From the Newberry Sentinel. conmOs. Mzssms. EDITORS -In accordance wvith my promise in my articTe on guano, I propose giamg: yot my views on the culture of cotton. The etton pkant -is not easily suited in soff and climate, add it seldom happens that they are soeombined as to perfect the plant.. 'Ilhe best coon lands are of a deep, rich, soft mould, a medium between the spongy and sandy. The most important part- of the eultivatios consier in a judicious and proper preparation oP the soil. for planting. All eotton lands should be-. broken up deep and elose, at the inte'st by January; it would be better to have it done in November or De. cember, but picking out generally prevents i&. Plough deep, dhe deeper the better: use subsoil as much as possible; even if your land has been in cotton the year previous, break it up deep, at least one foot. About the 25th of March I prepare for planting. I lay off my rows from 32 to 36 inches wide. Cotton should be so planted, that when it arrives at maturity the branches will slight interlock on every side. I layoff these rows as deep as I can with a shovel or scooter from two to three inches broad, the plough is one- half inch broader at the point. I then drill my manure as regular as possi. ble. I follow with a turning plough, laying on two furrows, raising the bed as high as possible; I then break out the middles. If the land is low, I draw up the bed with hoes ; with a small, narrow plough- I lay open the bed, making a furrow of uniform size and depth. A- careful hand follows, strewing the seed evenly in the furrow, always using enough to secure a good stand, about three bushels per acre. I cover with a bond of hard wood, an inch or inch and a half thick, seven or eight inches broad, and a foot in length, slightly notched in the centre. This board is screwed on the plough foot, and when drawn over the row covers the seed nicely. If the ground is well broken up and the seed well planted, half the labor is done. As soon as the cotton is up, I commence thinning out, leaving bunches from 8 to 12 inches apart, passing along rapidly with hoer. I follow with a small shovel, running close to the cotton, p!oughing very deep and throwing up a little light soil to the roots of the cotton. This ploughing, too should be close and deep, so that the roots may easily penetrate the soil, as they strike deep into the earth. If the ground is very rough the ploughs should precede the hoes. In the second working, which should follow as soon as possible, the plughs go before the hoes. This pleughing also should be deep and close. I now bring my cotton to- a stand. This should be carefully done and the hoes attentievy watched, as a stand is often ruined by this wvorking. Sore shin, rust, &., are often chargeable to the way in which this working is done. I nowv leave one sta&I in every bunch- hesetofore left, making my cotton stand f'roms8 to 12 inches apart ?I throw a little dirt to the stalks of cotton, and leave the crop clean, free of grass and weeds. The cotton will then grow off finely, and not suffer for work for twventy or twenty-five dlays. Every sub. sequenat ploughiing should be shallow and not close, sufficient, howvever, to cover all the small grass that may have sprung up since the last ploughing. The hoes should also pass over the crop, killing such grass weeds as the pluughteannot reach. It is difficult to say how often thne crop should be ploughed, as that will depend a good deal upon thne season. My rule is to keep the crop clean of grass and wveeds, and to keep the earth well stirred up untill the bran ches interlock, or the cotton commences to open. The two first ploughings should lhe deep and close, the subsequent one shallow. 1 use the sweep, bow, t wister, side plougle, scraper and the old fashioned shovel, in my crop. The selection of seed is also a mat ter of great importanco. But 1 must close, for fear I tire you. JonN P. KINAF'D How To nE A GOOD FARxER-Here is the secret alf good farming. You cannot take from the land more than you restore to it, in some shape or other, without ruining it, and so destroying your capitanl. Different soils may require different modes of treat ment and cropping, btut in every variety of soil these are the golden rules to be ob served : Drain until until you find that the water that falls from Heaven does not stag nate on the soil, but runs through it and off it freely. TIurn up and till the land until your foot sinks into a loose powdery loam, through which the air and heat will readily penetrate. Let no wced occupy the place where a useful plant could possibly grow. Collect every particle of ma~nure that can be obtained, whether liquid or solid. Let noth ing. on the farm go to wvaste. Put in your crops in that course which experience has shown to lead to success in their growth, and to an enrichment and not an impover. ishment of the land. Give every plant room to spread its roots in the soil, and leaves in the air. And, in all your operatifne, en deavor to be a little ahead of your neigh bors. FARM AccoLNTs.