safe legislation that. We would like to see the Printer who had anything to tax, after feeding nine children. Bi careful or you'll get sun struck," as the fellow said when be squared oft' at his father. Law Notice! T H1E U~nderaigned ha renmoved to Edgefield C. 11 ., and amay be found at hi.. Oflice, fornet ly occupied by .)ous~ TtAUSKE-r-, E~tq. THOS. P. MIAGRATH, Arroaxtrr AT LAW. JTan 18 um 1 A B NER P ER R IN, AGE NT fo'r the Prosecution of Claim" for Bonn .ty Land. Revolutionary and other Pensionsa Oficee at Edgerield C.11., S. C. Feb 23 ______ tf 6 CANDIDATES. For Shoei. FELIX E. BODIE. WM. QUATTLEBUM, JULIUS DAY, JAMES EJDSON. For Tax olIlector. BAR NEY L A3A R, CIKAiLLES CARtTER, THOMAS B. 1IEEE DIltICK IIOLSONBAKE, A. Rt. ABLIE, TIIEOPJILI!S DEAN, WESLEY WERTZ. Mt. B. WIIITTLE, LEE HIOLSON, For Ordinary. JOHN W. SMITII, W. F. DURISOE, Ii. T. WRIGHT, DAVID DODIE. For Clerk. EDMUND PENN. THOS. G. BACON. R. B. JJOUKNiGI-T, TE ROAD TO HEALTH! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Cure of a Disordered Liver and Bad Digention. Copy of a Lefter from Mr. R. W. Kaen. Chemist, 7, P'res cot stroet, Liverpool. dated 6th June, 1i3L To P'noruson IIOu~.owAv, Sir: Your Pills and Olniment have atondi the hIghest on ur male tist of Prepretary Medieines for some yearn. A ustomter, to whom f ean refer for any inhquirtua. desires me I let yon know the particuliars of her cen'e. $ho had been loubled for years. with a disordered iive.r. and bad. digethmmn. On the last neension, ho~we'ver, the virucence of' the attack was no alarinma. and tho inflammation set in ao seve.rely, thai oubt.. were entertainedt of heer not being ab~le to hear up uder it: fortunnteliy ahe was' indiuceud toe try y-our Pilla, anid she Informs me that alter the first. and each asucceedinig dnse, she had rgreat relief. $lhe continued ito take them, and ai-. though ,ifte used onlmy three' bmoxenm.she la nmow in the enjoy'nmeni etf perfect henlth. 1 coulmd heave sent you~ imuny mo're m ases. but the abo~ve, front time .seve'riry of them atta'e, anmd tihe sp~eedy cure, K think, speaks omeh in favor of yoeur astisihing~ P'iils. (Signed) -IE. W. K iPAkUS. An Extraordinary cure of Rheumatic Fever, in Van Diemen's Land. Copy of a Leifer inserted in the Ihohart Town CourIor,,of the 1st of March, 185I, by Major J7. W At.cii. Margaret McComnnm. nineteen years or ane., reesbling at New To~wn, hadl been autrering framin aviolent rhenumalic fet er nr upwards of twmo nmnths. whichm hnd entirely deperivedi hier f the ue of he'r limubs: dunrinst tisi jwrimie ale was utualer time cre of the most enminent inemieni emen in tl'.bart Ttwn. andi by them hier case wan ensidlered hmopelm-en. A frimenmi pre valed upon her to try ltilloway's ciebrated Pill.., which shma ronsente,1 to do, and in an incredibie shmor space of thne they affected a perfect cure. Cure of a Pain and Tighineas in the Chiest .and Stomach of a psrsoa 84A years of age. From Mesr. Tumnx & Sox. Proprietor. of time Lynn Adse r tisor, who can Touch for the following statremnt: To Psormmna IUor~wwav: Sir: 7 desire to bear testimony to the good effect of Ibnio way's Pilla. For some years I sufrered severeiy from a rain and tighutneut in thme stemmach, whim-i was also aecomnpanied by a aboeriness. of breath, that prevented 'me fr',m walking abumt. I ant 14 yearn of aeo, and nntwithstanding my ad anced state of life, these 1 ils hmaveeno relieved nie, that I am detirus that others shmouldi he made acquainted with their virtue,. I aan nmw rendered by thmeir menmna enmpearativeiy etive, and can take exerime without inconveien.ce or pain, which I coul not do before. (Signed) HNIY (0OE. (Cignd) Northi street. Lynn, Norfolk. These celebrated Pills are woenderfully ejieacious .in the followoing Comnplainta: Agne. Asthma. Bilion omplaInts. Bhmmehos on the SkIn, owel Cominints, blica., Cmstlpation of the Boweja. Con sumption, 1)biii , D~rne e, nytmenmay Eryapi, Female rreiptites, Fvrs~of dmi kimnds,F1i.. Gout, encdnehe, lam. dtgceton, Inflaminattion..jaunmdice, L~iver Cemnpiainmte. Plile, Lumq.Rheumatism, Itetntion of the Urine. Scrondia. or Kag's EvIl. Sore Throata, t4tonte and Gravel. Secondocy ytnptotma. Tie D~omerux, Tunoutra, Ulcors, Venterenmi Af fetins, Worm's of all kInds., Weakneses, from whatever ause.&c..&c. Sold at tihe estabishmnent of Professor lIOLL.OWAY, 224 Stanad, near Temple Bqir, Lmetdon, and by all respectable pngtaand Dealers in Medleines thtrounhouit limo British mprand of those of theO United State,, 'hi Bore at 87 ens, S7 cents, and $1.50i centdesch. Wholesale by time priue plfDrugf houses in the Utiot andb - Aeserm. A. h.AD. SANDS, New-York, and P. M. H Mb~Chasesto. Foruualela Edge~eid by G. L.PENN. - ""gsaa eonsibe'rablo-seving by, akling the slarger NB..