-No person can become a thoroughly .Akillful and successful farmer, who does not keep accurate accounts of all his farming operations, that he may knowv precisely the amount of profit or loss on each of his experiments,. and consequently which to adopt in his future movements. It is true,. he may by shrewvd guessing and a keen memory, form some estimate .of the most profitable crops; but to comprehend accurately at a glance, the precise amount or expenditure through all the multifarious operations of a -whole season, for even a sin gle crop, would be almost as difficult as to undertake to decide,.by means of the mnemo ry solely, the profits of a hank or railroad, and to divide thne proceeds by guessing among the stockholders.. Valuable Receipts, DowNI~co's CEMEN'r,. made by dissolving shellac in alcohol, has never been surpassed as a shield for covering the wvounds made by pruning trees. All wvounds upon trees should be covered with this composition. H OME-MA DE VINE A R.-MiX with three gallons of soft (rain) water, and one quart of molasses and one pint of yeast. It will fer ment and turn to vinegar in four weeks. To CURE WAR s.-Bind a leaf of house leek, from which you have removed the skn, upon a wart a few nights in succes sion, and then see where your wart is. To MEND IRoN POTs.-Mix finely sifted lime with some white of eggs till a thin kind of paste is formed; then add some iron filings. A pply this to the fraeture, and the vessel will be foud to bo nearly as somnd as ever. ConN BREAD.-A Newo Recipe.-Every body who has been at the Mansion House, a Bu..lor.i Y.V has learned the luxury of the corn'bread there provacu. The d-en is often taxed- to write directions for home manufacture, and. I thus procured a recipe for domestic use, which I copy for .you, so that those who w:ish may try a -piece o1 bread from the Mausion. - It is as follows " One quart. of sour milk, two table spoon fulls, of - saleratus,- four ounces of butter three table spoonfulls of -flour, three eggs, and corn meal sufficient to make a stiff bat ter.-Exchange, Murocasionally, one part of salt witf four or Ave, of wood ashes, and give it tc your stock of All kinds during summer ane witer. It promotes health aud growth ma teriaffy. Green and fermentable food pro doces flatulency, and this mixture affords : remedy. It is said that if horses are liberal ly supplied with salt and clean wood ashes they wid neither be troubled with bots noi colic. PIANO-FORTES, BOOKS, MUSIC, ft, THE Subseribers would. called at -0 tention to their Splendid assortment u ." superior PIANO FORTES, Of 6, 6i, 61 and 7 Octavos from the celebratei Manufactories of BAoON & RATE, lIAZELTON -i BaoS. and A. 11. GALS & Co., of New York. These are made faoin the bost and thoroughly sea soned materials, with all the latest impruvements and are WARRANTED to stand the varioui changes of this climate-and for equality and sweet ness of tone cannot be surpased. Their BOOK and STATIONERY departmen consists of a good assoi twent of - School and Miscellaneous Books, And all the Cheap literature, as soon as published as well as a large and well selected Stock of Sta. tionery, &c. Their Stock of PRINTED MUSIC is the large& in the State, consisting of all the popular Songs Waltzes, Marches, Variations, &C. rT New Music received every week. Musical JIstrunlents. They also keep an elegant assortment of the fol fowing instruments on hand viz: Violins, Guitars, Violincellos,. Clari nets, Cornopeons, Sax Horns, TENOR HORNS, FLUTINAS, FLAGEOLETS, BANJOI Accordeooas, Tanborines, FLUTES, &c. Also, an assortment of Musical Merchandizi, [r An assortment of superior.Violin and Guitas STRINGS, always on bandl. All the above articles will be sold for Cash oi good paper, by GEO. A. OATES & BROS. Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Nov 9, tf 42 New Fall and Winter Goods MILLER & WARREN, . Augusta, Ga., H AVE Just received, at their Store, Corner op posite the Mansion I House, a large and com plete Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS consisting of Brocade and Rich Plaid SILKS, Brocade and Striped Black SILKS, Embroidered Merino Robes, Rich Figured Cashmeres and D'L~ain,a Plain French and EnglisbrMerinos, Saxony Plaids, a beautiful article for 'Children' Dresses, Col'd English Flannels, for Children and Ladie. Saeks, Super. White Gauze and Welelh Flannels, Black Alpacca and Canton Cloths, for L.adies Mourning, Black Chally, D'Laincs and lBomhazines, French, English and A merican PRINTS, Rich Eanbroiderles. French CHIEMIZETTES and SLEEVES, Collars ; Worked Bands ; Muslin Edgings and Insertings: Irish Linens ; Damnask&Table Cloths, Table Napkins and Doyles 12-4 Heavy Barnsley.Sheetings, Together with a fine Stock of SA'ITTINETi Kentuckly JE B.\NS, C LOTIIS, CASSL\1EBit and VESTINGS. We respectfully solicit a call from our friend~ and euutomers, and persons visiting the city woul o well to give us a look before purchasing. A ugusta, Oct 12 tim) 38 Rich Carpets and Curtain Materials. S NOW DE N & S H E AR, have receive fromt New York Rich Trapestry Velvet Carpet., of new and splendi styles ; English Brussels Carpets, of rich and elegant stylee Superior Tapestry Brussels and Venetian Carpets Superior Ingrain and Three Ply Carpets ; Printed Floor Baizes, by the yard, and in patterni Carpets, for llall, and Bed Room., at very los prices; Superior white Enmbroidered Lace and Muslin Cui taine; Rich colored Damask., for Window Curtains ; French Window Sh~ades, of elegant designs; Curtain Bands; rich Cornices; Brass and Plate Stair Rods; Furniture Dimities and Cotton Fainges, a lar~ supply: French Printed Tabla Cover., of extra size an quality. To all of which they respectfully invite the al tention of the public. Nov 23 tf 45 D ssolution! ' IHE Co-Partnership heretofore existing betwee I the Undersigned, is this day dissolved