--Diretionst for the- gsdane of patienta in every diorder aro-amieed to each boxs. Mrebh30 10 Final No.tic. .L1. Persons inmt~#ed to. tihe Undersigned4, if . not paid by the 10th February next, wvill find their respectivet dues in the hiandsof an Officer- for collection. This in the LAST n'ttice. .i10l3 COTIR A N. Ja.8' - : 4dt New Fall and. Winter Goods, MILLHR & WARRE, Augusta, Ga, H AVE Just received, at their Store, Corner op posite the Mansion House, a large and com plete Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of Brocade and Rich Plaid SILKS, Brocade and.Striped Black SILKS, 'Embroidered Merino Robes, Rich Figured Cashmeres stil D'Laines, Plain French and English'Merinos, Saxony Plaids, a beautiful article for 'Claildrn's Dresses, Col'd English Flannels, for Children and Ladies' Sacks, Super. White Gauze and Welsh Flannels, Black Chally, D'Laines and Bombazines, French, English and American PRINTS, Riel Embroiderle. French CIIEMIZETTES and SLEEVES, Collars; Worked hands; Muslin E,1gings and Inserting": Trish Linens ; Damak,Table Cloths. Table Napkins an1 Poyles, 12-4 IHeavy Blarnsley.'Sheetings, Together with a fue Stock of SATTIN ETS, Kentucky JEANS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS. We respectfully solicit a call -from our friends and customers, and persons visiting the city would do well to give as a look before purchasing. Augusta, Oct 12 6m 38 Fresh and Pure Medicines, &c. T HE Subscriber has just received a SELECT STOCK of Family Medicines, Chemicals, &c. -CONSISTING IN PAIaT OF Sulplhate of Quinine. Pure Pill Mass, Sup. Carboaate of Soda, Calemel. Henry's Cul. Magnesa, Cram of Tartar, Espsomi Salts, Iodine, Sulplte of Morphine, Iodide of Potasseum, Lump Alagnesia, Strychnine, Mum's Elixir of Opium, Fahnesiock'u Vcrnifuge, Tlompso's Eye Water, Me~lister's Ointment, Cleescnan's limelsam, Evans' Lancets. Norwood's Veratrum Virile. .end a full supply of most all tlhe popular Pate-nt Medicies Cf ther day, all of which are warranted free fromd adlulteratiun. G. L. PEN. AGRNT. Octd 2 tf 41 THE GREAT KENTUCKY SOUTHERN REMEDY, 1e r peicT in ine. hen use, alordwing todrectionranted fre frnsa~lt ring' c Gacr. L ptinNAssr .PH hSnmedicin . n' acin tDoe drcnl Ch lns iaiees. TKruppion. Sat-te Dies.of the Skin.y D rise-as,rintrhue of er, smfApi. Pain in the eSide -n Shoulders, General DebIlity, i.unabego. Coughs, Colds, Droply. Jaundice. Cortivenee, Broneciltl, Weakness uf the Chest, Sore Throet, P'ulmonar-v Affecione, and a.1l other Diseases tending to produce Consumption. Liver Comn plaints, female Trreguiaritie and Complaints, Low Spirits, Eick and Nervous isudache. Night Sweats, Exposures,nor Imprudence in Life, Chronic Con situtional Diseses, and as a Spring and Summner Drink, and General Tonic for thme System, and a Gentle and Pleasant Purgative, it is superior to Diue Lick and Congress Water, Salts, or Seldlts Powders. ltisi a remarkable fact, that amon~g the hundreds of enent physteians whlo liavs examined the recipe by which Bull's Sareaparlla is prepared, not one~ has condemned it. but all approveel it. and eonmend it in the highest terms. Many physicians express themselves strongly in the belief that It ie deeided ly the hat preparation or Par. saparilla that htas ever been placed before tie pnblis. Although there are many physicians who feel a reluctance to having theIr namnes appendedl to the recommendation of any particular ren d, notwIthstanding they may approve of It In the highest &erm, there are others who frankly yiel their support in faor of a remedy whirlh they know e. apable of doing so much good In an afliheted com munity. As an evidence, read the filowing from old and respectable physilans, of high standing In the comme'ulty Ila which they lire: TERS TX KONYV. R-7 Testimony like the following renders superfious all comnments on the eflescy of Dull's Slareiparllla. Frorm Dr. L. P. Yandell. Professor of Chemistry in the Louisville Medical Collegs: I have looked over the list of ingredients sonipoelng Johns Dull's Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, and have no he.-itation in saying that they forum a safe sonmponnd,. end one that pronmisse well in chronic diseases, to which it Is applicable. L.. P. YANDI.L., M. D. Louisville, June 6, IMIS. Whet Dr. Pyles, physician by appointment to the Lal wills Marine liospital, says of hluii's diareaparilia : Lourmut.a, Sisech 20, 1849. I have examnined the prescription for the preparation of John llul's Sarsaparilla. anti I believe the eomntlotna to be en exellent ne, andi well calculated so produce an alter ative imepresslon on the system. I have used it both in public and private practice, end thiink It the best article of Sarsaparila now In use. - N. PYra.S, Mi. D. Bleent 1'hyeielan Louisrille Marine Jlospital. L~otnomr. Kry,. A pril 25th, 160. Srm-Permit me to adldresstoyon a few lnos. and do me the honor to reply to a request that I will make in the conclusion of this letter, &ce. I anm a graduate of Traneylvenia Medical UniversIty ; I have practiced miedicine In this wilderness coutry, about five years, but owing to exposures to iltter cold weather, I have been indsposed with Acute llheumiati'ni about six months After hariug exhausted my skIll in, thme tretment of may case, and deriving n benefit. I was Induced to gire your ru xfa.ter or seaMP~a:L..t a fair trial, and accordingly purchased a bottle of yournmedicine from your agent, Mr. George 1'. Brown, about two weeks ago, and I must confess that one bottle has entirely cured mes. It is my opinion, that your preparaion of Sarsepartlla is docidedlly superior to any other preparation now Inuse, and I will take groat pleasure in recomdending It to 'he afflicted as being