by Mt tual Consent. The name of the Firm will be used by either pai ty in liquidation. The Books and Notes will b kept at th~eir Old Stand. SA LE & LA RK. August 10th, J853. COPARTNERSH IP. WJE Have this day associated <-urselves togeth TVfor the purpose of doing a General Grocery Business, Under thme Firm of L.A RK & BUCKM ASTER, i the Old Stand of SALts & LAnx, wheare we sha endeavor to deserve a continuance of the very libe ral patronage heretofore extended to the Late Firir of SAL:. & LARK, and of JEFFEis. (OTNRAN & C< LARK & BLUCKM1ASTERt. August 10th, 1&53. BEING compelled by ill health and the incai Bof my individual business to withdraw from heFrofSAL.E & I.A aK, I take this oplportunit to return my most grateful thanks ton my friend and customers for their p~atronuage so liberally ben towed, and to comnmnd to their favor and patro:1 age thu New Firm of LARK & It:CKMAs'TER.* JOJINSON SALE. Aug 10, 1853. 3m 44. For the Planters ! 1c [{\[ Lbs. Peruviana Guanm d SUUU100 bbls: Kettlewell's GUJAN4 and SALTS, 70 Bble. Kettlewell's CHEMICAL SALTS, 30 " Pure ground PLASTER. The above celebrated Mannures for salo by J. SIBLEY & SON. Hamburg, Nov 14, tf 44 W" The Laurensville Herald, Tndependent F're. and Anderson Gazette will copy the above fou times. and forward biils to J. S. & SON. Notice A LL Pe~rsons indebted to the. Subscriber, eithn by Note or A ccount, are hereby notified I make imnmediatc payment, as longer indulgene hannot be given, and must not be expected. Rt. L. GENTRY. Hamburg, Jan 1 2 52 Notice. P ERSONS indebted to the Assigned Estate. Johm Lyon will please take notice that thei Accounts atnd Notes are in the hands of W. Ii Adams for eollection. Those who are desirous E, Assignee. Jan 11, ' tf 5 Hamburg & Edgefield P'k Road T H E PLANK ROAD firom Hatmburg to Edgi field is now completed and open for the publi O c . A. .E- K Pres TGONSTANTLY ON HAN & TILL RECEIVING!1 I AM NOW receiving my usual supply of GOODS for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE, To which I respectfully invite the attention of the Community and the Trading Public. W. P. BUTLER, Edgefield C. H., Oct. 12, 10 1, PARKRow. VALL TRADE, FOR 1853! CUNNINGHAM rriiE UNDERSIGNED having given a further trial to the .CASH SYSTEM during the L at eason, have become still more convinced that it is the only true system of doing a GROrCERY BUSINESS on terms advantageous to both seller and buyer, being the clebpest, safest and surest for both. While the seller is benelitted by getting the CASH PAID DOWN for his Goods, enabling him to turn his money (over many times in the year, the buyer has the advantage of getting his Goods Ten or Fifteen per CentCheaper Than they can be obtnined from those who sell on redit ;.'they being compelled to sell at this diffi'erence of per centage to cover bad debts and pay the additional expense of keepinig and col t lecting long accounts. It only requires a little reflection, aided by a slight examination, to con vince those who visit Hamburg for the purpose of purchasing SUPPLIES, that the Merchant who deals exclusively on the Cash System in purchasing his Stock, lays it in cheaper than those who lay in large Stocks on credit, with a view to selling them out in the same way, being enabled to turn his capital over only once a year, must of course get larger profits to sustain his business, than him who on the Cash system, buys moderato Stocks, SELLS QUICK and TURNS OVEII his capital every thirty to sixty days. The intelligent planter will perceive that the CASH SYSTEM Meichant will have made more money at tho end Elf the year, by makimg FIVE rP. CENT rnOFIT, than the credit system man will at TWENTY-FIVE, and that those who buy Goods had better bor row the money at home, and allow even fifteen or twenty per cent interest, and pay CASH for his supplies, than to pu'rchase on time even from the best CREDIT HOUSES. The Undersigned having made ample arrangements to keel) on hand a LARGER STOCK, and much better asortment of ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES Than they did the past season, only ask of their friends and others visiting this market, to give them a call, where they will find, in addition to FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, a large supply of nearly all the staple Goods usually used in the country, such as Saddlery, Hats, Shoes, Calicoes, Shirtings, Sheetings, Blankets, FLANNELS, &c, &c. Being thankful for the liberal patronage of the past season, and looking forward to a largely increased trade the conuing Fall. we have laid in and are nlow receiving our Stock, and take plea. ure in calling the attention of customers to our superior Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Cheese, Molasses, Flour, Bacon, WINES AND LIQUORS. Those who prefer paying Cash for their Goods, and thereby save Fifeen Dollars in erery Hun. dred, had better call at our Old Stand, on the Corner nearly opposite the Carolina Iotel. where all articles sold, will be put up in the best manner, and warranted to turn out what they are rep. resented. R. F. & If. L. CUNNINGHAM. Hamburg, Oct, 10, 6m 39 LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! DRY GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE. ,fA. RANSOM, Agent for R. M. FULL.In is now in rece.ipt of a LARGE and SPIf ENDlD fr. Stock of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, comprising all which is newan beautifat. Among whfen~ mny be founmd All Wool DE LAINES, of rich and splendid IRed, white and fig'd Flannels, all qualitics; styleSolid colored Flannels, for Sncks; Largetand small fig'd De Laines, all qualities, Cassmniers, Sattincts, T weeds and K entuek Persian De Laines, various qualities, Jeans, all qualities ; Plaid Silk Luistres, very riebh Bleached and brown Table Dnask~s, warranted aRaw Silks, in high colors ; all Linen ; Cashmeres and Alrpnea Lustres, all qualities Blenebmed Damask Table Cloths, some very fine: and colors; Bleached ad brown Linmn Towelhings and Plain l'k Gro d'Rhine Silits, various qualities ,To~wels aill qualities; and widths ; Emoiroidered I-ahle Covers: s Black WVatered Silks, a superior article Irish h.inen of every quality, from celebrated SFig'd and Drocade Silks; I manfetories ini soft, finish. 5..4, 10.4, 11-4 Rich, colored Silks, all qualities; I and 12.4 bleached and brown, Shmeetings Colored Marceline Silks, desirable colors;. best make; - Solid colored De l.nines and Merinos; Graniter ille, Augusta and Hancock browi Solid colored Paris De Bego, fer traveWnhg Shirtings. by tihe bale or pijece, ceep; dresses ; Real Georgia Plains, and Twills, of Geo. Shiley' French Scotch and American Ginghams, from mninmIeture, ceep ; a12 to 37 1-2 cents: ITwilled Kersys, mantifnetured at, the August: English French and American Prints, from Manufactnring Company; d 6 1.4 tip; Georgia Stripes and Osnaburga, Cotton Yarns Satin Talmums of new and beantiful styles; Wh1ite anud colored Blankets, large stuck, will bc ;Ladies Cloth Cloaks, new amid late styles; sold ceep ; Colored Fringes, Pointed Gimps. and ether Whitney and Rib~bon bound Blamnkets, all qtuali Trimmings, great variety ; ties and sizes; 'Plain and tig'd Cloths, light fabric for Ladies Crib Blankets; Cloaks; Three Ply, Ingrain and Hetmp Carpetings Black Thibet, Bay State and embr'oided Shawls: various pat terns; Chimasetts, Frenceh worked Collars and Under- Rogs and Druggets, for floor cloths.; sleeves, late styles; Lnmdies anid Childrens ShOE-a; Jaconet, Thread and Lisle Edgings and Insert- Carpet Bumgs, Port Monies, Ivory and Pearl Taly a ings, all qualities ; Ists, Extracts Otto of Fancy Smnaps Ladies Mierino and Silk Under-vests: Colougne, h~air amid Toothm lrunhes, Ivor) e Kid Silk and Wool Gloves, fo~r Ladies, Misses and I lorni Comibs,&c.,&c. and Children;. I (G These Goods have been purchased with GREA T CA RE at tho .OWEST 3MARKE'I -PRICES, and purchasers may rest assured that every article will be sold as chbeip as cnnb bought in Augusta. An examination Is respectfully solicited. M. A. RANSOM, AGENT FOR . . R. M. FULLER. IIAstaufno, Oct. 26, 1853. If 41 N EIwV REMOVAL. Hardware & Cutlery Store, otadSo JYauatr H E SUBSCRIBERS have just received their e A Fall Stock orf AIGrn.vdt h t, HARDWARE & CUTLERY, IdEti~D.A .TAL Consisting of Anvils, Vices,, smiths Hami- Du tra ~al r mers, Screw P'lates, Stock and Dies, horse Shioe jac iuaet rnejcDes obeSl r Nails, Rasp.. Files, liland and Cut, Mill, and alt otherWaeProadum kind oIf SAWS. B osad S os 5010 dozen of all kinds of Locks.OfteerBST A'lI.Ladnexl 500 "' " " Enives,.etltawy aritd t 3(90 pair Pistols of all kinds. 100 Ounas, Colts Revolvers, Allens do. loonhdalrgvritofHOSa .Waggon Chains., Castinigs, ilinges, Screws, houseSiOS fmyoimatuiurhchwlb aFurnishing Goods, and everyting else connecteddspedoonranbetrs.M with a hardware llouse. 1.1 t . 4 -- A L SO --~N Wnetre pr~uest c Corn Shmellars, Straw Cutters, Mills, the genunetme Sicmaii uies 'ciclpi 4)1 Collns A xes, A dzes, llatchets and alt kinds Edge Hev if oo N go God e We would respectfully solicit a share of patron a ge ad nthi~ sl b u wllb wrrntd o t And Bhel an ufacto s SI LLUKEY& OKMAN ~Iust i~civH AVN l reove tof the Sto - Sep. 28 ~53.6:,. 7 g* Bla Drugs soe, f them l wiii amipre G r c er i s Ipamiedtolake torder, Finey invite Dtube atten , 5HOf MLSSS Ag~the Oct. 12S GmTll\S an-necl 100 Baleentuniy andwaundeerBAGGING 30 hol, HlfandQnarc li'ls No3,No AlTs, omhany largee var.iof OOT ami si and M-as ACKEEL, aso Kts, SHpEpai tof o nuneoprtren, whi wil be Blankets, Negro Clothsipoed allth ome sioare temt~eapiit Iron, Nails: tg' B or tiWand lbric pret'es t lerr Oils Whie Led, Sot, ar La teSe-akig by fiuinss tolese aheir in.cei Salt Cgadayheese ode uso Ricellrcriga hSokt be warrantemofsAndosainkees aBconLARKEYC. &C. OAitAN. n1 jus reetive lalie Stmck o ti crii And factor ebve ainuce usaln, igusa G-g Pheyarea atornd t argeceiv fof. subdciber Ne r-er Stoe. 88. SB6m N Stogro itb eannak trest o the wighaint eih - abr, o 4 . f 4te pernd., epayabl to witheyna Rinver heatten iv me ouer Atentio. Riln oar. HIAo, CISOPr DecHD. UG7,Alo 0 arel4SEW ) 200 ose indete ome eith~uerib o te Subscrbereb imedarte aying up th 3s, o AL.rosidetdt hcesaeo er futa ndulgence MAOrE, nlor KUT NT krczndcdwicii ewr i be eAntd. enwoug h staidte,"ha whate an inte yanmkepvnmtamdtoeiai d lan ketsD Negro Clths -.HJNINS xr S estasC nir tiSdde --Osuburg, Stipe1 ALLon Nairsois, hing deads agint, B DLanie - t .Sml, Chese, Pwder, oprette Rie i L esn net t h saeo tp . Baey aen, &c., thsec.,vws netd &Sch.ecdacr'aetdt isepv~it And infat, emery partc up suathoy fon'n r A idlgencoe ndebed toies te y oeo -- CyoDe7t8- 4 New Piano Forte & Music Store. ff &t = (Next door to Mechanic's Bank.) Augusta, Ga., om mm sis .\ar Pianos, Melodeons, Guitars, Violins, AccordeOfns, Flntes, Strings, S11EET 1USIC, and every thin) in tie Music line SECoND-IlANU PlAN,' TAKIEN ii ExCHANGE. Mr Orders for M11 C by niil promptly at- t tended to. ijT PIANOS TUNET) and REP.