a re-medial agent, end I will advise the physiciaus to use it In their practi~e, &c. Respectfully yours, Bi. B. ALL.EN, 31. D. J.otiisvnLL, July 13th 1849. I have examined the list of articles that compose .lohn Bull's Extract of Sarsaparilla. andi I have no heetitation in saylhig that it is a safe nu.d raluable entmpomnd. I would prefer It to any article now in nse, for tihe diseases arIsing front en impure stato of the blood or taint of thme system. I confidently reenummendl It to my friends a.s liing a power ful Extract, and one that I beliere will cure all clanses of dieasmes, for which it I-s reenmuended, if used according to directions. I believe It to be a valuable succedlaneum to Mercury. -Nay, I have my doubits whether int the unost violent ail protracted cases of Sy philis, accomnpanied with Nodes Trophsi, in caries of time bones, whether it ought not to succeed every other renmedy. S. IL. McCONACIIIE, M D. Honorary Member of the Medical dioclety, Philadelphia, UIC. Ilear, what Dr. Stnpp, a phlysician whoastands at the top of his profussionn, says of John llull's Saraparilla: I have be-on using John irls Sarsaparilla in a great variety of chironmic .tlseases, with the siust haippy effects, and I have no hiestitamion, in reeonmuaendng it to the public fbr the cure of scrotula, syphtilia, amnd alt cutaneous and glandular diseases. Yours, nmopt fervently, Lewisport, Ky., April 6th, 1849. WM!. STAPP, M!. D. Rev. E, W. BEHON, - Eav. E. STEVENSON. Coxcuamva. - The following is a verbatim copy of a eordencte now In the postssson of the proprietor of Dull's Sersaparlla. Rtev. . WV Sebon is widely and generally known as an eloquent and accomplish~ert pastor of the M. E. church, and itev. B. Stevenson hiss been know,, as one of the most talented andi zealous membhers that the Ken tucky Conferenico could boast of for mauy ye-ers, and at this tiume Is fihmg the high and responslestation of agent for the It. E. Book Concern. Can thme world produce better or more satisfactory testimony In favor of any mudlelne! Dtotter tastlumony then was ever otfered In favor of any Inediclne. 11ev. E. WI. Solhon - Rev. E. Stevenson: -Lowrsvn.:., May 20th, 1849. We have useda Jokn Bull's Sarsparlla, and have known it to be used, with ntire satisfac.tlon; and we have no beseitetion In stating our belief, that it is a safe and valuable medical compound, ad caleulated to produce much good end ellere tmch suffering; and there fore would cheerattily and most earnestly recomtmend it -to the etilieed. .-. K W. SEII0N. (Signed) B . STEVENSON. We earnestly invite all persona who are suffering with any of "i the fill that ilesh is heir to,", to call on Dr. John Dull's aigent, and get a cop of Buei's Family Journal eats ; end for-the sake 'of huumlty, we e that a single individual will not be found unwillIng to gve 1Bul1's Sarsapauilla a veias., after reading andi recolleetlng,at th mne time, that it Is Imposible for the Doctor to pablish the tenth part of the number of certificates of astoundIng sures performed by his Sarsaparllla. The amnount of tes thtnony voluntarily showered on .Dr. Bull's. Sarsaparlila, from wecl known and distinguished lndksldnlse, both In. public and private lfin, has be-en perfsethy everwhelming.. IC Dr. .John Bnll's Principal 08fle, wait dm1. glAb styeet first door below Maks,, Louusnsi~s, Kr. F"7" Fon sale in, mlii Village, on Agency, bty G. L.PENN, Druyi3.7 COSAT i ON HND &STIILL RECEIVING . I AM. NOW receiving my usual supply of GOODS for the FALL4AND WINTER TRADE, To which I respectfully invite the attention of the Community and the Trading Public. W. P. BUTLER, Edgefield C. H., Oct. 12, No 1, PARK Row. ]FALL TRADE, FOR 1853! rp.HE UNDERSIGNED having given a further trial to the CASH SYSTEM during the .L past qeastmn, have become still more convinced that it is the only true system of doing a GROCERY BUSINESS on terms ndvantageous to both seller and buyer, being the cheapest. safest and surest for both. While the seller is benefitted by getting the CASH 'AII) DOWN for his Goods, enabling hin. Io turn his money over many times in the year, the buyer has the advantage of getting his Goods Ten or Fifteen per Cent Cheaper Than they can be obtained from those who sell on credit; they being compelled to sell at this d(iference.of per centage to cover bid debts and pay the additional expense of keeping-, any col lecting long -ecounts. It only requires a little reflection, aided by a slight examination, to con vince those who sit, Hamburt for the purpose of purchasing SUPPLIES, that the Merchant who deals exclusivel m the Cash $vsten in purchasing his Stock, lays it in cheaper than those who lny in large Stocks on credit, with a view to selling them out. in the same way, being enabled to turn his capital over only once a year, must of course get larger profits to sustain his business. than him who on the Cashasytem, buys moderate Stocks, SELLS QUICK and TURNS OVER hi capital every thirty to sixty days. The intelligent plhmter will perceive that the CASih SYSTEM Merchant will have made'more-mtoney at the end of the year. by making FIvE PER CENT PRoFIT. than the credit system man will at TWENTY-FIvF., and that those n ho Luny Goids had better bir row the money