\lRED.- I Persons wanting their Pntious tuned, will phase n'o- t tify us to that effect A. A. CL-\K, B. F. CLARK. A ugnsta, Nov.- 9 2m 43 ' GEORGE SINCLAIR, cot.\lUMIA, S. C., 1 M 5\ IPA 8 FaUNE , STEAM ENGINE BUILDER And Boiler. M1laker. ALL hildsi o Flour, Grist aid Saw Mill Genr L ing and tSlifting made and warranted to per form equal 6t) any in the State. Dr. It. T. lims, at Edgetield C. 11., is authurised Ag-nt to imake contracts. Nov. 2, 1853. -Y' 42_ JOSEPH WHILDEN, DEALER IN A N 1) SHIP CHANDLERY, No. 6o. East-Bay, opposito F. & 1I. Bank CnAIL.EsroN. S. C. E keeps Constatly ir sale a generat assort mien1t of PA INTS anid OILS of all kinds, Windouw Glass and Sashes, Spis. Turpentine. Campliene, Spirit Gas, 'Tallow, Grindstones, Cordage. Chain Pumps. Glue. Packiig Yarn, Cotton Foot Cin Fixtures, and Brushes of various kinds. Cairleston, Nov. 1 6m 42 Beautiful Daguerreotypes, 1 R. L E I G H would respectful'y, announce to theLa s iand Gentlemen of Edgelield and vicinity, that he is now ready to serve all that umy b, desirous of obtaining one or more of his a Unrivalled Dagunerrcolypes. fr. L. is prepared to take any of the different styles of Pictures the .rt is capable of. 0jT Ladies-will find that black or dark dressing wi-I add much to the beauty of tle Picture. May11 f 17 THE MARRIAGE STATE; Shutt Vappiness and Realth, er Mtsery ad ickiness, affirnd 55 1 MOST STARTLING CONSIDERATIONS I Reflections for the Thoughtful. Strange that countless human beings exist and drag through life as do the beasts of the field, or the insects of the earth, evincing no more thou;ht or reflection than though the noble faculties of mind were not vouchsafed to them. Many such are husbands and fathers, upon who are dependent the health, the well-being, and *he happiness of a confiding and affectionata wife, with perhaps a family of children. 1HoW OFTEN IT HIAPPENs TUIAT THlE WIFE INGERS FROM YEAR TO YEAR [n that pitiabhle condition as not even for one day to feel the happy and exhilerating influence incident to the enjoyment of health. She may not ho an invalid confined to her bed, or oven to her room'; as her pride, ambition and energy induce and nerve her to take personal charge of her household, even when her health wiD not admit of it ; but she is nevertheless perceptibly sinking from day to day, and always ailing. Thus, day after day, and month, after month tran spire. Her health daily sinks, till finally even the hope of recovery no longer remains. And thus THE BLOOMING BRIDE, Buit a few years ago in the flush of health and youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and appa Irently inexplicably, biecumes a feeble, sickly, de bilitated wife, with frame emaaiated, nerus n-. Istrung, spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress of suffering, and an utter physical and mental prostration. Sometimes this deplorable change may and does arise from organic or constitutional causes. But oftener, by far oftener, to gross and inexcusable ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health as connected with the marriage state, the violation of which entails disease, suffering and misery, not only to the wife, bitt often Transnittting CONSUMPTION,SCOUA HYPOCHOND~tlA, INSANiTY, GOUT, KING'S EVIL, aind other diseases, as a! DREADFUL INHERITANCE fromu the Parents. And most this continue I Shall we be wise in all that concerns the cattle of ourr fields, our horses, our sheep, our cows, our oxen, the nature and character of the soil we possess, the texture and quality of our goods and merchandise ; but in all that concerns ourselves as human beings, with human functions and passions, subject to great derange. mont, involving our future peaco and happiness in all that concerns the henlth and welfare of the wife of our affections, and the mother of our chil Idren; in all that concerns the mental and physical well heing of those children, we should be im Imersed in the darkest and most IBENIGHTED IGNORANCE, AS CUrLrAWrE As INExCUsAnI.E ! How long shall this ignorance prevail so prode Itive of its bitter fruits I How long shall the wife Iand mother be Ignorant of the nature, character and Icauses of the various womb and sexual complaints, embittering her dr. by suffering-suffering often prlne o years, eventuating in a complication of diessuterly and hopelessly incurablo 1 Shall we for ever close our eyes to the results of physio-| logical science by which we may arrive at an understanding of ourselves as men and women, subject to serious life-lon enduring diseases, and perpetuating them to our children. LET EVEBY WIFE ANID HUBBAND PONDEB. No husbanad or wife saced be ignorant of srlat conacerats them niost (o kniow to secure their health and haappinerss. That knowledge is conitaincd in a tlle work enititled T HE iIA RR IE D WOMA N'S PRIVATE l\EDICAL COMPANION, BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, PaoFESSoR Or Dis~EASE.S OF WOM1EN. One Hunidredih Edition. 18mpw., pp. 150. Price 50 Cente [oNt FINE PAPRt,.ExTRtA nIiNDINo, $1 00.] First published in t1847; ad-it is not SURPRISING OR WONDERFUL, Considering that E VE RY F E MA L , whether MARIRIED) 011 NOT, cnn here acquire a full kcnnwleetge of the na- . ture, character and causes of her complaInts, wvith the various symptoms, anid that nearly HALF A MILLION COPIES should have been sold. It is impracticable to con icy fully the various subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly intended for the marred, or these contemplating marriage. UPWARDS OF ONE HUNDRED THOU SAND COPIES Have been SENT BY MAIL within the last few months. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. BE NOT DEF~dUDE D liuy no hook unless Dr. A. 1M. Mauricean, 129 Liberty' Street. N. Y., is on the title page, and the entry in the Clerk's Office on the hack of the title pnge ; and hbu only of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by mail, and address to Dr. A. M. Mauriceau, as there are spurious and surreptitious infringements of copyright. RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL OOM PANION" Is sent (mailed free) to any part of the United States, the Oanadas and ErItish Provinces. All Letters must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. Ma. MAURIOEAU, Box 1224, New-York CIty. Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street,. New-York. cr For stale in this Villaige by Dr. A. G TEA GUE. Price 50 Cents. Sept 25 ly 37 Maunuthetured Tobacco I JST lReceived dlirret from thu Factory, Thirty cJJoxes CilEWING TOBIACCO, comljirising Four Choice Brands, viz: Iloney Dewt, Or-onuco, Extra anid Premiumn. For sale by the Box, or at rettil at LOWV 1'WlCES. Don't fail to enll undI .iiple before buyinig elsewhere. G. L1. PENN, AoEN'r. Oct 2( f___ f 41 tWhiite i sMAu Y ;ugsged Oil, -(0IL and TrAN- l , r OLLI VA: l R.T. 2138 AUGUSTA FASHIONABLE 1LTEING EMPORIUM.' * M. o. PRICE &, O,, TAt.ons-FOR V TIIE SPRING TRADE-Aro eniistatitly atnufneturing an11d AT ALL TIMES well supplied with le newest styles of Clothing of all descriptions, COATS, PANTALOONS, VESTS, SilIRTS, Undershirts and Drawers, RAVATS, SCARFS, GLOVES, BELTS AND BRACES, IIOSIERY OF ALL KINDS, Trunks, Travelling Bags, &c,, ki. TO I LET FURNISH IN G-Funcy Soups. Ex acts, Cloth aud Ilair Urushes, Combs, iIau,0ers niiives, Shears, Purses and Purt Monies, Canes, mabrellas, I lats, Caps, and every article of Gen emen-s' dress and personal furniture. TO TII E TRA 1)E-We are welfl supplied with L.OTTIs. CASsr.MIElES, VESTINGS AND RI.llMlNGS. Cloths by the piece, pnttern or 'rd. which we will sell as low as can be bought in ew York City. WNIT. 0. PRICE, W. T. INGRAHIAM. No. 258 Broud-.treet, Augusta Ga. March 30 tf 10 BOOTSANDSHOES LT THE MRON FRONT STORE OPPOSITE THE Masonic Hall, Augusta, Ga. DEALERS IN Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, kc. RE now receiving their FA LL STOCK of t adies, Misses, flaws, Youths and 'hildrenl's SIIOES of the Finest Qualities, Xnd thet- best that enn be bouglht. Our As.ortmnot cuntains EVERY ARTICLE sually kept in the largest Boot and Shoe Stores. -A.l. VAniETIR. OF PLANTATION BROGANS I N D 110 USE SERVANT' S110ES All of which we.will sell oi the most reasonable -rils. Austrta, Oct 12 tr 39 BEALL & STOVALL, WAREHOUSE AND GROCERY MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. 0l Cotton consigned to us will be Sold Free of Commission. ITE Firn of Hurona, ir.AL. & Co., having been dissolved (oin the 5tt of .lune last, the subsribers, mteibers of the hate firm, will ca ntinue Ie WARtINIOUSE AND GPOCEI.Y IUSI. W SS utt the same well known Stands. (Store on I;ropnel Street. 411site the PL.ANTY.N' 1tOTrL now -recting. anl Warehouse on Campbell St.,) where hey will be happy toP see the friends and aeqiuaint anesf the late firm, having always on hand a .ARGE AND WELL SELECTED Stock of Groceries, uited to Planters' tradlv, in which they feel confi lent they can offer inducements equal to ialy house n the City. iEo C:s'h advances made (on Cotton in Store when Iquired. WM. .l. ]SEA LL. .UHN W. L..STOVAL.L. Augusta, July 27 tim 2 Southern Manufacture. 3,000 Pair Hosne uade Plamutatioun rARNESS, SOLE AND UPPER LE.\THER. Or AL a., EseR tIPrioNs. Lanners, Neats Foot and Lamp 0il. ShIOEMAKERS' FINDINGS. st tlte Shoe Store, next door to Sullivan & Brother. R. T. MIMS1. July 21 tr 27 CHERRY PECTORAL Por the rapid Cure of COUGHS1, COLDS, HOA RSENESS, BRO0NCIITIS, WHOO0PING-C00I, CRl011P, ASTHIMA, AND CONSUlMPTIONe ODF Alr.r. the numnerous medic-inem extant. (arid some of them vluble) for the enre of pulmonary cnnplaints. nothmng lha. ever heen fosund which c-ould ompare in iis effecits withi this Prepairatio.n. Oilier.. -re soametimes, but at all time.' and in al ldiueasesm of the Iungts and throat where medici.,e can give reli,-f, this will do it. It is pleasant to take, anid perfectly ite in ne'cordance with thme dire-cti.os. We do ntu adertise faor the informraation aof those who have tried t but those who have not. Families that have known its value will not be ,'.ithouit it, and by its tini'ly use, they are secure fronm tihe dlangeroaus consequences of Coghs anal Colds which neglected, ripenm ito fatal ansmpion. Th'le D~iplonma or the 31assachusetts Institute was awared toi this. preparatio~n by the Bouardh of Judtge-s in Septenber 1817; also, the Medals of the three great istittes aif Art, in this country ; also the Diploma of the Ohio Institutec at Cincinnati, hna been giveni to the Uinttnny PxcrontA r., by their Gotverrnment in acon sideation of its extraordinary excellence anid useful ness imn curing nllecions of the Lungs andl Trhiroat. Read the followintg opinion fanndaedl tin the long experiece or the emnitient P'hysic-iana of the Port anid Citv or Dr.. C. Ayer,-- ST. JOI[NS, 3May 8, 1351. Five years trial of your CII EIltRY P'ECTOIIAI. in any practice, hats proven