at home, and allow even fifteen or twenty per cent interest. and pay CASH for his supplies. than to purchase on time even fromi the beat CR EDIT HOUSES. The Undersigned having made ample arrantgemntets to keep on hand a LARGER STOCK and much better asaortment of ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES Than they did the past season, only ask of their friends and others visiting this market, to give ' them a call, where they will find, in addition to FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, a large supply of nearly all the staple Goods usually used in the country. such as Saddlery, Hats, Shoes, Calicoes, Shirtings, Sheetings, Blankets, FLANNELS, &c., &c. Being thankful for the liberal patronage of the p-ist season, and looking forward to a largely increased trade the coining Fall. we have laid in and are now receiving our Stock, and take plea. are in calling the attention of enstomers to our superior Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Cheese, Molasses, Flour, Bacon, WINES AND LIQUORS. Those who prefer paying Cash for their Goods, and thereby save I'fcen Dollars in errry MIun dred. had better call at our Old Stand, on the tprner nearly opposite the Carolina lintel. where all articles sold, will be put up in the best manner, and warran:ed to turn out what: they are rep. resented. R. F. & 11. L. CUNNINGhIAM. llamuburg, Oet, 10, 6mn 39 LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! DRY GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE A. RASOMAgent for R. M. Ft~iLER. is now in reeipt of a 1.ARGE antd SPLENDJD, .tok of~ FOREIGN and D)OMtESTIC DRY GOODS, cotmprising all which is new and beautiful. Among which mamy be found All Wool DE LAINES, of rich and splendid| Red, white and fig'd FInmnnels, all qualities; style, Solidl colored Flannels, for sneks; Large and smnll fig'd De Laines, all qualities, Cassmiiers, Stittinets, Tweeds and Kentuck P'ersian Do L.ntnes, vartouts qualit'ies, .Jeans, all qualities: Plaid Silk l.nistres, very rich ; Bleached and brown T1able Damaska, wvarratted "Raw Silks, in highl colors ; all Linen ; Cashmoeres and A'rpae Luatres, all qualities Bleached -Damnusk T:.ble Clot hs, sonme very fme; and colors ; -Bleached an~d brown Lineni Towellitigs and Plain bl'k Gro d-Rhine Silks, various qualities ITowels all qnalities; -and widths; Emnbroidered Trale Covers: Blnek Watered Nilksi, a superior article Iri.,h Linien oif every quality, from celebrated aFig'd mind Broende Silks; mnanuifnetories ini soft tinish. 5-4, 10.4, 11-4, R ich, colored Silks, all qualities ; and 12-4i blceehed and brown Shectitigs, Colored Marceline Silks, desirable colors; best make ; Solid colored De lAines atid 3Meritios ; Granites ille, Auigusta and lianeoek browti Solid colored Paris De Bege, for travelling Shirtings, bmy thme bale or piece, eep; dresses ; Iteail Georgia Pin~ins, and T wills, of Gec. Shley's French Scoteh and American' Ginghams, froum maufacture, eep; 12 to 37 1.2 eents: T willed Ke~rsys, tmannttnetured at the Auigusta Etnglish French amnd Amerientn Prints, from launnface ming Comlpany; 6 1.4 up; Georinm Stripes and Osnabumrgs, Cotton Yarns: Satin Ta'.lmuas of newv and beautiful styles; Whihe and colored Blankets, large stock, will be Landies Cloth Cloaks, new nod late styles; sold ceep: Colored Fringes, Pointed Gimtps. atnd other Whuitiuey and Ribibon bound Binntkets, all quali Trrimtmngs, great variety ; ties and sizes; Plain atnd fig'd Cloths, light fabric for Ladies Crib ilatnkets: Clonks; - Three Pily, Ingrain and Hemp Carpetings, Black Thibet, Bay State and embhroided Shawls:- varions pnut terns; Cimasetts, Friech worked Collars and Under- Rogs and l)rnmgg.ets. for floor cloths; sleeves, late styles; I,.die~s :nd Childrens Shoes; Jaconet, Thread aind Lisle Edgings and Insert- Camrpet 1B:Is, Port M\onies, Ivory and Penrl Tab. Iings, all qualities; le bts, Extracts O0to of Ro.,es, Fatney Soaps' Ladies Merino sand Silk Utnder.vests: Colognie, H-air and Tooth Brushes, Ivory Kid Silk and WVool Gloves, for Ladies, 3lisses and I lornt Comb., &c., &t. and Children; (Q These Goods have been purchased with GREA T CAR E at the .OWEST MAR KET' PRItES, and purchasers may rest assured that every article wtill be sold aus ceep as ennm be bought in Augusta. An exa'mitnationt Is respect fully solicited. .ARA O ,AETFR R. M1. FULLER. I HAMUrn. Oct. 26, 1853. tf 41 PIAfloFORTES, BOOKS, MUSIC, &c. t?1 0VAL Til1 E Sumbscribe rs would enlid at- B o n tention to theimr Spkendid nssortma ntm Sheofufcoy superior . ]A1Grmvdt h tr I P X A. N O F Gn. T E~ 8, 1oin Dr..(.TFAeS Of 6. 6t, 6) andI 7 Octavos from ihe. cetehrntedlrg~ir.a uul n r .\anufetiries of IlucoS & Ear~, I IAzK:;rox & ~ctt itut rtr aie1rsDmbesl linos. nd A. II. GALE & Co., of New York.- atrlr'fsmilPnm These art? mnade fromm thme best amid thoronghly sea- BootsandShoes soned m naterina, with mll the lntest iumrovemlentus,OftmvryIII IA II 15aianecl amd are 'iARRA NTEI) to standl the varioustmtfiawavwsrane. cha.s or thmis elinmate-anmd fo.r equality and swteet- Alm.sm ui tImg.i:reyo OT n iess of tone eaminost be surpased. llttituyimmimsmuteurwhilwllbI Their BOOK amid STATiONERY departument ija'dfonr.