whait I foresaw rroim its a-am laasition, mauist lie true, thast it eraadien-tes anal caures the oh and Coaughas to wthic-h we, am this section, are ieeitiarly liable. I think its eqald has riot yet been disc-overetd, nor do kow how a better remledy can lbe tuade for thme dls tempers of the Throat arid Lunigs J. J. BUR TON, M. D., F. R. S. See whaat it has dhone on a wasted constitutinn, n-n mnly in the followinig cases, but a thmousanad more: Suvnunv, Jan. 25th, 1851. Dr Ayer: In thme month of July last I was attack ed by a violent diarrhea ini the aaines of California. Iretured to Sen Fratncisco int hope of receiinig benae at fronm a chanmge oft climate and diet. 31y daerrhiea easd, bait wats followed by a severe eougth-anad uch soretness. I finially started for home, but re eived nio tenefit fronm the voynge. My cough con uud to grow worse, and when I arrived in New urk, I ntaw at oncee marked by miy acqluaintances as avia-in of conisumiptiotn. I tmust confes.. that I saw '1 sulicietnt reason to doubt what my friends all be ived. At this time I commienced tuking your trutly tivaluable medicinec with little expecttation of derivinig ay benefit fromt its me o would not receive liese linesa did I taot regardt it aly duty to state to the arlited, through yu, that amy health, in the space of ight mionthas, s fully restoredl. I attribute it to the ise of your Ci ERRY PECTORtAt.. Yours truly, WILLIAM W. 31l1Tli. WAsiulsa-ros, Pa., A pril 12, 1848. Dear sir: Feeliing that I have been spared fromt a )reatreu grave, through youar instrumaetaahty by the irovidec of God, I ni ill take the liberty to express o you any gratitude. A Contgh and the alarming symptoms of Conmump ion had reduced me too low to leave me anaythmas ike hope, whenmay, phaysiciaan brouight me a bottle of our PEcToaA L.' It seeiaed to aflb'rd immeadiate chef, and niow in a fe-w weeks times las restored me o sound hecaltha. If it will do for others what it las loe for me, you are certaiinly one of the benefactors at mankitd. Sincerely wishaing you every blessing, I-am Very respectfully yours, JOHIN J. C LAIRKkE, Rector or St. Peter's Church. With such assutrance and from sucha men, no tronger proof craa be adduced unless it be froma its Irects upoin tri. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practi al ad Anialytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Edgefield by G4. L. PENN, and by - Drug: iss sad Dealers in Mledicine everywhtere. AtE Vhaolesale by HIAvns.A so, Ris LF.Y & Co., Au 'usta, Ga., and Chaarleston~ S. C. Aug24____3m 15 To gent [IIE Room at presenat occupiedl by Mr. Ltd 1111 Las a l)ry Gotads Store. In may absencee atpply i . -. A. Williamns. S. CIlR ISTI E. Fresh and Pure Medicines, &c. . H1E Subscriber has just received a SELECT STOCK of Family Medicines, Chemicals, kc. -CN835TlNG IN PAIRT O6 Sulphate of Q-inine, . Pure Pill Maus - Sup. Carbnatt- of Soda, Clomel, Henry's Cal. Ailgnes'a, Cream of Tartar, Epsom Salts, . Iodine, Sulphate of 31orphine, Ilodide of Potassenml Lump Nlagntsia, Stryehinine, Nlum's Elixir of Opium, Fahnestock's Vermifpge, Tholmpsnm's Eye Water, I cAlister's Ointment, ClIeesean's Balsam, Evans' Lanects. Norwood's Veratrum Viride. And a fall supply of most all tie popular Patent .\ledicines of tio day, all of which are warranted free from adulteration. *G. L.PENN, AOL r. Oct 26 tf 41 DR. A. G. TEAGUE, Wholesale & Retail Druggist r -AK KS this method of returning his thanks to his friends and patrons, for the patronage be has received in the sale of Drugjp, Medieines, &e. -Ile is nsow receiving an addition to his already extensive Stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye $tuflu, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Patty Physicianru Shop 2'urniture, &c. THE FINEST WINES )ND BRANDIE0r for Medicinal purposes, Flune'Cigar and Tobacco, PERFUMERY Of hibown and Northern make, French Extracts, &c., &c. Paint, Ilair, Hat, Shoe and Tanners Brushes Tinctures & Medicinal Compounds, made under his own supervision in strict. accordat ce with the U. S. Disip'ry. Tme niost Reputable Notrams, A ll of which he will sell at prices that will compart favorably with any Southern market. Thosie wish ing to purchase articles in his line will do* well to call andl examine his Stock .and prices. Edigefieldl C. IT.. Jan 22 tf ' OR. GUYSOTT'S IMPROVED- EXTRACT OF YELLOW DOCK k SARsAPAIm.T.A IS NOW PUT UP IN THE LARGEST sized Bottles, and is acknow ledged to be the best SA R. SAPAIRILLA made, an is certified by the WoeKar. rt'i. C'trs it has performed, tie original copies of a hich are in the possession of the PIrpsrietor. Re member, this is the only true and ORIGINAL article, The Medicine, when used according to .diiections. WILL CURE, WITE1T 7AIL SCO.CLA On Kmgcs EvoL, CAsczas, Tesons, Excertg or THE Sas. EaRsTPZL.ts, UnmosIc SonaEas. Rmste wonS on Trmrrns, SCALD HEAD, LnUNATIFsm, rAINA IN Tilt HONis on JoN'as, O-D Songs AND 1.LCZs, SWELLINGS OF TI:M Gt.ASps, STIPJULiS, 1I) esxrsi A, SAt.? lIzeU, KiNEys. Loss or Arrxrrr- Dis. XASM Anasaso rro sul rat or aCCav. - PAIN is Tur s.4mpr AND SuOCLDK, GEXNZAL Di tM.iTy, liorsi, LeruMGo, JA:NDICE AND CosTIVaEnms. Thme Best Female Medlicne known. Tmx peculiar malaies to which females are subjecL com- - 1111monty poroduce great bodily ethausition, accompanied bya - erssed anal often goomv state of mind. An- the..systena dectins In strength. tler Is a los Of nervomus power. and this very naturally impairs the energy of the mind and dia tuisrs the captaimflitmy of the temper. EvMy eandid woman who has suffereri frot female complaints. wil atimit this to be tie mouniful truth. Now, to obtain relief, it Is only neere ry to stop thw tend.ney to depletion and debiliity. This Is alone ty renew' n; thtsa f.untain of health and strength, the it.), anal no medicin accompltishea this desirable result 0o4 se.