-mubetrm. cosists or a gotod asmoitmenit tofWS.SEOY School and Miscellaneous' Books, 13-asidtrephrte olan Andi all the Chesnp literatur,, na ssn ams pubhlihd, tm htemuuim ~ujms.l: S t~! na welt as a large and wyelt selected Stock of Sta- ---- - Thmeir Stock tof PRINTEDulSI avethelares 'in the iState, consistinig of all the Imopular Sonmgs,A dBau it. Waltzes, M\arches, Vnrintions, &c. .lT.l&WARE.Atuta(.. usv - 57 New Slusic receivedl every week.jutrciviahiretitko(.ori Musical IJastruments.Ph i nlalagIt o5-amd94N They atso keepm an elegant assortmnent of the fol-trmmdtolm imtwihumyinicteatm f'wing' instrumlents tin hmand Viz: t.m filuucs lo Violins, Guitars, Vilncellos, olari- EIN IIT ACIOlBTNGCTIS TENOR HORNS, FLUTINAS, FLAGE01.ETS, BANJOS Aimsi c.1 m 3 Accordeoiis, Tamaborlines, SaanhRvrV le R. od I FLUTES, &c. IAlso, an assotmenit of Mlusienl Mferehu:mdize, r hSCnpmm m'vmgbe rnieai o 5r A n assortmnent of superior Vioinm anid Guitar Lrpriutmcnmmec prtinsdem tpoI STRINGS, always tin hand. 'fo meimpoemficainsucrtontl A tl thme above articles u ill tbe sold for (ah or good paeby (1 EO. A. OA TES & R ROS. ilt~eCmma~iinrhrtfoeapmuti I ~ ~ ~ rodStreet, Au'gusta, Ga.4 ti t*ttstl mo tmuamdhirtotsimpramt Ntov 9, tf 4d mtriie ycttim~n ots hi ufunei AT TEE IRON FRONT STORE OFFOSITE T~ HE .yaesahoie or-ev rmmsbciest masonic Hall, Augusta, Ga, tcumlm crn mteetfrteimt~n~to DEALERS IN -C73ii4 Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c kothtiedT bco A REt now receiving their FA LL STOCK of TUTRcie ietfo h atrTit AGents, Ladies, Ithisses, Bimys, Yuuths amnd PJo: lIW GTBCOcmrin Children'ts ShlOES of the xraul trnin. oralbyteBort Finest Quatlities, rti tLWPIhtS )mmtfi ocl n And thue best that can lhe boughat. Onr Assortmenmt contuains EVERY ARTICLE sml eoebymgm.sthce usaly et n ~m ares Bo sudSheStre. Oct and: L Shoe Manufatory PL N ATO BOjN oinn rnt, .TFMw' ANDHOU E SRVA TS'SHO S 'H~ oomatrs ctore.l by us . IM am prl Altof hic wewiUedtomitia mot ramaimi ate ru Pry Gum, l'ump ii my benearl tin-rns tis .1.A. WBoios an ShoeIUs IE . Also, an'hund12 ta 9larg.. vityf fROT n THE MA RLIAGE'STATEE; Shal Happiness asd Ninaih, ' s iery and Balss5. slas Ut . - MOST STARTkING CONSIDERATIONS! Reflections for the Thoughtfal. Strange that countless human beings exist and drag through life as do the beasts of the field,. s the insects of the earth, evinein no more thought or reflection than though' the n faculties of mnd were not vouchsafed to ther. Many such are husbands and fathers, upon whom are dependent the health, the well-being, and "''e happiness of a confiding and afectionate wife, with perhaps a family of childrea.. -BOW OFTEN IT H(APPENS TIAT THE WIFE LINGERS FROM YEAR TO YEAR In that pitiable condition as not even for one day to feel the happy and exhilerating influence incideat to the enjoyment of health. She may not be an invalid confined to-her , or even to her room; as her pride, ambition and energy -induce and nerve her to take personal charge of her household, even when her health wil. not admit of it ; but she is nevertheless perceptibly* sinking from day to day, and always ailing. : Thus day after day, and month after month tran spire. ier health daily sinks,. till finally even the hope of recovery no longer remains. And thus THE BLOOM ING.BRptI, But a few years ago in the Rush' of .health sad. youth, and buoyancy of. spirits, rapidly, .dd. appa. rently inexpicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, de bilitated wife, with frame emaciated, nerve.ua, strung, spirits depressed,.countenance bearing the impress -of suffering, and an. ltes -physical and, mental prostration. . - . . . - Sometimes this deplorable change may and does arise from organie or constitutional causes. But oftener, by far oftener,. to gross and inexeusable ignorance of the simplest and plaine4. rides, of health as connected with the matrigge state, the violation of which entails'disease, suffering and misery, not only to the wife, but often hereditary Complaints upon the Children "UNTO TIM THRD AND oUaRTH oNRRATIOK," Transmittng CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, HYPOCHONDRIA, INSANITY, GOUT, KING'S EVIL, and other diseases, as a DREADFUL INHERITANCE from the Parents. . And most this continue I Shall we be wise In all that concerns the cattle of our fields, our horses, our sheep, our cows, our oxen, the nature and character of the soil we possess, the texture and quality of our goods and merchandise ; but in all that concerns ourselves as human beings, with human functions and passions, subject to great derange ment, involving our future- peace and happiness in all that concerns the health and welfare of the wife of our affections, and the mother of our chil dren; in all that concerns the mental and physical well being of those children, we should be im mersed in the darkest and most BENIGHTED IGNORANCE, AS cULPAnr.E AS INEXCUSAB.E1 How long shall this ignorance prevail so produc tire of its bitter fruits 1 How long shall the wife and mother be ignorant of the nature, character and causes of the various womb and sexual complaints. embittering her days by suffering-suffering often prolonged to years, eventuating in a complication of diseases utterly and hopelessly incurable I Shall we for ever close our eyes to the results of physio logical science by 'which we may arrive at an understanding of ourselves as men and women, subject to serious life-long enduring diseases, and perpetuating them to our children. LET EVERY WI'E AND HUSBAND PONDER, No husband or wife need be ignorant of what eoneerns them most to know to secure their heallh am! happiness. 'inat knowledge is contained in a little work entitled THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVAT1 MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR. A. Ml. MAURICEAU, PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF WOMEN. One !undredth Edition. ISsn., pp. 250. Price 60 Cents r_.FINE PAPER,.RKRA lIIDING, . 00.) First published in 1847; and it is not SURPRI~ING OR WONDERFUL, Consildering that E VE RY PFE M A LE, whaether MAltRIEII OR NOT, enn here acquire a fetll knowledge of tice na ture, character and causes of her coenpiltt, wvith thse various symnptomss, ad that asarly HALF A MILLION COPIES should have been sold. It is impracticable to con vey fully the varions subjects treated of, as the are of a nature strictly intended for the marrie, or those contemplating marriage. UPWARDS OF ONE IhUNDRED THOU SAND COPIES Hlare been SENT DY MAIL within the last few months. - . - CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. BE NOT DEPL2UDE D Buy no book 1mless Dr. A. M. Manrieean, 125 Liberty street, N. Y., is on the title page, and the entry in the Clerk's Office on the back of the title page ; and buy only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by mail, and address to Dr. A. M. Mauricean, a there are spurious and surreptitious infringements of copyright. g-Uoreceipt of One Dollar "THE MAR. RIE WOMAN'S PRIVATEMEIA, O . PANION" is sent (asited free) to any part of the United States, the Canadas and British Provinces. All Letters must be pst-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAURICEU, Box 1224. New-York City. Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, New-York. Eg Fo',r .sule in this Village by Dr. A. G T'E.G U E. Pric 50 Cents. $ept 25 ly 3'I ERE IS YOUR REMEDDY! IIOL4LOWA Y'S 01 NT.I ENT. A mnost miraculous cure of Boil Lre, after 43 years sufering. ~xv.ei' ef a letter fimm Str. Wnci.ult C,..itivm, of' 70, St. 31nrybn Street. W eymou'th, dated Siny Ihthc, 15s1. Tn P'tinrr.a lioi.s.ow Av. Sini: A t ~theage of 1l niy wife (who is now 61) eaught s vi.ent ,enid1. wichr selttcl in her legs. andt ever sin-e thiat ie thiey hsave liweunimore .er le.ss anre. and. greatly indamed. 1er nig.nk-is were dilstruc'itg, ad for mon.uths t.ge'lbe'r she enn dleprive'd enitirelIr of re-st andi sleep. Eve*ry r.'iely that neeiel meni advisedI was tried. , bu withnl eltfet: tser thentith ueicr-e s-verely. and the ate of her legs was t-rrible I id ofien rend y.'ur adlvertin-inentae send ndlvi.-.d h,.r kn try nr Pill, ansil dintnsenit: and. as~ a lint ranniree, uiner evresy ther reedy hnde proved u~seless. ,eh.- entisented Io do s. .he~t e~sinmmenced six weeks ago. and str'.i:e tus relate,. is no'w In goieIl health, llier .-gsanre paless, wnhiisut s.enm or senr. asi her sleep "oundl andi undisturbedl. Could ynns have wit esse.d th~e sufferins or liy wife during the hatg -' ye'nna, and ontrast themis with, hser preseni enejoye':nt of lhenlih. you wnuld inde'ed feel .lelighsted in hearing leeen the eiss of .se greatly nieviating thea aulfercig of a fell.ow.renulere. ~Signced) WILLIAM tlALill N. A person 70 years of age enred of a badl leg, of thirty sen-ra' stndIn f. 'v of a le'tter fren 3r. Wiy.e.v usi .\snn'. lsn'.','r of Gas Oenss, .f 1shelaliIre, neaurllsuddertlkt, ataed May I, l1851. o Prtseyewoe lI,,i.t.ow.y Sr.: I siutfere-d fo~r a perlodl of thirty years from a lbad leg, e result of twn nr thre-e ucentse',L at Guss WorI, neenmpa~es iie IsysenOriutic ,ysypi I tend reenisi'- tee a variety oef medical adlvice. without de.rlvig seny ie'i.-tlt, andi w:,s ev'en >fdi thsat the le'C must5 he :simpjutate, yet i iltopnliton that apiieon, youer P'iliean naitemn haesie e-ffectedl n .emplete re' Ins.hnmrar~ times, iens few who,. hned net wilt. set it woeslhl 'reIft thiefnet. (aiis W. A t4tS.. The truth of thIs slutemsenit enn be ve'rtll by Mfr. W. P. nglend. Chsemist, i;3 Mearkei $ire-.t. }fuddrfiel A Dredful Bail Breast enred ii, one month. atret of a le:ter fr.om !.lr. Funtt r~ngt of 1'en hret Kenst. elated leemsber 1:ith, l150..' o ':,rraes.n iloi,.w.va,-. Si: Mfy wife had at'ereri from Thnd Blrenstfor tmore thaiu x onthlls, atsd lurrIng thea whlse.perjsel hail Ihe beet med(-I da atten.mee but all tes sn use. liunyiig lfor-.hIenled ac' artis wennl iinsmy eown leg~ by v'sir nitsrivuillei .medIichte, I r lteminlw e g'.in-to urse ynur Puiilf nndi teitent,. nrthe-re-. ire grnte themi Irinil in her ease.and foretuinute liari leiien,. 'r In le'ss thn a tsmnth a perfect eure~ was' eslrered, inid the eneiet that arieous o'ther brnneces of msy faumily Ih'e'eierived ome their use hs. really atonishinig. 1 pow struntly eou aen themi 1'. all ntay frien'ids. ' . Eff"T Pl~a nh~ssouldl be .used eunjointly with the Ohtif aent In inatet oft the fedltowinsg eates. liad Legs, lhad ltrats. 