-dily andi coplilete as *.Dr. Guystt's improved Extact or Yelilow ilock uanl .sarsaparilla." .aihes of pate comptexion and cnsumptive habita. and suh as are debilitatsd by those bstruetions which females ar- liable tos. are restored, by the use of a bottle or taQ, to blootan amnd to vigor. Scrofula and (eacer cured by Dr. Ony..otWe Ex ract of YelLoto Dock and Saraapatrila. * I CILr.DOn, Granger County. Tenn., 1 -* Ari ?Ttha, IS52. f .1. i. ACr..Esq., Cincinnati, 0..-Dear Sir: It gives me -reat ssatisafactiont ts, aeld imy te~stimony in favor of "Ir. Guy Usotts Extract of Yenlow D)ock and Sarwaplariiis, -to that *f . the numemrous and highlly respectable pertsons wL hbo baet' bennttedl lay the med icinse. \fiy wife has bseen suffering for the spmace of nearly Ava ears with :Serofuita andi Cancer, which. I think, found ib srigin In time ierangeaments of the svtem peculiar to heraer, whie in thme tmeanm tiime time was unier the care~ of the mst eminent l'hmysiciania-in thats sectiom-of counmtry, wIthout derit ing any inaterial tald from their prescritjitons. l'~ponm limo ne nmmendati on er It. Cockes, one of our. Phymsiciana, wimo hmam seenm time medicine usgd witir.happy effect. I otntinmed of Tour Atgesnts here, one boutle of ' r. f .r ots Estaciee tof sayhit hocenirelycures her.for si ha entirety recovered frsm her illness, and the Serofltma and tance-r arc cured sound and well. Ace'.pt my gratituddis. Peptifl Wemales, Road the following. NawAita, N. J., Jan 23, Mta. 1rNssavr:-We take pleasumre im stating that your Ylow isock Sarsapar'illa gives great satisfaction in every case. A very respsetable gentleman Informed me that his daugh ter was traulteai with difficult mnenstruatkat and diseases pe culiar tam hier se.x. Sims hmad nomt had her re-gutar menatruat slictargte fora asng time; but by the use5 of IDr. Guymoa's Ylti.sw 1)ock anal .Careaparilla was radically cured. She used Townsen'mi.s iad athers a ithosut rece-iving the slIghtest bement. tie laud sone daughster todie front the saniae caiis. J. 11. TfIlPP & CO f?7 P.mcr: $1 per bottle-six bottles for toa. scol.~I. .& !WA., 1ii Charters Street, New Orleaza, t;enerai Whmolesate Agenmts for the South., dfetold by G. L. l'ENN. Esdgelcld c.11.t WARDI.AW t t)E~Nl)Y, A bbev'itle C.1i1.: PitRATT & JONElS, Newher ry C. hi.: A. .1. (iftFIGilTON, llamburg: IIL.AND It8.E1 1 &t00., Auigusta, Ga., and by one .Agent Ia every Trswn inm the Nouthm. A pril I 6m -15 E ssence of Jamaica Ginger. r'Ills EssENCE Is warrantedl to posseas, in a .. camncentratedl fosrm, all tihe valuable properties of JAAICA GlXNGER, anmd will be found,'on trial-,an excellent Family 3Medicine. It is particnlarly recomn mnedls as a tonic, to persons recovering from fever or sther diseases, a few driops imparting to the. stomach . a glow anda vigsor eagnai to a wine-glassful oaf brandy ar sotler stimulant, withmout ansy of -thte debilitatingI effcts whsich~ are isnre to follow time use of liquor of clarnan sfmnl.Totm teltwilps1y kinid; anal it is thmerefore especially serviceable to great.comfaor; tam thc dyspeptic, anal to thoase w ho are predispossemd to gsaut tsr rhenmatic affecitons, it giyss great relief; amnd tam time inebriate whmo tsbes to re frn. baat whose stomach is conmtamnthy craving the nmsxiots iiquora it is invaluabl.-.givinag tosne to time digestive argains, andi strength to resist tenmptaueon; andi is consequiently a great agent in time cause of temprace. * Camutionm. Personms udesiring an article that can be relied upor', psrepredl soleiy front pure JA3MA ICA GINGER, shoua ~e particmlar to ask for " lruwn's Esuenice of Jamat ca inger," which is warranted to be what it is rep reset,:and is prepared only at FRED'E BROWW~ Drug anal chemical IStore, N. E. corner Chmetuant ant Fifthm Streets, Philadelphia. Directionts accoumpnny each hottle.. Fur sale in this Village by G. L. PENN, Agent. May 4 ly 16 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD SA1li. IN EQUITY. Jmhn Rmdnisford. Adm'or of C. .J. Glovecr, dce'd. 1 vii. Joiah D. Tibbetts, Jmes F. Adams. ITNDER anm Order from the Court of Equity )9 in tis ease, nil ice is hereby given to the Creditors ofV C. J. Ghover, dee'd, to come ist and prve their claims before me any timeo between tht. presenit date atnd the 29th day.of Januar next, as aflter tha~t time thmey wviii not be received . ''A. SJlMKINS, c. E..E. D. Nov 14 . 9t 44 Strayed. NMnythme 3rd of October, from Edgefield said horse will be thankfully received and expenses' paid by inforlming G. L. Penn, or J. U. UUGiES. Ot12 tf 30 Notice. *. LTa Persons indebted to the Estate of C.,L~ .Glover, dee'd., are requested to make immle diate payment, and those having deinands':against aid estate, will present thmem preoperjy attiested'. ,lHN 1iAINISFORD, Adm'r. S e t 2 2- t f . - 30 Ready-Made Olothinug. UST Reeivtd 'a heady Stock of READl~. Cl M ADE CLO7IllG, n se-i suited to te Fatl. tnd Winstei- 'tfade, lad *ill be suld LOW FORl CASHl, or on easy terms to punetual enstomers Let the doubtfull exanmine for themselves. Ciarton Oc. 3M. W. CLARY.