'Iherns, Bunlonns, Bite of Monsche nes tand anid Fli-e, Coew-hnsy. Chh--ge-feiet. C'hilbainin heppedl hndi, Un'rus, (sont) tmneers, Untrletted and stilt einnt,. Eiehahaiselei, Fistia ,iuu. Glasmlusar Swellhcig" umbns~go. P'ih-s, Iheu'ntalitsti. Scets. Soire Nippk-is. ',si rsets, Skina lisesae, Seurvy, Sure llenals Tuenctut Ulcers esiods, Ynws. Sod at this estealiishnient of Profesent IiOLLAW AY.224 ,trad. tenr Tlemphlie Jitur. l..ndokn)nnd1 lby sill re.spectable rsggiste nacd Denk-iirs len 31edichwes" thcrouegheouat the hlritishl mijire, stid of thois~e et' she Uncied staIts i ota at :17Xets.. Tett.td $cie e ents iech. Whlo~lesunle by hce psrincaipal lrou ls-ias In lthe Uinn.-ande hv 3aere. A. II. & D. A.\ D)S. New York. and P. 31. 001-f EN, ichrkstion. For sale in Edigefleld l'y G. L PENN. Aewev. There Is a cemsderiable saevineg by caking thei larger rites. N. li.-~ireeion fo th~'le gusidane of patientcs inc every is. rle'r are snilxedl to teuh Poi. Msneh'-I fn . 10 Notice. D ERSONS indebtedl to the Asesierned Estate of L .lohn Lyoni will please take notice that their Aecounts and Notes aro in the hands of WV. Wi. dans for cullection. -Those who are desirous of sving oost will call immesdiactely. . S. F. GOODE, A ssignee. .Tn 11, . . if -5 Ready-Made Olothing! I UST Received a hecavy Stock of . hKEADT MAD)E CLOT11IEG, well cuited to the Fa'~ll ud Winter Trade, tend will be sold L.OW FOR ASI, or on easy terms to punctual customercs. Let thle doubtfuli examnine for thtecmselvra. M%. WV. CLARY. ~ro...,.. On. 3 , er -5. AUGUSTA FASHJONABJ.s CLOTH I1GEMPORM1W W M. O. PR IC E & CO., TAoba-FOR THiE SPRING TRA DE-Are eonsfntnty inanufactur;ng anid Ar ALL tIX s well supplied wi the neweset styles of Clothing of all descriptions, CO.\TS, PANTALOONS, VESTS, SIHRTS, UudersI3Irts and Drawur, CRAVATS, SCARFS, GLOVES, BELTS AND BRAC HOSIERY OF ALL KINDS_. Trunks, Travelling Bags, ke, t - TOILET FURNISlIING-Ftaney Soap,-Ez t-acts, Cloth and Hair Brusl's, Comb.s Rogera' Knives, Shenrs, Purses -.and .Port Mpnites; C Umbrellast, liat, AretV" G ry 'ari'trzille'of en.- . itemen~s''dress.."An i'perysin ifurnitstre;S . . T0.:']115TRA kat spplie 'With; - eL.'OrTS, --AsffrE .VS- NGS ,A ND T A lf,)TNGS. GlIthi by. ~th'p1eee, 1:nttarn or yardr w4.ia1i we will eclyJad Ialnis can be bought i ? }few Iork ity. . - . -.. 't ... W ' -. 1?1CE .. - - .No' 258 Eroad-arket,.'Augesti Ga. Mitarchl3 "' . tf.' 10 DR; Gur~sb ts I M OV~DEb JAC : C ff YchL.AW 0~..' -. - 1 o IS..Od a. T fi' pi; *fIrR GEST siaen3 lJink le'. a -teinfowdlgre nii the .beB,$A & Sl'AkfRuti;"nt:de. as is certified by the Woko s. F;'(yjFtre.it'ifas prforned, the original apieuol which aire in the ponemssion of the Propieior. URp member, this is the only true and ORIGINALarticle,.. The Medicine, when used according to directione. WILL CURE, WITHOUT 1AIL :Oenorrt.A na Emysna EVIL. CAweris, Tr-xon, Ea'nti'ox or THrE ?1:1. Emennma.r.A Conaoyle Sox-Ee.Lt:.u worix on Twrres. CA. hiIli, itnn'MAllaM, - Pass m tur luxa on .o s rS. OLD . Sore.A N UI.cr.m, SWE.LNes : . Or TIlE Gt.Ac', Str-uILtI, 1)va rx trIA, SLT. Iutargt. J)UAxsr. O KeIxNET, .st or Atrxrrit. Dts Ai Asr.si$N ritlnN TnE VsE or iEaCuT,* PAIN IN TIu. :sl. ANtD SeOuOLD.ra, GrteuaL Dl arDLITY, I)nt-v, .rauAoo, iJatTnn iCp ANt CoesYa5i5w. The Best Female 1ledicine'kmewi. Tin pieueninr nalatlite to which females are subject, eem-, mnonly produce grent bodily extunsreon. acnmpaiit i a deprepsed and onen gluieny state of mind. 'As the decline' in stremtth. there- is a lois of nervns power. and. this very tntunily itnpnir the energy of the nnihduandyiis iturhe the eqninminity of the temper. Everv candid. won, -- who in sufered from fentalo esnplaints.wlli admttthis to e :he mnarnful truth. Nnw, tn hia t relief, it is only-neersa rv to stp the te-nelney to depletin and debily. Tins is June by ren--winzi ti-1 inninin ."f healthe fnd. strength. the, 1l4.001). and n* medicine neeneihel this .Iesirbc result - so .peedily ni onmplete as - or. Geysutth improved Eitact of a ellow hAcik unt Sarsaparilia." Ladies of pale complexion and consumptive habits, .and tet nat are debilitated by theee obsntetiuins which females :re liable to. are restored, by the use ofa battle or two,ilo lleon and to vigor. Scrf.ria and Cancer cured by Dr. Gnyaotf's Ex tract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. P.t:.EnGE, Grager County.TenB., ) - . - Apri27tt,114!t. - J. D. P, at. F.q.. 'inuiatil, 0.-Dear itir: It gives, roe ;rent .atisfru-inn to add my nestimony in favor -of "Dr. Ouy .w's Extnnet of Yellow Dnek antd .enrsa.ariiln4l to-that or tie numerous and highly repenctable peons who havebens enetittt liy tine medticitne. VT Tei a tiy wife in. Ie-en sniferinii'f . the space of near ra yeans with ierinla und Cancer, which, I think, Ibund its .origin in the derungements of the systetapeitiiar to hertexy white in the tnnn tlne ihe was uni-r the care of.the mo4 t eminent i'hysicint in thissectii of emnntry, without deriy- e ing tny nenterial aid frm their prescriptis.n. " ' 'pon th recommendnti on of in. Ceckes, one oftoer l'hysicians, who had seen the medicine usede with, happy eftrt. I obtnined of ueur Agents hern. one bottle of 1 r. tuyrst's Extnct of Yellow )oek.annd Sars nrrlla," nAid as my wife fand relief frnm that bottle, I boght anmei::be* tieA. wiech sie hins taken with the ms nnatonthing benelt, for I ant iiiennet, to any it ha entirely cured her, rerphe as entirely re-c-eevl fron her illnes, and the Seofnla' and Cancer an* uned ~nand and well. Accept my gratitfe. P il 1'emales, Read the following. ' - N~Ewa, N.. J., Jan 25.7 Sta. Tler.evr:-We tale: pleasunre in Miatling that year rellow Doc-k Saraeaparila gives great satisfactioni in tvery, 9 ease. A very nciepcae ge-ntlemnan informned me that his daugh ter wane tretaecd with diflle,nt mecntaeihon ande dieassa pe eniar to hner se-x. Sine teart aot hael. her -reegnular mi-nstrual dis-hnrge fior a inig time.: inut Icy the -use or Dr. rGuyaeut's Ys-how ~oe-k ai nd jntnrilia was rinudieanly ecored. .5e used TownMv-nds mid othn.-r withmout rree.ivinng the shigltesb iet, ie had one edaughter to die fronm the same cause. - .( 1.tn 4. - SCOVIL.& )iEAiD, l11 Chre. 1t.et Newr ,&O Gene-ni Whomennie Agents ahe Snus. gg'ssidu Icy 0. L. l'ENiN, Falgeflelul c; .;wiltN - k. DENitY, Abbeville C. i.6 PttA' & JONF2iewbsr. - y C. 11.: A. .J. CREI(;llTON. -lumburg. IIAYIL.AND il Sl.EY & C'O.. Augusta, Ga., ail by one Agent Ia every Town in flme South. - - - A pril 13 Cm 1 - , - i ~iU ata CHERRY PECTORAT) For tine rapict Cure of . 00liG HS, 0COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCflITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CIlIOlP, ASTIH~I, AND CONSUI'TION.' O F ALL~t the nuamerons medicines estant, (anctsone, nf them vatable) for the cure of puamenmsry' ceimpintshi, nothmng has ever been found which could compare ien its etyecets withthis Preparation. .Others cre inme-timoes, hut at all times and in all dises of tie uange andi throat whnere medicine can giie relief thine will do it. It is pleaseant ito take, and perfecti safe in aceiance withn the directions..:WWe, do not .tdvertisue foir thme infonnalion of those who have trieda t beat thosne wiho have neot. Familiee tihat have know~n its vaine wili not be wiithont it, and by its timely use, they are seecure rn tine dlangeruns c-onseqeences of, Cnithse and Colds which neglected, ripen into fatal consumtioin. he 1)iplomnna of the MassachusettsInestittute :wa.y awarede te tis pnrepiarain by tine Bnard of Judges in; .eptmber 1847; ase. time Me-dais oaf the theree great Lastitutes eef A rt, in thin' counntry ; also the Diploma .f tie Oin Inaitute at Citncinnati, hane been given top tiane a reltY PFcToR AL h, y the-ir Gevernmnent in cane oieruimn of item extraordiary excellence and usneul. net' in u-caring nili-euiessf time Lnem and Thrust. Reade time fealnwinge opinion feoumield nn the long exieriennce of tine emenenet P'hysiciman of thne Port ande City of Dr. J. C. Aycer,- ST. JOHNS. Ma8. 1851. Five year'es trial of your CILERRY PE(TKA L in - my practice, bans proven whnat I foiri-saw frum itae c-umn. - piiitiana, rttnt he trute, thnat it ernidicates anid cures tlie Cods andl Conghs to which we, an this sectin, are peciiariy linebie. 1 elhink its egenal lhar not -et been discoveredl, nor- do I known huow a lee r remneeuy cenn be madeu fr tihe dim teelerem of the Threat nde Lunngm.- - J. J. IEIJ1tTON; M. D.,'F. R. S. See wihat it kna done on a wanted conhtitutiona, no2 only jm> the, fllowineg cases, but, a thousand more:-: - - ..'- . , Sonac u Jan. 25thn, 1851. Dr.'Ager:Z * $;of J .isi was attack .ed b .vusoleij ptins e~nn.? Californi -- Jareturi'tin fteeeting bene ceaa-d, -bea, .'w sn 4etft'y abieraf cough-and - -rne-ltorensis.. -tlnbli sarted- for' hiim,.but to cene-oi nto )benellt romt i-voynge.- M Sy -cngts cun tneead toi growA worse, and w'net -Jarrleid inm New - oti, I wAistI ohlci, miked-hy. my-avquiintanees as a.vietitm' '1 conisqljlption. .I Uttst coanhiatat 1saw ' nontiicitfinism.4 diab( wfag .myfriendu.ull be-- . lievd. At thie-time I enmended thkitg Totnr trudy --- invalublembdicine vuithn liftle -eipiati otiderting , any- t:nse-fit 'fromt ite .nne. -Vosj woorfd- not . receine theen litach-did I nsot legir)-it my dtrab state to the dllic'ed, therough yoU, that mal nsih,.ip.tine space of . eittnunts,'i- hilly~ resteiJ- .att~iente it to thne. - usc of your ClEllfl' P E li.ALt. ~ fOn rniV, . - - h-iLIblA):W.' . . . ' - . - -Wantie'rdi, Pa.', A pril 12~ 1i848. - Dear sir : Feeling :het I have been spared'froua.se prenture gravec, tihrougi younr istrumentaiity by thne providence eof Geii, I wl take time lierty to express to yeu nay grati-ue. A Coengie ande the alarming symptoms of Ceinsumn~ tion had reduaced me teo ioun - to leave me ntlr~ like hope, wine-n my physician broenghnt me a . your "Pc-roKAL.."- I't sented to aififrd- immnediate, relief, and noiw in a few weeks time ha. testored tne~ to nound health. if it will do for others what it has dene for me, you are aertainily one of tihe benefacts of mankitned. Sincerely wishing you every -blesasing, I am - - Very rectfuily on; l JOHN J. C illi, ctor of; --St. Petr's Church. With sucih assurancee and fromt such men, *sa stringer proof cata be adduced unless .itbe Lrin ltsf effcts upon rial. Prepared andi sold iny JAMES C. #ER5 - ea ami Analytical Chemist, Lowell,}1tlys. Sold in Etdgefieled by G. L. PENN, ad-by Diug. gists nde Dealers ini Motiicinc everywhiere. AtWhioleneale by -AtLAND, RiS1.RY & Co., Ale. ' guwin, Ga., anad Cinareston S. C. Aug,. 2t 3m : * ' - 15'